Physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic methods for improving the physical condition of athletes Sports physiotherapy

We, as usual, follow a non-standard path of development. Sports medicine is no exception. Doctors and massage therapists work in teams. Recently, they began to talk about sports psychologists, rehabilitators appeared and, quite already, a strange profession for us - a sports physiotherapist. However, they are presented in Russia, exclusively in imported versions.

Let's try to understand what kind of animal this is - a sports physiotherapist. What unusual things does he know and why, in our country, there are no such specialists.

It turns out that everything is very simple. Sport Team- a very specific field of activity and, as a dogma, medical specialists working in it must have the appropriate specialized knowledge. Fundamentals of sports traumatology, sports nutrition, dietetics, taping, rehabilitation, handling simulators and physiotherapy equipment, basic knowledge of anatomy, sports physiology, medicine. It would seem that simple areas of knowledge, but put together, they give a profession that we call a sports physiotherapist (in Europe - a physiotherapist, overseas - an athletic trainer).Specialist with special education who has a wide range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in sports medicine and empowered to make their own decisions.

Marvelous. But, if paid education in this specialization was introduced in our country, there would be no end to those who want to get such a prestigious profession. The competition among applicants would not be a joke. Our sports medicine needs such universal masters, they are expected in teams. An intermediate link between an athlete and a doctor. A person who closely takes care of the wards and solves issues that, at times, the hands of the team doctor do not reach due to being busy.

In many foreign professional teams, only physiotherapists work on a permanent basis. A doctor who has his own practice advises athletes and appears in the team when the need arises.

We do not have such specialists. Doctors and massage therapists are used to doing things on their own, solving issues within their competence, dividing these duties in incomprehensible proportions, reaching simple truths through their mistakes.

Wealthy clubs that can afford this luxury are sending physiotherapists from abroad. Look, Spaniards, Portuguese, Germans, Dutch, Brazilians work in our football.

Time dictates its own. There is a need to organize a training system for this profession. Professionals should work in modern sports medicine. It's a matter of small. Decide.

Goals and methods of sports physiotherapy.

Real-time monitoring and control of the functional state of athletes

Work to prevent sports injuries.

Injury prevention.

Rehabilitation after injuries and diseases.

Drawing up and adjusting short-term and long-term programs to bring athletes' problematic muscle zones out of the crisis.

Hardware physiotherapy.

First and pre-medical medical aid.

Close interaction and reciprocal assistance to team specialists working in related fields.

Observation of athletes at competitions and training sessions in order to develop their own professional recommendations and programs for adapting to loads and improving the performance of an athlete.

P.S. Six years after this article was written, a friend from Europe asked me to clarify just this issue.

I want to ask you for help and if you can let me know how the market for Physio (Physiotherapists) is organized in Russia?

Sports physiotherapist - there is no such profession in Russia. Sports doctors, massage therapists, chiropractors, rehabilitators work in the teams, recently specialists involved in kinesiology (not to be confused with kinesio taping) have appeared in clubs with money. Teamwork is limited by their competence and, as a rule, they rarely go beyond it. Nutrition is handled by the team doctor, with injured players - a rehabilitation specialist, masseurs and doctors tap, muscles and joints - kinesiologists and chiropractors, hardware physiotherapy - a doctor, etc.

The few specialists who work in clubs with money, labeled as "physiotherapists" are expats, i.e. foreigners working under a contract and educated in their home country. If there is a Russian surname among physiotherapists, then this is a massage therapist who has been promoted to a physiotherapist for some merit. But this is an exception, because there is no “sports physiotherapist” rate (i.e. such a profession).
Accordingly, the market of physiotherapists in Russian sports No.

What do you need to finish to become a physiotherapist - school, academy, medical school, medical school, courses.....? How long does the learning process take?

Sports physiotherapists, in the sense that they are in Europe or like an athletic trainer in America, are not trained anywhere in Russia.

How many Physiotherapists are there in Russia?

See the article on the site. Article written 6 years ago

Are Physiotherapists organized in associations?

There is no association for sports physiotherapy in Russia. Nominally in Europe atENPHErepresent Russian sports physiotherapistsRGUFKSMiT represented by the Department of Physical Therapy, Massage and Rehabilitation

How is the work of a physiotherapist in a team built, what are the relationships with athletes?

Foreign sports physiotherapists who come to Russia have a very vague idea of ​​professional sports, and sports medicine in a team in Russian interpretation, especially in football, generally baffles them. And if someone did not earn money on them, then these "specialists" could be expelled in a couple of months. "Survive" those who begin to feverishly look around and actively adopt the techniques, methods, behavior and relationships with the players working alongside sports masseurs, rehabilitation therapists, doctors, fitness trainers. Our "delightful" attitude towards foreign specialists helps them a lot. In short, those who quickly pick up someone else's experience, shaping their own, survive.

How to become a Physiotherapist of the National teams, the Olympic team, etc. ?

Expats - through agents. Their salaries are good, there is something to pinch off.

There is no such profession in the register of professions in Russia. There is a sister in massage (medical education - medical school), there is a doctor in sports medicine, there are massage therapists (sports education, massage courses in parallel). Accordingly, there are no sports physiotherapists in state structures. There are doctors and massage therapists, rehabilitation therapists with psychologists.

How and where do physiotherapists buy their daily sports medicine products, such as teips?

The purchase is carried out either by the chief doctor in the team, or by a special department, which, at the request of sports medicine specialists, completes the team with medicines.

Are there any special exhibitions for sports physiotherapists that sports professionals attend or attend to meet companies, each other, and learn about sports medicine products and innovations?

No. Within the framework of all-Russian forums, symposiums, conferences on sports medicine, topics are touched upon and included, master classes are held with a set of topics that are within the competence of sports physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is a branch of medical science that studies the therapeutic effect of natural factors on human body.

This is one of the oldest medical areas today is one of the safest therapeutic methods, since physical factors - the main tool for healing effects - are favorably accepted by the body and, if used correctly, do not give side effects.

Physiotherapy treatment is used both independently and in combination with other methods (drug, surgical).

A doctor who is in charge of the therapeutic use of physical factors (electric current, heat, cold, ultrasound, laser, magnetic fields, etc.) is called a physiotherapist.

Physiotherapist: features of the profession

A doctor specializing in this type of treatment has not only extensive medical knowledge, but also understands the nature of the chemical and physical effects on the human body.

A physiotherapist works in clinics, public and private medical centers. He not only receives patients and determines the treatment regimen, but also coordinates the work of the nursing staff of the physiotherapy department, controls the implementation of appointments.

The activity of this doctor is in great demand at the level of sanatorium treatment, in which natural factors are actively used (mud therapy, treatment with mineral waters, etc.).

In his daily medical practice, a physiotherapist solves a number of tasks:

  • The search for target organs, which consists in determining the sensitivity of body tissues to specific physical factors. Eg, nervous tissue responds well to magnetic radiation, and the muscle to a greater extent perceives hydrotherapy factors.
  • Development of optimal methods depending on the specific disease.
  • Search for the possibility of a complex effect on the body through the simultaneous use of several natural and artificial factors.

The methods of a physiotherapist have advantages over other methods of treating diseases:

  • No damage to body tissues upon exposure.
  • Strengthening the effect of medications up to the possibility of their complete abolition.
  • No side effects.
  • The ability to achieve long-term remission in chronic ailments.
  • No likelihood of developing drug dependence and withdrawal effect.

The activity of a physiotherapist allows you to achieve the maximum result in the treatment of pathological conditions with a minimum risk of side effects.

Learn about the benefits of physical therapy in this video:

A doctor who uses physical factors in medical practice treats a wide range of ailments. There is no such system in the body, in case of pathologies of which physiotherapy would not be recommended.

Most often, a physiotherapist is contacted for pathologies of the lungs, ENT organs, musculoskeletal and digestive systems, arthritis and arthrosis, gynecological diseases, neurological ailments, dermatological problems. Due to the safety of most methods, physiotherapy is actively used in pediatrics.

Almost all branches of medical science use physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Physical factors in the complex therapy of various ailments give the following effects:

  • Reduce pain syndrome.
  • Activate blood and lymph flow.
  • Stimulate metabolic processes and the immune system.
  • Accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration;
  • Contribute to the resorption of edema.
  • Depending on the goals of treatment, they have the effects of myostimulation or muscle relaxation.
  • Increase the compensatory capabilities of the body.
  • Restore the normal function of organs and tissues;
  • Increase efficiency, help in the fight against depression.
  • Reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period.
  • Help prepare for surgery.

As medical practice shows, more than 70 percent of patients undergoing outpatient treatment need physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy plays an essential role in the rehabilitation processes, therefore, a physiotherapist-rehabilitologist works in many medical institutions.

When is physiotherapy contraindicated?

Despite the gentle nature of physiotherapy, there are situations in which it is not recommended.

  • The general serious condition of the patient.
  • The presence of a pacemaker in the patient's body.
  • Acute febrile conditions.
  • Cachexia (severe depletion of the body).
  • Postinfarction period (less than 3 months after myocardial infarction).
  • Pathology of the blood and a tendency to bleeding.
  • The presence of mental illness that makes it impossible to self-control during the procedure.
  • Intolerance to the therapeutic factor.
  • Damage to the skin in the area of ​​the intended impact.
  • Neoplasms (benign and malignant).
  • Respiratory, cardiovascular, renal failure.

Even in the absence of contraindications, it is undesirable to carry out 2 physiotherapy procedures per day.

Repeated treatment is possible after 2-6 months (depending on the type of method).

Physical factors contribute to the enhancement of the effect of drugs, so it is worth discussing with your doctor a decrease in dosage.

Methods used by a physiotherapist in the treatment of diseases

The practical activity of a physiotherapist is based on the use of two groups of physical factors: natural (treatment with mud, mineral waters, climatotherapeutic factors) and artificial (the effect of electric current, magnetic fields, light radiation, etc.).


This method involves the use of therapeutic purposes different types electricity. It is based on the ability of electrical energy to change the state of organs and systems of the human body. The applied currents vary in frequency, voltage, shape and intensity. The doctor prescribes them individually, taking into account the existing disease, age, and other factors.

The most popular procedures using electricity are:

  • Galvanotherapy is the use of continuous current of low strength and voltage for treatment.
  • Electrophoresis - the penetration of medicinal substances through the skin and mucous membranes using an electric current. There is a combined effect on the body medicinal substances and electric field.
  • Aplipulse therapy - treatment with sinusoidal currents. During the session, electromagnetic oscillations are modeled in amplitude, which gave the name to the procedure.
  • Darsonvalization - the use of alternating pulsed high-frequency current.
  • Electrosleep is the effect on the human brain of weak current discharges, causing a state close to sleep.
  • Magnetotherapy - treatment through the influence of a constant, variable or traveling magnetic field.

This therapeutic method is based on the therapeutic effect on the body of different types of radiation.

  • Infrared radiation that penetrates deep into the tissues of the body. It has a predominantly thermal effect, activates blood supply and metabolic processes in the irradiated area.
  • Visible radiation is a segment of the general spectrum, consisting of 7 colors, known as the colors of the rainbow. Can penetrate the skin to a depth of 1 cm.
  • Ultraviolet radiation, which has the smallest penetration depth (up to 1 mm), while surpassing other parts of the light spectrum in activity. Exposure is limited to the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

Heat therapy

This is the name given to the use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes of heated substances that have a heat-retaining capacity and high heat capacity: paraffin, therapeutic mud, ozocerite, sand, clay.

Heat, irritating the skin receptors, affects the entire body. Its action contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, which leads to a change in blood circulation and the nature of cardiac activity. The rate of biochemical processes changes, cell permeability increases, disturbed motor functions.

Water, the most common substance in nature, is a biological irritant that has a complex effect on the human body. It influences thermoregulation by exerting a thermal effect, the degree of which depends on the temperature of the water used during the therapy.

In hydrotherapy, cold procedures are used (water is heated to 20 degrees), cool (temperature in the range of 20 - 33 degrees), warm (37 - 39 degrees), hot (over 40 degrees). Cold sessions give a local analgesic effect, harden the body, increasing resistance to illnesses, tone up. Warm water has a relaxing and vasodilating effect.

Baths, wiping and dousing, showers, underwater shower-massage can be options for hydrotherapy.

This method is a mechanical effect on soft tissues human body special tricks. Massage affects the body as a whole, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, stimulating tissue nutrition.

There are many types of massage practiced in physiotherapy depending on the condition of the patient. This effect can be relaxing or stimulating, varying in strength, pace and duration. As the main massage techniques, the physiotherapist uses kneading, rubbing, stroking, tapping, vibration.

Most ailments require a comprehensive approach to treatment, so the methods used by a physiotherapist in many cases need to be combined with drug therapy.

The doctor talks about common misconceptions associated with physical therapy in this video:

As a rule, patients get an appointment with this doctor on the recommendation of doctors of other specializations with an already established diagnosis. However, even if there are appointments in the outpatient card, the physiotherapist examines the patient, clarifies complaints and features of pathological manifestations.

During the examination, the doctor examines the patient's skin and mucous membranes, measures arterial pressure, heart rate and respiration.

To determine the treatment regimen, the physiotherapist requires the results of the general and biochemical analysis blood, urinalysis - in the absence of such, he will prescribe the appropriate laboratory tests. An important indicator for this doctor is the results of the electrocardiogram, since pronounced violations heart rate are a contraindication to physiotherapy.

In the physiotherapy room, together with the doctor, a nurse who has passed special training. It is she who directly carries out the prescribed procedures, the implementation of which, as well as the achieved result, is controlled by the doctor.

Before starting the procedures, patients are introduced to the basic rules for their implementation:

  • A physiotherapy session is carried out on an empty stomach or 2 hours after a meal.
  • During the procedure, it is not recommended to sleep or read.
  • During the session, attempts to independently regulate the operation of the devices are unacceptable.
  • At the end of the therapeutic effect, a half-hour rest is desirable (for this, physiotherapy departments usually have special halls).

After the appointment of medical procedures, the doctor makes appropriate entries both in the outpatient and in the procedural card, indicating all prescriptions, dosages, impact zones and the number of sessions. The following is a record of each procedure.

This doctor is in high demand, since physiotherapeutic methods are widely applicable in pediatric practice for children almost from birth.

A pediatric physiotherapist, when prescribing procedures for his young patients, takes a different approach than a pediatric physiotherapist who works with adults. This is due age characteristics, which may affect the final result of physical therapy.

  • In a child, the skin has a smaller thickness and greater friability in comparison with adults.
  • Children's nervous system It is distinguished by the rapid formation of reflexes, in which excitatory processes predominate over inhibitory ones.
  • The influence of therapeutic factors has a wider area of ​​distribution than in adults.
  • The bones of the child have a lower density and an increased water content, which makes the penetration of physical factors deeper, and their effect is more pronounced.

The child's body responds to physiotherapy faster, so the doctor arranges a children's session in a special way.

  • The intensity of the therapeutic factor is dosed, starting from the minimum thresholds, gradually increasing. It is usually less than in adult procedures.
  • The duration of one session is shorter.
  • The procedure takes place not only under the supervision of nursing staff, but also a physiotherapist.
  • Repeated exposure to the same area less than 2 months later is considered undesirable. If you need to repeat the treatment, the doctor chooses a different technique.
  • The doctor prescribes the child 1 factor per course, because due to the susceptibility of his body, the combination of several types of procedures increases the effect of each.
  • In children, the influence of active factors on the growth zones of bones, hollow and endocrine organs, and the projection of the heart is unacceptable.

A pediatric physiotherapist approaches the choice of treatment methods in a special way. He prefers pulsed sessions, which are softer than continuous sessions. Radiation is not prescribed to children without urgent need, as it can give unpredictable results due to the powerful biostimulating effect.

Young children do not undergo physiotherapeutic procedures of a frightening nature (for example, darsonvalization in a spark mode).

Physiotherapy is contraindicated for children in the acute phase of an infectious disease, with insufficient body weight, skin lesions and purulent-inflammatory pathologies. It is not recommended to conduct a session for a child who is tired physically and mentally. The procedure begins at least an hour after eating.

Timely and correct use of physiotherapy in the complex therapy of ailments contributes to the rapid restoration of impaired body functions, activates protective mechanisms. A physical therapist can help reduce the amount of medication you use, prevent complications, and speed up your recovery.

With the course of various diseases, a stage may come when the use of medications is limited or becomes ineffective. In this case, one of the methods of treatment and rehabilitation can be physiotherapy, which is prescribed as monotherapy or as additional methods to the main treatment. The impact on the body of a number of physical factors contributes to the restoration of tissues and their physiological functions. In the medical clinic NAKFF is selected individual program treatment taking into account the state and characteristics of the body. Our doctors have extensive experience in managing patients of various profiles, and the procedures are performed using equipment from well-known world manufacturers.

What determines the price of physiotherapy?

The consequences of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and some other systems, as well as various injuries, are not always recoverable only by pharmaceutical means. In this case, it is useful to include physiotherapeutic methods in the treatment, which have shown their effectiveness, both in practice and in scientific research. Many of them are included in official therapeutic protocols.

Oleg Semenovich Kulinenkov, Natalya Evgenievna Grechina, Dmitry Olegovich Kulinenkov

Physiotherapy in the practice of sports

Publishing house "SPORT" - member International Association Sports Literature Publishers (WSPA)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders. Legal support of copyright is provided by a law firm.

© Kulinenkov O. S., Grechina N. E., Kulinenkov D. O., 2017

© Original layout, design, Sport publishing house, 2017

List of abbreviations

AIT - aeroionotherapy

HIMT - High Intensity Magnetic Therapy

HBO - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

GT - halotherapy

DDT - diadynamic currents

DUV - long-wave ultraviolet radiation

IR - infrared radiation

EHF - extremely high frequency currents

UV - short wave ultraviolet radiation

LI (LT) - laser radiation (laser therapy)

LNP - local negative pressure

LOK - laser irradiation of blood

MCP - muscular counterpulsation

MLT - magneto-laser therapy

MT - magnetotherapy

NE - low frequency electrotherapy

OAKT - general aerocryotherapy

OMT - general magnetotherapy

SMT - sinusoidal modulated currents (amplipulse)

SUV - medium wave ultraviolet radiation

UHF - ultra high frequency current

UV - ultraviolet irradiation

EECP - enhanced external counterpulsation

EMF - electromagnetic field


Various physical factors affecting the human body can be effective means of restoring and improving the performance of an athlete.

Methods and techniques for influencing a person with physical factors have been developed for more than 200 years. Currently, the methods have been worked out in sufficient detail and are successfully applied in clinical practice. In this monograph we will talk on the practical application of physical factors of influence on the athlete's body, his psyche in order to improve professional qualities and as a means of correcting factors that limit sports result.

Modern sport is characterized by physical and emotional-psychological stress, bordering on the individual physiological capabilities of the athlete. Of great importance for professionals and sports enthusiasts is the timely, individual, methodically accurate use of physiotherapy, which sometimes cannot be replaced by anything.

Physiotherapy methods have been proposed to improve performance, eliminate specific, pathological conditions characteristic of sports activities in the same methodological vein as in the pharmacotherapy of sports (O. S. Kulinenkov, 2000–2016), and can complement each other.

Under the influence of physical factors (in appropriate doses, taking into account the initial state, the reactivity of the body), metabolic processes improve, the general background of the body's vital activity, various effects that have therapeutic value appear: general stimulation, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing effect, normalization of neurovegetative relationships, improvement of the main nervous processes. In the described effect of physical factors on the body, the principle of physiotherapy as a non-specific therapy affects.

Monitoring of loads in sports highest achievements shows their limiting values ​​for almost all age categories. Under these conditions, the friendly work of a sports physiologist (coach) and a sports doctor with his knowledge of diet, physiotherapy, pharmacology and other methods of athlete recovery should become of great importance in the preparation of a high-class athlete and an amateur athlete; who owns the methods of biochemical control, functional diagnostics, etc. and, of course, has clinical skills.

Comprehensive medical support for a particular athlete in connection with the loads used and a certain individual state of health is an indispensable condition for maintaining and increasing its level, prolonging sports longevity.

Novice athletes and amateur athletes need more medical attention. The fact is that amateurs (athletes), imitating and adopting the methods of physical activity of professional sports, very quickly acquire “sores”, to which a professional athlete goes for many years.

Perhaps the days when the main means of recovery in sports were massage and sauna have already passed. World practice has long and far advanced in the application of various physical factors in the activities of sports, being a locomotive in the promotion of new health-improving methods.

At the same time, recovery processes in sports have been skewed towards the increasing use of pharmacological agents.

Physiotherapy in the practice of sports is designed to push the use of pharmacology from some positions: avoid polypharmacy, reduce the side effects of pharmaceuticals, replace some drugs that cannot be used according to doping criteria, etc.

In the process of using physiotherapy, a combination of 3-4 procedures is possible without contraindications and side effects, which increases their potential as restorative agents.

Perhaps, we should immediately warn about the need to refrain from using physiotherapeutic methods of direct action directly on the brain with procedures such as transcranial electroanalgesia, electrosleep therapy, general galvanization of the brain, etc. It is necessary to clarify this idea: methods that have not been sufficiently studied in all aspects should be replaced by others. , less traumatic, since the choice is wide. We do not prefer pharmacological preparations with a more burdensome spectrum of side effects and complications. And the head - the head must be protected, especially among athletes. In sports best result the one whose head works better achieves. “We are only on the outskirts of understanding the functioning of the brain,” writes Academician N. P. Bekhtereva (2008).

The use of physiotherapy becomes less problematic in an environment where ever more compact physiotherapy devices (sometimes at the household level) appear than in the days of bulky stationary devices. The sports doctor's own mobile physiotherapy room becomes a reality. At the same time, large formats of technical physical impact devices appeared everywhere in commercial operation and became more accessible in use: cryotherapy chambers, oxy / hypoxic therapy, etc.

The procedures that an athlete (coach) can carry out on his own are described in more detail, using the healing factors of nature (climatotherapy) or the simplest physiotherapeutic devices and devices that are introduced into everyday ("home") practice.

The formulation and interpretation of the principles of prescribing physiotherapy methods, the individualization of parameters and gradations of individual methods are presented in the original author's presentation.

I. Fundamentals of sports physiotherapy

The specifics of physiotherapy in the practice of sports

First of all, the doctor's appointment of a program of rehabilitation measures, therapeutic effects of physical factors is agreed with the athlete's coach, since the training process and the restoration of working capacity should be planned as a single process.

The trainer and the doctor in their work must take into account the following provisions.

Physical factors used for restorative and / or therapeutic purposes by athletes are an additional burden for them. Therefore, when prescribing remedial measures at any training stage it is necessary to take into account the degree of fatigue of the athlete and calculate total load considering this factor.

Physical factors have an active effect on the body. They can not only reduce fatigue, accelerate recovery processes, increase resistance to physical stress, but also lead to a decrease in the body's reserve capacity, a decrease in its sports performance, and exacerbate the pathological process.

With the development of a sharp fatigue in the training process or the appearance of signs of maladaptation and insufficient body capabilities in recovery, the procedures of the general effect are canceled (or sharply limited) as creating an additional load, leaving or appointing methods of local action for restorative purposes. In these cases, low-intensity physical factors are chosen as having a milder effect on the body, reducing their amplitude and frequency of use.

Physiotherapy methods are proposed for practical use as a means of correcting factors limiting sports performance, recovery during training sports qualities. Physiomethods can reduce the pharmacological burden.

Physiotherapy, having a wide range of therapeutic and preventive effects, having a homeostatic nature of action, good compatibility with other therapeutic agents, availability, cost-effectiveness, can and should be widely introduced into the medical practice of sports, used by professionals and sports fans as an effective, timely, individual, methodical exact tool.

For doctors of sports medicine, teachers of medicine and sports, coaches, athletes.


First of all, the doctor's appointment of a program of rehabilitation measures, therapeutic effects of physical factors is agreed with the athlete's coach, since the training process and the restoration of working capacity should be planned as a single process.

The trainer and the doctor in their work must take into account the following provisions.

Physical factors used for restorative and / or therapeutic purposes by athletes are an additional burden for them. Therefore, when prescribing recovery measures at any training stage, it is necessary to take into account the degree of athlete's fatigue and calculate the total load taking into account this factor.

Physical factors have an active effect on the body. They can not only reduce fatigue, accelerate recovery processes, increase resistance to physical stress, but also lead to a decrease in the body's reserve capacity, a decrease in its sports performance, and exacerbate the pathological process.

With the development of a sharp fatigue in the training process or the appearance of signs of maladaptation and insufficient body capabilities in recovery, the procedures of the general effect are canceled (or sharply limited) as creating an additional load, leaving or appointing methods of local action for restorative purposes. In these cases, low-intensity physical factors are chosen as having a milder effect on the body, reducing their amplitude and frequency of use.

For recovery purposes, physical factors in athletes can be used with the same or different frequency. For example, in microcycles with intensive loads, procedures can be prescribed every other day, and then two days in a row (before the day of rest and on the day of rest). With minor physical exertion (at the beginning of the preparatory period, after the competition - during recovery), procedures are prescribed at regular intervals. Most often, the number of physiotherapeutic procedures and the intervals between them are set taking into account the entire complex of rehabilitation measures for the athlete. At the same time, it also matters how quickly you need to restore the functions of the body.

As a rule, in sports they use a combination of procedures of local and general action, as well as the use of the same factor according to segmental-reflex and local methods of influence.

At the beginning of the training cycle, general impact methods, as a rule, should be prescribed before local ones, since they, having a wide range of general strengthening effects (baths, showers, total ultraviolet irradiation, air ionization, etc.), prepare the athlete's body for major physical and psycho-emotional loads.

Throughout the training cycle in preparation for competitions, all recovery activities involving physiotherapeutic methods must correspond to the periods (retracting, basic, special, pre-competitive) of preparation and planned individually. The volume of procedures, the number of courses, their frequency and the rhythm of the implementation of rehabilitation measures should be commensurate with the loads in the total volume of training.

The training process imposes certain requirements on the methods of physiotherapy. So, with two workouts a day, after the morning training session it is better to apply procedures of predominantly local action (local massage, compresses, chamber barotherapy, etc.), after an evening workout - procedures of general action (baths, general massage, sauna, general magnetotherapy, etc.). General impact procedures require more time to develop a response and manifest their effect. At the same time, the means of local influence change more often than the means of general influence.


- with a one-day variant of its implementation, the use of shortened restorative procedures of general action is shown;

– for multi-day trips – a combination is possible physical methods impact, but also in an abbreviated version;

- the tournament version of the competition removes all restrictions.

Treatment of injuries, diseases during competitions with the involvement of physical methods is carried out in a planned manner.

The use of physical factors for restorative, rehabilitation purposes depends on the type of sport (preferential development of endurance, strength, speed, etc.), the degree of physical and emotional stress, age, gender of the athlete. The impact should be aimed at the accelerated recovery of those systems that are experiencing the main load.

Most effective complex restorative means in the practice of sports should include a combination of physical factors of influence, pharmacological means, hygiene means, psychological methods and techniques, pedagogical methods.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the reactions of the body to the procedures used.

Most often, the negative impact of physical factors is due to their inadequate choice, excessive intensity of the course, underestimation of the athlete's functional state, irrational combination of therapeutic physical factors, and the use of undeveloped physiotherapeutic techniques.

We must not forget about the effectiveness of the implementation of physiotherapy.

Not all athletes respond the same way to a course or every treatment. Below is table 1, reflecting the dynamics of possible outcomes of the use of physiotherapy techniques.

Table 1

Implementation of the physiotherapeutic effect

Note. The therapeutic effects of physical factors depend on the degree of the initial state of the functions - the lower the initial level of the function, the more pronounced the therapeutic effect of the factor. It should be borne in mind that treatment started at the peak of deterioration is more effective, since it will inevitably be followed by a period of stabilization.

Unlike patients in athletes, the recovery complex includes more methods, which increases the likelihood of polypharmacy and requires more careful monitoring of the body's response to the procedures used.

In sports medicine, it is important not only to ensure the correct selection and arrangement of physiotherapy procedures, but also to organize the monitoring of the response of the athlete's body. The impact of physical therapies should be assessed by comparing baseline data with results obtained in the middle and end of the training period or collection, as well as with abrupt changes. training process. Particularly careful should be the control of young athletes, as well as athletes who resume training after injuries and illnesses. It is important to consider that many physical treatments (radon, sulfide and carbon dioxide baths, sauna, etc.) place a significant burden on the cardiorespiratory and thermoregulatory systems of the athlete's body.

Restoration of sports performance with therapeutic physical factors should be carried out only as directed and under the systematic supervision of a physiotherapist who has experience working with athletes. When assigning physical factors in order to restore or increase physical performance the physiotherapist must consult with the coach and the team doctor.

In sports medicine, the timing of the resumption of training depends on the nature of the disease or injury and, accordingly, will be different, which will affect not only the choice of physical methods of treatment, but also their combination and arrangement.

If applied wide complex, then the number of procedures per course is no more than 2-4, and the duration of the course is only 5-7 days.