The best dance aerobics for weight loss. What is dance fitness? Best Aerobic Dance Workouts

Fitness and dance - what do they have in common? And the fact that they can be perfectly combined and have a simply amazing effect on your body! The combination of choreography and aerobics is unusual and interesting, that's how dance fitness which you can now do at home. Reach great shape and at the same time, the weight loss video that we present on this page will help you to have fun - do the exercises, dance and feel how your body changes for the better!

What is dance fitness?

Dance fitness is a relatively new fitness direction that was born by combining elements of aerobics and choreography. We can say that this is aerobics in dance, which makes your body healthier and stronger, and at the same time helps to fight against overweight and of course, charges you with a great mood for the whole day. No wonder this direction is often called dance weight loss - indeed, you dance and lose weight!

It should be noted that dance fitness, the video with which you will find on this page, is not just a combination of aerobic exercises and dance movements. Everything is not quite so: in this direction only aerobics steps are combined (which are also included in the fitness complex for weight loss) and light elements of choreography. Pay attention - it is the light elements that are available to most people, and at the same time have the most beneficial effect on the body.

But why was it necessary to create dance fitness if there are already various dances for weight loss? The thing is that the combination of dance and aerobics has a much more interesting and noticeable effect than dancing and aerobics separately. And besides, dancing for weight loss, video lessons in this area are great option for practicing at home.

Dancing for weight loss at home: what results and effects can be achieved?

Dance fitness has all the effects that aerobics and dancing have separately:

  • - Cardio training - dancing for weight loss (especially for beginners) helps to strengthen the heart, increase endurance and strength;
  • - Aerobic exercise - due to this, the acceleration of fat burning is achieved, which leads to weight loss;
  • - Improving coordination, developing a sense of rhythm, getting a charge of vivacity and energy - dance aerobics, the video from which you watch, has a general tonic effect, helps to develop our coordination and sense of rhythm, which is sometimes lacking for many of us.

So dance fitness is not only dancing for weight loss at home, but also benefits for the soul and body. You do not just lose weight at home, but put your body, heart and circulatory system in order, improve your mood and just have fun.

And most importantly, home dancing for weight loss is a public area that does not have strict age restrictions and physical condition. Therefore, the video dances for weight loss, which are presented here, are suitable for everyone!

Dance fitness course at

We bring to your attention a dance fitness course from trainer Anastasia Ulyanova. With this course you will achieve the effect from losing weight at home - video with a trainer will help you understand all the features and difficulties of the direction, and easily master it at home. A correct and responsible approach to training will help you train your heart and fight weight, and most importantly, you will learn a charge of vivacity and real pleasure!




Lesson 1 (free)

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Lesson duration: 1 hour 11 minutes
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Lesson 3 (free)

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Lesson duration: 58 min
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Most effective method weight loss - a combination of physical activity and proper nutrition. Aerobics is a way to lose weight without dieting, to tone your body and improve your metabolism while dancing to fun music. Aerobics for weight loss at home can be carried out using video lessons, since the technique is simple and no special equipment is required, everyone can try this technique for themselves.

How does aerobics help you lose weight? With dance aerobics, almost all the muscles of the body work, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are trained, and a person becomes more resilient. Active training requires a large amount of energy, which the body takes from fat deposits, breaking them down. Weight goes away precisely due to the burning of body fat, while the muscles become elastic and beautiful, and the skin evenly tightens, and does not sag.

You can start doing dance aerobics for weight loss right now, for this you need to change into comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Shoes should be athletic and comfortable.

There are several types of aerobics that help you lose weight:

  • dance aerobics;
  • Step aerobics;
  • Aqua aerobics;
  • Slide aerobics.

All types of aerobics for weight loss differ from each other in intensity and complexity, so aqua aerobics is great for beginners and overweight people, and slide aerobics is suitable for people with an average level physical training. Home aerobics for weight loss will help you understand if this sport is suitable, if you like everything, then you can continue the lesson with a trainer in the fitness center, such lessons are very effective, as the specialist controls correct execution dance exercises.

Dance aerobics at home

A set of dance aerobics exercises for weight loss will help get rid of fat deposits in the legs, hips, back and waist, as well as strengthen the arms and area chest. For dance aerobics, any rhythmic music is suitable for which you need to move, repeating the exercises 10-15 times for each leg and arm.

There are more than 20 styles of dance aerobics - these are hip-hop, zumba, go-go and others. One thing unites them - all dances develop rhythm and improve mood, giving noticeable result when losing weight after a month of classes at home. In 6 months regular workouts the figure will become fit and athletic, and the body will be hardy.

Exercises for weight loss at home:

  • Warm up. Any dance aerobics class for weight loss should begin with a warm-up, for this an attached step at an average pace is suitable. The back must be kept straight, shoulders straight, breathing plays a very important role in aerobic exercise, it must be calm and without shortness of breath. If it is difficult to breathe, then you need to urgently reduce the pace. During the exercise, one leg goes to the side, then the second moves behind it with an oncoming step, the knees should be slightly bent. You need to repeat the exercise for about 5 minutes.
  • Stretching. After warming up and before the main load, it is recommended to perform a simple stretch to minimize the risk of sprains and other injuries. To do this, you need to perform tilts to the sides, forward and backward, lunges and sips with your hands. All movements are smooth and unhurried.

At this stage of aerobics, they usually perform energetic dance movements at a good pace, but do not forget about breathing, it should be deep, not shallow, and without shortness of breath. The whole complex of gymnastics is performed with a flat back, posture in aerobics plays a big role, as it affects the breathing process. Which dance exercises will be performed depends on the chosen style. Basically, they all consist of rhythmic movements of the arms and hips, often with dumbbells in hand. Movements are aimed at burning fat in problem areas.
  • The final stage. Finish any aerobic training good deep stretching to reduce pain in the muscles afterwards and smooth them out, give beautiful graceful forms.
  • Power training. After aerobics, the trainer may recommend strength training. A warm body after a cardio load burns fat well during strength exercises. This includes push-ups, squats, crunches, leg swings.
  • During aerobics, you need to keep a bottle of clean water without gas nearby. Drink in small sips from time to time to avoid dehydration.

    Step and aqua aerobics

    Step is one of the most popular types of aerobics. Movements are performed to rhythmic music using a special platform. At home, it can be replaced with a step or a low children's stool. Just like in dance aerobics, all exercises are performed with correct and measured breathing.

    A few step aerobics exercises on the steps:

    • The right leg is on the step, and the left is bent at the knee. It is necessary to quickly raise and lower the leg, putting the right one to it. Repeat the movements, alternating legs.
    • It is necessary to step up and down the step in this order: left foot up, then right, right down, then left. The working leg must be alternated.

    To make aerobics more effective, it is recommended to pick up dumbbells. At home, they can be replaced with 0.5 liter bottles or books. It is necessary to work with your hands in the process of doing the exercises, bending them at the elbows and lifting them up. Aqua aerobics takes place in the pool, usually under the guidance of experienced trainer. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that all muscle groups are involved, and even older people and pregnant women can do such gymnastics. Aerobics in water can be very intense, or in the form of light gymnastics.

    slide aerobics

    This type of fitness combines aerobic and power loads. All exercises are carried out, imitating skating - with sliding. Movements are performed on a special mat with a sliding coating.

    A few exercises:

    • Slip. Starting position: The legs are slightly bent at the knees and connected, and the body is tilted forward. It is necessary to stand at the right edge, pushing off with your foot, take two steps to the left, placing your left foot. Repeat in the opposite direction.
    • Front touch. While sliding at the end of the exercise, you must put your foot forward and touch the toe of the floor.
    • Leg lift. While sliding, it is necessary to lift the lagging leg up, bent at the knee.

    All exercises can be accompanied by arm swings, to increase the load, light dumbbells can be used.

    Contraindications to exercise

    Aerobic exercise is considered quite intense and is not suitable for people with such diseases:

    • cardiovascular system, strokes and heart attacks in the past;
    • hypertension;
    • varicose veins;
    • recently transferred SARS and acute respiratory infections;
    • dizziness;
    • flat feet 3 degrees;
    • severe mental disorders;
    • oncological diseases;
    • joint diseases;
    • various chronic diseases
    • vision is greater than +7 and -7 diopters.

    In the above cases, active aerobic exercise can seriously impair the patient's health, so a specialist consultation is necessary.

    To lose weight quickly and evenly, it is necessary not only to exercise regularly, but also to establish a diet. Food should be natural, tasty, varied and low-fat. We'll have to give up fried, canned and sweet. It is not recommended to eat immediately before training, as it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to take energy from fat deposits, and not from the food just eaten. But you can’t engage in hungry either, so you can faint, because aerobics requires high endurance.

    It is important! Meals should be fractional, at least 5 times a day. If severe hunger torments, it is necessary to satisfy it with fresh vegetables, it cannot be tolerated.

    The optimal meal time is 1.5 hours before training, these should be carbohydrates, for example oatmeal, and fruits. After training, you can’t eat right away, because fat is burned for at least 30 minutes after intense exercise. The best option would be to try protein food an hour after class.

    Fitness aerobics for weight loss burns fat very effectively and tightens the figure, as evidenced by the reviews of people of different ages. To keep the body in good shape, two classes a week are enough, but to lose big weight, the number of workouts should be increased to 4-5. Classes at home can save a lot of time, but dance aerobics with a trainer will be more productive.


    The most effective way to lose weight is to exercise and eat right. A reasonable combination of these two points will provide perfect figure and good health for everyone. Now there are so many different sports areas there is something new every year.

    Sometimes it seems to do right choice almost unrealistic. But it is in diversity that you can see one huge plus - everyone will find something to do which is right for him. Someone loves more static exercises some are more active. The main thing is to listen to your body and make a choice.

    Types of aerobics

    One of the types of active training is aerobics - the direction of fitness, where aerobic exercises are performed to rhythmic music. This is very good way reset overweight, normalize metabolism, make the body fit, while dancing to the music.

    There are many types of aerobics:

    • dance aerobics;
    • aqua aerobics;
    • step aerobics;
    • pump aerobics;
    • fit-ball;
    • tai-bo.

    dance aerobics

    The most common and simple form is dance aerobics. It helps to strengthen muscles and improve the body, namely, it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, posture and coordination of movements. This type of aerobics has its own directions:

    • street dance;
    • hip hop
    • city ​​gam;
    • Funk
    • strip dance;
    • Belly dance;
    • go-go;
    • Twerk.

    This is interesting! Lose weight with celebrities!

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    Basic training rules

    Each workout can be figuratively divided into three parts: warm-up, main workout, hitch. Warm-up and cool-down are light exercises and stretching of the muscles. Remember, no matter how much time you have for training, warm-up and cool-down are essential elements. Usually the maximum amount of time should be spent on the main workout. Consider examples of dance exercises for weight loss.

    Dance exercises for slimming arms

    1. go-go Raising and lowering hands. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, flat back. Exercise: alternately raise and lower first the right, then the left hand. Raising and lowering the hands should end with a light blow.
    2. Belly dance. Wave with hands. Starting position: arms lowered, legs shoulder-width apart, back straight, shoulders pressed down (when performing the exercise, it is necessary to control the shoulders and not lift them up). Exercise: alternately raise the right and left arms parallel to the floor and lower them along the torso. First, the elbow rises, then the hand of one hand, while the elbow, then the hand of the other hand lowers.

    Dance exercises for weight loss

    1. Belly dance. Twisting. Starting position: put your feet shoulder-width apart, arms in a free position, back straight. Exercise: Twist the hips to the right and left alternately. During this exercise, the shoulders should remain static. Only the hips and abdomen work.
    2. Belly dance. Belly wave. Starting position: shoulders straightened, legs shoulder-width apart or almost together, slightly bent at the knees, back straight, arms along the body. Exercise: alternately retract the top one, then the middle one, Then lower part belly.

    Dance exercises for slimming legs and hips

    1. Latina. Attached step. Starting position: back straight, hands on the belt, legs together. Exercise: right foot we take a step to the right side, we put the left foot, once again we take a step to the right side of the right leg, we take the left leg back, while slightly turning the hips to the left side. Repeat the same with the left leg.
    2. hip hop. Squat. Starting position: the back is slightly tilted forward, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Exercise: we squat, while taking the buttocks back, we rise and make a circle with our right foot, then we squat again, get up and make a circle with our left foot.

    Buttock Slimming Exercises

    1. Twerk. Hitting the buttocks. Starting position: back straight, arms loose, legs slightly bent at the knees. Exercise: we take the buttocks back with a blow, while slightly lifting them up.
    2. Belly dance. Circular movements hips. Starting position: back straight, arms loose along the body, legs slightly bent at the knees. Exercise: take the hips in turn forward, right, back, left, doing it smoothly without stopping. We repeat in the opposite direction.

    Each of the above exercises should be done for 5 to 10 minutes a day.

    Dance aerobics is not just physical activity for the body, but also relaxation for the soul. Each type of dance aerobics affects the figure in its own way. Study carefully popular species, think about what you would like to change in your figure and make your choice. Lose weight while dancing. Love the sport and enjoy it. The result will definitely appear if the classes are regular.

    Supplements and beneficial vitamins

    Be sure to add to physical activity correct healthy eating and vitamin complexes that will not only help you lose extra pounds, but also add a lot of energy to you for sports!

    Do you want to have fun? Dance! You don't have to take a ballet class to learn how to control your body.

    Dance aerobics for a great mood and a great figure

    For those who love to dance, but do not have special rhythmic movements in their arsenal, dance aerobics will help. Video lessons conducted by professional instructors will develop a sense of rhythm and teach you how to move gracefully to any music.

    The main goal of each lesson is to learn a certain set of elements that will be arranged in a certain sequence.

    Having mastered this sequence, you will get a kind of dance, and most importantly, you will experience a pleasant feeling of satisfaction with the result achieved. Having a simple goal and achieving it is a good incentive to give all the best in the process of training, not paying attention to your own fatigue.

    Having mastered a certain sequence, you will get a kind of dance, and most importantly, you will experience a pleasant feeling of satisfaction with the result achieved.

    But those who already know how to dance well will be interested in dance aerobics. The dances that this direction includes today are so diverse that for every skilled dancer there is a style that he wants to master. Egyptian dances, zumba, latin, hip-hop - all these styles are reflected in dance aerobics. During training, you can get acquainted with the characteristic features of these styles, learn the basic elements of dance, enjoy the appropriate music.

    Dancing cheers up, energizes, increases vitality, awakens and inspires self-confidence.

    Dancing cheers up, energizes, increases vitality, awakens and instills confidence in yourself!

    They improve overall well-being and promote health. In addition, dance aerobics for weight loss is widely used. In the process of training, you can burn up to 400 kilocalories if you move vigorously, trying to get the maximum benefit from each movement.

    Conveniently, full-fledged classes in this type of fitness can be carried out outside the gym, even if it is dance aerobics for beginners. At home, it will be even easier to learn new steps and complex dance elements, trying to copy the movements of the coach. In incomprehensible moments, you can always pause the video to think a little and thoroughly understand the technique of the element.

    Dance aerobics (video):

    Dance aerobics at home:

    Dance aerobics in Egyptian style:

    Dancing for weight loss Dance aerobics:

    Dance aerobics lessons (lesson 1):

    Dance aerobics lessons (lesson 2):

    Dance aerobics lessons (lesson 3):

    Dance aerobics reviews:

    I love it)) Cheerful and fun workouts) (alevita)

    Dance aerobics is not only pleasant for everyone in the world. It is also very useful! Without a doubt, this type of aerobics, like other types, helps to lose weight. And this can be useful to many modern people who are dissatisfied with their own figures. Of course, if a person is suffering from excess weight, visiting gym will be a pain for him. Any groups of people with trainers doing dance aerobics will not work.

    But, doing it at home, you can get pleasure and save a lot. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person in the world who does not like to dance. You can categorically refuse such a pleasant activity, again, only because of the uncertainty in your own movements and the beauty of your figure. But dance aerobics classes at home can be done alone!

    And being ashamed of yourself would be extremely stupid. In principle, in all video classes for beginners, the same thing is said that a trainer can say in classes, for which you will have to pay! The same movements are shown there. And they in the same way lead to rapid weight loss, if you conscientiously engage in dance aerobics at home. And then, having already lost weight, you can safely go dancing in the appropriate institutions, such as modern nightclubs, beckoning with their own lights.

    How to lose weight without diets? Aerobics at home / Aerobics for beginners!

    Aerobics: Slimming for Dummies watch online!

    A selection of video lessons of dance aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners:

    If two videos are not enough for you, then below there is a whole selection of step-by-step video lessons on dance aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners, which will no doubt teach you something necessary and useful.