What is the name of the prickly massage ball. Card file of exercises with massage balls for preschool children

For the development of speech, attention and fine motor skills it is recommended to regularly massage the baby's hands and play finger games with him. Massage balls are very useful in such games. In addition to its standard functions of a game object, the ball massages the child's fingertips with rounded spines, developing tactile sensations and stimulating points on the palms.

Finger games develop creativity, reaction speed, kids better learn concepts such as “above”, “below”, “left”, “right”, learn how to count, and their mood just improves. In China, in ancient times, exercises with stone and metal balls were common, and in Japan - with walnuts. From childhood we remember "Magpie-Beloboka", "Ladushki", etc.

We offer you a selection of exercises that will diversify your games with your baby. Poems can be combined or divided into smaller ones, depending on the age of the child.

We will take the hedgehog ball, (take massage ball ik)
Let's ride and rub. (roll between palms)
Throw up and catch (you can just lift the ball up)
And count the needles. (with the fingers of one hand we press the spines)
Let's put the hedgehog on the table (put the ball on the table)
We press the hedgehog with the handle (we press the ball with the handle)
And we’ll ride a little ... (we roll the ball with the handle)
Then we change the handle. (change the handle and also roll the ball)

* * *
"Hedgehog" in hand you need to take, (we take a massage ball)
To count the needles. (roll between palms)
One two three four five! (with the fingers of one hand we press the spines)
Let's start counting again. (shift the ball to the other hand)
One two three four five! (with the fingers of the other hand, press the spines)

* * *
We will take the "Hedgehog" in our hands (we take a massage ball)
And rub it lightly, (we hold the ball in one handle, we pass it over it with the other)
Let's see his needles, (change the handle, do the same)
Let's massage the sides. (roll between palms)
"Hedgehog" I twist in my hands, (we twist the ball with our fingers)
I want to play with him.
I will make a house in the palms - (we hide the ball in the palms)
The cat won't get it. (press hands to ourselves)

I squeeze the ball hard
And I'll change hands. (squeeze the ball with the right hand, then the left)
"Hello, my favorite ball!" -
Every finger will say in the morning. (Hold the ball with index and thumb, then middle and thumb, ring and thumb, little finger and thumb)

Two goats butted the ball
And they gave it to other goats.
(Hold the ball with the index fingers of the right and left hands. Then with the middle fingers, etc.)

I roll circles on the table
I don't get out of hand.
I roll it back and forth;
Left or right, as you wish.
(Roll the ball with the palm of your right hand left and right, back and forth.)

Dance knows how to dance
Every finger is on the ball.
(Roll the ball with the tips of the fingers of the right hand: index, middle, ring and little fingers.)
I knead the ball with my finger,
I drive the ball along the fingers.
(roll the ball all over finger length right hand.)
My ball does not rest -
Walks between fingers.
(Hold the ball between the index and middle fingers, middle and ring fingers, ring and little fingers.)

I will play football
And I'll score a goal in the palm of my hand.
(Hit the ball with your palms.)
Top left, bottom right
I ride it - bravo.
(Roll the ball on the right palm with the left palm.)
I'll turn, and you check -
Top right now!
(Roll the ball over the left palm with the right palm.)

Based on the book "Ball Games" by T. Vorobieva, O. Krupenchuk

Lilia Kuryshkina
Parent meeting "Games with massage balls" Hedgehogs "

Parent meeting

on the topic: « Massage ball games« hedgehogs»

Location: MBDOU No. 4

the date of the:

Group: second junior #2


Increasing professional competence parents on the use of massage balls in working with children, propaganda and dissemination of varieties of forms of work.


small rubber and massage balls, sujuk balls.

Subject: « Massage ball games»

(2nd junior group)

Meeting progress:

Hello dear parents, I'm glad to see you at our master class today, we'll talk about using massage balls for children.

First I want to ask you: - What do you need games with the ball and what they develop (answers).

Games in the ball develop the brain of the child, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, imagination. The better the fingers and the whole hand work, the better baby speaks. Studies by scientists have shown that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. The more active and accurate the movement of the fingers of the baby, the faster he begins to speak.

Famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said:

We also use massage smooth and prickly balls. (You can roll on the track, table, rug)

massage the ball for children is a very interesting toy, however, you can attract their great attention to it using funny poems, so exercises with massage ball for children are accompanied by the corresponding text.


With smooth ball.

I roll the gingerbread man with my hand (I roll with my right palm ball on the left)

Back and forth I drive him.

I will stroke their palm as if I were sweeping away a crumb. (stroking ball palm)

And I'll squeeze it a little, like a cat squeezes its paw (compress and decompress ball)

I will open the gingerbread man and start with the other hand

Our gingerbread man will rest and the game will start again (repeat the same with the other hand)

WITH hedgehog ball.

Little prickly hedgehog

how good are you (we roll ball hedgehog on the table with the right hand)

Show me your needles

even though they are very prickly (we roll ball on the table with your left hand).

Su-Jok Therapy Techniques:

Massage with a special ball.

Since there are many biologically active points on the palm, effective way their stimulation is special ball massage. Rolling the ball between the palms, children massage the muscles of the hands. Each ball has "magic" ringlet.

And the next trick is: Elastic ring massage which helps to stimulate the work internal organs. Since the whole human body is projected on the hand and foot, as well as on each finger and foot, an effective way to prevent and treat diseases is finger massage, hands and feet with an elastic ring. The ring must be put on the finger and held massage zone of the corresponding affected part of the body, until it becomes red and feels warm. This procedure must be repeated several times a day.

With balls - « hedgehogs» kids love it with rings massage fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby contributing to the development of speech.


This ball is hard

All prickly, like this!

We put between the palms

Let's rub their hands.

Up, down we roll it,

We develop our hands.

Elastic ring massage"Family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger grandma

This finger dad

This finger mom

This finger is me

That's my whole family.

(Movement matches text)

Using these exercises games in my work with children, I noticed that children like them, they emotionally react to the offer to play with the ball. Closed children begin to open up, adaptation is much easier, even those who cried forget about tears.


Final exercise "Thank you"

I suggest that each participant of the master class mentally put on his left hand everything that he came with today, his luggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and on his right hand - what he received on this knowledge of the new. Then, all at the same time strongly clap their hands and say THANK YOU! (The psychological meaning of the exercise allows you to complete it beautifully on a positive emotional note).

Thanks everyone.

Feedback on Parent meeting

conducted by an instructor physical education Kuryshkina L. Ya.

on the topic " Massage ball games« hedgehogs»

Location: MBDOU No. 4

the date of the:

Group: second junior #2

Today we attended parent meeting in the second junior group No. 2 " Massage ball games« hedgehogs» , from which we supplemented our knowledge of the use massage balls with children.

Lilia Yakovlevna began meeting in the words of the famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky "A child's mind is at the tip of his fingers" and explained that games in the ball develop the brain of the child, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, imagination. The better the fingers and the whole hand work, the better the child speaks. Simple moves help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. The instructor then suggested parents exercise. All parents took an active part in the practical part meetings, repeated words, performed exercises with the instructor. Lilia Yakovlevna handed out parents memos with a selection of exercises for classes with children at home. We were very interested in visiting assembly to gain new knowledge and recommendations.

Parents second junior group2 :

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A set of exercises with a massage ball


The source of knowledge is at your fingertips,” said V. Sukhomlinsky, and you and I know for sure that the development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of the baby’s speech.
One of the ways to develop motor skills and speech is exercises with massage balls.

The purpose of these exercises - development of fine motor skills, general coordination and plasticity of movements.


1. contribute to the hardening of the child's body.

2. Influence biologically active points located on the surface of the palms.

3. Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Good, improves blood circulation, tones the small muscles in the arms.

Before conducting a set of exercises presented with children or one child, it is necessary to introduce the child to the name of the parts of the palm and fingers.
Make sure that when doing exercises for the hands, the fingers of both hands are always in a closed state, the shoulders do not rise. It is desirable that children (children) wear short sleeves. If this is not possible, then the children need to roll up their sleeves.
When an adult shows a set of exercises for the hands, it is necessary to remove the watch and rings from the fingers from the wrist.
Show exercises at an average pace, focusing the attention of children (child) on some nuances in their implementation.
These sets of exercises are recommended for children from 3 years of age. They contribute to the development of fine motor skills in children, which in turn is directly related to the development of speech.

For the development of speech, attention and fine motor skills, it is recommended to regularly massage the baby's hands and play finger games with him. Massage balls are very useful in such games. In addition to its standard functions of a game object, the ball massages the child's fingertips with rounded spines, developing tactile sensations and stimulating points on the palms.

finger game"Turtle" (with a ball)


on the left.

There was a big turtle(children roll Su-Jok between their palms)

And bit everyone from fear,

Bite, bite, bite, bite,(Su-jok between thumb and

the rest that the child is holding

"pinch". Press rhythmically on

Su Jok, shifting from hand to hand).

I'm not afraid of anyone.(children roll Su-Jok between their palms).

Finger game "Hedgehog" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on right hand, then

on the left.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, sly hedgehog,

you look like a ball.

Needles on the back(massage movements thumb)

very very spiky(massage movements of the index finger)

Although the hedgehog is small in stature,(massage movements of the middle finger)

showed us the thorns(massage movements of the ring finger)

And thorns too(massage movements of the little finger)

look like a hedgehog.(children roll Su-Jok between their palms)

Finger game "Bunnies on the Lawn" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

In the meadow, on the lawn(roll the ball between the palms)

Bunnies jumped all day long.(jump on the palm of your hand with a ball)

And rolled on the grass(roll forward - backward)

From tail to head.

For a long time the hares jumped like that,(jump on the palm of your hand with a ball)

But they jumped, they got tired.(put the ball in the palm of your hand)

The snakes crawled past(lead on the palm of your hand)

"Good morning!" - they were told.

I began to stroke and caress

All rabbits hare-mother. (stroke each finger with a ball)

Finger game "Bears" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

The she-bear walked awake(walk the ball on the arm, pressing)

And behind her is a teddy bear.(walk quietly with a ball on the hand)

And then the kids came(walk the ball along the hand at a fast pace)

They brought books in briefcases.

They began to open books(press the ball on each finger)

And write in notebooks.

Finger game "Hedgehog on the track" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

Along the path, along the path(roll the ball in the palm of your hand)

Someone's feet are stomping towards us.("Stomp" the ball in the palm of your hand)

This is a hedgehog - a prickly side,(Show the ball on the outstretched palm)

Mushroom expert!(Press on each finger in turn

Finger game "Prickly hedgehog". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

Rolling spiny hedgehog(circular movements of the ball between the palms).
There is no head or legs.
Runs on the palm
And puffs, puffs, puffs.

Runs on my fingers

And puffs, puffs, puffs.
Runs to and fro
I'm ticklish yes yes yes. (movement of the ball on the fingers).

Go away, prickly hedgehog
To the dark forest where you live! (we let it go on the table and catch it with pillows


Finger game "Little Hedgehog" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

Little hedgehog frozen

and curled up into a ball.(squeeze the ball tightly with the palm of your hand)

The hedgehog sun warmed

Hedgehog turned around. (open palm and show the ball)

Finger game "Toys". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

On the big sofa in a row(alternately roll the ball to each

finger, starting with the thumb)

Katina's dolls are sitting:

Two bears, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Cipollino,

Both a kitten and an elephant.

One, two, three, four, five (press the ball on the fingertips)

Helping our Kate

Finger game "Ball - hedgehog". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

The hedgehog pricks our palms,(roll the ball in different directions)

Let's play with him a little.

The hedgehog pricks our hands -(ball hit palm)

He prepares pens for school.

We'll take the hedgehog ball, (throw the ball up)

Let's ride and rub.(roll between palms)

Throw up and catch(toss the ball again)

And count the needles.(with fingers we crush the needles of the ball)

Let's put the hedgehog on the table(put the ball on the table)

We press the hedgehog with the handle(hand press the ball)

And let's ride a little...(roll the ball on the table)

Then change the handle(change hands)

Finger game "House". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

This house has five floors:(roll the ball in the palm of your hand)
On the first floor lives a family of hedgehogs,
(press in turn on each


On the second lives a family of rabbits,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth, a tit lives with chicks,
On the fifth, an owl is a very smart bird.
Well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth owl
On the fourth tit
Belchata on the third
Bunnies - the second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.

Finger game "Nuts" (with a ball) Description: the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

We will learn nuts
Roll between fingers.
(Children roll the ball between the fingers, first of one hand, then the other).
This will help us in school
Write even letters.

(There is also visual material for massage with a special ball)

A sedentary lifestyle, which is sinned by everyone who works in the office or sits at the computer for many hours, leads to the appearance of "trigger zones" in the body - points of constant muscle tension that impair work human body. This complex problem can be solved in a very simple way - self-massage of the feet with the help of hard balls. All these exercises can be performed at home on your own, the result will be getting rid of pain in various places and a beautiful gait.

Trigger zones are areas of constant muscle tension. Most of them in the human muscle corset are located along the spine and, surprisingly, on the feet. The feet of a person take on a huge load every day - they hold the human weight with every step taken by a person. But special training for the feet is most often not provided for in the schedule. modern man. Few people know special exercises for the feet, and it is from this that the body gets more and more discomfort.

“Trigger zones” are insidious for the following reason: there is a muscle clamp, for example, near the lower back, and the pain that it causes bothers the person in the shoulder area. Thus, massaging a person with pain does not help to get rid of discomfort (usually aching long-term pain). Or the “trigger” is on the foot, and the pain is in the neck. Thus, massaging the painful area does not bring relief.

The most insidious "triggers" are on the stops. A simple massage with balls will help improve your gait and get rid of pain in the most unexpected places. It can be performed while standing when there are five minutes free; it can also be done while sitting at the computer, while eating or watching your favorite TV programs and movies. What balls to choose and what exercises to perform with them to get rid of chronic pain throughout the body?

Tennis ball

You need to take two extremely hard tennis balls (they are very inexpensive and available in any sporting goods department) and place them in a sock made of soft tissue. It turns out a very effective simulator for working out the "trigger zones" of both the feet and along the spine. Self-massage should be performed under the most important condition: no acceleration and maximum pressure.

It is necessary to roll a massager of two balls very slowly along the entire foot. As soon as a painful point is found, it is necessary to press the ball even harder and wait until the pain goes away. This may take from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Most importantly: do not stop the massage because of pain. The longer the ball presses on the “trigger zone”, the better it will work out. It is completely safe for health.

If once you wait for the pain to leave the “trigger”, then it disappears FOREVER. And along with it, pain in the most unexpected place (for example, in the knee, neck, shoulders, etc.) The most important condition is pressure and pressure. Massage is practically carried out in statics (without movements). Most of the "triggers" are in the "arch" of the instep. Thus, massage is also the most the best prevention flat feet.

hedgehog ball

"I'm prickly but very helpful"

It is also important to do a “prickly” massage with a spiked ball. You can buy it both in the sports departments of supermarkets and in veterinary stores. There is only one advice for choosing a hedgehog ball: you need to purchase the hardest one available in the range. Massage must be done according to the same principles: slowly and with maximum pressure.

Self-massage of the foot with a prickly ball

This ball is ideal for self-massage while working at the computer or eating. When a pain sensation appears at one or another point of the foot, it is necessary to linger in this place and increase pressure until the pain disappears and a calm sensation appears from touching the spikes of the ball, which will replace the pain.

bouncy ball

Chinese "jumps", familiar from childhood, can cure all pains

When massage with a simulator of two tennis balls and the hedgehog ball will cease to bring pain (that is, the “trigger zones” have already been worked out quite well), you need to move on to self-massage with the help of a small bouncing ball. When choosing, as in previous cases, you need to take the hardest. However, all Chinese "jumps" are hard enough, so the choice, in fact, is only for the color.

"Not only can I jump, but I can also heal you"

This massage is mainly performed in the area of ​​the “arch” of the instep of the foot. Movement should be practically eliminated: the task is to patiently and for a long time push through the last remaining deep "triggers" of the instep area. Sometimes the sensations can be frightening: the most important thing is not to give up on the goal and continue the massage.

Usually, 5-10 minutes of daily massage for 3-4 months is enough to completely get rid of the "trigger" zones of the feet. But if you give massage more time a day and don’t be lazy (roll balls all the time while working at the computer, watching movies, eating), then you can completely cure your feet of all muscle clamps in just 2 weeks! And along with clamps-“triggers”, pains in the most unexpected places will go away. It can be temples, shoulders, neck, back, buttocks, knees, hips.

Anyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle
and not only they will be useful. It only takes a few minutes a day to do them.

/ Frizzle Fraz

Frizzle is a funny cool ball. Which must collect golden keys on its not easy path. Bypass all enemies and conquer obstacles. And there will be a huge number of them on the way of the ball over 25 levels of the game. At first glance it seems that the game is very simple. Although in reality everything is not so simple. Many do not even get through half of the game, because the tasks become more and more difficult with each level. The main thing is to get the hang of it and then everything will be ok. Help Frizzle the ball to collect all his little friends, leave no one in trouble and avoid falling into the traps of his enemies. When playing, do not try to destroy someone - the friendly Frizzle does not know how. Just go around them all on the tenth road, try not to get caught in their eyes. Collect all the golden keys, otherwise you won't be able to open the doors at the end of the level. These doors are your passage to the next level. Try a little, be careful, and then everything will work out for you! The ball hopes that the players will bring it to a victorious final. He is waiting for his heroes and believes that they will help him defeat the evil balls and insidious enemies.