Charging for a good mood. Morning exercises for vitality and energy

Workdays require maximum concentration and vigor from us. The frantic rhythm of life does not allow you to relax even for a minute. But sometimes we feel overwhelmed and lethargic. Especially often this happens after the weekend, vacation or during a period of intense workload. Let's talk about 5 effective ways cheer up, and tune in to the working mood.

Right morning

  1. The morning starts with an alarm clock. Rearranging the alarm after the signal for another 10-15 minutes is a fairly common habit. Doctors do not recommend doing this. This is explained by the fact that by rearranging the alarm clock, you can plunge into a deep phase of sleep, which will be interrupted very soon. This is not only harmful to the body, but also detrimental to mood and general well-being. The time you set aside for continuing sleep can be spent with more useful. A shower, caring procedures, a delicious breakfast, communication with relatives - all this will allow you to recharge with positive.
  2. Minor household chores (changing towels, changing light bulbs, watering flowers) help to switch and distract from thoughts about the upcoming hard day.
  3. Be sure to drink a glass of cool water on an empty stomach. This will wake up the body.
  4. Never skip breakfast.


The to-do list makes my head spin. The feeling of lack of time creates additional stress. Having a plan allows you to streamline the created chaos. Sort tasks by priority. This will give you confidence in your abilities. Going to work will no longer seem like such a burden.

When you find yourself in the workplace, do not try to do everything at once. Multitasking will not give positive results if you have not already entered the working mode. This will lead to a decrease in concentration and a deterioration in the quality of work. Start with the most important tasks and gradually move on to the next. This also applies to email processing. Viewing messages in chronological order will only take time. Sort emails by importance.

Eliminate all distractions. We are talking about social networks and applications, music and useless conversations with colleagues. Order in the workplace also helps to tune in.

Small pleasures

Plan ahead for small “pleasures” for yourself. Set up a lunch date with a friend, take your favorite book with you, or just browse social media to show off your vacation photos. Leave work on time for the first few days. These thoughts at the beginning of the day will help you feel better, you will go to work with more enthusiasm.

Promise yourself something very pleasant before starting the work day. Moms use this technique to take a capricious baby to kindergarten. The child is promised a treat or an exciting walk after the garden. The expectation of pleasure erases all negative emotions about the current situation. Going to work, you will only think about the joyful event that awaits you after a hard day.


At first glance, the method may seem inefficient. We already feel tired and overwhelmed. After training, you will understand how wrong you were. The charge of energy that overwhelms a person after physical exertion cannot be compared with cheerfulness after coffee and energy drinks. Just 10-15 minutes of jogging on the street or a set of home exercises to good groovy music and a bad mood, as it happened. An alternative would be a short walk on fresh air.

Morning exercise example:

Food for energy

Great for combating drowsiness and fatigue protein shakes and protein snacks (apples with peanut butter, bread with cottage cheese, nuts, dried fruits). Vitamin B is responsible for mood, concentration and inner peace. See if your diet contains enough foods containing it (legumes, fish, nuts, cereals, eggs). Perhaps it makes sense to turn to the help of multivitamin complexes.

Summing up

  • if there is no working mood, you don’t need to scold yourself and try to force yourself to perform beyond your capabilities;
  • in the morning it is recommended to get up on an alarm clock, drink a glass of water, take a shower and enjoy breakfast;
  • morning jogging or exercise helps to enter the working mode;
  • rate all tasks at work by the level of importance;
  • make the most of your lunch break
  • do not stay late at work;
  • energize from within by consuming the right foods.

The human body has its own resources. We cannot program ourselves like a robot. Don't be too hard on yourself. The world will not collapse if you occasionally give yourself the opportunity to be lazy. It takes time and the right attitude to get into working mode. Compliance with simple recommendations will help to cope with busy work periods and apathy after rest.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics has been known for more than a decade, but it has attracted close attention only now. Complex simple exercises are credited with truly miraculous properties, starting with the ability to live an additional twenty to thirty years.

This gymnastics was practiced by monks in one of the Tibetan monasteries. It only takes five minutes a day. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to maintain all the endocrine glands that produce hormones in a young state, at the age of about 25-30 years.

What gives:

The monks of Tibetan monasteries are famous for their health and longevity. This fact can be associated with an ascetic way of life, a special mountain climate, proper nutrition. But supporters of hormonal gymnastics give her the leading role in longevity.

Hormonal gymnastics Tibetan monks helps:

* Proper functioning of all body systems;

* Stabilize the hormonal background, which is especially important for women;

*Improve visual and hearing acuity;

* Improve and rejuvenate the body;

*Improve memory;

* Stimulate the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;

* Get rid of psycho-emotional stress, chronic fatigue;

* Heal chronic diseases;

*Increase life span;

*Strengthen blood vessels;

* Establish lymph outflow;

* Strengthen muscles and joints, get rid of pain;

* Increase skin tone, get rid of cellulite and excess weight;

* Align the oval of the face, tighten the chin, get rid of wrinkles;

*Recharge with vivacity and energy for the whole day

Execution rules:

One of the brightest followers of the Tibetan monks was Olga Orlova, a folk healer who practices breathing, volitional, and hormonal techniques on herself. She strongly recommends following the basic rules for the implementation gymnastic complex, because without them the expected effect will not be.

* The optimal time to perform a set of exercises is considered to be early in the morning (before six in the morning), but if it is not possible to do gymnastics in the morning, then it is better to do it at a convenient time than to skip the day altogether;

* The second rule automatically follows from the first rule - it is necessary to perform the exercises every day, without gaps;

* Exercises are performed after waking up in bed. If the mattress is too soft, then you can move to the floor, to a gym mat or blanket;

* Gymnastics is suitable for people of any age, but has a number of contraindications;

*All exercises are performed in a clearly defined rhythm: 1 second - one movement. Almost every exercise must be repeated 30 times in a row;

*On initial stage an exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely, Olga Orlova warns about this and indicates that this is a normal, natural reaction of the body;

*To activate the lymph flow and start work digestive system, after the end of gymnastics, you should drink a glass of warm boiled water;

*Women during the exercises put their left hand on top, and the right hand on the bottom.


There are a number of diseases in which you need to approach the implementation Tibetan gymnastics with caution or abandon this method of treatment altogether:

*Rehabilitation period after surgery;

* State of hypertensive crisis;

*Parkinson's disease;

* Gastric and duodenal ulcer;

* Diseases of the spine, joints during the period of exacerbation

In each case, everything is individual, diseases are not a direct ban, but require specialist advice.


Morning hormonal gymnastics consists of ten exercises, which must be performed in a strictly established sequence and a clear rhythm. There is a gradual activation of the endocrine glands, the lymph flow starts, the body starts working after sleep.

Exercise 1. We rub our hands.

Lying on the bed, rub your hands for a few seconds until they become hot. At the same time, you will diagnose your biofield at the moment. If the palms are dry and hot, then everything is good with energy in the body. If the palms are warm, then the biofield is reduced. If the palms do not warm up and become wet, then this indicates serious malfunctions in the body. In any case, do this gymnastics, as it will allow you to get rid of all failures and diseases.

Exercise 2. Palming.
We put hot palms on the eyeballs. We begin to press on the eyes at the following pace: one second - one movement. Thus, do 30 movements in 30 seconds. Then leave your palms in front of your eyes and hold for at least another thirty seconds, and if you have poor eyesight, then about two minutes is better. At this time, the eyeball and all the receptors around are nourished. Your eyesight will gradually improve. In addition to vision, the natural hair color will be restored.

Exercise 3. We pump over the ears.
We press our hands on the ears, while the fingers are behind the back of the head, we press the palms to the ears and make 30 movements at a pace of 1 movement per second. For some time, symptoms of chronic diseases that you have may begin to appear, especially if they are related to the ears. Do not stop the exercises, just do them "softer" if there is pain. After some time, chronic inflammation of the ear disappears. Hearing will also improve. Almost all chronic diseases can disappear within six months. Serious illnesses may take longer to heal: a year or two.

Exercise 4. Facelift.
Next exercise: thumb we put it behind the ear, squeeze our hands into fists and start a facelift from the chin to the ears, pressing hard on the face. We also do 30 times. After this exercise, you may feel a rush of blood to your face and even sweat a little. The oval of the face is tightened, lymphatic outflow improves.

Exercise 5. Forehead massage.
Then we put the right palm on the forehead, the left on top and begin rubbing movements from temple to temple. You can not touch your forehead with your hands, do it at a distance of several centimeters from your face. But if you want to smooth wrinkles on your forehead, then you need to touch the skin. We also do 30 movements in 30 seconds. This exercise heals all the sinuses, and also activates the pituitary gland.

Exercise 6. Massage the top of the head.
This exercise affects the parietal region. We "fly" with handles overhead. We put a roller under the neck or fold the pillow, weave our hands into a ring. The right hand is below, the left hand is on top. We begin to make a movement a few centimeters from the head from the forehead to the back of the head. We do 30 times. Then we “hover” over the crown and make movements from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise is very good for those who have high or low blood pressure. The pressure will return to normal. With this exercise, the mobility of the shoulder joints improves, and the muscles of the hands are pumped up. Pain in the shoulders passes, and if you could not raise your arms up before, then after a while you will be able to do it easily.

Exercise 7. Thyroid massage.
The next exercise: put the right hand on the thyroid gland, put the left hand on top. We begin to make a movement with the left hand from the thyroid gland to the navel at a distance of several centimeters from the body. So we do 30 movements. At the end, we put the left hand on the right and linger in this state for a few seconds.

Exercise 8. Massage the abdomen.
Then we slowly slide our hands onto our stomach, next exercise: do circular motions hands on the stomach. Hands are also folded: right below, maiden above. We do 30 times. At the same time, chronic constipation disappears, intestinal activity normalizes.

Exercise 9. Shaking.
The next exercise is best done on the floor if you don't have a hard enough bed. We raise our arms and legs up, palms and feet are directed parallel to the floor. First we rotate the hands in the wrists, and the legs in ankle joints, then shake. At the same time, blood circulation in the capillaries improves. Minor energy channels are also cleared. We count to 30 (if possible, we do longer).

Exercise 10. Rubbing the feet.
The next exercise: we sit down and begin to massage the feet. You can do them at the same time, you can take turns first one foot, then the other. If the feet are dry, then lubricate them with some kind of oil, such as olive oil. When found on the feet pain points give them more attention. Focus especially on the center of the foot.

Proper nutrition will improve the condition.

To complement the effect that hormonal gymnastics has, breathing exercises, a glass of warm water on an empty stomach and a change in the concept of nutrition will help:

*Products must be subjected to minimal heat treatment;

* Food should be fresh, not reheated, you should not cook for the future;

* Useful boiled and baked food;

* Fry should be in ghee, refusing vegetable;

*Foods rich in starch should not be processed at high temperatures;

*Milk is good for children and not needed for adults;

* Separate nutrition allows you to maintain the intestines in order - a combination of incompatible products causes rotting, fermentation, intestinal disorders.

Just a few minutes a day will allow you to set up your body for proper functioning, launch its protective functions, and recharge your batteries.

The inherently simple hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks will be beneficial if you believe in it and tune in to success.

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When there is not enough time in the morning, and it is simply necessary to recover, specially selected exercises will help. This complex is even called magical - it includes yoga asanas, qigong exercises and not only awakens the body, but also heals it.

Before starting the exercises, you need to ventilate the room, do a little gymnastics to warm up, and then just follow the instructions.

1. Pole with ropes

For what: relaxation of the arms, shoulder girdle.

How to perform: imagine that your body is a pole and your hands are ropes tied to a pole. If the pole is turned sharply, the ropes will overwhelm the pole. Legs shoulder width apart. Relax your arms completely and start turning the body around the axis with full weight transfer, gradually increasing the intensity.

Duration: according to your feelings, but necessarily for the number of breath cycles (inhale-exhale), multiple of 6. For example, 6, 12, 18, 36, etc.

2. Heron

For what: development of coordination, balance, dexterity, as well as improvement of blood flow in the lower extremities.

How to perform: you need to stand on one leg, raise the other so that the thigh is parallel to the ground or even higher. Or just as high as possible. Pull the sock over. Stretch the arm of the same name to the raised leg forward, without fully unbending. The other hand is down. Both palms are rounded, as if leaning on two balls. Now you need to close your eyes and try to maintain balance. At the end - rise 3-5 times on the toe.

Duration: according to your feelings, but not less than 10 seconds.

3. Roller

For what: strengthening the spine, improving blood circulation in it, as well as relieving tension and fatigue.

How to perform: sit on the floor. Pull your legs towards you and wrap your arms around them. Round your back as much as possible. Lean back sharply, roll on your back and return to the starting position.


4. Hammer

For what: relaxation of the spine, especially in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Performed in tandem with the exercise "Roller".

How to perform: lie down on your back. Wrap your arms around your shoulders crosswise. Round your back as much as possible. lift upper part torso and slightly begin to “tap” with your back on the floor.

Duration: several breath cycles, but repetition at least 12 times.

5. Sipping

For what: unloading and relaxation. The exercise is compensatory after the "Roller" and "Hammer".

How to perform: we lie on our back. We cross our fingers and stretch our arms as high as possible. We pull the toes.

Duration: by my own feelings.

6. Candle

For what: improvement of blood supply to the brain, favorably affects the health of the whole organism. At regular performance thinking, memory, working capacity are improved. The need for sleep is reduced, breathing becomes less frequent.

How to perform: we lie on the floor. The legs are stretched up. Hands support the stance by the hips or by the waist (in the latter case, the position is higher). We pull socks to the ceiling. Important: the neck should not be overly strained.

Duration: several breaths.

7. Sphinx + Cobra

For what: strengthening the back, the spine becomes more flexible and mobile.

How to perform: lie down on your stomach. Raise your upper body and lean on your forearms. Forearms parallel to each other. Shoulders down, look forward, toes extended. This is the Sphinx. Now we stand on our hands. The spine is even more arched. Look forward or up. This is the Cobra. Then we return to the Sphinx again.

Duration: several breaths.

8. Embryo

For what: compensation for the deflection of the spine - after a strong deflection back, it is necessary to round the back as much as possible. Stimulates the digestive organs and prevents the deposition of salts in the knees.

How to perform: legs under you, knees together. We go down forward and round the back as much as possible. Hands clasp knees or extended forward.

Duration: several breath cycles until complete relaxation. feet at double shoulder width. The arms are extended to the sides. Without changing the position of the hands, we tilt to the left. We fixed the position, made several cycles of inhalation and exhalation. We returned to the starting position. We lean to the right and do it in the other direction for the same number of inhalation-exhalation cycles. Now we lean down, touch the ankle of the opposite leg with our hand. The other hand is extended up, look at this hand. The same breath cycles, and return to the starting position. Then tilt to the other leg. At the end of the exercise, you need to make a compensatory deflection back.

Duration: at your look.

These simple exercises can be performed throughout the day - they will help to relax and relieve stress. The whole complex is simple, but very useful - from this it becomes magical.

Morning work-out for cheerfulness has several nuances that must be observed.

For awakening to be a joy

Any goal morning exercises- help wake up and energize. So exercise should be fun.

In the morning, power loads are inappropriate. To saturate the body with oxygen, cardio is necessary, for muscle flexibility - stretching exercises, and to improve mood - cozy conditions.

Start your morning exercises right in bed. You can turn on pleasant music by placing the remote control from the player at arm's length since the evening.

In summer, it is better to go out to the balcony or to the nearest park (owners of a private house - to the courtyard). Exercise under the sun, feeling unity with nature, not doing anything by force, choosing loads to the best of your ability.

Optimal complex

Usually, morning exercises for vivacity begin with sipping in bed. The main thing here is not to be lazy and not to lie down. Take a sitting position and repeat sipping.

To warm up, you can walk on your toes or roll from heel to toe, as well as step on outside feet.

At the same time, you can make circular movements with your head, trying to stretch the muscles of the neck. You must first reach your chin to your chest, then try to touch the shoulder of the same name with each ear, but in no case should you tilt your head back.

After that, it is necessary to stretch shoulder girdle. Spin and shrug, twist elbow joints V different sides, swing your arms back and forth. This exercise is very useful: stretch your arms up, sticking your chest forward, then sharply throw your straight arms back over the bottom and clap your hands behind your back. Exercise must be performed at a fast pace.

For the body, you can perform the classic “mill” or “mill” on one leg, side bends, twists. Pelvic rotations and boxing are also very effective.

Then you need to do gymnastics for the legs. The minimum complex of morning exercises includes squats, lunges without weighting, jumping with cotton overhead. You can increase the load with the “bike” exercise, in which the legs are almost parallel to the floor.

Completion of charging

Physical exercises that energize for the whole day will be more effective if, at the end of the main charging complex, you perform several breathing exercises from yoga or bodyflex. Then you need to take a contrast shower.

We all want to have slim figure And toned belly and, therefore, we make every effort to achieve the cherished goal. Few of us go in for sports just to improve our health. We are looking for effective exercises, we buy expensive exercise equipment and completely forget that sport is a way of life that helps to always stay in shape. It is necessary to engage constantly, only then we will achieve an amazing result. And in order to accustom yourself to constant training, you should start with the simplest thing - morning exercises.

Why do you need morning exercises?

  • Morning exercise turns on metabolism and increases brain activity. This is what is called cheerfulness for the whole day.
  • Charging accustoms us to the regime, then it will be much easier for us to include other sports, for example, morning jogging.
  • After charging, the appetite decreases. This will be especially good for those who are on a diet, but cannot control their appetite.
  • I advise morning exercises for those who do not sleep well at night. The sooner the brain starts its activity, the sooner it gets tired, and you will be less likely to suffer from insomnia.

Do not forget that exercise is not a set of exercises for weight loss or muscle training. It has several other purposes. And the main goal is to awaken the body, prepare it for the upcoming loads, further mental and physical activity. Do not spend a lot of time charging, 15-20 minutes is enough. It is only needed to warm up the muscles.

What will be required for classes?

  1. For exercises on the press, you can purchase a special mat.
  2. If during morning exercises you decide to twist the hoop, then buy a special hula hoop, you can with a massage effect.
  3. Turn on cheerful music, because it is much more fun to study under it.
  4. Charging doesn't have to be fast paced. I remind you that no one is going to pump up muscles here - this is just a warm-up. If a slow rhythm is enough for you, then stop there.

Charging exercises

head turns left, right, back and forth. Slow circular head rotation.

Mill: kneads the joints of the hands very well. We make circular movements with our hands back and forth. Try to do the exercise energetically, even if your arms start to get tired with each swing.

Quick wave of hands, with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom.

torso in different directions. Bend slowly and smoothly so as not to injure the lower back.

Pelvic rotation, keep your hands on your belt. This exercise warms up the muscles of the whole body well.

We slightly bend our knees, lean on them with our palms and rotate your knees. This exercise prepares the muscles of the legs for more serious stress.

forward bends, reach out to the toe of the foot.

Mahi legs to the sides.

Squats. If regular squats are easy for you, you can squat with dumbbells, this will create additional load and increase the load.

Lie down on the mat and do exercises for the abs: straight leg raises or torso raises.

good exercisebike, do it, lying on your back and slightly raising your head.

jumping rope

This is the main set of exercises. You can always change it and add new movements.

Do you work out in the morning? Share with us in the comments.

Hello dear readers!
Each of us, waking up in the morning, wants to become more cheerful and active as soon as possible. This is where it can help morning exercises aimed at activating all vital metabolic processes and charging the body with the necessary positive energy. For positive effect you need to choose the right complex for classes that will suit your body, and perform it correctly!

The body during physiological awakening is as relaxed as possible, therefore morning exercises should be as simple as possible to perform, they should not be spent a lot on their implementation physical strength(by the way, we wrote about how to choose the right morning exercise complex and what rules to follow) The next selection of complexes includes all kinds of simple exercises that will help your body wake up and recharge with vital energy.

Complexes of morning exercises

The video shows the first charging complex, which can be easily performed by a beginner or a person who has not practiced morning exercises for a long time:

The complex includes exercises that replace a full workout in gym. The video is accompanied by detailed comments that will help you navigate the exercises. When they are performed, all muscle groups are involved, a variety of movements and Fast passage from one movement to another, they do not let the muscles get tired and make morning exercises interesting! If you spend only 15 minutes on gymnastics every day (this is how long the complex lasts) a day, you will get a load, you will be able to maintain your figure in great shape and get a daily charge of positive energy!

The video shows the classic version of morning exercises:

The girl on the video comments on all her actions, pays a lot of attention to the technical part of charging. Distinctive feature exercises is that they combine the work of different parts of the body, in which different muscle groups are involved. For example, a classic squat, legs set wider than shoulder width, is performed with the arms moved in different directions with the hands up. This exercise involves the muscles of the legs, back, abs and arms. Such exercises contribute to the simultaneous toning of the whole body, each cell of the body simultaneously receives the necessary warm-up and comes into shape.

The complex presented in the following video is designed for people of an average level of training:

It is distinguished by energy and vigorous movements aimed at losing weight. The video is also accompanied by comments to help maintain the correct warm-up rhythm. Basic movements, such as rotations in the elbow and shoulder joints, head rotations, tilts and squats, help to awaken the whole body, all muscle groups warm up and warm up well, and at the same time you get a portion of positive energy for the whole day!

The following video presents 3 super exercises to maintain the tone of the whole body:

When performing these exercises, all muscle groups of the body are worked out. The whole complex is recommended to be repeated at least 5 times, increasing the number of repetitions over time. Incredibly effective exercises will help to quickly transform the body, energize it, increase the body's endurance and strengthen muscles. Despite the fact that the complex includes only three exercises, it is designed for people of good physical training and people suffering from heart disease, the complex is not recommended.

The following complex includes 7 exercises and is designed for people who do not practice before the morning

It is built on the simplest exercises that used to be part of the mandatory school warm-up program. A simple and effective complex of morning exercises will help tone the body, correct the hips, stomach and buttocks. The pace of the whole complex is unhurried, breathing does not go astray during the exercises, a lot of strength and energy are not wasted, but at the same time all muscle groups are worked out. After completing the complex, a surge of vivacity is felt.

The next video shows health complex
"Eye of rebirth":

This complex is original and consists of five Tibetan ritual actions. Each movement is aimed at achieving ultimate lightness and relaxation of the whole organism. Tibetan exercise is suitable for all people who want to find emotional balance, strengthen their body.

The next complex of morning exercises is "Salutation to the Sun":

This type of exercise is used in yoga as a warm-up. All exercises this complex aimed at restoring the disturbed energy balance of the body. For beginners, it will be difficult to immediately master the exercises, as they involve deep stretching of the entire body. Regular repetition of this complex provides a quick stretch of all muscles, slow movements made without effort, normalize the movement of energy in the body, harmonize and restore vitality.

The following video shows Tibetan hormonal gymnastics:

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics consists of slow repetitive movements and is aimed at stabilizing the hormonal background. Suitable to perform early in the morning when waking up or even while lying in bed. Promotes a smooth awakening of the whole organism, fills the whole body with energy and charges with positive energy for the whole day!

The following set of exercises is designed for trained people who are already practicing such a warm-up:

A set of exercises Bodyflex is mainly aimed at correcting the figure and achieving maximum results in a minimum period of time. The complex consists of classic exercises, not the easiest to perform. Much attention is paid correct breathing, after each exercise, it is necessary to restore breathing so that the internal balance is not disturbed.

The last video shows another wellness complex:

The complex is aimed at activating the whole organism and consists of several blocks. Some exercises are recommended to be done carefully without fanaticism, as they can be difficult to perform for an unprepared person. In the process of performing exercises, the energy balance of the body is restored, the general physical state, after some time after the completion of the complex, a surge of strength is felt.

The wonderful complexes of morning exercises given above will help you find inner balance and calmness, normalize flows vital energy in the body and fill your life with new emotions.

From the proposed complexes, you can choose for yourself one that will suit your soul and body. Do it every day, develop a useful favorite habit, and you will feel how life will sparkle with new colors, new forces will wake up in the body, and positive energy will be in full swing!


G gymnastics can bring zero results or worse, harm your health! E This is due to exercises that are not able to take into account the human anatomy and the individuality of the body. find out 7 exercises that should never be done during morning exercises. Downloada wonderful book written by an experienced specialist, a professional fitness trainer and exercise therapy doctor, which is called "7 harmful exercises for morning exercises .

All the best to you and success in your endeavors!

Brett Click "7 Minute Fitness"

An excellent help for those who want to do fitness at home will be the book by Brett Click "7 Minutes to Fitness". It describes and illustrates in detail the programs of various 7-minute workouts aimed at maintaining physical condition. different groups muscles. Anyone can perform programs, while you can tighten all muscle groups without visiting a special gym.

Any sport will help to keep a figure, and for those who need to lose weight, it will serve as an excellent incentive to action. Starting the morning with a warm-up is not only beneficial for the figure and appearance, it is also a wonderful way to recharge with energy and vivacity for the whole day.

Usually, the morning of any person begins with the desire to still lie in bed. But if you want to do your appearance and look at 100%, then you need to install another program in your head: every morning we start with physical exercises.

Exercises for morning exercises are simple and easy to do, but despite this, they have great power of beauty and health! 2 effective complex for good health!

1 set of exercises

  1. Stretching the whole body: you can do it while lying in bed, or you can already stand on the floor. Clasp your hands in a lock above your head and pull as high as possible, while turning the body movements to the left, then to the right. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Steps: stand on your toes, walk a few steps, then move to your heels, also walk, the next steps are on the inside and outside of the foot. Do these steps within 5 minutes.
  3. Rotational movements: standing on the floor, rotate your arms up and down, top body and pelvis left and right. Repeat 10-15 times with each part of the body.
  4. Tilts the upper body back and forth. Legs shoulder-width apart and straight, back straight, slopes as low as possible. Repeat - 10 times.
  5. Tilts left and right. Position - standing, legs shoulder-width apart and straight, arms bent at the elbows and located on the belt. Repeat movements 10 times in each direction.
  6. Jumping: we do 100 jumps, you can use a skipping rope.

2 set of exercises

  1. It is required to start the warm-up by warming up all muscle groups. To do this, stand up straight and shake each hand, wave your legs alternately.
  2. Exercises for the muscles of the neck: stand up straight, hands on the belt, legs slightly apart. Make slight head movements to the right and left, back and forth. Repeat 10 times on each side.
  3. The position is standing, legs are straight, hands are on the shoulders. Make circular movements with your hands back and forth. Make 15 movements in each direction.
  4. Exercises for all muscle groups - squats. Make movements easy, without sharpness. Squat first to floor level - 10 times. And then to the level of the knees (thighs parallel to the floor) - 10 times.
  5. Leg swings: stand near the wall, lean on right hand against the wall, left hand on the belt. Swing your left foot forward and backward. Repeat the same with the right leg, but lean on the wall with your left hand. Do 15 swings with each leg.

If you regularly play sports, and also often twist the hoop, then as a morning exercise, you can simply twist the hula hoop. You do not need to devote an hour to this activity. 15 minutes is enough.

The proposed exercises for charging are available to everyone. But for some, it will take a lot of willpower to repeat them every morning. Therefore, the following data will serve as an incentive for everyone:

  • Charging improves blood circulation, improves metabolism, tunes the body and brain to work and helps to effectively cope with stress during the day.
  • Warming up, especially in the morning and especially in the fresh air, helps to produce hormones of happiness and success. And no one can live without them!
  • During physical exertion, the body comes into action, which helps to quickly remove harmful substances, toxins and congestion from the body.
  • A person becomes organized, disciplined, able to solve any problems and problems.
  • Morning exercises set up the three main components of life: the psyche, mind and physical condition - for the renewal of the body and the youthfulness of the spirit!

Therefore, exercises for charging in the morning should not be lazy to do, but run and perform with joy! And after the exercise for guaranteed vigor, you can take

Morning exercise involves light exercises that will stretch your muscles after a night's rest, increase blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body.

1 . We start exercising right in bed. Let's warm up first facial muscles faces, alternately tensing and relaxing. To do this, we close our eyes and tighten our lips, then sharply open our eyes and depict a smile from ear to ear. Did you notice that you are already awake?

2 . Having cheered up, we get out of bed and stand up, placing our feet shoulder-width apart. Now turn your head in one direction, then in the other direction. Then we tilt the head forward, backward, then to the sides to the shoulders.

3 . Also, standing, spread your arms to the sides. Now we make swing movements with our hands to the sides, bringing the shoulder blades together, while alternating: 2 swings with straight arms, 2 swings with arms bent at the elbows.

4 . In the same starting position, we turn the body to the right and left alternately, then we bend forward and backward, then tilt to the sides.

5 . Now let's swing with straight legs forward - back and right - left.

6 . We sit on the floor and lean forward to the legs as much as possible several times, then we spread our legs to the sides, now we stretch our hands to the toe of one leg, then to the other.

7 . Let's finish our morning exercises with squats and jumps, first on both legs, then on one and, finally, the other leg.

8 . After charging, we restore breathing: smoothly raise our hands up through the sides, while taking a deep breath, while rising on our toes. On the exhale we come back. We repeat several times.

Woke up? Now water procedures and have breakfast. After charging, you will be accompanied by the whole day ahead!

Charging and mood

A study conducted at the University of Maryland showed that moderate exercise helps to cope with anxiety and. Moreover, the effect of physical activity persists for a long time after training.

It has also been established that physical exercise improve mood and affect the emotional state of a person during stress. Associate Professor of Kinesiology, J. Carson Smith, believes that "physical activity is a kind of effective buffer for emotional impact." By exercising your body, you reduce your anxiety and are able to more effectively maintain a good mood without succumbing to the damaging effects of stress.

Dr. Smith also found that exercise and rest are equally effective in reducing anxiety levels. At the same time, when emotional stimulation occurred during 15-20 minutes, the level of anxiety quickly returned to those who simply rested. Those who were engaged in physical exercises, remained a low level of anxiety.

Evening exercises will help you create a good mood in the morning. For many, the word "charging" is associated with exercises that are performed in the morning. If you remember that the purpose of charging is to increase efficiency and attention, as well as relieve nervous tension, then it turns out that evening exercises are more relevant. After all, it is in the evening that we feel tired, and sometimes irritable, someone has back pain, and thoughts about work often do not allow attention to be switched to household chores. In all these cases, evening exercises will help you, which you need to do in the evening after work, but (!) before dinner.

What problems does evening exercise solve?

  • Get rid of excessive appetite before dinner - this is important if you want to remove extra pounds;
  • Calm down nervous system and relieve stress
  • Relieve physical fatigue;
  • Improves the condition of the spine and relieves back pain;
  • Activates the work of internal organs.

During the evening exercise, it is important to monitor your well-being - if fatigue accumulates and the desire to do exercises during exercise decreases, you need to reduce the duration of the workout and the number of exercises the next day.

Evening exercises can be replaced by jogging

Running will have an unusually positive effect on your body. This is a wonderful prevention of various cardiovascular disease and a great workout for the heart muscle. Running in the evening will cheer you up, as a leisurely run contributes to what is produced - a hormone that creates a feeling of happiness and bliss.

To appreciate all the positive impact of an evening run, we follow a few rules.

  • running 30-40 minutes, it is with such a duration of training that the best healing effect occurs.
  • running 2-3 times a week, preferably every other day. If more than 3 times a week, your body will not have time to recover. If you run once a week, the healing effect will decrease.
  • Before jogging, we stretch the main muscle groups: we will swing our arms and legs, squats, rotate the body.
  • Let's divide the run by 3 stages. The first 10-12 minutes we run slowly, then 10-12 minutes a little bit faster and the final 10-12 minutes, also, minimum speed.
  • Returning home after a run, we take a shower and, having received a charge of vivacity, we switch to household chores.

Evening exercise will help the spine

Many people have back pain in the evening. This is due to the fact that during the day, during loads, the distance between the vertebrae becomes smaller, and the vertebrae begin to put pressure on the nerve endings. spinal cord causing back pain and discomfort. Evening exercises will help to gently stretch the spine, increase the distance between the vertebrae, thus alleviate your condition.

We do exercises for the spine gently, without jerking, slowly and calmly stretching the back muscles and the spine itself.

This set of exercises can be done daily, 10-15 minutes will be sufficient.

  • 1 . We get on all fours. We take a breath, slightly bend our back down and look up. You need to feel the stretching of the muscles along the entire spine. We hold our breath for a few seconds. On the exhale, we round the back, draw in the stomach until a noticeable muscle tension. We press the chin to the chest, holding the breath. Let's repeat 7-8 times.
  • 2 . Now lie down on your back, stretch your arms up above your head. Exhale completely. We keep the left leg straight, while inhaling we bend the right knee, and press the right thigh to the body, clasping the knee with both hands. Hold your breath for a few seconds, relaxing. Exhale as you return to the starting position. We repeat 6 times for each leg.
  • 3 . We lie down on the floor, raise our hands up. We breathe as usual. We extend the arm and leg at the same time on the left in opposite directions. We repeat the same for the right side. We do according 5-7 pulls left and right.

Do you feel how your spine has rested?

How exercise affects health

Stress is familiar to everyone today and overshadows our lives every day. It is possible to cope with this problem only in a complex, but special exercises will be your first step towards a harmonious and peaceful life.

  • 1 . We stand next to the chair, sideways to its back. Hold on to the back with your left hand, exhale completely. While inhaling, we raise the right leg, bending the knee and clasping it with the right hand. We bend our head to the knee and hold our breath for 3 seconds. Lower your leg and relax. Repeat with the other leg. Doing the exercise 3 times every foot. Subsequently, with good balance, it is better to clasp the knee with both hands, for stronger pressure.
  • 2 . We stand up straight, focus our eyes on one point in front of us, keep our head straight. We breathe as usual. Slowly raise the right leg and place the foot as high as possible on the inside of the left leg. The toes point downward. Relax your leg as much as possible. In this position, it will not slide down. Having caught a stable balance, exhale completely. Then we slowly inhale, raising our hands up and closing our palms above our heads. We breathe calmly. You need to feel how your abdominal muscles tense up. To maintain balance, we continue to look at one point in front of us. We perform for each leg 2-3 times

    Do exercises for Have a good mood!

© luengo_ua -

    When we once again make a promise to ourselves to come to grips with health (since the new year, from Monday, etc.), then item number 1 in this “global” plan is usually morning exercises. However, determination often ends with the wake-up call. And it's not just laziness that's to blame. The root of the problem is that many simply don't realize the importance of exercising in the morning. Everyone knows it's useful. But what exactly and what are the consequences of a lack of movement, not everyone knows.

    In the article, we will explain why charging is vital for a modern person and how to do it correctly in the morning. We will also help you choose a set of exercises and tell you how to form good habit and avoid errors when performing charging.

    Benefits of morning exercise for the body

    Have you noticed how many people around us in the morning are in a bad mood, not getting enough sleep, irritable? The most common cause of this condition is hypokinesia, or lack of physical activity. Hence and nervous excitability and chronic fatigue. After all, not enough impulses come from the muscles to the brain. Consequently, the nerve centers after sleep turn on in slow motion. In addition, the lack of movement negatively affects the tone of the blood vessels that feed the brain.

    Over time, the situation worsens: a person after a night's rest does not feel cheerful, constantly wakes up in a bad mood. The volume of the minimum necessary motor activity is recruited only by noon. Only then will strength and tone appear.

    The most effective solution to the problem is morning exercises. By doing simple exercises, you help the body activate internal resources faster and work more efficiently during the day.

    The beneficial effects of charging also manifest themselves as follows:

    • strengthens the heart muscle and respiratory system(prevention of heart attacks);
    • improved permeability and general state blood vessels (stroke prevention);
    • joints become more mobile (prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system);
    • elasticity and muscle tone increase, posture is leveled;
    • accelerates intracellular metabolism;
    • the work of the brain is activated, which has a positive effect on mental activity and concentration;
    • endurance increases;
    • the vestibular apparatus is trained, coordination of movements is improved.

    Important! It often happens that the whole daytime is limited to charging. physical activity modern man who leads a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is definitely not worth ignoring it.

    When to practice and how to make a morning schedule?

    There is an opinion that gymnastics in the morning can be abandoned in favor of evening exercises. It is easier to study in the afternoon, and you don’t have to get up early. However, evening classes, for all their usefulness, will not give the body that vigor after waking up and before a working day, which morning physical exercises will provide.

    • duration of classes: morning exercises for beginners - 10-15 minutes, half an hour - for those who have adapted to the loads;
    • after charging for 10 minutes, you should take a contrast shower.

    Exercise preferably on an empty stomach. To thin the blood after a night's sleep, it will be good to drink a glass of water. Activity will be higher if you wash with cool water. Be sure to ventilate the room where you will practice.

    Charging should consist of 3 stages: warm-up, main complex and completion. Distribute the load evenly. Do the exercises from easy to more difficult. If you feel weak or dizzy, it is better to stop and do nothing through the pain and obvious discomfort.

    Warm up

    Before charging, like any other workout, you must definitely carry out a small one. All exercises are performed smoothly, no sudden movements are needed.


    Slowly and smoothly tilt your head to the left and right. Then tilt your head forward, touching your chin chest, then back. Further - rotational movements head clockwise and counterclockwise. The final stage is turning the head to the right and left.


    Raise your hands in front of your chest, clench your palms into a fist. Perform rotations first with the joints, then with the elbows. Shoulder joints knead by moving arms outstretched or bent at the elbows in a circle, back and forth.


    We put our hands on the belt. hip joint do it in different directions.

    You can perform several inclinations to the left and right legs.


    We raise the left leg in front of us, slightly bend at the knee and start. If it is difficult to maintain balance, put your hand against the wall. We make the same movement knee joint. Repeat the exercises for the right leg. We finish the warm-up by walking on the spot.

    Easy start kit

    There are practically no contraindications for charging in the morning. This type of activity is suitable for both children and adults. You do not need expensive equipment or simulators, special sportswear. Charging at home is available to everyone - you just need to choose the best set of exercises for yourself. We bring to your attention a universal complex of morning exercises for beginners for 15 minutes.


    The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, try to reach the floor with your hands, then, resting your hands on your lower back, bend back. 10 times.

    Steps in place

    Raise your knees as high as possible. Then we put our palms on the buttocks with the back side and try to reach them with our heels with a sweeping movement. 10 times with each leg.

    Leg swings to the side and back and forth

    We do swings alternately with each foot 10 times. If it's hard to keep your balance, you can lean against the wall.

    Press exercises

    Lie down on the floor on your back and start pulling up bent legs to the chest (alternately, then both together). 10 times.

    We continue to do all the exercises in a circle for 10-15 minutes.


    We complete the complex with the plank exercise. Start with 30 seconds and improve gradually every day. You can stand both on your elbows and on outstretched arms. Another option is to alternate these positions every day.

    Complex for men

    Morning exercises for men are optionally performed with dumbbells (warm-up - without).


    After warming up, we start the main part with (20-25 times). Make sure your back is straight and your knees don't go past your toes.


    Classical: put your left leg forward and bend at the knee at a right angle. The right leg is pulled back and also bent at a right angle. Next comes the return to the starting position and a new lunge from the other leg. Perform 15 times on each leg, keep your hands on your belt.

    © dusanpetkovic1 -

    Lateral: Spread your legs as wide as you can. Bend the right leg and tilt the body in its direction, keep the left straight. Then vice versa. The back is straight. The number of repetitions is 10-15.

    © Makatserchyk -

    Push ups

    Classic push-ups from the floor with hands slightly wider than shoulders.

    Reverse push-ups

    Use a chair, armchair or bench.


    Lean on the forearms, the body is as tense and stretched as possible. The execution time is less than a minute.

    Complex for women

    The final warm-up exercise - steps in place - we continue with intensive movements with knees raised. Then we rise on toes, arms up, and fix this position for 15-20 seconds.


    We spread straight arms to the side and perform swings to the arms, first with a leg bent at the knee, then with a straight one.


    Feet shoulder-width apart, heels do not come off the floor, back is straight.

    jumping out

    Jumping out of a squat. Can be done with cotton over the head.


    Sitting on the floor, we perform deep inclinations alternately to the left and right legs.

    After that, we bend our legs under ourselves, tilt the body and stretch forward.

    © stanislav_uvarov -


    We complete the complex. Start with 30 seconds and improve gradually every day.

    How to motivate yourself to practice?

    Start with small steps. Common Mistake beginners - set yourself many tasks at once. Do you plan to practice early rises? Then start with a 5-minute morning exercise and do it for a month without adding anything else. You can extend the time of classes by 3-5 minutes every week. When one ritual is formed, add a new one: meditation or another one of your choice.

    Note! Motivation goes away, habits remain. Unfortunately, it is impossible to hold on to willpower and overcoming alone for a long time. Create a habit loop. Its simplified scheme is: a trigger (a mechanism that starts a habit) - an action - a reward.

    A trigger, or a kind of hook, can be any constant action. For example, washing, brushing your teeth, etc. Have done the exercises, reward yourself with a delicious breakfast or a cup of aromatic tea. We stimulate dopamine receptors, and the habit begins to be associated with pleasure.

    Add pleasant emotions. Turn on your favorite music, think positive. Do not mentally solve the problems of the day ahead during class. Remember: the best morning exercise is exercise with pleasure.

    If you missed a workout or reduced the time, don't beat yourself up. Return to a stable schedule as soon as possible. Celebrate progress and celebrate success. Start tracking habits and mark every day when the morning began with physical education.

    What result can you expect?

    It is hardly worth expecting positive changes if you do exercises only from time to time. Changes become apparent after a few weeks if taken every day or at least 5 times a week. The most obvious effect is general improvement well-being and health promotion. It also increases resistance to colds and other diseases.

    Interesting to know! Charging, which is designed to invigorate, with prolonged practice, even normalizes sleep. Getting up early forms a stable daily routine, which allows you not only to get up, but also to go to bed at the same time. Insomnia disappears, night rest becomes complete.

    Regular exercise reduces stress and prevents depression. In the brain, the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced, the mood stabilizes, nervousness and irritability go away. Increased efficiency, perseverance in achieving goals, discipline.

    For those who are losing weight, exercising can speed up the farewell to unnecessary fat due to excess calorie consumption. Evening workouts are easier. Many note that morning exercise even helps regulate appetite.

    © fizkes -

    Key Mistakes When Charging

    We have already mentioned one of the most common problems - the irregularity of classes. Other mistakes: doing exercises in a stuffy room and at an unnecessarily slow pace with long pauses. The charging rhythm should be smooth, but quite intense. In this case, do not ignore the warm-up.

    Engage all muscle groups. Working exclusively with one group contradicts the purpose of charging: to activate the work of the body, to charge it with energy through movement. However, those who prioritize downsizing problem areas, turn gymnastics at the beginning of the day exclusively into a fight against overweight, forgetting that it is not exercise that burns fat, but the overall balance of calories throughout the day. In the end - no tone, no pleasure.

    Note! If you want to lose weight, but your sports activities are limited to exercise, then do not count on a quick and obvious result. For efficiency, add 2-3 additional power training in Week.

    Load all muscle groups in the morning full program also not worth it. It is a mistake to make a full-fledged charger high intensity workout. This problem is especially common for beginners. Instead of cheerfulness, you will get fatigue, weakness and a desire to rest throughout the day. Unable to cope, a person stops morning activities and rarely returns to them because of the memory of uncomfortable sensations.


    It's hard to believe that a few simple exercises in the morning can change your life for the better. However, that is exactly what is happening. Want to make sure? Then do not wait for special dates and do not postpone classes indefinitely. Just start! Tomorrow morning, wake up just 10 minutes earlier and add a small amount of energy to your morning rituals. physical activity. Do not be lazy to act for the good of the body and be healthy!