The concept of the structure of the athlete's physical fitness. Topic: Technical training of an athlete Structure and levels of technical training of kuramshin


functional readiness structure/ sport games / structure of functional readiness/ sports games

annotation scientific article on health sciences, author of scientific work - A. V. Kuznetsov

The main objective of the study is to study the level of parameters of the main components of functional fitness in athletes specializing in different types sports games. The results obtained in the study allow us to conclude that in an integrative expression, the level of parameters of the main components of functional readiness does not differ significantly among athletes specializing in different types of sports games. At the same time, the structure and level of individual indicators of the components under consideration have their own characteristics for athletes in each type of sports games, which are determined by the specificity of the pattern of habitual motor locomotion. It was found that in terms of most parameters of functional readiness, representatives of football and basketball demonstrate a certain advantage compared to representatives of volleyball. The results obtained can be used to rationally construct training work, organization of an effective process of increasing the functional capabilities of athletes specializing in sports games.

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The primary goal of the research was to study the level of parameters of the basic components of functional readiness of the sportsmen specializing different kinds of sports. The results received in the research allow us to conclude that in integrative expression the sportsmen’s, specializing different kinds of sports games , the level of parameters of the basic components of functional readiness does not differ essentially. At the same time, the structure and level of separate parameters of examined components have their own features of sportsmen in each kind of sports games , which are caused by the specificity of the pattern of habitual impellent locomotions. It is revealed that on the majority of parameters of functional readiness of the football and basketball representatives show the certain advantage in comparison with volleyball representatives. The received results can be used for rational construction of training work, the organization of effective process of escalating functionalities of the sportsmen specializing sports games

The text of the scientific work on the topic "The structure of the functional fitness of athletes in different types of sports games"

A. V. Kuznetsov

The structure of functional fitness of athletes in different types of sports games

The main objective of the study is to study the level of parameters of the main components of functional readiness in athletes specializing in different types of sports games. The results obtained in the study allow us to conclude that in integrative terms, the level of parameters of the main components of functional readiness does not differ significantly among athletes specializing in different types of sports games. At the same time, the structure and level of individual indicators of the components under consideration have their own characteristics for athletes in each type of sports games, which are determined by the specificity of the pattern of habitual motor locomotion. It was found that in terms of most parameters of functional readiness, representatives of football and basketball demonstrate a certain advantage compared to representatives of volleyball. The results obtained can be used for the rational construction of training work, the organization of an effective process of increasing the functional capabilities of athletes specializing in sports games.

Key words: functional readiness structure, sports games. A. V. Kuznetzov

Structure of Functional Readiness of Sportsmen Specializing in Different Kinds of Sports Games

The primary goal of the research was to study the level of parameters of the basic components of functional readiness of the sportsmen specializing different kinds of sports. The results received in the research allow us to conclude that in integrative expression the sportsmen's, specializing different kinds of sports games, the level of parameters of the basic components of functional readiness does not differ essentially. At the same time, the structure and level of separate parameters of examined components have their own features of sportsmen in each kind of sports games, which are caused by the specificity of the pattern of habitual impellent locomotions. basketball representatives show the certain advantage in comparison with volleyball representatives.

Keywords: structure of functional readiness, sports games.

The functionality of the body is the basis for successful training work on the development of special physical qualities and abilities of athletes and their manifestation in competition conditions. Functional preparedness is the most important condition and is manifested in motor actions characteristic of a particular sport, in the ability to physiological systems body to ensure the transfer of large specific loads and causes intensive processes recovery .

It should be taken into account that the structure of the functional readiness of athletes, the presence of all its distinguished components is almost the same for all sports without exception. Only the partial contribution of one or another component differs, functional property, physiological mechanism, their combination providing a high (necessary) level of special

al working capacity. This contribution is determined by the specificity of each sport, specific specialization within a particular sport (role, distance, etc.). In this regard, sports games are among the most multicomponent sports.

Distinctive features modern football, basketball, volleyball, and all other types of sports games, are a significantly increased intensity of the game, a quick change in game situations, and a rather tough athletic struggle. Modern sports games require a high level of development of human motor abilities, they are characterized by a high intensity of technical and tactical actions. In this regard, all known parameters of functional readiness are important for the work of athletes specializing in sports games, for them to achieve high results

© Kuznetsov A. V., 2017

Based on this, for the rational construction of training work, the organization of an effective process of increasing the functional capabilities of athletes, it is extremely important to know and take into account the features of the structure of the special functional fitness of the body in each specific sport, including in sports games.

In connection with the above, the task of this study was to study the level of parameters of the main components of functional readiness in athletes specializing in different types of sports games.


To determine the level of parameters of the main components of functional readiness in athletes specializing in different types of sports, athletes of three specializations were examined: football players (n = 16), volleyball players (n = 12) and basketball players (n = 14).

The level of physical (motor) fitness was assessed based on the results of testing the strength, speed, speed-strength capabilities and endurance of athletes.

Strength was determined using dynamometry of the muscles of the right and left hands. The speed capabilities were judged by the result of running a distance of 20 meters. Speed ​​endurance was determined in the test " shuttle run» (91 m, 13 to 7 m). The level of endurance was judged by the results of the 12-minute run test.

Determination of the maximum aerobic capacity (V02max) was carried out in a direct way using a combined device "Ergo-Oxyscreen (Jaeger)".

The properties and functional state of the nervous system were evaluated according to such parameters as the strength of the nervous system, the mobility of the nervous processes, and the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system.

Lability and strength of the nervous system were assessed by the result of the tapping test. The task was to perform hand movements at the maximum possible pace. At the same time, two main indicators were obtained: the average interval (the average period of the reproduced pace, defined as the average time between two successive movements), which made it possible to judge the lability of the nervous system, and the trend (arithmetic mean of the differences between two neighboring

of reaction intervals), which made it possible to judge the strength of the nervous system.

To assess the mobility of nervous processes, the time of simple sensorimotor reactions was determined. When determining motor reactions, the task was given to respond as quickly as possible to the presented stimulus (light). Trial attempts were preliminarily provided, after which the main study (10 trials) was carried out, followed by the determination of the mean motor and mean latent reaction times.

The current level of anxiety was quantified by the indicator of psycho-emotional stress, determined in the test "situational anxiety" according to Spielberger. During the test, the subject answered a series of questions, after which a total score was assigned based on the test results.

Excitability, lability, strength and mobility of nervous processes were evaluated by the values ​​of the critical frequency of flicker fusion.

The assessment of cognitive function was carried out according to the results of the test "Attention to the arrangement of numbers". The subjects were asked to select the numbers in ascending order from a table filled in random order with two-digit numbers. At the same time, the task execution time and the number of errors were determined.

To determine the state of the central nervous system and mental manifestations, a computer complex for psychophysiological studies KPKK-99M "Psycho-mat" LLC "Medproekt-Vita" was used.

Research results

Table 1 shows the average values ​​of the indicators that make up the main components of functional fitness among athletes specializing in sports games.

The indicators of the motor, energy, neurodynamic, mental and information-emotional components were considered.

From the data presented in Table 1, it can be seen that the parameters that determine the motor component of the functional fitness of athletes specializing in the three observed types of sports games practically do not differ in value. The only exception is speed endurance. This parameter is statistically lower in volleyball players, compared to both football players and basketball players (P< 0,05).

Table 1

Average values ​​of indicators of functional readiness components in athletes of various specializations (Х±m)_

Indicators Sports specialization Reliability of differences

Football (n = 16) Volleyball (n = 12) Basketball (n = 14) I-II I-III II-III

Motor component

Strength of the right hand, kg 43.6±1.1 45.7±1.8 46.5±1.0 - - -

Strength of the left hand, kg 39.9±1.0 40.9±0.8 41.5±0.7 - - -

Speed ​​(20 m), s 3.1±0.1 3.2±0.1 3.1±0.1 - - -

Speed ​​endurance (shuttle run), s 21.6±0.1 22.9±0.1 21.9±0.2 * - *

Endurance, 12 min. run, m 2800.8±55.7 2788.2±72.0 2950.2±57.4 - - -

Energy component

Aerobic capacity, VO2max, ml/min. 4370.0±165.5 4599.2±144.4 4210.7±176.5 - - -

Anaerobic capacity, high jump, cm 63.3±1.0 67.7±0.5 66.0±0.8 * * -

Neurodynamic component

Mobility of nervous processes (latent time), ms 301.7±5.3 290.3±14.2 283.3±12.1 - -

Mobility of nervous processes (motor time), ms 99.4±5.3 95.8±6.5 95.1±5.6 - -

Nervous system lability (mean interval), ms 131.8±2.4 129.6±5.2 127.3±2.8 - -

Information-emotional and mental component

Anxiety according to Spielberger, score 19.5±1.2 22.4±1.6 18.1±1.3 *

Critical frequency of light flashes, Hz 39.7±1.2 39.6±0.8 40.1±2.5

Error in the test "Attention to the arrangement of numbers", number 1.1±0.2 0.5±0.2 1.6±0.4 * *

distribution of attention, e. 0.20±0.02 0.24±0.04 0.23±0.01

Note: * - significance of differences according to Student's t-test at p< 0,05.

A comparative analysis of the parameters of the energy component showed an ambiguous picture. Thus, aerobic productivity, estimated by the value of maximum oxygen consumption, did not differ statistically among athletes representing different types of sports games.

At the same time, anaerobic capabilities, assessed by the indicator of speed-strength work, the result of a jump up, were significantly higher in volleyball and basketball players, compared with football players, who showed the lowest value on average (Р< 0,05).

Comparison of three indicators of the neurodynamic component of the functional readiness of sportsmen-players did not reveal statistically significant differences between the representatives of the observed types of sports games.

At the same time, a comparative analysis shows that the best indicators are found among representatives of basketball, then - volleyball. And the worst values ​​of all analyzed indicators are demonstrated by football players.

A somewhat different picture was revealed in the analysis of indicators of the mental and information-emotional components.

So, assessing the degree of situational anxiety

It should be noted that, on average, this parameter was at a low level in athletes of the observed types of sports games. At the same time, the lowest (relatively) level of anxiety was found among basketball players, and the highest - among volleyball players (P< 0,05). У футболистов были зафиксированы промежуточные значения этого параметра.

Comparison of indicators of such a parameter of the information component as attention revealed the best values ​​among volleyball players. They demonstrated the best values ​​of both distribution of attention and proper attention (the smallest error in the number placement test), compared to both football players and basketball players ^< 0,05).

The value of the critical frequency of light flickering, reflecting the mobility of cortical processes, was practically at the same level in representatives of all types of sports games.

At the end of the comparative analysis, for a more visual representation of the level and structure of the functional fitness of athletes specializing in various types sports games, we formed "functional portraits" based on the construction of graphic profiles of the studied parameters

ditch, based on normalization (reduction to a single scale) by constructing an evaluation scale of "selected points" of the entire array of studied parameters.

From the presented graph, it can be seen that the highest level (the largest graphical total "area") of all the studied indicators of the main components of functional readiness is found in basketball players, then in football players (the sum of the values ​​of all normalized estimates for them, respectively, was 5.36 and 5.26 u. e.).

A slightly lower level of functional readiness was found among volleyball players (5.22 c.u.).

Attention is drawn to the insignificant difference in these integrative indicators of the functional readiness of athletes specializing in different types of sports games. In our opinion, this is due to very similar characteristics motor activity and vegetative provision of such specific work in all the studied types of sports games.


Thus, the results obtained in our study allow us to conclude that in integrative terms, the level of parameters of the main components of functional readiness does not differ significantly among athletes specializing in different types of sports games. At the same time, the structure and level of individual indicators of the components under consideration have their own characteristics for athletes in each type of sports games and are determined by the specificity of the pattern of habitual motor locomotion. It was found that in terms of most parameters of functional readiness, representatives of football and basketball demonstrate a certain advantage compared to representatives of volleyball. In our opinion, this is due to the nature of morphological and functional adaptation processes to muscle activity under conditions of a specific pattern of movements and the regulations of these sports games, as well as the more dynamic nature of the muscle activity of these representatives of sports games.

Bibliographic list

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3. Gorbaneva, E.P. Physiological mechanisms and characteristics of the functional capabilities of the human body in the process of adaptation to specific muscle activity [Text]: author. dis. ... Dr. med. Sciences: 03.03.01 / E. P. Gorbaneva. - Volgograd, 2012. - 48 p.

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8. Solopov, I. N. Physiological basis functional training of athletes [Text]: monograph / I. N. Solopov [and others]. - Volgograd: FGBOU VPO "VGAFK", 2010. - 346 p.

9. Fomin, V. S. Physiological bases of managing the training of highly qualified athletes [Text]: tutorial /

B. S. Fomin. - M. : MOGIFK, 1984. - 64 p.

10. Shamardin, A. I. Optimization of the functional readiness of football players / A. I. Shamardin. - Volgograd, 2000. - 276 p.

Bibliograficheskij spisok

1. Gorbaneva, E. P. Kachestvennye harakteristiki funkcional "noj podgotovlennosti sportsmenov / E. P. Gorbaneva. - Saratov: Nauchnaja Kniga, 2008. -145 p.

2. Gorbaneva, E. P., Solopov, I. N., Sentjabrev, N. N., Kamchatnikov, A. G., Seredinceva, N. V, Lagutina, M. V., Shhedrina, E. V., Suslina, I. V, Medvedev, D. V., Rakova, E. V i optimizacii vedushhih storon funkcional "noj podgotovlennosti sportsmenov: monografija / E. P. Gorbaneva. - Volgograd: FGBOU VPO "VGAFK", 2015. - 219 s.

3. Gorbaneva, E.P.

cheloveka v processe adaptacii k specificheskoj myshechnoj dejatel "nosti: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra med. nauk: 03.03.01 / E. P. Gorbaneva. - Volgograd. 2012. - 48 s.

4. Zaciorskij, V M. Sportivnaja metrologija / pod obshh. red. V M. Zaciorskogo. - M. : Fizkul "tura i sport, 1982. - 256 s.

5. Skljarov, V M. Optimizacija fizicheskoj podgotov-ki junyh volejbolistok : avtoref. dis. ... cand. ped. nauk: 13.00.04 / V. M. Skljarov. - Volgograd, 2005. -24 s.

6. Solopov, I. N. Funkcional "naja podgotovka sportsmenov / I. N. Solopov, A. I. Shamardin. - Volgograd: PrinTerra-Design, 2003. - 263 s.

7. Solopov, I. N. Funkcional "naja podgotovlennost" i funkcional "naja podgotovka sportsmenov / I. N. Solopov // Problemy optimizacii funkcional" noj podgotovlennosti sportsmenov. - Volgograd, 2007. - Vyp. 3. - S. 4-12.

8. Solopov, I. N. Fiziologicheskie osnovy funkcional "noj podgotovki sportsmenov: monografija / I. N. Solopov. - Volgograd: FGBOU VPO "VGAFK", 2010. - 346 s.

9. Fomin, V.S. - M. : MOGIFK, 1984. - 64 s.

10. Shamardin, A. I. Optimizacija funkcional "noj podgotovlennosti futbolistov / A. I. Shamardin. - Volgograd, 2000. - 276 s.

1. Gorbaneva E. P. Qualitative characteristics of athletes "functional readiness. - Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga, 2008. - 145 with.

2. Gorbaneva E. P., Solopov I. N., Sentyabrev N. N., Kamchatnikov A. G., Seredintseva N. V, Lagutina M. V, Shchedrina E. V, Suslina I. V., Medvedev D. V, Rakova E. V Physiological justification of modification and optimization of the leading parties of athletes" functional readiness: monograph / E. P. Gorbaneva. - Volgograd: FGBOU VPO "VGAFK", 2015. - 219 p.

3. Gorbaneva E. P. Physiological mechanisms and characteristics of functionality of a human body in the course of adaptation to specific muscular activity: author "s thesis ... Dr. s of Medical Sciences: 03.03.01 / E. P. Gorbaneva. - Volgograd, 2012. - 48p.

4. Zatsiorsky V. M. Sports metrology / under a general edition of V. M. Zatsiorsky. - M. : Physical culture and sport, 1982. - 256 p.

5. Sklyarov V. M. Optimization of young volleyball players "physical training: author" s thesis. ... Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.04 / V. M. Sklyarov. - Volgograd, 2005. - 24 p.

6. Solopov I. N. Functional training of athletes. - Volgograd: PrinTerra-Dizain, 2003. - 263 p.

7. Solopov I. N. Functional readiness and functional training of athletes // Problems of optimization of athletes "functional readiness. - Volgograd, 2007. - Edition 3. - P. 4-12.

8. Solopov I. N. Physiological bases of athletes "functional training: monograph(s). N. Solopov. - Volgograd: FGBOU VPO "VGAFK", 2010. - 346 p.

9. Fomin V. S. Physiological bases of management of preparation of highly skilled athletes: manual / V. S. Fom-in. - M. : MOGIFK, 1984. - 64 p.

10. Shamardin A. I. Optimization of football players "functional readiness. - Volgograd, 2000. - 276 p.

The structure of an athlete's preparedness includes technical, physical,

tactical and mental elements.

Technical readiness should be understood as the degree of mastering

by an athlete of the technique of the system of movements of a particular sport. She closely

associated with the physical, mental and tactical capabilities of the athlete,

as well as environmental conditions. Changes competition rules,

the use of other spore inventory significantly affects the content

technical training of athletes.

The structure of technical readiness always contains the so-called

basic and additional movements.

The basic ones include movements and actions that form the basis of technical

equipment for this sport. Development basic movements is

mandatory for an athlete specializing in this sport.

Additional include minor movements and actions, elements

separate movements that do not violate his ratio and at the same time

characteristic of the individual characteristics of this athlete.

Physical fitness is the ability of functional systems

organism. It reflects the necessary level of development of those physical qualities,

on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

The tactical preparedness of an athlete depends on how he

master the means of sports tactics (for example, those techniques,

necessary for the implementation of the chosen tactics), its types (offensive,

defensive, counterattacking) and forms (individual, group,


Mental preparedness is heterogeneous in its structure. In it you can

identify two relatively independent and at the same time interconnected

sides: strong-willed and special mental preparedness.

Volitional readiness is associated with such qualities as purposefulness

(a clear vision of a promising goal), determination and courage (a tendency to

reasonable risk combined with thoughtfulness of decisions), perseverance and

perseverance (ability to mobilize functional reserves, activity in

achievement of the goal), endurance and self-control (the ability to manage one’s own

thoughts and actions in conditions of emotional excitement),

autonomy and initiative. Some of these qualities may be

originally inherent in one or another athlete, but most of them

brought up and improved in the process of regular training

work and sports competitions.

In the structure of special mental preparedness, sport should

highlight those aspects that can be improved in the course of sports


resistance to stressful situations of training and

competitive activities;

kinesthetic and visual perceptions of motor actions and


the ability to mental regulation of movements, providing

effective muscle coordination;

ability to perceive, organize and process

information under time pressure;

the ability to form operational reactions in the structures of the brain,

programs preceding the real action.

The structure of an athlete's preparedness includes technical, physical, tactical and mental elements.

Technical readiness should be understood as the degree of mastering by an athlete of the technique of the system of movements of a particular sport. It is closely related to the physical, mental and tactical capabilities of the athlete, as well as to the conditions of the external environment. Changes to competition rules, use of other sports equipment significantly affects the content of the technical preparedness of athletes.

The structure of technical readiness always contains the so-called basic and additional movements.

The basic ones include movements and actions that form the basis of the technical equipment of this sport. Mastering the basic movements is mandatory for an athlete specializing in this sport.

Additional include minor movements and actions, elements of individual movements that do not violate its rationality and at the same time are characteristic of the individual characteristics of this athlete.

Physical fitness is the ability of the body's functional systems. It reflects the necessary level of development of those physical qualities on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

The tactical readiness of an athlete depends on how much he masters the means of sports tactics (for example, the technical methods necessary to implement the chosen tactics), its types (offensive, defensive, counterattacking) and forms (individual, group, team).

Tactical tasks can be of a prospective nature (for example, participation in a series of competitions, where one of them is the main thing in the season) and local, i.e. associated with participation in a separate competition, a specific fight, fight, race, swim, game. When developing a tactical plan, not only one's own technical and tactical capabilities are taken into account, but also the capabilities of teammates and opponents.

Selected options for tactical actions in a number of cases can be worked out specifically in training sessions. The specificity of a sport is a decisive factor that determines the structure of an athlete's tactical preparedness. So, when running at medium distances (800.1500 m), a runner with more high level sprinter qualities will strive to slow down the entire distance in order to achieve victory with a short (100--150 m) quick finishing dash. A runner with a higher level of endurance, on the contrary, is more profitable to run at a high even pace over the entire distance and win the race thanks to a long (sometimes a third of the distance) finishing spurt. Among equal runners, the one who can impose his tactics on overcoming the distance will win.

The situation is more difficult with tactical training in games, martial arts, The complexity of an athlete's tactical actions here is determined not only by technical, functional readiness, the number of tactical actions worked out in advance, but also by the speed of decision-making and their implementation with frequent changes in competitive situations. The ability to make quick and effective decisions in conditions of time pressure, limited space, lack of information due to the fact that the opponent masks his possible actions distinguishes the master from the beginner.

The effectiveness of tactical preparedness in the competition of equal opponents in many sports is determined by the ability of the athlete to anticipate the competitive situation before it unfolds. The ability to do this develops in training sessions, as well as with a constant analysis of competitive experience.

The activity of tactical actions during the competition is an important indicator of sportsmanship. A highly qualified athlete must be able to impose his will on the opponent during the competition.

Mental preparedness. its structure is heterogeneous. Two relatively independent and at the same time interconnected aspects can be distinguished in it: volitional and special mental preparedness.

Volitional readiness is associated with such qualities as purposefulness (a clear vision of a long-term goal), determination and courage (a penchant for reasonable risk combined with thoughtfulness of decisions), perseverance and perseverance (the ability to mobilize functional reserves, activity in achieving a goal), endurance and self-control ( the ability to control one's thoughts and actions in conditions of emotional arousal), independence and initiative. Some of these qualities may initially be inherent in one or another athlete, but most of them are brought up and improved in the process of regular training work and sports competitions.

The specificity of some sports leaves an imprint on the nature and degree of development of individual mental qualities in athletes. However, certain methodological techniques are also used to educate volitional preparedness. In practice, the following requirements serve as the basis for the methodology of volitional training.

1. Regularly and be sure to perform training program and competitive settings.

This requirement is connected with the education of sports industriousness, the habit of systematic efforts and perseverance in overcoming difficulties, with a clear understanding of the impossibility of reaching sports peaks without the appropriate mobilization of spiritual and physical strength. On this basis, the upbringing of purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal, self-discipline and resilience is realized.

2. Systemically introduce additional difficulties.

This means constantly including additional complicated motor tasks, training sessions in difficult conditions, increase the degree of risk, introduce disturbing sensory-emotional factors, complicate competitive programs.

3. Use competition and the competitive method. The very spirit of competition in competitions increases the degree of mental tension of the athlete, which means that additional requirements are imposed on him: to show activity, initiative, self-control, determination, stamina and courage.

In the structure of the special mental preparedness of an athlete, it is necessary to single out those aspects that can be improved in the course of sports training:

  • - resistance to stressful situations of training and competitive activity;
  • - kinesthetic and visual perceptions motor actions and environment;
  • - the ability to mental regulation of movements, ensuring effective muscle coordination;
  • - the ability to perceive, organize and process information under time pressure;
  • - the ability to form in the structures of the brain anticipatory reactions, programs that precede the real action.

The structure of the athlete's training in the process of training.

Relevance . An important issue in the preparation of an athlete in the process of training is the search for rational forms of organization training loads within the framework of the annual cycle and its individual stages. In the structure of the annual training of an athlete, preparatory and competitive periods are distinguished. Both preparatory and competitive periods include a number of stages characterized by a certain direction, combination and duration of training loads. Their planning is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of adaptation and is largely determined by the competition calendar. The results shown in competitions depend not only on the features of the construction training process but also on the technical, physical, tactical, psychological, intellectual and integral preparedness of the athlete. In athletes, the training microcycle, macrocycle and mesocycle can be different. Therefore, the topic of the work seems relevant to me.

Goal of the work – consider the types of athlete training and reveal the basics of sports training.

Object of study- types and cycles of athlete training.

Subject of study- types of athlete training and the basics of sports training.

Work tasks:

1. Identify the most important stages of the types of athlete training. 2. Consider the athlete's training cycles. 3. Highlight the features of the types and cycles of athlete training.

Conclusions :

1 .The most important stages in the preparation of an athlete are: - increasing and maintaining the overall level of the body's functional capabilities. - development of all basic physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility. - the development of physical abilities necessary for this sport. - increasing the functionality of organs and systems that determine achievements in the chosen sport. – education of abilities to show the existing functional potential in specific conditions of competitive activity. – the acquisition by an athlete of knowledge about the development and improvement of tactical, techniques, motor skills, which are a prerequisite for the formation of skills in the chosen sport. - to master the technique of exercises used as means of physical training.

2. Considered the training cycles of an athlete. The most effective is the competitive microcycle built according to the following scheme: warm-up, training, training, rest, warm-up, competition.

3 .A feature of the cycles is a microcycle built according to the scheme: warm-up, training, training, rest, warm-up and competition. The duration and content of periods and their constituent stages of preparation within a single macrocycle are determined by many factors. One of them is related to the specifics of the sport - the structure of effective competitive activity, the structure of the preparedness of athletes, the competition system that has developed in this sport, the others - with the stage many years of preparation, patterns of formation of various qualities and abilities, thirdly - with the organization of training, climatic conditions, material and technical level.

The concept of the structure of physical qualities in a general form was formulated in a number of works (V.M. Zatsiorsky, 1961, 1965; Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1963, 1970, 1972), but only in terms of posing the problem, and still not received sufficient content development. However, the facts about

to the problem of structure physical fitness athletes are quite extensive and are concentrated in the literature around such issues as the relationship of physical qualities in the process of their development, the "transfer" of these qualities from one type of activity to another (see reviews by N.V. Zimkin, 1956, 1965; N. N. Yakovlev et al., 1960; V. M. Zatsiorsky, 1965; D. Hebb, 1949; F. Lindeburg, 1949; D. Nelson, 1957; R. Woodworth, 1958; B. Cratty, 1962, 1964). Here it is advisable to note only the main provisions that determine the approaches to the meaningful development of the concept of the structure of the athlete's physical fitness.

It has been established that the degree of transfer of physical qualities decreases with the growth of fitness (N.V. Zimkin, 1965; V.M. Za-tsiorsky, 1965), that the transfer mechanism is highly specific (F. Cumbeca. o., 1957; D. Nelson, 1957; I. Bachman, 1961; B. Cratty, 1968; I. Lawther, 1968; A. Barrow, 1971) that the relationship between physical qualities can be positive,

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negative or neutral (N.V. Zimkin, 1956) and from positive to initial stage training can then turn into a negative one (A.V. Korobkov, 1958).

In the works concerning the methodological issues of the relationship of physical qualities, it has been repeatedly noted that training consisting of exercises that require speed, strength and endurance develops each of these qualities better than training each of them, even with increased intensity. load (N.G. Ozolin, 1949, 1970). The development of each quality has a positive effect on the development of others, and, conversely, the lag

in the development of one or several qualities, it limits the development of others (A.N. Krestovnikov, 1951; S.V. Kaledin, 1961; N.V. Zimkin, 1956; N.N. Yakovlev et al., 1961). For example, the development of strength and speed determines the development of the ability to display fast strength (A.V. Korobkov, 1953; N.V. Zimkin, 1956; V.V. Kuznetsov, 1970).

The theoretical prerequisite here is a hypothetical assumption about the so-called single physiological mechanism (conditioned reflex), which supposedly underlies the activity of muscles. Training leads to the formation of an "extensive background" of temporary connections, on the basis of which, due to the so-called plasticity of the nervous system, various combinations of qualitative aspects of motor activity can arise, depending on the direction of the training process. In this regard, it was assumed that at first the components of a complex motor quality should be developed separately by appropriate means, and then integrated into the main sports exercise or movements structurally similar to it.

Recently, the concept of the so-called qualitative specificity of human motor abilities, which was formed back in the 30s, has been developed, based on extensive factual material (I. Downev, 1923; G. Allport, 1933; S. Ms Cloy, 1937; N. Iones, 1949; review see Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1970, 1972), which indicates a very complex relationship between the motor abilities developed by various means under various modes of muscular work and, as a result, having a low degree of generality, high some degree of specificity and poor portability from one activity to another. According to this concept, there are general and specific abilities. General abilities underlie the performance of more than one task; They

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relatively constant compared to significant fluctuations in the conditions under which the task is performed. The general motor abilities of a person provide the basis for the implementation of motor activity and are determined by relatively stable constitutional features, regulated by heredity, body structure and physiology.

Specific abilities determine the functional specificity of behavior in complex motor situations and are mainly the result of motor experience, the influence of the environment and interaction with it. If general abilities ensure the performance of several groups of tasks that are close in terms of quality, then specific abilities, being

highly independent, provide only one specific activity.

Attempts have been made to formulate theories explaining the essence and physiological mechanism of qualitative specificity and functional independence of motor abilities by the presence of specific neuromotor coordination of muscle activity (P. Fitts, 1954; F. Henky, 1952, 1960; F. Henky, G. Whitlec, 1960; K. Smith, 1962). However, such attempts were only speculative conclusions based on rather lightweight facts.

As for the structure power abilities, then there is still a lot of unclear and contradictory, despite numerous studies conducted in our country and abroad. An analysis of the literature data (see the review by Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1970, 1972) makes it possible to single out some provisions based on a more or less unanimous opinion of specialists. Thus, a significant part of the experimental work indicates that muscle strength developed by one means cannot be useful in many ways, that muscle strength does not correlate with the speed of movements and strength exercises worsen the speed of movements, that static strength and dynamic strength do not are interconnected, that isometric training may not have a transfer to a dynamic mode, that dynamic strength is more related to motor abilities than isometric training.

However, it should be noted that the above conclusions regarding the relationship of motor abilities were often made on the basis of experimental data obtained on a random contingent of test subjects, predominantly of low sports qualification and without taking into account objective patterns, determined by

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lyayuschie dynamics of sportsmanship. So treat

these conclusions should be approached very carefully, limiting the limits of their validity to the category of athletes (subjects) on which they were obtained, and not rushing to generalizations.

Below we propose the concept of the structure of the physical (and, in particular, strength) fitness of athletes based on the actual data and results of the study (Yu.V. Verkhoshansky et al.). At the same time, it seems appropriate to distinguish between the concepts of the composition and structure of the athlete's physical fitness. The composition is understood as a complex of qualitatively specific forms of working capacity that are objectively inherent in a person and determine the success of his sports activity, and the structure is an expedient system-forming principle of interconnection in a complex of motor abilities, ensuring their functional unity and working capabilities of a person.