Russian fishing Svir variety. Attention to detail

This summer I visited the holiday - "Day of the Navy" in Severomorsk. And among all the ships, we finally managed to see the Svir hospital ship, the only one in the Northern Fleet.

The hospital ship "Svir" was built in Poland and accepted into the supply ships of the Northern Fleet on October 17, 1989.

Designed for medical support of operational squadrons operating at a considerable distance from the main bases, and fleet forces on the islands and in poorly equipped areas of deployment.

The hospital ship is provided with reception and sorting, surgical, therapeutic departments, a dispensary, a polyclinic, a pharmacy, ancillary facilities, residential and service premises and warehouses of medical equipment.

For the evacuation of the victims, a Ka-25 shipborne helicopter is used, which is permanently based on the ship.

The ship's crew is completely civilian, the hospital is staffed by military personnel.

The hospital organized accommodation and medical support for the relatives of the crew of the APRK "Kursk" in the Ara Bay in 2000-2004; medical support was provided at sea for the special purpose expedition to lift the Kursk APRK in 2001.

The main tactical and technical data of the vessel:
Seaworthiness - unlimited.
Displacement - 11579 tons.
Length - 153 m, width - 19.4 m.
Cruising range 11600 nautical miles.
Autonomy - 40 days.
Travel speed - 20 knots.

Bed capacity: for patients - 100 beds, for vacationers - 200 beds, in the evacuation version - 450 beds.

Requirements for hospital courts of the Hague Convention:
- The ship must be clearly marked as a hospital ship;
- The ship must provide medical assistance to representatives of any nation;
- The ship must not be used for military purposes;
-Ships must not interfere with fighting or obstruct enemy warships;
- The belligerents, as defined under the Hague Agreement, may search any hospital ship for violations of the above conditions.

I grew up on the very bank of the Svir River, since childhood this name haunted me. The only officially accepted today explanation of the origin of this name from the Vepsian language, as "Syuvya Yarv", my subconscious did not accept.

Here is how Irma Mullonen, who defended two dissertations on the topic “Toponyms of the Svir region”, writes about Svir: “Svir is indeed a mysterious name. Lake Onega, from which the Svir flows, i.e. Svir could originally be called Syuvaryogi, i.e. the River of the Deep Lake. No comments…

After I realized that it is necessary to look for an understanding of the toponyms of the Svir region not in Vepsian, but in Russian, I began to be interested in everything related to the Old Russian language, traditions and history of the Russian North. I learned that earlier the Russian language was syllabic and figurative, where each syllable was a separate concept, i.e. the word consisted of several independent images connected together. So gradually, somehow by itself it turned out that:

SVIR = CB + IR, where CB is light, and IR is IRI
those. SVIR is Light IRIY!!!

In the Slavic-Aryan world, Iriy is Paradise, more precisely, Iriy is the water of paradise, and Vyriy is the Garden of Eden, however, it is rare for Russian people today to even hear about these once sacred words for our ancestors (the "dark ones" tried "!).
But "Light IRIY" is a special concept: it is there that the Glorious Ancestors and the Light Gods are located, headed by Svarog! It turns out that the name itself is associated with the "subtle world". Realizing this took my breath away.

Logically, I came to the conclusion that if the river has such a serious name, then there must be some evidence to support this. And they were found! Not far from the source of the Svir, in the region of the village of Voznesenye, there are 4 islands in the riverbed: Vyazostrov, Ivankoostrov, Kolkoostrov and Karsky Island.

Elm is the tree of Svarog, which means Vyazostrov was dedicated to the main God Svarog.
Kara Island is the island of the Goddess Karna, associated with the transition to another world. Hence the words incarnation and reincarnation.

Ivankoostrov is an island to "Ivanskaya", this is how the holiday of Ivan Kupala was called in these parts, but this is already a Christian name, in contrast to Kupala, which was on the day of the summer solstice. So, we can assume that the island was renamed with the advent of Christianity in these parts. One way or another, but the local population calls it "Ivanov Island".
Kolkoostrov - "KOLO" is striking here - a circle, the sun. Perhaps this island was dedicated to Kolyada (the winter incarnation of the Sun God). The Kolyada holiday was celebrated on the day of the winter solstice.

It turns out that in ancient times on the Svir River, from the old part of the village of Ascension (formerly it was called Karnavolok) to the village of Vyazostrov, there were ancient sanctuaries and the Magi lived, who gave the name to the Svir River, which means LIGHT IRIY. There was a large sacred center here, where, according to the ancient Russian tradition, on the islands (remember Solovki, Arkona, Valaam - "the navel of the Earth"), under the control of the wise sorcerers, the worship of the Gods of Light IRIYA took place.

But why did the Magi give such a unique name to this particular river? Here knowledge of geology came to the rescue. The territory of the current Leningrad Region is located at the junction of the Baltic Shield and the Russian Platform, the bed of the Svir River runs along the line of large faults in the earth's crust, through which powerful bursts of energy periodically rise from the depths of the earth. The energy coming from the depths of the earth, affecting all living things, has the property of multiplying the psycho-emotional state of people at the time of release. The Magi possessed colossal knowledge and knew how to control energy, directing it to its intended purpose, therefore ordinary people rarely lived along the banks of the river and only in certain places, and they came to Svir only to worship the Gods and to perform certain rituals.

Knowing the unique feature of this place to multiply human emotions, members of the occult department, created in the early years of Soviet power, decided to use it for their own purposes. That is why the very first and terrible Gulag was created on the Svir with its center in the city of Lodeynoye Pole. The Chekists decided to use the emotions of fear and death of innocent people to intimidate the rest of the population and unquestioningly submit to the will of the people. In the same way, the main spiritual center of ancient Rus' - Solovki was defiled. And these are not empty words. To know how to behave in such places, you need to return to the traditions of your ancestors and the understanding of your Gods. It is no coincidence that F.M. Dostoevsky wrote in the novel "Demons": "Rus' will wake up, remember its Gods, and then such a buildup will go around the world ..."

In addition to the fact that the Chekists tortured millions of people and increased the negative energy of places of power that are negative for living people, they managed to commit a lot of atrocities. In particular, in the area of ​​the village of Voznesenye, where Soviet archaeologists discovered a Neolithic site, they built a huge reservoir so that it would be impossible to study ancient artifacts in the future. The same fate befell the Neolithic site in the area of ​​the village of Svirstroy. Nowadays, they are trying to build the Ratigorsk power plant, which, in all respects, will only bring losses, and at the same time, it will hide, apparently, ancient artifacts.

In Belarus there is Lake Svir, in the Caucasus, in the Lazarevsky district, there is the Svir Gorge, along which the Svirka River flows, and the low-water Svir River flows on Sakhalin Island. Now it is clear that these reservoirs are associated with large faults, and the toponym Svir has nothing to do with the Finno-Ugric languages.

The SUNGIR stream, which flows into the Klyazma River near the city of Vladimir, has a very interesting name, and the oldest site in Eastern Europe named after it. Experts estimate the age of the Sungir site from 23 to 28 thousand years and even much more. The study of this unique find, unfortunately, is ignored by modern official science.
SUNGIR \u003d SUN (sunya - solar) + G (a - path) + IR (Iri) \u003d solar path Iria.
In this case, I do not agree with A. Asov, respected by me, who translates Sungir as "sunny guru".
It is difficult to establish the age of this name, but, of course, it is very ancient, which means that the concept of Iriy came to a single Indo-European language, most likely from an older proto-language.

Another interesting name for "IR" was on the site of modern Ulyanovsk, which used to be called Simbirsk, even earlier Sinbirsk, and even earlier Sinbir.
SINBIR \u003d SI (strong) + N (new) + B (white) + IRI (Iriy) \u003d strong, new, white Iriy.
But if there is a new Iriy, then there must be an old one, i.e. SIBERIA.
SIBERIA \u003d SI + B + IRI \u003d strong white Iriy, i.e. Belovodye, which is searched all over the world.
And here comes a very interesting moment: there is an opinion that until the 18th century Siberia was called the north of Eastern Europe, and only as the "Romanov troops" moved east, this name fell and established itself behind the Urals. GV Nosovsky claims that he happened to see a copy of the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, where in the map section he saw such names everywhere, in subsequent editions of the BE Siberia is already called the territory beyond the Urals.

But no matter what territory was originally called Siberia, which means "Strong, White Iriy", it is clearly seen from the example of the considered names that the concept of Iriy (abbreviated as Ir and Ir) came from a distant proto-language and is associated with clean water, without which, in the concept of our ancestors, true Paradise is impossible. And one cannot but agree with this. The word "Paradise" came, apparently, relatively recently from the words
"iRIY" and "vyRIY".
and then "RIY" turned into "PARADISE"

Initially, Paradise or Iriy was located in the north in the polar latitudes, and after the migration of peoples, this concept, like nostalgia for the northern Paradise, spread to the entire vast territory of the Indo-Aryan empire. In Sanskrit, "ira" means pure water. If you look at the map, you can see many names beginning with "IR". All of them were given by people who spoke the same language and lived in the same cultural environment: Ireland, Irkut, Irkutsk, Irtysh, Irrawaddy, Iri, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Irka, Irbid and many others. I hope now no one has any doubts that the name of the river. Svir has nothing to do with the Vepsian "Syuvya Yarv".

The IRVINKA river flows into the Svir River near the town of Lodeynoye Pole = IR (Iriy) + VIN (screw) + KA = "whirlpool of paradise".

As you know, the Svir River flows from Lake Onega and flows into Ladoga.

ONEGA \u003d OH + E + GA \u003d "he is the way" (why "ga" at the end always means "way" I will explain later)
It was a path connecting the ancient sacred center on the White Sea with the rest of the territory of Rus'.

LADOGA \u003d LAD + (d) O + (road) GA \u003d "road to the fret" or "path to Lada"
Our researchers claim that u-on the shore Lake Ladoga, near the mouth of the river. Svir for several hundred years was the main temple of the Goddess Lada, in which there was a 50-meter statue of the beloved Goddess made of pure gold. Hence the name of the lake. The city of Ladoga was the first capital of Rus' of the Slavs, it was the largest spiritual center of that time.

Thus, it turned out that not far from the source of the Svir - Bright Iriy is the island of Vyazostrov - the island of Svarog, the head of the pantheon of Russian Gods, and at the mouth of the river - Ladoga, Lada - the female hypostasis of the main God. Is there any other evidence needed that the name Svir - Bright IRIY was given by the Magi of ancient Northern Rus', the very existence of which is being tried to be excluded by supporters of the Finno-Ugric concept?

Between Onega and Ladoga, a small river Olonka flows, on which stands the city of OLONETS \u003d O + LON (o) + EC - which means "in the open bosom of a city."
Now compare: LONDON and OLONETS. It is clear that these two toponyms belong to the same language, and this language was our Old Russian.

In addition to the main sacred center near the village of Ascension on the Svir, there was at least one other major spiritual center. It passed from Pirkinich, where they worshiped God Perun (in a taboo form, often Pirun), through Kharevshchina, where the main temple of the Sun stood (khar = yar = sun), then through Yanega to Rakhkovichi, where there was a stone temple with a sacred stone of the god Veles, on which was "God's trace". People went to worship this stone even in Soviet times. The road along which from the surrounding places people went to their Gods - the patrons was called "the road to IRIYA", which means "the road to Paradise". This confirms the name of the lake located on this path near Rahkovich.

IRGOZERO \u003d IR (Iriy) + G (a - way) + lake \u003d "lake on the way to Iriy", i.e. "lake on the way to Paradise".

I will explain these toponyms in more detail below.

So, the Svir River, being itself a major sacred center, was a link between the main spiritual centers of ancient Rus': the White Sea and Ladoga, through it there was a path to Arkona, the capital of the Western Slavs, and in the other direction to the Ra River or Volga. From the toponyms of the Svir region, which came to us in their original form from the depths of centuries, it is clear that the people who lived in these places worshiped not Jesus Christ, but their Russian Gods, who were the Gods of true Orthodoxy, which has nothing to do with the Christian faith. What the Christian missionaries imposed was alien to these people, but they were forced to refuse, i.e. betray your gods. Therefore, most of the indigenous Russian population was forced to leave their habitable places, leaving to the north and beyond the Urals. It was during this period that the settlers of the Vepsian tribes settled in the empty solid houses, who resignedly accepted Christianity. And among the descendants of those who, nevertheless, remained in their native land, Christian priests eventually "etched out" even the memory of their Gods. It is annoying to realize that the majority of Russian people living in our time do not even suspect that MAKOSH, VELES, LADA, SVAROG, PERUN and others under the control of the KIND of heaven are the main Gods of true Vedic Orthodoxy, and in fact - the main energies of COSMOS and the forces of nature around us. They became pagan at the suggestion of representatives of the Christian ideology, due to their ignorance and misunderstanding of the meaning of the term "pagan." In Rus', Christianity was based on the Vedic worldview, it was sunny, Arian, leading to light and perfection, in contrast to the Judeo-Christian teaching, leading people away from the value of earthly life, turning some people into God's servants, and others for some " special merits" elevated to the rank of "God's chosen ones". So this is how it turns out.....

In order to win the SF (safari) tournament on a given body of water, you need to catch the maximum number of fish species (ideally, all the fish that are found on this body of water) in the allotted time. You can fish with any bait, at any location and in any way (on the bottom, on float rod, fly fishing or spinning). No need to catch the maximum weight, if you caught a fish of any weight, immediately catch another species. To win this tournament, you need to know at what locations and what bait the fish bite most often.

How to win the SF tournament (safari) on Svir

SF daily tournament, entry fee 91,000 rubles. Lured everywhere, according to the bait.
1. BIG PLYOS until 6.00
naked carp-corn; bream pasta; catfish-pieces of meat; chub, brook trout-circl-5106 No. 1 fast wiring; zander-tvis 101 No. 1 slow wiring.
2. ELK WATER until 12.30
smelt-larva of bark beetle; ruff, carp, rudd, perch, roach worm; scavenger, old pea tire; caddis bream.
3. SHALLOW WATER until 15.00
crucian silver, crucian gold-worm; grayling, sabrefish, fly fishing.
4. WILD BEACH until 18.00
salmon, asp-circl 5111 No. 1 fast wiring; bleak-fly, fly fishing.
5. STEEP until 20.00
ruff nosar-worm; ide-larva of bark beetle; pike-tvis-103 no. 2 slow wiring
6. Shallow water (returned for a bersh)
bersh-tvis-102 No. 1 slow wiring

SF Tournament night, entry fee 89,000 rubles.
1. MOCK WATERING. 16.00-19.00
smelt-larva of bark beetle; roach, perch, rudd, silver bream, ruff, scavenger worm.
2. WILD BEACH. 19.00-22.30
eel, asp-live bait; grayling-fly, fly fishing, chub-circl-5111 No. 1, fast wiring.
3. GREAT PLOS. 22.30-1.30
zander-live bait, burbot-pieces of meat, naked carp-corn, bream-pasta.
4. SHALLOW WATER. 1.30-6.00
crucian silver, golden crucian-dough; sabre-fly, fly-fishing; tattered worm boot; bersh-vob №009 № 1 slow wiring
From 6.00 I ran to the Steep cliff for pike, ruff, ide, then to the Wild Beach for salmon. And it was like 3 hours, but alas .....

SF night
Contribution about 55 thousand
so easy 1st time won, at 02.20 caught all kinds
with a ban: ruff, eel, silver carp
16.00-16.40 Large reach: grasshopper chub (fly fishing); brook trout fly (fly fishing)
16.40-17.30 Wild beach: grayling-maggot, fly (fly fishing); salmon-vob3009#1 (fast wiring)
17.30-19.10 Shallow water: sabrefish (fly fishing); bream, perch, crucian angry, crucian ser-everything on the worm; bersh-Tvis108№1 (quick wiring)
19.10-21.50 Steep cliff: live bait pike; ide-larva of bark beetle; roach-bread; asp-vob3009#1(slow); perch, ruff, ruff nosar, bream worm
21.50-22.40 Moose watering place: rudd, bark beetle smelt; carp corn
22.40-02.10 Large reach: (returned for night fish) pasta bream; catfish, pike perch; burbot-pieces of meat; naked carp (waited for a long time) - semolina
02.00-02.20 Wild beach: (returned for eel, and he immediately took it) live eel
from 02.20 to 09.00 I tried to catch a boot with a tire, to no avail
Result: 27 species (bots 23 and 21)
717.925 rub. + 100.000 sponsorships + FishMaster-M1 380kg spinning rod

To win the triad on this reservoir, you need to catch three fish (which are indicated in the task for the tournament) maximum weight for the allotted time. You can fish with any bait, at any location and in any way (on a donk, on a float rod, fly fishing or spinning).

How to win a triad on Svir

Daily triad, fee 29,790 rubles: asp, pike perch, catfish. Until 07-00 "Big Reach": two floats from the bottom - live bait and spin 101 No. 3 - slowly. Having taken a decent catfish and a test pike perch, he moved to the "Wild Beach" with two floats from the bottom - live bait and spin with wobblers No. 3 - slowly. At 15:00, having caught a good asp, I returned to the "Bolshoi Ples" to improve the weight of zander and catfish, but only slightly raised the weight of zander. Result: asp - 10.977 kg (live bait), pike perch - 6.432 kg (live bait), catfish - 75.165 kg (twist).

The triad is nocturnal. Bream, perch, roach. The contribution is about 40 thousand. I caught perch and roach at the Steep Cliff, they were valid, but the bots had larger specimens. At 23.00 he moved to the "Bolshoi Plyos" lok, immediately pulled out a 5.7 kg bream and returned to the "Steep cliff" to catch larger roach and perches. Perch for a worm (1.2kg), roach for a caddisfly (1.5) and bream for pasta. In a word, everything is according to the classical scheme. As a result, 492 thousand money, 25 from Russian fishing, well, experience and karma.

Night triad: perch, burbot, asp, fee 22942 rubles. Until 23-00 "Wild Beach": float from the bottom - live bait, fly fishing - live bait and 6016 No. 2 - (slow and fast) for asp, until 04-00 "Big Reach": three floats from the bottom - (bait live bait, meat, frog) for burbot, then "Steep cliff": two floats from the bottom - (worm and live bait) and 103 No. 2 - slowly behind the perch. Victory: perch - 886 g (bait), burbot - 4.171 kg (live bait), asp - 5.708 kg (live bait).

I took the triad tournament salmon, bersh, smelt, daily, fee 27841 rubles. First loka salmon Wild beach spinning, circl 5111 №1 fast wiring. Caught quickly. Moved to Shallow water, bersh to catch. 2 donkeys, one for a worm and a live bait, and threw a spinning rod, but pecked at the live bait. I barely caught it, I was already thinking of switching to smelt. Then at the Elk Falls, the time was one and a half hours before the tournament. 3 donks: 2 for bark beetle larva and 1 for caviar. As a result, 1 place. Experience 2000, karma 1300.

Triad naked carp, ruff, golden crucian carp (daytime). Contribution 22,163 rubles.
Carp naked 26.989 kg. Big reach, corn.
Gold carp 2.109 kg. Shallow water, dough.
Ruff 91 gr. Elk watering hole, worm.
Outcome first place.

Triad bream, naked carp, white bream (nocturnal). Contribution 32,624 rubles.
Outcome first place.
Naked carp 28.224 kg. Big reach, Corn. (evening-night) KK + corn + anise oil
Bream 6.012 kg. Big reach, Macaroni. BL + pasta + sunflower oil (evening-night)
Gustera 647 gr. Steep cliff, Cheese cube. (morning)

Triad naked carp, carp, roach (nocturnal). Contribution 20266 rubles.
Roach 2.08 kg. Elk watering place, Caddis. BP+caddis+vanilla
Carp 5.951 kg. Moose watering hole, Corn. QC+corn+anise oil
Naked carp 26.676 kg. Big reach, Corn. QC+boil+anise oil
The result of the first place is 253,325 rubles, 25,000.

Triad bleak, grayling, carp, diurnal. 4.00-4.15 am Moose watering hole, corn, carp-27,800 kg. 4.15-4.30 Wild beach, half-water fly-bleak 144 gr., grayling 1.202 kg.

Triad pike, catfish, perch. Day. Contribution 34 thousand rubles.
Morning. "Steep cliff". 3 Donkey 2 - frog. 1 - Zywiec
Pike 13.517kg. - frog.
Day. "Big splash". 3 Donkey 2 - live bait. 1 - pieces of meat
Catfish 10.338kg. - pieces of meat.
Evening. "Shallow water". 2 Donks 1 - live bait. 1 - worm Spinning - Circl 5109 No. 1 - 2 slow wiring. (Perch is not credited, but anything can happen).
Perch 1.082kg. - worm.

Triad - pike, grayling, ide - diurnal. Location Steep coast 2 donkeys per live bait (pike), 1 per maggot (ide). After I pulled out a decent pike, threw 2 donks on peas and on a bark beetle larva (I pulled the victorious one on peas), at about 16 hours I moved to the Wild Beach loca, 3 fishing rods for half a water fly. Result: pike-27.095 kg., grayling-1.004 kg., ide-2.341 kg.

Tournament-asp, burbot, carp, night.
Evening Moose watering-carp, donkeys for corn - 15.334 kg.
Night Large splash-burbot, donkeys on a piece of meat - 3.018 kg.
Morning Steep cliff-asp, 2 donks per bait bait, spinning on a lure tvis 103 No. 1 slow wiring: 973 gr., I took it on a lure.

Triad - salmon, asp, smelt (night). Contribution 33,000 rubles. I caught salmon and asp at the Wild Coast location, three spinning rods with spinners - Vob-3009 No. 1, Circl-5116 No. 1, tried others, nothing on them!
I caught smelt at the location Moose watering hole three bottoms per bark beetle larva.
Outcome - 1st place. Salmon - 2.752 kg on Vob-3009 No. 1, asp - 5.017 kg. on Vob-3009 No. 1, smelt - 86 gr.

Silver carp, gold carp, smelt - daytime. Contribution - 30 thousand nearly. I was the first to catch in Shallow water, three donks per dough. Gold carp at 3.806, silver at 3.638. Fished until 9 am. After that he moved to Elk Coast for smelt. Three donkeys per bark beetle larva. The largest at 170 gr.