Tibetan body and face massage: how to do and what you need to know. Acupressure for healing the body

Tibetan massage has been known since ancient times. The article tells about the history of the appearance of the Ku Nye technique, about its first creators, who combined different areas of healing and philosophy, about the main methods of conducting Tibetan procedures. Information is provided on indications / contraindications, recommendations are given on how to prepare for a massage. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of oil and aromatic compositions. Do not forget about the possible negative consequences of such an impact, if you do not follow the rules. Patients share their impressions of the impact of a Tibetan massage performed by a professional.

The history of the crystallization of Tibetan massage

Tibetan Ku Nye massage, like any other side of the culture of the peoples of Tibet, is traditional and constancy, like a frozen, wise and imperturbably calm face of a barely perceptibly smiling Buddha. The technology of this ancient procedure has been perfected for thousands of years. Literary sources indicate that acupressure Tibetan massage began to form approximately 8 thousand years ago, back in the period of the traditional Bon religion. Tibetans have a historical opportunity to slowly study the essence of various things, their beneficial features their ability to influence a person.

About 3,900 years ago, during the heyday of the Shang Shung state, the world learned about the activities of the Tibetan doctor Chebu Trishe, who formed many teachings, including Tibetan massage in its original form. This is the son and student of the founder of medical knowledge, philosophy and astrology, Shenbar Mivoche. The medical treatise "Bum Shi" written by Chebu Triche is called "400 thousand healing knowledge". Astrological calculations and discoveries in the field of geomancy (the science that studies the relationship of the health of the body and clarity of mind with a living environment) were formed further. These directions were more and more replenished with information about the practical use of herbs and the development of massage procedures, which were introduced by healers of new generations. So Dungi Thorchog Chan is revered in Tibet as the first local lama - a doctor. He introduced a new understanding of medicine into the world, dividing it into 5 sections:
- dietetics;
- diagnostics by pulse;
- external procedures (including Tibetan massage);
- creation of medicines from herbs;
- treatment of wounds.

Tibetan massage: different directions and methods

For us, the modern inhabitants of the planet, especially for city dwellers, Ku Nye is a real gift! This source of health helps each of us feel like a full, strong, healthy, wonderful person again. It can be compared to ginseng, which helps everyone and from any disease, which is used, like Tibetan massage, to stay healthy all the time. Properly applied procedures, you can achieve various positive effects:
- maintain natural health, youth, energy, beauty at a high level for a very long time;
- get rid of destructive tension;
- experience euphoria, become happy and active in life;
- improve nerves, joints, muscles, internal organs, hair, skin;
- balance all the subtle energies of the body.

Most often, masters use classic hormonal massage, which consists of 2 stages, which last up to 2 hours. The first stage involves warming up or cooling the muscles of the spine with medicated oil. The master of massage procedures specially prepares such oil, individually selecting components for each patient. At its second stage, Tibetan massage provides for a direct impact on energy chakras by pressing. Stimulating these points, the modern professional, like his ancestor millennia ago, uses two fingers on his left hand, stretching the patient's skin with them. At the same time, the first / second fingers of the other hand are first placed in a vertical position on pain point, then capitalize on it. You can press with both your palm and your elbow.

Tibetan massage is considered the softest spa treatment, although the massage therapist sometimes makes an effort without causing pain. Techniques developed millennia ago, tested by time, can be used even by children, the elderly and pregnant women, if there are no too serious contraindications. If the purpose of such a massage is rejuvenation, then after the end of the procedures you will feel 5-15 years younger! Intended use:
- basalt stones;
- marine pellets;
- marble structures;
- bamboo;
- pots that emit sound waves;
- pearl shells (work wonders for facial rejuvenation).

Tibetan massage has its own peculiarity: it certainly contains characteristic rubbing and stroking. Moreover, rubbing is done with the palm of your hand or finger until a slight redness appears. And the master helps the client achieve maximum relaxation by massaging the back with the help of sound bowls. They are installed on the body, arranged in a certain order, and there they emit sound vibrations. Waves, having a deep effect on the skin, muscles, bones and joints, activate vital processes:
- organs begin to fully function;
- due to the activation of the lymphatic drainage system, toxins are removed;
- salts in the joints are absorbed;
- blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients, nourishes all the cells of the body.

The most famous types of Tibetan massage

1. Rejuvenating Tibetan massage. Nutrients of natural origin are rubbed into the skin, the relaxing composition of which contains a lot of vitamins. Further, with the help of special massage techniques, the master helps to calm the nervous system. At the same time, the oils refresh the skin. The results of the session are as follows:
- the level of vital energy noticeably increases;
- cheerfulness flows into a person;
- he forgets about depression;
- the patient calmly and confidently behaves in stressful situations;
- he is no longer disturbed by unreasonable worries and stresses;
- sleep becomes calm and deep.

2. Tibetan massage with bamboo sticks. This is a comprehensive SPA-method. Bamboo sticks are used - durable, flexible, absolutely smooth. First, the master performs a rejuvenating massage, followed by a BAT massage using already thin bamboo sticks. This effect on biologically active points smoothly replaces lymphatic drainage massage. Here, segments of bamboo spikelets of a larger diameter are used (in fact, this heavy-duty material is grass, cereal, like rye or barley, growing up to 92 cm per day, the stem reaches a height of up to 35 m and a width of up to 25 cm in diameter, has many types). Tibetan massage at this stage also includes power techniques: squeezing, vibration, kneading, tapping. This effect gradually eliminates the immediate cause of the disease. The master must know all the biologically active points well. Then his work helps:
- increase vitality;
- get energized;
- the client feel young;
- recover from many diseases.

3. Herbal Tibetan Tai-Dzi massage. It is based on the impact on the chakras with the help of heated pouches. These bags contain specially prepared herbal preparations. Our skin easily absorbs any essential substances, and in this way it is possible to direct useful vitamins and microelements through energy channels to the internal organ that is "starving" from their lack or requires treatment. Such massage technology:
- has a general strengthening effect;
- improves metabolism;
- stimulates the entry into the body of essential elements;
- strengthens the immune system.

4. Tibetan stone massage. In this case, the master alternately acts on the muscles with either hot or chilled stones. This procedure is also called the longevity massage technique. This is a kind of "hardening" of the body. Here it is worth recalling that modern Tibetan massage is a very soft spa treatment, characterized by the fact that:
- they help to relax the body completely - starting from the head and ending with the tips of the toes;
- Special attention nevertheless, the master of Tibetan massage devotes to the back, where there are a lot of energy points and nerve endings.

Who needs such procedures, and to whom they are contraindicated?

Dry Tibetan massage is primarily different from therapeutic massages other directions by the fact that they recommend visiting it even for absolutely healthy people, and not just for the sick. At the same time, it does not matter either the age at which it is required to maintain the tone, or the type of disease, if the procedures are ordered for preventive purposes. Especially often morning massage is ordered by those people who have problems of the following nature:
- pain in the spine;
- heart pain;
- stretching;
- bruises;
- fractures;
- chronic vascular diseases and even acute forms (only with varicose veins, Tibetan massage is contraindicated);
- radiculitis;
- peptic ulcers;
- chronic gastritis;
- neurological disorders;
- hypotonic disease;
- bronchial asthma;
- pneumonia;
- post-rehabilitation period associated with a heart attack.

Tibetan Ku Nye massage is CONTRAINDICATED if you have the following diseases or at least symptoms:
- febrile state associated with an increase in temperature;
- high temperature for an unexplained reason;
- blood diseases;
- allergies to herbs, oils, natural compounds accompanied by skin rashes;
- inflammatory manifestations on the hair, nails, skin - fungal, purulent, of a different nature;
- any benign tumors and neoplasms of another kind that can be reborn;
- malignant neoplasms;
- ARI;
- mental disorders;
- pronounced sclerosis;
- problems with the intestines, poor digestibility of food;
- diseases internal organs that can cause bleeding (for example, erosion or an open ulcer);
- critical days.

Recommendations for patients who ordered Tibetan massage

Many people about to book a massage Tibetan methodology want to know how to prepare for it. This must be done carefully and in advance. The master needs to deeply understand your problem, and for this you will need to diagnose. Further, he himself will select the appropriate massage oil for the Tibetan massage and make a composition, which usually includes:
- olive oil;
- Sesame oil;
- Coconut oil;
- cumin;
- nutmeg;
- coriander;
- ginger root;
- other natural aromatic components.

Tibetan massage shows the maximum result only when the patient follows the following recommendations:
- a few days before the massage and after the procedures, alcohol consumption should be excluded;
- do not consume food one hour before the start of the massage;
- refuse hard-to-digest food;
- you can eat as many fruits as you like;
- it is permissible to drink a cup of weak tea;
- you can not supercool, stay in drafts;
- you will need to refrain from smoking;
- face and body before starting a Tibetan massage, you need to get rid of cosmetics;
- before the procedure you will need to take a bath or wash in the shower;
- it is highly desirable to visit the toilet;
- the body can be cleansed by drinking a couple of glasses of cool water;
- dressing for the session should be easy and comfortable;
- after the Tibetan massage, you will need to rest for 15-20 minutes, for this the master will create a calm environment for you;
- it is necessary to exclude the manifestation of stressful situations (for example, you should not drive a car on your own).

Tibetan massage: are complications and negative consequences possible?

The indicated procedure is capable of having a profound effect on the entire body, which means that the reaction of patients will be ambiguous. Some feel peace and relaxation without negative consequences, while other patients have problems that are characteristic of the manifestation of individual sensitivity to oils. Then the Tibetan massage must be urgently interrupted, let the visitor drink boiled water, breathe fresh air, in which there are no pleasant, but undesirable aromas for him. And the signs of rejection of oil are:
- gagging;
- nausea;
- headache.

It happens that during the massage the patient begins to feel a slight dizziness and trembling in the body. Then the master continues to massage, but at the same time uses therapeutic smoke from lighted juniper twigs. Usually, a Tibetan massage of both the head and the whole body passes without complications, if you first prepare for it and turn to a good specialist who knows how to competently perform all the procedures. Self-massage in this case is unacceptable. It is also dangerous to involve relatives or close friends who do not deeply understand either your problem or the patterns of Tibetan massage.

Tibetan massage reviews

1. I have to walk a lot, so my poor legs are under extra strain. Yes, and other organs are not in perfect order, like each of us, residents of the capital. I learned about reflex Tibetan foot massage, I decided to try it. Before that, I read a lot of information about all sorts of active points, but I didn’t suspect how many there are! It turns out that each biologically active point is responsible for some organs. So, in order for them to function normally, you need to be like a massage therapist. I tried to cope with the problems myself, but soon realized that any improvement after self-massage is self-deception. And the master used some pots, hot and cold stones, bamboo sticks. In general, I feel consistently healthy. Now watch out, competitors!

Nina, 24 years old, sales assistant

2. Those who suffered from migraine pains will understand me. Your head swells, it hurts to look at others, you can’t stand bright light, your neck becomes numb, sometimes it’s even difficult to pronounce words, you start to feel sick both from this pain and from such a life. In general, the state of eternal stress and fatigue. I would like to accept horizontal position, curl up under the covers and live like that. She took the pills prescribed by the doctor. So what? The pain did not go away, but only dulled. No thoughts, no desires, no activity. But I have to work with people. Then my doctor advised me to resemble a Tibetan massage, because due to constriction of blood vessels, blood does not enter the brain properly. I felt dramatic changes right during the session. The head seemed to be washed by a stream of warm wind! And after four procedures and general state improved, and sleep became normal, and I don’t remember about migraines even in bad weather. Many thanks to the massage master and those who taught him!

Veronica, 32 years old, manager in a travel agency

3. My work is such that I am always on my nerves. While I had enough strength, I dragged the company on myself. Constantly in business, worries, stress, responsibility, there was no time to think about yourself. It’s good that I have a strong family, they are always ready to support. And now, almost "under escort", they took me to the master, who knows how to do Tibetan massage. It seems to relax for the first time in my life. What a blessing! Now my character has even changed: I have become wiser, kinder, luckier. Business has taken off because I'm a pleasure to work with.

Evdokia Stepanovna, 52 years old, CTO

Alexander Serpilin, 34 years old, in the life of an emergency plus an amateur rock climber

Tibetan massage video:

It is not enough just physical impact on the body. In Tibet, the idea that the root of all health problems primarily lies in the spiritual sphere of a person is still popular. This means that recovery should be comprehensive, including a harmonious effect on both the body and the spiritual state. One of the most effective methods Such a beneficial effect on the body is considered Tibetan Ku-Nye.

What kind of massage is it, how is it useful and how is it different from traditional types of massage

To understand what it is - Tibetan Ku-Nye massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the main secrets of Tibetan medicine. This massage is an external therapeutic effect on the physical beginning of a person, however, it combines not only external techniques, but also the harmonization of the spirit through relaxation and relaxation. Ku-Nye appeared a very long time ago - even before the birth of Buddhism. It dates from around 1900 BC. Massage includes acupressure on the body with the use of beneficial oils, which is evident even from the name of the technique - Ku means applying oil, and Nye - direct massage actions.

Did you know? Jude Shea-This is an ancient Tibetan treatise that was compiled back in the 11th century. According to legend, it was written by Shakyanumi Buddha himself in his medical incarnation. This work contains all the secrets of Tibetan medicine.

It affects the body at the physical and energy level, and consists in relaxing and healing muscles and ligaments, tendons and the musculoskeletal system. It also slows down the processes of its withering and.

Of course, classical massage techniques such as kneading, stroking and rubbing are also used in Ku-Nye, but there are specific methods here - this is acupressure or acupressure on acupuncture points. It is believed that these points are located on certain meridians in the human body, which are the places where "qi" - vital energy flows.

The benefits of this Tibetan massage are clear, because it:

  • harmonizes body and soul;
  • is the prevention of many diseases;
  • brings the body into tone;
  • accumulates vitality and energy;
  • heals, bones and ligaments;
  • strengthens the heart;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • rejuvenates the body as a whole;
  • gives the skin a healthy and radiant appearance.

After Ku-Nye sessions, a person feels rested, vigorous and full of energy, moreover, psychologically comes into a state of harmony with oneself and with the world.

Ku-Nye has a general effect on the body, since absolutely all parts of the body are worked out during the procedure, from the head to the toes. The use of healthy oils affects all organ systems, tightens the skin, cleansing it, gives it a blooming appearance and even normalizes hormonal balance.

It differs from the traditional Ku-Nye massage:

  • carrying out preliminary full diagnostics;
  • the inclusion of meditation practices and techniques from yoga;
  • exposure to absolutely the entire surface of the body;
  • the use of various special ones, which are selected for each individually, depending on the required exposure and the existing disease;
  • session duration from one and a half to two and a half hours, as well as various course lengths from 8 to 30 sessions. The duration of the course and the duration of each individual session is determined individually according to indications;
  • impact on various acupuncture points for each individually;
  • applying barley or pea flour to those places that have been worked out so that the flour absorbs not only the remaining oil, but also the toxins released through the skin pores.
Thanks to the general effect on every cell of the body, Ku-Nye allows you to get rid of the condition and remove strong and protracted.

The main types, techniques and methods of conducting

There are several types of Tibetan massage:

Important! Only a professional can perform massage with Tibetan singing bowls. high level, since ultrasonic vibrations with an illiterate approach can be harmful to health.

Tibetan massage in the morning is best done between 6 and 8 am, as this period the best way suitable for recharging the body with energy. Self-massage is carried out by lying on a fairly hard surface and putting a roller under the head. Massage movements should be performed rhythmically, with a frequency of one movement in one second, and so on thirty movements for each approach. The first thing to do is to actively rub your palms against each other, warming them up. The state of the palms after this indicates the state of the body. If the palms heat up for a long time and get wet, this indicates that not everything is in order with the biofield. Quickly heated and dry hands testify to the good state of the biofield.

To understand how to make Ku-Nye to yourself, you need to study the technique of the procedure and stick to it:

  • first we massage the eyes, pressing on them with our palms and keeping the rhythm, after that we leave our hands pressed to the eyeballs for about 30 seconds;
  • in the same way we press on the ears;
  • then we massage the face with clenched fists, starting from the chin, and gradually moving towards the ears;
  • then we knead the forehead with clenched hands, describing the shuttle movements;
  • we carry out non-contact hand movements from the forehead to the back of the head at a distance of several centimeters from the head;
  • we repeat the same in the direction from the thyroid gland to the center of the abdomen;
  • further describe circular motions clockwise along the plane of the abdomen;
  • we take the position of the boat, raising our legs and arms slightly, shake them finely 30 times;
  • starting from the soles, rub the legs, moving towards hip joints, repeating massage movements 30 times in each part.

Such a massage energizes for the whole day, stabilizes the body and brings the state of mind into harmony.

Important! A specialist can carry out all these techniques with the help of various devices: herbal bags, bamboo sticks, hot stones, sound bowls, point for feet and, of course, in a classic way.

The peculiarity of Ku-Nye is that it can be done by almost everyone - both in a state of illness to cure it, and if you are healthy, for the sake of disease prevention, and even just to relax and relieve stress.

  • Problems digestive system in the form of peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • neurology, chronic fatigue and stress;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • radiculitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • diseases respiratory system as bronchial asthma and pneumonia.
There are conditions in which Tibetan massage is not allowed. This:
  • exacerbation of SARS with fever;
  • any skin pathologies in the form of inflammation, lichen, decay;
  • recent wounds, cuts and injuries;
  • allergic reactions, especially if there is an allergy to any of the oils;
  • period critical days among women;
  • oncological diseases of both benign and malignant nature;
  • severe mental disorders and psychoses;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure.

How to prepare for this massage

It is best to take the procedure after lunch. You must first tune in to relaxation, do not drink alcohol, coffee and cigarettes the day before. You should also not eat a hearty meal before the session. It is best to have a light snack a couple of hours before the start. Before the procedure, do all the necessary physiological things so that you don’t have to be distracted later - drink water, visit the restroom, put yourself in order by performing hygiene procedures. Take a shower, cleanse your skin of sebum and cosmetics.

It is better to come to the session in comfortable clothes made of natural soft fabrics. You should feel comfortable and at ease.

At the end of the session, allow yourself another half an hour to relax. Don't drive, don't drink caffeinated drinks; you can even turn off your phone so that stress factors do not arise.

When it's best not to

It is best to start Ku-Nye sessions in the cold season. It is undesirable to do this in the summer.

Important!Ku-Nye is better not to do to people who are in the active form of the disease.

Women should avoid Ku-Nye during menstruation and in the last stages of pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy is not a contraindication, but future mother an allergic reaction to oils may occur, since the body is extremely weakened during this period. Also, in the last stages, not all types of massage may be available to a woman in position for physiological reasons.

Can there be harm

This procedure in itself has a beneficial effect and definitely has a good effect on the state of the body. Harm is possible only if the patient conducts a session in the presence of any of the contraindications. With a tendency to allergies, there may be a reaction to the base and essential oils that are used in technology.

The only type of massage that can be harmful due to improper execution is massaging with singing bowls. The impact occurs with the help of ultrasound and vibration and affects the body at the cellular level. Therefore, an incorrectly performed procedure can damage internal organs and systems. When choosing this type of Ku-Nye, it is better to make sure that a highly qualified specialist will conduct it for you.

It is believed that the life-giving power of massage is so great that in terms of restorative effect it can be equated to almost eight hours of sleep at night.

Did you know?Tibetans believe that the guarantee of human health lies in the harmony of the three components of our body.-mucus, bile and wind. Violation of the harmonious interaction of these substances leads to diseases.

Tibetan facial massage technique

Rejuvenating acupuncture facial massage has a beneficial effect on the skin condition:

  • tones;
  • smoothes wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • treats acne and acne;
  • removes dark circles under the eyes;
  • minimizes the number and depth of stretch marks;
  • reduces double chin and puffiness;
  • relieves chronic headaches.

Facial massage starts from the neck:

  1. From the bottom of the neck, gently stroke the skin with your fingertips, directing upward movements to the base of the skull.
  2. With palms folded in a boat, we draw several times from one auricle to another.
  3. We move from the bone under the nose to the ear, from the ear we outline the line of the cheekbones, we rise to the other ear. Repeat the movement about five times.
  4. With fingertips, massage the wings of the nose, moving from bottom to top.
  5. We work out the forehead, stroking it, starting from the eyebrows and moving up to the roots of the hair.
  6. We proceed to the eyes, stroking the eyelids - first the top, then the bottom. By upper eyelid movements should be directed from the outer corner to the inner, and vice versa on the lower eyelid.

Did you know?To determine a person's disease, Tibetan doctors simply need to measure the pulse and do a urine test. ButNot everything is so simple. Doctorsby measuring heartbeatsinteract with fine structures human body and diagnose the disease not only by general external signs, but also at the metaphysical level. In Tibet, they believe that every disease is a manifestation of violations in the spiritual sphere of a person.

The massage specialist will work on each acupuncture point on your face. Tibetan monks knew about 100 points on the human face, each of which is responsible for any organ and has an effect on the body.

Massage has a stimulating effect on the production of endorphins, which are much more effective than artificial ones. One hour of massage provides a person with a great mood for the whole day.

So, Ku-Nye is an ancient method of Tibetan medicine, which has a complex effect on the body, heals the body and harmonizes the human biofield. The procedure is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age, and can be used not only for the treatment, prevention of diseases and stress relief, but also just for fun. But in order to join the secrets, you should choose a massage parlor with a good reputation, where recognized masters work.

Olga Valeryanova (rebalancing review)

Part 1. Beginning
I'm passing now. Its goal is to harmonize the body, energy and emotional state. Resentments, stresses, experiences, negative thoughts very often leave behind the so-called “clamps” and emotional “blocks” on our mental body, and then they appear on the physical body. “Clamp” can be in one place, for example, in the back, and the effect affects other parts of the body and organs. You can treat the “sore” as much as you like, but if you don’t cure it on your mental body and deal with the source, it will return again.
Rebalancing is not a classic massage option, when you come, lay down and relax. There is a joint work with the master, a dialogue. It works with the body and your problem areas, and you breathe correctly while working on them. It is very important to breathe through this pain (sometimes wild) in order to go further, to reach your own new level to become more aware.
The first time I cried during a session. It was very painful. But I cried because I felt immensely ashamed in front of my body, which absorbed, accepted, endured so much in itself. To help me. I didn't think about him. At every pain point, I felt where it came from and why it appeared. Where I do something because I have to, where I adapted to the person I didn’t want to, where I was offended and hurt. Another week after the session, memories, emotions, people from the past came. My body was in severe pain for two days. All this must be lived, in no case should you leave it to yourself. Thus accumulated leaves the body and soul.
I am taking the course at the Pure Energy Center @chistaya_energiya, which has become my second home now, It's so good here that you can sit for hours. Rebalancing is carried out by Anastasia, such a wise and sensitive person that every time I come out of her stronger and, I want to believe that it is better. I am grateful that I learned about her and her author's program.
Part 2 will be after completing the full course

Olga Valeryanova

After the pre-New Year's fuss and two nightly train rides, I knocked down all my modes and found myself in some even more stress than I was before the weekend. There is one place in Moscow that every time seems to hug you and energize you. today I literally took myself by the hand and led me to this center to be saved. what happened this time?
I chose, aimed at restoring the balance of these two energies within a person. before the session, the master determines what energy is missing and prescribes either a lunar massage or a solar massage. I had something mixed because of my completely inadequate condition, probably
I went out so peaceful that for another hour I just smiled at all passers-by, then I went for cardio, and after that I had enough strength to create a couple of new cozy things in the house
I am delighted with the space itself: music in the background, hot floor in the shower, in fact, the presence of this shower, aroma, dressing gowns, herbal tea with candy after.
But the most important thing is the people who work here. all masters live according to the principles of the Eastern teachings of Ayurveda, adhere to a plant-based diet, do not drink or smoke, go in for sports and spiritual development. from the moment when the master welcomes you and your body to the end of the massage, as if you are in another dimension and you feel that everything will be fine and you are in good hands.
Thank you

Greetings, my dear readers!

Well, how do you like autumn? How do you spend your time, how is your condition, mood? Gloomy-dull, sluggish-dreary or, nevertheless, joyfully-active?

Despite the fact that I don’t really like the cold, I don’t have any autumn apathy, weakness and everything that comes with it.

I believe that this is largely due to the fact that every morning, without missing a single day, I do a Tibetan massage, which is called “Good Morning!”. Although you can do it at any time of the day☺

Therefore, I simply cannot NOT tell you about it, friends.

For some reason, many of my acquaintances somehow fell into the autumn “depression” too “sharply”, and began to “complain about life” too actively.

It's pretty simple exercises, which are easy to perform, do not take much time (10 minutes, no more!). And, not least, they are PLEASANT to perform!

The body gets high during this procedure, you literally feel a joyful response in every cell, it's so great, it wonderfully charges with positive!

Tibetan massage for healing the body and good mood

So let's get started ☺

The complex consists of 10 exercises.

  • Exercise 1

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, without getting out of bed, place your palms tightly on your ears and do an active massage. auricles top down.

Place your thumbs behind your ears, and let your index fingers move exactly along your auricles.

Bring your palms up to the level of your mouth. Do 30 times.

What effect we get: your face is perfectly protected from the formation of premature wrinkles, existing wrinkles become less noticeable over time, blood circulation increases, especially in the temples, strengthens facial nerve teeth are strengthened.

  • Exercise 2

Place your right palm gently on your forehead, and place your left palm on top of your right palm. Make active (but not too strong!) movements to the right and left. In this exercise, your little fingers should be located clearly above the eyebrow. Do 30 moves.

After completing this exercise, you need to lie down for about one or two minutes with your eyes closed, while focusing your attention on the forehead area. Feel the warmth there, feel how it immediately becomes pleasant and good.

What effect we get: the headache instantly disappears, the feeling of some kind of “morning lethargy” and dizziness, the blood begins to circulate actively, the health of the skin improves, the complexion improves. An ideal prophylaxis to prevent migraines, pressure drops and blurry thinking during the day, I really love this exercise!

  • Exercise 3

With the back of your thumbs on both hands, lightly press on the eyeballs, and very gently massage them 15 times.

What effect we get: exercise miraculously affects health nervous system, relieves stress from the eyes, prepares them for active work during the day, serves as a preventive measure for many eye diseases. Improves vision, prevents it from deterioration, and also gently and beneficially heals existing eye diseases and problems (including increased intraocular pressure and much more).

  • Exercise 4

Place your right hand on top of the thyroid gland, and your left hand on top of your right palm. Make sliding movements from the thyroid gland down to the stomach.

In no case should you put pressure on the thyroid gland itself, but when you “slide” lower and pass through your chest and stomach, you can increase the pressure, but not too much.

You should feel comfortable and pleasant from the spreading warmth that you feel, this is important! Do 30 movements from top to bottom.

What effect we get: all metabolic processes in the body increase, the work of all your internal organs improves remarkably. The skin is strengthened, blood circulation is enhanced, blood vessels and small capillaries are strengthened. The condition of the thyroid gland improves, this exercise is an excellent prevention of any diseases associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

  • Exercise 5

Put your right palm on your stomach, and place your left palm on top of it and start actively and with some effort (pressing on your stomach), make circular movements clockwise. Do this exercise 30 times.

What effect we get: this exercise is of great benefit to the intestines, which literally from the first movements are actively “turned on” to work. Exercise contributes to the “awakening” of the stomach, adjusts it to a “working wave” throughout the coming day, helping to produce the necessary enzymes for good digestion. It has an excellent effect on the outflow of bile, from this massage the liver and pancreas, as well as the spleen, begin to function actively. The kidneys are awakening.

In addition to all the above effects, the skin of the abdomen is strengthened, its flabbiness disappears over time, muscles become stronger, toxins begin to be actively removed through the skin, and health improves significantly from the regular use of this technique.

  • Exercise 5

Focus your attention on your stomach, feel it. Exhale, and as you exhale, pull your stomach in sharply and forcefully, trying to pull it to the spine as much as possible.

Hold for a moment, and then, as you inhale, begin to stick out your stomach, rounding and inflating it as much as you can. Stop again for a moment.

Do this exercise 30 times.

If you find it difficult at first to perform it 30 times, then do as many as you can, but do not forget to increase the number of repetitions as you work out!

What effect we get: this practice is able to powerfully eliminate all congestion in the internal organs.

It helps to cleanse the liver, enhances the active movement of lymph, blood, improves bile secretion, reduces gas formation in the intestines, promotes good digestion of food, helps the active motor work of the intestines and stomach, activates the spleen, improves the functioning of the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system as a whole.

Perfectly regulates the hormonal background, improves health, helps to get rid of excess weight, contributing to the reduction of body fat in the waist and abdomen!

  • Exercise 7

Pull one leg or the other to your chest (alternately), clasping them around the knee (on its back side) with your hands, and at the same time try to straighten your leg as high as possible. Do the exercise 30 times.

What effect we get: the muscles of the abdomen and legs are perfectly strengthened, there is a powerful stimulation of the work of all internal organs, blood circulation in the peritoneum and in the skin of the abdomen improves, toxins begin to be actively removed. Improved digestive processes, health and well-being in general. At regular performance the psychological mood noticeably improves, there is a desire for active action.

  • Exercise 8

Now you can slowly get up and sit on the bed, placing your legs at a right angle to the floor. Place your right foot on top of your left (foot right foot is on your left knee).

Start massaging the right foot with your fingers, especially actively use your thumbs when pressing.

Walk the entire foot, paying the most attention to the middle of the foot (the notch in the middle of the foot). Perform kneading 30 times, then switch legs and place your left foot on your right knee. Actively stretch your left foot.

What effect we get: there are biologically active points on our feet, each of which is a projection of a certain organ. Each point is associated with a specific organ, for the good work and healthy condition of which it is precisely responsible. We can say that our whole body is on our feet! It is thanks to this stimulation that we can have an exceptionally beneficial effect on our general state of health, on our well-being, on our appearance and good mood.

Our internal organs are strengthened, the work of the heart and blood vessels improves.

Digestion improves, blood pressure returns to normal, headaches, pain in the spine and joints disappear (it helps with rheumatism and gout!), existing inflammation is removed, general blood circulation is enhanced.

Especially, the circulation of blood in the legs, which helps the healing varicose veins veins in the legs, relieves pain in the legs, swelling, is an excellent prevention of congestion and the occurrence of varicose veins. Toxins begin to be actively excreted through the organs of the excretory system.

The work of the brain improves, memory strengthens, cerebral circulation increases, the walls of blood vessels strengthen.

There is a desire to lead an active and healthy lifestyle life and more!

  • Exercise 9

Interlace your fingers on both hands in a “lock” and place them on the back of your head. Do not tilt your head, keep it straight. Perform 15 horizontal movements and 15 vertical movements.

What effect we get: increased blood circulation in the blood vessels of the head, increased movement of cerebrospinal fluid, strengthening blood vessels, strengthening neck muscles, treatment and prevention of high blood pressure, as well as strengthening and improving hair growth, getting rid of dandruff. Practice has a positive effect on visual acuity, as well as on the psycho-emotional mood during the day. Improves memory and ability to concentrate.

  • Exercise 10

Press the palms of both hands firmly against your ears. The fingers are directed and "look" at the back of the head. Start drumming vigorously on the back of your head with your fingertips. Do as much as you need until you feel "enough".

What effect we get: a headache in the back of the head is perfectly removed, noise in the ears, dizziness disappears. Excellent prevention of hearing problems in old age. There is a kind of “tuning” that helps the body to mobilize and actively “get involved” in life. It improves the emotional state, activates the process of thinking, awakens emotions of joy and satisfaction from life.

After doing this complex exercises, get out of bed, stretch your arms up and stretch your whole body, trying as much as possible to "reach the sky."

It will be just perfect if at the same time you look out the window to where the Sun is.

Mentally welcome the sun and yourself to this world. Thank yourself and God for the wonderful Gift of Life. Smile to yourself and mentally send a smile to all organs and cells of the body

Now you need to wash your face, brush your teeth and MUST drink a glass, or even two warm-hot water, I drink.

This will additionally start all the necessary metabolic processes in the body, cleanse your digestive tract of the mucus accumulated there overnight, and start the work of the entire digestive system even more actively.

All these exercises can be performed not only in the morning, but also during the day, if you have such an opportunity and desire. The main thing is that you do this not immediately after eating. And three hours after eating, not earlier than that.

Well, that's it, friends ☺

Perform this practical complex every day, it will help you feel good throughout the coming day, help you get less tired, help you in any situation, despite any possible difficulties, do not give up and keep a positive attitude!

Yes, and tune in to the fact that very soon wonderful changes will begin to happen to you, I guarantee! ☺

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All the best to you and see you soon, Alena

Tibetan massage is a unique healing procedure that has been perfected for thousands of years by the smartest healers of the East. high rhythm modern life filled with many daily worries, meetings and stresses, it often makes us pay with our health, and Tibetan massage is able to correct.

Massage as a means of preventing stress

The constant tension in which our psychological and physical state, lead to many problems with the body, ranging from exhaustion to serious illness. On the other hand, all this routine that undermines health is often necessary in order to maintain one's financial well-being. And to refuse such a pace is simply not possible. Therefore, you need to find a way to restore your strength, while not violating your work schedule. And one of better ways Restoration of mental and physical strength is Tibetan massage.

The ancient science of recovery and relaxation

Oriental medicine has argued since ancient times that there is a direct connection between the physical and spiritual state of a person. Constant tension, aggression radiated by a person or a depressed mood carry a serious burden and physical health body. And as a result, a person, for inexplicable reasons, begins certain health problems. In especially severe cases, a negative emotional state can even cause a person, for reasons inexplicable to others, to fade away physically and mentally.

Many, of course, in this state take a vacation and go on vacation to the mountains, the forest or the sea - whoever is closer. But, despite the healing effect of a relaxing holiday, it has one significant drawback - a short-term effect. Unlike Tibetan massage, the procedure of which can be carried out at least once a week, a vacation at sea will last a couple of weeks or a maximum of a month. And for the rest of the time, the routine will have time to absorb a person and harm him.

Tibetan massage is the result of the work of oriental doctors

Tibetan medicine evolved over three thousand years. And the massage technique ha this time was brought to perfection. Eastern doctors of jealousy believed that at first the disease affects a person spiritually and only then physically. And vice versa - if you help restore a person's mental health and balance, then the diseases caused by its violation will be defeated.

Of course, modern medicine effectively fights many diseases that were beyond the capacity of ancient physicians. But, as a rule, therapy includes the use of drugs and antibiotics, but stress and disorders of the energy centers, which are the cause of many health problems, do not. Only Tibetan massage can cope with these problems.

Ku Nye is a traditional thousand-year-old technique of Tibet

The most famous type of Tibetan massage today is Ku Nye - a complex effect on the body's systems. The massage procedure is aimed at working with each muscle group of the body, joints, tendons, and of course involves the impact on acupuncture points. The name of the Ku Nye procedure is a compound of two Tibetan words - "ku" is translated as "application of oil" and "nye" directly means the massage procedure itself.

Tibetan massage itself is carried out in three stages. First comes the turn - oils are applied to the client's body, joints are worked out and heat is applied. The second stage of Nye implies directly the massage itself, which is carried out by rubbing, kneading, vibration and tapping of the tendons, muscles and skin areas. Also at this stage, work is carried out with energy points in which Vital energy. The final stage Tibetan ki massage procedures are the stage of cleansing the client's body of oils.

Tibetan massage technique

Massage techniques used in the procedure of Tibetan massage originating in ancient times can be divided into three main ones:

1. Kneading. In this technique, the emphasis is on stretching the muscles, and the kneading itself can be longitudinal or transverse, and also include elements of rotation.

2. Vibration. It can be intermittent or continuous. Due to this, after the procedure, the processes of detoxification of systems and organs are activated in the body. This technique allows you to restore the balance of bodily energy and strengthen the health of internal organs.

3. Impact on points. This technique helps to restore the deep mental and energy levels of the body.

Tibetan massage necessarily includes the procedure of applying oils to the patient's body all over the body, from the top of the head to the toes. The results of the procedure are an improvement in blood and lymph flow, an improvement in the condition of the joints and spine, the removal of blocks, including energy blocks from all problem areas. The toxins released during the massage on the client's body are removed at the last stage of the procedure with the help of a special cleansing flour from peas or barley. The duration of the procedure varies depending on the physical and energetic state of the client's body.

Indications and contraindications of Tibetan massage

Being a kind of medical procedure, Tibetan massage has a number of indications and contraindications for the procedure. The indications are:

1. Stuttering, insomnia and swelling of the face.

2. Different kinds pain from headache to joint pain.

3. Diseases of internal organs - heart, liver, lungs.

4. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Stress, psychological stress, overwork, memory problems.

6. Gynecological and urological ailments.

7. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and recovery procedures after strokes.

Of course, this is not the whole list of problems that Tibetan massage can help to cope with. But the procedure can be carried out only if the client:

1. There is no allergic reaction to the oils used.

2. Normal body temperature.

3. No broken bones and open wounds.

4. Normal arterial pressure and no cardiovascular disease.

5. Oncology, pregnancy, poisoning and heavy menstrual bleeding are also reasons to refuse the Tibetan massage procedure.

In other words, Tibetan massage is a unique healing technique applicable in a wide range of diseases. And not in vain - after all, the technique of its implementation has been improved for thousands of years.