Calm ball games. Outdoor ball games

Various techniques with a ball. Ball games for kindergarten, family fun games.

ball school

Number of players: 1 - 6 people.

◈ Ball toss

♦ Throw the ball up and catch with both hands.

♦ Throw the ball up, clap and catch.

♦ Throw the ball up and catch it after hitting the floor.

♦ Same with cotton.

♦ Throw the ball up, clap your hands in front and behind you, catch the ball.

♦ Throw the ball up, put your hands behind your head, catch the ball.

♦ Throw the ball up and catch it with one right or left hand.

♦ Throw the ball up, slam under the knee, catch the ball.

♦ Toss the ball up, turn around and catch the ball.

♦ Moving forward, toss the ball up.

◈ Ball bouncing games

♦ Hit the ball on the floor and catch it with both hands.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor, clap your hands and catch it.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor, turn around and catch it.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor and catch it with your right (left) hand.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor, move your foot over the ball until it hits the floor, catch it.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor with both hands 5-6 times in a row.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor with both hands moving forward.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor with the right (left) hand 5-6 times, moving forward.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor, slam in front of you and behind you, catch the ball.

♦ Hit the ball on the floor, clap under the knee, catch the ball.

♦ Continually hit the ball on the floor, moving your foot over it.

◈ Wall hitting games

♦ Hit the ball against the wall and catch it with both hands.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands, catch the ball.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, slam in front of and behind you, catch the ball.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands under the knee, catch the ball.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, let it hit the floor and catch it.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, turn around and catch the ball.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, let it hit the floor, turn around and catch it.

♦ Turn your back to the wall, throw the ball over your head into the wall, turn around and catch it.

♦ Same, but catch after the ball hits the floor.

♦ Throw the ball with one hand at the wall and catch it.

♦ Hit the ball with both hands against the wall 5-6 times: palms, fingers; down up.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, jump over it.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall, crouch and catch the ball.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall from under the foot with the right (left) hand.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall from behind.

♦ Hit the ball against the wall from behind the head.

♦ Hit the ball on the knee and catch the ball with both hands.

♦ Hit the ball on the knee and catch the ball with the right (left) hand.

♦ Hit the ball with your knee against the wall and catch it with both hands.

♦ Hit the ball with your knee against the wall and catch it with your right (left) hand.

♦ One child throws a ball at the wall and another catches it.

♦ The same, but with the ball hitting the floor.

♦ Standing with your back to the wall, throw the ball between your legs so that it hits the floor and the wall, and catch it after it bounces off the wall.

◈ Tossing the ball

♦ Throwing the ball to each other from below.

♦ Throwing the ball to each other with both hands from the chest (basketball throw).

♦ Throwing the ball to each other over the head.

♦ Throwing the ball to each other from under the knee.

♦ Throwing the ball to each other with claps before catching.

♦ Children throw the ball, standing in lines (the distance between children is about 2-2.5 meters), in the ways indicated above.

◈ Throwing the ball over the rope or net

♦ Throwing the ball over the net from below.

♦ Throwing the ball over the net from behind the head.

♦ Throwing the ball over the net, while the one who catches the ball lets it hit the floor.

♦ Toss the ball up in front of you and hit it over the net.

♦ Hit over the net 2-3 times.

◈ Passing and throwing the ball in a circle

♦ Pass the ball to each other without missing, left and right (at close range).

♦ The same, but behind the back.

♦ Pass the ball to each other overhead (place children in height), after passing the ball, quickly lower your arms.

♦ Throwing the ball to each other over the circle.

♦ Throwing the ball to each other with a hit on the floor.

♦ Passing the ball to each other while walking in a circle.

ball game

Number of players: 6-8 people.

◈ All participants in the game stand in a circle, at arm's length from each other.

◈ In the center of the circle - the driver. The driver must catch the ball, which the players roll with a kick to each other. They can send the ball in any direction: right, left, cross the circle, but they themselves must remain strictly in place and not touch the ball with their hands: they can only roll on the ground, and only with their feet.

◈ The driver's task is to hold the ball. He can do it with his foot, with his hand, he can only touch the ball, he can knock it out of the circle.

◈ If the driver managed to keep the ball, he takes the place of the player from whose unsuccessful serve he managed to keep the ball.

Pass the ball

Number of players: from 6 people.

Inventory: two balls or other identical toys.

◈ Divide the children into two teams and line up in two lines so that the children stand behind each other.

◈ Give the children who stand first balls or other toys. Children can pass balls to each other by squatting. When the ball reaches the last person, he begins to pass it forward, but with his hands raised high above his head.

◈ Balls must be passed as quickly as possible.

◈ The team in which the ball traveled this way faster is declared the winner.

Ball through the gate

Inventory: ball, cubes (skittles).

◈ Children stand on the carpet. Gates are made of cubes or skittles. Task: sitting on the carpet facing the goal, roll the ball into the goal without hitting them.

◈ You can complicate the game by building a bridge behind the gate (from cubes or skittles); you need to roll the ball through the goal without hitting it and without breaking the bridge.

We push the ball, we catch up

Equipment: inflatable ball.

◈ The child moves on all fours and pushes a large inflatable ball in front of him with his head, without touching it with his hands.

◈ Set a task for the child, for example, to drive the ball into a corner.

Jumping with the ball

Number of players: 2-6 people.

Inventory: ball, one or more.

◈ Children take turns or simultaneously complete the following tasks:

♦ jump to a certain place, holding the ball between the knees;

♦ set the ball on the head and hold it with one hand;

♦ pinch the ball between the feet;

♦ hold the ball with your elbows in front of your chest.

Don't drop the ball

◈ Lying on the carpet (stretched out on your back), hold the ball between your legs.

◈ Let the child try to roll over on his stomach without dropping the ball.


Number of players: 1-6 people.

Equipment: balls, skittles.

◈ Children stand or sit on a bench or chairs placed in a row. Ahead, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from them, "towns" (skittles, cubes, etc.) are installed.

◈ Playing in turn, rolling a small ball across the floor, they try to knock down the goal - to get into the "town".

◈ After a successful hit on the target, the “town” is moved one step further, the game continues.

I shift the ball

◈ The child sits on the floor with his hands behind him. The ball lies at the feet on the right.

◈ Invite the child to grab the ball with their feet, pick it up and shift it to the left and then to the right.

I knock with the ball where I want

Number of players: 1-4 people.

Equipment: ball, chair.

◈ Invite the children to tap the ball around the chair, on the chair while standing, sitting, while walking.

ball rolling

Number of players: 1-6 people.

◈ The child rolls three or four balls to an adult (another child), who immediately returns them to him. At the unexpected command "Stop!" the game stops.

◈ The winner is the one who, at the signal "Stop!" there were fewer balls.

ball exercise

◈ Ask the children to perform the movements according to the text:

Take your ball in your right hand

Raise it above your head

And hold it in front of your chest.

To the left foot, slowly, put.

Hide behind your back and touch the back of your head.

Change your hand and smile at others.

The ball touches the right shoulder

And will be back for a while.

To the right foot, and to the left foot,

And on my stomach - I wouldn’t get confused.

Ball in a chain

Number of players: 1-6 people.

Equipment: ball, 3-5 hoops, chalk.

◈ Lay out a path of hoops or draw circles with chalk.

◈ Children need to complete the track by hitting the ball in each circle.

◈ You can complicate the game by hitting the circles through one.

Catch the ball!

Number of players: 2-6 people.

◈ Children sit on the floor, on the carpet, opposite each other, legs bent at the knees, pressed to the stomach. With the movement of the legs forward, it is necessary to throw the ball to the person sitting opposite with the words: “Catch the ball!”. He catches it with his hands, and then with his feet he rolls the ball back to his partner with the words: “Catch the ball!”.

◈ The game can be made more difficult: catch the ball with your feet; roll it with one or the other foot; knock down cubes or skittles with a ball, which are placed at an equal distance between the players.

◈ After the game, be sure to lie on your back and relax.

Ball on the head

◈ Competitors put a bagel on their head, a ball on top. With the ball on your head, you must walk or run a certain distance.

Running with the ball

◈ Competitors stand against each other and squeeze between their foreheads big ball. Then they try to reach the goal as quickly as possible without dropping the ball. In this case, one runs forward, and the other backwards.

Outdoor ball games for elementary and middle school children

Ball games are one of the favorites because they are very diverse. However, before starting to play them, in most cases, preparatory work is carried out: children are shown several simple exercises performed with the ball, so that in the future these elements do not cause them any difficulties. Such exercises can be tossing the ball up and catching it with two hands (then with one hand), tossing the ball and catching it after completing a full turn on the spot, etc. In addition, the leader provides an opportunity for future participants in the games to perform exercises of their own choice, participate in various competitions and contests.

Two fours

To play, you will need a wooden stick or chalk. Two teams of four people each play. A square area about half the size of a volleyball court is drawn on the ground or asphalt. For younger children school age site size may be smaller. Four people - this is one team, it is located inside the site (internal team). The other is outside it, and there is one player on each side of the court - this is an external team. Players should not cross the line, for violation of this rule a penalty point is given to the team. The “outsiders” start the game: they throw the ball between themselves, trying to unexpectedly throw it inside the court and hit the inside team player with it. Insiders try to dodge the ball or catch it. If the players of the inside team pick up the ball that has fallen on the court or catch it when they were trying to tag the players of the outside team, the ball goes to them. Now the “inside” players throw the ball between themselves, trying to knock down the players of the outside team with an unexpected throw, and the “outsiders” try to catch the ball or dodge it. The transition of the ball is carried out in the same way as in the first case. For each throw that ends in a miss, the team receives a penalty point. After scoring four penalty points, the team removes one of its participants from the game - the one who violated the rules the most or missed the most. The team with the most players left wins if the game has a certain amount of time. In any case, the team with only one player left loses.

School of Agility

For this game, a ball ranging in size from tennis to football is suitable. The number of players can be any, but the game is more dynamic and reckless when 3-5 people play.

The player stands at a distance of 3 m from the wall and performs exercises with the ball, the complexity and number of which increases by 10 classes. Exercises can be changed depending on the size of the ball and the age of the players. This game is played in turn.

1st class: throw the ball against the wall and catch it after bouncing off the ground.

Grade 2: throw the ball against the wall, clap your hands, catch the ball. Repeat 2 times.

ryh increases as you move from class to class. Total mother ball. Repeat 2 times.

Grade 3: throw the ball with the right hand, catch with both hands. Repeat 3 times

Grade 4: Throw the ball with your left hand, catch with both hands. Repeat 4 times.

Grade 5: standing with your back to the wall, lean back and from this position throw the ball, turning your face, after hitting the ball on the ground, catch it. Repeat 2 times.

Grade 6: standing facing the wall, raise your right leg high and throw the ball from under it with your right hand. Catch by lowering your leg. Repeat 3 times.

Grade 7: the same as in the previous paragraph, only raise your left leg and throw the ball with your left hand. Repeat 3 times.

Grade 8: throw the ball with your left hand, catch with your right. Repeat 3 times.

Grade 9: throw the ball with your right hand, catch with your left. Repeat 3 times.

Grade 10: throw the ball against the wall, turn around its axis, catch the ball. Repeat 3 times.

If the player does not complete the exercise, the ball goes to the next participant, and this one becomes the last in line and starts the game from the first class.

The winner is the one who completes all classes the fastest.

After the exercises are easy for the players to perform, they can be made more difficult.

Roll, apple!

Players form a circle, after which they squat or kneel. Two participants are in the center of the circle. The rest of the players begin to roll the ball so that they touch the legs of those who are in the center. The tagged one changes place with the one who tagged.

The winner is the participant who has never been tagged.

flying ball

The participants form a circle. They stand at arm's length. The driver is in the center of the circle. The players begin to throw the ball to each other, thereby preventing the driver from touching it. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the ball when it is in the air, as well as on the ground or in the hands of one of the players. In the event that he succeeded, his place is taken by the player who tossed the ball just before the ball was tagged.

Run for the ball

To play, you will need two volleyballs and a piece of chalk or a pointed stick. The game is played on sports ground. All players line up in two lines facing each other along the court. The distance between the players is about 3 m, and between the lines - 5 m. The places of the first players in each line are indicated by circles drawn with chalk or drawn with a sharp stick on the ground. The number of participants in the game in each line must be the same, then the players are divided into teams.

The first designated places are occupied by players of different teams, next to each of them is a player of the other team, next to which, in turn, there is also a player of the opposing team, etc. As a result, it turns out that in each line the players of one team stand through one, and in different lines - diagonally. Players standing in the marked places receive a volleyball. The participants in the game must, as quickly as possible, throw the ball from line to line diagonally to the player of their team and run to his place.

In turn, the participant who received the ball must, as quickly as possible, throw it diagonally to the next player of his team and run to his place, and so on until the last player in the line.

The last player, having received the ball and leading it like in basketball, must run around the opposite line and take the first place marked with a circle, and all players in the line must move one place. It turns out that the last player in one line becomes the first in another line.

The order of the players of their team "through one" must be preserved. If the participant dropped the ball or was unable to catch it, he must pick up the ball, return to his place and repeat the pass.

Throwing the ball and running to the places of teammates continue until the participant who started the game is back in the designated place. Then, with a shout and a raise of his hand, he announces that the game is over. The team that spends the least time on the game wins.

This is a rather difficult game, it is intended for children of middle and high school age. When learning it, it is advisable to single out the players of one team with some sign.

For example, colored bandages on the belt; one team - blue armbands, the other - red. The basketball run of the last player in a line to the first place in another line can be simplified by replacing it with a simple run with the ball in hand. The most important thing is to follow the order of building and moving, in this case it will take less time to play, so at first, until the children have mastered it well enough, it is necessary to play it at a slow pace, gradually increasing the speed of passing the ball and jogging.


To play, you will need a wooden stick or chalk, as well as 2 tennis balls. This game is suitable for children of primary and secondary school age.

The participants of the game are divided into two teams, with boys competing with boys, girls with girls. A circle with a diameter of 6-8 m is drawn on the ground. One representative from each team is called into the circle.

On a signal, strictly simultaneously they throw up tennis balls. The one who throws the ball higher, therefore, whose ball hits the ground later, gets a point. But if the first hit on the ground occurs outside the circle, the opponent is considered the winner: he receives one point and another additional point - his team. In this case, a team can get two points for one throw.

If both balls fall outside the circle, no points are awarded. Each player makes 3-4 throws, and the team members themselves decide who they will put up for the next match. Points are summed up. The team with the most points wins. To avoid misunderstandings and disputes, each team must have its own ball, marked in some way.

catch the ball

This is very simple game with a ball. It can be played by 3 to 15 people. Consider the option for 3 players. The ball catcher is chosen by lot. Two players stand facing each other at a certain distance (4-6 m), and between them, approximately in the middle, is a catcher.

Players throw the ball to each other, trying to hit the catcher, but so that the latter does not catch the ball. You can only throw the ball at the catcher if the player received it from another participant, and not on the first throw or immediately after losing the ball. If the catcher is hit by a flying ball, then he loses the right to move, but can dodge the flying ball or crouch. If the players failed to hit the catcher the first time, he starts moving again. The catcher tries to catch the passing ball or be the first to pick it up after the player has lost the ball.

In the event that he succeeded, then he changes places with the player who missed the ball or whose ball was caught by the catcher. This is how the catcher changes. If several people are playing the game, then they stand in a circle, and the catcher - in the middle of the circle. The catcher can move around the entire space inside the circle, but does not go beyond it. The game follows the same rules.


This game is for middle and high school kids. It is held at a very fast pace, 8-12 people play.

Participants stand in a circle at arm's length from each other, facing the inside of the circle. They begin to throw the ball between themselves, and they do not catch and throw it, but beat it back to each other, as in volleyball, trying to serve the ball is not very convenient for the batter. The one who drops or fails to hit the ball becomes a potato and squats in a circle. The participants sitting in a circle can return to the game if they manage to jump out and catch the ball or if one of the players hits the ball so that it hits the seated player.

In case of a miss (unsuccessful attempt to “knock out a potato”), the player who tried to knock out the sitting one becomes a potato himself and sits in a circle.

Primary school children can also play this game, but not hit the ball, but catch and throw it.

Ball toss

To play, you need a medium-sized volleyball or rubber ball, as well as a wooden stick or chalk. On the site, the leader draws two circles with a diameter of about 3 m at a distance of 8-12 m from each other. The participants of the game are divided into two teams and take turns standing in circles one at a time. In one circle - a player from one team, in the other - from another. Participants in circles throw the ball to each other. You can throw it with force, but be sure to accurately. If the ball travels more than arm's length from the catcher, the thrower's team receives a penalty point.

Players must not go outside the circles. After throwing the ball to each other once, the pairs change - this continues until the last pair has thrown the ball. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.


To play, you will need a wooden stick or chalk. This game can be played by 5 to 15 people. On the ground or on the court, they draw or mark a circle with a diameter of about 3 m. In the center of it is the leader with the ball in his hands, the rest are placed behind the outlined circle, but no further than two steps away. The driver throws the ball, and at this moment all the players scatter, after hitting the ground, the driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!”, Everyone should stop. Then the driver tries to hit a player with the ball without leaving the circle. If the driver hits the participant, then this player becomes the driver, and the driver joins the other players, otherwise the game is repeated. The first driver is usually chosen using some kind of rhyme.


10-20 people take part in the game. The players form a circle, diverge at arm's length, stand facing the center. The ball is rolled on the ground inside the circle. Players beat the ball away from themselves with their hands, trying to stain the other with it. The ball is a bee. In the event that someone does not hit the ball and is stung, this participant is considered stung. He turns his back to the center of the circle and does not take part in the game until the next participant has been tagged. Then the first one, who left the game, again turns to face the center of the circle, and the second one turns his back. Catching the ball, as well as hitting it with your feet, is prohibited.

old lock

Children of primary school age play this game with pleasure. To play, you will need a wooden stick or chalk, as well as 5 pins, volleyball. The host draws a large circle on the playground. A leader is selected or appointed. All participants stand behind the circle line facing the center. However, the driver remains in the circle. In the middle of the circle, the leader places the skittles. This is a castle that the driver must protect.

Players throw the ball between themselves, trying to distract the defender of the castle, seize a convenient moment when the driver gapes, and then knock down the pins quick blow ball.

The driver has the right to hit the ball in any way. The one who manages to destroy the castle becomes the leader, and the game continues.

The castle can be made in the form of a tripod by tying a stick at the top, and putting a ball on top of it.

Catch - don't catch!

This game is for children of primary school age. For the game, a small children's rubber ball or an ordinary volleyball is suitable. The players choose the driver with the help of some kind of counting rhyme, stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The driver takes the ball and stands in the center. He turns around himself, suddenly shouting: "Catch!" and throws the ball to a player. The participant must catch the ball. If the driver shouts: “Don’t catch!”, The player who was thrown the ball must dodge it. If the driver shouts: “Throw it!”, Then the participant hits the ball back to the driver, etc. The player who did not follow the voiced command or did it incorrectly leaves the game, but continues to participate in it, watching. The fewer players, the faster the pace of the game.

The winner is the last remaining participant, he becomes the driver. The first time, until the children have learned the game well, an adult can be the driver. The number of commands that the players must follow depends on the age of the children and on their experience of the game. It is better to start the game with two commands: “Catch!” and “Do not catch!”, Gradually introducing new ones.

Knocking out the ball.

The game is played against a wall or a high solid fence, you need a ball medium size, chalk or pointed stick.

The players line up in a line with a small distance from each other, a few steps from the wall with their backs to it. Opposite them, at 8-12 meters, a rectangular area is drawn, 3 m long, 1 m wide - this is the place of the driver. His goal is to hit the ball at any player during the throw, without going beyond the outlined area. Participants do not move from their place, but can dodge the ball, crouch, bend over and even jump. The player hit by the ball is considered out and out of the game. If the player catches the ball thrown by the driver, throws it at the driver and hits it, the participant becomes the driver, and the one who was the driver takes his place in the line. So there is a change of leaders. When two participants remain at the wall, the driver is given the right to make two throws to knock out two players. In the event that he succeeds, he is considered the winner, otherwise the remaining player becomes the winner.


In this fun game you can play on the sports ground, in the yard, in the wasteland, in the meadow. To play, you will need a medium-sized volleyball or rubber ball, chalk or a pointed stick. The number of participants in the game can be from 6 to 20 people. A large circle with a diameter of 3 to 8 m is drawn on the ground or on a platform. The diameter depends on the number of participants and their age. All players are divided into two teams. The players of one team stand behind the circle in random order, they have the ball. Participants from the other team - in a circle, line up one after another one by one, each subsequent player holding on to the shoulders of the previous one. This is a centipede. Those behind the circle begin to throw the ball to each other, trying to hit the last player of the centipede, and all the players in the column, holding on to each other, try to dodge the ball, protecting the last player. Moreover, you can only touch the ball on the legs, the one who violates this rule changes place with the player standing at the end of the centipede, and the latter, in turn, stands behind the circle.

The offending player is out of the game. When all the centipede players are tagged, the teams change places. This game is for elementary school children, but older children can also play it by increasing its pace.


To play, you will need a small ball (you can use a tennis ball), sticks about 1 m long (for each player), you can use hockey sticks. The game should be played in a wasteland or outside the city, in a place where there is a small field and you can dig holes. 5-10 people can play.

A hole with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 m breaks out in the ground, the size of the hole depends on the size of the ball. This is a boiler. At a distance of about 2 m from it, small holes are dug in a circle - holes. The number of holes is 1 less than the number of holes. The leader is chosen by lot.

All players occupy holes with their sticks, only the driver without a hole. He must drive the ball into the pot with his stick, and the rest of the players, using their sticks, try to prevent him, hit the ball in the other direction from the pot. But they must be careful, once they have taken their sticks out of the holes, they may be occupied by other players or the driver.

At the beginning of the game, if the ball hits the cauldron, the driver with the ball moves aside approximately 8 m and hits it in such a way that the ball, rolling or flying low above the ground, hits the cauldron. If the ball hit there, all players must exchange holes.

The driver runs to the holes, trying to occupy any empty one with his stick. A gaping player left without a hole becomes a driver. If the driver failed to take the hole, he leads again. When changing the driver, the game is not interrupted. In this game, you can only occupy a hole with a stick and only an empty one. The game is suitable for children of middle and high school age.

Zebrus africanus

To play, you will need an inflatable ball, a wooden stick or chalk. The host (adult) draws 7 or 9 lines on the court in advance (depending on the number of players) at an equal distance from each other.

The middle line, which divides the court into two fields, is highlighted. The participants of the game are divided into two teams. On both sides of the center line, teams stand facing each other, three or four players from each team: one player for each lane. The leader is on the middle line. He throws the ball up, and one of the participants must catch it and throw it as far as possible on the field of the other team, without going beyond his lane, along which the player can move. If a participant from the other team catches the ball, then he throws it, in turn, into the field of the first team. When the ball touches the ground, a penalty point is given to the team on whose field it happened. The team with the fewest penalty points wins. The teams then switch players.

catch up with the ball

This game can be played on a playground, in a park, in a wasteland, outside the city. A volleyball or other medium-sized ball is suitable for the game. 15-20 people can play. Before the start of the game, a leader is selected. The players form a circle, standing at a distance of one step from each other. The driver remains behind the circle, 2 people before the player who holds the ball. At the signal of the leader, the players pass the ball to each other, trying to do it as quickly as possible, and the driver runs around the circle and tries to touch the player with the ball. If he succeeded, then the driver changes places with the player. If the driver cannot catch up with the ball for a long time, then he is changed to another. Players cannot toss the ball, they must pass it from hand to hand. When the children have mastered the game well, the rules can be complicated - give a “head start” to the ball, that is, the driver gets on 2 people before the ball, and 3 - 6. Or the driver is given the task of not just catching the ball, but overtaking it and touching the player who has not yet taken the ball, then the player who at that moment had the ball in his hands becomes the driver.

Edible - inedible

This game is for children of primary school age. Before the game, the participants agree on which balls to catch and which to hit. In this case, the ball, accompanied by the name of an edible object, is caught, and an inedible one is beaten off. The players stand in a row, and the leader is a few steps in front of them, facing them. The leader has the ball. He says, for example: “Pear!” and throws the ball to the player, he must catch it. If an inedible object is called, the player must hit the ball. The one who has not made a mistake moves one step forward. Whoever reaches the leader first wins. You can use the concepts: "living - inanimate", "plants - animals", "hot - cold", etc. It is agreed on what theme will be used before the start of the game.

All children love to play with the ball: someone just drives it around the yard, someone tries to play football, volleyball, basketball and other sports games.

How else can you have an interesting time playing with a ball?

Let's remember what games you and I know for children on the street with a ball?

1. "Edible - inedible"

This game can be played with two or more players.

We choose a leader. All players stand in a row, and the leader is in front of them, at a distance of 2.5-3 meters.
Rules of the game: the leader throws a ball to each player (it can be thrown both in turn and randomly), while naming something from food or any object. If the leader calls edible, the player must catch the ball, if inedible, leave. On each correct throw, the player takes a step forward, and on an incorrect throw, a step back. The one who reaches the leader first wins.

If there are two players, they simply throw the ball to each other, naming the words. Whoever makes the most correct throws wins.

2. "I know five..."

Rules of the game: players take turns hitting the ball on the ground, at each hit, saying:

« I know five names of boys: Denis - one, Ruslan - two, Artem - three, Maxim - four, Oleg - five. The subject can be different: names of girls, colors, names of cities, countries, nicknames or breeds of dogs, etc. The player who has never gone astray wins.

3. "Names"

We choose a leader. The players stand in a row, with their backs to him. The leader throws the ball up, calling the name of any participant in the game, and he must turn around and catch it. If you don't catch it, you're out of the game.

4. "Catch - throw"

All players stand in a circle and randomly throw the ball. Whoever fails to catch the ball or, having caught it, drops it, continues to play on one leg. If in this position he catches the ball, he stands on both legs, if not, he gets on one knee. If he doesn't catch it again - on both knees. If, in this position, the participant catches the ball, he again stands on both legs and continues to play, if not, he is out of the game.

5. "Throw the ball"

All players stand in a circle, and the leader is in the center of the circle.

Children throw the ball to each other, trying to get rid of it as soon as possible. The leader's task is to touch the player in whose hands the ball is. The player with the ball touched by the leader takes his place in the center of the circle.

6. "Team competition"

If there are many children, you can arrange team competitions between them.

For example, divide the kids into 2 teams and put them in a line. The task of each line is to pass the ball overhead as quickly as possible from the first to the last participant and vice versa. According to the terms of the competition, you can’t turn around, you need to work only with your hands. The team that completes the task faster wins.

7. "Ten"

Children take it in turns to complete a series of exercises with the ball. As soon as someone makes a mistake, the move passes to the next participant, and he stands at the end and waits for his turn to reach him again.

Here are 10 exercises to do:

7.1 throw the ball against the wall and catch it;
7.2 throw the ball against the wall and while it flies clap your hands, and then catch it;
7.3 throw it against the wall again, but already in flight have time to clap twice and catch it;
7.4 similar to the previous one, only clap three times;
7.5 throw the ball against the wall and during the time it will fly turn around 180 degrees and catch it;
7.6 throw it against the wall again, but let it hit the ground, only then - catch it;
7.7 throw the ball on the asphalt or on the ground so that it bounces and hits the wall, then catch it;
7.8 throw the ball against the wall from under the left foot and catch;
7.9 throw the ball against the wall from under right foot and then catch;
7.10 throw the ball against the wall with one hand and catch it.

8. The game "Samzhe". Description and rules

This game is essentially one of the varieties of "Edible-inedible". You need to sit in a row and choose a leader. A shop is good. The facilitator comes up with questions, for example: “What is your name?”, “What is your last name?”, “How old are you?” and so on, and then, after voicing the question, tosses the ball to each player in turn, listing the answers. If the player likes the answer, he must catch the ball, if not, leave.

If the player catches the ball, then this answer is assigned to him.

For example, the facilitator asks the question: “What is your name?” and, throwing the ball, lists different names. The player is assigned the name on which he caught the ball.

During the throw, you can say the word "Samzhe". If the player catches the ball, he can offer the answer to the question, which one he likes. If he did not catch, he is assigned the answer that was given by the presenter before.

Questions can be asked as follows:

- "Where do you live?"
- "Where do you work?"
- "Your position"
- "Name of your husband (wife)"
- "What is your pet?"
- "How many children do you have?" etc.

You can play indefinitely until you get bored or fantasy allows.

9. Game "11"

All players stand in a circle. The first one throws the ball to any other player and says "one". The second player throws the ball to the next, and that to the next, but you need to count the throws to yourself, in your mind. That is, the ball is thrown in a chaotic manner, and the throws are counted up to 11. The player to whom the ball is thrown at the number 11 must return it. If someone mixed up something and did not serve the ball on a score of 11, or did not catch the ball in the process of counting from 1 to 10, he sits in the center of the circle and the player who threw the ball must hit him. If he hits, he returns to the game, if not, the one who threw also sits in the center.

And what children playing outdoors with a ball do you know? Write in the comments. After all, if you take the baby mobile, then the walk will be not only interesting for him, but also fun and useful.

"Ball games at home" memo for parents


The ball is one of the simplest and most versatile toys. It is preferable to play ball on the street. Usually, in many families, children are forbidden to play with ball at home. Because of the likelihood of hurting something or even breaking something. However, there are many quiet games that can be played at any time of the year in the apartment. You can easily teach exciting and educational games with the help of the ball without destroying anything around.


Put skittles on the floor (cylinders, yogurt bottles or cubes). You can put one item, or you can put several. The task of the child is to knock down the object ball by rolling it across the floor. So words:

In every business,

Among any lands.

Reach for the goal

Hit the target!


Arrange objects in the room - skittles, cubes - at such a distance that the ball can easily roll between them. Show your child how to gently roll the ball so as not to knock or hit anything. So words:

1. Sports have been known for a long time.

Slalom downhill skiing.

An important attribute is checkboxes,

That burn like flames.

Red Blue. Red Blue.

Landmark of two important lines,

Between two flags - the gate.

You need to make a turn.

2. Speed ​​your ball forward.

You boldly lead him, skillfully.

Master your body.

So that any turn to you

Seemed empty.


Children sit in a circle, the driver is selected. He is blindfolded. The ball is passed around the circle words:

Apple, roll, roll.

You are ruddy, roll.

Roll into my palms.

Now stop!

At this moment, all participants quickly hide their hands behind their backs, including the one who had the ball. The leader removes the bandage and tries to guess who has the ball behind his back, asks the participant to show his hands, if he guessed it, then they change places. If not, he still drives.


Take some balls different sizes and colors. Line them up.

1. Close your eyes. Ask child: "Which?". The child must explain in words where to move you hand: "Right, left, drop, roll".

2. “I will guess the ball, and you roll it to me. He lies: to the right of ...; between …; on the left of …; it is not red, and without stripes.

Change roles.

"Ball in the house"

Place a chair in the middle of the room. Sit close to him. Show your child how to direct the ball so that it rolls under the legs of the chair. Let the child try to do it on their own. You can connect other participants - even children or adults.


Sit on the floor opposite the child. Spread your legs to the sides and bend at the knees, depicting "house". Roll the ball to each other words:

The sun walks across the sky

And he enters houses.

And to (child's name) comes in (the ball rolls towards the child).

And he comes to mom (the ball from the child rolls to mom,

And to (child's name) comes in

And to my mother comes ...


The child shifts the ball from hand to hand, on command adult: in front of you, behind you, etc.


1. Take a basin that can easily fit the ball. Place it on a chair or table at some distance from the child. The task is to throw the ball into the basket.

2. Put the box or basin on the floor and try to get into it. You can show the child the procedure with this rhyme:

Take the ball with one hand.

And lift to the shoulder.

Let's look at the basket.

And aim and throw.

"I know 5..."

Child throws a ball to a friend

I know 5 pieces of furniture

(names of boys, etc.)

Once…. And so the friend counts to five.

"Edible Not Edible"

Sit on the floor opposite each other and roll the ball. If you named an edible object, the child catches and names his object. If not edible, then rolls it back with the word "No".

teacher Ignatova N.A.

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Interesting competition games with a ball for schoolchildren from 8 to 13 years old.

Ride the ball

Competitors line up at the start line in threes. Each group receives a volleyball or soccer ball. On a signal, one of the three, supported under the elbows by two other players, stands on the ball and, stepping over, rolls it. Thus, the whole group moves to the finish line. On the way, on special marks, the members of the troika alternately replace the player standing on the ball. The top three that reach the finish line first wins.

If with a friend went on the road

Teams are divided into pairs. The task is to carry the ball to the pins and back, holding it between the foreheads (shoulders, ears or backs) of two players. In this case, one runs forward with his face, and the other with his back.


At the leader's signal, the participants must alternately carry the ball to the pins and back, holding it between their legs.


At the signal of the leader, the relay participants must carry the ball on a “tray” - tennis racket to the skittles and back and pass it to the next player.

Move the cube with the ball

Each team is given two balls. The site is divided into two halves by a line. A cube (box) is placed on the line. Throwing balls at him, the players tend to move the cube to half of the opponent.


Six representatives of each team line up one after another in a column. Each couple in the column pinches the ball with their back and chest, without helping themselves with their hands. The task is to run as quickly as possible (more precisely, to crawl like a crocodile) with the entire column to the goal.

Running with three balls

The first player of each team takes three balls and, on a signal, runs with them to the pins, leaves them there, runs back and passes the baton to the next player. The next participant must deliver the balls to the start, etc.

Ball in a circle

The game is played with soccer ball. The players stand in a circle at a distance of 1 m from each other. The driver takes the ball and stands in the middle of the circle. Kicking the ball with his foot, he tries to knock it out of the circle. Other players try to keep the ball in the circle by holding hands. If the players hold the ball, they begin to roll it between themselves with the help of their feet. The task of the driver is to take the ball away from those standing in a circle and knock it out of the circle. If he succeeds, his place is taken by the player who missed the ball on his right side. The ball is considered correctly knocked out if it flew no higher than the knees of the players.

Try it up

Participants hold two long sticks in their hands. In front of each player is a tennis (or rubber) ball. On a signal from the leader, the players try to raise the ball to shoulder level with the ends of the sticks. The one who manages to do it first wins.

catch net

From each team, a thrower and a catcher come out and stand at a distance of approximately 15-20 meters from each other. The thrower throws the ball, and the catcher must catch the ball with the net. 10 attempts are given, successful attempts are counted.

Throw with your feet

Players, holding the ball with their feet, are located on the same line 2-3 steps apart. Pushing off with both feet from the floor, they simultaneously or alternately throw the ball clamped with their feet through a volleyball net (rope, crossbar, etc.), located 2-3 m from them.