Warm-up after sleep in kindergarten. Gymnastics after sleep as one of the components of health-saving technologies

Sunlight and warmth, fresh clean air, full and varied nutrition, love and attention of adults - all this is the fertile soil on which health grows not only bodily, but also mentally. The foundations of health and harmonious development, as you know, are laid in childhood, when the child is actively growing, when all systems of his body are being formed and improved. preschool age especially important in this regard, this is the time of the most intensive development, the development of a huge amount of information, the education of habits and attitudes, the formation of the child as a person. It is at this age that the child appreciates movement as a way of self-expression, a way of knowing the world around him, getting great pleasure from new skills and abilities. physical health children is inextricably linked to their mental health and emotional well-being. The system of physical culture and health-improving work includes therapeutic-rophylactic and physical-health-improving measures.

Every year at the beginning school year a plan is being drawn up recreational activities for a year:

Morning exercises /daily throughout the year/;

Gymnastics after sleep / daily for a year /;

Breathing exercises /2 times a week/;

Physical education /3 times a week/;

Finger gymnastics /3 times a week/;

Vitaminization: juices, drinks, syrups, vitamins /daily/;

Preventive vaccinations;

Hardening by the sun, water /in summer/;

Prevention of flat feet /daily/;

Prevention of children's posture /daily/;

Physical education minutes /daily/;

Outdoor games /daily/;

Walks /throughout the year/.

The main goal of gymnastics after daytime sleep- cheer up and muscle tone children, as well as to ensure the prevention of postural disorders and prevent flat feet. Contribute to the increase in muscle tone, in addition to exercise air bath. The mood of children depends on how they slept, and on the emotional environment that the teacher creates.

Awaken the body after sleep, normalize blood circulation, relieve lethargy and drowsiness.

Create a cheerful state and mood. Continue to teach walking one after another on a limited surface. Exercise to prevent flat feet.


  • carry out the prevention of flat feet;
  • ensure the prevention of posture disorders;
  • the formation of a long smooth inhalation and exhalation;
  • carry out a set of hardening procedures: air baths, rubbing with a wet mitten;
  • to educate in children the desire to independently organize, perform a variety of exercises.

1. Gymnastics of awakening in the crib.

Children wake up A ray of sun on the glass,

The shadow of a titmouse on the wall

You open your eyes now

And you will understand that life is beautiful! 1 time

Awakening (sipping).

The sun woke up

The kids smiled

Whoa, whoa, whoa

And the kitten is happy with the sun

Moore-meow, mur-meow, mur-meow.

(Standing on all fours, bend and straighten your back.)

Cockerel and hen

Also happy with the sun

Crow, crow, crow.

(Kneeling and waving hands.)

And the frog is happy with the sun

Kwa-kva, kva-kva, kva-kva.

(Lie on your back, bend and unbend your arms and legs at the same time.)

Smile, stretch

How did the bubbles inflate

(Inflate belly.)

The bubble burst.

2. Massage of biologically active zones "Neboleika"

So that the throat does not hurt

We will stroke him boldly.

(Stroke the neck with the palms of the hands with soft movements from top to bottom.)

Not to cough, not to sneeze,

I need to rub my nose

(Forefingers rub the wings of the nose.)

We will also rub the forehead,

We hold the palm with a visor.

(The palms are applied to the forehead with a “visor” and rubbed with movements to the sides-together.)

Make a "fork" with your fingers

Massage your ears skillfully.

(Spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front of and behind the ears.)

We know, we know - yes, yes, yes!

We are not afraid of a cold!

(They rub their palms together.)

Massage "Frogs"

The frogs stood up together

They showed their paws.

(They stretch their arms bent at the elbows forward, fingers wide apart.)

The backs sag

(Slightly bend back.)

The frogs are smiling.

They patted their paws,

(Clap hands.)

They clapped their hands.

Slap on the chest, on the arm,

On the sides and back.

They knocked on the other hand

And not at all tired

They pounded on the legs

(Slaps on the legs from the bottom up.)

Slap-slap-slap, taram-pam-pam!

And then, then, then

Let's crush everything with a fist.

Let's stroke ourselves with our palms

And straighten your back.

3. Breathing exercise "Wind"

Take an active breath through the nose and immediately exhale through the mouth.

4. Walking along the path "Health"

Walking paths: ribbed, buttoned, annoying, soothing.

5. Exercise "Friendly fingers"

Gather the buttons with your toes.

6. Hardening procedures:

Walking barefoot on wet paths and massage mats.

Extensive wash:

Wet both hands and wash your face.

Rinse, “wring out” hands, wipe dry.

Target: Health promotion, prevention of colds and flat feet.


  • Contribute to the quick and comfortable awakening of children after sleep;
  • Increase the vitality and resistance of the child's body to colds;
  • Develop respiratory muscles, increase the mobility of the chest.

The course of the regime moment:

Teacher: Guys, wake up! I have a surprise for you today, Dr. Aibolit came to us!

Dr. Aibolit: Hello guys, I came to check if any of you got sick?

Educator: Our guys do exercises every day, harden, we try not to get sick!

1. Corrective gymnastics.

The dream passed and we woke up the teacher wakes the children up after "quiet time"

Stretched, smiled - children stretch, lying on their beds.

Right, left, turned - children turn their heads left and right

The legs stretched too - children pull socks

Hands woke up too - showed their hands, raised them up

Three hands on each other - rub palms against each other

And beat our hands loudly - clapping

Sit on the bed - children sit on the bed

Scratched heels - itching heels

And now the legs are lowered, they tap on the floor with their heels so that the legs are strong - the children complete the task

Now we stand near the cribs - the children stand on individual massage mats, perform "walking in place"

The teacher shows the movement, reads a poem:

We stomp our feet, we clap our hands

We nod our heads

We raise our hands, we lower our hands

We raise our hands and run around.

Dr. Aibolit: Oh, what kind of guys you are, well done! I see, I see how much you love gymnastics! And this is the key to good health! But today I received such a telegram, read it!

Educator: “Come doctor, to Africa soon, and save, doctor, our kids! ...”

Dr. Aibolit: I don't know how to get to Africa!

Educator: Our children, they will show you the way!

Guys, let's help Dr. Aibolit, get him on the right track!

2. Walking along the hardening path (prevention of flat feet)


We walk together along the path

Strengthen arms and legs

We will play again

Strengthen our body.

This rug is unusual, it is magical, cute,

This rug is very important

He is healing, he is massage,

Tramp, walk, and shake a little.

Here we are in Africa

Children with a teacher and a doctor reach the sofa on which toys are sitting, the doctor looks at the necks, tummies of the "animals", puts a thermometer

Dr. Aibolit: Yes, yes, yes, they have tonsillitis, scarlet fever, ...

And their head hurts, their neck hurts!

3. Self-massage "Neboleyka"

1) So that the throat does not hurt, we stroke it boldly - stroking the neck with the palms from top to bottom;

2) In order not to cough, not to sneeze, it is necessary to rub the nose - rub the wings of the nose with index fingers;

3) We will also rub our forehead, hold our palms with a visor - put our palms on the forehead with a “visor” and rub it with movements to the sides, together;

4) Make a fork with your fingers, massage your ears boldly - push your index and middle fingers apart and rub the points in front of and behind the ears;

Children: We know, we know, yes, yes, yes. We are not afraid of a cold!

The teacher distributes to the children massage balls- "hedgehogs", children roll balls on their hands, feet:

1. A hedgehog walks without tracks

Through the forest, through the forest.

And with their needles

It pricks, it pricks

And I'm a hedgehog, a hedgehog

I'll show you the path

Where do the cones roll

Little mice!

2. With our toes, we take out the object from the hoop (small toys) and shift it behind the hoop.

Children: Our legs are full of strength

And now we are not afraid

Ladders and slides.

We love doing sports!

4. Breathing exercises

1. "Let's get warm."

Children clapping themselves with both hands, saying woo

2. "Angry hedgehog."

Children squat, clasp their knees with their hands, “angry” fff


Sleep tried to play hide and seek,

But could not stand the charge,

Once again I am agile and strong

And it's loaded!

Dr. Aibolit: Well done guys! I treat you with vitamins so that you never get sick!

Educator: Thank you, good doctor!

Appeals to children:

And now my friends, it's time for you to get dressed!

And get a certificate for attestation?

Elena Raikina



Day Sleep is essential for a child's physical and intellectual development. But how do you help your baby wake up? good mood and actively continue the day? An invigorating gymnastics.

Gymnastics after sleep is the key to waking up the child.

primary goal gymnastics after daytime sleep - improve the mood and muscle tone of children with the help of contrast air baths and physical exercises. Preserve and improve the health of children.

Gymnastics necessary to ensure children a smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness, preparing for vigorous activity. Holding gymnasts It is desirable to accompany smooth, not loud music. gymnastics begin to spend with awakened children, the rest join as awakening.

The main tasks solved with the help of the complex gymnastics after sleep:

eliminate some effects of sleep(lethargy, drowsiness, etc.);

increase the tone of the nervous system;

strengthen the work of the main body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine glands and others);

The solution of these problems allows you to smoothly and at the same time quickly increase mental and physical performance the child's body and prepare it for the perception of physical and mental stress.

Wellness complex gymnastics after daytime sleep is made up of several parts:

warm-up exercises in bed;

performing simple self-massage (finger gymnastics) ;

implementation of outdoor switchgear at the cribs (respiratory gymnastics) ;

walking on "path of health" (walking on massage, ribbed paths);

playing outdoor games in a room with a contrasting air temperature.

End gymnastics can rubdown cold water or contrasting douche (arms or legs).

The total duration of the wellness gymnastics after daytime sleep should be at least 12-15 minutes (old age, 7-10 minutes (younger age). Duration gymnastics in bed - about 2-3 minutes.

Main Rule gymnastics after sleep - exclude sudden movements that can cause muscle strain, overexcitation, a drop in blood pressure and, as a result, dizziness.

Wellness complexes gymnastics

after daytime sleep

"Wake Up in Bed"

Target awakening.

The eyelashes rise

Eyes open.

You rested calmly

We slept soundly with a magical dream.

But the bell is already ringing

Get up soon buddy.

Remove the blanket and start exercising.


Stretching lying on your back. Perform randomly.

Target (0.5 min.)

We raise our hands up

And let's stretch now.

After all, you slept and grew

What good fellows.


So that we all do not get sick,

Let's do a good massage.

(Children do massage: Stroke the neck with palms from top to bottom, rub the wings of the nose with index fingers, stroke the forehead with fingers from the middle to the temples, spreading the index and middle fingers, make "fork" and massage the ears (0.5 min.)


Target: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine. (5-6 times).

gray kitty

Get a little angry

We will give her milk

She becomes affectionate. Get on all fours with support on your knees and hands. "The cat is angry"- the back is round, lower the head as low as possible; "Affectionate Kitty"- bend your back, raise your head.


Target: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, muscles abdominals, upper and lower extremities, development of coordination of movements. (5-6 times.)

There is a ball on the floor

No arms and no legs.

I decided to pick up the ball, he rushed to the leak. I. p. - Lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - press your knees to your stomach and wrap your arms around them. 2 - return to and. P. (4-6 times)

We will stand at our beds and we will continue our exercises.

"The Frogs"

Target: strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs.

Frogs are jumping merrily

Near the forest on the edge.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Jump from heel to toe. Jumping on both legs (on socks).

Jumping from heel to toe, watch your posture.

"Fun Walk"

Target (0.5 min.)

We are funny guys

We love to walk.

We love doing sports

Never lose heart. Walking in place with high knees.

One hand up, one hand down (make hands swing).

Breathing exercise "Laughter"


(Inhale through the nose, mouth closed; exhale with the mouth closed with the pronunciation "ha ha ha"). (3-4 times).

Walking along the massage paths.

Target: shaping correct posture, development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscular apparatus of the feet.

We'll walk along the path

Barefoot together.

Sea pebbles too

For the health of everyone will help,

Massage your heels

You will be all right.

Water procedures

"Wake up in bed, sip".

Target: the transition of children from a sleepy state to awakening. (0.5 min.)

You guys wake up

Open up your eyes.

The sun shines through our window

And you wake up easily.

Raise your hands to the sun

And then drop them.

Stretched, everyone woke up

And they smiled at each other.


Target: muscle strengthening cervical spine. (5-6 times)

Wind, wind, breeze

You blow on us my friend. I. p .: lying on the stomach, arms along the body. Head turns to the right, lower the right cheek on the pillow, then also to the left. Onomatopoeia "fu-u-u".


Target: strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the press. (0.5 min)

Our bug fell from a flower,

It won't rise at all. I. p .: Lying on your back. Swing in the air with your arms and legs.


Target: strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, the press. (3-4 times)

The rain has passed and the beauty

There is a miracle gate in the sky. AND. P: lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body. Raise right leg, draw a semicircle in the air from left to right, and from right to left. Repeat the same with the left leg. Do not bend your knees.

"In the forest"

Target: strengthening the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs, the formation of the skill of correct posture. (1 min.)

We will go dense to the forest.

We are not afraid of barriers.

Let's overcome them together

We can't be afraid. I. p .: the back is straight.

Walking in place.

Walking in place with high knees.


Target: strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, muscles of the upper and lower extremities. (0.5 min)

We went down the path

And they found a lot of mushrooms.

Lean over, buddy

Get them in a box. Walking in place.

Tilts forward, down, without bending your knees.


Target: strengthening the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities. (3-4 times)

I am a cheerful moth

I flew to the flower.

Waving wings quickly

And I collected nectar. Perform hand swings.

Sit down, hug your knees with your hands.

Get up, straighten your back.

Breathing exercise "Woodcutter"

Target: teach to breathe through the nose, strengthening the diaphragm of the lungs.

I. p: feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Raise clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - long exhale with pronunciation "Uh-h-h" (5-6 times).

Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Walking barefoot on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot.

Water procedures (washing, dousing hands with cool water).

Article content

Amazing people - kindergarten teachers. How many tricks you need to know in order to protect and protect, feed and clothe, occupy and develop boys and girls all day long, and even so that they are friendly, cheerful, healthy at the same time! Maintain a healthy mind healthy body Each child is helped by special complexes of gymnastic exercises.

The day of a preschooler is divided in half by daytime sleep, and awakening becomes a transitional moment, on which the mood of the child will depend on the rest of the day. That is why gymnastics after sleep is carried out in kindergarten daily. Short in duration, almost imperceptible to the children themselves, it smoothly and carefully helps them to fill with vigor and strength.

Types of gymnastics after sleep

IN methodological developments proposed by experts, the following types of gymnastics after sleep can be distinguished:

  • exercises in bed with elements of self-massage;
  • game gymnastics;
  • gymnastics with simulators and sports items;
  • walking or jogging on massage mats/paths.
When preparing the exercise, you can use any simulators that are in kindergarten

As can be seen from the list, daily gymnastics is becoming a powerful set of wellness procedures, competently and concisely arranged in time, and most importantly, interesting and enjoyable for the child.

All exercises are carried out in stages, with a gradual increase in load, have a game character. They are aimed at general strengthening of the body, prevention of violations of posture, vision and flat feet. Psychologically, gymnastics unites the guys in the group, helps to get out of the state of internal constraint, into which, like in a capsule, the baby plunges during sleep.

The teacher is free to choose specific exercises. He independently assesses the possibilities and needs of his pupils, observes which exercises are especially loved by children and, if desired, varies tasks so as not to turn the magic of a five-minute sports into a routine.

Elements of gymnastics after sleep

Gymnastics after sleep is like a multi-colored mosaic that can be reassembled every day, making up a new image from its main elements. Daily gymnastics, as an option, may include:

  • sipping;
  • breathing exercises;
  • wave your hands;
  • stroking biologically active zones;
  • jumping;
  • squats;
  • simple elements of yoga;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • visual-acoustic exercises.

Despite the fact that gymnastics after sleep is usually short, the teacher can combine individual elements and fragmentarily use the developments he likes.

Video example of morning exercises:

Exercises for different groups

Gymnastics after sleep in the younger group

Longest daytime sleep junior group kindergarten. It can be difficult for babies to wake up in a good mood. If the dream was strong, they may not immediately realize where they are. Children cry, act up, refuse to get up, wash, dress. Therefore, during the exercises, the emphasis is on the emotional component of gymnastics: the correct selection of music, speech accompaniment, harmonization of the general atmosphere of the lesson. The images that the teacher will create during the exercises should be attractive.

A set of exercises "Sunshine"

The sunbeam in the sky woke up, The sunbeam stretched to the window. There, outside the window, twenty guys lie together in cozy beds. (Children stretch lying in bed) Hey, wake up, girls, boys! You have to wear a dress and pants! Where are your pens? (Raise their hands, shake them in turn) Where are your legs? (Raise legs, take turns doing swings) Let's play a little with you! Come on, imagine that summer has come: The city has woken up They rub their eyes with their fists.) And the sun rose. (Raise hands above head, stretch). That is great! So, let's go Far along the path on a bicycle! (Do exercise "Bicycle") We drove, we drove ... - We arrived at the mill! (Do the exercise "Mill") Then we went We drove, we drove ... - We arrived at the river. Let's help our feet, Let's touch some water! (Get out of bed, alternately lowering legs to the floor) Hey, the water is cold! Here is one leg... (Jumping on the right foot) But the leg is different, what a nimble one! (Jumping on the left foot) We stood in the water, We swam, (I make movements with my hands imitating swimming) We dived ... Oh, good! (Do squats with arms outstretched forward) We got up from heel to toe, Together we went out onto the sand. (On tiptoes they leave the bedroom into the common room, where massage mats have already been prepared) They walked along the sand - They stepped on the pebbles. Oh, it's hot! (2 minutes walking in place on rubber mats) And now we're up (Converge in the center of the hall) Together they took hands. (Form a circle) stretched out (stretch) They smiled. (Smiling at each other). We are finally awake!

Gymnastics after sleep in the middle group

Gymnastics for pupils middle group should include more exercises. It is aimed not only at the emotional rallying of the children, but also at the comprehensive improvement of the child's body. Respiratory gymnast elements are obligatory. It is advisable to combine game techniques with a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, posture.

A set of exercises "Flowers"

In the meadow the flowers woke up (Children rub their eyes while lying in bed) Everyone was reaching straight for the sun. (They stretch, then stand next to the beds.) They shook their heads in unison. (Turn head clockwise). They need to wake up soon! Now let's raise the right petal, (Raise right hand) Let's say along the chain who is which flower! (Children introduce themselves one by one) Well done boys! And now stretch the leaves together, (Put hands forward) Fresh wind blows (The teacher depicts the wind). Well, take a breath! (Children take a deep breath, then slowly exhale, repeat the exercise 5-10 times) And now show, flowers, How the leaves are bent on the stem! (Perform slopes 5-10 times). As we stand on the hot sand, (Alternately stand on the right, then on the left foot) As we hide our eyes from the sun. (They close the left eye with the palm of their hand, then count to five, close the right eye - and vice versa (repeat 4 times)). And now we close our eyes together, (Close your eyes tightly for 30 seconds, then open your eyes and blink rapidly (repeat 6 times)) Our eyes need a rest! To make the eye sharp and clean, Let's clap cilia quickly. (Clap eyelashes for 30 seconds). Well, flowers, are you awake? (Children answer: - Wake up!)- Have you looked around? - Looked back! - Have you smiled at your friends? - Smiled! - Well, then let's go to wash Fresh-fresh spring rain! (They leave to wash, comb their hair).

Gymnastics after sleep in the senior group

IN senior group the time of the gymnastics can be increased. It is recommended to include exercises with simulators and / or sports items in the complex of exercises. Five-year-olds want to move well, stretch themselves. Daytime sleep by this time becomes a boring and optional procedure for many of them, the guys literally force themselves to lie in bed for the prescribed time. So the more movements offered in gymnastics, the more delight it will cause. You can experiment and offer children games with a rope, ribbons, skittles, a hoop, an elastic band.

A set of exercises "We went to the zoo"

Together we get out of bed, We have enough to lie idle! (Children get up). One, two, three, four, five - Let's go to the zoo for a walk! (They march in place, then, after the necessary water procedures, combing and dressing, go to the gym). Look! Who's in the cage? (Lean forward with hand over eyes.) A chimpanzee is hanging on a branch! Smiling at passers-by... Chimpanzees, and we can do it! (In turn, they approach the bars / horizontal bar, hang on outstretched arms for 30 seconds). Well, here ... a big cat importantly walks along the path .... Graceful manner... Oh, aren't you a cat? Panther! (They stand on mats, arch their backs like cats) Well, in this cage there are bunnies - Play with them! Next to the hares it's easy Let's jump high. (They make 10 jumps together, the teacher chooses the one who jumped the highest) Next is the bear, he scratches his paw behind his ear. (Make a movement with the hand behind the ear). Walks from heel to toe, paws obliquely. (Walk in a circle: 1 circle on toes, 2 circle - on heels, 3 circle - on outer sides soles). Here are the old herons, Not a bit tired. We will be able to imitate them: We will stand in the same way. (Stand for a minute on the left foot, then a minute on the right). And the pythons are so long... Well, their heads are visible. (Several times they run around the skittles arranged by the teacher with a “snake”) Now, now, show me what a beast you are! (Each child depicts a selected animal, moves freely around the room, gives an outlet to the accumulated energy) We all went to the zoo: Hands and feet woke up. One, two, three, four, five - We will continue to play!

Gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group

Gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group should be especially varied and thoughtful. Before us are already almost adults, formed personalities. It is not so easy to captivate them with the creation of a theatrical performance, but game complexes designed for teamwork are suitable. Usually, preparatory group– this is already a real team in which children are used to each other, ready to exchange experiences, help each other. Gymnastic exercises can be combined with "exercises for the mind", games for ingenuity, reaction speed, concentration of attention of future schoolchildren.

A set of exercises "Sports alphabet"

Sleepy hour with all the dreams, You were too long! Wake up with us, Letters in our books! Here the letter “A” woke up, Became a tick at first, Bent low, Grabbed the wand. (Children lean forward with straight legs, pick up a stick or pencil from the floor). Here the letter "B" woke up, Played on the pipe. She got on her knees, waved her hand. (Sit down on your knees, stretch your straight arm forward.) Forever pulls the letter "B" His hands to his head. (Sitting in the same position, the hand is applied to the forehead). The letter "G" bent - reached out to the guys. (Standing still, the body and outstretched arms stretch forward)."D" squatted down. (Sit down on your heels, spreading your knees to the sides as much as possible)."K" steps forward boldly. (With a straight back, they walk with a side step, waving their hands). Two letters “K” have grown together - “Zh” looks like a beetle! (They do the same in pairs, standing with their backs to each other). The letter "L" calmly stood up. (Stand in the position "Feet shoulder width apart"). The letter "M" quietly became. (They stand side by side in the same position, breaking into pairs)."N" pulled the rope. (Two guys stand opposite each other and pull the rope between themselves, depicting the crossbar of the letter "H")."O" shook her head. (Shake their heads, round their mouths)."P" lifted the rope. (So, as with the letter "H", only holding the rope above their heads)."R" saluted someone. (Put hand to forehead.)"C" the old woman bent over. (Lower their heads)"T" stretched nicely. (Spread hands to sides). Arching her arms, "F" passed. (Stands up with hands on hips.) X raised her hands. (They put their feet shoulder-width apart, raise their arms above their heads.)"Sh" lay on the back, Stretched her arms and legs. (Lie down belly up, raise arms and legs.)“I” will put aside the leg forward - Like, I got tired a little, - Exhale and stand ... Ah yes, the lively alphabet! (Take a deep breath ten times, then exhale).

That's so fun, friendly and enthusiastic, taking into account age features, you can do gymnastics after sleep in kindergarten. Fantasy with the children - and you will succeed!

Almost all parents try almost from the very birth of a child to choose a daily routine for him that would be convenient for all family members. However, the baby does not accept it immediately, but only closer to half a year of his life, he will begin to fit into it. As a rule, the regime is set by the mother, and the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment live by these rules. The child is more accustomed when the same things happen at the same time. But now it's time to go to the kindergarten and the regime of the child at home is violated. But what remains the same is the nap time. Both parents and the kindergarten teacher put the children to bed after dinner.

Waking up after a nap in the garden

Sleep is a useful thing for both adults and children. You need to know how to fall asleep correctly and wake up correctly. While the child was at home with his mother, the ritual of going to daytime sleep, as well as his awakening, was different, but it will be different in the kindergarten. For example, a parent has set the time for daytime sleep from 13.00 to 16.00, but it happens that the baby fell asleep later, and therefore gets up later. It is a pity for the parent to wake up at a clearly set time, and the child sleeps on. In the kindergarten, all the children are raised at the time they are supposed to. Also in the kindergarten there are two types of bedrooms: one for those children who woke up before the scheduled time, or do not sleep during the day - they lie quietly so as not to wake others; those who sleep are in the other bedroom. The teacher wakes up the pupils. While still in bed, children do gymnastics under supervision, aimed at waking up calmly and starting to wake up. As soon as the guys got out of bed, they go to the pots. After the guys get dressed and begin to prepare for the afternoon snack.

Benefits of naps for kids

As noted above, sleep is important for any person, regardless of age. While still in the womb, the baby sleeps for most of its life. Once born, this rule does not change. And only getting older, the duration of sleep time that the baby spent during the day moves to night time, thereby reducing daytime sleep and is 2-3 hours. If you follow the recommendations of children's doctors, then the child needs daytime sleep up to 6-7 years. Even in the garden in the older group there is daytime sleep. The child during the first half of the day is quite mobile, and he just needs a little recharging to make it to the night's sleep. You may notice that those children who did not sleep during the day are rather capricious in the late afternoon. This applies especially to young children. What can we say about the benefits of daytime sleep for a child, even if an adult does not mind relaxing. Therefore, it is so important that the little man has the opportunity to relax in the middle of the day. Just these 2-3 hours will be enough for him to gain strength and be in a good mood until the end of the day. But if the child does not want to sleep, the parent or caregiver does not need to force him. It will be enough if he just lies down and rests. And then maybe sleep will come. Before a daytime sleep, the child should not be overexcited by emotions. Therefore, a good fairy tale or calm game will in a good way soothe him and help him sleep.

Gymnastics in the garden

It is important to be able to help the child wake up correctly. As soon as the baby opens his eyes, do not rush to force him to get out of bed. In the kindergarten, the teacher with the kids, who have just woken up and are still in bed, do simple gymnastics. She helps the child get out of the arms of Morpheus and get on with his day. In addition to such gymnastics in the garden at the beginning of the day, they do the usual exercises, helping the guys stretch their bodies after a night's sleep. Interesting outdoor games are presented in the article: The main task of the educator and parents is to give the child a rest during the day so that he can rest and have a good rest. Therefore, daytime sleep must be in baby mode.