Doe ball game rules middle group. Card file of ball games card file on physical education (middle group) on the topic

(AGE 4-7)

Ball on the floor
The purpose of the game. Catch a ball that bounces off the floor.
Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams and stand in lines facing each other. Children of one link of each team have a ball. They hit the ball lightly on the floor, catch it with both hands and roll it to their teammates standing in line opposite.
Methodical methods. An adult is in such a place that he can immediately see everyone, helps to catch balls that have rolled away, reminds you how to catch the ball correctly (you need to make a deep basket out of two hands and have time to substitute it under the ball in time after it bounces off the floor), outlines new options (the same as in the game "Toss and catch").

Get in the window
The purpose of the game. Hit a vertical target at close range with the ball.
Description of the game. Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team should have no more than 5-6 children. The guys stand in a column one at a time from the gymnastic wall on both sides at a distance of 1 m. A line is drawn at the same distance. One team gets the ball. Children of one team throw the ball with their right hand, the other team - with their left. The one standing first throws the ball into the lower span of the gymnastic wall - the "window" and stands at the end of the column. The child standing first in the opposite team catches him (or takes him from the floor, ground) and throws the ball into the same span. The next children throw it into the flight higher, etc. If one did not hit the “window”, then the next child from the same team throws the ball into the same “window”. When the ball hits each "window", the teams change places: those who threw the ball with their left hand throw with their right, and vice versa. The team with the fewest mistakes wins. After that, their place is taken by another pair of teams.
Methodical methods. The teacher makes sure that the children do not approach during the throw. gymnastic wall closer than the prescribed distance.

Option. "Ball in the net."
A volleyball net is stretched on the site at a height of 110-120 cm. Children are also divided into teams and stand on both sides of the net. Each child from the team alternately throws the ball into any cell of the net, standing opposite - catches.

Ball against the wall
The purpose of the game. Throw the ball at the wall, improve the quote of catching the ball that bounced off the wall.
Description of the game. Children line up in 2 links and stand opposite the wall at a distance of 80-100 cm. Each child takes turns throwing the ball against the wall and catching it first with two hands, and then with one hand. After that, he stands behind his column. The link with the fewest ball drops wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher, standing on the side of the links, tells you how to throw and catch the ball correctly (legs should be slightly bent at the knees so that you can quickly step back, to the side - have time to catch the ball); controls the construction of children (it should be such that the children do not interfere with each other).
After repeated playing, the game becomes more complicated: one child throws, and the other in the column catches, etc.; you can catch with a net, which is given to the second player, after which he passes the net to the next, etc.

Get in the circle
The purpose of the game. Throw the ball into the wall so that after the rebound it flies in the right direction; catch a ball bouncing off the floor.
Description of the game. Children stand in 2 links at a distance of 50-80 cm from the wall. On the floor 30-40 cm from the wall lies a hoop (or a circle is drawn). Everyone takes turns throwing the ball against the wall so that it rebounds and hits the circle. Catches the ball and passes it to the next, and he stands at the end of the column. The link with the most points (ball hits in the circle) wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher, being on the side of the players, monitors the correctness of the throws - the ball must be held easily - with three fingers, thrown from below, the left (right) leg is slightly forward, both legs are bent at the knees. If the ball did not reach the hoop (weak throw) or flew over the hoop (strong throw), the teacher prompts: “Throw harder!”, “Throw slightly”, “Throw from below!”. He shows himself, marks the best links, gives options: one throws, the other puts the hoop under the ball, the third catches the bouncing ball.

Ball in a circle
The purpose of the game. Improve the ability to hit the ball at a stationary horizontal target.
Description of the game. Children are divided into teams, each of which has 5-6 people. 3-4 colored hoops are laid out on the floor in any order against each team. Children stand in front of the hoops at a distance of 1.5-2 m. At the signal of the teacher, the first ones throw the ball so that it falls into the circle (hoop). Each child makes two throws in any circle, or the teacher suggests a certain sequence: hit the red, blue, yellow, etc. The team that hit all the colored circles wins.
Methodical methods. Children can throw in any way, but the teacher should explain that the throw from below is more effective, while the ball must be held freely.
The game can be played with a feather ball (shuttlecock) and a small rubber ball.

Option. "Through a rope into a hoop."
The game is played in the same way as the previous one, only it takes place on the court. A rope is pulled between two posts at a height of 120-130 cm. On one side of the site, a circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn behind the rope, a line is drawn at a distance of 50-70 cm in front of the rope. Children take turns throwing a ball (shuttlecock) over the rope, trying to get into the circle. You can divide the children into several teams. The team with the most balls in the circle wins.

Hit and Catch
The purpose of the game. Throw the ball at a horizontal target and catch it.
Description of the game. The group of children is divided into teams. Everyone lines up in a column one at a time. In front of each team, squares are drawn on the floor (ground) at a close distance from each other. At the signal of the teacher, the first from each team run to the squares and try to hit the ball into the square and catch it. The movement resembles the driving of stakes. The ball is then passed to the next player. You can hit the ball with your left hand, catch with your right hand, or vice versa. Or hit and catch with the same hand.

Don't hit the ball
The purpose of the game. To develop in children dexterity and coordination of movements, acting with two objects.
Description of the game. Children are divided into teams. Each team has a hoop and a ball. It is necessary to hit the ball with force on the floor (or toss it up so that it bounces on the floor as long as possible). The player at this time swings the hoop (like a pendulum) several times under the ball until the ball stops bouncing. The ball and hoop are then passed to the next player in the team. The winner is the team that strictly observes the rules of the game.
Methodical methods. The teacher is in front of the players, facing them, notes typical mistakes: “Do not swing the hoop strongly!”, The task varies: make several movements with the hoop - to the left, to the right, away from you, towards you; execute a certain amount of hoop movements; drive the hoop in such a way as to knock the ball down as quickly as possible; pry the bouncing ball up with any attempt and catch it with your free hand; toss and knock the ball around (not performed with a hoop) as many times as possible without dropping it on the floor; do the same with your left hand.

Ball uphill
The purpose of the game. Roll the ball up an inclined hill and catch it with your hands.
Description of the game. Children stand in a circle (7-8 people) at a distance of arms extended to the sides. There can be 2-3 such circles. In the center of the circle there is a slide (a cube with a gymnastic board on it).
A child, standing two steps from the base of the hill, rolls the ball up the hill with sufficient force so that the player, who is on the other side of the circle, can catch it with his hands and pass it to the left side in a circle. Then everyone takes a step to the left, the game is continued by other children. The team that completes the task faster with the fewest number of balls on the floor wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher controls the actions of the players, introduces new game options: pass the ball to the right side; play, lining up in a column; roll the ball with your left hand at close range.

Ball uphill
The purpose of the game. Roll the ball on two slides.
Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams, each - against its own slide at a distance of 2-3m. Slides connected together top. The first four in the team have the ball. At the signal "Start!" the driver of the first team stands in front of the hill at a distance of 1 m and rolls the ball so that it hits the opposite hill and rolls off it. This earns the team two points. If the ball does not hit the second hill, then the team receives one point. Then the driver of the second team throws the ball, etc. The team that scores the most points wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher is on the side of the players, monitors the timely change of players, aloud counts the number of points for each team, offers game options: roll the ball with such force that it does not touch the second slide, catch it on the fly, preventing it from falling; roll and catch the ball with the left hand; each rolls two balls at the same time (right and left hand).

Ball uphill against the wall from the hill
The purpose of the game. Improve the skill of rolling the ball on an inclined hill with its rebound from the wall.
Description of the game. Teams of children line up in front of two slides, standing at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. From the wall to the hills 20-30 cm. It is necessary to roll the ball up the hill from any distance, but so that, having overcome the hill, it hits the wall. In this case, the team gets a point. The child takes the ball and passes it to the next in the team. If the ball, before reaching the wall, fell between the hill and the wall or, hitting the wall, did not hit the hill, then it is also passed to another player, but in this case the team does not receive a point. The team that completes the task more accurately, gaining the maximum number of points, wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher observes the actions of the children, makes specific comments and gives advice on the most common mistakes. So, if the ball did not return to the hill, did not reach the wall, then the teacher says: “Roll the ball harder. Come closer for a throw." If the ball hits the wall and flew over the hill, the teacher says: “Do not roll the ball much. Step back a little for a throw.
When playing the game again, you can complicate the task a little: roll one, catch the other; roll two balls at once; roll with your left hand.

In billiards with a ball
The purpose of the game. Familiarize children with rolling the ball in a limited space, drawing their attention to the accuracy of the hit.
Description of the game. Children line up in two lines parallel to each other. In the line, the children stand at intervals of one step. In front of children from cubes or gymnastic sticks are laid out on the floor of the billiard wall measuring 2x1m. Gaps 10 cm wide are left in the corners - pockets.
The child takes the ball and from an arbitrary distance and from any side, starting from the board, rolls the ball so that it hits a corner - a pocket and jumps out of the billiards. If he hit the pocket from the near side, then the team gets one point, if the hit was from the far side, then the team gets three points. If the ball remains inside the billiards, it is passed to the player of the other team. The team that scores the most points wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher pays attention to the correctness of the throws (roll the ball from the hand smoothly so that it does not jump, with your fingers, as it were, indicate the direction to the goal).

Roll the ball into the hoop
The purpose of the game. Roll the ball into the hoop using a plank (cardboard, plywood).
Description of the game. Children are divided into several subgroups. The same number of hoops lies on the floor. A plank (cardboard) is placed on the edge of the hoop, which touches the floor with one side. It turns out a small hill. Subgroups of children line up in columns opposite the slides. Everyone has it tennis ball. On a signal, the drivers roll the ball, trying to get into the hoop. The team gets three points. If the ball hits the hoop, but rolls out, then the team gets only one point; if the ball misses, no point is awarded. Then each child rolls the ball in a rhythm convenient for him. (The ball that hits the hoop stays there until the end of the game to make scoring easier.)
Methodical methods. The teacher watches the children play, gives advice on how to accurately roll the ball into the hoop. For children with poor rolling skills, you can simplify the task: roll from close range. For those who confidently complete the task, increase the distance, adding, accordingly, the number of points when they hit the hoop. When playing the game again, you can offer the children of each subgroup to roll the ball at the same time, having previously placed a sufficient number of boards on the hoop. Or roll it over the hoop without hitting it. Or roll the ball into a hoop placed vertically (the hoop is held by a child).

Whose ball will fly farthest
The purpose of the game. Improve ball handling skills when rolling uphill.
Description of the game. Columns of children line up in front of 2-4 slides at a distance of 1m. Everyone has a ball. At the signal of the educator (waving a flag), the drivers forcefully roll the balls from the bottom up onto the hill so that it flies through the air as far as possible. A flag (dice) is placed at the place where the ball lands. The child takes his ball and stands next to the slide, without interfering with others to roll the ball. If next player the place where the ball lands is further, then the flag is moved to this mark, if it is closer, then the flag is not moved back. The team with the flag located further from the slide wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher, being on the side of the children, checks how the rules of the game are observed, gives specific advice: “Make the swing stronger” - when the ball flies far away; varies the game: roll the ball in such a way that it hits a hoop (box) on the floor (the team in this case gets 3 points, a non-targeted throw is worth one point).

ball shot
The purpose of the game. Strengthen the skill of rolling the ball to each other.
Description of the game. Children are divided into subgroups and sit on the floor in a circle at a distance of arms extended to the sides. There is one ball in each circle. You need to take it with three fingers (thumb, index and middle), press it sharply and let it go on the floor - “shoot”. All fingers must press the ball at the same time, evenly. The player who was sent the ball tries to catch it and send it to the next one in the same way. The winner is the subgroup whose “shots” with the ball reached the goal.
Methodical methods. The teacher moves from circle to circle, shows how to perform the task correctly, introduces new game options: perform the task in a different formation - who will roll the ball further (in a standing position); one "shoots" the ball, the other catches it, preventing it from touching the floor; “shoot” the ball up above you, catch with both hands.

Ball in pursuit
The purpose of the game. Quickly pass and receive celluloid balls without dropping them.
Description of the game. Children stand in two circles (two teams). The teacher distributes colored celluloid balls to 3-4 children standing in different places of the circle. At the signal "Ball in pursuit!" children begin to quickly pass the balls to each other. If one child has two balls at once, he is out of the game. After 3-4 repetitions of the game, the child plays with everyone together. First, the game is played with two balls. The team that strictly follows the rules of the game wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher monitors the correct transfer of the ball (you can pass the ball in front of you, behind your back, but you can’t pass it through one or more players, leave the place). The teacher makes sure that the children do not hold the balls at home, notes the dexterous, attentive, quick-witted ones, introduces new options: play squatting; in columns one at a time; sitting on benches; on the floor; on the knees; transmit only with one hand, and receive with the other.

Pass the ball
The purpose of the game. Pass the ball from hand to hand in motion, improve coordination of movements when running away objects.
Description of the game. Children are divided into links and line up in columns one after another. Any object is placed in front of each column at a distance of 3-4 m: a chair, big ball, mace, cube, etc. The first one runs with the ball, runs around the object, passes the ball to the next in his column and stands behind everyone. If the ball is lost, the child returns, picks it up and runs from the place where the ball fell. The link that is ahead of the others wins, subject to the conditions of the game.
Methodical methods. The teacher makes sure that the children follow the rules of the game: they do not go out ahead of time towards the player, try not to touch the object, do not pass the ball and move into columns on one side. If children often make the listed mistakes, then the teacher can stop the game and clarify the rules again.
The game can take place in another version: run around the chair, put the ball on it, and returning to your column, touch the hand of the next player, he, running around the chair, takes the ball and passes it to another, etc .; run to the chair, put the ball on it, run around the chair, blow it off the chair and pass it to the next player.

Ball exercises
Exercises with a ball or shuttlecock:
I. p. (starting position). O. s. (main rack). Ball in one hand.
1. Hands forward, show the ball, take your hands back and down, hide the ball.
2. Stretch your arms forward, shift the ball from your right hand to your left, from your left to your right.
3. Transfer the ball below in front of you from one hand to the other and vice versa.
4. Hands to the sides at shoulder level, bring them together, stretching forward, shift the ball alternately from hand to hand.
5. Raise your arms through the sides up above your head, shift the ball.
6. Stretch your arms forward at shoulder level. Raise them forward and up above your head, shift the ball.
7. Rising on toes, spread your arms to the sides up, take the ball with both hands, look up, lower your arms through the sides down, the ball remains in the other hand.
8. Put your foot on the toe forward (back, to the left, right side), raise your hands forward and up, lower, hide your hands back, transfer the ball to the other hand.
9. In pairs, one step apart, one has the ball in his right hand, the other in his left. Stretch your arms forward, pass the ball to your partner with your right hand to your right (left to left).
10. Raise your arms to the sides, lower them forward and down through the sides, shift the ball, raise it to the sides, lower it back and down, transfer it to the same hand again.
11. Complete all exercises, but with only two balls.
12. Do the exercises at a fast pace.
13. Move the ball from one hand to the other several times in a row.
14. Transfer two balls from one hand to the other at a slow and fast pace.
15. Shift the ball, lifting the right (left) leg alternately, bent at the knee or straight.
16. Lean forward, put the ball on the floor, straighten up, lean forward, pick up the ball with the other hand.
17. Hands to the sides, each with a ball. Squat down, put the balls on the side. Turn around, take the balls, stand up.
These exercises promote muscle development shoulder girdle, develop attention, dexterity.

Toss up exercises
I. p .: about. With. Ball in one hand.
1. Throw the ball up, catch with both hands (12-15 children perform at the same time); catch with the right hand; catch with your left hand.
2. Throw the ball to the floor, clap your hands, catch with both hands.
3. Throw the ball high up, let it hit the floor, catch it with both hands; alternately right and left; catch after turning around.
4. Hit the ball against the wall, catch with both hands; before catching the ball, jump up on one or both feet.
5. Throw the ball against the wall, after bouncing off the floor, catch with both hands; one hand at a time.
6. Hit the ball on the floor so that it touches the wall, catch.
7. Hit the ball on the floor, let it touch the floor again and catch it.
8. Dribble with one hand like basketball: in place; squatting; standing; moving forward; bypassing objects.
These exercises bring up the feeling of the ball, coordinate movements, develop dexterity, and serve as the first step towards the further development of more complex games.

Throw and Catch
The purpose of the game. Throw the ball up and catch it.
Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams and stand in lines (opposite each other) at a distance of arms extended to the sides. The distance between children is 1m. The children of the same team have the ball. The teacher gives a signal, and the children simultaneously throw the ball up in front of them, catch it with both hands and roll the ball to the team partners standing opposite. Those, in turn, repeat the task in tossing, catching and rolling the ball. The team that clearly completed the task wins (there were fewer ball falls, more precisely rolling).
Methodical methods. After showing the exercise, the teacher stands between the teams (at one of the edges), gives a signal for throws, helps to catch balls, corrects the most common mistakes in throws (easy to hold the ball, free to hold hands, not sticking out your palms while catching the ball); gives game options: catch the ball after clapping; catch the ball after turning around, etc.

Hurry up to catch
The purpose of the game. Throw the ball in a certain direction and catch the flying ball.
Description of the game. The game is played in subgroups standing in circles. In the center of each circle is the driver. Children throw the ball to each other, trying not to touch or catch the driver. If he succeeds, he takes the place of the one who unsuccessfully threw the ball. The last one goes to the middle of the circle.
Methodical methods. The teacher makes sure that the children do not hold the ball for a long time, do not throw it to the same child. If the driver cannot catch the ball for a long time, a new one is appointed. The game can be complicated: enter two drivers and throw two balls.

From hoop to hoop
The purpose of the game. Improve the skill of throwing the ball at a stationary horizontal target.
Description of the game. Children stand in links in a column one at a time. At a distance of 1 m from the leader, three hoops lie close to each other on the floor (or three circles with a diameter of 80-100 cm are drawn). You need to throw the ball with your right hand into the first hoop so that after the rebound it hits inside the second and, jumping up again, hits the third. The child takes his ball and passes it to the next, and he himself stands on the opposite side, then rolling the balls to his team. The game continues until all players have moved to the opposite side. The link that changes place faster, while making the fewest mistakes, wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher stands on the side of the players, and, as necessary, gives instructions: “Throw the ball slightly”, “Step back a little to throw” (if the ball did not hit one of the hoops), “Hit the ball harder on the floor” (if the ball bounced in the first two hoops, and in the third one he just rolled). The teacher can make the game easier or more difficult: throw the ball when the hoops are 50 cm apart; throw the ball from both sides; throw two balls from both sides at the same time.

Ball in a circle
The purpose of the game. Teach children to roll the ball in a certain direction.
Description of the game. Children sit on the floor squatting in a circle. The driver with the ball is in the center of the circle. He rolls the ball to each child in turn or to the one they call: “Sasha, catch!”. The player catches the ball and sends it back, but at the same time it is necessary to complete some task: have time to clap your hands 2-3 times, name a quantitative or ordinal number, for example, the driver says: “First”, the child answers: “Second”, etc. e. You can name any object included in the generalized concept (furniture, fruit, etc.).
Methodical methods. The teacher is at the circle, makes sure that the children roll the ball, and do not throw it up, outlines new game options: roll through one player, through two, with your left hand.

Roll up to the wall
The purpose of the game. Improve the skill of repulsing the ball when rolling.
Description of the game. From 6-8 sticks they form two corridors 30-50 cm wide so that the corridor reaches the wall. There should be two such corridors. The group is divided into two teams. Two from each team stand against the wall, the rest sit on chairs on both sides of the hall. At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to roll the balls to the wall. After throwing the ball, the player sits down. Standing at the wall after touching the ball against the wall catches it and takes the starting position for rolling, his place at the wall is taken by the next in the team. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher walks between the corridors, tells how to throw the ball correctly, invites one of the children to submit the ball that has rolled out of the corridor, counts how many balls did not reach the wall for each team, monitors the order of changing players.

catch up with the ball
The purpose of the game. Catching up with a rolling ball.
Description of the game. From gymnastic sticks, 2 corridors are made up to 30 cm wide and 3-4 m long. Children are divided into teams and line up at the beginning of the corridors. The first one rolls the ball, runs after it and tries to catch it, preventing it from rolling out of the corridor. Then he passes the ball to the next, himself stands behind the line or sits on a chair. The team that not only quickly, but also correctly completes the task wins.
Methodical methods. The teacher stands at the other end of the corridor and monitors the correctness of the exercise: “Do not throw the ball so hard if you do not have time to catch up with it. Cover the ball with your hand from above with a boat. Offers new tasks: to catch a rolling ball after the words: “One-two-three! Catch"; catch at the end of the corridor, in the middle, at the flag.

roll the ball
The purpose of the game. Learn how to roll the ball into the goal.
Description of the game. Children lay out from cubes (skittles, gymnastic sticks) a rectangle 30-40 cm wide without one side facing the players (in the form of a gate). According to the number of gates, children are divided into teams. Everyone who plays the ball. At a distance of 2-3 m from the gate, the child rolls the ball into the gate of the rectangle. At the end of the rolling, one of the team collects all the balls and distributes to their players. The number of balls hitting the goal is counted. The most accurate and fastest team is declared the winner.
Methodical methods. The teacher looks after proper preparation to roll the ball, serves balls that do not fall into the rectangle, counts the ball hits in the goal of each team.

Catch the bouncing ball
The purpose of the game. Learn to catch the ball after bouncing off the object.
Description of the game. The game is played in a group room or hall. Two ordinary tables are shifted by the narrow side perpendicularly, close to the wall. The child stands at the edge of the table (legs slightly bent) against the wall and rolls the ball along the table so that it bounces. After that, he must quickly catch the ball and pass it to a friend.
Methodical methods. The teacher makes sure that the children roll the ball closer to the center of the table, while the hand rises low above the table. The push of the ball during rolling should be strong enough (the hand is retracted during the swing and sent forward with a sharp movement, the ball will roll with sufficient speed). When rebounding, the direction of the ball is difficult to guess, so the teacher warns the children to get ready to catch the ball, follow its flight. The teacher can offer new game options: throw with one - catch with the other hand; one child rolls, another catches; roll with your left hand.

Ball towards ball
The purpose of the game. Improve your kicking and catching skills.
Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team faces each other at a distance of 4-6m. The drivers have the ball. To the teacher’s signal: “Begin!” - children roll the balls towards one another, but so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the ball, the driver passes it to the next. The team with the fewest mistakes wins. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Methodical methods. This game is played after the children learn how to roll a big ball with both hands. They play alone in a group or on the site and are not divided into teams. The teacher shows the ways of rolling and explains: “Everyone should roll a little to the right, then the balls will not collide”, varies the game: roll it with the right, then with the left hand; children of one link roll the ball with their right hand, and the other - with their left; increase the distance between the links.

Hit the ball
The purpose of the game. Hit the ball on a moving target.
Description of the game. Children are divided into subgroups and are located on the site in lines with their backs to each other. Playing in subgroups stand at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The driver with a hoop in his hands stands at the end of the line, with everyone else playing the ball. At the signal of the educator, the driving hands guide (roll) the hoop in front of the formation. The hoop should roll at a distance of 50-80 cm from the children. As soon as the hoop approaches one of the players, he must accurately throw the ball into the hoop. At the signal of the teacher: "Collect the balls!" - children take their balls and return to their place. At first, the teacher himself appoints the leaders of those children who roll the hoop well. The winner is the subgroup that has more hits with the ball in the rolling hoop and less it falls.
Methodical methods. Before the game, the teacher exercises all the children in rolling the hoop. If the hoop falls without reaching the very edge, the teacher says: “Push the hoop harder!”, “Put it on the floor more evenly.” After repeating the game, you can introduce a complication - two drivers on both sides roll a hoop, you need to get into one of the hoops.

Ball game "Crocodile"

The players are divided into two teams. Five or more members of each team line up one behind the other. A ball is clamped between each pair, which can only be held with the back and chest, but not with the hands. The task of the team is to reach the goal faster. More precisely crawl like a crocodile. The team that reaches the goal without dropping the ball wins.

Ball game "Potato"

The players stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other, beating it off. The one who did not hit the ball sits in the center, and the game continues. Any of the players at will can knock out those who are sitting. To do this, he, beating the ball, tries to hit them on the "guilty". The one who is touched by the ball begins to play. Those sitting in a circle also try to catch the ball flying towards them. If one of the players succeeded, then all the “punished” return to the game, and the player who threw the ball takes their place.

Ball game "Ball over the head"

Teams stand in a row, back of the head to each other, feet shoulder-width apart. The captains are given balls. On a signal from the leader, the captains pass the ball over the head to the player behind, and thus to the last player. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head and start the chain again, but this time accurately directing it between the legs of the team members. The third, having received the ball, runs forward and again passes the ball over his head. Here it is important not only to quickly change all the players, but also not to get confused in the sequence.

Ball game "Catch - do not yawn!"

Children stand in a circle with their backs to the center. The driver, who stands in the center of the circle, with the ball in his hands, starts counting from 1 to 5. After the number 5, he calls the name of one of the players and tosses the ball. The task of the one whose name was called is to quickly turn around and catch the ball either on the fly, or after only one hit on the ground. Whoever failed to catch the ball three times is out of the game.

Ball game "Find the ball"

The players stand in a circle, close to each other, facing the center of the circle and holding their hands behind their backs. One of them is given a small ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver, who stands in the center of the circle, needs to guess which player has the ball. Turning now to one, then to another child, he says: “Hands!”. The player must immediately stretch both hands forward. The one who had the ball in his hands or who dropped it becomes the driver.

Ball game "Hunting for geese"

Players are divided into 2 teams: one is geese, the other is hunters. A large circle is drawn, behind which are the "hunters", and the "geese" inside.
On a signal, the “hunters” try to hit the “geese” with the ball, which, running inside the circle, dodge the ball in every possible way. The “goose” touched by the ball is considered to be touched and is out of the game. When all the "geese" are knocked out, the teams change places.
The game can be played for a while. In this case, the team that knocked out more "geese" in the same time wins.

Ball game "Knocked out"

Two "knocked out" stand on opposite edges of the site. The rest of the children line up in a row in the middle of the playground, facing the “knockout” with the ball in their hands.
"Knocked out" throws the ball with a swing, trying to touch the player on the field. If he succeeded, the player is considered a loser and goes out of bounds. The ball should catch the second "knocked out", now it's his turn to throw.
Any player can catch the ball on the fly, for which he receives an extra point. This gives the right to return any eliminated player to the game, or "save a life" in the event of a direct hit by the ball. If the player wanted to catch the ball, but dropped it, he is considered out. The last two players become "beaters" and the game is repeated.
The ball should be light, and the blows not strong, so that the children do not experience discomfort.

Game "Ball"
Have the children form a circle. Explain that they should only catch the ball when you say words on a certain topic. Say the word first and then throw the ball.

Game "Ball"
Have the children form a circle. The host calls the size (big or small) and throws the ball to the player. The one who caught the ball must name the animal of the appropriate size.

Game "Ball"
Say the phrase I love... and throw the ball to the first player. He catches the ball, finishes the mother. Then he says the beginning of the phrase I love... and throws the ball to the next player.

Game "Make up words"
The students become a semicircle. The teacher throws the ball and says the letter. The student who caught the ball says the English word that begins with that letter and throws the ball to the teacher. The teacher calls another letter, the game continues.

The game "Who counts faster?"
The group is divided into two teams. Teams sit in a circle and start counting from one to ten. The first student throws the ball and says "One", the second student throws it and says "Two". They are trying to do it as quickly as possible. If the ball falls, the count starts over. The teacher can stop the game at any time. The team that counts to the highest number wins.

The game "Animals play at the ball"
Children become in a circle. Each child becomes some kind of animal or bird: a mouse, a lion, a bear, a dove, a crow, and the like. The host tosses the ball high and calls out the name of the animal or bird. Now you need to respond quickly and catch the ball before it touches the floor. Having caught the ball, the child calls himself and greets with the language of his character. Then he returns the ball to the leader.

The game "Who is attentive"
Children become in a circle. The facilitator invites the children to see what they are wearing. Then the host calls the item of clothing on English language and throws the ball to the child. If this item of clothing is present on the child, then he catches the ball, if not, he does not catch it. The child who was attentive and did not make a single mistake wins.

Game "Catch the ball"
The teacher throws the ball to the children, greets them, they must answer in English.

Magic ball game
The host throws the ball to the child, calls the number in English, and he must name the number following the given one.

Game "Pass the ball"
Children pass the ball to each other and name successively all the days of the week.

Ping pong game
Children stand in a circle, throw a ball to each other and name words from the proposed category.

Akhbukhanova Rezida Fagimovna.

Educator MDOU kindergarten"Rowan",

s.Sabakaevo, Ulyanovsk region

"Mobile ball games"

"roll the ball" Purpose: to develop endurance, attention, dexterity. Practice rolling the ball. Description of the game: the players form a circle, kneel and sit on their heels. The teacher rolls the ball to one of the children. He pushes away from himself with his hand, preventing the other player from touching the legs. If the ball touches the feet, the child takes a step out of the circle. Sitting outside the circle, the loser takes part in the game if he pushes off the ball accidentally sent to him. The duration of the game is 4 - 5 minutes.

"Traps with a ball" Purpose: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the word. Practice throwing at a moving target and dodging. Description of the game: the court is limited by lines. In the center of the court, the players form a circle, standing apart from each other at a distance of arms extended to the sides. One child becomes the center (leader). At his feet are 2 small balls. The driver makes a series of movements, the players repeat. At the signal of the teacher: “Run from the circle”, the children scatter, and the driver tries to hit one of the children with the ball. At the signal “one, two, three in a circle, run,” the children again form a circle. The leader is changing. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Relay with balls" Purpose: to develop in children coordination of movements, the ability to act on a signal. Practice dexterity. Description of the game: the players are divided into two columns. The first in the column is given a ball. To the teacher's signal: "Up!" - children raise their hands and the one standing first passes the ball over the head to the one standing behind, etc. The column that brings the ball first will win. The duration of the game is 6 - 8 minutes.

"Pass the ball" Purpose: to develop the ability to perform movements rhythmically, in coordination with words, as well as on a signal. Exercise in passing the ball, in turning the body to the right and left, in throwing at a moving target. Description of the game: players stand in a circle. The teacher gives one of the players a ball (D = 6-8 cm). At the word “start,” the children pass the ball to each other in one direction. All players say: One, two, three! Get the ball now!

Four five six! Here he is, here he is!

Seven, eight, nine! Throw it who can? I!

The one who has a ball on the word “I” goes with it to the middle and says: “One, two, three - run.” After these words, all the children scatter, and the one standing, without moving, throws the ball at the fleeing ones. The one hit by the ball is out of the game. At the signal “one, two, three in a circle, run,” the children again form a circle. The game is repeated 6-8 times.

"Throw and Catch". Purpose: to develop in children coordination of movement, orientation in space. Practice throwing and catching fast run.

Description of the game: a rope is fixed on two posts or racks for jumping at the height of a child with a raised arm. Children throw the ball through the rope, then run after it and catch it. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Candles"(Russian folk game). All children stand in a circle, and the driver becomes the center of the circle and throws the ball up with the words: “Candle!” While the ball is in the air, all the children scatter, trying to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” The children must stop, and the driver tries to hit the player closest to him with the ball. If he succeeded, then this player becomes the driver.

1. The driver must make a “candle” by throwing the ball as high as possible.

2. The driver can catch the ball not only in the air, but also from one rebound from the ground.

"Lord of the Hole"(Kabardian folk game). If the game is played on the street, then a hole is dug in the center of the area with a radius of approximately 15 m, into which the ball is placed. If the game is played in a gym, then you can place the ball in the middle of the outlined center of the field. "Lord of the Hole" retreats to the edge of the playing field. The rest of the players are located around the ball at a distance of 2-4 m from it (the complexity of the game depends on the size of this distance). The “Lord of the Hole” loudly calls out the name of any player who runs to the ball and tries to catch up with the players who scatter across the court. The driver must necessarily hit the ball in one of the players. Then that player is out of the game. And in case of a miss, the driver himself drops out. The rest of the players again stand around the hole with the ball, and the “master of the hole” calls out the name of the next driver. The last player remaining in the game is declared the "master of the hole".

1. Only a direct hit of the ball counts.

2. The driver can throw the ball only once in the game.

3. You can not run out of the area, the player who did this is out of the game.

"In the knot" (Tatar folk game)

For this game, you can use a medium-sized ball, but it is better to play it the way it was played in the old days: with a handkerchief or a scarf tied in a knot.

The driver must move a few steps away from the rest of the children who are standing or sitting in a circle. The distance between children should be approximately 1.5-2 m.

The players throw the knot (or ball) in a circle, to their neighbors on the left or right, and the driver runs around the circle and tries to catch it. If he manages to at least touch the knot on the fly or in the hands of one of the players, then the player who failed to protect the knot becomes the leader. Game continues.

1. The driver can only be outside the circle and from there try to catch the ball.

2. You can’t hide the bundle from the driver, you need to throw it to your neighbor as soon as possible.

3. You can not throw the bundle not to the neighbors, but, for example, to the child opposite, if this was not specifically discussed before the start of the game.

"White Ball"(Kalmyk folk game)

This game once had a ceremonial character. At the beginning of summer, when cattle begin to shed, white wool was collected, from which a small white ball was made. Now any ball can be used for this game. The game can be played on large field, on the playground. Before the start of the game, all players are divided into two teams. One player runs away from all the others for a considerable distance and throws the ball as far as possible. As soon as the player returns, all the children rush in the direction where the ball fell, and everyone strives to be the first to grab the ball. The one who first found the ball lets out a triumphant exclamation and rushes back to the starting line. Players on the opposing team try to take the ball away from him, while players from his own team help him. A player may throw the ball to any player on his team if he is unable to defend the ball or run away from his pursuers. The winning team is the one that managed to deliver the ball to the line and hand it to the player who threw the ball at the beginning of the game.

1. Power moves are allowed when taking the ball away, but without steps and pushes.

2. If the game is played multiple times, then the winning team will be awarded one point, and the winner will be the team whose players managed to score more points.

"Hare"(Russian folk game). Children become a circle, in the center of the circle is a “hare”. Players begin to throw the ball to each other so that it hits the "hare". "Hare" is trying to dodge the ball. The player who managed to hit the bunny with the ball takes his place, and the game continues.

1. When throwing, you must not go beyond the boundaries of the circle and approach the bunny.

2. It is necessary to name the player who will catch the ball.

3. The ball must not be held in the hands, it must be thrown to another player as quickly as possible.

"Bouncers"(Russian folk game). Before the start of the game, two “bouncers” are determined by lot. They stand at opposite ends of the platform. The rest of the children line up in a row in the middle of the playground, facing the “bouncer” who has the ball. The "bouncer" throws the ball with a swing, trying to hit any of the players in the middle of the field. If he succeeded, then such a player is considered out of the game: he must move beyond the boundaries of the site, The ball that slipped past the players must catch another “bouncer”: now it is his turn to throw.

1. If the “bouncer” did not throw the ball hard enough, then any player can catch it: he will receive an additional point and can return the previously eliminated player to the game or “save a life” in case of a direct hit of the ball.

2. A player who tried to catch the ball, but failed to keep it in his hands, is considered out.

3. The last two players themselves become "bouncers", and the game is repeated again.

4. Sometimes it is agreed that players can only catch the ball from the rebound.

"Ball against a narrow wall"(Mordovian folk game). The name of this game was given by a narrow board dug vertically into the ground (about 30 cm wide) 2 m long. If children play, then the height of the board may be less, it is necessary to strengthen it at the back with another wooden board or stake to give stability.

At the beginning of the game, such a board - a "narrow wall" - is installed on the first line, parallel to which a second line is drawn on the ground at a distance of 10-15 m. On the first line, about 1 m from the "narrow wall", the driver chosen by lot becomes, the rest of the players are located behind the second line.

In the hands of the driver is a small rubber ball and a “bat” - a wooden stick or a narrow plank (dimensions 10x60 cm), hewn at one end in the form of a handle. The driver throws the ball low in the air and knocks out the second horse with a “bat” blow. Other players are trying to catch him on the fly. If any player succeeded, he stands on the second line and tries to hit the ball into the "narrow wall". If he succeeded, he replaces the driver, if not, then the game continues with the old "ball thrower".

1. Before the start of the game, it is necessary to agree on how many attempts the driver has, if he could not hit the ball the first time with a “bat” or throw it over the line of the second horse. After that, he will have to pass the "bat" to another player (he is also determined by lot).

2. Throwing the ball into the "narrow wall" is possible only because of the second line, without stepping over it.

3. The distance between the lines can be changed depending on the age of the players (the younger the children, the smaller the distance).

4. You can play points: one point is awarded to the player who hit the "narrow wall" or the driver if no player could hit it. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of points scored.

Lapta(Russian folk game). Name of this ancient game came from the name of the wooden stick with which the ball was scored: it looks like a shovel and is called a “bast shoe”. The players are divided into two teams, in each team they choose their driver, he will serve the ball first. The game is played outside. On one side of the playing field there is a “city”, and on the other, at a distance of 10-20 m, a horse line is drawn. The players of the "city" are located on its territory, the players of the field are randomly located in the "field". The driver first tosses the ball and, with the help of a bast shoe, directs it to the “field”, quickly runs to the line of the horse, and then also quickly returns to the “city”. The field players catch the ball in the air or pick it up where it fell, and from this place they can "stain" the running opponent if he is still in the "field".

1. Each player of the "city" in turn scores the ball with a "bast shoe".

2. We must try to throw the ball where there are fewer opponents, or as far as possible.

3. A player who could not score the ball with his "bass" is allowed to throw it with his hand.

4. The city team loses and moves to the playing field if

all players hit the ball, but no one ran over the line,

all players ran across the horse line, but did not return to the city,

during the run of the player, the "cities" were tarnished.

"Ural ball"(Bashkir folk game). Now this game is played with a small rubber ball, and earlier it was played with a ball rolled from wool. Three parallel lines are drawn on the playing court at a distance of about 10 m from each other: the first line is the line of throwing the ball, the second is the middle line, the third is the bypass line. Players are divided into two teams: "shepherds" and "throwers" of the ball. The first "thrower" stands behind the throwing line, throws the ball over him and hits it with his hand with force so that he flies off the third line. Then he must immediately run behind this line himself and quickly return back to the throwing line. The ball knocked out by him is caught by the "shepherds". If they manage to catch the ball and return it over the throw line before the thrower has returned there, then that player must stop at the place to which he managed to reach when the ball was returned over the throw line. If the player managed to get ahead of the "shepherds", he gets the right to additionally knock out the ball in the field. Then the next player from the team of "throwers" hits the ball.

If all the "throwers" were stopped in the field, then they are built on a special line, which is called the "bridge of one hair": this dashed line is drawn in the middle between the bypass line and the middle line.

The most accurate "shepherd" (this is determined by the players of his team) stands with the ball on the throwing line and invites any of the "throwers" of their choice to run in any direction. "Shepherd" will have to hit the running ball. If he succeeds, then all the "shepherds" become "throwers", in case of a miss, the game is repeated again.

1. "Throwers" throw the ball in turn, without stepping foot over the line of throwing.

2. Shepherds may catch the ball or pick it up from the ground.

3. To get the ball back over the throw line faster, “shepherds can pass it to each other.

"Holes"(Russian folk game)

Players dig several shallow holes - holes on the site along a straight line. In parallel, another line is drawn at a distance of 2-3 m: from it it will be necessary to roll or throw a small rubber ball alternately into each hole - this is determined before the start of the game. The first player throws the ball into the holes until he misses. Then each child tries to get into the holes. If no child manages to hit all the holes without a miss the first time, then the game is repeated, with each player throwing the ball into the hole where he missed. The winner is the player who first manages to accurately hit the ball into all the holes in turn.

1. Usually the game is played with a small number of "holes", in any case they should not be more than 10.

2. The number of participants must also be limited to a few children, otherwise the game will drag on for a very long time.

"Balloon"("Kotel") (Russian folk game)

This is a very popular old Russian game, which also has other names, for example, Kubar, Clubs, Holes, Mazly. It can be played using modern hockey sticks.

Before the start of the game in the center of the playground, they dig a hole with a diameter of 20-50 cm, which is called a "cauldron". Around the "boiler" in a circle with a radius of 1.5-2 m, all players, except for the driver, dig holes of such a size that the end of one stick can freely fit in them.

The players each stand at their own hole, lowering the end of the stick into it, and the driver takes a wooden ball (or a heavy rubber ball) about 10 cm in diameter and moves aside a few meters away. He tries to use his stick to hit the ball in the center of the “cauldron”, while it does not matter whether the ball rolls from hitting it or flies low above the ground. The rest of the players try to hit the ball with their clubs. If they did not succeed and the ball still hit the center of the "cauldron", then the players must change their holes. At this time, the driver can take one of the holes with his stick. Then the player left without a hole becomes the driver.

1. The ball hit by the players on the fly, the driver may try to re-roll the stick into the "cauldron". The rest of the players can hit the ball with their clubs, trying not to miss it in the "cauldron".

2. You can not prevent the movement of the ball to the "cauldron" with your foot or hand, the player who violated this rule becomes the driver.

3. If during the game the children are too far away from their holes, the driver can leave the ball and try to run to the free hole and occupy it with his club.

4. A child left without a hole should not try to free it by force.

"Earth - water - sky" ("Beast - fish - bird")(Russian folk game)

In order to successfully participate in this game, you need to know many names of animals, birds and fish. Each child needs to prepare forfeits in advance, which can be taken away from him in case of an incorrect answer.

All players sit on the mat or stand in a circle, facing the center. The leader comes to the center with the ball, he says one of the three key words and immediately throws the ball into the hands of any player. The player must catch the ball and immediately name the appropriate animal, fish or bird. Then you need to throw the ball again to the leader. If the player made a mistake (failed to catch the ball or called the wrong word), then he gives his phantom.

The leader at a fast pace throws the ball to more and more new players, trying to include everyone in the game.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children who lost the forfeits to complete some fun collective task: sing, dance all together to get their forfeits back.

1. The leader can throw the ball only after pronouncing the keyword.

2. It is necessary to throw the ball directly into the hands so as not to distract the player to catch it.

You cannot re-name an animal, bird, or fish already named by someone - this is considered an incorrect answer, and the player is penalized for a phantom.

"Stop!"(Udmurt folk game)

The leader is chosen, the rest of the children stand around him. They begin to throw the ball to each other over the driver, but not very high. The driver tries to intercept the ball on the fly or in the hands of any player. If he succeeded, then the player who last held the ball in his hands before the driver touched it takes the place of the driver.

If during the game the ball falls, then all players quickly scatter in different sides until the driver had time to grab the ball from the ground. As soon as the ball is in the hands of the driver, he shouts: “Stop!” Everyone freezes in their places. The driver throws the ball from the place where he picked it up at any player. If he hits his "target", then this player becomes the driver. If the driver misses, all the players again become around him, and the ball-tossing game continues.

1. The ball in this game is thrown only while standing still in place, but you can catch it while moving.

2. If after shouting: “Stop!” the player at whom the ball was thrown moves, he becomes the driver, even if the ball did not hit him.

"The ball to the driver" (throwing). The players line up in columns. In front of each column stands the driver with the ball. On a signal, the driver throws the ball to the first in the column, and he returns the ball back and runs to the end of his column. As soon as the first one is again in front of the column, he raises the ball over his head.

"Kick the ball into your house." ball rolling inside feet in drawn circles.

Hunters and Hares (throwing) On one side of the site, a place for hunters is outlined. On the other side are houses for hares. In each house there are 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the site, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his place. On a signal, the hares run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the teacher "Hunter!" hares run to the houses, and a child, representing a hunter, throws a ball at them. A hare hit by a ball is considered to have been hit. The hunter takes him to him. The game is repeated several times, after which another hunter is chosen. Directions. The hunter may have several balls in his hands. Shooting at hares in the houses is not allowed.

managed to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of carp caught by pike is counted. Then another player is assigned to the role of the pike. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Directions. When the game is repeated, when a new pike is chosen, the children depicting crucians and pebbles change roles.

Hit the ball! Children sit on one side of the playground. On the other side of the bench are large balls. Children go to the line (at a distance of 1-2 m from the bench), where small balls lie opposite the large ones. To the teacher's signal: "Ready!" children raise the balls, at the signal "one!" throw them at big balls, trying to knock them down. The child who hits the ball with his right and left hand wins.

Knock down the pin. (throwing) The players stand behind the line 2-3 m from which pins are placed in front of each. The children have balls in their hands. On a signal, the players roll the balls towards the pins, trying to knock them down. At the next signal, the children go after the balls and pick up the fallen pins. The game is repeated. Each player remembers how many times the pin was knocked down by him.
Directions. It is necessary to diversify the game task: roll the balls with the right, left and two hands, foot.

"Find your home." Several children with sticks in hoops. On a signal, they run out of the hoops and drive the balls around the court. On the command home, everyone dribbles the ball to their home.

Passed - sit down (throwing) Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one parallel to the other. Each team chooses a captain who stands opposite his team at a distance of 3-4 m. The captains each have the ball in their hands. On a signal from the leader, the captain throws the ball (in any or a predetermined way - from the chest, from the shoulder, from below, with two hands from behind the head, etc.) to the first player in his team. He catches, returns to the captain and immediately crouches. Then the captain exchanges passes with the second, third and other players of the team. Each player, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. When the last player in the column gives the ball to the captain, he lifts it up, and the whole team quickly gets up.
Whose team will quickly and accurately complete the transfer of the ball from the captain to the players and vice versa, that team is considered the winner.

"Who will throw further?"(throwing) A start line is drawn on one side of the site. At 5 m from it, 3–4 lines are drawn in parallel with an interval of 4 m between them. The players are divided into several teams, and each line up in a column one at a time behind the start line. Each player has a bag of peas. Players taking turns in their teams throw bags of peas as far as possible beyond the drawn lines and stand at the end of their column. The team in which the players managed to throw more bags over the far line wins.

Ball games can relieve tension, develop coordination of movements, reaction speed, accuracy and endurance in a child. We offer the most interesting and fun.

Mobile, sports games are especially useful for schoolchildren. primary school. Their body is experiencing a lack of physical activity, in the continuous process of which they were before they began to “sit” in the classroom for half a day.

1. Trolls with a ball

These are the same “catchers”, only playing to escape the chase, at the same time they pass the ball to each other. The main thing is to pass the ball to the one whom the driver is about to catch up with, since a person with a ball cannot be kicked. Water has to switch to another player. It is allowed to intercept the ball. If he was in the hands of the driver, then the participant who caused the loss of the ball will now catch up with everyone. By the way, do you know?

2. Sultan's runners

A place of honor is chosen in the center of the site. Two teams are formed from the participants, these are runners. "Sultan" is separated from the rest of the players and throws the ball as far as possible. At this time, all the walkers, closing their eyes, stand quietly and listen to where the ball will fall. Hearing the sound of the ball on the ground, they run to look for it. The finder tries to quietly pass the ball to the player of his team. You cannot keep the ball in your hands for a long time. Moving towards the goal, it must be thrown to each other at the same time, without giving into the hands of rivals. The winner is the group whose representative is the first to bring the ball to the "sultan" and put it in a place of honor.

Notes: Walkers cannot be peeped, so you should put them with their backs to the place where the "sultan" throws the ball. You can scatter and look for a projectile only after its rebound.

3. Bouncers

Two people (bouncers) stand facing each other at a distance of at least 5 meters. The rest of the participants are placed between them. The bouncers, throwing the ball to one another, must hit those who are playing. Those who failed to dodge the projectile leave the playing field. A hit is not counted if the ball first hit the ground, and only then flew into a person. The task of the last remaining player is to dodge the throw as many times as he is old, then the game is considered won. If the latter does not cope with his task, then the first dropouts go to the place of the bouncers, the game continues.

Notes: The ball is not very heavy (for example, a volleyball), and if the players are very small, it is better to take a children's rubber ball. More interesting game make special names for the throws: “Bullet”, “Candle”, “Potato”, “Bomb”, etc. Each of them has its own peculiarity that requires a certain behavior of the participants. We recently wrote about! And among these games there are such - you will download!

4. Aport!

For the game you will need two balls of different colors, but the same size. Taking them in hand, the players stand at a pre-drawn start line. At the command "Aport!" everyone must throw their ball as far as possible and immediately run after the opponent's projectile. The first person to bring someone else's ball wins.

5. Tens

The players take turns doing exercises with the ball.

10 times - just throw the ball at the wall; 9 times - they throw, and while the ball flies, they manage to clap their hands once; 8 times - you need to have time to clap twice; 7 times - three claps; 6 times - the ball is thrown from under right foot; 5 times - from under the left; 4 times - you need to take the ball by jumping over it, so that it slips between the legs; 3 times - hit the wall with one hand; 2 times - another; 1 time - having managed to turn around.

If the given element fails, the move is passed to the next participant. The winner is the one who completes all the tasks before the rest.

6. Rocket

The players, picking up small (for example, tennis) balls, stand along the outer border of a circle drawn on the ground with a diameter of about 10 meters. The leader with a large (basketball or volleyball) ball is located in the center. With the words: "Three, two, one ... start!" he throws his ball up (launches a rocket), the rest throw small balls at this flying target, trying to hit. For every accurate throw the player gets a point. The winner is the one who scored the most points after a certain number of attempts.

Note: For this sports game with the ball, you need a referee who watches from the side. He makes sure that no one steps over the line, and counts the hits.

Card file of outdoor games with a ball.

"ball in a circle"

Age: 4+

Quantity: 7+

Purpose: development of coordination of movements, dexterity, ability to work in a team.

A circle of at least 5 meters is drawn on the ground.

Children stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. The driver stands in the center and tries to kick a big ball out of the circle with his foot. Players hold the ball with their feet, preventing it from flying out of the circle. They can pass the delayed ball to each other without leaving their place and without touching it with their hands. If the driver manages to knock the ball out of the circle, the one who missed the ball to his right begins to drive.

"Traps with a ball"

Age: 5+

Quantity: 5+

Purpose: development of dexterity, speed of reaction, ability to navigate in space, attention.

Standing in a circle, the children pass the ball to each other, while reciting a poem:

One two Three.

Ball, run!

Four five six,

Here he is, here he is!

For each word of the poem, the children pass the ball. The one who has the ball in his hands on the word “here” becomes the driver - he goes to the middle of the circle and says: “Run without looking back so that your heels sparkle.” After these words, all the children scatter, and the driver throws the ball at the feet of the runaways. The one hit by the ball is out of the game. The game is repeated with each driver two to three times, after which all players again stand in a circle and the game continues with the new driver.

"The Ball of the Snow Queen"

Age: 5+

Quantity: 5+

Purpose: development of balance and speed of reaction.

Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2 steps from each other. One player throws the ball to another. If he did not catch him, then he must freeze in the position in which he tried to catch the ball. If you catch it, you need to immediately throw it to the next player. The game continues until all players are frozen. The remaining player must warm up the ice figures. He stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball to each player in turn. If the ball is caught, the figure thaws and throws the ball to the next player. If he also manages to catch the ball, then he also thaws and can again participate in the game. If not, then the player continues to stand in a frozen pose, and the game continues with the one who threw the ball last.


Age: 5+

Quantity: 5+

Two children stand at different ends of the playground, approximately at a distance of 10 - 13 m from each other. In the center between them in a row players. These two throw the ball to each other so as to hit someone in the center. Those who are being targeted must dodge the ball. The one who was kicked out takes the place of the player who hit him.

"The ball to the driver"

Age: 5+

Quantity: 5+

Purpose: development of the eye, motor skills of the hands, speed, accuracy of the throw.

Children are divided into 2-3 groups and line up in a circle, in the center of each circle there is a leader with a ball in his hands. At the signal of the teacher, the drivers alternately throw the ball to the children with both hands from the chest and get it back. When the ball goes around all the players, he raises it above his head and says: “Done!”

Variants: the driver throws the ball out of order, but in discord, the group that never drops the ball wins.


Age: 5+

Quantity: 5+

Purpose: to exercise children in rolling, throwing and catching the ball, in the ability to coordinate movement with the word, develop attention, dexterity.

The players roll the ball from one to the other in a circle, saying:

An apple rolls into a round dance circle,

Whoever raised it is the governor ...

The child who has the ball at this moment is the governor. He says:

Today I am a warlord.

I'm running from the round dance.

Runs around the circle, puts the ball on the floor between two players. The children say in chorus:

One, two, do not crow

And run like fire!

Players run in a circle in opposite directions, trying to grab the ball before their partner. The one who runs first and grabs the ball rolls it in a circle. Game continues.

Roll or throw the ball only to a nearby player. You can not interfere with a player running around the circle. The one who first touched the ball won.


Age 5+

Quantity 3+

Purpose: to train children in different types movement, development of attention.

Everyone stands in a circle. The driver with the ball in one hand stands in the center of the circle, closes his eyes and stretches his free hand forward. The rest of the participants walk around him. At some point, the driver says: “Stop!” and opens his eyes.

The one whom his hand points to runs after the ball, which the driver throws somewhere with all his might. When he takes the ball in his hands, he needs to shout: “Shtander-stop!”. The driver at this time had already run far in the other direction.

The one with the ball should estimate the distance to the driver and say how many giant (huge) steps are before him, midget (small steps, when the heel of one foot is placed immediately in front of the toe of the other), human (ordinary), "umbrellas" (turn on one leg around you), “frogs” (jumping), “camels” (you need to spit and stand in the place where you spit).

You can name several types of steps, for example: “To Yegor - 15“ giants ”, 3“ umbrellas ”and 2“ camels ”.

After that, the player with the ball performs all the named steps, approaching the driver.
When he approached the driver, having taken as many steps as he called, the driver clasps his hands in front of him with a ring, and the player with the ball must hit this ring with the ball. If he hits, then he becomes the leader. If not, the driver remains the same.

"Four Squares"

Age 5+

Number 4

Purpose: development of the ability to hit the ball with the foot, development of attention.

In this game you have to play four. On the asphalt, a square with a side of about 5-6 steps is drawn with chalk, which is divided into four cells. Each cell contains one player. You can't go outside your cage.

At the beginning of the game, the ball is played: it is tossed up, on whose territory it falls - that's where it starts. That player must kick to any other square. There the ball is received and immediately sent to someone else.

If the player did not have time to receive the ball - the ball, having bounced off his cell, flew out of it, then one point is counted to him.

If the one who passed the ball missed, and the ball flew away immediately outside the common square, then this is already his oversight and he is awarded 1 point. The first player to score 20 points loses. And the one with the fewest wins

"Ball up"

Age 5+

Quantity 4+

Purpose: development of the ability to run fast, development of reaction speed.

The driver is selected by the counting room. Children stand in a circle close to each other, the driver goes to its middle in the circle outlined for him, and throws the ball up after the words: “Ball up!” Players at this time try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” All players must stop, and the driver, without moving, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained player becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then he remains and plays the game again.
The driver throws the ball as high as possible and only after the words: “Ball up!” The driver is allowed to catch the ball even after bouncing off the ground. If the driver drops the ball or the ball leaves, then before shouting “Sing!”, He needs to catch the ball and return to his place. If one of the players after the word "Stop!" continues to move, then he must take three steps towards the driver. Running away from the driver, players should not hide behind trees and buildings.

"You roll, funny ball"

Age 5+

Quantity 5+

Purpose: development of speed of reaction.

Children line up in a circle at arm's length. Players pass the ball around the circle saying:
You roll, funny ball,
Quickly, quickly on the hands,
Who stopped -
He runs around!

The player who has the ball in his hands turns his back to the center. Players standing on either side of him turn to the sides and run at the signal: "One, two, three - run!" Whoever runs to the ball first takes it, and the game starts over. Now, you can pass the ball in the other direction.
Rules of the game : Players must pass the ball quickly and accurately to each other. It is impossible for the driver to deliberately hold the ball for another player. Players must run in different directions, back to back to each other. You need to run around the circle, and you can not run into the center.


Age 5+

Quantity 6+

Purpose: development of accuracy

Material: Small balls according to the number of children.

The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step. All players have small balls. A city is built in the middle of the circle (pins spaced at a distance so that a small ball can freely pass between them). The town is guarded by three watchmen (chosen by a counting rhyme). Players, standing in one place, send the ball to the town with their foot. The one who, rolling the ball, knocks down the pin, takes the place of the watchman.
Rules of the game: The ball players must only roll. You can not miss the ball beaten off by the watchman for the circle; whoever missed the ball is out of the game. Watchmen are allowed, protecting the city, to move from one side to the other. The watchman delays and beats the ball only with his foot.

"Hunters and Beasts"

Age 6+

Quantity 6+

Target: development of speed qualities, orientation in space, eye.

A circle is marked on the site. The players are divided into two teams: "hunters" and "animals". The animals stand in a circle, and the hunters are distributed around the circle. One of the hunters has a ball. On a signal, the hunters “shoot” - they throw the ball at the animals (at the feet of the children). The animals in the circle dodge the ball (step aside, jump, etc.). Hunters catch the ball and continue to throw it at the animals. On a signal, the hunt stops and the number of animals caught is counted. Then the teams change places.

Rules: those animals who have been “shot down” step aside.

"The ball to the driver"

Age 6+

Quantity 5+

Purpose: development of coordination skills, dexterity, eye.

Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5 m from one another. For one of them, players become one by one in a column (5 - 6 people). Behind the other line, in front of them, the driver becomes. He throws the ball to the first child in the column; he, having caught the ball, returns it to the driver and runs to the end of the column. At this time, the second child moves to the line and repeats the same movements. If the child standing in the column did not catch the ball, the driver throws the ball to him again until he catches it. When all the children throw the ball, a new driver is selected.

The game can be played with an element of competition. In this case, it is convenient for the players to stand in two columns and choose two leaders. Success depends on children's ability to throw and catch the ball. If the player drops the ball, the driver throws it again, but because of this, the column loses time and may lose

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal

Games and game exercises with a ball for children of primary preschool age

Ball games have been known and loved at all times. In children's games, the ball ranks first in popularity. It attracts and beckons children of all ages, stimulates fantasy and motor imagination.

Games and game exercises with the ball is a kind of activity for children and at the same time a school of various skills and abilities. In the process of actions with the ball, children develop the ability to navigate in space, coordination of movements. Children learn to control their bodies, analyze their achievements, they develop a “feeling for the ball”, which includes the development of an eye, large and “dexterous” muscles ( fine motor skills), the ability to regulate static and dynamic stress. And of course, the child becomes more dexterous, stronger.

Ball games are an indispensable tool in preparation for school. A variety of ball manipulations require control of the actions of the hand, and its physical activity directly related to the development of intelligence. Possession of the ball stimulates the formation of arbitrariness and independence - such personality traits that are necessary for self-regulation of any type of activity.

Today the ball has many faces. These are fitball, hop, massage ball, plastic ball, rubber balls different sizes etc. Balls of different sizes and materials allow the child to get acquainted with a variety of movement options: play alone and in pairs, triples, perform throws, roll, hit, dribble.

Species diversity allows you to use the ball to maintain activity. Inactive children are interested in large balls that stimulate the desire to roll, catch, throw, perform actions that increase the range of motion.

Great for hyperactive kids stuffed balls, they require accuracy and concentration when performing a movement. Thanks to such tasks, the child learns to "stop" his temperament, to correlate the "explosion" of actions with the intended goal, which is set not by an adult, but by himself.

Soft sensory balls are pleasant for children, suitable for any game and effective for dealing with aggression - primarily because they are safe for throwing, throwing, throwing and other stress-relieving exercises. Even shy guys play with them.

It is necessary to select a ball for the baby in accordance with his age characteristics and opportunities. How younger child, the less skill he has in throwing, catching. And these movements are the main ones in possession of the ball. Therefore, in order for children to be able to perform appropriate actions, it is necessary to choose a comfortable ball. Attention must be paid to the weight, volume and quality of the material from which the ball is made. Children of the younger preschool age they love to play with a balloon, a sensory (foam rubber) ball, they are also interested in small massage balls, plastic balls. For children! middle preschool age fit light balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm, small balls with a diameter of 5-8 cm (for large and table tennis, rubber, soft,; from different materials, sewn by parents), paper balls (from crumpled paper), a large inflatable ball-ball.

These balls can be used in games and game exercises that develop coordination, strength, eye, form arbitrariness and the ability to concentrate when performing tasks, helping to master various options for performing movements.

Ball games for younger preschoolers

play ball with me

For the game you need: big ball.

The adult sits down on all fours in front of the child and invites him to sit down in the same way. Rolls the ball to the child, saying:

You caught a funny ball

Well, give it back, don't hide it.

The child rolls the ball back. The exercise is repeated several times.

Catch, roll

Required for the game: flag and ball.

The adult invites the child to play with the ball. He asks him to stand up to the flag (distance 50 cm), shows how to sit on all fours, and rolls the ball to the child. Then asks him to roll the ball back.

Push and Catch

Required for the game: ball.

An adult gets up with a child in a couple. Players sit on the floor opposite each other. The seated one pushes the ball to the partner, he catches and pushes it back.

ball down the lane

Required for the game: track and ball.

An adult draws the child's attention to the track (Colored fabric 35-40 cm wide, 0.5-1 m long), invites him to roll the ball along the track. Then he rolls the ball with the child.

Roll the ball to the wall

Required for the game: bench or chair, ball.

An adult brings a bench and hides the ball under it. Then he invites the child to sit on a bench, lean towards the ball and push it so that it rolls up to the wall.

Roll down the hill

Required for the game: slide and ball (or ball).

An adult shows the child a slide and asks to roll a ball (or ball) from it.

Katy, push

Required for the game: hoop or soft module-circle.

An adult gives the child a medium-sized circle of a soft module or a hoop and offers to roll, follow and push him.

Get in the gate

Required for the game: gate and ball.

An adult invites the child to stand in front of the gate, sit down on all fours and roll the ball into the gate. Then do- 1 run to the gate, pick up the ball and repeat the movement.

Roll the ball into the goal

Required for the game: gate and ball.

An adult, together with a child, makes a gate (arc, skittles, tunnel, high chair, etc.), then invites him to push the ball with his foot, roll it into the gate.

Throw, catch, don't let fall

Required for the game: ball.

The child takes the ball. The adult offers to throw the ball up and catch it.

Get in the circle

For the game you need: basket or hoop and small balls or bags.

The child takes from the basket (you can use a hoop instead of a basket) small balls or bags (two each, in the right and left hands), stands at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the basket in a circle and throws the ball or bag into the basket.

My cheerful sonorous ball

For the game you need: ball.

The adult invites the child to play with the ball, then shows how to toss and catch the ball, offers to repeat to the baby. He accompanies his actions with the words:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

After the words, he throws the ball forward, asks the child to catch up with his ball, pretending that he wants to overtake the baby and be the first to take the ball. The game is repeated again.

knock down the ball

For the game you need: rope and small ball.

Hang the ball (at least 70 cm in diameter) at the level of the child's eyes, give the child a small ball (8-12 cm in diameter), stand with the child at a distance of 1 m from the ball and invite him to throw his ball at the suspended target.

hit the ball

Required for the game: an inflatable ball (or ball).

An adult takes an inflatable ball (ball), throws it to the child, and the kid must hit the ball from the fly with one or two hands.

Ball high

For the game you need: rubber ball.

The child takes a medium-sized ball, the adult offers to throw it as high as possible, catch it from the floor and throw it again.

Watch out don't drop the ball

Required for the game: ball.

2-3 children can play. An adult throws the ball on the floor, accompanying the throw with the words "Look, don't drop the ball." After the rebound, the child must catch it and, through the rebound, throw it to an adult, then to another child.

Throw and Catch

Required for the game: big rubber ball.

The child stands on the line, at the command of the adult "Drop it!" throws the ball forward and into the distance, on the command "Catch!" runs after him. The child must have time to catch the ball while it bounces after hitting the floor.

Get hit by a mosquito

For the game you need: any object attached to a stick 1 m long, and balls or bags (2-3 pieces).

The child takes several bags, the adult picks up a stick with an object attached to it, which means a mosquito, and invites the children to get into it.

Note:"Mosquito" should be large, at least 50-80 cm in size.

Throw in the basket

Required for the game: basket and bag (small ball, pebbles, etc.).

An adult offers the baby to throw a bag into a basket (1 m in diameter), located at a distance of 1.5 m.