Medical supervision during physical education. Medical control, its goals and objectives Medical control during physical education

Regular classes exercise and sports have complex and diverse effects on the human body. Properly organized classes physical education improve physical development, increase physical fitness and performance of the human body. Regular physical activity helps to increase the body's resistance to adverse factors of the external and internal environment, strengthen the immune system.

At the same time, the illiterate organization of classes, the lack of medical supervision and medical recommendations on the organization of the training process, can adversely affect the health of students and lead to negative training results.

To exclude the negative impact of physical exercises, it is necessary to regularly undergo a medical examination and conduct self-monitoring during physical exercises.

Medical control in physical education and sports

includes a comprehensive program of medical supervision for individuals involved in physical education and sports, with the aim of promoting the most effective application means of physical education for health promotion, improvement physical development and physical fitness, as well as the achievement of high sports results.

The purpose of medical control in the process of physical education - to promote the maximum use of the means of physical culture and sports to improve the health of those involved, increase the functional capabilities and overall performance of the body, achieve high sports results.

Medical control at the university is carried out in the following forms: 1) regular medical surveys involved;

2) medical and pedagogical observations for those involved during classes, sports and recreational activities and competitions;

3) sanitary supervision for the places and conditions for conducting physical education and sports, sports and recreational activities

and sports competitions;

4) medical service sports competitions and mass sports and health events;

All those involved in physical education must pass medical


Primary - before the start of classes; - repeated - for those involved in sports and recreation groups;

groin - once a year, for those involved in sports, depending on the characteristics of the sport and the qualifications of athletes - 3-4 times a year;

Additional - before sports competitions, after illnesses, injuries and long breaks in physical exercises, as well as in the direction of a teacher of physical education, a coach and at the request of the student himself. Without an additional medical examination, on the basis of only a primary or repeated examination, those involved can only be allowed to participate in mass physical culture and sports events held within the university.

Medical examination provides for a survey of people involved in physical education and sports, as well as starting classes for the first time. The survey methodology (short or in-depth) and its frequency are determined by the contingent of those involved (their age, gender, sports qualifications) and the nature of the classes (curriculum, recreational and therapeutic physical education, sports training).

The survey according to a brief methodology is carried out among persons involved in the compulsory program of physical education in educational institutions, in groups of general physical training, in physical education teams

acceptances, organizations, as well as among beginner athletes and sportsmen. The examination is carried out by doctors - specialists in medical control, doctors - therapists of district clinics, health centers of educational institutions, first-aid posts of stadiums, swimming pools and others. sports facilities.

The frequency of the survey is at least once a year. At the same time, the examination of students is timed to coincide with the beginning school year. Repeated surveys during the year are carried out according to indications, before competitions and when complaints appear.

During the medical examination of students, methods of clinical examination and functional diagnostics are used, as well as special techniques and tests developed in sports medicine.

Based on the data of a medical examination, the subjects involved in the program of physical education are divided into three medical groups: basic, preparatory and special.

IN main medical group enroll persons who do not have deviations in the state of health, with sufficient physical fitness. They are allowed to study in full curriculum, classes in sports sections and participation in competitions.

IN preparatory medical group include persons with minor deviations in health status and insufficient physical fitness. They are engaged in the same program, but with some limitation (in the initial period) and a more gradual increase in loads; the issue of participation in competitions in each case is decided individually.

IN special medical team includes persons with significant

cloning in a state of health or a very low level of physical fitness. Group classes for such persons can be held only on special program medical physical culture.

To ensure constant monitoring of the physical condition of students involved in physical education and sports, the development of functional

natural opportunities, it is necessary to exercise self-control, the data of which significantly supplement the information obtained during medical control.

Self-control is regular independent monitoring of the state of their health, physical development, and the effect of physical exercises and sports on the body.

Self-control data are recorded in a diary, in which it is recommended to regularly record subjective and objective self-control data (Table 3.1). When doing physical education according to the curriculum and self-study, you can limit yourself to such subjective indicators as well-being, sleep, appetite, pain and objective ones - heart rate (HR), body weight, training loads, violation of the regime, sports results.


1. Self-control in the process of physical education and in sports………………………………………………………………………………….5

1.1 Objective indicators……………………………………………………6

1.2 Subjective data………………………………………………………7

2. Pedagogical control, the content of pedagogical control ... .12

3. Medical control……………………………………………………...14


List of used sources…………………………………….…...17


A person as a person is formed in the process of social life: in study, work, in communication with people. Physical culture and sports contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

Moral education. In the classroom, training, and especially during sports competitions, students endure great physical and moral stress: a rapidly changing environment, the opponent's resistance, the dependence of the result of sports competitions on the efforts of each team member, the ability to subordinate their interests to the interests of the team, respectful attitude towards the opponent contribute to the formation they have such character traits as willpower, courage, self-control, determination, self-confidence, endurance, discipline.

Mental education. In physical culture and sports, students acquire knowledge about rational ways of performing motor actions, about the use of acquired skills in life, learn the rules of hardening the body, mandatory hygiene requirements.

Observation, attention, perception develop, the level of stability of mental performance increases.

Studies show that physical exercises contribute to the improvement of the sense organs, muscle-motor sensitivity, visual and auditory perception, the development of memory, especially visual-motor.

Labor education. The essence of labor education lies in the systematic and planned development of the qualities and properties of the personality that determine the preparation of a person for life, for socially useful work. Diligence is also brought up directly in the process of doing physical exercises and sports, when those involved in order to achieve maximum results, overcoming fatigue, repeatedly perform physical exercises.

Aesthetic education. In physical culture and sports, there are great opportunities for the aesthetic education of a person, the development of the ability to perceive, feel and correctly understand the beauty in actions, in the beauty of the perfect forms of the human body, in the movements of a gymnast, acrobat, diver, figure skater brought to the level of art. Performing exercises to music in rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating contributes to the development of musical culture. Hiking, climbing, sailing and other sports allow you to understand and feel the beauty in nature.

The connection between physical exercises and aesthetic education has a dual character, since it allows not only to form an outwardly beautiful image, but also to influence the education of moral and volitional qualities, ethical norms and behavior in society at the same time.

1. Self-control in the process of physical education and in sports

Medical control and medical and pedagogical supervision will give best result if they are supplemented by self-control.

Self-control is an essential addition to medical control. It is carried out by the practitioners themselves. To do this, each of them must keep a diary of self-control.

Self-control allows you to timely establish the presence of certain deviations in the state of health of those involved, take the necessary measures to eliminate them. At the same time, self-control allows the doctor to conduct regular current control, and the coach to make certain changes to the training plans.

Its main advantage lies in the fact that those engaged in daily self-observation can visually feel the beneficial effect of physical exercises on their health.

Students must be taught to keep a diary of self-control from the very beginning of classes in a group. At the same time, the goals and objectives of self-control are covered in detail, the significance of individual indicators of objective and subjective data is revealed.

1.1. Objective indicators

Height is an important indicator of physical development. But it must be considered in conjunction with body mass, circumference chest, VC (spirometry). Growth measurement is of great importance for calculating indicators characterizing the correctness, proportionality of the physique and the state of physical development.

Body weight is one of the main characteristics of the physical condition of a person and is an indicator of the development of his body. The body weight of a person is normally determined by subtracting conventional values ​​​​from growth indicators (in cm).

Chest circumference. A well-developed chest is an indicator of good physical development and a well-known guarantee of good health. The circumference of the chest is examined at rest (in a pause), while inhaling and exhaling.

The difference between inhalation and exhalation is called chest excursion. The latter depends on the development of the respiratory muscles and the type of breathing.

Muscular strength of the hands. Arm muscle strength is measured with a dynamometer. The muscle strength of the arms depends on height, body weight, chest circumference and other indicators. On average, the relative strength of the arm muscles for men is 60--70% of the weight, for women - 45--50% of the weight. The back muscle strength is the strength of the extensor muscles of the back. It depends on gender, age, body weight, occupation of those involved. In men, the backbone muscle strength is significantly higher than in women. With age, it begins to fall.

Spirometry. VC is the volume of air that can be exhaled from the lungs, characterizing mainly the strength of the respiratory muscles, as well as the elasticity of the lung tissue.

Pulse. The level of training of a person and his performance largely depend on the functional ability of the cardiovascular system.

Each person has their own pulse rate. At rest, in a healthy untrained man, it is usually 60-80 beats / min, in women it is 5-10 beats more often.

The pulse rate depends on age, body position, level of physical activity, etc. During physical exercise, the pulse always rises.

Sweating. With great muscular work, sweating contributes to the establishment of acid-base balance, regulates body temperature and is the main indicator of normal water-salt metabolism.

Sweating depends not only on the load and air temperature, but also on the condition nervous system.

With the right technique and training regimen, sweating is reduced, and body weight hardly changes.

1. 2. Subjective data

Mood plays a big role in a person's life. Greater efficiency of the training process contributes to a good mood.

But sports, physical culture, in turn, improve mood, cause feelings of cheerfulness, joy, self-confidence.

When a person is in good shape, he perceives the world around him in a completely different way.

Well-being. Under the influence of regular physical exercises and sports, the whole body is rebuilt. So, the work of the heart, lungs and other internal organs accompanied by nerve impulses. Under normal conditions, these impulses do not reach the cerebral cortex and do not cause appropriate reactions that turn into sensations. This is why healthy people usually do not feel their heart, lungs, liver, etc.

Well-being is a kind of barometer of the influence of physical exercises on the body of those involved. Excessive loads are accompanied by poor health. If it persists for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor and reduce the load.

Fatigue, fatigue, decreased performance are directly related to the state of the human nervous system. This is a complex physiological process that begins in the higher parts of the nervous system and affects other systems and organs of the human body.

Night sleep cannot be replaced by anything. Its essence lies in a kind of delay in the activity of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex by the process of inhibition. The depth and duration of sleep depends on many factors.

Sleep should be sufficient and regular, but not less than 7 hours, and with large physical exertion - 8-9 hours.

It is good to go for a walk before going to bed. fresh air. At the same time, food should be taken for the last time no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime; strong tea and coffee should not be included in dinner; Smoking at night is strictly prohibited.

Appetite. During physical activity, the metabolism is more active.

In the first days of classes, body weight decreases, as the body's reserves are consumed: the accumulated fat "melts" and water is lost, but at the same time appetite develops. It is well known that the appetite is unstable, it is easily disturbed in case of ailments, illness, but then it is restored again.

Often, with violations of the training regimen, increased load, overstrain, appetite is lost. This allows you to judge the correctness or incorrectness of the training methodology.

In the self-control diary, appetite is noted as good, satisfactory, and poor.

Palpitations are the sensation of frequent and strong blows heart associated with poor health. In this case, the pulse quickens or slows down, i.e., it is non-rhythmic.

The time of occurrence of the heartbeat, its nature, duration, degree of connection with training sessions should be noted in the diary of self-control.

Headaches most often occur with various diseases. In addition, headaches and dizziness can be caused by fatigue, excessive physical activity and so on.

Sometimes headaches and dizziness appear during exercise. Self-control is especially important here, which will help to find out after which exercises and when they appear, to determine their duration.

Dyspnea. The work of the heart is closely related to the activity of the lungs. Therefore, the weakening of the heart muscle entails a violation of blood circulation in the lungs, reduces their ventilation, i.e., the exchange between the lung and outside air. As a result, a lack of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide are formed in the blood, which irritates the respiratory center, causing shortness of breath.

Shortness of breath is rapid breathing. It is accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing. Any energetic work, physical exercises cause rapid breathing, i.e., shortness of breath. After great physical exertion, shortness of breath is considered a normal phenomenon. In this case, the number of breaths can double and even triple. As training increases, shortness of breath disappears and breathing quickly returns to normal.

Pain in the muscles. Often in the preparatory period of a lesson or in people who have just started physical education, muscle pains appear. As a rule, these pains last for two to three weeks and are evidence of an active restructuring of the body.

In physical culture all year round, these pains are not observed, and after heavy physical exertion, their muscles quickly restore their performance. Massage, application of various medicines help relieve muscle pain faster.

Pain in the side. They are noted in the right hypochondrium - in the region of the liver or in the left - in the region of the spleen after great physical exertion. By their nature, these are dull pains.

The appearance of pain in the left hypochondrium is due to the overflow of the spleen with blood, in the right hypochondrium - overflow of the liver with blood.

Observation of sports results is the most important point of self-control, which allows assessing the correctness of the use of means and methods of training, training loads.

2. Pedagogical control, content of pedagogical control

Pedagogical control is a systematic process of obtaining information about physical condition engaged in physical culture and sports. It is carried out in order to check how much the pedagogical impact corresponds to the increase in the effectiveness of scientific training sessions.

Tasks of pedagogical control:

Evaluate the effectiveness of the means and methods of training used;

Execute the training plan;

Establish control standards that evaluate the physical, technical, tactical, theoretical fitness of athletes;

Reveal the dynamics of the development of sports results and predict the achievements of individual athletes;

Select talented athletes.

Monitoring attendance at classes;

Control over the state of those involved;

Control over exercise technique; Accounting for sports results;

Behavioral control during the competition.

5. Types of pedagogical control

1) Staged - to assess the state of sports, technical and tactical training of those involved at a particular stage.

2) Current - to determine daily changes in the preparation of those involved.

3) Operational - express assessment of the state in which the student is currently engaged.

The main thing in pedagogical control is to assess the psychophysical state of those involved in physical culture. * Experts distinguish three types of states:

1. Permanent, lasting for a long period of time (condition sportswear organism, the level of its training).

2. Current, with changes in the process of one or more classes (a state of increased or decreased efficiency).

3. Operative, changing under the influence of specific physical exercises (fatigue after a single run of a distance or increased performance after a warm-up).

The methods of pedagogical control include: questioning students and trainers - teachers; analysis of the working documentation of the training process; pedagogical observations during classes, registration of functional and other indicators characterizing the activity of a person engaged in physical exercises directly in the classroom;

3. Medical control

Medical control is a comprehensive medical examination of the physical development and functional fitness of those involved in physical culture and sports.

It is aimed at studying the state of health and the impact on the body of regular physical activity. The main form of medical control is a medical examination.

The frequency of medical control or examination depends on qualifications, as well as on sports. Students undergo a medical examination at the beginning of the academic year, athletes - 2 times a year.

Medical control at the university is carried out in the following forms:

regular medical examinations and control of those involved in physical exercises and sports;

medical and pedagogical observations of students during classes and competitions;

sanitary and hygienic control over places, conditions of classes and competitions;

Sanitary and educational work, promotion of physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle life;

prevention of sports injuries and diseases;

implementation of complex and restoration measures.

Medical examination is divided into primary, repeated, additional.

Primary - is carried out to resolve the issue of admission to regular exercise and sports.

Repeated - is carried out to make sure how much the volume and intensity of the load correspond to the state of health, as well as in order to correct the training process.


For each person, and for society as a whole, there is no greater value than health.
Physical education is an integral part of human life. It occupies a rather important place in the study and work of people. Physical exercise plays a significant role in the working capacity of members of society, which is why knowledge and skills in physical culture should be incorporated into educational institutions different levels step by step. Higher educational institutions also play a significant role in the upbringing and teaching of physical culture, where teaching should be based on clear methods, methods that together line up in a well-organized and well-established methodology for teaching and educating students.

Self-control instills in the student a competent and meaningful attitude towards his health and physical exercises, helps to know himself better, teaches him to take care of his own health, stimulates the development of sustainable hygiene skills and compliance with sanitary norms and rules. Self-control helps to regulate the process of training and prevent the state of overwork. Of particular importance is self-control for students of a special medical group.

List of sources used

1. Gusalov A. Kh. "Physical and recreational group", 1997

2. Dembo A. G. "Medical control in sports", 1998

3. Reshetnikov N. V., Yu. L. Kislitsin "Physical Literature", 2001

4. “Physical culture of the student. / Under the editorship of V.I. Ilyinich.- M.: Gardariki, 2003.

5. Theory and methods of physical education. Textbook for in-t nat. culture. Under the general editorship. L.P. Matveeva and F.D. Novikov. Ed. 2nd, rev. And extra. (In 2-hour volumes). M., "Physical culture and sport", 1976.

6. Fundamentals of sports training. Textbook for in-t nat. culture. Edited by L.P. Matveev. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1977.

7. Physiotherapy exercises and medical control: Textbook edited by V.A. Epifanov, G.L. Apanasenko. - M.: Medicine, 1990.

8. sports medicine: Proc. for in-t nat. cult./Ed. V.L. Karpman. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987.

9. Sports medicine /Ed. A.V. Chogovadze, L.A. Butchenko. - M.: Medicine.

Therapeutic physical culture (LFK) - This is a therapeutic method, the main means of which are physical exercises used for therapeutic and therapeutic purposes in case of injuries and various diseases. Exercise therapy, along with the main task (restoration of impaired functions), brings up the speed of reaction, strength, endurance, dexterity, coordination and helps to quickly return to social and labor activities after an illness. Exercise therapy is used in combination with a properly organized regimen in clinical, outpatient, sanatorium and resort practice and at home.
Physical exercise changes body reactivity: primarily affect the central nervous system, causing a change in the mobility of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex; correct the functions of the main body systems (blood circulation, respiration, etc.), metabolic processes; contribute to their compensation; affect the emotional state of the patient, distract from the thought of the disease, cause a feeling of cheerfulness and confidence.

The main means of physical therapy - complexes of physical exercises - are divided into gymnastic, sports and applied (swimming, rowing, skiing, skating, etc.), outdoor and sports games. They are used in combination with natural factors of nature (air, water, sun), which are most fully used in the conditions of spa treatment. Of the complex of funds, gymnastic exercises are most often prescribed in the form of therapeutic exercises. When appointing a patient to self-study at home, special recommendations are given for self-control. Gymnastic exercises classified: a) according to the anatomical principle - for small muscle groups(hands, feet, face), medium (muscles of the neck, arms, lower legs, muscles of the perineum), large (muscles of the thigh, abdomen, back); b) by activity (Fig. 1) - passive and active; the latter can be free, lightweight (in water, on a sliding surface, etc.), with effort, for relaxation, etc.; c) according to the specific principle - respiratory, preparatory, corrective, in throwing, balance, resistance, with projectiles, crawling, climbing, jumping, jumping, hanging and resting, etc.

Medical control is a system of medical research conducted jointly by a doctor and a coach (teacher) to determine the impact of training loads on the body of a student.

The organization of all work on therapeutic physical culture is assigned to a specialist doctor and an instructor (methodologist) with the involvement of medical personnel (doctors, nurses) of a medical institution. Medical and physical education dispensaries of a district, city, region carry out methodological guidance of all parts of medical and preventive institutions where specialists in medical physical education work.
The duties of a medical specialist in physical therapy include: conducting examinations of patients scheduled for classes before, after, and sometimes during treatment; determination of the methodology of classes (forms, means, dosage of physical exercises); supervising the work of instructors (methodologists); consultations of doctors of other specialties on the issues of therapeutic physical culture, organization and conduct of sanitary and educational work among the sick and healthy population. The doctor must be present at the classes with patients and exercise medical and pedagogical control over them.
The duties of the instructor (methodologist) include: organizing and conducting classes therapeutic gymnastics(individual and group) in wards, offices or halls of therapeutic physical culture, on sports grounds; organization and holding of mass sports events with those involved, including health groups.
The doctor and the instructor (methodist) maintain the established documentation (form No. 42, records in the medical history), conduct anthropometric and other studies, analyzing the effectiveness of treatment, compose a complex and schemes of therapeutic exercises.
The scheme of therapeutic gymnastics classes is developed in relation to the main groups of the disease (without taking into account the principle of individualization) in the following form: 1) parts of the lesson; 2) the serial number of the group of exercises; 3) initial position of the patient; 4) content of parts; 5) dosage (number of repetitions) of exercises in each group; 6) target setting, guidelines.
Approximate sets of exercises with therapeutic exercises should correspond to the content of the scheme, meet the principle of an individual approach to the patient and be compiled according to the specified form.
The doctor of medical physical culture is responsible for providing the necessary equipment for the places where classes are held, and the instructor (methodist) is a financially responsible person.
In hospitals and polyclinics, a hall for holding group lessons for therapeutic physical culture should have an area of ​​​​at least 30-40 m 2, a room for individual classes - 20 m 2. In addition, a doctor's office, a shower room, a dressing room, and a pantry are required. Sports grounds are equipped for outdoor activities.
In rehabilitation departments, sanatoriums and resorts, the hall should be about 60 m 2 in area. It is also desirable to have occupational therapy workshops, health path routes, swimming pools, ski and water stations, skating rinks, beaches and other facilities.
The hall should have gymnastic wall(several spans), gymnastic benches, simulators, inclined planes, couches, a table with a smooth surface (to restore mobility in the finger joints in case of traumatic and neurological diseases), block installations, basketball baskets, a large mirror, toys and various devices for restoring mobility in joints of the fingers and hand.
In the office (department) of therapeutic physical culture there should be measuring instruments: a height meter, scales, a centimeter tape, goniometers, dynamometers (dead and manual), tonometers, myotonometers, a thick compass, a spirometer, etc. diseases and injuries, sets of exercises for self-study.

Questions for self-preparation:

1. Define exercise therapy

2. Who appoints physical therapy classes?

3. What is taken into account when choosing exercise therapy, means and methods?

4. What is the main value of human life?

5. What means do you know in exercise therapy?

6. What is medical supervision?

7. What are the duties of a specialist in exercise therapy?

8. What is trauma?

9. What is a disease?

10. How do they influence exercise therapy exercises to the central nervous system?

Test on topic 1: "Basics of medical supervision during exercise therapy"

IN 1

1. What is "exercise therapy"?

A) walking, exercise equipment

2. What is the main value in life?

and money

b) health

in a trip

d) beauty

3. Who appoints physical therapy classes?

a) an actor

b) driver

c) a doctor

d) a plumber

4. Define the concept of "exercise therapy tools."

A) healing factors such as gymnastic exercise, exercise in water, walking, exercise on simulators

b) part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activity aimed at promoting health

V) health science, a branch of medicine that studies the influence of various environmental factors (natural and living conditions, social production relations) on human health

G) a method of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases, which consists in the use of specially selected physical exercises and the establishment of proper breathing

5. What is taken into account when choosing the means and methods of exercise therapy?

c) age and weight of the patient

d) sex and age of the patient

6. What is "Medical control"?

A) healing factors such as gymnastic exercise, exercise in water, walking, exercise on simulators

b) part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activity aimed at promoting health

G) a method of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases, which consists in the use of specially selected physical exercises and the establishment of proper breathing

7. What is "Physical Education"?

A) healing factors such as gymnastic exercise, exercise in water, walking, exercise on simulators

b) part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activity aimed at promoting health

V) health science, a branch of medicine that studies the influence of various environmental factors (natural and living conditions, social production relations) on human health

G) a method of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases, which consists in the use of specially selected physical exercises and the establishment of proper breathing

8. The main forms of exercise therapy are…..?

a) morning exercises, physical exercises, walks, etc.

b) treatment with pills, massages and relaxation

c) bed rest and healthy eating

d) healthy eating, rest, pills and massages.

9. Do physical therapy exercises affect the central nervous system?

a) yes

b) no

c) not always

d) depending on the exercises

10. In what areas is exercise therapy widely used?

a) in traumatology, orthopedics, pulmonology

b) in the complex treatment of various pathologies in children (diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory systems s, rheumatism).

d) in all of the above

AT 2

1. What is taken into account when choosing means and methods in exercise therapy?

a) the size of the torso, head, step length of the patient

b) features of the disease and the patient's condition at the moment

c) age and weight of the patient

d) sex and age of the patient

2. What is "Medical control"?

A) healing factors such as gymnastic exercise, exercise in water, walking, exercise on simulators

b) part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activity aimed at promoting health

V) a system of medical research conducted jointly by a doctor and a coach (teacher) to determine the impact of training loads on the body of a student.

G) a method of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases, which consists in the use of specially selected physical exercises and the establishment of proper breathing

3. What are the main values ​​in a person's life?

and money

b) health

in a trip

d) beauty

4. Who appoints physical therapy classes?

a) an actor

b) driver

It includes a comprehensive program of medical supervision for people involved in physical culture and sports in order to promote the most effective use of physical education to improve health, improve physical development and physical fitness, and achieve high sports results.

Medical control is carried out by medical and physical education dispensaries, as well as medical control rooms in polyclinics, medical units of enterprises and organizations, universities and other educational institutions, at voluntary sports societies, at stadiums and other sports facilities.

Medical supervision includes:

  • 1) medical examination:
  • 2) medical and pedagogical observations;
  • 3) medical and sports consultation;
  • 4) sanitary and hygienic supervision of the places and conditions for conducting physical education and sports, as well as competitions;
  • 5) hygienic education of athletes and athletes;
  • 6) medical and sanitary provision of sports competitions and mass sports and recreation events.

A medical examination provides for an examination of people involved in physical education and sports, as well as starting classes for the first time.

The examination is carried out by doctors - specialists in V. to.

The frequency of the examination is at least once a year. At the same time, the examination of pupils and students is timed to coincide with the beginning of the academic year. During medical examination of athletes and athletes, methods of clinical examination and functional diagnostics are used, as well as special techniques and tests developed in sports medicine.

Brief examination includes: history taking, physical examination, measurements of height, chest circumference, determination of body weight, lung capacity, muscle strength, clinical blood and urine tests, functional tests with physical activity. When examining middle-aged and elderly people, in particular, before enrolling in groups of general physical training, an electrocardiographic study and a biochemical blood test are additionally performed.

Based on the data of a medical examination, the subjects involved in the program of physical education are divided into three medical groups: basic, preparatory and special.

The main medical group enrolls persons who do not have deviations in the state of health, with sufficient physical fitness.

The preparatory medical group includes persons with minor deviations in the state of health and insufficient physical training.

The special medical group includes people with significant deviations in health status or a very low level of physical fitness.

Medical and pedagogical observations conducted by a sports doctor together with a coach or teacher directly in the process of training and competition are an important link in V. to. physical fitness, adaptive changes in the body in the process of regular sports, to determine the degree of fitness.

Medical and sports consultation on issues related to physical education and sports is carried out by a doctor - a specialist in V. to. For beginners, medical and sports consultation helps to make right choice exercise or sport.

Sanitary and hygienic supervision over the places and conditions for physical education and sports, as well as competitions, includes preventive supervision in the design and construction of sports facilities or the allocation of special premises for classes, as well as current supervision over the implementation of established sanitary rules for maintaining places of employment.

Preventive supervision is carried out by a representative of the district SES together with a doctor from a medical and sports dispensary. Current supervision is carried out by the doctor of the relevant sports organization.

Hygiene education is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. The doctor of a polyclinic or an outpatient clinic in his professional activity contributes to the development of physical culture, explaining to the population the role of a rational daily routine, including regular classes physical culture and sports, as well as elements of hardening.

Medical and sanitary provision of sports competitions and mass forms of health-improving and physical culture work is organized by medical and physical education dispensaries or territorial health care institutions. It includes: verification of medical documentation on admission to participation in competitions; providing first aid for injuries or illnesses and, if necessary, hospitalization of the victims; checking the sanitary and hygienic condition of the place and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules for holding competitions

Medical control is a comprehensive medical examination of the physical development and functional fitness of those involved in physical exercises. The purpose of medical control is to study the state of health and the effect of physical activity on the body.

The main form of medical control is medical survey, which makes it possible to timely identify deviations in the state of health, as well as plan training loads in such a way as not to harm the health of those involved.

Primary examination provided before the start of classes. physical education(on the 1st course).

A re-examination is necessary once a year, and for those involved in sports, depending on the type of sport and the qualifications of athletes - 3-4 times a year. Students classified for health reasons to a special medical group must undergo a second medical examination at least once a semester.

Additional medical examinations prevent participation in sports competitions students, competitive load for whom it could have a negative impact on their health; establish the most effective mode of exercise and rest; determine the state of health and functional readiness at the moment.

Future participants of the competition must undergo an additional medical examination 2-3 days before the start of the competition. Participants in mass physical culture and sports events held within the university, as well as participants in competitions in shooting, chess, checkers, etc. may be admitted to the competition based on the results of the initial or re-examination, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of undergoing an additional examination on their own initiative.

It is necessary to appear for a medical examination 1.5 hours after eating and 2 hours or more after physical exercises or heavy physical work.

The program of medical examination provides for Physical Education: Textbook / Ed. V.A. Golovina, V.A. Maslyak, A.V. Korobkova and others - M .: Higher. school, 1993. - S. 51 .:

general and sports history of students to obtain personal data, information about past diseases and injuries, features of physical development, bad habits, forms of physical exercise, etc.;

external examination;

anthropometric measurements;

examination of the nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, abdominal organs, etc.;

conducting a functional test.

External inspection. With the help of an external examination, posture, the condition of the skin, skeleton and muscles, and fat deposition are evaluated.

To characterize the physique is determined chest shape conical, cylindrical or flattened), back, abdomen (normal, pendulous or retracted), legs And stop ( normal or flattened).

The normal shape of the back has natural curves of the spine in the anterior-posterior direction, within 3-4 cm in relation to the vertical axis, respectively, in the lumbar and thoracic parts spine. An increase in the posterior curvature of the spine more than 4 cm is called kyphosis, forward - lordosis. With insufficient development of the back muscles, its round shape is observed, in which there is a pronounced kyphosis of the chest of the spine (stoop). Lateral curvature of the spine - scoliosis should not be normal. Scoliosis is thoracic, lumbar, total, and in the direction - left - or right-sided and S-shaped. Sometimes there are simultaneous curvature of the spine back and to the right (or left), which are called kyphoscoliosis. One of the main causes of curvature of the spine is insufficient musculature of the trunk or incorrect position when working at the table.

According to the results of an external examination, the type of addition of a person is determined. Distinguish asthenic ( long and thin limbs, narrow shoulders, long and thin neck, long, narrow and flat chest, poorly developed muscles), normasthenic ( proportionately developed basic body shapes) and hypersthenic types ( short limbs, massive skeletal system, short and thick neck, wide, short chest, well-developed muscles).

At student age, with the help of specially selected exercises, some undesirable deviations in the physique can be eliminated Gorodilin S.K. Physical education of students. - Grodno: GrGU, 2002. - S. 40 ..

Anthropometric measurements. According to anthropometric data, the level and characteristics of physical development, the degree of its correspondence to the sex and age of a person are assessed. Measure:

height ( length) body standing and sitting (determining growth with the help of a height meter, it should be borne in mind that the length of the body changes during the day, decreasing in the evening or after physical exertion);

body weight;

chest circumference ( measured in three states: at maximum inhalation, during a pause and at maximum exhalation; the difference between the circumference of the chest during inhalation and exhalation is called chest excursion, its average value equal to 5-7 cm);

vital capacity (VC) measured with a spirometer (average VC for men is 3800 - 4200 cm3, for women - 3000 - 3500 cm3);

hand muscle strength using a dynamometer (the dynamometer is taken in the hand with the arrow towards the palm and compressed with maximum force, while the hand is moved slightly to the side; of the three measurements, the best result in kilograms is taken into account), etc.

The level of physical development of the examined is assessed using three methods: anthropometric standards with drawing an anthropometric profile, correlation and anthropometric indices. The last method is the most popular. Method of anthropometric indices allows characterizing a person's data only partially, however, makes it possible to make tentative estimates of changes in the proportionality of physical development. Consider the most commonly used anthropometric indices.

Weight-height index, i.e., the ratio of body weight ( G) to body length ( cm). Normally, the quotient should be 350-400 g/cm for men and 325-375 g/cm for women. This indicator indicates the presence or absence of "extra" weight.

The height-weight indicator is calculated by the formula: height (cm) - 100 = weight (kg).

Proportionality coefficient (KP):

where L1 is the length of the body in a standing position, L2 is the length of the body in a sitting position. Normal CP = 87-92%. This indicator is used mainly in sports orientation and sports selection: people with low CP have a lower center of gravity, which gives them advantages when performing exercises that require high body stability in space (wrestling, etc.). And, conversely, people with a CP of more than 92% have advantages in those sports where a higher location of the center of gravity, all other things being equal, allows achieving significant results.

Vital indicator - the ratio of VC to body weight ( G). An indicator below 65-70 ml / g in men and 55-60 ml / g in women indicates insufficient lung capacity or overweight.

Strength index is the ratio of hand strength over strong hand (kg) to body weight. On average, the strength index for men is 0.70-0.75, for women - 0.50-0.60.

The index of proportional development of the chest is the difference between the circumference of the chest (at a pause) and half the length of the body. If the difference is 5-8 cm for men and 3-4 cm for women or exceeds the above figures, this indicates good development chest.

Functional state testing. Health, functional state and fitness of students can be determined using functional tests and control exercises. Functional tests are general (non-specific) and with specific loads. Assessment of functional readiness is also carried out with the help of physiological tests. These include monitoring the heart rate and orthostatic test. In addition, to assess the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and the ability of the internal environment of the body to be saturated with oxygen, the Stange test and the Genchi test are used.

Stange test ( holding the breath while inhaling). After 5-7 minutes of sitting rest, inhale and exhale completely, then inhale again (about 80-90% of the maximum) and hold your breath. Time is noted from the moment of delay to its termination. The duration of breath holding depends not only on the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, but also on the willpower of a person, therefore, there is a distinction between the time of pure breath holding and the volitional component. The beginning of the latter is fixed by the first contraction of the diaphragm (oscillation of the abdominal wall). In healthy people and adolescents aged 6-18 years, the duration of breath holding on inspiration ranges from 16-55 seconds. Healthy adults, untrained persons hold their breath while inhaling for 40-50 seconds, and trained athletes - from 1 to 2-2.5 minutes. With an increase in fitness, the breath holding time increases, and with fatigue it decreases.

Genchi test ( breath holding on exhalation). After a complete exhalation and inhalation, exhale again and hold the breath. Healthy untrained people can hold their breath for 20-30 seconds, trained people - for 90 seconds or more. In case of diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs, after infectious and other diseases, after overstrain and overwork, as a result of which the general functional state of the body worsens, the duration of holding the breath during inhalation and exhalation decreases. These tests are recommended to be carried out once a week before the first lesson, recording the results in a self-control diary.

Simultaneous functional test with squats. The subject rests while standing in the main stance for 3 minutes. At the 4th minute, the heart rate is calculated for 15 seconds, recalculated for 1 minute (initial frequency). Next, 20 deep squats are performed for 40 seconds, with raising the arms forward, spreading the knees to the sides, while maintaining the torso in a vertical position. Immediately after the squats, the pulse rate is again calculated for the first 15 seconds, recalculated for 1 minute. The increase in heart rate after squats is determined in comparison with the original as a percentage. Rating for men and women: excellent - 20 or less, good - 21-40, satisfactory - 41-65, bad - 66-75, very bad -76 or more. In the practice of medical control, other functional tests are also used.