Card index of exercises after a daytime sleep. Card file of invigorating gymnastics after daytime sleep for older preschool children


Card number 1. "We woke up"

1. "Sipping"

i.p. - exhale

(4-6 times)

2. "Catch a mosquito"

return to i.p.

(4-6 times)

3. "Bicycle"

i.p. lying on your back (10-12 seconds)

Bears rode on a bicycle

And behind them is the cat, backwards.

4. "Musicians"

We play the harmonica

We clap our hands loudly.

Our legs: top, top.

Our pens: clap, clap!

We lower our palms down,

We rest, we rest.


Card number 2. "Kolobok"

1. Warm up in bed, massage itself

Children wake up to the sounds of melodic music, then lying in bed on their backs over a blanket, they perform 5-6 exercises of a general developmental impact.

Turning the head to the right, to the left.

Light stroking of hands, abdomen, legs, heels.

Bending both legs with knees clasped with hands and gradually straightening them.

2. "Funny legs"

Above the legs! Top, top!

More fun! Hop, goop!

Bell, don, don!

Louder, louder, ringing, ringing!

Hop, horse, hop, hop!

Whoa - ru - y, horse:

Stop, stop!


Card number 3. "Visiting the Sun"

(using the methods of relieving psycho-emotional stress and self-massage)

Calm music plays. The sun is peeking through the windows.

The teacher approaches each child, strokes his head.

V-l: Guys, look how light and warm it is in our bedroom.

Do you know why? A sunbeam came to visit us, he looked into your eyes.

Close them. He ran further along the face, you gently stroke with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke him gently so as not to frighten him. Now stroke him on the head, neck, then the tummy, arms, He climbed up the scruff - stroke him there too. He is not mischievous - he just loves to caress you, and you pet him and make friends with him.

Get up and let's play with the sunbeam.

(Children stand on the rug next to the crib)

1. "Smile at the sun." I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart, hands on shoulders. Right foot and right hand forward, palm up, smile. Return to i. n. Do the same with the other hand and foot. Return to i. n. Repeat three times; pace is moderate.

Instruction: be attentive, clearly carry out the task: simultaneously act with the right hand and right foot.

2. "We play with the sun." I. p. - sitting, legs bent at the knees, knees clasped with hands. Turn on the buttocks, stepping over the legs, 360 °. Return to i. n. Repeat five times; pace is moderate.

Note: Do not assist when turning with your hands.

3. "We play with the sun's rays." I. p. - sitting, legs together, and lowered. Spread your legs to the sides, clap your knees with your hands. Return to i. n. Repeat six times;

the pace is fast.

Note: Do not bend your knees.

4. "Resting in the sun." I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the chest. Roll over to the right side. Return to i. n. Roll onto the left side. Return to i. n. Run three times in each direction, the pace is moderate.

(transfer to the group, hardening procedures are carried out)


Card number 4. "Waking Kittens"

(with elements of self-massage)

The lullaby song "Gray cat" sounds, music. Vitlin, ate. N. Naidenova.

Vl. Guys, do you know who came to you when you were sleeping? Guess the riddle:

Furry, mustachioed,

The paws are soft and the claws are sharp. (Pussy)

Vl. That's right, pussycat. Let's play, today with you - little fluffy kittens.

The cat decided to teach kittens

How should you wash your paws?

We were sitting close

All movements were observed. Perform movements on the text

We rub the right paw,

And then shake it up.

Here is the left paw too

We will help with the right paw.

Your left ear

We take out with the left paw,

Don't forget the right

We wash with the right paw.

Let's run a paw over the fur,

Your forehead will be clean and smooth.

Each ironing, washing.

We clean the nose carefully.

We can smooth out the breast.

Here are the clean kittens

Here's to sleep guys!

(The lullaby song “Gray cat” sounds. The “kittens” guys lie on their stomachs and “sharpen” their “claws”, quietly “meow”. They rest. The teacher approaches each child and strokes him. The children get up, perform hardening procedures)


Card number 5. "Fun Zoo"

V-l: Children, it was interesting to watch you when you were sleeping. Someone sniffed like a little kitten, someone stretched like a fox in a dream, someone buried himself in the pillow like a little bear cub. Let's now depict some animals with our exercises.

1. "The animals woke up." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Yawn and stretch well. Repeat several times; pace is slow.

Vl. Guess the riddle:

In the forest in cold winter

Walks angry, hungry.

He clicks his teeth! It's grey... (wolf)

2. "Greeting cubs." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Bring your hands to your chest, then stretch forward. Return to i. n. Repeat five times; pace is moderate.

3. "Owl". I. p. - lying on your back, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in the stomach - inhale, sticking out the stomach - exhale. Exhaling, loudly pronounce "f-f-f-f". Repeat four times; pace is slow.

4. "Nimble monkeys." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. At the command of the educator "Tummy", turn on your stomach. At the command "Back" turn on your back. Repeat five times; at first moderately, then quickly.

5. Growling cubs. Breathe in through your nose. As you exhale, try to pull "mmmmmm", while simultaneously tapping the wings of the nose with the fingers of both hands.

V-l: What a wonderful zoo we have turned out to be. You not only beautifully and correctly showed the proposed animals, but everyone has already woken up. (children perform hardening procedures)


Card number 6. "Hide and Seek"

(with elements of breathing exercises)


The bird sat on the window

A cat is meowing in the yard

They decided to wake us up.

All! Quiet time is over!

Wake up, children, I want to invite you to play hide and seek.

(Children lie down on top of the blankets. Calm music sounds.)

Our sleepy palms

Woke up a little

Played hide and seek fun -

Fingers clenched into a fist.

Toes on our feet

move through the text

They know all the paths in the park.

They check - where are the heels,

And they play hide and seek with us.

We're almost awake

Our hands stretched

Waved over the sheet

They hid behind their backs.

We will link the handles in the "lock"

Above your head.

Right, left elbow

We will bring before us.

Knees do not want to sleep

It's time for them to get up.

We put out our knees

Legs straightened quickly.

Our mouths are silent

We train the tongue:

We'll hide it and show it.

"Good afternoon!" - We'll say it out loud.

Let's breathe deeply

Blow out the air with noise.

Our noses are awake

We smiled at each other!

(get up on the mats next to the bed)

"Growing up big." I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your hands up, bend well, rise on your toes - inhale. Lower your hands down, lower yourself on the entire foot - exhale. Exhaling, pronounce "uh-h-h-h." Repeat four or five times.

(they go to perform hardening procedures)


Card number 7. "Chanterelle"

Warm up in bed

"You woke up?" - "Yes"

"Smiled?" - "Yes"

Stretched? - "Yes"

“Turned from side to side” - turns

"We move our legs"

inhale - raise right leg, exhale - bend;

the same from the left leg;

the same - two legs together.

II. "Chanterelle" - hands in front of the chest, gently step on the toes, turning the head to the right, to the left, looking around the tail.

"Balls" - I.p. standing. Jumping near the bed.

"Big - small" - squats (exercises to restore breathing)


Card number 8. "Watch"

I. Elements of self-massage

I.p. - sit down, cross your legs.

"Washing" the face with hands;

arms crossed on the chest, palms on the shoulders, rubbing;

hands on knees - rubbing;

II. "Watch" - stand straight, legs slightly apart (the car will pass between the legs), lower your hands. Swinging with straight arms back and forth, say “tic-tac” (6-7 times)

III. "Chicken" - small steps on straight legs, elbows pressed to the sides, clap on the sides with the hands.

IV. "Sparrow" - jump on two legs, then run, waving his arms, squat down.


Card number 9. "Favorite toys"

(with elements of corrective and breathing exercises)

Music sounds

V-l: Children, I know that you love to play with toys. And each of you has your favorite toy. Today we will show different toys with our exercises. But first, guess the riddle about a toy that girls really like.

Maybe you want to play

And take me in your arms

Take for a walk

And braid braids?

Put me in a stroller

I'll close my eyes then. (doll)

1. "Doll". I. p. - lying on your back.

We love to play and even

We'll show you the dolls.

Exactly lay down in bed

And looked to the right

Immediately take a deep breath

And heads turned.

And now we breathe

Look up and rest

We breathe evenly, do not rush,

We repeat the same to the left.

Note: Avoid sudden head movements.

V-l: She doesn’t need a driver at all,

You turn it on with the key -

The wheels will start to spin.

Put it on and she'll rush. (car)

2. "Clockwork machine". I. p. - lying on your back. 1 - rotational movements hands in front of the chest (“engine started”). 1-3 - rotational movements of the legs. 4 - return and. n. Repeat three times; the pace is moderate at first, the loan is fast, at the end it is slow.

V-l: I did not tremble before the wolf,

He ran away from the bear.

And the fox on the tooth

Still got caught ... (kolobok)

3. "Kolobok". I. p. - sitting, legs together, emphasis on the back of the hand. 1-2 - bend your knees, pull them to your chest, wrap your arms around them. 3-4 - return to and. n. Repeat five times; pace is moderate.

V-l: A funny beast in a huge cage

Jumping from branch to branch.

Eating bananas, sweets

To the common children's joy (monkey)

4. "Funny monkey." I. p. - lying on the stomach. 1 - turn on the back, 2 - return to and. n. Repeat five times; pace is moderate.

5. "Inflate a balloon." I. p. - sitting on the bed. Take in air through the nose with noise, holding the breath for 1-2 s. Exhale the air with noise through the lips, folded with a tube, pronouncing the sound [y].

Instruction. Teach children to inhale, lasting 3 s, exhale - 6 s (hardening procedures)


Card number 10. "Spider bugs"

(with elements of corrective gymnastics)

Calm music sounds.

V-l: Spring has come, the warm season. Everything wakes up - nature, insects. Let's imagine that you and I are spider bugs. We feel good from the warm sun.

1. "Bugs pulled." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Stretch well - arms to the sides. Repeat three times; pace is slow.

2. "Eyes woke up." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Stroke closed eyes from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eyes and back (10 s); pace is moderate.

3. "Ears woke up." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Rub the ears from the bottom up and back until redness and a feeling of warmth (10 s); pace is moderate.

4. "Paws woke up." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your outstretched hands in front of you, shake them. Then raise your legs and shake them too (10 s); the pace is fast.

5. "Bugs bask in the sun." I. p. - lying on your back, and along the torso. 1 - turn on the stomach. 2 - turn on the back. Repeat five times; pace is moderate.

6. "The bugs are getting ready for a walk." I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. Raise your right leg, bent at the knee. Lower. Raise your left leg bent at the knee. Lower. Repeat four times; pace is moderate.

7. "Funny bugs." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-3 - clapping hands in front of you. 4 - return to and. n. Repeat five times; the pace is fast. (hardening procedures)


Card number 11. "Bear"

1. Warm up in bed. Self-massage.

Head turns, right, left.

Light stroking of arms, legs, abdomen, heels.

Breeding and bending the arms.

2. "Bear" - arms are lowered, the body is tilted forward, roll over from foot to foot.

Bear clumsy walks through the forest

He collects cones and puts them in his pocket

Suddenly a bump fell

Directly to the bear in the forehead

Teddy bear got angry and kicked top

I will no longer collect bumps

I'll get in the car and go to bed.

3. "Frog" sit down, jump forward, stand up.

4. "Cockerel" - walk, raising your legs high, clapping your hands on your sides, raise your head high - Ku - ka - re - ku.

There are no roads in the swamp

I'm on bumps lope yes lope.


Card number 12. "Pump"

I. 1. "Pump"

I.p. lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows at the chest.

straighten your arms forward, return to ip.

(5 - 6 times)

2. "Roly - standing up"

I.p. - lying, along the body

gradual lifting of the torso, following the arms.

(4 - 6 times)

3. "We warm the legs"

I.p. - lying on your back, alternately bend your legs to your chest.

(5 - 6 times)

II. "Legs"

On a flat path

On a flat path

Our legs were walking. (walking)

Over bumps, over bumps (jumps)

Boom into the hole (sat down).

Teacher: Where are my children?

(children get up) - Here they are.


Card number 13. "Cockerel"

1. Our cockerel is loud-mouthed

In the morning he screams "hello"

On his feet are his boots

Earrings hanging on the ears

Scallop on the head

Here is our cock.

(movements, according to the text)

2. Three funny brothers

Walked around the yard

Three funny brothers

Started a game

They did it with heads: nick - nick - nick.

Dexterous fingers: tick - tick - tick.

They did it with their hands: clap - clap - clap

They stomped their feet: top - top, top.


Card number 14. "Sipping"

I. 1. "Sipping"

i.p. lying on your back, arms along the body. While inhaling, stretch with both hands up, with the heels of two legs forward;

i.p. - exhale

(4-6 times)

2. "Catch a mosquito"

i.p. - lying on your back, arms through the sides, clap in front of you

Card index of gymnastics after sleep in the 1st junior group


1. "Toys come to life"

1.In the crib: Today, children, we will play with toys that have come to life. At first, the toys lay quietly and calmly in their places. But then they began to stir and look around. I. p .: lying on your back, arms along the body; slightly raise the head; turn left and right, on the pillow. Then they began to stretch and warm up: the children put their hands behind their heads, stretch, bend their arms, legs at the knees, make twisting movements. "Vanka-vstanka - roly-poly" . Have fun swinging in different sides; lying on their backs, clasping their knees, the children bow back and forth. 2. “ Teddy bears": stand up, walking in place, imitate the movements of bears. “ Dolls": Children walk with straight legs imitation of walking dolls. Frisky horses ": Walking on toes, raising your knees high, holding imaginary reins. 3. Breathing exercise: "Let's play the trumpet"

2. "We woke up"

1.In the crib:- "Funny hands" - and. P.: Lying on your back. Raise your hands up and down. (4 times) - "Sharp legs" - and. p: the same. Alternately raise one or the other leg. (4 times) - "Smart head" - and. p: the same. Head turns left and right. 2. Walking in a group along a ridged path. 3. Breathing exercise "Inflate the balloon"

3. "Rain"

1.In the crib: I.p. sitting, legs crossed "Turkish" The first drop fell - drop! swipe your right hand up and down And the second came running - cap! do the same with the other hand We looked at the sky, droplets of "Kap-kap" sang. look up. Wet faces, we wiped them wipe your face with your hands, stand up Shoes, look, they are wet show hands, look down Let's move our shoulders together And shake off all the droplets . raise and lower your shoulders Let's run away from the rain running in place Let's sit under a bush. squat. 2. Walking in a group with a wide step "Through the Puddles" 3. Breathing exercise "Breeze"

4. "Breeze"

1.In the crib: "Breeze" - And. p .: lying on the stomach, arms along the torso. Head turns to the right, lower the right cheek on the pillow, then also to the left. Onomatopoeia "fu-u-u". 3r. "Flight of the Wind" - And. p: the same. Spread your arms to the sides.20s. "The wind is playing" - And. p .: the same, emphasis on the elbows with hands. 3r. "The wind drives the clouds" - And. p.: standing on all fours. Movement of the torso back and forth, without taking the legs and arms off the bed. 3r. "Big Gray Clouds" - And. p: the same. Climb on high all fours. 3r. 2. "The wind blows over fields, over forests and gardens" - regular walking on the correction path "Kochki". 3. Breathing exercise "Autumn Leaves"


5. "Grow up healthy baby"

1.In the crib: "Sipping" i.p. lying down, hands up - lowered 3r. "Hugs " And. n. sitting, hugging ourselves by the shoulders 3p. I.p lying down, bend your legs - straighten 3p. "Wake-ups" Eyes are you awake? Massage eyes, nose, cheeks, ears, arms, legs . 2. Walking with stepping over objects. 3. Breathing exercise "Water"

6. "Kittens"

1. The dream passed, and we woke up, smiled, stretched , children stretch, lying on their backs Paws about each other three rub one hand against the other. And beat our hands loudly . Clap. Now let's put our feet up , alternately raise their legs. Like our mother's cat, we are brave kittens. They stretched together again, the nose, head and ears came off the pillow, raise and lower their heads They briskly got up on their knees, "Tails" waved, move hip joints left, right. Bent out, bent , arch and bend the back. Turned sideways turn the head to the right and to the left. Scratched heels , scratching heels. 2. We knocked on the floor , knocking heels on the floor. Our legs gained strength , 3. Ride along the path , walk along the ribbed path. The path is not easy, On uneven, rough. We are awake, we are ready. Sing, play and run again. Together we are not too lazy to say: "Hello day, happy day!" 4.Breathing exercises "Meow".

7. "Cockerel"

1. In the crib: "The cock is sleeping" - i.p. lying on your back, arms extended behind the head, legs together. 1 - raise straight legs up, arms up, stretch, the cockerel woke up 3r. "The cockerel is looking for grains" - i.p. sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt, head tilt to the left, forward, to the left. 3r. "Cockerel drinks water" - sp sitting on your heels, hands down, kneel, hands up, lean forward down with outstretched arms, return to sp 3r. " The rooster rode a bicycle i.p. lying on your back, arms along the body. Simulate cycling with your feet.20s. 2." The cockerel is jumping i.p. socks together, hands on the belt.20c. 3.Quiet walking on "Bridge" 4. Breathing exercise "Rooster"

8. "Forest Adventure"

1. In the crib: "Bear in the den" - sp .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Rolls from side to side. 3-4r. "Hare cowards" - And. p: the same. Bend your legs at the knees, wrap your arms around them - “hid”, return to and. p., take your hands back - “appeared.” 3-4r. "Volchek-gray barrel" - And. p.: standing on all fours. Alternate stretching of the legs up. 3-4r. "Chanter sisters" - And. p.: standing next to the bed. Imitation of fox movements in place.20s. "Christmas trees big and small" - And. p .: the same, sit down "little trees" stand up stretch your arms up "big trees" 3. Calm walking on toes, with stepping over objects. 4. Breathing exercises "Sparrow"


9. "The Journey of the Snowflake" Part one.

1.In the crib: "Snowflakes wake up" - And. p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Head turns left-right. 3-4r. "Snowflakes-Fluffs" - And. p: the same. Spread your arms and legs to the sides, return to ip 3-4r. "Snowflakes - ballerinas" - And. p .: standing near the crib, arms to the sides. Turns of the body with the rotation of the hands. 3-4r. "Snowfall" - And. p: the same. Slow squats with hands down. 3-4r. "Dance of the Snowflakes" - And. n. the same. Spinning in place on your toes. 3. Easy running on toes on wet tracks. 4. Breathing exercise "Let's blow on a snowflake"

10. "Journey of a snowflake" part two.

1.In the crib: "Snowflakes wake up" "Snowflakes-fluffs" "Tangle of snowflakes" - And. p.s. sitting on the bed. Bend your knees and clasp your hands, lower your head; then straighten up, arms back, stretch legs, head up. 3-4r. "Airplane Snowflakes" - And. p .: sitting on his knees, hands down. Rise on your knees, arms to the sides. 3-4r. "The blizzard sweeps the snowflakes" - And. p.: standing next to the bed. Tilts of the torso forward, wave your arms - “blizzard”. 3-4r. 3.Quiet walking on the path "step by step" 4. Breathing exercises "The Christmas tree smells like resin"


11. "Nebolika"

1. I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, i.p. 3-4r. I.P .: sitting, legs crossed (lotus position), hands down, raise your hands up and down, massage the big toes, starting from the pad to the base. 3-4r. I.p: sitting legs stretch slightly apart, forward bends. 3-4r. I.P. the same, massage of the fingers - from the nails to the base with pressure (internal and external). 20s. I.p .: sitting on your knees, arms to the sides. Cotton with straight arms in front. 3-4r. I.P. the same, hands forward, massage-stroking of the hands - from the fingers to the shoulder. 20s. 2.I.p standing: "big and little kids" squatting and stretching arms up. 3-4r. 3. Quiet walking on a ribbed path. 4. Breathing exercises "Watch"

12. "Walk"

1. In the crib: I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, arms forward, i.p. 3-4r. I.P .: lying on your back, arms along the body, pull socks towards you, i.p. 3-4r. I.P.: sitting, legs straight, hands in support behind, spread the toes of the legs to the sides, i.p. 3-4r. "A pedestrian". I.P. the same, stepping over with fingers, bending the knees, the same with straightening the legs. 3-4r. "Hammers". I.p .: sitting, legs bent, hands in support behind the back, fingers on toes, left heel strike on the floor. 4r. 2. I.P.: standing, hands on the belt, rolling from socks to heels. 3-4r. 3.ip standing: jumping forward 3-4p. 4. Breathing exercises "AU".

13. "Airplane"

1. In the crib: I.p.: sitting, legs crossed. Look up without raising your head and move your finger behind a flying plane (eye tracking). 20s. The plane flies, I was going to fly with it. I.p. Same. Take your right hand to the side (follow with your eyes), the same is done to the left side. 3-4r. The right wing took away, looked . Left wing took away, looked. I.p. Same. Perform rotational movements in front of the chest and follow the gaze. 20s. I start the engine and take a look. 2 .. I.p .: standing up on your toes and perform flying movements.20s. I'm going up, I'm flying. I don't want to return. I.p.: standing. close eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open (repeat 8-10 times). 3.easy running on toes "Aircraft" , fly around the obstacle. 4. Breathing exercises "Airplane"

14. "Humpty - Baltai"

1. In the crib: I. p. lying on your back; legs are straight. Bend your knees, straighten. I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body. Stretch, performing involuntary body movements. I.p. lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. Alternately put your head on the right, then on the left shoulder. I. p. lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. Raise your legs, chat with them. I. p. sitting. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, shake them. I. p. sitting, hands on knees. Inhale, hold your breath, exhale. 2.I.p. standing. arms lowered, legs shoulder-width apart swaying from side to side. 3. With calm walking with a high knee raise, stepping over an obstacle. 4. Breathing exercises "Spring Breeze"

15. "Awakening the Sun" First part.

1. In the crib: "The sun is waking up" - I. p.: lying on your back. Raise your head, turn your head left and right. (4 times) "The sun is bathing" - And. p: the same. Wrap your arms around your knees, roll from side to side. (4 times) "Solar charger" - And. p .: the same, arms extended back. Raise your arms and legs up and down at the same time. (4 times) "The sun is rising" - And. p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows. Rise on straight arms, without taking your legs off the bed. (4-5 times) "The sun is high" - And. p .: sitting on your knees, emphasis with your hands in front. Rise up on your hands and straight legs. (4 times). 2. "I am the big sun" - And. p .: standing on your feet near the crib. Raise your arms up through the sides, stretch, stand on your toes. (4 times). 3. Normal walking barefoot on wet paths. 4. Breathing exercises "Locomotive"

16. "The awakening of the sun" The second part.

1. In the crib: "This is how the sun rises" - And. p .: lying down, hands down. Slowly rise, hands forward and up for each word. 3-4r. "Higher, Higher, Higher" - And. n. lying hands rise. 3-4r. "Tonight the sun will set" - And. p .: sit down near the bed. 3.r "Lower, Lower, Lower" - And. p .: squatting, hands down. Head tilts down-up-down. 3-4r. 2. "Good good" - And. p.: standing. Clap hands.20s. "The sun is laughing" - sp .: standing, hands on the belt. Turns of the body to the right-left. 3-4r. "And life is so much more fun under the sun" - And. p: the same. Circling in place in one direction and then in the other direction / repeat 2 times / 3. Walking on a rope, hands, keeping balance to the sides. 4. Breathing exercises "Spring breeze"


17. "Funny bugs"

1. In the crib: I.P. Lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs, touching the knees with the elbows. 3-4r IP Lying on the back, arms bent at the elbows, legs at the knees. Flounder like a bug 3-4r. IP. Lying on your back, arms along the torso. Inflate the stomach like a ball, hold the position without breathing, 2-3 seconds. I.P. Sitting cross-legged, hands on knees. Tilts to the knees - alternately to the right, left. 3-4r. I.P. Lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. Alternately put your head on the right, then on the left shoulder. 3-4r. I.P. Sitting, hands on knees. Inhale, hold your breath, exhale. 3-4r. 2. They flew like bugs along a ribbed path. 3. Breathing exercise "Breeze"

18. "I'm lying in the sun"

Who sleeps sweetly in bed? It's high time to get up. Hurry up, we won't wait for you! Breathe deeply through your nose, keep your back straight.

1. In the crib: I.P .: lying on your back, arms along the body, strain the body, inhale, hold for a few seconds, relax, exhale. 3-4r. I.P .: lying on your back, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists, cross your arms in front of you, exhale, spread your arms, in ip, inhale. 3-4r. I.P .: lying on your back, lock your hands behind your head, raise your straight left leg, raise your straight right leg, keep them together, sp. (simultaneously lower). 3-4r. I.P .: lying on your back, hands resting on your elbows, bend, lift your chest up, keep your head straight (3-5 seconds), return to I.p. I.P.: lying on the stomach, hands behind the head, bend over, hands to the shoulders, legs lie on the floor, hold, i.p. 2-3r. I.P.: lying on the stomach, hands under the chin, bend, taking emphasis on the forearms, the neck is extended - inhale, exhale. 2-3r. 2.sp standing. Jumping forward. 3. Calm walking on wet paths. 4. Breathing exercise "Quiet"

"Hare - Bunny"

1. "Hare, cheer up, gray, stretch" I. p .: standing, arms along the body. Rise on your toes, hands through the sides up. 2. "Hare, turn around, gray, turn around" I. p .: standing, hands on the belt. Turns of the torso to the right and left, then to and. P. 3. "Hare, dance, gray, dance" I. p .: the same. Soft spring. 4. "Hare, bow, gray, bow" I. p .: the same. Torso forward. 5. "Hare, walk, gray, walk" I. p .: the same. Walking in place. 6. "The bunny went along the bridge" Walking on a ribbed board. 7. "Yes, over bumps, yes, over bumps" Walking on rubber mats. 3 floods.


1. "Breeze" - and. p .: lying on the stomach, arms along the torso. Head turns to the right, lower the right cheek on the pillow, then also to the left. Onomatopoeia "fu-u-u". 2. "Flight of the breeze" - and. p: the same. Extend your arms to the sides. 3. "The breeze is playing" - and. p .: the same, emphasis on the elbows with hands. 4. "The breeze drives the clouds" - and. p.: Standing on all fours. Move the torso back and forth without taking your legs and arms off the bed. 5. "Big gray clouds" - and. p: the same. Climb on high all fours. 6. “The wind blows on the fields, over forests and gardens” - ordinary walking turning into easy running.

Educator: Slavenko Yu.V.V

The purpose of corrective gymnastics.

Help wake up after daytime sleep. Tone up the whole body, acting on biologically active points. Prevent colds. Strengthen the respiratory tract. Cultivate respect for your body. Give a charge of vivacity for the second half of the day.

Bed exercise:

1. “Bicycle” - I. p .: lying on your back, “pedaling with the sound “zhzhzh” (6 times)

2. "Kitten" - I. p .: lying in the pose of a sleeping cat, purr. The kitten kneels and arches its back with the sound "shhh" (6 times)

3. "Hand massage" - I. p .: sitting, cross-legged. We wash our hands, rub our palms strongly until we feel strong heat, press each palei (6 times)

Mat exercises:

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

I ask you to get up - this is the time

The head turned - it's two.

Hands down, look forward - these are three.

Hands to the sides - four,

With force to press them to the shoulders - five.

All the guys sit down quietly - it's six.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Growl". Long growl on the exhale, baring your teeth, bending tense fingers like claws.

2. "Angry dog." A sharp inhalation through the mouth, pronouncing "rrr ...", with simultaneous with a sharp blow hands overlap on the back (standing, with inclinations). The same breath through the nose.

3. Deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: "mmmm (mouth tightly closed).

Bed exercise:

1. "Dance" - I. p .: lying on your back, hands under the back of the head, raise your legs. Spread your legs apart and return to and. n. (6 times).

2. “Shake the baby” - I. p .: sitting, press the foot to the chest. While rocking the "baby", touch the forehead of the knee and foot (6 times)

3. “Cold - hot” - I. p .: sitting, cross-legged. A cold north wind blew - the children huddled into balls. The sun came out - relax, fanning yourself with a handkerchief or palm (6 times)

Mat exercises:

Hares jumping lope - lope!

Yes, on a little white snow,

Sit down, listen

Is the wolf coming?

One - bend, unbend,

Two - rise, pull up,

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

For four - arms wider,

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit on the chair again.

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Crow". I. p. legs apart, arms lowered. They raise their hands to the sides, and then slap them on the thighs and, exhaling, pronounce “ku-ka-re-ku”.

2. " Full breath". They take a breath, consisting of three stages: 1st - the stomach comes forward; 2nd - the lower ribs diverge to the sides; 3rd - the tops of the lungs are filled (shoulders rise).

3. "Divers". We spread our arms to the sides, inhale through the mouth. We wrap our arms around ourselves and squat (go down under the water). Exhale with your mouth.

Bed exercise:

1. "Wave" - ​​I. p.: lying on your back. Bend your legs and pull your knees to your stomach, straighten. Pause 3-5 sec. and lower your legs (6 times).

2. "Fish" - I. p .: lying on his stomach. Raise your head and take your shoulders back. Raise arms and legs: relaxation pause 6-8 sec. (6 times) .

3. "Frog" - I. p.: lying on the stomach, palms under the chin. Bring hands from under the chin to the shoulders with palms forward. Raise your head and spread your legs, slowly return to and. n. (6 times).

Mat exercises:

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)


We quickly went down to the river,

Bent over and washed

One two three four -

What a nice refreshment!

And now they swam together.

You need to do this by hand:

Together - time, this is breaststroke.

One, the other, it's a crawl.

All as one, we swim like a dolphin.

Went out to the empty shore

And we went home.

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "The balloon inflated and burst." Put your hands on your stomach, take a breath, feeling that your stomach is puffed up like a ball, while exhaling, say “shhhh”.

2. "Sounds". Put one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. On a long exhalation, pronounce the sounds zh, z, m, n, v.

3. Inhale through the nose in short bursts (mouth tightly closed). Exhale alternately through the left and right nostrils (the other is tightly pressed with a finger, the mouth is closed).

Bed exercise:

1. "Sipping" - I. p .: lying on your back. We stretch with our heels forward and with two hands up (6 times).

2. "Cheburashka" - I. p.: sitting "in Turkish". We sculpt ears for Cheburashka, stroke auricles(“we apply clay” so that the ears do not come off (6 times).

3. "Pinocchio" - I. p .: sitting on my knees, Sculpt beautiful nose for Pinocchio. Pinocchio draws with his nose "sun", "carrot", "house" (6 times).

Mat exercises:

Jumping, jumping in the woods,

Hares are gray balls,

Jump - jump, jump - jump.

The hare stood on a stump,

All built in order

Began to show charging.

Once - everyone is walking in place.

Two - hands waving together.

Three - sat down, stood up together.

Stretched for four.

Five - bent and bent.

Six all stood in a row again,

They marched like a squad.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Penknife" I. p.: lying on your back. On exhalation, tilt the torso to the legs, which do not come off the floor. Pronounce on the exhale “Ha! ". Repeat 3-4 times.

2. "Pump" I. p. - standing, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. Leaning down with straight legs, exhale, pronouncing [sh]. As you straighten up, inhale through your nose. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. “Who will inflate the toy better? "- inhale through the nose (1-4, slowly exhale through the mouth, into the hole of the toy (1-8).

Bed exercise:

1. "Sipping" - I. p .: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the left arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, right arm up, along the torso (6 times).

2. "Massage of the abdomen" - I. p.: lying on your back. Stroking the tummy clockwise, pinching, patting with the edge of the palm and fist (6 times).

3. “We start the car” - I. p.: sitting. We put our fingers in the middle of the chest and rotate clockwise, start the car with the sound "F ... F ... F ...". then the same counterclockwise (6 times).

Mat exercises:

"The Frogs".

Two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs

Washed early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel.

They stomped their feet, they clapped their hands,

Right, left leaning

And they returned back.

Here is the secret of health.

To all friends - physical education greetings!

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Balloon" (diaphragmatic breathing). I. p. - standing, palm on stomach. Exhalation. On inspiration, the stomach protrudes forward. Retention of breath. Exhale through loosely compressed lips, the sound [s] is pronounced. Repeat 4 times.

2. "Accordion" (chest breathing). I. p. - standing, palms on the ribs. Full breath. A deep breath, the ribs move apart like accordion bellows, the chest does not rise. Retention of breath. Exhale through loosely compressed lips with the pronunciation of the sound [f]. Repeat 4 times.

3. "Skier" - I. p.: standing, legs half-bent and spaced to the width of the foot. Simulate skiing. Exhale through the nose. Repeat 4 times.

Bed exercise:

1. "Morozko" - I. p.: sitting, hands to shoulders. Take your elbows back, bend over, bend over, take a deep breath (6 times).

2. “Catch a snowflake” - I. p.: sitting “in Turkish”. Hands to the sides with a swing up, clap your hands over your head (6 times).

3. "Winter Tree" - I. p .: sitting on the heels, hands at the bottom of the palm forward. Kneel your hands through the sides up (6 times).

Mat exercises:

We clap our hands

Let the legs dance.

On a flat path

On a flat path

Our legs are tired.

Here is our house where we live.

Legs crossed - get down

And wait for the command.

And when I say: “Get up! »

Don't help them.

Legs together, legs apart

Legs straight, legs sideways.

Legs here and legs there.

What's the noise and what's the noise?

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Singing frog." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart. Put your hands on your stomach, while exhaling, work vigorously with your diaphragm, pronouncing “kva”. Repeat 4-6 times.

2. "Engine". Children move in a circle with acceleration and deceleration, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs with breathing, taking a breath for a count of two, saying “choo-choo” as you exhale. Arms bent at the elbows move simultaneously. Repeat 4-6 times.

3. "Lumberjack". I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Raise clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - exhale with the pronunciation of the word: "Uh-huh. Repeat 4-6 times.

Bed exercise:

1. "Kachalochka" - I. p.: lying on your back. Pull your knees up to your stomach. Swing along the spine (6 times).

2. "Snake" - I. p .: lying on your stomach, emphasis on outstretched arms. The head proudly turns left - right and make the sound " Sh ... Sh ... Sh ... "(6 times).

3. "Swan neck" - I. p.: sitting "in Turkish". Stroking the neck from the chest to the chin, stretching the neck (6 times).

Mat exercises:

One - rise, pull up,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit on the chair again

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Trumpeter". - I. p .: standing. The hands are clenched into fists and raised up in front of the mouth. Slow exhalation with a loud pronunciation of the sound: “F-f-f. "(4-5 times).

2. Tilts forward and backward (according to the principle of a pendulum) - when tilting back, arms wrap around your shoulders, inhale; when leaning forward - exhale.

3. Half squats with exhalation, active inhalation, short, tense, through the nose.

Bed exercise:

1. “Tigers are playing” - I. p .: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Raise your arms at the same time and touch your toes (6 times).

2. “The crocodile swims” - I. p .: lying on the stomach, arms along the body. Raise your head and arms up (6 times).

3. "Monkeys on a liana" - I. p.: sitting on the heels. Raise up the right (left) hand, lower the right (left) hand to the shoulder (6 times).

Mat exercises:

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, higher pull up

Well, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower.

Left, right, turn around

Touched hands with knees

Sit down - get up, sit down - get up,

And they ran on the spot.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 5-6 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Grow up big." I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Raise the clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - a slow exhalation with the pronunciation of the word: "Uh-h-h." (5-6 times).

2. "Geese cackle." I. p .: sitting, the hands of bent arms are pressed to the shoulders. A quick breath, then slowly tilt the torso down, take your elbows back - a long exhalation with the pronunciation of the word: "Ga-a-a." Keep your head straight. Return to the starting position - inhale. (5-6 times).

3. "Pendulum". I. p .: feet shoulder width apart. Tilt your body to the side. When tilted - exhale with the pronunciation of the word: "Tu-u-uk." Straightening - inhale. (5-6 times).

Bed exercise:

1. "Rapture" - I. p .: lying on your back. Stroking in the chest area with the words: "I'm sweet, wonderful, beautiful." (6 times).

2. "Sipping" - I. p .: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the right arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, the left arm up, along the body (6 times).

3. "Testomes" - I. p.: sitting in Turkish. The child strokes his stomach clockwise, pats with the edge of his hand, with his fist, strokes again, pinches, imitates the movements of a dough mixer kneading the dough, strokes again. (6 times)

Mat exercises:

Here comes the black cat, (steps with high legs)

Hidden - the mouse is waiting. (squats, hands to knees)

The mouse will go around the mink, (get up, turn around)

And the cat will not work (hands to the sides).

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 5-6 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "The nose is walking" - inhale and exhale through the nose. Run 10 - 20 times.

2. “The nose indulges” - when inhaling, press on the wings of the nose (interfere with inhalation). Run 10 - 20 times.

3. “The nose smells pleasant smells” - alternately close the nostrils with your fingers and take a deep breath. Run 10 - 20 times.

4. “The nose sings a song” - as you exhale, tap on the wings of the nose and say ba, bo, boo. Run 10 - 20 times.

Bed exercise:

I. p .: sitting in Turkish:

In order for us to live 200 years, we will do a massage on the spot:

So that the throat does not hurt, we stroke it boldly.

In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub your nose

We will also rub our forehead, hold our palm with a visor.

Make a fork with your fingers, massage your ears skillfully.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we don't mind a cold.

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Mat exercises:

Hey guys, what are you sleeping!

Get on the charger!

To the right is a friend and to the left is a friend!

All together - in a fun circle!

Under cheerful tunes

Let's turn right, left.

Hands up! Hands down!

Up! And bend over again!

One step back and two forward!

Right, left turn!

Let's spin. Let's turn back!

Let's hold hands again.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Cranes". Slow walking. Raise your arms to the sides while inhaling, lower your arms down with a long pronunciation of the sound: "Uuu. (5 - 6 times).

2. "Sawing firewood." Children become opposite each other in pairs. They hold hands and imitate sawing firewood. Hands on yourself - inhale, hands away from you - exhale. (5-6 times).

3. "Finish gymnastics." Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Rise on toes, hands up - inhale. Stand on a full foot, lean forward, hands down - exhale. (5-6 times).

Bed exercise:

Here we woke up.

Where were in fairy tales?

Sleepy cheeks Rub cheeks.

Sleepy eyes Rub your eyes.

Sleep ears Massage the ears.

Slept legs Massage the legs.

Good morning dear crumbs Smile to each other.

Slept pens Massage the pens.

Sleep neck Stroking the neck.

Ay pulls. Will pull up.

You don't get sick.

Mat exercises:

Get on the charger

Up hand, other down

We repeat the exercise

Let's move faster

One - let's lean forward

Two - bend back

And leaning to the side

We will do

Squats again

Let's work together

One two three four five

Who started to fall behind.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. Sharp breaths through the nose follow one after another, exhalation is spontaneous, while half-bent arms at each breath sharply go towards each other. Run 10 - 20 times.

2. Invite the children to "dive deep under the water for a fish and do not emerge for a long time." Repeat 5-6 times.

3. Tempo forward bends - inhale with each bend. Run 10 - 20 times.

Bed exercise:

1. "Signal machine" I. p .: lying on your back. We stroke the chest. Then click on the dot between thoracic departments in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, and say “ Piiiiii ... " (signal - machines (6 times)

2. "Catch-up" I. p.: sitting in Turkish. Strongly hitting the fingertips, as if on a keyboard, "runs" along the surface of the head. The fingers of both hands run together, then run away, then catch up with each other. (6 times)

3. “We wash” I. p .: sitting in Turkish. Children rub the whole arm up to the shoulder with a washcloth, strongly press on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; "wash off the soap with water", lead with one hand up, then with the palm down and "shake off the water." (6 times)

Mat exercises:

We put our hands to our eyes,

Let's set our legs strong.

Turning to the right

Let's look majestic.

And to the left too

Look from under the palms.

And - to the right! And further

Over the left shoulder!

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 5-6 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "On the horizontal bar" - I. p.: standing, legs together. Rising on your toes, raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - a long exhale with the pronunciation of the sound: "F-f-f. (4-5 times).

2. "Hedgehog" - I. p.: sitting on the mat, legs together, emphasis on the hands behind. Bend your knees and pull them to your chest, exhale slowly at the sound: "Fff. Straighten your legs - inhale. (4-5 times).

3. "Rowing a boat." I. p .: sitting, legs apart: inhale - pull in the stomach (hands forward, exhale - stick out the stomach (hands to the sides). (5-6 times).

Thank you so much for the poems, breathing and massage exercises, which I used to develop gymnastics


awakening gymnastics complex

Goals and objectives:

1) Continue to improve the health of children, temper them, develop the main types of movements; create conditions conducive to the development motor activity; prevent fatigue in children.

2) Create conditions that encourage children to physical activity, promote the development of basic movements.

3) Continue to strengthen and protect the health of children, create conditions for the systematic hardening of the body, the formation and improvement of the main types of movements.

4) Give an idea of ​​what physical exercise cause good mood, with the help of sleep, strength is restored, to form a desire to lead healthy lifestyle life, to cultivate a caring attitude towards one's body, one's health, the health of other children.

Q: “Guys, hello, I missed you very much, we are slowly waking up, opening our eyes; let's start our awakening with the awakening charge; throw back the blankets, lie on your backs, stretch your legs, put your arms along the body.

1. sips

We are almost all awake

And stretched in the crib

I.p. - lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them behind your head, eyes are closed, stretch your legs and arms at the same time, stretching your spine.

2. Woke up

Here the pens woke up.

Here the legs woke up

And they want to run away

To mom along the path

I.p. - lying on your back, alternately raise your hands up, eyes closed, alternately pull pr. and lion away from you. hand; then alternately pull pr. and lion away from you. leg, make rotational movements with legs and arms (run along the path to mom).

3. Glomerulus

We don't want to forgive

Even though they started to tremble

We are already awake

And stretched in the crib

I.p.- lying on your back, arms along the body, curl into a ball, tremble, pretending to be cold, then open up, relax and stretch, showing that it is warm, smile.

4. Fingers

Fingers want to wake up

To plunge into the water

I.p. - sitting in bed, legs with a cross, rub your palms until heat appears.

5. Wash up

Now wash your face

Let's open our eyes wide

I.p.- sitting in bed, legs with a cross, wash your face warm hands. Here we are ready to get up, run, jump and play!

Q: “And now the guys stand near the beds, the palms greeted, the fingers played.

Guys, tell me what season it is now (there is snow on the paths, on the roofs of the houses, the trees are without leaves, they are sleeping.) "

D: "Winter".

Q: “Clever, let's go back to summer now. What happens to nature in summer (the sun shines brightly, it is warm, leaves grow on trees); and when the sun hides behind a cloud, what happens that drips from the sky?

D: Rain.

Q: Let's imagine that we are back in summer and it's raining. Stand next to each other like a "train" and pat your hands on each other's backs.

Back massage "Rain"

Rain runs on the roof - Bom! Boom! Nome!

(Children stand one after another with a "train" and pat each other

palms on the back)

On a cheerful sonorous roof - Bom! Boom! Boom!

(Tap fingers)

At home, children, sit - Bom! Boom! Boom!

(lightly tap fists)

Don't go anywhere - Bom! Boom! Boom!

(Rubbing with the edges of the palms - “saw”)

Count, play - Bom! Boom! Boom!

(They put their palms on the shoulders of the child standing in front, and knead his shoulders with their fingers)

And I'll leave - then walk: Bom! Boom! Boom!

(Stroke the back with soft movements of the palms)

IN: Well done, smarties, now we finally woke up and go to get dressed.

Elena Levina
Card file of invigorating gymnastics after daytime sleep for older children preschool age





1. "Woke up"

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, 1-3- arms above your head stretch up, socks down. 2-4-and. P.

Self-massage I. p. - lying on your back

“Sculpt the forehead” run the fingers of both hands along the forehead from the middle to the temples

“Drawing the eyebrows” With the index fingers of both hands, draw along the eyebrows with pressure.

"Sculpt eyes" Stroke closed eyes from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eyes and back. Blink your eyes.

“Sculpt the nose” with index fingers vigorously draw along the wings of the nose.

Breathing exercise

Inhale through the nose, hold the breath, exhale slowly through the mouth.

"Sculpt ears" Rub the ears from bottom to top and top to bottom until redness. Twitch lightly

“Sculpt hands” Pat your right hand on your left from bottom to top from top to bottom. Stroke your right hand. Same with the left

“We sculpt legs” 1-3-raise the straight leg up, 2-4. P.

“Merry Pinocchio” I. p. the same 1-3- raise straight arms and legs up 2-4. P.

2. "Heron"

It is very difficult to stand like that, not to lower your foot to the floor And not to fall, not to swing, not to hold on to your neighbor.

I. p. standing, hands on the belt

1-3-raise the leg bent at the knee, 2-4-and. P.

3. "Well done!"

I. p. - standing. 1- Inhale, 2-4 exhale “well done”

5 times, slow, 1-inhale, 2-exhale relaxation

Inhale deeply through the nose, exhale - we say in unison: “Here are the good fellows”

3-4 WEEK

"We woke up"

1. "Sipping" I. p. - lying on your back, 1-3- arms up. 2-4-and. P.

2. "Breeding the legs" and. n. - lying on your back. Connect the heels, spread the socks to the sides. Put socks together, heels apart

3. "Turns of the head" I. p. - the same 1-3-turn of the head to the right (to the left, 2-4-i.p.

4. "Zhmurki" I. p. - the same

5. “Playing with legs” I. p. - the same 1-3 pull the socks forward. 2-4-and. P.

7. "Centipede"

I. p. - the same, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head 1-3 - alternately raise the legs up. 2-4-and. P.

8. "Breathe" 1-inhale, 2-hold your breath 3-4-exhale long

9. "Smile" I. p. sitting 1-3-stretching the lips in a smile 2-4. P.

Walking along the path of health, dressing, water procedures

The sun's warm ray calls everyone to get up. To wake up better, you can play.

The dwarf's heels were sewn together, the socks apart. The gnome did not sit still - heels apart, socks together.

The dwarf was looking for friends in the oak forest - he looked right and left.

The dwarf played blind man's blind man with a hedgehog, closed his eyes, rest.

The dwarf brought galoshes to the beetle -

We stretch our toes.

The dwarf met a centipede, they ran for fun.

A gnome came out with a harmonica, we can hold our breath.

The dwarf laughs heartily - everyone woke up - good fellows!


1-2 WEEK

"Kind and Polite Words"

1 "Grow Up"

I want to grow up soon, do good for people

I want you to be kind people.

I. p. - lying on your back, arms down. 1-3-hands up, 2-4-and. P.

4. “Good” I. p. - the same 1- arms to the sides, 2-3- bring your hands together in front of you, clasp your shoulders, 4. P.

5. “Polite” I. p. - the same 1-2- tilt the head forward, simultaneously raise the toes, 3-4. P.

6. "Healthy" I. p. - sitting, legs together, arms lowered. With the index and thumb fingers of the right hand, press on the nail of each finger of the left hand. Do the same with the left hand.

7. "Hardy" I. p. - lying on your back, legs together, hands behind your head 1-raise your legs up, 2- spread apart, 3rd. P.

8. "Cheerful" I. p. - the same, hands behind the head. 1-3-group, 2-4-and. P.

9. “Steamboat whistle” I. p. - standing. Through the nose, children take in air, hold their breath for 1-2 seconds. Noisily exhale air through lips folded with a tube with the sound "oooo"

Walking the path of health

What kind of person is polite? Polite - a person who observes the rules of decency, well-mannered

Look at your toes

What kind of person is healthy?

Human, full of energy and energy

It's healthy.

What kind of person is called resilient? Enduring man easily tolerates physical stress.

I am very pleased to see you cheerful. May you always have a good mood and smiles on your faces.


"Funny boys"

1. “We woke up” I. p. - lying on your back, 1-3- hands up, 2-4. P.

2. "" Red ears "and. n. - the same, rub the ears until redness, a feeling of warmth

3. "Funny belly" I. p. - the same, hands on the stomach. Inhale - tighten the abdominal wall, stick out the stomach. Exhale - draw in the stomach (Inhale - nose, exhale by mouth 5-7 times)

4. "We stretch the spine"

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Pull your knees to your stomach, clasp your hands. Reach your forehead to your knees for a count of ten.

5. "Oh, these fingers" Rub the fingers until redness (Boys begin to complete the task from the left hand, girls from the right)

6. "Let's breathe" I. p. - lying on your back, hands on chest. Inhalation through the nose - the chest expands, exhalation - noisily through the nose

7. “Bent in” I. p. - the same, hands down. 1-bend the body- inhale, 2nd. p-exhale

8. "Morse code" and. p. - inhale and exhale through the nose with the sound "mmm"

(When exhaling, tap the wings of the nose with your fingers.)

9. "Play" I. p. - sitting on the bed. Grab your right foot. With the fist of the left hand, rub the foot until redness and a feeling of warmth. Do the same with the left foot.

Rise, dressing, water procedures.



"My toys"

1 "Doll" I. p. - lying on your back, 1-3- turning the head to the right and left, 2-4. P.

2. "Vanka-vstanka" I. p. - the same 1-turn of the torso to the right 2nd. n. the same to the left

3. “Clapperboard” I. p. - the same 1-3 bent right (left) leg lift up, perform cotton, 2-4i. P.

4. "Machine" I. p. - the same, hands behind the head 1-8 rotational movements of the legs

5. "Balloon" I. p. - sitting on the bed. 1-inhale through the nose 2-3 hold the breath, 4-exhale through the lips with a tube "oooo"

Self-massage "Pinocchio"

“Sculpt the forehead” Run the fingers of both hands along the forehead from the middle to the temples

"Drawing Eyebrows"

With the index fingers of both hands, with pressure, draw along the eyebrows from the nose to the temples

"Sculpt eyes" Stroke closed eyes from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eyes and back. Close and open your eyes

"Lepim nose" Decree. run your fingers vigorously along the wings of the nose

"Sculpt ears" Rub the ears from the bottom up and back until redness and a feeling of warmth

6. Breathing exercise "Ah"

I. p. - sitting, legs slightly apart, arms lowered 1-inhale, 2-4 exhale with the sound "AH-X-X!"

(Inhale and exhale slowly)

We love to play and even show you dolls now. They lay down straight in bed and looked to the right, immediately took a deep breath and turned their heads.

And now we exhale, look up and rest. We breathe evenly, we are not in a hurry, we will repeat the same to the left.

Clap and candy shoots like a cannon. It's clear to everyone - this is a cracker

3-4 WEEK

1. "Eyes" rotational movements of the eyes

2. "Pinocchio" I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head 1- raise the straight right leg, 2nd. p. 3-4 with the left leg

Was a log, became a boy. Got a smart book

3. "Kolobok" and. n. the same, hands down 1-group, 2nd. P.

I didn’t tremble before the wolf, I ran away from the bear

4. "Baby" I. p. the same 1-pull the right leg with the heel forward, right arm up, 2nd. p. 3-4 - the same with the left hand and foot

Together with Carlson, he jumped from the roofs, our little rascal

5. "Steady soldier" I. p. the same 1-3-raise your head to look at your heels

6. "Heron" I. p. standing hands on the belt 1-3 raise the leg bent at the knee, 2-4. P.

7. Breathing exercise "Pendulum"

I. p. standing 1-3 head tilts to the right and left 2-4 and. n. (inhale with tension of the nasopharynx. Exhale - arbitrary) 4 times

Walking along the path of health, dressing water procedures



1 “Woke up” I. p. - lying on your back.

1-3-raise your hands up, stretch, 2-4-and. P.

2. “We breathe easily” I. p. - the same 1-inhale 2-exhale

3. "Wake up, fingers" 1-4-squeezing and unclenching hands

4. “Playing with legs” I. p. the same legs are bent at the knees, hands behind the head. 1-3-put feet to the right on the bed, to the left 2-4. P.

5. “Knee claps” I. p. - the same, legs outstretched, arms at the top. 1-3-raise bent leg at the knee, slap on the knee, 2-4-and. P.

6. Self-massage

Stroke the cheeks, wings of the nose, forehead from the center to the temples.

Gently tap with your fingertips on the cheeks, wings of the nose, forehead from the center to the temples, as if tightening the skin of the face

Press with index fingers on the bridge of the nose

Press with index fingers on the middle of the eyebrows

Perform rotational movements clockwise then counterclockwise on the bridge of the nose with the index finger of the right hand

Perform rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise with the index fingers of both hands on the eyebrows

Pinch the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the eyebrows and back

Press on the wings of the nose, leading the index fingers of both hands on the bridge of the nose to the sinuses and back.

One, two, three, four, five, wake up, stop sleeping!

We start playing.

Raise your head higher and breathe lightly.

Hands up, we all raised our fingers, squeezed and unclenched

Legs slide and count, tilt left and right.

Together it's fun to play the rhythm with claps to beat

Cheerful, cheerful we are again and ready to get up.


1. "Eyes" I. p. - lying on your back, arms down. 1-8 blinking eyes

2. “We are growing” I. p. - the same 1-3 arms up, legs stretch down, 2-4i. P.

3. "Corner" I. p. the same hands above your head 1-3-raise straight legs up, touch your shins with your hands, 2-4i. P.

4. "Kitty" I. p. - kneeling, emphasis on the palm of your hand 1-3 bend your back, head up, 2-4-bend, head down

5. "Crane" I. p. - sitting, emphasis on the forearms, legs bent at the knees. 1-3-straightening the legs up, 2-4. P.

6. Breathing exercise "AH"

I. p. - sitting, 1-inhale 2-4-exhale (short inhale, long exhale)

Walking the health path, dressing

We wish everyone to be tempered, not to get sick and not to get sick. The sun, the sky to smile, to become athletes!


2-4 WEEK

"Funny Artists"

1. "Sipping" I. n. - lying on your back, arms down. 1-3-hands up, 2-4-and. P.

2. “Getting ready to draw” I. p. - the same. 1-3-close your eyes, 2-4-open your eyes. Look at the ceiling.

3. "Draw with the head"I. p. - the same. 1-3 head turn left and right, 2-4i. P.

4. “We draw with our eyes” I. p. - the same Circular rotations with the eyes. First to the right, then to the left.

5. “Draw with hands” I. p. - the same, hands in front of the chest. 1-4-circular arm rotations

6. “Drawing with legs” I. p. - the same, 1-raise the right leg, bent at the knee, 2-4-circular rotations with the leg 5-6. n. The same with the left foot

7. "Artists finished the work"

I. p. - the same, 1-4-close-open eyes, 5-8 rub palms 9-10 apply to eyes.

8. Breathing exercise "Well done!"

2-4-exhale "mo-lod-tsy" (3 times slowly)

The sun has not slept for a long time, it looks out the window to us. Good for you to rest. But it's time to get up.

Quietly ring the bell. Everyone woke up, stretched and smiled at each other


1-2 WEEK

Quiet calm music sounds

Open up, eyes, don't sniff, nose. Wake up, lips, wake up, mouth. Here the legs woke up, they are ready again. Again run, jump, and play and jump.

1. “Stretched” I. p. - lying on your back, right hand above your head, left along the body. 1-inhale the right hand up to pull, 2-exhale-relax. (2 times) repeat with left hand

2. "Rastishka" I. p. - the same. 1-inhale to stretch arms and legs as much as possible, 2-exhale- relax. 3-inhale to relax, 4- exhale- stretch arms and legs. 5-6-relax

3. "Kolobok" I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, 1-3- group, 4-and. P.

4. "Fingers hid" I. p. - the same. 1-3-at the same time raise your head and one leg, look at the toe, 4-and. n. The same with the other leg

5. “Pull the sock” I. p. - the same 1-6 - move the feet towards you - away from you 7-8 and. P.

6. "Fish" I. p. - lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. 1-3-raise your head, pull your arms and legs up, 4th. P.

7. "Ball" I. p. - lying on your back, hands on the diaphragm.

1-inhale - inflate the stomach, 2-exhale - retract the stomach

Self-massage of the face

Let's rub our palms

Let's warm them up a little.

And with warm palms we wash ourselves like cats.

Rakes rake up all the bad thoughts,

Fingers run up and down so fast. (Rub your palms, run your palms across your face from top to bottom, run your fingers from the middle of your forehead to your temples, tap your cheeks lightly with your fingers)

Dressing, water procedures

3-4 WEEK

1. "Palms" I. p. - lying on your back

2. "Yawn" I. p. - the same

Close eyes. Massage the joint areas of the upper and lower molars with the index and middle fingers simultaneously on the right and left. Make a loud relaxing yawn sound

3. "Strongmen" I. p. the same 1-3-bend arms at the elbows to the shoulders, 2-4. P.

4. "Scissors" I. p. - the same, hands behind the head. 1-4-legs lift up, legs apart-together. 5-8th. n. (Do not use with children who have an inguinal hernia (replace them with the same exercise with hands)

5. "Dolphins" I. p. - lying on his stomach,

1-3-raise your shoulders, head, arms back-up. 2-4-and. P.

6. Breathing exercise I. p. sitting “Cleansing” Inhale through the left nostril, exhale through the right. (3 times) And vice versa, inhale through the pave, exhale through the left

7. Facial massage “Geese flew”

Draw palms from the middle of the forehead to the ears.

Then from the temples down the cheeks

Massage of the wings of the nose (clockwise and counterclockwise)

Circular movements of the bridge of the nose left and right

Climbing, walking health track

It was nice to rest, but it's time to get up.

Cheerful, cheerful we are again

And ready to work.

POEMS for self-massage

Geese flew over the forest edge

The blue tops touched the forests

How long did the tree shake its paws

Let's take a break and start over.


1-2 WEEK

Children wake up

The sun doesn't sleep anymore

It looks at us through the window.

Good for you to rest

But it's time to get up.

1. "Sipping"

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-3-stretch, stretching the spine.

Quietly ring the bell

Wake up all the boys and girls.

Everyone woke up, stretched

And smiled at each other

2. "We are walking along the path"

I. p. - the same. 1-3-bend the right (left) leg at the knee, clasp hands, 2-4. P.

The snow has melted, puddles everywhere

Raise your legs higher. You walk along the path.

3. "Draw a rainbow"

I. p. - the same. 1-4 raise the right leg, draw a semicircle in the air from left to right and from right to left.

What a wonderful beauty

Painted gate!

A rainbow hung in the sky like a colored yoke!

4. "Ship" I. p. - lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. 1-3-get up, arch your back, raise your arms up and forward, 4-and. P.

A cheerful stream runs along the bottom of the ravine.

We will launch the boats, and their path is so far away.

5. Head massage I. p. - sitting

“Listen to spring” rub your ears with your palms from bottom to top and top to bottom.

Rub each ear with your fingers, rising from the lobe along the twist of the ear inward.

Speak more quietly!

I want to hear spring

As it goes along the snowy path,

How to laugh loudly, gently.

The snow melts suddenly

The gardens will blossom all around!

"Catch-ups" Hit with the fingertips, as if on a keyboard on the surface of the head, The fingers of both hands run together, then run away, then catch up with each other.

We chase each other

We play catch up.

We love to play!

Hardening procedures, dressing

I wish everyone to be tempered,

Do not get sick and do not get sick,

The sun, the sky smile,

Become an athlete!


1. "Sipping" see the previous complex

2. "Wrist" I. p. - lying on your back

1-4-grasp your right wrist with your left hand and massage. Same with the right hand

3. "Hands" I. p. - the same, arms bent at the elbows, lie on the pillow. 1-8-squeeze-unclench hands

4. "Scissors" I. p. - lying on your back, hands in front of your chest, hands clenched into a fist. 1-3-arms apart-2-4-cross

5. "Corner" I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1-3-raise your legs up, 2-4. P.

6. "Let's dance" I. p. - the same 1-3-raise the right leg, bent at the knee, touch the left hand to the knee, 2-4. n. The same with the left foot and right hand

7. Facial massage "Blind a beautiful face"

Let's ask spring for beauty

For myself, for all the guys.

We sculpt the forehead, eyes and nose,

Let your cheeks burn with fire! (repeat 2-3 times)

Stroke the forehead, cheeks, wings of the nose from the center to the temples, gently tap on the skin.

With effort, draw the bend of the eyebrows, then sculpt thick eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with tweezers.

Sculpt eyes by combing long eyelashes

Pressing on the wings of the nose, move your finger from the bridge of the nose to the sinuses, pull your nose

8. Breathing exercise

Quietly, we will breathe quietly.

We will listen to our heart.

I. p. - sitting 1 - a slow breath through the nose. -pause 4 sec. 2-exhale through the nose smoothly

Rise, hygiene procedures, dressing

The sun doesn't sleep anymore

It looks at us through the window.

Good for you to rest

But it's time to get up.

Quietly ring the bell

Wake up all the boys and girls.

Everyone woke up, stretched

And smiled at each other

To make the hand stronger, rub it lightly.

To give strength to the hands.

You need to squeeze them tighter.


1-2 WEEK

1. "Sipping" I. p. - lying on your back. 1-3-hands up back, 2-4-and. P.

2. "Eyes" I. p. - sitting in Turkish 1-2 - rotation of the eyes in a circle.

3. "Nods" I. p. - the same 1-2 nodding to the right-left 3-4 forward-back

4. "Controller"I. p. - the same.

1-arms to the sides, 2-up, 3-to the sides of the 4th. P.

5. "Butterfly" I. p. -sitting, legs bent at the knees, connect the foot, spread the knees to the sides, hands rest on the palms behind. 1-4-raise your knees up and down (do not separate the foot)

6. Hand massage "The rain washes his hands" I. p. - sitting in Turkish

Imitation movements as when washing hands.

Rub your palms.

Rub and rub in a circular motion outside hands, gradually moving to the forearms and shoulders.

Twist each finger 2-3 times in one direction, then in the other.

7. Breathing exercise

I. p. standing. 1-breath fast, 2-4 exhale

Climbing, walking on the salt path, dressing 8 times

Stretch - stretch hurry - hurry wake up

In order not to lose vigilance, you need to rotate your eyes.

Nodding our heads

Trouble out

We caught the rain in our palms,

We will warm the rain a little.

Let's rub their fingers, hands:

Spring rain - just super!

Our fingers amuse

Strengthens and invigorates "(repeat 2 times)

If we slowly breathe, then the whole world around will hear.

3-4 WEEK

1. "Eyes" I. p. - lying on your back. 1-4 turn the gas to the sides, up and down.

Eyes to the left, eyes to the right

Up and down. And all over again!

2. "Shoulders" I. p. - sitting in Turkish

1-3-raise the right (left) shoulder in turn, 2-4. P.

We raise our shoulders - grasshoppers jump.

3. "Strongmen" I. p. - the same, arms lowered 1-3-bend arms at the elbows, 2-4. P.

4. "Pick up your leg"

I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. 1-3-raise the right leg, touch the fingers of the toes, 2-4-and. P.

5. “Fingers quarreled, reconciled” I. n. - sitting legs extended, hands resting on the back of the palm. 1-3-dilute socks to the sides 2-4 bring together.

6. "Caterpillar" I. p. - the same, legs bent at the knees. 1-8 move the feet forward, tightening the fingers.

We all take a deep breath

And we'll stop breathing.

Turn your ears down

Ears are naughty.

8. Self-massage of hands and feet

I clap my hands

And I stomp my feet

I'll rub my hands, I'll keep warm.

palms, palms,

Flat irons

You stroke your hands

To play better.

You stroke your legs

To run along the path. (Perform movements on the text

The palm of the opposite hand strokes the forearm and shoulder

Stroking the lower leg and thigh with the palms of both hands.)

Walking along the path of health, dressing.


2-4 WEEK

Quiet calm music sounds

You need to open your eyes, a miracle so as not to miss.

We are growing higher and higher. We reach the very roof

1. “Stretched” I. p. - lying on your back, right hand above your head, left along the body. 1-inhale the right hand up to pull, 2-exhale-relax. (2 times) repeat with left hand

2. "Rastishka" I. p. - the same. 1-inhale to stretch arms and legs as much as possible, 2-exhale- relax. 3-inhale to relax, 4- exhale- stretch arms and legs. 5-6-relax

3. "Palms" I. p. - lying on your back

With the knuckles of clenched fingers in the fist of the right hand, move up and down the palm of the left.

4. "Controller" I. p. - lying on your back, right hand above, left hand below 1-4 change of hands

5. "Bicycle" I. p. lying on your back, arms behind your head 1-8-rotational leg movements 9-10 and. P.

6. "Rocket" I. p. - standing, arms folded with palms above the head, bent at the elbows. 1-3 stand on your toes, straighten your arms up, 2-4 and. P.

7. "Heron" I. p. - the same, hands on the belt 1-3 raise the right (left) leg bent at the knee, 2-4. P.

It is very difficult to stand like this, not to lower your foot to the floor. And do not fall, do not swing, do not hold on to your neighbor.

8. Acupressure

Brow massage

nose bridge

Nose wings

Angles of the lower jaw


Back (swing)

Walking the salty path, getting dressed

POEMS for self-massage

We went to visit the eyebrows, found them with our fingers.

With a finger we found a footbridge, along it we jump-jump.

We sank a little lower and breathe on our fingers

Here we touched below and smiled wider.

You need to rub your ears so that you don't get sick anymore

Hands must be rubbed so as not to hurt anymore.

And do not forget about the back, so that we can be slim.


7. Breathing exercise