Diet of a pregnant woman how to remove internal fat remove fat from the abdomen exercises. How to lose weight during pregnancy: gymnastics

Many will say that the period of bearing a child is not best time for experiments with appearance and for weight loss. Like, in an "interesting position" a woman should eat tasty, satisfying and a lot. But such a statement is far from the truth.

It also happens that for the normal bearing of her crumbs, a young mother should carefully monitor her weight, and, possibly, reduce it.

In such difficult situations, the question of how to reset excess weight during pregnancy is very acute. Yes, and for those beauties who just want to look good after childbirth and feel great during the period of bearing the crumbs, you need to follow your menu.

Therefore, women who decide to lose weight during pregnancy should understand all the nuances of nutrition during this period, so as not to harm their baby and their own health.

How to lose weight in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman rarely gets better, since severe toxicosis and general weakness caused by hormonal changes do not contribute to appetite. During this period, an increase of 1-1.5 kg is considered normal. Of course, there are such happy ladies who want to chew something from the first trimester of pregnancy. Such beauties appear very quickly overweight, which not only complicate life, but can also negatively affect the course of childbirth.

At the very beginning of bearing the crumbs, it is important to switch to proper nutrition, it will not only help keep weight under control, but also contribute to the harmonious development of the fetus.

Fast food, too fatty and fried foods, muffins should be removed from the diet. It is better to refuse spicy and spicy foods, you should not burden the liver and kidneys, these organs have so much work to do. It’s great if the daily menu includes salads with green vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil. It is very useful to eat fish during this period.

Give up fatty sour cream, butter, cream, give preference to cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content.

When consuming vegetables and fruits, do not forget about bread, but not from wheat flour, but from coarse grinding. These products contain fiber and vitamins.

With salt during pregnancy, you should be more careful. This white additive retains water in the body, which is fraught with swelling and inflammation.

From drinks, the expectant mother should give up alcohol and coffee, ladies also do not need strong tea. Very often, during the period of bearing crumbs, ladies suffer from iron deficiency, to avoid such a problem, include buckwheat and nuts in the diet. Do not abuse the latter, they are high in calories.

By following these simple rules, you can not only not gain excess weight, but even lose a couple of unnecessary pounds, if any. Those ladies who feel well and have no contraindications from the attending physician should do gymnastics. Exercises should be smooth and not traumatic. You should refrain from jumping and running during this quivering period.

How to lose weight in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?

From the second trimester, a woman begins to gain weight, about 300 g per week. A more active increase in kg should be an alarming bell, which notifies that the lady should reconsider her diet.

In principle, changes in the menu for a woman in the second trimester will be insignificant. The expectant mother should minimize the intake of carbohydrates. And we are not talking about complex carbohydrates: cereals and so on, but about simple ones: sweets, cakes, etc.

You should also not eat foods that contain a lot of cholesterol. Such food includes egg yolk, sausage, lard, cheese, etc.

In the second trimester, you should completely exclude all kinds of pickles from the menu, minimize the addition of white seasoning and limit the amount of fat consumed.

Fruits and vegetables can and should be eaten. But make sure that the fruits are not strong allergens. For example, excessive consumption of strawberries can provoke a number of unpleasant consequences.

The diet should contain a lot of dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, kefir. All these products will nourish the body with calcium, which is so necessary now, and body fat from such delicacies will not grow.

If your doctor gives the go-ahead, then you can arrange for yourself every 7 days fasting days. During pregnancy, you can practice apple or kefir. In the first option, it is allowed to eat no more than 1 kg of green apples per day. If you decide to sit on kefir, then it is allowed to drink 1.5 liters of it or replace the drink with 1 kg of cottage cheese.

If there is a desire and there are no contraindications, then continue to play sports. True, at this time it is necessary to reduce the intensity of training and no sudden movements. Everything is smooth and careful.

How to lose weight in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

Throughout the third trimester of pregnancy and in the last weeks of bearing crumbs, nutritional recommendations are the most stringent. Such restrictions will not allow you to gain extra pounds and develop toxicosis - a very common occurrence in the later period.

In order to avoid swelling during this period and as a result of weight gain, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake to 1 liter. Moreover, doctors advise taking into account not only drinks, but also liquid in soups, as well as water contained in fruits.

To enhance metabolic processes and prevent edema, salt should be limited as much as possible, and ideally completely excluded from the diet.

From the menu should be excluded first courses cooked in meat or fish broth, as well as fatty sauces on meat. Give preference to vegetable soups, and boil meat and fish, steam, bake.

No fat, pork fat and other animal fats should not be consumed. The only thing that is acceptable is a little butter. If necessary, cook in vegetable oil. It contains many vitamins and nutrients and will benefit the body.

If your doctor does not mind, then get tired of yourself once or even twice a week, fasting days. They will help you feel lighter.

If you are wondering how to lose weight at least a couple of kilos in the last weeks of pregnancy, then use the following tips:

  • exclude from the diet or minimize the consumption of fast carbohydrates: honey, sugar, jam and other things;
  • give up flour and bakery products;
  • completely remove fatty foods from the menu.

Following these tips, it will turn out not only to lose weight a little, but also to facilitate the process of childbirth.

A protruding belly, no matter what size it may be, can only decorate a pregnant lady. In other cases, it adds extra years and causes great inconvenience when it comes to choosing clothes. How to get rid of the belly for ladies and men, and what specific exercises should be done for this?

Why is the belly growing?

To combat the fat formed at the waist, you need to find out what this process is caused by. The genetic predisposition that many use to justify their fullness is rather an invented circumstance. The results of many studies prove that only 5% of the inhabitants of the planet have such a predisposition.

An increase in the size of the abdomen in men in most cases is caused by the raisins of the structure of the body. If in women the accumulation of fat occurs evenly, then in men in most cases it begins to be deposited on the internal organs and in the omentum, which is located in the abdominal cavity.

All mechanisms of a set of extra pounds are very similar. The so-called beer belly appears more likely not from a foamy drink, but from snacks: crackers, nuts, chips, salted fish. These products not only lead to weight gain, but also provoke a strong appetite due to the huge salt content.

While the muscles abdominals too strong, the first to suffer is just the belly. The fact is that not strong muscles will not be able to support the walls of the intestines and stomach, which stretch and make room for body fat.

The main circumstances of the formation of the abdomen in women and men:

Consuming too much calories;
- weakened abdominal muscles;
- sedentary lifestyle.

How to remove the belly?

Ultimately, getting rid of the stomach, both for a man and a lady, is not very difficult. It is enough to make a minimum amount of effort in order to achieve a great result. So, here are the simplest methods that allow you to get rid of an ugly belly:

First you need to learn to distinguish the feeling of hunger from the desire to chew something tasty. Do not forget that your body has an adequate supply of nutrients. The list of exceptions includes only people who are on diets all the time or practice fasting.

A deceptive feeling of hunger can be drowned out by drinking mineral water or herbal teas. Wanted to eat? Just drink a glass of liquid. Suitable besides uncomplicated cold water. Try to minimize your intake of fatty, starchy, and sweet foods. Along with this, there is no need to deceive yourself. Sugar substitutes do no less harm than sugar itself, and honey has even more calories! It is possible to replace fatty meat with lean meat, and instead of fried meat, eat only boiled and stewed dishes.

Bodyflex and oxysize call for doing exercises with a skilled instructor. Do not trust the recommendations of friends and girlfriends. Sign up for classes with an experienced trainer.

And most importantly, breathe! Keep in mind that at the peak of inhalation, a large amount of oxygen enters the lungs, which is needed to burn food - quickly and fully. Breathe be guided by the belly, not full chest. You just need to practice a little and you will learn. By the way, oxysize and bodyflex are based on the same breathing technique - weight loss courses, which have now become very popular.

Try to minimize stressful situations. Learn to positively observe everything that surrounds you and what happens around you. Psychologists in the distant past determined that it was in stressful moments that people especially actively consume harmful foods, trying to eat pain and resentment. Along with this, they do not notice how they gain 10-15 kg. Are you angry or offended? Then take a couple of deep breaths, walk around the house or go for a run. Try under no circumstances to seize negative emotions, but splash them out with the help of physical activity.

belly fat diet

You do not believe in the effectiveness of simple advice? Then you are going to try a diet, thanks to which anyone can get rid of the stomach. But keep in mind that the strictest nutrition programs are not your choice. By shedding pounds quickly, you are, for the most part, only removing water from your body. In order to drive away the hated belly, you need to remove fat from your body.

You are going to try a diet low in saturated fats. It is possible to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and foods rich in starch. Also allowed pasta and whole grain bread. In general, you can eat deliciously and not get fat along with it. Naturally, you should not forget that after eating 10 bowls of spaghetti, you are unlikely to lose weight.

What specific exercises help to remove the belly?

Without taking care of proper nutrition, no exercise will work with 100 percent efficiency. But if you become only them and do, you will get some results.

The first and main place to work with will be the abdominals. You need to deal with its strengthening first of all. Moreover, exercises can be done in any position. The main thing is to systematically increase the number of approaches. Take your time, but do not stretch this pleasure. For full-fledged exercises with your stomach, 20 minutes is fully enough. per day.

Do it systematically breathing exercises. One of the most effective is a cat, which is well known to everyone since childhood, but only now it is supplemented by proper breathing. So, you need to get on your knees and lean on your palms. Look ahead and keep your back straight. Inhale, draw in your belly and arch your back. Hold your breath for 8-10 counts (if you can count to at least 5 for the first time, this is already good). Exhale and repeat the exercise again. After doing three sets, rest a little.

It is also useful for ladies to purchase a hoop for themselves. Watching your favorite series, training with it will go unnoticed, and belly fat will slowly decrease. Doing 20 min. per day for a month, you will definitely see the result.

Men may try to pick up spilled matches from the floor. Yes, yes, you got it right. Scatter a whole box and bend down for each match. Men who are less flexible by nature regard this exercise as real torture. But no one said that it's easy to be beautiful!

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So, you are pregnant! Now your life will change dramatically. And we will tell you how your tummy will grow and change externally and what will happen inside, how to respond to certain sensations and how to approach the moment of childbirth prepared and happy.

Norms of size and shape of the abdomen during pregnancy

As a rule, having learned about the desired pregnancy, young girls begin to wait for the tummy to be visible and often worry in vain. The tummy becomes visible to others around 13-15 weeks. During pregnancy with twins, the tummy becomes noticeable from the 11th week and subsequently grows faster.

The dynamics of the growth of the abdomen by calendar months.

The size and shape of the abdomen is very individual and depends on:

Initial weight and height of the mother
- total weight gain
- sports training, development of abdominal muscles, posture
- the presence of one or two fetuses in the uterine cavity
- fetal weight
- position of the fetus (longitudinal, transverse, oblique)
- fetal presentation (cephalic or pelvic)
- placenta previa
- the amount of amniotic fluid, which increases unevenly during pregnancy (biologically active liquid medium, which is inside the membranes during pregnancy, surrounds the fetus and is its natural environment)
- first pregnancy or second

Contrary to many beliefs, the shape of the abdomen does not depend on the gender of the child. In the case of placenta previa and breech presentation of the fetus, the abdomen will be more rounded, the presenting part is high (there is a distance between the pubic joint and the lower abdomen).

The first picture shows the belly of the primiparous, it will be more “sharp”, and the second of the multiparous, due to the weakened ligamentous apparatus, it looks somewhat pendulous.

It is necessary to register with the obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic within 12 weeks. Your abdominal circumference, fundal height, and body weight will be measured each time you visit the doctor.

The fundal height (FH) is the distance in centimeters between the upper edge of the pubic articulation and the fundus of the uterus.
Abdominal circumference (AC) - measured in centimeters at the level of the navel.

Based on these data, you can draw a conclusion about the pace of development of your baby. Below is a table from which you will find out how much a child should weigh at each stage of development, and what “height” he should be.

Fetal weight and height by month

Gestational age (in lunar months) Fruit length in cm Fruit weight in kg
End of the first month 0.8 -
End of 2nd 2-2.5 -
3rd 7-9 0.03-0.04
4th 10-16 0.04-0.05
5th 16-25 0.2-0.25
6th 25-30 0.6-0.75
7th 30-35 1.2-1.5
8th 35-40 1.6-1.8
9th 40-45 2-2.4
10th 45-55 3-3.5

You need to know what WDM should normally be on your term. WDM in centimeters roughly corresponds to the period in weeks (at 32 weeks 32 cm, etc.). Lagging behind normal values ​​may indicate fetal growth retardation different reasons. However, not always the small size of the fetus is a cause for alarm, it may happen that both you and your spouse are small and fragile, and then your situation will be called “constitutionally small fetus”. All conclusions should be made by your doctor leading the pregnancy.

The results of WDM measurement are recorded in the chart. Your results normally fall within the specified interval.

The dependence of the height of the fundus of the uterus on the duration of pregnancy

The total weight gain (OPV) during pregnancy should normally be approximately 7-16 kilograms. OPV depends on the initial body weight, expectant mothers with a deficit of weight will gain more than women with an initial normal weight or obesity.

First movement in the abdomen

Along with the growth of the tummy, you begin to experience new sensations. The most exciting of them is the first stirring of the child. Movement is one of the indicators of the child's well-being, too violent, painful or, on the contrary, rare and weak movements should alert. In primiparous, the first movement is observed at a period of approximately 20 weeks, in multiparous at 16 weeks. If the mother is slender, without excess weight, she may begin to feel movements a little earlier. The movements of the child are felt by the woman at first as "seething" or "stroking" from the inside, and from 24 weeks as painless tremors from the inside, sometimes accompanied by a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus.

The child is in continuous motion, excluding periods of sleep. At 20 weeks, he makes about 200 movements per day, at 26-32 weeks the number of movements increases to 600, and then the motor activity gradually decreases, this is due to the growth of the fetus. A pregnant mother does not feel most of the movements.

Motor activity depends on the following factors:

The emotional state of a woman (a stressful state can cause unusually violent movements, this is due to an increase in the level of glucose and adrenaline in the blood)
- (movements are felt stronger and more frequent when the mother is at rest)
- time of day (most often the child will be more active in the evening and at night)
- mother's nutrition (in a state of hunger and after eating sweet food, the movements are more active and distinct)
- ambient sounds (the baby can react to loud sounds, especially with vibration, increased movements, or vice versa, calm down)
- tactile influences (when stroking the abdomen, examining a doctor, the child may begin to move more actively)
- uncomfortable posture mother for a long time (movements become not only active, but also painful).

You must own simple methods counting fetal movements and knowing what is normal and what should be alarming.

The Cardiff method is based on counting movements for 12 hours, the mother determines the start time of the study herself. The time of the beginning of the counting and the time when the tenth movement occurred are noted. If the tenth fetal movement occurred earlier than after 12 hours, then the count can be stopped. If within 12 hours the child does not make ten movements, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The Sadowski method is based on counting fetal movements after dinner from 19.00 to 23.00 hours (in the evening and after meals, the movements of the child should increase). Mom writes down the start time of the count and lies on her left side (this position enhances the child's motor activity). If the child makes ten or more movements during the first hour, then the counting can be stopped. If there were fewer movements, then the woman should continue to count the movements of the fetus further. An alarming prognostic sign is considered to be a slowdown in fetal movements of less than ten within two hours, in which case an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

ATTENTION! An ominous sign is a sharp decline motor activity or the complete absence of baby movements. If you do not feel any movement for more than 6 hours, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. You can contact your local obstetrician-gynecologist or call an ambulance.

To clarify the situation, the doctor will conduct the following studies:

Auscultation (listening) to the child's heart sounds with an obstetric stethoscope.

Normally, a child's heartbeat is 120-160 beats per minute and should be clear and rhythmic.

CTG (cardiotocographic study) is a research method that reflects the baby's heartbeat, the number of his movements and the contractile activity of the uterus. During the study, two sensors are attached to the abdomen with special straps, one in the projection of the child's heart, the second on the right corner of the uterus. The study takes 15-40 minutes (minimum informative time). CTG can be performed from 30-32 weeks. If the heartbeat is monotonous, without accelerations (accelerations), then the pregnant woman may be asked to turn on the other side or walk around, then repeating the recording.

Doppler ultrasound (registration of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord) is performed in doubtful cases.
Based on the survey, examination and research data, the doctor will make a conclusion about the condition of your baby and give recommendations.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

In addition to the movements of the child, you may experience pain of a different nature. In the early stages (up to 22 weeks), pulling and stabbing pains in the lower abdomen may indicate:

The threat of termination of pregnancy (miscarriage)
- acute gynecological pathology (ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst torsion)
- stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, rearrangement of the location of organs due to the growing uterus (more often observed in women who had painful and / or irregular menstruation before pregnancy)
- irregular bowel function, spasms
- renal colic

In the later stages (22 weeks or more), we can think about:

Threat of preterm birth
- the threat of scar divergence (if there was a caesarean section before)
- premature detachment of a normally located placenta
- acute gynecological pathology (malnutrition of the fibroid node, ovarian cyst torsion)
- intestinal colic
- renal colic
- acute surgical pathology (acute appendicitis)

During the implantation period (in the first weeks of pregnancy), there may be short-term sipping pains in the lower abdomen (tugging the abdomen), localized above the bosom, which stop on their own, do not increase and are not accompanied by other complaints (severe weakness, nausea, discharge from the genital tract, do not give right or left). Normally, slightly "pull the stomach" can only early dates when implantation occurs. And then there should be no pulling sensations. Shocks, movements, short-term tone after examination on the chair - this is the norm, but not pain.

Pain in the right or left iliac regions, growing and causing tension in the anterior abdominal wall, which ultimately leads to sharp, shooting pain and is accompanied by dizziness, up to loss of consciousness, nausea, sometimes bloody discharge from the genital tract, may indicate an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy with the formation of a rupture of the tube or other acute gynecological pathology (torsion of the ovarian cyst, hemorrhage into the cyst).

Drawing pains over the womb, accompanied by an increase in the tone of the uterus and, in some cases, bloody, spotting discharges are an emergency and indicate a possible threat of miscarriage.

If the pains are intermittent, spastic in nature, spread to the entire abdomen and are accompanied by bloating, constipation, you hear "grumble" in the stomach, then most likely it is a violation of the bowel function and it is worth reviewing the diet by adding more fresh vegetables, oatmeal, prunes, dried apricots and, if necessary (for constipation for more than three days), use glycerin suppositories 1 time per day rectally.

If there is colitis in the abdomen, pains are shooting in nature and are localized to the right or left, radiate to the back and are accompanied by impaired urination (difficulty urinating, pain, cramps, discoloration of urine to dark, brown, cloudy), then you may have renal colic.

In a period of more than 22 weeks, periodic pulling pains over the womb, accompanied by an increase in the tone of the uterus, may indicate the threat of premature birth.

If you have had surgery caesarean section and in a period of more than 22 weeks there are sharp pains over the womb, which do not have a periodicity, possibly increasing and accompanied by general symptoms (weakness, dizziness, nausea) and a slowdown or absence of fetal movements, then a formidable condition should be excluded - a rupture of a postoperative scar on the uterus.

Acute surgical pathology during pregnancy may be with unusual symptoms and an atypical location of pain. Should alert the pain that began in the epigastrium (area "under the spoon"), the right hypochondrium and then went down to the right side, suprapubic region.

ATTENTION! Pain in the lower abdomen is not treated on its own in any case. If you have complaints, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. In case of difficulty in making a diagnosis, you will be examined by other narrow specialists (surgeon, urologist) and additional studies will be prescribed (ultrasound internal organs and kidneys, general blood and urine tests, and others).

Skin on the abdomen during pregnancy

With the progression of pregnancy, you also notice such peculiar skin changes as stretch marks and pigmentation.

Stretch marks are internal scars of the skin, they occur due to stretching of the skin, elastin fibers are torn and replaced by scar tissue. The rapidly changing balance of hormones and the rapid growth of the abdomen are to blame for this. Stretch marks are difficult to predict.

Prevention consists of regular walking, wearing special anatomical underwear and daily gentle massage. in a circular motion using special creams allowed for pregnant women. Massage is contraindicated in women whose pregnancy occurs against the background of the threat of interruption, as this is additional muscle stimulation. You can use creams for stretch marks brands MamaComfort, Vichy, Avent, Sanosan, Chicco Mamma Donna, Clarins, Bioterm. Creams and gels must be purchased at a pharmacy and have a hygiene certificate and the label "hypoallergenic" or "tested for allergens" and be approved for use in pregnant and lactating women. If you do not want to use cosmetics, you can massage with heated olive, almond or jojoba, cocoa, grape seed oils.

During pregnancy, potassium-rich foods (raisins, dried apricots, bananas, pears) and an optimal drinking regime (still mineral water, natural fruit drinks, green tea up to 2 liters a day are useful, if you have not been recommended fluid restriction).

Pigmentation is a change in skin color (darkening or lightening) in certain areas.

Age spots can form not only on the abdomen, but also on the face (on the forehead, chin, around the eyes, on the upper part of the cheeks, upper lip, or as an arch from temple to temple), inner thighs, halos of the mammary glands, nipples. On the abdomen, pigmentation appears as a strip (Alba stripe), which appears from 10 weeks.

Alba stripe on abdomen

Again, refuting beliefs, let's say that pigmentation does not depend on the sex of the child. Hormonal imbalance is again to blame, as well as stress. Women with freckles are more likely to have pigmentation. After delivery, almost all age spots disappear or become much paler.

Pregnant women are advised to avoid excessive sun exposure and take folic acid (or metafolin preparations) at the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If you still have spots after childbirth and you are worried about it, skin tone correction in cosmetology is possible (chemical or laser peeling, abrasive therapy, mesotherapy).

If the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, when compressed into a fold, takes the form of a "lemon peel" - this indicates edema. For sure, swelling of the abdominal wall is accompanied by swelling of the feet, legs and hands. This condition requires consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist (if necessary, and a therapist) and is subject to treatment.

Belly before childbirth

A full-term pregnancy is considered to be from 37 weeks to 41 weeks, which is an average of 280 days (counting from the first day of the last menstruation) or 10 obstetric months. Or 9 calendar months.

The abdomen before childbirth "falls", because the head of the child is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis and the bottom of the uterus becomes a little closer to the navel than before. For some, the stomach drops 2-4 weeks before childbirth, and for someone in the process of childbirth itself.

How to know that the stomach has dropped?

There are short-term episodes of feeling that the stomach "hardens"
- heartburn and belching disappear
- breathing is easier, because the uterus no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm
- there is discomfort when walking and sitting
- increased urge to urinate
- there are unusual sensations in the perineum, pulling in the lower back

Frequently asked questions about the abdomen in pregnant women:

1. Do I need to wear a bandage?
A bandage is a special orthopedic device for supporting the abdomen and unloading the spine:

A pregnant woman should lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot, in this case, the bandage helps to withstand the load for a longer time.
- weak muscles of the pelvic floor and anterior abdominal wall, supported by a bandage, are less stretched
- low position of the fetus (the bandage does not allow the child to descend prematurely)
- multiple pregnancy
- a scar on the uterus after a caesarean section or myomectomy (reduction of pressure on the scars)

2. When can I find out the gender of the baby?
Ultrasound specialists determine the sex, starting from the 15th week.

3. Can I use the swimming pool?
It is possible and necessary if there are no contraindications to this (threat of abortion, colpitis). In the water, the abdominal muscles relax, and the load on the spine is relieved. Loads must be reasonable, regular and combined with breathing exercises, which allows you to partly prepare for childbirth. The same applies to swimming in the sea and fresh water.

4. From what period of pregnancy should you not sleep on your stomach?
In the first trimester, the sleep of a pregnant woman is no different from the sleep of a non-pregnant woman, from 12 weeks the uterus begins to protrude due to the pubic articulation, sleeping on the stomach is allowed if it is convenient for the pregnant woman. As a rule, women experience psychological discomfort (“sleep on a child”) and refuse this position, preferring to sleep on their side or placing pillows under their stomachs. By the way, a special pillow for pregnant women is now popular, it will also come in handy when feeding the baby.

5. When is it not recommended to lie on your back?
It is not recommended to lie on your back after 16 weeks, as the pregnant uterus compresses large vessels. This causes a decrease in blood flow to the placenta, and the child experiences oxygen starvation, and also provokes dizziness and fainting in the woman herself.

6. How will I know that I am definitely giving birth?
If the contractions go on regularly after five minutes for 30-45 seconds, you can be sure that this is the beginning of childbirth. You need to go to the hospital. Another urgent indication for going to the hospital is the discharge of water. If the waters have broken, you can’t hesitate, otherwise, with a prolonged anhydrous period, the child may die.

Let everything you read not scare you, but only help you navigate the new and exciting reality. Do not be afraid to once again consult a doctor, your health and the health of the child is a paramount task.

We also recommend that you involve your partner in all significant moments whenever possible. Responsibility begins with the unborn baby. And partner support will serve as the most favorable background for the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Grow big and healthy!

Swollen belly - and you are neither pregnant nor obese

swollen belly

You know the feeling: you just ate a hearty meal, maybe washed down your meal with carbonated drinks, and your trousers, skirt, belt became a little tight. After a few hours (whether or not emitting gases through the north or south opening) most of the discomfort will pass. Such overflow after eating usually do not present a medical problem.

When should you be concerned about a bloated belly and why?

If bloating recurs. disappear and reappear, this is probably due to the fact that you swallowed air or you have gases in the intestines. Most "swallowers" deny this fact because it is not a conscious act on their part, but simply a nervous habit.

When large amounts of air (as well as water) are swallowed, the stomach distenses and gives a feeling of fullness, which can be alleviated by what doctors politely call "burping" (read "burping"). Such people usually say that they “ate something” or that they are “gassing”.

In fact, only a small number of cases of bloating are due to the consumption of gas-forming carbohydrates (cabbage is a well-known example). If that's the case, changing your diet and avoiding sweets will solve your gas problem.

For some "functional" bowel disorders. such as "nervous stomach", "spasmodic bowel" and "irritable colon" (in which there is often no physical change), large amounts of gas are formed inside the intestine, accompanied by distension and collapse of the abdominal wall. Again, a change in diet or anti-spastic drugs will help you.

There is one pathology in which distension after eating does reflect physical illness, and that is a disorder of the gallbladder. An hour or two after eating, you feel bloated, which is relieved by belching.

The mechanism is probably as follows: a healthy gallbladder can pump out enough bile to digest the fatty foods you've eaten; a diseased bladder (with or without stones) is unable, so that undigested fat simply lingers in the intestines, giving a feeling of fullness in the abdomen and gas.

Remember that when the problem is air stretching your belly, tightness and tightness will come and go. On the contrary, when your waist grows and it does not go away, therefore, your weight is increased or fluid has accumulated in the abdominal cavity. Fluid in the abdomen can be distinguished from air.

If your belly fills with fluid, your sides bulge out as the fluid sinks down under gravity. On the contrary, the air is distributed evenly, and the sides are not distributed to the sides. If fluid builds up in your belly, you won't necessarily gain weight, as you might expect, because the conditions that cause fluid retention are usually associated with serious illness and poor nutrition.

The most common reason presence of fluid in the abdomen (ascites)- this is a far advanced disorder of the liver (cirrhosis), which is observed in the later stages of long-term alcoholism or chronic viral hepatitis. Certainly, if you are an alcoholic. a bloated belly won't be the very first problem - unless you've overlooked the "onion" red nose and red spider streaks on the belly, chest, and arms. Regardless of the cause, in men, the inability of a diseased liver to deactivate the tiny amounts of female hormones that all men produce causes shrinkage of the testicles, decreased sex drive, and the appearance of female characteristics such as enlarged breasts and loss of facial hair.

heart disease. like cirrhosis of the liver, it can lead to fluid accumulation in the abdomen. A weak heart muscle is not able to push through the blood coming to it from all over the body. Some of it lingers first in the lungs, and later in other places, including the stomach and legs. You will be diagnosed with heart disease if you are severely short of breath, especially when lying on your stomach. In addition, in cirrhosis, the abdomen swells before the legs begin to swell; with heart failure - on the contrary.

Here is another heart disease . in addition to the weakness of the heart muscle, which can cause a build-up of fluid in the abdomen: problems with the pericardium, the sac that contains the heart. When the pericardial sac is affected by a virus, tuberculosis, or some infectious agent, and sometimes after open-heart surgery, it becomes thicker and scars form on it. Rigid tissue squeezes the heart, like a steel ring. Even if the heart muscle is healthy and strong, it cannot contract normally in such an embrace. It does not push all the blood, as it does when it is weak. This condition, called pericardial compression, leads to blood retention in the abdomen, causing it to swell. When fluid accumulates around the heart under the pericardium, even without severe scarring of the bursa, it has the same effect.

At cancer growth in the abdomen. regardless of where it occurs, fluid accumulates in the abdomen. Ovarian cancer causes particularly strong fluid production. I myself have observed an increase in the volume of the abdomen as a result of ovarian cancer, which was mistaken for pregnancy - at least for a certain time - in women of childbearing age.

Pregnancy is such an obvious cause of an enlarged belly that we don't think any woman would miss this diagnosis. After all, she has nine months at her disposal! Believe it or not, some women were brought in to give birth without even knowing they were pregnant. I once met such a woman in a TV interview. She told me that, never paying attention to her periods, she thought she was just getting fat. The day came and she felt cramps in her stomach. She sat down on the toilet - and gave birth to a normal child! Such women usually do not understand the physiology of menstruation or conception. Therefore, if you are sexually active and in your prime, always consider pregnancy if your waist is growing for no apparent reason.

The other side of the coin is a state called pseudopsyesis. This is a relatively rare psychiatric problem in which a woman is mistakenly convinced that she is pregnant. Her waist actually increases, but after nine months, nothing happens. I myself have not seen such and I do not know what makes the stomach grow, but such a pathology exists.

Swelling does not necessarily affect the entire abdomen. It may be local. Asymmetry may be the result cysts in the abdomen or, if it is in the lower region, retention of stools in severe constipation.

If you find a bump in your abdomen, remember the four quadrants I talked about. If the tubercle is in the right upper quadrant, it is more likely to be associated with liver or anything in it. In the upper left, probably due to enlargement of the spleenAnd in various diseases, including infectious mononucleosis, leukemia, lymphoma and other blood diseases. Swelling down the midline may result from sprains Bladder . an increase in the uterus during pregnancy or fibrous tumors, with ovarian cysts and other neoplasms.

If you ever had abdominal surgery. you can find a lump along the seam, where the scar tissue has stretched and the contents of the abdomen protrude through it. These incisional hernias sometimes require surgery.

So, an increase in the abdomen, which is not associated with pregnancy and simple weight gain, usually reflects air or fluid retention. Air comes and goes as fluid slowly builds up. A rule to remember: don't run to the doctor if you have to loosen your belt after a big meal, but you should do it if your waist enlargement doesn't subside and progresses.

Any treatment should be carried out with the participation and under the supervision of a competent specialist, below you will find a list of doctors we recommend

List of possible diseases:

Constipation Difficult, delayed, or insufficient bowel movements. erysipelas A skin infection caused by streptococcus. Cirrhosis of the liver A chronic progressive disease characterized by a violation of the architectonics of the liver and the defeat of all its structural elements.

It is undeniable that the real female happiness for every woman is the joy of motherhood. Everything would be fine, but only after childbirth does “fat” appear, and the mother faces the problem of how to remove the stomach after pregnancy. How to get back beautiful slim stomach, we will talk in this article.

Causes of the appearance of the "tummy"

The tummy is a problem not only for overweight, but also slender girls. Do not be surprised if, despite the natural thinness, you are faced with the question of getting rid of belly fat. This is due to the fact that even with normal weight body fat is unevenly distributed.

The normal body fat index for a healthy woman is 24% fat, 12% of which accumulates on the hips, buttocks and chest area.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes affect the increase in body fat, the role of which is to protect the fetus from external factors. Stretched muscles return to normal after a while, but the fat layer remains in place. Because of this, the mother is faced with the acute question of getting rid of excess fat on the stomach.

How to lose belly fat after pregnancy?

Now we know why fat appears, so it’s worth saying right away that the reason lies not in excess weight, but in an increase in body fat. Therefore, you should not drive yourself into a corner and go on a diet, because this can only harm a newborn baby. It would be much more correct to devote time to physical exercises.

Abdominal muscle training

It is important to say that it is recommended to load the abdominal cavity one and a half to two months after childbirth and 8-12 weeks after cesarean section. The effect can be achieved in 1.5-2 months after intensive training.

We suggest you try the following set of exercises:

Exercise 1

  • Stand up straight. Legs should be together. Squat down, pulling your buttocks back as far as possible. Simultaneously with the squat, tilt the body, placing your hands on the middle of the thigh. Take a deep breath.
  • Straighten up. Raise your arms up, spreading them to the sides with the letter V, while straightening your back as much as possible, exhaling and pulling your stomach in. As you exhale, draw in the front wall of the abdomen.
  • Breathe in slowly through your nose to relax your diaphragm. Push your belly forward. Bottom part the abdomen should be filled with air. Exhale. The front wall of the abdomen should be pulled inward as much as possible. Exhale through your nose.

The main purpose of this exercise is to feel how the front wall of the abdomen moves during breathing.

Exercise 2

  • Lie on your back. Clasp your hands behind your head. As you exhale, lift your shoulder blades and bend your legs, pulling your knees to your chest and your heels to your buttocks. Pull your stomach in while doing the exercise.
  • Spread your legs apart. The left leg should be straightened, but kept "on weight". knee right foot pull to the elbow of the left hand. Change legs. When changing legs, inhale and focus on exhaling.

Exercise 3

  • Lie on your back. Pull your knees up to your chest. Spread your arms to the side, pressing your palms to the floor.
  • Raise your buttocks and move your hips to the side. Your knees should stay in place, not sink to the floor. Don't lift your shoulders off the floor. Breathe evenly. Repeat the exercise in the other direction.

Having set a goal to reduce the stomach after pregnancy, be prepared for intense training. Every day, devote to the examples we have given exercise 30-40 minutes of your time, and in a month and a half you will deservedly become the happy owner of a flat stomach.

By common belief, pregnancy and extra pounds are inseparable phenomena. On the one hand, do not dial a certain amount of a woman cannot take a kilogram during pregnancy, on the other hand, this does not mean at all that you can not control yourself and eat as much as you like and anything.

For a long time it was believed that a pregnant woman should eat for two. Now doctors consider this approach fundamentally wrong, they advocate healthy eating during pregnancy and weight control.

Why is being overweight dangerous during pregnancy?

Excess weight is not only an aesthetic defect, but also the very risk factor that contributes to development of various diseases : from hypertension to flat feet. And this is true not only during pregnancy, but also at any other time. Another thing is that during pregnancy, excess weight harms not only the health of the woman, but also the health of her unborn baby.

Obesity provokes a huge number of complications , including preeclampsia, the so-called late toxicosis of pregnancy. Rapid weight gain is fraught with a large burden on the kidneys, resulting in fluid retention, swelling. Then the pressure rises, and protein appears in the urine. In this case, the woman is hospitalized, since it is extremely difficult to predict the outcome without constant monitoring.

In general, pregnancy itself is a huge increase in the load on the entire body, starting with the spine, which has to bear much a large mass, and even with a changed center of gravity. The organs of the abdominal cavity also suffer, which not only have to serve two organisms, instead of one, but also endure “encroachments” on their place from the overgrown uterus.

If at the same time a woman becomes overweight, the load on all systems and organs increases even more. As a result, the risk of development increases. And this despite the fact that even without excess weight in pregnant women, it occurs quite often. An excess of carbohydrates can lead to diabetes, and increased stress on the circulatory system can lead to hypertension and other malfunctions.

What can we say about the fact that women with overweight giving birth will be a little more difficult . During childbirth, various complications are also possible.

When is weight gain considered normal, and when is it time to worry?

Now let's figure out when to start worrying if weight gain is inevitable?

First you need to figure out what this increase is made up of. The most obvious is the weight of the fetus. This is 3-4 kg, another 2.5-3 kg is amniotic fluid. The placenta and umbilical cord, the amniotic sac contribute. Do not forget that the volume of blood in the vessels of a pregnant woman increases slightly, and this is also additional weight.

The fat layer during pregnancy also necessarily increases. This process has two practical meanings: firstly, an increased body fat helps maintain the necessary hormonal balance in the body during gestation and lactation, and secondly, fat accumulates mainly on the abdominal wall and buttocks, thereby protecting the child from external influences.

If you sum it all up, you get about 10-12 kg. Naturally, with multiple pregnancies, the increase will be somewhat greater, the same applies to cases where the woman's weight was initially below normal.

But if there were extra pounds before pregnancy, then it is quite possible that she will gain a little less, because she already has the necessary fat layer.

On average, in the second trimester, a woman gains about 350 g per week, in some cases more is possible. It is worth worrying if after 16 weeks a woman begins to gain weight more than 1 kilogram.

Can you lose weight during pregnancy?

Let's say you have already realized that there is a problem. What to do now? Can you lose weight during pregnancy? Good question, but not entirely correct. A lot depends on what you mean by weight loss. If you are sure that The best way get rid of extra pounds - these are strict diets, then immediately forget about it.

Any starvation, severe food restriction and mono-diets are extremely harmful for a pregnant woman, and even more so for her child. If you exclude some foods from your diet, then the baby will not receive some important substances, vitamins or trace elements.

It would be much more correct to prefer a healthy, balanced diet, without strict prohibitions and starvation.

How to lose weight during pregnancy?

Balanced diet - this is the way to harmony, not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. Moreover, it will contribute to the overall health of the body.

How to lose weight during pregnancy? This is a rather difficult question. Many are sure that since edema and weight gain in particular are due to water retention, it is enough to simply reduce its consumption. However, this is exactly what doctors do not recommend. Drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day is essential.

Where it is more reasonable to limit, and even better completely stop eating salt and smoked products. Salt promotes water retention in the body. It is not superfluous to exclude from the diet and sweets, as well as pastries. These products contain simple carbohydrates, which are quickly processed and enter the blood in the form of glucose, and then also quickly deposited in the fat layer.

But complex carbohydrates should be present in the daily menu. Moreover, they should occupy a large part of it. Vegetables, fruits, cereals can serve as a source of complex carbohydrates. In addition to the fact that they have a lot of carbohydrates, they also contain fiber, which works like a brush in the intestines, cleansing it of toxins and normalizing work. This allows you to solve the problem of constipation, with which pregnant women are no less common than with excess weight.

It is equally important to ensure that protein, including animal protein, is present in a woman's daily menu. That is, you can not refuse fish and meat. Another thing is that you need to choose low-fat varieties, including poultry, beef, rabbit.

By the way, about fat. The temptation is great to try to completely eliminate it from the diet. In fact, this cannot be done either. For the normal functioning of the body, fats are also necessary, like protein and carbohydrates. It is worth preferring vegetable fats, they are more useful for the body.

One more point: cooking method . Say no to fried foods. Products are best boiled, stewed, baked or steamed. When frying, a lot of oil is absorbed into the food, which greatly increases the calorie content of the dish. At the same time, superheated oil itself is far from the most useful product.

That, perhaps, is all that can be answered to the question of how to lose weight during pregnancy. It remains only to say a few words about the fact that everything, including prohibitions, should be in moderation. Do not torture yourself and deny your favorite products. From time to time, you can afford a cake and a small pickle, but you don’t need to get carried away with this.

How to eat a pregnant woman to maintain normal weight (video)

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