Organization of sports sections in educational institutions. Sports and mass work at school

The educational and training process is educational and training sessions conducted in order to educate and improve the sportsmanship of an athlete and prepare him for performance in competitions.

Organization of the educational and training process:

The sports section organizes work with students during the calendar year. The beginning and end of the academic year depends on the specifics of the sport, the calendar of sports competitions, the periodization of sports training and is established by the administration sports school for each sport individually;

Educational and training sessions in departments by sports sports sections are conducted in accordance with the annual curriculum, designed for 46 weeks of training sessions, directly in the conditions of sports sections and an additional 6 weeks - in the conditions of a health camp of a sports profile and (or) according to individual plans of students for the period of their active rest;

The main forms of the educational and training process are: group training and theoretical classes, work according to individual plans, medical and rehabilitation activities, testing and medical control, participation in competitions, match meetings, training camps, instructor and referee practice.

Compulsory work according to individual plans is recommended to be established at the stages of sports improvement and higher sportsmanship;

The schedule of classes (trainings) is drawn up by the administration of sports sections on the proposal of the coach-teacher in order to establish a more favorable training regime, rest students, teach them in educational institutions taking into account the age characteristics of children and established sanitary and hygienic standards.

In all sports, for conducting classes in training groups, groups of sports improvement and higher sportsmanship, in addition to the main coach-teacher, it is recommended, if necessary, to involve additional coaches-teachers and other specialists within the number of hours of the educational program.

To ensure the year-round training process, sports training and active recreation for those involved during the holidays, health-improving and sports camps are organized.

When conducting training camps outside the health camp, the involvement of employees in the event can be carried out as in the case of hiking trips;

The duration of one lesson in groups of sports and recreational orientation and initial training should not exceed two academic hours, in training groups - three academic hours with less than four training sessions per week; in groups where the workload is 20 hours or more per week - four academic hours, and with two classes per day - three academic hours.

Physical education of students is carried out in the classroom and after school hours in sports sections. The general management of the section is entrusted to teachers physical education at the academy, teachers of the SSCA. To conduct classes, they can attract public instructors from among top athletes, physical culture asset of sponsoring and sports organizations.

Before creating a section, the teacher physical education should arouse students' interest in the lessons. A variety of means are useful here: sports wall printing, photo stands, a radio newspaper, direct agitation of a teacher or students.

At the beginning of the academic year, you can hold an exhibition game of the leading teams of the university or invite best teams city, region. Organizational meetings in groups are preceded by a general meeting of all those involved in the sports section. The time and place of the general meeting of the section must be announced in advance. Only high-achieving students of the university are allowed to study in the section. The section bureau is elected at the general meeting. The bureau of the section should recommend the most disciplined, successful students who have organizational skills and enjoy authority among their comrades.

At the meeting of the bureau of the section, the chairman and secretary are elected, and duties are distributed among the members of the bureau. The members of the section bureau are responsible for: monitoring the progress of the section members, their participation in social work, caring for the equipment and preparing it for classes, organizing and holding competitions for the physical education team, preparing documents for the assignment sports categories, agitation and propaganda, staffing of national teams for participation in regional, city and other competitions.

IN study groups Higher education institution in section students of various courses can enter. The planning of the educational and training process in the sports sections is divided into year-round and long-term. In the process of work, depending on its conditions and the timing of the competition, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the plans. When drawing up subsequent plans, an organic connection with the previous one should be observed. All subsequent plans should include relatively more difficult material than the material of the previous plan. However, it should be remembered that the difficulty educational material increases gradually and consists in an increase in the requirements for the workload of those involved and the complexity of the program material.

The success of the work of the section largely depends on the nature of the work in the classroom, on the personal interest of all those involved.

Sectional classes have, first of all, a sports orientation. There are more requirements for functional and motor training than in school lessons and training sessions. The sectional lesson lasts 1.5-2 hours and consists of three parts: preparatory, main and final.

The preparatory part, which lasts 15-20 minutes, provides for the organization of those involved and the functional preparation of their body for the upcoming main activity. The exercises used at the beginning of the lesson should be selected in accordance with the characteristics of the upcoming main activity.

The purpose of the main part is to teach those involved in the technique and tactics of playing techniques, to develop their physical qualities. The duration of the main part (70-90 minutes) depends on the intensity of the exercises, the age and gender of the trainees, the amount of time allotted for the lesson as a whole.

In the final part (5-10 min.), the body of those involved is brought into a relatively calm state summing up the lesson. students are given homework.

The number of sectional lessons per week is planned depending on the preparedness of the students, the period of the training process, the complexity of the material being studied. They should be at least three times a week. At the same time, breaks should be such that the results of the subsequent training overlap with the previous ones and this would consolidate the functional changes that occur in the body as a result of previous sessions.

The SSCA has 12 sports sections in such sports as:


Table tennis;


Mini football;







The schedule of classes for all sports is indicated in Appendix B.

The number of people involved in the sports sections of the SSCA is approximately 160 people, of which about 30 people are at a highly professional level. About 15 masters of sports of Russia are also studying at the Academy. table tennis, aerobics, boxing, cross-country skiing.

SSCA students won various awards at regional, federal and All-Russian competition For example. IN sports club SSGA present awards: bronze medalists All-Russian Universiade 2008, winners of the Siberian Universiade federal district 2008, 2010 and 2012, in table tennis, students also participate in the Russian club championship in table tennis, champions of the Novosibirsk Universiade in shooting, the boxing team in the city Universiade.

SSCA teachers play an important role in sports life The academies also show good results in the last sports contest of the faculty among higher educational institutions of the city of Novosibirsk in 9 sports. The teachers of our Academy successfully performed in the following competitions:

Futsal - 3rd place;

Table tennis - 1 place;

Badminton - 3rd place;

Bullet shooting - 4th place.

Below, in figure 5, a stand with the main awards of the academy is presented.

Figure 5 - Awards for students and teachers of the academy

The SSCA also hosts mass sports events in various sports.

Of great importance in the physical education of young people, and in particular, students, is the organization and holding of sports competitions, as one of the most effective types organization of mass health, sports and sports work. Student sports competitions are an organic continuation and the most important part of the educational process in physical education, as well as a form of credit.

It should be noted that competitions held in accordance with scientific requirements should be one of the ways to involve the masses in physical culture and identify achievements in it, both individual and especially the achievements of physical culture teams.

Sport competitions- this is a whole system of physical education events, during the preparation and implementation of which extremely favorable conditions are created for educational work with students in order to develop in them a sense of teamwork, discipline, honesty, responsibility, self-control, the will to win and other important moral and volitional and moral human traits.

Sports competitions are an important form of educational and sports work, a continuation of the educational and training process.

During the competition, the general physical and special sports and technical readiness of students is improved, their technique and tactics are improved.

At the same time, competition is the most effective remedy quality control of educational and training work of individual sports organizations and pedagogical skills of trainers and trainers and community trainers. This is a kind of public report on the work in a particular sport.

According to the nature of the offset and the determination of the results, all sports competitions are divided into personal, personal-team and team.

According to the form of the competition, it can be: open, closed, full-time and correspondence, one-time one-day and multi-day, official (training), classification.

In the system of physical education of university students, sports competitions occupy a large place.

Practice has determined several ways of conducting sports competitions, due to their rules and regulations. In the SSCA, competitions were held according to the situation specified in Appendix A.

The following methods of competitions are used in the SSCA: direct, round-robin, elimination and mixed.

Competitions contribute to the exchange of advanced experience of trainers - teachers and students themselves, the dissemination of new high technology and the most advanced training methods. They are a means of agitation and promotion of sports among students.

The pedagogical significance of sports competitions lies in the fact that they teach athletes to apply the motor skills and abilities acquired in the process of training sessions in a complex and constantly changing environment. wrestling and maximum stress.

The main objectives of any competition are:

Assistance in the education of athletes;

Demonstration of socially valuable personality traits (courage, courage, respect for partners and opponents);

Improving motor abilities.

Carrying out the correct pedagogical organization of competitions at the university, it is necessary to provide for the distribution of participants by gender and physical development.

Plannedness in holding sports competitions is an indispensable condition for successful mass sports work in the university. Unscheduled (sudden) competitions should be avoided in every possible way. A poorly organized and conducted competition not only loses any positive educational value, but, on the contrary, often leads to negative results, can repel participants from playing sports and even harm their health.

Participation in competitions allows you to significantly mobilize the physical and functional capabilities of an athlete than any training program. Only in the process of competition can an athlete reach the level of ultimate functional manifestations and perform such work, which during training sessions turns out to be unbearable.

Competitions are different in purpose, scale and degree of physical tension. In connection with the tasks of training and the state of fitness of an athlete, the predominant focus of the competition can be different: to win, record, control, training, tactical, accustoming to the conditions of the competition.

Participation in competitions for any purpose has a multilateral impact on the physical and mental qualities of an athlete, gives knowledge and experience.

Competitions are also usually divided into training, leading and main. It is impossible to achieve high stable results by rarely participating in competitions. It is at competitions that the potential capabilities of an athlete and his skill are manifested, shortcomings in technique are revealed, strong-willed qualities are brought up. That's why hallmark The modern method of training is a significant increase in the number of competitions per year, which naturally lengthens the competitive period.

When determining the number of competitions for an athlete in a year, responsible competitions and less responsible ones (there should be more of them), as well as participation in competitions in other sports, based on the training objectives, are provided.

For the main competitions, the athlete strives to achieve the highest athletic form, approaching this through a series of less important competitions. Entry into sportswear largely depends on the number and nature of these competitions. With the approach of the main competitions, the sharpness of sports meetings must certainly increase, but it is imperative to alternate more intense competitions with less difficult ones.

Success in competitions is ensured by many years of training, which also includes preparation for competitions. It is carried out constantly in the course of a yearly training. Along with this, special, including psychological preparation is needed. The most important is accustoming to the conditions of the competition - training in conditions that simulate competitive ones. It is also necessary to prepare athletes for possible deviations from the simulated conditions, for unexpected situations and unforeseen difficulties.

Based on the above, competitive training is both a means and a method of forced physical, technical, tactical and psychological training of athletes.

Physical culture and health-improving and sports-mass work in GBOU Gymnasium No. 1506

Sports - mass work is understood as a system of actions aimed at the development of personal resources, the formation of positive stress-resistant forms of behavior, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren.

Under mass sports work is understood as the involvement of schoolchildren in organized sports employment and participation in sports events of various levels.

The pedagogical efforts of the school are concentrated on the organization of work, which is aimed at shaping the young generation healthy lifestyle orientation, Creation unified sociocultural spaces within the school.

The new goals of education bring to the fore an individual humanistic approach to the child's personality. One of the tasks is to place emphasis in the upbringing and educational process on the need to preserve and maintain health at any age and psychological and pedagogical technologies for the formation of active psychological protection, a value attitude to health, and individual resilience.

The goals of the organization of physical culture and recreation and sports and mass work at school

  1. Formation of a new quality of the upbringing and educational space of the school, in which the sports and recreational and sports activities of schoolchildren are a social process based on the principles of social partnership and uniting all healthy intellectual, moral-volitional, cultural-value, worldview, professional resources.
  2. Promotion of leisure culture among children and adolescents through the organization and participation in sports events.
  3. Socialization of children and adolescents on the basis of environmentally friendly models initiated in the school environment of an alternative field of a stable moral position and obtaining the necessary physical development through involvement in physical education and sports.
  4. Formation of the image of the school as a territory of health in the public mind.

Tasks of the organization of physical culture and health-improving and sports-mass work at school:

  • comprehensive care for the safety of life and health, physical and mental development of children and adolescents;
  • propaganda and approval healthy lifestyle life among children and adolescents, their parents, school teachers;
  • organization of meaningful, informative and entertaining leisure for children and adolescents;
  • creation of conditions for the socialization of the personality of a teenager at an early stage of his formation;
  • monitoring the health of children and adolescents and evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

Types of organization of physical culture and health-improving and sports-mass work at school:

Physical culture and health and sports activities at school include the following activities:

  • monitoring the state of physical development of the current generation of children, which is alarming and requires active action by all structures of the legislative and executive authorities;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle through lesson, extra-curricular, leisure activities, organization of sports and health and sports activities at school;
  • participation in the development and implementation of preventive and educational programs, the Health program, school development;
  • expanding the possibilities of the leisure sphere for students through the preservation and development of a network of sports and recreational sections on the basis of the school, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
  • education of future parents and psychological and pedagogical education of adults in the field of family leisure through participation in sports events;
  • formation of a positive parental opinion on the issues of raising children by means of sports;
  • habit formation sports leisure and attention to one's health as a family value;

The system of organization of physical culture and health-improving and mass sports work at school contains several modules:

  • physical education lessons;
  • Healing Fitness;
  • the work of school sports sections and sports sections of other departmental affiliation.
  • sports events of various levels;

Physical education and preservation of the health of students is one of the most important activities of our school. It is carried out in accordance with the charter of the secondary general education school, which emphasizes that the health of students is the concern of the entire teaching staff, including teachers of physical education.

Material and technical base for physical culture and health-improving work

  • The school has two gyms, equipped sports complex, which includes a field for mini football, a volleyball court and a playground with exercise equipment. The educational institution also actively uses the material base of the Polar Star pool. Physical education lessons are fully provided with the necessary equipment.

Methodological training of teachers; mastering modern technologies

Questions about the theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy, about a personal approach to preserving the health and physical development of students are constantly considered at meetings of the methodological association. Physical education teachers bring their discussion to meetings of the entire teaching staff of the school. It is recommended to do gymnastics before the start of lessons and physical culture breaks during the lesson. Teachers are involved in the development of lessons, extracurricular activities on health protection and promotion of healthy lifestyles. Teachers of the methodological association are involved in mutual visits and analysis of lessons from health-saving positions.

  • Methodological work is being carried out to generalize and disseminate the experience of school teachers. On October 20, 20013, the school held a municipal seminar of physical education teachers "Lessons of physical education without the released", which was highly appreciated by colleagues.

Organization of the educational process

Particular attention in the organization of the educational process at the school is given to the scheduling of classes, electives and circles in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The school takes a personal approach to maintaining the health of students. Every teacher starts academic year from studying the health sheet of each student in order to organize the educational activities of students in accordance with the recommendations of medical workers.

The physical education teacher keeps individual maps of the physical development of schoolchildren, regulates individual physical activity students in physical education classes, depending on the level of preparation of the child, for further physical improvement and health promotion offers individual homework for practicing certain skills.

The school organizes work with children with various health disorders. Since the special group includes children different ages and the range of their illnesses is varied, physical education teachers mainly use individual work with each student of the SHG.

Organization of extracurricular sports and recreation activities

Extra-curricular sports and health work is one of the most important areas of the system of educational work of the school as a whole. An annual cyclogram of sports and recreational activities has been developed.

On the basis of the school were created and operate sports mugs: football, aerobics, health gymnastics, chess, tennis, ballroom dancing Within the framework of this direction, the guys take an active part in regional, district, city competitions.

The school holds Health Days, subject weeks dedicated to physical culture, tourist rallies, trips, sports holidays. Schoolchildren participate in sports competitions at the school and municipal levels. The educational institution considers the participation of schoolchildren in sports competitions as an excellent opportunity for their self-expression, self-realization, self-affirmation.

Every year, high school students take part in military field training as part of the Spartakiad of pre-conscription youth.

A lot of work is being done to prevent smoking, the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs, the formation of hygiene skills and a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren.

The school organizes close cooperation and maintains continuity in the physical education and development of children with preschool educational institutions located in the microdistrict of the educational institution. Pupils of senior groups preschool institutions come to school for classes in a group " early development”, get acquainted with future teachers, work out in the school gym.

School Methodological Association of Physical Education Teachers

Topic of methodical association: The system of methodical work on physical culture as a means of increasing the professional potential of teachers, ensuring the achievement of a new quality of education.

Target: Continuous improvement of the level of pedagogical skills of teachers, their erudition and competence in the field subject and teaching methods.


  • Increasing the competence of teaching staff.
  • Creation of a system for the search and development of gifted children.
  • Preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health of each student.
  • Increasing the learning motivation of students.
  • Generalization and distribution of positive pedagogical experience of teachers.

The composition of the MO teachers of physical culture


Date and year of birth


University (year of graduation)

Refresher courses


Zueva Larisa Alexandrovna


COMOFC, 2013

Perfection physical qualities through breathing techniques

Skrypnik Natalya Valerievna


COMOFC, 2013

Improvement of physical qualities through health-improving aerobics.

Viktorov Daniil Andreevich

Higher GBOU VPOTVGU, 2006

Improving the physical Qualities through the game of football

Novikova Julia Svyatoslavovna

GBOU SPOSPT "Sport", 2010

MIFC and C, 2014

Improving the physical qualities in high school students through recreational aerobics.

Information about curricula and their methodological support in the subject

Subject - physical culture grades 1-11

  1. Comprehensive program of physical education 1 - 11 cells. "Enlightenment", Moscow, 2011, V.I. Lyakh and N.A. Zdanevich
  2. Work programs are coordinated at the ShMO and approved by the head teacher and director
  3. Tutorials:
  • “My friend is physical education!” 1 - 4 cells. V.I. Lyakh, "Enlightenment". Moscow, 2011
  • "Physical culture" 5 - 7 cells. V.I. Lyakh, Enlightenment, Moscow, 2011
  • "Physical culture" 8 - 9 cells. V.I. Lyakh, Enlightenment, Moscow, 2011
  • "Physical culture" 10 - 11 cells. V.I. Lyakh, Enlightenment, Moscow, 2011

MO work plan for 2014-2015 academic year


Issues for discussion



Session No. 1 "Planning and organizing methodological work for the year."

Purpose: to correct and approve the activities of the ME of physical education teachers; develop common ideas about the prospects of working on the method. topic.

  1. Approve the work plan of the Ministry of Defense for the new academic year.
  2. Discussion and approval of work programs for 2014-2015 academic year.
  3. Approval of the calendar plan of physical culture and recreation and sports events for the academic year.
  4. Correction and approval of work on topics of self-education
  5. The study of legal acts and documents. (Regulations on the holding of subject Olympiads)

Physical education teacher.


Session #2

"FSES on the way to transition from FSES LEO to FSES LLC"

Goal: increase prof. skills and providing conditions for the growth of professionalism

  1. Designing a technological map of a physical culture lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. Basketball in a new way according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Adapted program for elementary school"Fundamentals of Road Safety".
  4. The use of non-standard forms of conducting physical education lessons in the context of a competency-based approach in education.
  5. Results of the I round of subject Olympiads (analysis)
  6. Results of the first quarter

Physical education teacher.

Session #3

"Improving the quality of students' knowledge as a result of the active use in the learning process of methods and technologies that contribute to the formation of positive motivation for students"

  1. Formation of motivation for physical culture and sports through a combination of gaming, competitive and modern information technologies.
  2. Psychophysiological patterns of students' information perception.
  3. Play is the way to physical development.
  4. Results of the II quarter
  5. Results of the regional round of the Olympiads
  6. Approval of the work plan of the subject decade
  7. Improving the efficiency and quality of education based on new approaches to the modernization of Russian education.

Physical education teacher.

Session #4

"Formation of health-saving competence through lessons and extracurricular activities"

  1. Sports and recreational direction in extracurricular activities.
  2. Competence-based approach to the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Formation of practical skills in physical culture among schoolchildren.
  4. Results of the subject decade (analysis)
  5. Security as a form of student behavior in everyday life.
  6. Results of work for the first half of the year

Physical education teacher.

Session #5

"Analysis of the effectiveness of the Ministry of Defense for the year"

  1. Analysis of the work of the Ministry of Defense for 2014-2015 academic year
  2. Summing up the results of the year on the progress of students and the implementation of the program.
  3. Benchmarking Testing physical fitness(monitoring).
  4. Analysis (results) of the district sports day for schoolchildren.
  5. Discussion perspective plan MO work.
  6. Survey of novelties of methodical literature.
  7. Miscellaneous

Physical education teacher.

Intraschool co-management and control plan

I quarter

  • Coordination of the MO work plan.
  • Approval of work programs, circles, sections
  • Checking the educational and methodological base of teachers
  • Formation of groups for classes in circles and sections
  • Monitoring of physical development
  • Conducting school subject Olympiads
  • Health protection at the lessons of physical culture (checking magazines for t / b)
  • Checking the level of physical fitness of students in grades 5-8 at the beginning of the school year


  • Participation in municipal tour subject Olympiads
  • Control over documentation on sports-mass work.
  • Ensuring safety in physical education lessons

3rd quarter

  • Analysis of students' attendance of physical culture classes (9-11)
  • Maintaining work logs
  • Subject decade
  • Control over the implementation of programs, curricula, timeliness and objectivity of grading, quality of filling journals

IV quarter

  • Organization and holding of sports and recreational activities in the daily routine (5-8 cells)
  • The level of physical fitness of students at the end of the year (monitoring of physical fitness)
  • The effectiveness of techniques and methods of organizing educational activities in physical education lessons (2 - 4 cells)
  • Monitoring the implementation of programs, curricula.
  • Checking the readiness of exam materials
  • Annual assessment of students
  • Analysis of the performance of the SHMO

Work between meetings

  1. Preparation for school and regional olympiads.
  2. Repair of school playground equipment.
  3. Mutual attendance of lessons.
  4. The study of scientific and methodological journals and additional literature on subjects.
  5. Acquisition of novelties of methodical literature.
  6. Replenishment of methodical piggy banks.
  7. Organization and holding of extracurricular activities.
  8. Participation in competitions, exhibitions, competitions.
  9. Help colleagues (as needed).
  10. Acquisition of new and decommissioning of old equipment.
  11. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and sports through newspapers, corners, speeches.
  12. Design and renovation of sports corners and stands.
  13. Work on the replenishment and development of the physical culture classroom.
  14. Presentation at parent-teacher meetings and individual conversations with parents.
  15. Issue of subject newspapers.

Working with gifted and motivated children

  1. The work of circles and sections.
  2. Preparation and participation in exhibitions, competitions.
  3. Work in the scientific society of schoolchildren
  4. Reviewing reports and abstracts.
  5. The use of reports, abstracts, as well as poster material in the classroom, classroom hours, in methodological corners, at parent meetings, in preparation for exams.
  6. Participation in school, municipal, regional, All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren
  7. Participation in school and municipal stages regional subject Olympiads, as well as all-Russian and international levels.
  8. Preparation and holding of the decade of physical culture.

In one of the articles we have already mentioned Guidelines on the organization of sports training in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations), brought to light by the Letter of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated May 12, 2014 N ВМ-04-10/2554. In continuation of the conversation, we will talk about ensuring the activities of an institution engaged in sports training. What is needed for athletes to be the first on the podiums?

When working with a document, it is always important to determine its place in the legal framework, since its application (mandatory or recommendatory), as well as the use of other explanatory acts, often depends on this.

If we turn to the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation<1>, then the phrase “sports training” is practically not mentioned in it. It is said only about what constitutes a sports training program. This is a step-by-step plan for training individuals by sport ( sports disciplines), which determines the main directions and conditions of sports training at each of its stages, developed and implemented by the organization providing sports training, in accordance with the requirements of federal standards for such training. Today, these standards have been approved for almost all sports. They have almost everything related to sports training, while little attention is paid to the organization of this event. In part, this is a common question for all sports, therefore, in order not to clutter up the standards of sports training, the industry department rationally decided to put this in a separate document - the Recommendations considered in the article.

The question arises: are they obligatory or not obligatory for use by sports institutions? On the one hand, the status of the letter indicates that the Recommendations are not a binding act, especially since they were adopted not in order to implement any specific norm of the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation, but in order to ensure the unity of the basic requirements for the organization of sports preparation. That is, it is not a by-law of direct action. On the other hand, in the absence of anything better, the “optionality” of the Recommendations acquires the character of a voluntary-compulsory document (as, for example, it happens with letters from the financial regulator, the Bank of Russia, whose clarifications are practically accepted by credit institutions for mandatory execution). The foregoing confirms that the Recommendations are intended for a wide range of users: from the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to the heads and specialists of organizations providing sports training. In particular, the Recommendations are offered as a basis for the development of normative legal acts of public legal entities ( Russian Federation, subject of the Russian Federation, municipality) and local regulations of organizations providing sports training. Thus, there is every reason to at least study this document, and whether to apply it or not is up to the one who is responsible for sports training in an institution of physical culture and sports, as well as in other sports organizations.

Highlight what you need

The Ministry of Sports Recommendations is a rather voluminous document, and the accountant of a sports institution has neither the strength nor the time to study it. Therefore, from it it is necessary to highlight what may be of particular interest to a financial worker. In the diagram below, we present the main sections of the Recommendations described in the table of contents.

Of the designated sections, the accountant is primarily concerned with the section devoted to the formation of a system of remuneration for employees of organizations engaged in sports training. Another "accounting" section is to ensure the activities of those who conduct such training. This is not only logistics, but also its other types, which also require the diversion of resources, including financial ones, for which the accountant is responsible. All other sections are more related specifically to organizational and technical issues, so we will not consider them.

What are the types of sports training provision?

Institutions providing sports training participate in the organization of work on the development of physical culture and sports among various groups of the population, create conditions for the protection and promotion of the health of athletes and other persons participating in sports competitions and training events, provide athletes and coaches with the necessary conditions for training.

Personnel decides everything

For many institutions and organizations, this motto of the employer is relevant. Staffing begins with the preparation and development of the staffing table. The introduction of additions to it, as well as the approval of the hiring of specific employees (including deputy directors, chief accountant) by the founder of the institution, is not provided for by the legislation. These issues are within the competence of the head (director) of the institution providing sports training. At the same time, it is recommended to determine the maximum staffing of the coaching staff on the basis of the consolidated recruitment plan of the organization providing sports training, approved by the founder and formed on the basis of recruitment plans for each sport separately. And in order to standardize approaches to determining the number of staff and form uniform approaches to the organizational structure of institutions providing sports training, officials in the Recommendations proposed a special step-by-step methodology.

An important role in working with personnel is played by advanced training and professional training (retraining) of employees. Such events are planned independently by the institution of physical culture and sports. At the same time, advanced training of pedagogical workers should be carried out at least once every three years, other specialists - at least once every four years, and for the heads (their deputies) of sports institutions - at least once every five years. It is better to develop a local act (regulation on advanced training, professional training and retraining of personnel), which provides for the number of employees sent for training at the expense of the budget, the categories of employees who can be trained on their own initiative and at their own expense.

It is worth saying a few words about such an event as certification. It is carried out in order to establish the compliance of the employee with the position held, as well as the assignment of qualification categories. The Ministry of Sports recommends establishing the following qualification categories traditionally established in the system of sports training for coaches and instructors-methodologists who are not teachers: second, first, highest. Certification of teaching staff is carried out in accordance with the legislation in the field of education. The Ministry of Sports even submitted a Recommended sample for the development of a regulation on attestation of employees (see Appendix 2 to the Recommendations).

Certification of employees is designed to help improve the level of professional skills and competence, qualifications, improve the quality and efficiency of the work of managers, coaching staff and other employees, and optimal placement of personnel. At the same time, persons who do not have special training or work experience, but who have sufficient practical experience and perform qualitatively and in full the tasks assigned to them official duties, on the recommendation of the attestation commission, are appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience. This should also be taken into account when conducting certification of employees of a sports institution.

Finance is no less important

Financial support for the activities of organizations engaged in sports training is made at the expense of subsidies allocated for the implementation of the state (municipal) task for the provision of state (municipal) services, and includes the costs of implementing sports training programs. At the same time, officials admit that sports institutions, like non-profit organizations may engage in entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities, including providing paid services (in excess of the task established by the founder).

The funds received as a result of commercial activities can be received by a sports institution as a result of:

— provision of paid services;

— voluntary donations of individuals and (or) legal entities;

— target financing in the form of grants.

At the same time, the implementation of entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities is possible only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for which the organization providing sports training was created. Simply put, additional income the institution has the right to spend on sports events, that is, as well as subsidies, for the fulfillment of the task of the founder, namely:

— on the functioning and development of the organization;

- for the implementation of the training process, including sending persons to sports competitions, training camps;

- for the purchase sports equipment, inventory and sports equipment;

- for the purchase of household items;

- for material incentives for persons engaged in sports training (various types of allowances and additional payments to persons engaged in the training process).

The exception is targeted funds received in the form of grants, which are used by sports institutions in accordance with the conditions determined by the grantor.

When funds for the organization of sports training come from two sources, the question arises in what percentage should the funding be distributed. You can, of course, do this after the fact, but it is difficult to determine in advance the proceeds from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities. Therefore, officials of the Ministry of Sports propose for each stage of sports training the recommended ratio of support from the state (municipal) task and other funds received by a sports institution (table 1, section 2.3 of the Recommendations). Interestingly, the stages of higher sportsmanship are financed mainly from budgetary sources, while the stages of initial sports training should be funded from extrabudgetary sources. This distribution of funds can be explained by the fact that for sports highest achievements guaranteed budgetary funding should be envisaged, while other sources are considered as additional funding.

Science is also indispensable

Scientific and methodological support of sports training is an important part of the activities of physical culture and sports institutions. Here, sports training programs alone are indispensable. Officials of the Ministry of Sports are calling on regional authorities to create sports reserve training centers or centers for physical culture and sports. In addition to the main (sports) activity, they can be engaged in the introduction of new technologies in the training process, the improvement of methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as the testing of pilot and experimental sports training programs.

In order to organize the examination of athletes and observations of the training process, as well as the selection of sports gifted children, boys and girls, other consulting and analytical centers may be created. They will examine talents by testing. Introductory testing will involve an analysis of the initial indicators, the natural data of the future athlete. The next, evaluative, testing already affects the process of training activities (during the pre-competitive and recovery periods of training). There remains the main testing, which is carried out directly in the competitive period (at this stage, by modeling the situation at control starts, runs, sparring, that is, when athletes work in the zone of competitive intensity).

It remains to add that the analysis of the test results and the work of these centers (physical culture and sports and consulting and analytical) will help coaching staff in assessing the effectiveness of the training process, in the timely introduction of adjustments to the sports training programs and in conjunction with the indicators of competitive activity in assessing the prospects of athletes.

But what about logistics?

General conditions for the material and technical base and infrastructure of organizations providing sports training are established by federal standards for sports training for each sport. At the same time, according to the industry law, a sports institution should take care of the equipment, sports equipment, equipment (uniforms and shoes) for sports training. Also, as a material and technical support, administrative and utility rooms, a medical center and methodological rooms are needed, sports objects in the amount necessary for the quality of the training process.

On a note. The standards for the logistics of a sports institution are in federal standards sports training and in industry acts<2>.

In the absence of own sports facilities it is recommended that the founder of an organization providing sports training provide adequate funding for the costs of renting (using) the necessary sports facilities. Taking into account the specifics of work and in order to effectively ensure sports training, institutions providing sports training may have specialized vehicles. It is recommended that the cost standards for the maintenance and operation of vehicles be reflected in the order on the accounting policy of the institution, taking into account the specifics of its activities.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Medical support for sports training is carried out by full-time medical workers and (or) employees of medical and physical education dispensaries (departments). The procedure for providing medical care during physical culture and sports events was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 08/09/2010 N 613n. In organizations providing sports training, medical centers, offices sports medicine, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, massage, procedural.

A prerequisite for the admission of any person to sports training is the passage of a medical examination (clause 1, article 34.5 of the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation). But this is not enough, a sports institution cannot do without an in-depth medical examination of athletes at least twice a year. And before participating in sports competitions, after an illness or injury, additional medical examinations will be required. Medical and pedagogical observations are also important in the process of sports training in order to determine the individual response of athletes to training and competitive loads.

Another important element in ensuring the health of athletes is monitoring their nutrition and the use of restorative agents, and following the recommendations of medical workers. It's no secret that from proper nutrition(reimbursement of energy costs) the results of athletes largely depend. When concluding agreements (contracts) for the supply of food products to canteens, it is advisable for customers to establish in the contracts the intended purpose of the supplied products - for the organization sports nutrition and mention the inadmissibility of the use in the manufacture of products of raw materials prohibited for use in sports nutrition.

Athletes are provided with food at the expense of funds allocated for the implementation of the state (municipal) task, or funds received under a contract for the provision of sports training services. For the organization of nutrition (reimbursement of energy costs), it is recommended to calculate the average daily cost of nutrition for one athlete according to the Recommended Method (Appendix 6 to the Recommendations). In order to ensure the correct preparation of diets, control over the preparation of meals, a sports institution should provide for the position of a dietitian (dietary nurse) in the staffing table.

It is forbidden to allow the dependence of the diet of athletes on the results of their performances at competitions and (or) other subjective indicators. At the same time, for athletes undergoing specialized sports training, a diet should be established depending on the estimated energy consumption and cycles. training load subject to medical indications. For athletes with large physical dimensions during the period of intensive sports training, for medical reasons, the diet should be increased within one and a half norms.

Summarize. The organization of sports training is a complex and multifaceted process in which all employees of an institution of physical culture and sports participate. The financial officer needs to pay attention to what is connected with the financing and spending of funds, in particular, ensuring the organization of sports training. Therefore, the task of an accountant is to provide funds for all types of collateral by planning the spending of money from the budget and extrabudgetary sources.

A brief description of:

  • - physical development: promote general physical development, improve health, develop dexterity and coordination of movements, develop muscle strength;
  • - mental development: help to develop willpower, perseverance, self-confidence, the ability to stand up for oneself, the ability to endure pain and fatigue, overcome obstacles, teamwork skills;
  • - additional benefits: a good rest after a long sitting at the desk, the child's ability to throw out the accumulated energy in a constructive way.

Sports sections can be very diverse: hockey, volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, various types of wrestling, athletics, trampoline, swimming pool. You can't list everything. Each sport has its own specifics. Some require certain initial abilities to engage. Others are available to anyone who wants to. The specific choice depends on the data of the future athlete, his interests and preferences, other factors (the presence of sections near the house, the cost of classes, etc.)

The main tasks of sports sections

Sports sections are created for students who want to engage in a particular sport.

The main tasks of the sections:

  • - to involve schoolchildren in systematic sports;
  • - to promote their sports improvement in selected form sports;
  • - to prepare them for participation in out-of-school competitions;
  • - to promote the acquisition of knowledge and skills of instructor's work and refereeing of competitions.

Distribution of sections by age group

Primary school students are invited to the section medical group who received a doctor's permission to practice. Competitive selection is undesirable, as it contradicts the main tasks of extracurricular work. In the section, students are divided into groups according to age (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17 years old), gender, level sports preparedness. According to the current situation, children are allowed to participate in sports activities:

from the age of 6 - to classes in gymnastics(girls), rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating;

from the age of 7 - to freestyle, chess and checkers, table tennis and big tennis, synchronized swimming, trampoline jumping, diving, swimming, artistic gymnastics (boys), acrobatics, water skiing;

from the age of 8 - to lessons in badminton, basketball, football, skiing, orienteering;

from the age of 9 - to water polo, volleyball, speed skating, athletics, skiing (biathlon), cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping, sailing, rugby, handball, field hockey, ball, puck;

from the age of 10 - to rock climbing, fencing, weightlifting, luge, modern pentathlon, bullet shooting, rowing and canoeing, academic rowing, cycling, freestyle wrestling, classical wrestling, judo, sambo, boxing;

from 11 years old - for equestrian sports, archery, clay shooting;

from the age of 17 - to bobsleigh.

For students aged 8-9 and 10-11 years, classes are held twice a week for 45 minutes, for other age groups - three times a week for 90 minutes. Physical education teachers, military leaders (in military-applied sports), teachers of other subjects who have appropriate training in a particular sport and are competent in matters of organizing and conducting methods conduct classes in sports sections. sports activities with kids. Such sections exist in almost all secondary schools.

Classes in a circle or section are:

  • - change of activity. If your child attends a sports section, then school mental activity is replaced by physical activity. If this School of Music or art circle - creative. In circles of applied art - motor (motor) activity, that is, manual labor. Even if your son or daughter chose chess, a mathematical or literary circle, they will still do there only what they like, what interests them;
  • - change in communication style. As a rule, circles or sections have a more informal atmosphere than at school. There are no such strict requirements for discipline. Can you imagine what pleasure a small schoolboy gets from the fact that you do not need to sit still and silently, answering only when you are asked? The teachers in the circle are not as strict as the teachers at school - they are allowed to play pranks, run around, make some noise. All these liberties are allowed, of course, within reasonable limits. Therefore, you can not be afraid that your child will be "spoiled" by such indulgence;
  • - change of social circle. Such extracurricular activities, as a rule, take place in smaller groups than the average class at school. For classes, a separate room is usually allocated. Unlike classes and, moreover, changes at school, the child is not surrounded by a large noisy community, and therefore he gets the opportunity to take a break from being at school;
  • - a change of scenery. Premises intended for classes with children in children's clubs are trying to be equipped taking into account their interests. They are equipped with games, toys, materials for creativity, sports equipment. The duties of the child here do not include sitting upright and motionless on a hard chair for forty minutes at a desk that is not always suitable for height. In a good mug, a tired student has various areas for studying, playing and relaxing: if you want, study at the table, if you want, sit comfortably on a children's sofa or pouffe, you can even sit on the carpet if you prefer. Switching will help your son or daughter take a break from a tiring school day, cope with the fatigue accumulated during the day. After classes in a circle or section, the child can start doing homework with fresh energy.

way to organize a child's leisure. This is one of the most common pro arguments given by parents. Indeed, circles and sections are often the only way to organize time after school for those fathers and mothers who work and cannot stay at home with their beloved child after school. A child who attends extracurricular activities is less likely to get into some kind of trouble on the street, do something at home, acquire bad habits (for example, learn to smoke under the careful supervision of older comrades or become addicted to playing the machines that are now on every corner and invitingly flashing multi-colored lights). Agree, in a circle under the supervision of a leader, the child is safer.

Classes in a circle, sections are communication. Psychologists often recommend parents of a shy, shy child to enroll him in some kind of circle. Groups there are usually small, which means that the stress is not as great as, for example, at school, and it is not so scary to meet someone. As a rule, children in a circle are more similar to each other, because they have common interests. This makes it easier to establish friendships. In addition, for all children, a group in a circle is a model of society in miniature. A less formal setting provides more opportunities to try out different behaviors. And the need to achieve a common goal forces children to develop communication skills, learn to resolve conflicts, defend their opinions and find compromises.

formation of responsibility, independence. If a child wants to attend his favorite circle, then he must learn to remember and control many things at once. For example:

  • - remember the schedule of classes and be on time for them;
  • - remember, collect and bring everything you need for classes (a young dancer, for example, each time you need to bring a swimsuit, skirt, socks, special shoes, and even do a haircut);
  • - remember and independently complete the homework given by the leader (learn a song, draw a landscape, learn a dance step, practice doing sports exercise etc.); organize your time in such a way as to be in time for everything: go to school, do homework, help mom and dad, and chat with friends. For a child of seven or nine years old, this is a very difficult task. He still has neither "adult" willpower, nor "adult" memory, nor "adult" foresight and prudence. It is worth considering that a child will not learn all this if parents or grandparents do everything for him. It all depends on adults. You cannot do for the child the work that he is able to do (albeit at first and with effort) himself, if you want to use the potential of extracurricular activities. But to help the baby learn independence is simply necessary. We will talk about how to organize the time of a child attending extracurricular activities later.

Classes in a circle, sections contribute to the development of abilities. Several options are possible here:

  • - the first option: you know exactly what the child has abilities for. Then you give it to the section, the classes in which are aimed at their development;
  • - the second option: neither you nor the child have yet decided exactly what he wants and can do, or perhaps the child does not show pronounced talent in any particular area. It's okay: let him study in different circles, even change them periodically - in this case, his abilities will also develop. There are no children without talents. Therefore, it is possible that, by trying, you will find something that your son or daughter really has a penchant for. In any case, the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom will not be in vain: he will grow up as a diversified person, which, of course, will be useful to him in later life.

Classes in a circle, sections contribute raising self-esteem. By visiting a section that is really interesting to engage in, even the most insecure child will definitely succeed. Let small, but very important for him. This small victory will strengthen the child's faith in himself, in his strength. He will become more confident not only in situations of study in a circle, but also in life in general.

Methods sports training

In sports training, the term method should be understood as the method of using the main means of training and the set of techniques and rules for the activities of an athlete and coach.

In the process of sports training, two large groups methods:

  • 1) general pedagogical, including verbal and visual methods;
  • 2) practical, including the method of strictly regulated exercises, game and competitive methods.

The verbal methods used in sports training include storytelling, explanation, conversation, analysis, discussion, etc. They are most often used in a concise form, especially in the process of training qualified athletes, which is facilitated by special terminology, a combination of verbal and visual methods. The effectiveness of the training process largely depends on the skillful use of instructions, commands, comments, verbal assessments and explanations.

Visual methods used in sports practice include:

  • 1) methodologically correct demonstration of individual exercises and their elements, which is usually carried out by a coach or a qualified athlete;
  • 2) demonstration of educational films, video recordings of equipment motor actions involved, tactical schemes on the layouts of playgrounds and fields, etc.;
  • 3) the use of the simplest landmarks that limit the direction of movement, the distance covered, etc.;
  • 4) the use of light, sound and mechanical leading devices, including those with program control and feedback. These devices allow an athlete to obtain information about the tempo-rhythmic, spatial and dynamic characteristics of movements, and sometimes provide not only information about movements and their results, but also a forced correction of a motor action.

The methods of a strictly regulated exercise include methods that are mainly aimed at mastering sports equipment, and methods aimed primarily at the education of physical qualities.

Among the methods aimed primarily at the development of sports equipment, there are methods for learning exercises both as a whole (holistically constructive) and in parts (dissectedly constructive). The learning of movement as a whole is carried out during the development of relatively simple exercises, as well as complex movements, the division of which into parts is impossible. However, when mastering an integral movement, the attention of athletes is consistently focused on the rational fulfillment of individual elements of an integral motor act.

When learning more or less complex movements that can be divided into relatively independent parts, the development of sports equipment is carried out in parts. In the future, the integral implementation of motor actions will lead to the integration into a single whole of the previously mastered components of a complex exercise.

When using integrally constructive and dissected constructive methods, a large role is given to leading and imitation exercises. In simulation exercises, the general structure of the main exercises is preserved, however, when they are performed, conditions are provided that fly around the development of motor actions.

Among the methods aimed primarily at improving physical qualities, there are two main groups of methods - continuous and interval. Continuous methods are characterized by a single continuous execution of training work. Interval methods provide for the performance of exercises, both with regulated pauses and with involuntary rest pauses.

When using these methods, exercises can be performed both in a uniform (standard) and in a variable (variable) mode. With a uniform mode, the intensity of work is constant, with a variable - varying. The intensity of work from exercise to exercise can increase (progressive variant) or change repeatedly (variable variant).

Continuous training methods used in conditions of uniform and variable work are mainly used to increase aerobic capacity, develop special endurance for work of medium and long duration. Examples include rowing at distances of 5000 and 10000 m with constant and variable speed, running at distances of 5000 and 10000 m, both with uniform and variable intensity. These exercises will, as a rule, contribute to an increase in the aerobic productivity of athletes, the development of their endurance to long work, increasing its efficiency.

Possibilities continuous methods training in conditions of variable work is much more diverse. Depending on the duration of the parts of the exercises performed with greater or lesser intensity, the features of their combination, the intensity of work when performing individual parts, it is possible to achieve a predominant effect on the athlete's body in the direction of increasing speed capabilities, developing various components of endurance, improving particular abilities that determine the level sports achievements V various types sports.

In the case of using a varying variant, parts of the exercise performed at different intensities or with different intensities and varying durations can alternate. For example, when skating a distance of 8000 m (20 laps of 400 m), one lap is completed with a result of 45 s, the next one is free, at an arbitrary speed. Such training work will contribute to the education of special endurance, the formation of competitive technique. The progressive version of the load is associated with an increase in the intensity of work as the exercise is performed, and the downward one is associated with its decrease. So, swimming a distance of 500 m (the first hundred-meter segment is swum in 64 s, and each subsequent one is 2 s faster, i.e. in 62, 60, 58 and 56 s) is an example of using a progressive option. An example of a descending variant is skiing 20 km (4 laps of 5 km) with results of 20, 21, 22 to 23 minutes, respectively.

Widely used in sports practice and interval training methods (including repeated and combined). Performing a series of exercises of the same and different duration with constant and variable intensity and strictly regulated rest pauses is typical for these methods. Examples include typical series aimed at improving special endurance: 10 x400; 10 x 1000 m - in running and skating, in rowing. An example of a varying variant can serve as a series for improving sprint qualities in running: 3x60 m with maximum speed, rest - 3-5 minutes, 30 m - on the move with maximum speed, slow run-- 200 m. An example of a progressive variant is complexes that involve successive passage of segments of increasing length (running a series of 400 m + 800 m + 1200 m + 2000 m) or a standard length with increasing speed (six-fold swimming of an instance of 200 m with results of - 2 min 14 s; 2 min 12 s; 2 min 10 s; 2 min 08 s; 2 min 06 s; 2 min 04 s). The descending variant assumes the opposite combination: sequential performance of exercises of decreasing length or performance of exercises of the same duration with a gradual decrease in their intensity.

In one complex, progressive and descending variants can also be combined.

Exercises using interval methods can be performed in one or more series.

In the modes of continuous and interval work on sports, training, and circular method aimed at selective or complex improvement of physical qualities.

The game method is used in the process of sports training not only for primary education movements or selective influence on individual abilities, how much for the complex improvement of motor activity in complicated conditions. To the greatest extent, it allows you to improve such qualities and abilities as dexterity, resourcefulness, quick orientation, independence, and initiative. In the hands of a skilled teacher, it also serves as a very effective method of instilling collectivism, camaraderie, conscious discipline, and other moral qualities of the individual.

Equally important is its role as a means of active recreation, switching those involved in a different type. motor activity in order to accelerate and increase the efficiency of adaptation and recovery processes, maintain the previously achieved level of preparedness.

The gaming method is most often embodied in the form of various outdoor and sports games.

The competitive method involves a specially organized competitive activity, which in this case acts as the best way to improve the efficiency of the training process. Application this method is associated with high requirements for the technical-tactical, physical and mental capabilities of an athlete, causes profound changes in the activity of the most important systems of the body and thereby stimulates adaptation processes, provides an integral improvement of various aspects of the athlete's preparedness.

When using the competitive method, the conditions for conducting competitions should be widely varied in order to bring them as close as possible to those requirements that are most conducive to solving the tasks set.

Competitions can be held in complicated or easier conditions compared to the official ones.

Examples of complicating competition conditions include the following:

  • - competitions in mid-mountain conditions, hot climate, in bad weather conditions (strong headwind while running short distances, V cycling and so on.);
  • - competitions in sports games on smaller fields and grounds, with a larger number of players in the opposing team;
  • - conducting a series of bouts (in wrestling) or fights (in boxing) with relatively short rest breaks against several opponents;
  • - competitions in games and martial arts with "uncomfortable" opponents who use unusual technical and tactical schemes of wrestling.

Facilitation of the conditions of the competition can be provided:

  • - planning competitions at shorter distances in cyclical events;
  • - reduction in the duration of fights, fights in martial arts;
  • - simplification of the competitive program in complex coordination types;
  • - the use of lightweight projectiles in athletics throwing;
  • - reducing the height of the net in volleyball, the height of the ring in basketball;
  • - using a "handicap", in which a weaker participant is given a certain advantage - he starts a little ahead (or earlier) of other participants, gains an advantage in abandoned pucks or balls (in sports games), etc.

It should be noted that all of the above methods of sports training are used in various combinations. Each method is not used in a standard way, but is constantly adapted to specific requirements due to the peculiarities of sports practice. When choosing methods, it is necessary to ensure that they strictly correspond to the tasks set, the age and gender characteristics of athletes, their qualifications and preparedness, general didactic principles, as well as special principles of sports training.

Dosing of physical activity

Dosing loads means dividing them into proportions, determining the dimensions of a single repeated use. Indicators of the magnitude of the load when performing individual exercises are the duration and intensity of work.

Physiological indicators of loads that can be used by a teacher in the practice of work are the heart rate of students, their objective feelings of difficulties in work and external manifestations of reactions to the load.

Regarding the choice of loads, the following should be noted:

  • 1. The training effect of the load should be proportional to its intensity and duration.
  • 2. To raise physical performance schoolchildren, it is necessary to increase the load from lesson to lesson. If this is not done, the performance will remain at the same level or even gradually decrease.
  • 3. When exercising with children, it is recommended to increase the volume of the load, first due to the duration, and then due to the intensity.
  • 4. In a series of classes, you can increase the load gradually, stepwise or in waves.
  • 5. The total load of a series of exercises should correspond to the ability of children to adapt. Weak loads are ineffective, while excessive loads are harmful, so you need to look for the optimal level, gradually observing the reaction of schoolchildren.

Uglov Ivan Vladimirovich
Job title: physical culture teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "OOSH №98"
Locality: city ​​of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region
Material name: article
Subject:"Model of physical education sports activities At school"
Publication date: 12.01.2018
Chapter: secondary education

Model of physical culture and sports activities at school

physical culture and sports


involves the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process and
















Model of physical culture and sports activities at school (Fig. 1).

Let's describe this model.







the need for systematic physical education and sports.





culture and sports.

Promotion and introduction to a healthy lifestyle of students.



on one's own


physical education,





your rest.

Formation of skills and development of motivation of students to choose

healthy lifestyle.


physical culture and sports


should be aimed at solving tasks:




strengthening the physical and mental health learning means

physical culture and sports;

















exercise, sports

Target: maintaining and strengthening the health of students, raising the need for systematic physical education and sports; promotion and familiarization with a healthy lifestyle of students; education of the need and ability to independently engage in physical education, use various sport games in organizing your vacation; additional education students in the field of physical culture and sports; formation of skills and development of motivation of students to choose a healthy lifestyle.

Fig.1 Model of physical culture and sports activities at school






taking into account his individual abilities, state of health and motivation;

4) further development of the system of sports sections, associations and

5) carrying out measures to prevent antisocial behavior

students by means of physical culture and sports;





mass work; equipping the training process with sports

equipment and inventory.

The implementation of the model must be subject to certain functions.

Functions physical culture and sports activities at school are:

Educational - education of respect for health;

Educational - teaching the norms of a healthy lifestyle;

Developing - the development of inclinations and inclinations to various types

sports, formation and improvement of motor skills.







main principles content selection



physical culture and sports

school activities:









educational space.





community in the educational process, contributing to the solution of goals and

tasks of an educational institution.











building a culture of health.





stimulates mutual understanding between teachers, parents and children, which

ensures the unity of school and family.









health-saving activities, value attitude to health and

means of human activity to strengthen it, which should become the basis

to implement the model of physical culture and sports activities at school.

The organization of physical culture and sports work includes six

major directions. Let's consider each of them.






conducting physical education lessons at school should implement the decision

the following tasks:

1. Health promotion, posture improvement;

2. Promoting harmonic physical development;

3. Mastering the school of movements;





differentiation of spatial, temporal and force parameters

movements, balance, rhythm, speed, accuracy of response to signals,

coordination of movements, orientation in space) and conditional

abilities (speed, speed-strength, endurance and flexibility);

5. Development of ideas about the main sports, equipment and

inventory, compliance with safety regulations during classes;





exercises, outdoor games, their use in free time on








7. Education of discipline, friendly attitude






physical exercise;






memory, thinking, etc.) during motor activity.

2) Bulk physical culture and sports work.

the most important


u h e b n o -










natural need for movement. Sports competitions must

contribute to attracting people to physical education as much as possible




dealing with

physical education








of different ages, as well as parents, and active participation in competitions

fans. Outdoor games are a necessary, vital relaxation,

satisfies the natural need of children for active movement,

thirst for activity, competition.

Sport games - important tool development of agility, speed,

strength, perseverance, the ability to act in the interests of the team, the ability to





competition causes the audience to strive to become the same dexterous and

courageous, contributes to the rallying of the team of teachers and students, the transfer

the experience of the older generation to the younger, makes it possible to re-evaluate

their attitude to learning, their mental and physical development.

3) Promotion of healthy lifestyles.




a jewel for which it is really worth not only to spare no effort,

time, but also to give up bad habits. Every child should

know that a healthy lifestyle is the most reliable means of preserving and

health promotion.

4) Joint work of family and school to raise a healthy


Let's remember



V. Sukhomlinsky:





school and family.





health of students. The relationship between family and school is important for everyone

stages of student life, but they have a special acuteness, special significance in

the first years of the child's stay in the institution. Between school and family

it is necessary to establish friendly, partnership relations. School and family in


bring up

children, but also take care to create all the conditions for a joyful,

creative and healthy life.




r a m k a x

physical culture and sports activities at school, including:

1. Organization of the work of school sports sections:

Basketball for girls in grades 5-9;

Football for boys grades 5-9;

Tennis for boys grades 7-9;

Volleyball for boys grades 8-9.

2. Organization of work of sports sections:

Volleyball for girls in grades 8-9;

Tourism for students in grades 4-5;

Rhythmic gymnastics for students in grades 1-2.



at h and shch and m and s i,

aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle: lectures, class hours,






bad habits, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, visual agitation,

consultations on all health issues, including such forms

work, as individual, group, collective.

Thus, based on the above, the following can be done

1. The model of physical culture and sports activities of the school allows




physical culture and sports


Health saving











physical culture and sports

school activities.

3. Most importantly, for the implementation of the model, it is necessary to comply with

four positions of the life of participants in the educational process:

rewarding relationships;

a high degree of participation of teaching staff;

clarity and transparency;















health promotion.