Fitness in the style of cats program for children. Working program children's fitness

ADOPTED by the Pedagogical Council of GBDOU No. 1 Minutes No. ___ dated _____2014 APPROVED Head of GBDOU No. 1 ___________ O.G. Kodaneva Order No. ____ dated _____2014 WORKING PROGRAM for the provision of additional paid educational services of the State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 1 of the combined type of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg For 2014 -2015 academic year « Children's fitness” (“Baby Fitness”) 2014 Contents: Target section: Explanatory note Purpose of the program Objectives of the program Planned results of mastering the program Content section: Content of the work Forms of work Thematic plan Organizational section: References 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 2 Target section: 1. Explanatory note Children's fitness is a system of activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of a child. Until the age of 6, a child develops a stereotype of behavior, a regimen. At this age, he easily gets used to everything. To the fact that you need to be healthy, strong, and for this to play sports. At fitness classes, children receive a regular load, learn to communicate with their peers. Children's fitness lessons are held in the most suitable form for children - a game. At the same time, they learn to interact according to the rules, as well as to think about why they are doing this or that movement at the moment. Gradually, the kids get to know their bodies, find out what their arms, legs, and back are capable of. As a rule, children themselves set the rhythm and theme of each lesson with their behavior. However, there is the necessary training - at least at each lesson: exercises against scoliosis, flat feet and for the development of coordination of movement. Fitness classes have a comprehensive effect on the child's body, and this effect is most significant for a growing and developing organism. The development of movements has a significant impact on the formation of the corresponding structures of the brain. Fitness classes in childhood acts as a necessary condition for the formation of the basic structures and functions of the body. Movement at preschool age is one of the postnatal stimuli for the development of the structures and functions of the body and the development of reserve mechanisms of physiological systems that ensure the reliability of their functioning in various living conditions. In a trained body, resistance to the negative influence of the environment increases. 3 2. Purpose of the program The main purpose of the program is the comprehensive development of the child's personality by means of gymnastics. Mastering the exercises of the program will help the natural development of the child's body, create the necessary motor mode, a positive psychological attitude in children. All this contributes to the health of the child, his physical and mental development. 3. Tasks of the Health Promotion Program: - to promote the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system - to promote the development of the functional capabilities of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems). Development of children's psychomotor abilities: - develop muscle strength, flexibility, speed, coordination, balance. - Develop dance skills - to promote the development of musical ear, memory, attention. - maintain interest in motor activity. - to teach vital motor skills and abilities. Development of children's creative abilities: - development of thinking - development of cognitive activity - formation of skills for independent expression of movements to music. 4 4. Planned results of mastering the program: - acquisition of the ability to navigate in the concepts of "fitness", "healthy lifestyle"; - improvement of general physical fitness; - health promotion. Additional educational diagnostics are planned: - initial diagnostics (October); - final diagnostics (May). The purpose of the diagnostics: Identification of the level of development of the child and the dynamics of his development in the process of mastering additional paid educational services. 5 Content section: 1. Work content: Children's fitness includes the following types of classes in the following areas: 1. Fitball - gymnastics 2. Baby - dance 3. Top - Top Fitball - gymnastics - these are classes on large elastic balls. Lesson objectives: 1. Development of motor qualities. 2. Development and improvement of coordination of movements and balance. 3. Strengthening the muscular corset, creating correct posture. 4. improved functioning cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Baby dance. The purpose of the lesson: health promotion, harmonious development of the child's personality. 6 Tasks of the lesson: 1. Teaching rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the music. 2. Promoting the creative development of the child (free dancing) 3. Consolidation of acquired motor skills. Top - Top Purpose of the lesson: health promotion, prevention of flat feet, strengthening the muscles of the arch of the foot. 2. Forms of work: The main form of work is group classes: Under this program, 4 lessons per month, 32 lessons per year. Duration of classes in junior group 15-20 minutes, in the middle group 20-25 minutes, in the senior group - preparatory 25-30 minutes. The number of children in a group is no more than 15 people. Age involved from 3 to 7 years. Classes are held in gym. The main necessary equipment for classes: fitballs, gymnastic sticks, ribbed tracks, massage balls, bumps; hoops, step-platforms, thin rope, small balls, etc. For classes, you must use the music center. In the classroom, music discs are used: Children's songs, Music with mom, Get in charge. Lesson structure: All lessons consist of three parts: preparatory (ORU), main, final. 7 3. Thematic plan for the additional educational service "Children's Fitness" for the 2014-2015 academic year. 1. Theoretical course of study: 1. Introductory lesson. Introduction to the concept of fitness. 2. Practical training course: 1. Introductory lesson. Getting to know children: "Show me what you can do?" 2. Aerobics: * fabulous 2 classes * sports 3. Gymnastics * sports * breathing 4. Fitball classes10 5. Step 1 lesson 2 2 2 5 lessons 7. Choreography * dance 4 lessons * sports 4 lessons 8. Warm-up, hitch at each lesson during academic year Total: 32 hours 8 Organizational section: 1. Targeting of the service: additional paid educational The program is addressed to children from 3 to 7 years old. 2. Enrollment conditions: Groups are formed by age. For classes, you need a sports uniform and sneakers with rubber soles. 3. Deadlines for the implementation of additional paid educational services: October 2014 - May 2015 9 4. References: Anisimov O. Fingers crossed / Aibolit, 2001. No. 2. G.I. Pogadaev, “Desk book of a teacher of physical culture” - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2000-496s. Potapchuk A.A. "Therapeutic games and exercises for children". S.-P. 2007. M.A. Runova, “Motor activity of a child in kindergarten: A guide for teachers preschool institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000-256s. T.A. Tarasova, “ Control physical condition preschool children: Guidelines for leaders and teachers of preschool educational institutions ”- M .: TC Sphere, 2005-175s. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education for preschoolers / M. GNOM and D, 2003. Firileva Zh.E., Saykina E.G. "Fitness dance". S.-P. 2007. Shilkova I.K., Bolshev A.S. "Health-forming physical development". M. 2001. N.A. Fomina -guidelines to the program for preschool children "Kindergarten-2100", Internet resources. Shilkova I.K., Bolshev A.S. "Health-forming physical development". M. 2001. Shebeko V.N. and other methods of physical education in preschool institutions. - Mn., 1998. 10 11


Head of MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 1

"Little country"

I.V. Ovsyannikova

Order No._____

from "___" __________ 20___


on children's fitness "NEPOSEDY" (3-4 years)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 1 "Little Country"

city ​​of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Adopted at a meeting of the pedagogical council

Protocol No. ___ dated "___" __________ 20__


Target section of the program

Explanatory note

Goals and objectives of the program implementation

Principles and approaches to the formation of the program

Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the program

Planned results of the founding of the program

Targets for early childhood education

The results of mastering the content of the program

Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices

Ways and directions to support children's initiative

Features of interaction with the families of pupils

Organization section

Program Logistics

Organization of the children's education regime



1.1 Explanatory note

Working programm compiled for children 3-4 years old MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 1" Little Country "of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic on the basis of the following documents Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. Russian Federation»;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. No. 1155 "On the approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" and an appendix to it;

Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 43, 72;

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 Moscow dated "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, content and organization of the preschool educational organizations” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 29, 2013 No. 28564);

Regulations on the organization of activities for the provision of additional paid services, developed and adopted in accordance with Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Art. 28.101 of the Federal Law No. 273 FZ "Education in the Russian Federation", by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 3107.2001 No. 2846 "On the use of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation" dated 05.07.2001. No. 505, approving the "Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of preschool and general education". Based on the recommendations contained in the letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 52-M dated 07.21.1995. "On the organization of paid additional services" No. 04-M dated 02.02.1999. “On the rules of educational institutions on the use of budgetary and non-budgetary funds” and are a document recommending the rules for organizing paid additional educational services in preschool educational institutions,

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General educational programs– educational programs of preschool education” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 26, 2013 No. 30038);

Charter of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 1 "Little Country".

The work program is based on the program "Fitness in Kindergarten" by the authors O. N. Rybkina and L. D. Morozova. Taking into account the main general education program "From Birth to School", the head of the group of authors N. E. Veraksa.

1.1.1 Goals and objectives of the program implementation

Target: Creation of favorable conditions for the recovery, physical development of children, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological features. Development motor abilities children based on the formation of their need for movement and interest in sports.


    Improve health:

to help optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;

form the correct posture;

to promote the prevention of flat feet;

promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.

    To improve the psychomotor abilities of preschoolers:

develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, perceptual sensitivity, speed-strength and coordination abilities;

to promote the development of a sense of rhythm, musical ear, memory, attention, the ability to coordinate movements with music;

to form the skills of expressiveness, plasticity, grace and grace of dance movements and dances;

develop manual skills and fine motor skills.

    To develop the creative and creative abilities of pupils:

develop thinking, imagination, resourcefulness and cognitive activity, broaden horizons;

to form the skills of independent expression of movement to music;

to cultivate the skills of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in movements;

develop leadership, initiative, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and hard work;

introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

        Principles and approaches to the formation of the program

The work program is formed in accordance with the principles and approaches defined by the Federal State Educational Standards:

1) full living by the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

2) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter referred to as the individualization of preschool education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) support for the initiative of children in various types activities;

5) cooperation of the Organization with the family;

6) introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

7) formation of cognitive education (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and features of development

9) taking into account the ethno-cultural situation of children's development.

interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

8) age adequacy of preschool age

1.1.3. Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the program.

The main participants in the implementation of the Program: children aged 3-4 years, parents ( legal representatives), instructor physical education. Social customers for the implementation of the program, as a complex of additional services, are the parents (legal representatives) of pupils, as guarantors of the child's rights to care, care, and health improvement.

Personnel potential.

Physical culture instructor Matina Olga Nikolaevna. Education - higher, pedagogy - 21 years, including 10 years as an instructor in physical education. In April 2016, she took advanced training courses under the program "Formation of a value attitude towards physical culture among preschoolers in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" at the Chuvash Republican Institute of Education. In 2014, she completed courses in physiotherapy exercises at the State Institution "Republican Center for Physiotherapy and sports medicine”, in 2015 she took advanced training courses at the NOU DPO “Fitness Institute” under the program “Organization and conduct of classes, means of fitness aerobics of a health-improving orientation”.

Age characteristics of children 3-4 years old

The fourth year of a child's life is characterized by a peculiarity in the development of the respiratory system, and by the age of 3-4 years, a pulmonary type of breathing is established, but the structure of the lung tissue is not completed, therefore pulmonary ventilation is limited. At 3 - 4 years old, the child has many sharp and angular movements, low endurance muscular system. Because of this, static muscle tension is short-lived and the baby cannot sit or stand without changing position. The strength of the muscles of the hand increases from 3.5 kg - 4 at the age of 3 - 4 years.

Weight - growth indicators of physical development between girls and boys are almost the same: height is 92 - 99 cm, body weight is 14 - 16 kg.

In the fourth year of life, the child possesses a large amount of motor skills, is able to perform fairly complex motor actions, following a certain sequence. Children are characterized by greater awareness of the perception of showing movements and verbal explanation, which positively affects the quality of the exercise. However, there is still insufficient coherence in the work of various muscle groups (shoulder girdle, torso, legs), arbitrariness of movements is not formed.

3rd summer child owns the basic vital movements (walking, running, climbing, action with objects). There is an interest in determining the correspondence of movement to a pattern. Children test their strength in more complex activities, but at the same time they are characterized by an inability to measure their strength with their capabilities.

The motor skills of performing movements are characterized by a more or less accurate reproduction of the structure of the movement, its phases, direction, etc.

Self-esteem begins to develop when performing exercise, while children are guided to a large extent by the assessment of the educator.

A 3-4-year-old child has basic hygienic self-care skills.

      Planned results

1.2.1. Targets for early childhood education

Targets, designated by the Federal State Educational Standard, represent the social and normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education.

The child shows initiative and independence in motor activity. He is mobile and enduring, masters the basic movements, is able to make his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in motor activity.

The child has developed large and fine motor skills of the hands.

Possesses elementary ideas about some sports.

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in the game, owns different forms and types of games. Can control and manage his movements. The child is capable of willpower. The child has basic knowledge about himself (physical "I") has elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Can observe the rules of personal hygiene, the rules of safe behavior.

The child wants to move to the music.

Decrease in morbidity.

1.2.2 Planned results of mastering the content of the program

The child has developed age-appropriate coordination of movements. He shows a positive attitude to a variety of physical exercises, strives for independence in motor activity, is selective in relation to some motor actions and outdoor games.

Active in organizing his own motor activity and the activities of peers, outdoor games; is interested in these types of games, learns new ones with pleasure, independently refers to them in everyday life. With pleasure uses the simplest skills of motor and hygienic culture. Shows interest in getting acquainted with the rules of health-saving and safe behavior.

Experiences joy and emotional comfort from the manifestations of physical activity, its results, the implementation of elementary labor processes, norms and rules of healthy lifestyle (clean hands, good mood, a beautiful walk, toys removed, neatly folded clothes), recreational activities.

Interacts with adults and peers in conditions of physical activity, is focused on cooperation and cooperation, knows how to coordinate movements in collective activities. Expresses his needs and interests by verbal and non-verbal means.

Strives to properly (safely) organize their own physical activity and joint movements and games with peers in a group and on the street; focused on the observance of the elementary culture of movements. Feels satisfaction from the approving assessments of an adult, trying to independently repeat a positive action.

Can implement the necessary motor skills and healthy lifestyle skills in new circumstances, new conditions, transfer the rules of health-saving and safe behavior into the game with the participation of an adult.

Strives for goal setting when performing physical exercises; the ability to respond correctly to adult instructions in mastering new motor skills, cultural and hygienic skills and healthy lifestyle skills.

II. Content section

Goals: formation in children of interest and value attitude to physical culture, harmonious physical development through the solution of the following tasks:

Improving the technique of basic movements. Gaining experience in motor activity, development physical qualities, the formation of the need for daily motor activity.

The development of the musculoskeletal system of the body, to consolidate the ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running. Consolidation of the ability to combine a run with repulsion in jumping on a soft surface, in length and in height from a run. Development of physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility. Consolidation of the ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running.

Formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body. Develop the habit of maintaining correct posture in various activities. To consolidate the ability to quickly rebuild on the spot and during movement, to equalize in a column, line, circle. To consolidate the ability to perform exercises rhythmically, at a pace set by the teacher.

Development of gross motor skills of both hands. Improving the active movement of the hand when throwing.

Mastering the basic movements, gaining experience in motor activity. Improve the technique of basic movements (add naturalness, lightness, accuracy, expressiveness of their implementation).

Contribute to the formation and purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere. Teach to arbitrarily direct attention to the muscles involved in the movement. Distinguish and compare muscle sensations.

To promote the development of coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

Development fine motor skills both hands.

Formation of initial ideas about some sports. To support the manifestation of interest in sports, individual achievements in the field of sports. To develop interest in sports as a sphere of public life, the diversity of its types.

The formation of values healthy lifestyle life. Formation of ideas about the importance of motor activity in human life: the ability to use special physical exercises to strengthen their organs and systems. Formation of ideas about outdoor activities.

Mastering outdoor games with rules. To consolidate the ability to participate in a variety of outdoor games (including games with elements of competition)

Complex and partial programs

Teaching aids.

Visual and didactic aids

Fitness in kindergarten: Program and notes of classes. Edited by O, N, Rybkin, L. D. Morozov. M. ARKTI. 2016-104s. (Growing up healthy).

Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva M. Mozaika synthesis.2014.

1. O. Yu. Verbina “Fitness for everyone”. Cheboksary 2014.

2. N. M. Solomennikova, T. N. Mashina “Formation of the motor sphere of children aged 3-7 years. Fitball-gymnastics" publishing house "Teacher" 2011. Volgograd.

3. E. V. Sulim “Physical education. Game stretching for preschoolers "M. TC. Sphere. (Be healthy preschooler).

4. E. V. Sulim "Children's fitness" Physical education for children 3-5 years old..M. Shopping center Sphere 2014. (We raise children healthy).

5. E. V. Sulim "Children's fitness" Physical education classes for children aged 5-7 years. M. TC Sphere. year 2014. (We raise children healthy).

6. L. N. Voloshina Game technologies in the system of education of preschoolers "teacher 2013. Volgograd.

7. E. I. Podolskaya "Complexes of therapeutic gymnastics" Teacher 2011. Volgograd.

8. N. P. Nedovesova “Prevention and correction of flat feet in children” Childhood press 2014.

9. M. M. Borisova Thematic outdoor games for preschoolers "M. Obruch 2015.

10. N. E. Vlasenko "300 outdoor games for preschoolers"

Practical guide.M. Iris-press 2011.

The World in Pictures series.

Series "Tell the children about ..."

2.2 Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices

Joint activities with children during regime moments

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents of pupils

mobile game

Game conversation with movement elements

Integrative activity

Game exercises with text and music

Simulation games

Individual work

imitative movements

Outdoor games

Game exercises



Information in the parent's corner

Day open doors



2.3 Ways and directions to support children's initiative

Priority area of ​​children's initiative, learning:

Introduce an adequate assessment of the result of the child's activity while recognizing his efforts and indicating possible ways and means to improve the product.

Calmly respond to the failure of the child and offer several options for correcting the work: re-execution after a while, finishing, improving details, etc.

Tell your children about the difficulties you yourself experienced in learning to swim.

To create situations that allow the child to realize his competence, gaining respect and recognition from adults and peers:

    Appeal to children with a request, show the teacher and teach him topics individual achievements that everyone has.

    Maintain a sense of pride in your work and satisfaction with its results.

    Create conditions for a variety of independent activities for children.

    If necessary, help children in solving problems in the organization of the game.

    Consider and implement their wishes and suggestions.

2.4. Features of interaction with the families of pupils

The most important condition for the development of children is the interaction with parents on the education of the child, their direct involvement in educational activities.

The purpose of interaction with the family is to create the necessary conditions for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils that ensure the holistic development of the child's personality.

Interaction with the family should be built on the basis of a humane-personal approach, according to which the right of parents to respect and understanding is recognized.

Interaction tasks kindergarten with a family:

Studying the attitude of teachers and parents to various issues of the physical development of children, the conditions for organizing various activities in the family;

Informing each other about the actual tasks of teaching children at different age stages of their development and about the possibilities of the kindergarten and the family in solving these problems;

Creation of conditions for cooperation diverse in content and forms, contributing to the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents with children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, pride in the results obtained;

    Involving families of pupils to participate in joint activities with teachers,

    Parental encouragement for considerate relationship to the various aspirations and needs of the child and the creation of the necessary conditions for their satisfaction in the family.

2.5. Other characteristics significant for the implementation of the program

The assessment of the individual development of children is carried out by the teacher within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics(assessment of the individual development of preschool children, associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning).

The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) are used exclusively to solve the following educational tasks:

1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development);

2) optimization of work with a group of children.

Integration with other educational areas.

"Fitness aerobics"

Integration tasks

cognitive development.

Development of children's knowledge on the issues of maintaining health, the benefits and necessity of physical activity and physical improvement.

Socio-communicative development.

Development of free communication between adults and children to get acquainted with national outdoor games, with achievements in the field of sports of the city and the republic.

Initiation to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of primary ideas about oneself, one's own motor abilities and characteristics, familiarization with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults in joint motor activity.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

The development of musical and rhythmic activity based on the physical qualities and basic movements of children.

Speech development.

The development of speech skills in combination with the movement of the actions of arms and legs, a change in body position, in outdoor games.


3.1. Logistics of the Program

The material and technical conditions for the implementation of the Program correspond to:

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations described in SanPiN;

fire safety rules;

Requirements for the means of training and education in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the development of children;

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the subject-spatial environment;

Requirements for the material and technical support of the program (educational and methodological kit, equipment, equipment (items)).

Material and technical equipment- gym.

Gymnastic benches - 6 pcs.

Balls of different sizes - 3 types - 15 pcs.

Large balls for fitball gymnastics - 15 pcs.

Gymnastic mats - 25 pcs.

Hoops metal to dia. 80 cm - 15 pcs.

Jump ropes - 20 pcs.

Dumbbells 0.5 kg -15 pcs.

Gymnastic mats - 5 pcs.

Short ropes for performing exercises - 15 pcs.

Massage balls - 15 pcs.

Sandbags - 15 pcs.

Gymnastic sticks - 15 pcs.

Colored ribbons - 30 pcs.

Flags - 30 pcs.

Music center - 1 pc.

Audio recordings

Sultans - 30 pcs.

      Organization of the mode of education and upbringing of children

The work is built in the direction of personal - oriented interaction: teacher - child - parent. Classes contain cognitive material corresponding to the age characteristics of preschool children, in combination with practical tasks (health minutes - exercises for the eyes, for posture, breathing exercises etc.) necessary for the development of the child's skills. The program is designed for 1 year. The duration of classes is 15-20 minutes. All topics are interconnected with each other. A group of children are recruited without presenting requirements for basic skills. When implementing the program, group forms of work are used, the main element of conducting classes is the game. The game is one of the ways to develop in a child his intellect, creative abilities, physical health.

Forms and methods of organizing work.

A game. Games of high and low mobility, with elements of sports games, musical sport games, plot.

Physical exercise. The main types of movements, general developmental exercises, exercises with fitballs, game stretching exercises

Basic fitness steps

Class divided into three parts: introductory, main and final.

Introduction - warming up the body, preparing for complex loads involves: varieties of walking and running; dance elements; creative tasks; building; attention games.

Main part:

A set of exercises with objects includes: exercises from different starting positions for different groups muscles; children's play stretching; aerobics; fitball-gymnastics exercises of an improvisational nature

Teaching tasks with elements of acrobatics and gymnastics; object manipulation; exercises for the development of physical qualities;

Outdoor games with a creative orientation of a competitive nature.

Final part- recovery and relaxation, breathing exercises, quiet games, dosage according to the age of the children.

Gentle mode.

Preventive work is systematically carried out in the preschool educational institution, aimed at reducing the incidence and ensuring the physical and mental development of children. For frequently ill children, a sparing regimen has been developed, which provides for individual hardening measures, an increase in daytime sleep, and regulation of walking time. Children who have had diseases and have deviations in health (violation of posture, respiratory diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diseases nervous system) are not exempt from motor activity. The most favorable conditions are created for them: a higher temperature of the water in the shower after class, a reduced time for free swimming, limited loads, taking into account the disease. High-quality holding of regime moments, a clear daily routine ensures the protection of the nervous system of preschoolers. Scheduled medical examinations of children are regularly carried out with the involvement of specialists.

Ensuring safety in the gym.

Before the organization of classes in the gym, children should be familiarized with the rules of conduct in the gym.

Ensuring safety when organizing classes in the gym with preschool children includes the following rules:

Directly educational activities in physical culture to be carried out in places that fully meet all safety and hygiene requirements

Allow children to directly educational activities only with the permission of a doctor.

Pupils must comply with the rules for the use of physical education equipment, established modes of study and rest.

Classes in the gym must be carried out in sportswear and sports shoes with non-slip soles.

During classes, students must follow the rules of wearing sportswear and sports shoes, personal hygiene rules.

A room thermometer should be posted in the gym to monitor the temperature.

The gym should be equipped with a first aid kit, complete with the necessary medicines and dressings for first aid in case of injuries.

The head of physical education, the educator and pupils must comply with fire safety rules, know the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment, the sports hall must be equipped with a fire extinguisher, an automatic fire extinguishing system and supply and exhaust ventilation.

Sports equipment should be provided with safety instructions for conducting classes.

All classes for teaching children the main types of movements should be compiled in accordance with pedagogical principles and, in their content, should correspond to the age characteristics of those involved, their physical fitness, level of health.

The structure of the classes must comply with modern requirements for the construction and conduct of educational and health-improving classes in physical culture for preschool children. The lesson is divided into three parts: preparatory, main, final. The presence of these parts and their location only in this sequence is ensured by the biological laws of the functioning of the body, which determine its performance and the logic of the deployment of the educational process in motor activity.

Do not perform exercises on faulty equipment and with broken equipment.

Observe discipline and order, make sure that the children follow all the instructions of the head of physical education or an educator.

Start the exercises and finish them only at the command of the educator or the head of physical education.

Do not allow children to leave the place of the lesson without permission.

Do not leave children alone in the gym.

During the lesson, choose a place so that all the children are visible.

At walking and running in a column, one at a time, keep a distance of two steps.

Remove from the road all objects that interfere with walking, running.

When performing exercises in a stream, observe a sufficient interval between children so that there are no collisions.

In a group start short distances run in your own path.

To avoid collisions in younger children, middle group to exclude a sharp “stopping” stop when running. At jumping and jumps from sports equipment to land softly, springy crouching. Place gymnastic mats in the places of jumps from the shells so that their surface is even.

Jump only in sports shoes.

Insure the child along the landing.

Do not tie the high jump rope to the uprights, but put it on the pins in the uprights.

When long jumping from a place, moving forward on one or two legs, instruct to jump “softly”, “quietly” on toes.

Do not allow children to jump off high altitude.

When doing exercises for throwing see if there are children in the throwing sector.

Throwing exercises should be performed only at the signal of the teacher or head of physical education.

Do not leave unattended Sports Equipment.

Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing area, do not go for throwing implements without the permission of the head of physical education or educator.

Do not give a projectile for throwing to each other with a throw.

When exercising in balance, on the gymnastic bench Remind children of the rules of conduct sports equipment(do not push, do not push each other, do not overtake, if you lose balance, do not hold on to a friend, but get off the projectile).

Place a mat in the place where the child jumps off. Insure the child, if necessary, moving along the bench.

In order not to get a maxillofacial injury, at crawling on the gymnastic bench, follow the position of the hands (grab it from the side so that thumb was on top, and the rest of the fingers under the bench). Correctly take i.p. (from the beginning put your hands on the bench, then your legs) and get off the projectile after doing the exercises (from the beginning put your feet on the floor, then straighten up).

At wall climbing be sure to insure children from falling, do not allow them to climb to a height on their own.

When climbing, do not sag, do not hang on one hand, climb without missing rails, do not jump from a height, let go of your hands when both feet are on the floor.

Spread mats along the Swedish wall, stand to the right of the child, providing assistance if necessary, monitor the correct grip of the hands, placing the foot on the rail.

When working with gymnastic sticks keep a distance when performing exercises, do not fight with sticks, do not wave, hold them in two hands below or on your shoulder like a “gun” (put the stick on the palm of your hand right hand lowered down, press the left hand to the right shoulder) when explaining the task or rebuilding.

Start the exercises and finish them only at the command of the educator, the head of physical education.

Do not leave children unattended.

When performing exercises, ensure that the correct posture is maintained: the back is straight, the chin is raised, the stomach is pulled in, the shoulders are turned, the legs are bent and set apart (three points of support are the legs, the pelvis), the feet are parallel and pressed to the floor, the socks can be slightly apart. slightly to the sides, between the thigh and the lower leg, the angle is 90 0, the arms are lowered down, the fingers hold the ball.

It is necessary to teach the child self-insurance techniques in physical exercises using jumping balls.

Jumping balls have handles, so before doing the exercise, the teacher needs to instruct the children how to take the ball correctly so that the handle does not get into the eye or other part of the body during the exercise.

When performing jumps on the ball, it is necessary to monitor the posture of children. You can not combine bouncing with bending, twisting or turning the torso.

Performing exercises lying on the ball (on the back or stomach), control that the head and spine form a straight line, do not hold your breath.

When performing exercises, one should strictly adhere to the technique of their implementation. In the complexes of exercises do not include prohibited elements. These include: circular motions head, tilting the head back, sharp twisting movements, tearing the pelvis off the ball while performing spring movements on it, resting on the ball with your hands during some outdoor switchgear and various transitions from one sp. into another.

If the child experiences physical discomfort or pain during the exercise, then the exercise should be stopped.

Observe the established modes of study and rest.


1. Program and notes of classes. Edited by O.N. Rybkina, L.D. Morozov. M. ARKTI. 2016-104s. (Growing up healthy).

2. Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" Edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva M. Mosaic synthesis.2014.

3. O.Yu. Verbina "Fitness for all". Cheboksary 2014.

4. N.M. Solomennikova, T. N. Mashina “Formation of the motor sphere of children 3-7 years old. Fitball-gymnastics” publishing house “Teacher” 2011. Volgograd.

5. E.V. Sulim “Physical education. Game stretching for preschoolers "M. TC. Sphere. (Be healthy preschooler).

6. E.V. Sulim "Children's fitness" Physical education classes for children 3-5 years old. M. TC Sphere 2014. (We raise children healthy).

7. E.V. Sulim "Children's fitness" Physical education classes for children 5-7 years old. M. TC Sphere. year 2014. (We raise children healthy).

8. L.N. Voloshin Game technologies in the system of education of preschoolers "teacher 2013. Volgograd.

9. E.I. Podolskaya "Complexes of therapeutic gymnastics" Teacher 2011. Volgograd.

10. N.P. Nedovesova "Prevention and correction of flat feet in children" Childhood press 2014.

11. M.M. Borisova Thematic outdoor games for preschoolers "M. Obruch 2015.

12. N. E. Vlasenko "300 outdoor games for preschoolers" Practical guide. M. Iris-press 2011.




Walking and locomotion


General developmental exercises

Preventive exercises

Outdoor games

Walking is normal in a column.

Jump up while touching an object

Ex. for the arms and shoulder girdle without weights for the muscles of the torso and legs while sitting

1. without items. 2. ex. With gymnastic stick


Walking on toes.

Running in a column with a change of direction

Bouncing on two legs

1. with massage balls 2. ex. no items


walking on outside Feet.

Running in a column with a change of direction

Jumping on two legs in place with a turn around you

Ex. for the arms of the shoulder girdle with resistance. For the muscles of the body lying down, for the muscles of the legs while standing

1. without items. 2. with a bag of 100 gr


Walking sideways side step.

Jumping on two legs moving forward

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with resistance

1. without objects (lying down) 2. with balls


Walking and locomotion


General development

learning exercises

Preventive exercises

Outdoor games

December 1.

Walking on the outer arch of the foot

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle without weights for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a prone position

December 2.

Walking in a column in pairs

Running in a column in pairs, holding hands

e Jumping on two legs in place in pairs

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for trunk and leg muscles

1. Exerc. without objects lying down. 2. Exerc. with rope

December 3

Walking in a column in pairs with a high knee lift

Running in a column in pairs, alternating with running in loose

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with flags. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a prone position

1. Exerc. with a gymnastic stick. 2. Exerc. with balls


December 4.

Walking in pairs with high knee raise and arm swing

Running in pairs, alternating with running in loose ("Find your pair")

Ex. for the muscles of the arms of the shoulder girdle. For the muscles of the trunk and legs with objects

1. Exerc. with a hoop. 2. Exerc. with gym stick



Walking and locomotion


General developmental exercises

Preventive exercises

Outdoor games

Walking in a serpentine column

Running in a column one after another with a snake.

Jumping up from a place in order to get an object

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with flags. For the muscles of the trunk and legs with objects

1. Exerc. with a hoop. 2. Exerc. with rope


Walking on the inside of the foot

Running in pairs.

Jumping on two legs.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with resistance for the muscles of the trunk and legs with objects

Walking in a column in a circle, holding hands with a change of direction on a signal

Running in a circle, holding hands with a change of direction on a signal

Jumping up from a place to get an item

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, for the muscles of the trunk and legs with an object


Walking on toes.

Running in a column with a change of direction

Bouncing on two legs

Ex. for hands and shoulder girdle, with flags. For the muscles of the trunk and legs from a prone position

1. Exerc. with a gymnastic stick. 2. Exerc. with hoop


February 1.

Walking in a column with a given direction (snake)

Running in a column one after another in a given direction

Jumping down from a height, h = 20 cm

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a standing position

1. Exerc. with a scarf. 2. Exerc. with rope


February 2.

Walking in a column in a given direction with acceleration and deceleration of the pace

Jumping from a height with a landing in a drawn circle 20 cm high

From a sitting position

1. Exerc. with massage balls. 2. Exerc. with hoop

"Catch a mosquito"

February 3.

Walking in a line from one side of the site to the other

Running in a column one after another with a stop on a signal.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a prone position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with an object

1. Exerc. with a stick. 2. Exerc. with balls


February 4.

Running in a column one after another - stop on signal

Standing long jump - distance 40 cm

1. Exerc. with massage balls. 2. Exerc. with a bag weighing 100-500 gr


Walking in pairs in a column + walking in pairs in a snake, bending around a set object

Running in pairs, running in a column with a change of direction on a signal

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a standing position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with an object

1. Exerc. walking in a special lane. 2. Exerc. on the bench


walking on gymnastic bench on middle all fours

Jumping with a change in the position of the legs (separate - together)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with resistance. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with an object

1. Exerc. on the bench. 2. Exerc. with balls

"Crawling and Climbing Games"

Walking on toes, raising the hip “on high grass”, stepping over an obstacle, (driftwood, stumps)

Running in a column with a change of direction on a signal

Jumping with a change in the position of the legs (separate - together)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a prone position

1. Exerc. with rope. 2. Exerc. with hoop


Walking on toes.

Running in different directions with stops

Jumping with a change in the position of the legs (separate - together)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs in a sitting position

1. Exerc. without items. 2. Exerc. with gymnastic stick


Walking with an additional task with a stop on a signal, turning around

Running with acceleration and deceleration, change of direction. directions (by train)

Jumping over objects height 5-10 cm

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a sitting position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with objects

1. Exerc. with gymnastics. stick. 2. Exerc. with hoop

Walking in a column.

Run fast 10-20 cm

Jump up to get an item

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with objects. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a prone position

1. Exerc. with a scarf. 2. Exerc. on the bench


Walking with a high hip lift, with a change of direction on a signal

Running with a high hip lift with a change of pace on a signal

Jump into the depth from a height of 15-20 cm

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the trunk and legs from a sitting position

1. Exerc. with rope. 2. Exerc. with a bag weighing 100-500 gr


Walking step forward, walking uphill

Running in a column one after another uphill

Straight gallop.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with objects. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs

1. Exerc. with massage balls. 2. Exerc. on the bench


Walking on toes, lifting the hip high

Running on a straight and winding path

Jumping on two legs moving forward a distance of 2-3 m

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a prone position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a sitting position

1. Exerc. without items. 2. Exerc. with hoop


Walking in a column with a change of direction

Running with an additional task: to catch up with the fleeing

Straight gallop.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with objects. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs

1. Exerc. with a gymnastic stick. 2. Exerc. with rope

Crawling and Climbing Games»

Walking step forward, backward

Alternate running in a column one after another with running in loose

Long jump from a place. (40-50 cm)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with the object. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with objects

1. Exerc. with a hoop. 2. Exerc. with a bag weighing 100-500 gr


Walking with side steps forward, to the side

Running at a fast pace (distance 10-12 cm)

Standing long jump

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a prone position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs

1. Exerc. without items. 2. Exerc. with balls



1. Program and notes of classes. Edited by O, N, Rybkin, L. D. Morozov. M. ARKTI. 2016-104s. (Growing up healthy).

2. Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva M. Mozaika synthesis.2014.

3. . O. Yu. Verbina "Fitness for everyone." Cheboksary 2014.

4. N. M. Solomennikova, T. N. Mashina “Formation of the motor sphere of children aged 3-7 years. Fitball-gymnastics" publishing house "Teacher" 2011. Volgograd.

5. E. V. Sulim “Physical education. Game stretching for preschoolers "M. TC. Sphere. (Be healthy preschooler).

6. E. V. Sulim "Children's fitness" Physical training for children 3-5 years old. M. TC Sphere 2014. (We raise children healthy).

7. E. V. Sulim "Children's fitness" Physical training for children aged 5-7 years. M. TC Sphere. year 2014. (We raise children healthy).

8. L. N. Voloshina Game technologies in the system of education of preschoolers "teacher 2013. Volgograd.

9. E. I. Podolskaya "Complexes of therapeutic exercises" Teacher 2011. Volgograd.

10. N. P. Nedovesova “Prevention and correction of flat feet in children” Childhood press 2014.

eleven. . M. M. Borisova Thematic outdoor games for preschoolers "M. Obruch 2015.120. N. E. Vlasenko "300 outdoor games for preschoolers" Practical guide. M. Iris-press 2011.


Currently, in Russia there are objective conditions for the development of children's fitness.
The relevance and pedagogical expediency of the developed program is due to the fact that over the past decade in Russia there has been a persistent trend towards deterioration in the health indicators of preschool children. According to experts, every second modern preschooler has deviations in the state of health. One of the main reasons for this indicator is a sedentary lifestyle. Internet, computer games and watching TV, as well as classes, classes, classes - all this leads to the fact that every year the level general health preschoolers is steadily declining. At the same time, scientists have proven that the physical development of a child is an integral part of the development of his personality, in general, and physical activity- one of the stages of its adaptation to society.
So what is "children's fitness"? The word fitness itself is translated from English as "be in shape." Of course, you need to start being in shape from childhood. And "children's fitness" is the harmonious physical development of a child based on taking into account his age features, needs, interests, opportunities and level of health.
Children's fitness is a unique complex system of multidirectional activities and activities. This is a kaleidoscope of exciting activities, amazing children's holidays and matinees, victories in the first real competitions. This is yoga and oriental arts, dance directions and classes in the pool and game lessons and OFP classes, in some clubs it is also rollers, skiing sports games on fresh air. For those who want to professionally master the technical elements of their favorite sports, many fitness clubs have sections for sports, such as martial arts, tennis, sports and gymnastics.
The organization of children's fitness is based on the rational use of physical culture and sports in the rehabilitation and age-appropriate development of the child.
Children's fitness is a new, unique world of mental and physical harmony of a child. This is an opportunity to express yourself through the prism of your interests and abilities; self-realization, the embodiment of their desires, new friends.
The advantage of children's fitness over sports sections or the same regular classes physical education: firstly, fitness harmoniously develops the child, while in sports sections give the load unevenly, secondly, physical education classes “smell” of obligation: children have no choice what to do. Nothing like this can happen in children's fitness. The novelty of the program lies in the idea of ​​a harmonious combination of modern health technologies: the training and information system (TIS), developed by Professor D.P. Rybakov, breathing exercises according to the method of A.A. Smetankin, health-improving fitball-gymnastics, classical health-improving methods and general physical training.
The program includes preventive and health-improving methods (specially selected physical exercises, elements acupressure, self-massage techniques, plantar reflexology, relaxation exercises, game exercises etc.), aimed at preventing functional disorders of the organs and systems of the body, preventing fatigue and neuropsychic overstrain. Recommendations are given to parents on improving the health of children at home (self-study recreational gymnastics, hardening, phyto- and vitamin prophylaxis, etc.).
The choice of methods for conducting a lesson, determining its form, structure and content depends on the characteristics of the age development of children, the formation of their motor, emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres.
Mostly children's physical culture and health programs are of a complex nature and contain exercises aimed at developing physical qualities and mastering new motor actions.
The methodology for building a health-improving training for children (fitness training) differs from the traditional methodology for training young athletes, and from physical education classes.
It is based on the principles of building training in a health or physical fitness which involves reducing the risk of diseases, increasing overall physical and intellectual performance, correct mode nutrition, safe behavior skills, creating favorable environmental conditions during classes, etc.
Of great importance in children's fitness is the game orientation of classes. Games and game tasks can be used in various parts of the lesson. In the warm-up, it is advisable to conduct games for attention, staging correct breathing. In the main part of the lesson, they can be aimed at improving or consolidating the already mastered motor skills, in the final part - at relaxation and recovery. Especially popular among preschoolers are classes built on a single game plot within one or more classes.
The purpose of children's fitness is to lay the foundation for harmonious physical development and comprehensive improvement based on the integrated use of physical education factors. physical abilities child in unity with the education of his spiritual and moral qualities.
To achieve this goal, in the process of children's fitness, three main groups of tasks are solved:
Tasks of the 1st year of study:
1. Educational
- to acquaint with elementary knowledge of physical education;
take care of the formation of children's posture, strengthening the muscles of the feet, as well as the muscles of the hands and fingers.
2. Developing:
promote the development of fine motor skills, proper breathing;
promote the development of coordination of movements, their efficiency and rhythm.
- foster friendly relationships between children;
- educate moral and volitional qualities;
- develop cognitive interest and broaden horizons.
- protection and strengthening of children's health;
- education of the need for a healthy lifestyle
- decrease in morbidity.
Tasks of the 2nd year of study:
1. Educational
- analyze and evaluate the consistency and quality of their
- to consolidate the motor skills acquired by children earlier
and skills;
continue to develop the habit of correct posture;
orthopedic balls.
2. Developing:
develop and improve basic physical qualities, motor skills and abilities;



- decrease in morbidity.
Tasks of the 3rd year of study:
1. Educational
- to teach the necessary knowledge of physical education;
- to form vital skills and abilities;
- Familiarize yourself with the rules of self-monitoring of your health condition on
classes and at home;
develop the habit of correct posture;
to teach the skills of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing;
to study the complexes of outdoor switchgear, exercises on simulators and large
orthopedic balls.
2. Developing:
develop and improve basic physical qualities, motor skills and abilities;
promote the development of fine motor skills, correct speech, diction, proper breathing;
develop interest in physical culture and sports.
- educate physical qualities;
- educate moral and volitional qualities.
- increasing the functional level of organs and systems
body through optimal physical activity;
- implementation of the correction of existing functional
disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vision, nervous,
cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems
- increasing physical and mental performance;
- decrease in morbidity.
When organizing a children's fitness program, the following division into groups is mainly used:
1.5 - 3 years (babies);
3 - 5 years (younger preschoolers)
5 - 6/7 years old (preschoolers);
Program implementation period: 3 years.
Forms of organization of classes: group, subgroup, individual. Classes can be theoretical, practical, combined. The combined form of classes is used most often. It includes a theoretical part (conversation, briefing, viewing illustrations) and practical part(learning techniques, developing skills, training, games, relay races, independent work).
Mode of classes: classes are held twice a week, the duration of the lesson is one academic hour. The total duration is 72 hours per academic year. The duration of the lesson for children is 1.5 - 3 - 20 minutes, 3 - 5 - 25 minutes, 5-7 - 30 minutes.
Expected results and ways to measure performance.
Year 1 students will know:
Elementary knowledge of physical education;
2. Ways to improve health through physical exercise, adherence to the daily routine, hygiene skills.
3. Elementary exercises aimed at improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system (posture and feet),
Pupils of the 2nd year of study will know:
1. Ways to improve health through physical exercise, adherence to the daily routine, hygiene skills, hardening.
2. Sets of exercises aimed at improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system (posture and feet), visual analyzer, cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems.
3. The rules of a healthy lifestyle, the responsibility of the individual for their health.
Pupils of the 3rd year of study will know;
Necessary knowledge of physical education;
Rules for self-control of one's state of health in the classroom and at home;
diaphragmatic relaxation breathing skills;
ORU complexes, exercises on simulators and large orthopedic balls.
Year 1 students will be able to:
Apply elementary knowledge of physical education;
2. Use ways to improve health through physical exercise, adherence to the daily routine, hygiene skills.
3. Use elementary exercises aimed at improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system (posture and feet),
Pupils of 2 years will be able to:
1. Apply means that help increase the level of physical development and the degree of its harmony, methods of forming moral and volitional qualities.
2. Use techniques that reduce fatigue, hyperexcitability, increase mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, observation, imagination).
3. Apply health-improving techniques to improve your health.
Year 3 students will be able to:
Apply the necessary knowledge of physical education;
Use the rules of self-control of your health in the classroom and at home;
Use the skills of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing;
Apply complexes of outdoor switchgear, exercises on simulators and large orthopedic balls.
The effectiveness of the development of the program by students is carried out through the use of various ways checks:
current control of knowledge in the process of oral questioning;
current control of skills and abilities in the process of monitoring individual work;
thematic control of skills and abilities after studying the topics;
mutual control;
final control of skills and abilities.
analysis of medical records of pupils (number of acute diseases per year, indicators of physical development, shoulder index, health group, physical education group), control exercises and tests, journals (performance, absenteeism due to illness).
Forms of summarizing the results of the program implementation:
The results of the program implementation are summed up at the end of each
covered topics in the form of conversations, performance of control exercises, tests, anthropometric measurements, examination of posture and feet, comparative analysis of control examination data and tests, quizzes, health holidays.

1 Introductory lesson
0,5 0,5
2 “Finger gymnastics”. “Joint gymnastics” 0,5 2
3 Listening to music
0,5 2
4 Posture
2 10
5 basic steps of aerobics
2 10
6 Stretching
2 10
7 Learning to Relax
1 8
8 Prevention of flat feet
2 10
9 Outdoor games
1 8
10 Final lesson
0,5 0,5
12 60

Total: theory 12 hours; practice 60 hours
Only 72 hours.

1 Introductory lesson
0,5 0,5
2 Posture
2 8
3 Prevention of flat feet
1 5
4 Aerobics
1 8
5 Dance aerobics
1 10
6 Acrobatics
1 8
7 Shaping
1 8
8 Stretching
2 8
9 Outdoor games
1 5
10 Final lesson
0,5 0,5
11 61

Only 72 hours.

1 Introductory lesson
0,5 0,5
2 Posture
2 8
3 Prevention of flat feet
1 5
4 Aerobics
1 8
5 Dance aerobics
1 10
6 Shaping
1 8
7 Stretching
1 8
8 Learning to Relax
2 8
9 Outdoor games
1 5
10 Final lesson
0,5 0,5
11 61

Total: theory 11 hours; practice 61 hours
Only 72 hours.

Topic No. 1: “Introductory lesson” (1 hour).

Topic number 2 “Finger gymnastics”. "Articular gymnastics"
Conversation: Fine motor skills, our mind at our fingertips.
Practical work: exercises for the development of fine motor skills. BAT on the hands, massage. Finger massage. Finger theater Gymnastics for the joints. Outdoor games “Day - night”, “Do as I do”.

Topic #3 Listening to music (2.5 hours)
Theory: Conversation: "Beautiful music is nice to listen to"
Practice: In the process of listening to music, children learn what feelings the music conveys, what and how it tells.

Topic number 4: “Posture” (12 hours).
Theory: Conversations beautiful posture”.
Practical work: Warm-up. Complexes of exercises for all muscle groups. Complexes of exercises for the formation of the skill of correct posture. Outdoor games: "Rocket".

Topic #5 Basic Aerobic Steps (12 hours)
Theory: "Physical qualities: strength, agility, endurance, speed."
Practical work: Different types walking, running and jumping; jumping with different hand positions; warm-up exercises, balance exercises.

Topic №6 Stretching (12 hours)
Theory: Safety.
Practical work: Sets of stretching exercises. Games of average mobility.

Topic No. 7 Learning to relax (9 hours)
Theory: Conversation Types of breathing. Breathing rules when doing exercises, walking, running, jumping.
Practical work: Complexes of respiratory gymnastics. Special breathing exercises for broncho-pulmonary diseases.

Topic number 8: Prevention of flat feet (12 hours).
Theory: Conversation “On the prevention of flat feet”.
Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises that strengthen the foot and leg muscles. Walking along the massage path. Games: “Giants, dwarfs”, “Spruce, Christmas tree, Christmas tree”, etc.

Theory: outdoor games, Explanation of the rules of the game.
Practice: "Carousel", "Wolf and Hare", "Mousetrap", "Bird in the Nest", "Geese - Swans", "Owl - Owl" and others.

2 years of study
Theory: Acquaintance. Safety precautions and rules of conduct in the hall. Sports equipment and inventory, rules for handling them. Sports uniform. hygiene requirements. Introduction to the program. Anthropometry (determination of the shoulder index), examination of posture and feet.

Theory: Conversations “Beautiful posture”. “Prevention of posture disorders”.

Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises that strengthen the foot and leg muscles. Foot massage with massage balls, walking along the massage path. Games: “Mousetrap”, “Empty Place”, etc.

Topic number 4: Aerobics (4 hours).
Theory: Conversations “On the benefits of aerobics”. Types of aerobics.
Practical work: Different types of walking, running and jumping; jumping rope, jumping rope different position hands, exercises on step boards.

Theory: Conversation “What is dance aerobics»:
Practice: Learning individual dance exercises and entire dance complexes.

“Theme 6. Acrobatics
Theory: Conversation: "We are circus performers"
Practical work: Complexes of exercises with elements of acrobatics. Learning lead-up exercises. Mobile games, relay races.

Theme №7 Shaping
Theory: Conversations. "What is shaping", Types of shaping.
Practice: Warm-up, sets of exercises for the development of basic motor qualities. Outdoor games "Salochki", "Third extra". Exercises aimed at correcting the figure and posture. Exercises for individual muscle groups.

Topic number 8 Stretching,
Practice: Exercises aimed at developing and maintaining flexibility and mobility of the joints, relaxation exercise:

Topic No. 9 Outdoor games (9 hours)
Practice: “At the bear in the forest”, “find your own house”, “plucking feathers”, “popcorn”, “let's build bridges”, “sparrows and a cat” and others.

Topic No. 10 Final lesson (1 hour)
Performance studies. Summarizing.

3 years of study
Topic No. 1: “Introductory lesson” (2 hours).
Theory: Acquaintance. Safety precautions and rules of conduct in the hall. Sports equipment and inventory, rules for handling them. Sports uniform. hygiene requirements. Introduction to the program. Anthropometry (determination of the shoulder index), examination of posture and feet. Methods of self-control over their condition.

Topic number 2: “Posture” (12 hours).
Theory: Conversations “Beautiful posture”. Conversation "The spine is the key to health." “Prevention of posture disorders”.
Practical work: Warm-up. Complexes of exercises for all muscle groups. Health path. Complexes of exercises for the formation of the skill of correct posture. Outdoor games: by age.

Topic #3: “Prevention of Flat Feet” (6 hours).
Theory: Conversation “On the prevention of flat feet”. BAT on the foot.
Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises that strengthen the foot and leg muscles. Foot massage with massage balls, walking along the massage path. Games: “hares in the garden”, “Nimble legs”, etc.

Topic number 4: Aerobics (4 hours).
Theory: Conversations “Influence of fitness classes on physiques”.
Practical work: Different types of walking, running and jumping; warm-up exercises, exercises for general endurance, for strength endurance, for the development of flexibility.

Topic #5: Dance Aerobics
Theory: Conversation "styles of dance aerobics"
Practice: Learning and demonstrating dance routines.

Topic 6. Acrobatics
Theory: Conversation: Safety when working with sports equipment in order to prevent injury.
Practical work: Complexes of exercises with elements of acrobatics. Improving the technique of familiar exercises and learning new exercises. Mobile games, relay races.

Topic №7 Shaping“, Fitball-gymnastics”
Theory: safety engineering. Ball rules. Introduction to the properties of the ball. Correct fit on the ball. Ball selection rules.
Practical work: sets of exercises on balls for all muscle groups from different starting positions. Pair exercises. Exercises for balance, coordination of movements. Balancing on the ball. Relaxation exercises. Games: “Catch up with the ball”, “We load watermelons”, “We carry watermelons”, “Engine”, “Caterpillar”, “Roll the ball”.

Topic number 8 Stretching, Pilates, callanetics.
Theory: Conversations. "Building Flexibility"
Practice: Exercises for flexibility, stretching, joint mobility. Relaxation exercises.
Topic No. 9 Outdoor games (9 hours)
Theory: outdoor games, mobile-didactic games. Explanation of the rules of the game.
Practice: “Flying saucers”, “Repeat after me”, “Guess whose voice”, “We are funny guys”, and others.

Topic No. 10 Final lesson (1 hour)
Performance studies. Summing up
Methodological support of the program:

1. Recommendations and guidelines for conducting conversations, games, theoretical and practical classes, developed in accordance with the basic principles of pedagogy, taking into account the physiological characteristics, physical development and health status of students of this age.
2. Literature and visual aids (posters, diagrams, cards with sets of exercises, albums, photographs).

Technical equipment classes:

1. Classes are held in a spacious, bright room, preferably with carpet, equipped with sports equipment and inventory, TIS simulators.

2. For classes, you need a tape recorder and audio cassettes or discs with recorded musical works.

List of literature used in the preparation of the program and addressed to teachers:

2. Evdokimova T.A., Klubkova E.Yu., Didur M.D. Fitball-gymnastics in the recovery of the body. Methodological guide for exercise therapy specialists and fitness centers. St. Petersburg, 2000
3. Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. Your health. Strengthening the body. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2000
4. Ivanov M.S. Physiotherapy in diseases in childhood. M., 1975
5. Krasikova I.S. Flat feet in children. Prevention and treatment. Crown print, St. Petersburg, 2003
6. Kulikovskaya T.A. Tongue twisters and tongue twisters. Practicum on improving diction. M .: LLC “Publishing House Gnome and D”, 2000
7. Laptev A.K. The secret of the pyramid of health. St. Petersburg: RETROS, 1998
8. Nikitin S.E., Trishin T.V. Health and beauty of your posture. M.: Sov.Sport, 2002
9. Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A. Thirty health lessons for first graders. Toolkit. M .: TC Sphere, 1999
10. Onuchin N.A. Breathing exercises for children. M., St. Petersburg: AST, Owl, 2005
11. Ostanko L.V. One hundred fun exercises for kids. St. Petersburg: Korona print, 2005
12. Potanchuk A.A., Spirina I.Yu. Posture of children. St. Petersburg: Comet, 1994.
13. Ruzina M.S. A country finger games. St. Petersburg, 1997
14. Savina L.P. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. M.: AST, 2002
15. Sokolov P.P. Physical education against illness. Hypotension can be overcome. M.: Sov. Sports, 1989
16. Smirnov I. Restoration and prevention of vision in children and adults. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2004
17. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in the work of teachers and schools. M.: Arkti, 2003
18. Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day: health lessons for children 5-8 years old. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2003
19. Trischak E. Encyclopedia of massage from A to Z. M .: Rinol, 2003
20. Tyurin A. Self-massage. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997
21. Encyclopedic reference book. Children's health. Moscow: Russian Encyclopedic Partnership, 2004

List of literature recommended for children and parents to help master the program:
1. Belyakova T.N. Become strong, agile and resilient.
2. Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. Your health. Strengthening the body. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2000
3. Kulikovskaya T.A. Tongue twisters and tongue twisters. Practicum on improving diction. M .: LLC “Publishing House Gnome and D”, 2000
4. Laptev A.K. The secret of the pyramid of health. St. Petersburg: RETROS, 1998
5. Nikitin S.E., Trishin T.V. Health and beauty of your posture. M.: Sov.Sport, 2002
6. Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A. Thirty health lessons for first graders. Toolkit. M .: TC Sphere, 1999
7. Ostanko L.V. One hundred fun exercises for kids. St. Petersburg: Korona print, 2005
8. Savina L.P. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. M.: AST, 2002
9. Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day: health lessons for children 5-8 years old. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2003

1. Explanatory note
Educational program "Children's Fitness" for the provision of additional paid services, the development of which was carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The program provides for the expansion of opportunities for the implementation of the general educational program of preschool education for children from 4 to 5 years old, and is a document on the basis of which preschool educational institution independently carries out educational activities. The duration of the Program is 2 years.
The organization of the activities of adults and children for the implementation and development of the Program is carried out in joint activities adult and children. The total volume of activities meets the requirements of the current SanPiN.

Fitness classes provide proper development child's body. Unlike physical education, children's fitness is aimed specifically at maintaining health and physical form child. In this case, there is no “pursuit of results”, which sometimes makes children's sports more interesting for the child.

This program corrects posture, prevents flat feet and problems with the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, develops coordination, strength, flexibility, endurance, sense of rhythm, artistry.

Modern children experience a “motor deficit”, since even preschoolers spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, TVs, this causes fatigue of certain muscle groups, which affects posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, instead of age-related development of basic physical qualities: speed, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength).

Every parent wants to see their baby healthy, cheerful, harmoniously developed. It is necessary to ensure the child's need for movement, to give the opportunity to satisfy the "motor deficit". The main motive of young children in the development and improvement of motor experience is the interest in specialized classes, therefore classes are purposefully and consciously created when children can throw out not only their emotions and frolic, but also acquire the necessary skills and abilities.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


What is kids fitness? First of all, this is a complex of game activities that harmoniously combine elements of choreography and aerobics, as well as gymnastics, etc. The main goal of fitness for kids is to develop artistry and strength qualities, a sense of rhythm, flexibility and endurance, and coordination. When can I send my baby to fitness, and how to choose a program?

Features of children's fitness

About 20 years ago, no one had questions about the inactivity of children - children's voices rang in the yards from early morning until dark. Outdoor games were an integral part of childhood - football and hockey, hide and seek and riding bicycles. Pleasant fatigue in the evening and a calm healthy sleep at night. Modern children, as you know, spend most of their time with tablets and laptops. There is no talk of physical development with such a lifestyle.

Children's fitness, as an exciting and mobile event, solves this problem.

How does it differ from ordinary physical education classes and sports schools?

  • The format of the lessons is playful and exciting.
  • Programs are individual, based on the psychophysical state of the baby.
  • The development of all muscle groups occurs evenly.
  • There is no system of personal competitions and assessments. Children attend classes with pleasure - you won’t have to be upset by losing.
  • Compulsory physical education and sports activities in the sections seduce the child less than play activities to music in comfortable psychological conditions and taking into account adapted loads.
  • Part of children's fitness is play sessions with a speech therapist.
  • Little injury. That is, occupational safety.
  • Variety of activities.

Age for children in the fitness club

The crumbs are usually brought to fitness classes from a year and a half. Of course, not without taking into account the characteristics of the body. The maximum number of children in a group is 10-15 people.

Age groups:

  • The smallest - 2-4 years old

Classes to strengthen the muscles and spine, to coordinate movements and to develop motor skills. The presence of parents is required.

  • Toddler - 4-6 years old

Aerobic, strength and development exercises. Classes for the development of speech.

  • Older kids - 7-11 years old

Emphasis on posture, volitional qualities, muscle development. Training on simulators.

  • Teenagers - under 16 years old

A set of exercises aimed at general physical development and endurance.

Class times for each age:

  • For crumbs 2-4 years old - a maximum of 30 minutes and no more than 2 times / week.
  • For children under 10 years old - half an hour 2-3 times / week.
  • For teenagers - 40 minutes three times a week.

Where and how are classes held?

- these are specially equipped rooms with swings and ropes, with dry pools, swedish wall and machines, with soft modules, etc. Classes for crumbs are usually plotless and role-playing - exclusively in a playful way.

Taking into account the characteristics of the body / age, such types of aerobics as fitball and step, dance aerobics and even yoga can be used.

Children's fitness - the result of classes:

  • Development of all muscle groups.
  • Posture correction.
  • Development of coordination of movements.
  • Development of orientation in space.
  • Development of social skills, leadership qualities and communication skills.
  • Sleep improvement.
  • Help with problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Formation of the muscular corset.
  • Improving joint mobility.
  • Development of self-control and discipline.
  • Development of logical thinking.
  • And etc.

The curriculum consists of…

  • Warm-ups. Here the main emphasis is on general strengthening exercises, for all muscle groups.
  • main part. It conducts active games using inventory.
  • Final part. Game part to consolidate the result.

Contraindications for children's fitness

One of the most significant advantages of classes is the absence of contraindications. There are practically none. And even if there are any, you can always pick up individual program to improve the health of the baby.

  • In chronic diseases, it is necessary to select individual complex classes.
  • If there are problems with the spine under the ban strength exercises. But aerobics (and swimming), on the contrary, are very useful.
  • With asthma, aerobics are already excluded, and yoga classes, on the contrary, are being expanded.

In addition to consulting directly with the instructor, it is recommended to get advice from a pediatrician. Check your plans with your doctor. This is especially true for mothers of very young children.

Best Kids Fitness Programs

There is no clear program of classes in children's fitness. This, perhaps, is its main advantage.

What do kids fitness clubs offer for kids today?

  • Logo aerobics

This type of fitness involves performing exercises in conjunction with the pronunciation of certain sounds, quatrains.

  • capoeira

A type of activity adored by many modern kids. It combines a special technique of foot movement, dance and martial art.

  • Animal aerobics

These exercises look like imitating the movements of animals. The little ones love this type of fitness very much.

  • Rock climbing and ropes.
  • Roller skating/biking.
  • Dancing and swimming.
  • Yoga.
  • Fitball.
  • Classes on massage mats.
  • Power training.
  • Programs for the development of motor skills, to improve posture or to prevent flat feet.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Rhythm and aerobics.
  • Woo.
  • Kinesiology exercises.

Classes to activate mental abilities, cerebral hemispheres.

  • Educational gymnastics Ballinger

The goal is the development of mental functions.

  • Hardening gymnastics.
  • Dance gymnastics.
  • Aqua aerobics.
  • "Rocking chair" for kids (simulators).

Is children's fitness possible in their apartment?

Of course, you can study at home - no one will forbid you to do this. But training is recommended to be carried out with the participation of a trainer and following his recommendations.

And given that one of the goals of children's fitness is the development of social skills and the maximum switching of the child from the computer to real life, it’s still better to accustom the baby to activities outside the home - in groups with peers.