Plan summary of physical education classes 2 junior group. Physical education in the second junior group

The well-known statement “Movement is life” is more relevant than ever at a younger preschool age. Therefore, the preparation of physical education classes for children of the younger group, taking into account age features and the interests of the children - a painstaking task that requires an extraordinary approach.

Motor features of children of primary preschool age

Observing children of 3-4 years old allows us to notice that they are very mobile, they need to be in time everywhere, everything new is of interest and the desire to try it out for themselves. Physical education at 2 junior group is planned based on the motor characteristics of the children, namely: children cannot be immobile for a long time, but they get tired very quickly from performing monotonous movements. It should be noted that for a variety of movements, as well as activities related to motor activity (musical, familiarization with the outside world, walks, etc.) are used.

There is a group of movements that is undesirable for this child. This is a long suspension on the hands, jumping from a height, as well as repeated repetition of the same movements. It is important to switch children from one to another in time during physical education classes in the younger group, in order to avoid overwork.

The main directions in the development of children of the 2nd junior group

Based on the characteristics of the development of babies, there are three main lines:

  • Formation of accessible forms of expression of independence in physical education classes in the 2nd junior group. The actions of an adult are aimed at encouraging children to independently (without the help of a teacher) perform movements.
  • Physical education in the younger group of the kindergarten is also aimed at the development of visual-effective thinking and the formation of elementary judgments about the world around. This is due to the active stimulation of the vestibular apparatus, located in the middle ear.
  • Formation of a new type of activity at a physical education lesson in the second junior group: a joint game (not a solitary and not a “side by side” game).

Maintaining health through exercise

The fashionable expression “health-saving technologies” is also applicable to physical education in the 2nd junior group. This is expressed in the following terms:

  • Preparedness of the premises (timely wet cleaning, airing) for the lesson, taking into account the availability of equipment (corresponding to sanitary standards).
  • Constant use in the classroom and in Everyday life guys of hardening elements (rates for lowering temperatures and hardening procedures are prescribed in the relevant documents).
  • Compliance with the zone of psychological comfort of kids.

Organization of classes in the younger group of kindergarten

Physical education can have different forms depending on the goal: plot physical education classes of the younger group, game, thematic and complex. If the duration of the lesson is determined by the age group of children (in this case, 15-20 minutes), then the structure is determined by the form of conduct chosen by the adult.

Of the forms listed above, a comprehensive lesson will be subjected to detailed consideration.

Complex classes

In the light physiological characteristics younger children preschool age and the requirements of teaching methods, the best option is a combination of methods and techniques for conducting classes in different areas. Thus, training and education will be based on the principles of inclusion largest number analyzers for mastering and fixing the material. in mathematics - physical education - music, speech development - physical education - mathematics, drawing - music - physical education, etc. bring maximum benefit to pupils. When organizing the work of the group according to the grid of such classes, time is released due to a decrease in the number of classes, and this allows the teacher and kindergarten specialists to conduct individual work with children more often. In addition, there is more time for independent games and the development of communication skills of preschoolers.

Conducting complex classes

Usually, the methodology for conducting classes is based on the foundations of TRIZ pedagogy. But the designers of different specialists differ due to the creative approach to the topic and the difference in goals and material security of the classes. To illustrate the methods used, we can consider a comprehensive lesson based on physical culture lesson in the 2nd junior group and the musical activity "Let's teach the bear cub Umka to speak."

This lesson is considered as one of the examples, although the possibilities of the modular system are not limited (the plan of physical education classes in the younger group is given below).

First module

Organizational and stimulating part of the lesson. The purpose of any introductory part of the lesson is to concentrate the attention of children, provide a positive emotional background for the lesson, indicate the purpose of the lesson and repeat the elements covered. The exercises of the introductory part of the physical education class and various kinds of assimilation to music fit well.

Second module: tying

At this stage, there are children on the topics "Transport", "Kindergarten", and the long way of the letter from the sender to the recipient is considered. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the envelope, in which there is a letter from the mother bear. She worries that her teddy bear Umka is still not talking and asks the guys to help her. At the end of the module, the teacher, together with the children, decides on the next route: a trip to the North Pole.

Third module: a long way

During the trip, it is advisable to consolidate the skills of children in elementary musical and rhythmic movements, as well as to consolidate the skills of various kinds of walking and running. Without the help and control of the music director and head of physical education is indispensable here. For implementation this complex the method of assimilation is suitable, with the help of which children can try on different images and practice most effectively in a playful way. It is important to note that assimilation primarily updates the existing knowledge and skills of children, which are supplemented with new characteristics each time the method is used (with the direct participation of adults in this process).

Fourth module: arrival

Upon arrival at the North Pole, the children will get to know the little bear cub Umka, who will subsequently need to be taught to speak. Acquaintance itself implies individual and group work on the development of the vocal data of preschoolers and the correctness of speech (teaching - learning). Methods of speech rhythmization with the help of noise effects (claps, stomps, clicks) have proven themselves well. In any case, the methods and techniques used should correspond to the current development of children and their needs.

Fifth module: magic

Since the bear cub is silent, the teacher suggests resorting to "magic". The process itself consists of general strengthening exercises, and the form of delivery depends entirely on the imagination of the head of physical education. Feelings of magic and mystery can be achieved with the help of appropriate musical arrangement. This atmosphere helps to maintain the attention of children and stimulate further action.

The most important characteristic of a complex physical culture second the younger group is the variability in the construction of the constituent parts.

Sixth module: character training

It is advisable to further turn to musical activity with the help of dances, round dances, and joint music-making. A characteristic feature of this stage of the lesson is the following pattern: the more diverse the methods of presenting the material and the methods of execution, the greater the interest they cause among children. The kids continue to teach the bear cub to speak, but with the help of various types of musical activities: singing in chorus, solo, with movements (the most difficult option for children of the younger group), accompanied by rhythmic noise accompaniments, using dramatizations, etc.

Seventh module: obstacle course

This part of the lesson returns children to the sphere of influence of physical education. Toddlers go through an obstacle course. It should be noted that the nature, duration, pace of passage depend on physical condition children and fantasies of the head of physical education. There is an opportunity for every child to make this species exercise a convenient number of times and at a comfortable pace, which helps prevent overwork.

Eighth module: completion of the journey

Naturally, the children's efforts should not be in vain, and Umka begins to speak (this is achieved with the help of a toy with a built-in voice recorder - a "repetition toy"). This adds to the children's faith in their own strength and the desire to play with such a toy in the future and beat different situations. The main purpose of this stage of the lesson is to discharge and relieve tension. Relaxation exercises are well suited to appropriate music, speech and music, stabilizing breathing.

Holding complex classes leaves an emotional response in the children's memory, they subsequently experience and are interested in Umka's well-being and the opportunity to meet him again. However, the degree of perception of the material by children depends directly on the interest in the result of adults.

Synopsis of physical education

2 junior group

Educator: Slobodenko V.G.

Target: Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, crawling on all fours (supported by palms and knees) in a straight direction. Teach children how to crawl into a hoop, walk along gymnastic bench, when jumping, land on half-bent legs. Develop movement coordination. Cultivate diligence, courage.

Equipment: balls according to the number of children, 2 - 3 hoops, a pole with a rattle, a gymnastic bench, a tambourine.

Lesson progress

1 part: Building in a line, turning the head to the left, straight, right, straight.Explanation: Today we will be either hedgehogs or little guys. See how the hedgehogs walk and run (show by a child or a teacher). Turn around for Nikita, show how the children walk, march step (to a tambourine) (normal walking in a circle one after another). Now get on all fours and walk in a circle one after another like a hedgehog (after hitting the tambourine, the children get up). Show how small children run, run a march. Now show how hedgehogs run. Get on all fours and run like a hedgehog. Now go like guys. (After hitting the tambourine, the children stop). Look at our clearing - there are balls on it, like red apples. Approach the ball and stand near it. Take the ball in both hands.

2 part: A ) General developmental exercises:

1. I.p. feet on the width of the foot (narrow path), the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, lower your hands, i.p. 4 - 5 times.

2. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart (wide track), the ball in bent arms in the chest. Bring the ball forward, bend over, touch the floor with the ball, straighten up, hands to the chest. 4 times.

3. I.p. lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. Bend your knees, touch the ball to your knees, straighten your legs and arms. 4 times.

4. I.p. feet on the width of the foot (narrow path), the ball in both hands below. Raise your hands forward, up. Forward, drop. 5 times.

5. I.p. sitting legs apart, the ball in both hands at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball, straighten up, hands to the chest. 4 times.

6. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart (wide track), the ball in both hands below. Sit down, touch the floor with the ball, stand up. 5 times.

Guys, take the balls to the basket and line up behind Nikita.

b) Basic movements.

See how the hedgehogs crawl into the hoop (show by a child or a teacher). It is necessary to shrink into a ball and, without touching the floor with your hands, climb into the hoop (2 - 3 vertical hoops), stand up and reach out with your hands to the rattle (hanging on a pole). Now look how the guys walk on the gymnastic bench. Stand on a bench, arms to the sides, backs straight, do not lower your head. And at the end of the bench we jump off easily on half-bent legs, we bring our hands forward.

Turn around after Nikita and climb into the hoop like a hedgehog, and walk along the bench like the guys (perform 3 times, one after another).

Mobile game. And now it's time for us to play, kids. The game is called "Catch the ball." I will pour the balls out of the basket, and you will quickly catch up with them and bring them back to the basket (the game is repeated 3 times).

3 part. Guys, I found some kind of box, what is in it? These are leaves. Take out one leaflet at a time, get on all fours, put the leaflet on your back and carry it on your back. In hedgehogs on a prickly back, a leaf does not fly off. What about the kids? Now let's see who's leaflet will roll on its back longer (play).

Get up! Have you lost your leaves? Lift all the leaves up and go to the group with the leaflet.

Well done, eat! Well done boys!

Physical education lesson in the 2nd junior group "Journey to the forest"


Teaching children to walk on an inclined board; improve motor skills in jumping on two legs with moving forward in rolling the ball in a straight direction.

Exercise in walking and running;

Develop speed of reaction, accuracy of command execution;

Cultivate interest in the activity.

Equipment: an inclined board, balls according to the number of children, a toy dog ​​or a mask, a picture of a train, leaves, an audio recording of "Voices of Birds".

Lesson progress:

I. Introduction.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Hello guys. Do you like to travel? In today's lesson, we will go with you to the forest. Let's go and see what? (By train)

2. Warm up.

Become a locomotive one after another, wagons grapple with each other. Go! (Walking in a column one at a time).

The locomotive buzzed and drove the wagons,

Choh - choh, choo - choo, I will rock far.

Stop! We've arrived. Passengers got out of the train. Look who's hiding under that bush? (Bear). Let's go to the "mish" step.

Look, who is under the other bush? (Hare). Let's go to the rabbit.

To the "mish" - a step.

To the bunny - run.

Guys, look how many autumn leaves autumn scattered in our forest. Take two leaves in your hands. Get on the red circle.

3. ORU "Autumn Leaves".

1) I.P. - legs in a narrow path, leaves below.

1 - hands smoothly forward, look at the leaves.

2 - i.p. (6 times)

2) I.P. - legs in a narrow path, arms in front.

1 - turn right.

2 - i.p.

3 - turn left.

4 - i.p. (3 times each side)

3) I.P. - legs in a narrow path, hands at the top.

1 - lean forward, touch the floor with the leaves (leaves fall).

2 - i.p. (5 times)

4) I.P. – o.s.,

1 - sit down, put the leaves on the floor.

2 - i.p.

3 - sit down, take the leaves.

4 - i.p. (5 times)

5) Circling with leaves to the right (left) in place. (4 times)


II. Main part.

Oh, guys, look what a bridge appeared on our way. Let's learn to walk on it. You need to go carefully, go down slowly, do not push.

a) Walking on an inclined board.


And now we will be forest bunnies. Let's jump on two legs moving forward.

b) Jumping on two legs moving forward (3-4 times).

And now guys, we will collect nuts for the squirrel. Let's take a ball, stand on this yellow ruler and roll the nut ball in the forward direction.

c) Rolling the ball in the forward direction (frontally).

Well done! And they completed this task.

Let's go to the pink house and rest. (Children sit on their knees). Listen, who is singing in the forest? (birds).

Do you want to be birds?

d) The outdoor game "Birds".

Birds were flying, little birds.

They all flew, they all flew, they flapped their wings.

They sat down on the path, ate grains.

Key-key-key, key-key-key

How I love grains.

Feathers cleaned to be cleaner

Like this, like this, to be cleaner.

We jump on the branches to be stronger for the children.

Like this, like this, to be stronger for the kids.

And the dog came running and scared all the kids. (3 times)


III. Final part

Time to go back to kindergarten. We get on the train. Go. (Stop at the window - line).

Did you enjoy the trip?

Are we going to the forest again?

Summary of physical education classes in the second junior group "Birds"

Type classes: Plot

Areas of Integration:

Physical development:



To teach children to jump off low objects, landing softly on bent legs;

Continue to learn to walk in a circle, keeping an even build;

Exercise in loose running;

Exercise in the task of preventing scoleosis;

Strengthen the muscles of the legs and torso.


Develop movement coordination;

Develop motor activity, flexibility.


Cultivate interest in classes in physical culture;

To cultivate discipline, the ability to follow commands.

Create a joyful mood in children.

cognitive development:

Strengthen the ability to perform the movement according to the score.

Speech development:

Fix words in mobile game: « The birds dance» .

Socially communicative development:

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

artistic aesthetic development:

Learn to perform the exercise in accordance with the tempo of the music.

Health saving technologies:

Breathing exercises;

Relaxation exercises.

preliminary work:

- Browse albums: « Birds»

- Mobile game: « The birds dance» .


Soft track, signals, cat's hat, gymnastic board, balance beam (roller) for stepping over.

Guys, today we will play like this. Today you will be little sparrows, but in order for you to become them, you need to say the magic words. (1.2,3,) .Well, now you have become my little sparrows, and I will be your mother sparrow. Mother sparrow calls her children:

"Follow me, my sparrows,

Fly faster.

Today we are learning to fly.

Rather, get up in a circle and we will begin

Building in a circle. Walking in a circle with characteristic hand movements "wing flapping". The mother sparrow shows the movements, and then steps aside, "looks after the kids".

Bye "sparrow" looks, children perform walking in a circle.

The sparrow fell asleep, and the sparrows only need that. They spread their wings and scattered in all directions. Sparrows fly all over

hall. (scatter run) .

- "Sparrow" wakes up:

Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp,

What's the noise, what's the scream?

Get in the circle soon (pause)

I fell asleep for just a minute

The sparrows went wild in earnest.

I will strictly follow you now,

So that you grow obedient as sparrows.

And now, sparrow charging

2nd part of outdoor switchgear

1. We clean the feathers: And. By. With. Make a spring, tilt your head to the right, and. p., the same to the left. Dos. 4 times.

2. Spread your wings: And. n. - feet at the width of the foot, hands below. Raise right hand up, look, and. p., also with the left hand. Dos. 4 times.

3. We wash ourselves: And. n. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward - characteristic movements - washing, and. n. Dos. 5 times.

4. Find a seed: And. By. With. Sit down, tap your fingers on the floor, and. n. Dos. 4 times.

5. Learning to fly: And. p. - the same. Jumping in place waving your hands.

6. Blow on your feathers: And. n. - legs together, hands in front of you. Inhale - exhale, blow on the hands.

Basic movements:

We will fly in a friendly flock,

Let's stand together one after another.

Behind me in a column one by one

Line up one at a time.

To a distant meadow

Let's go now.

Snake walking between signals.

There is a fallen tree ahead, let's jump over it (Jumping over a log) .

Let's cross the narrow bridge across the river. (Walking on the gymnastic board) .

Let's go along the narrow path and jump off it. (jump off the track gently, landing on half-bent legs).

Here we are with you and came to a wonderful clearing. This will be our home.

P / s "Sparrows and a cat".

Relaxation to the soundtrack "Sounds of nature".

Sparrows ran in during the day, played enough, wanted to sleep. They sat down and closed their eyes. The sparrows began to fall asleep. And they dreamed of a wonderful clearing, green grass, beautiful flowers. It became warm and cozy for the sparrows, it's time to turn back into children. 1,2,3,4,5 sparrows, turn into guys. (get up calmly, go to the formation)

Related publications:

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Nina Tsitsvarina
Synopsis of physical education in the second junior group "Walk in the forest"

Synopsis of physical education in the second junior group.

« Walk in the woods»


Exercise in walking and running loose with the performance of tasks,

Exercise in balance while walking on a reduced area of ​​support,

Learn to jump on two legs, land softly after jumping

Exercise in walking with stepping over objects,

Develop attention, coordination of movements,

Cultivate friendships with peers

Course progress.

Guys, today we will go to the forest. Let's go down the wide path. Let's go quietly. A river flows ahead, we head there.

Free walking.

And now the path has become narrow. We stepped on the sand and we walk on our toes.

Walking on toes, hands to the sides.

The path became wide again. We go freely. Normal step

Free walking.

Oh, how hot the sand is, the children ran at a gallop.

Here we are with you and came to the fairy forest. Guys, look at the hedgehog. In order not to scare him, let's go quietly. On the socks.

Walking on toes, hands on the belt.

How many bumps on our way, let's step over them.

Walking with high knees.

And here are the branches through which you need to jump.

Jumping on 2 legs.

On our way there is a small puddle. In order not to soak the legs, we walk on our heels.

Walking on heels.

How hot. The sand burns even the heels, they ran without looking back.

Loose running.

Here is the field. We came to a fairy forest full of fairy tales and miracles. how beautifully the birds sing, how many strawberries.

Lots of tall trees. Show how tall they are.

General developmental exercises:

The trees are tall.

1. I. p. - about. With.

1- raise your hands up, stretch.

Here is a pine standing, moving its branches.

2. I. p. - about. With. hands to the side

1. Tilt torso to the right

3. Tilt to the left

Here the Christmas tree bent, green needles.

3. I. p. - about. With. Hands behind head

1- tilt forward

3-4 - the same

Now let's rest after the road.

4. I. p. o. With.

1- squat hands forward

3-4 - the same

The sun saw how many children came into the forest and looked out from behind the clouds. The guys were happy and jumped.

5. I. p. - about. With.

1- jump, arms to the sides, legs apart

3-4 - the same

Walking path 15 cm wide, 2.5 m long.

Climbing into hoops.

In a green forest on a sunny lawn

Jumping bunnies jumped after each other

Look, a bunny is sitting under the Christmas tree. He ran out and jumped. Let's show the bunny that we can jump too.

Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Bunny liked the way you jumped. Let's teach the bunny to play the game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

A game "Catch the ball"

Ball, clockwork ball

play with me soon

We played with a bunny, a ball, and now it's time to return to kindergarten.

sedentary game "Yellow Ball"

Someone in the morning, slowly

Inflate the yellow balloon

How do you get out of hand

It will suddenly become light around

What is this ball?

Walking in place

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