Gymnastics for hemorrhoids: Kegel complex, yoga and other useful exercises. Foods that are dangerous and harmful for hemorrhoids

Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids are one of the most effective, safe for the prevention and treatment of pathology, which strengthen the muscles of the perineum and buttocks, increase blood circulation in the rectal area.

Hemorrhoids is a "sessile" disease in which there is an expansion of the veins in the rectum. inactive mobility, excess weight, a tendency to constant constipation and diarrhea, and childbirth have a negative effect on blood circulation in the vessels.

A set of exercises can significantly alleviate the course of the disease, prolong the period of remission, and reduce the likelihood of prolapse of hemorrhoids. With regular exercise, the symptoms of hemorrhoids can be relieved for life.

Doing Kegel exercises with hemorrhoids is recommended regularly, excluding periods of exacerbation of the disease.

This system was developed by the famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel. Initially, it was aimed at solving the problems of urinary incontinence, restoring the genital tract, for the prevention of uterine prolapse. But later their effectiveness was also noted for hemorrhoids, prostatitis in men, and sexual dysfunction.

Before doing the exercises, it is recommended to check the condition of the pelvic muscles. To do this, it is necessary to hold the jet in the process of urination. If you managed to do this, then the muscles are in good shape, if not, they must be strengthened.

Performing Kegel exercises is very simple and absolutely everyone can do it.

The main types of exercises

According to the types of exercises, there are three stages of Kegel exercises - slow compression and relaxation muscle mass, high-speed contractions and tension with the aim of expulsion. Each step is performed 10 times.

During the first week, perform all three stages in turn, at least five times a day. Every week, increase the number of exercises by 5, that is, the first week, 10 exercises, the second - 15, the third, 20, etc. When the patient reaches the mark of 30 exercises at each stage, we can talk about recovery and fixing the result.

In the beginning, you need to perform exercises in a supine position, on your back with bent legs in the knees and hip joints, foot support. Over time, the muscles become more and more stronger and you can do this gymnastics not only lying down, but also sitting, standing.

The ability to interrupt the process of urination for a few seconds indicates the strengthening of the muscles of the small pelvis and indicates the effectiveness of these exercises.

Kegel exercises should be performed only after consultation with a proctologist, they are included in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids, used along with drug treatment and maintaining a certain diet. Without medicines, it is possible to perform only for preventive purposes.

Rules for performing gymnastics

A prerequisite for performing exercises is regularity and systematicity.

Who are Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids?

Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids are equally useful for both women and men. The first classes are carried out in. Their implementation is not noticeable to others, so later you can do it anywhere - in transport, at work, while walking, while standing and sitting. Exercise will not take much time, even in the busiest schedule you can find 10 minutes for exercise.

These exercises are very useful for pregnant women - they allow you to prepare the muscles for labor. Among women who performed gymnastics, there are practically no soft tissue ruptures during childbirth. After childbirth, Kegel exercises to restore weakened muscles also do not interfere.

Especially the implementation of a set of exercises is recommended for people whose activities are associated with a constant presence in a sitting or standing position - accountants, drivers, programmers, office workers, hairdressers.

For men

There are exercises that are designed to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, which, in turn, improves blood circulation, preventing the manifestations of hemorrhoids and prostatitis.

To begin with, a man needs to understand where the pubococcygeal muscle is located, since work must be done with it. During urination, hold the stream for at least 3 seconds, the muscle that is tensed is the pubococcygeus.

  1. strain and relax the muscles of the perineum (10 exercises in 3 sets);
  2. strain the pubococcygeal muscle for 3 seconds without relaxing it, strain it even more for 3 seconds, and so on until full tension (10 approaches);
  3. strain the pubococcygeus muscle for 3 seconds and slowly relax (the number of approaches gradually increase from 10 to 50).

By performing these exercises systematically, a man can not only, but also improve the quality of intimate life. Since the pubococcygeal muscle is responsible for orgasm.

For women

Kegel gymnastics is one of the most popular techniques that help tone the vaginal muscles, contribute to the treatment and prevention of various gynecological diseases.

Loss of pelvic floor muscle tone (more often occurs after childbirth) leads to urinary incontinence, lack of orgasm during sexual intercourse.

The simplest and most elementary way to train the muscles of the perineum is to hold urine during urination. An exercise that is performed according to the principle of the elevator is considered to be not ineffective - raise the muscles as high as possible, hold for a few seconds, slowly relax.

Exercises for both men and women should take place in three stages, which are described above.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women especially benefit from Kegel exercises, as they are at risk of developing hemorrhoids. In addition, due to the implementation of the complex, there is a significant strengthening of the muscles of the small pelvis, which makes it possible to facilitate and speed up the process of labor.

A set of exercises for pregnant women (5-7 approaches):

Any exercises during pregnancy must be performed slowly and without straining, in a relaxed atmosphere. Receptions are carried out in a standing or sitting position in order not to compress the inferior vena cava.

After childbirth

During childbirth, muscles lose their tone and elasticity, hemorrhoids make themselves felt. Every woman strives to quickly bring her body back to normal, get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Kegel exercises after childbirth provide:

  1. Treatment of hemorrhoids.
  2. Rapid cleansing of the body from lochia.
  3. Return of the uterus to normal.
  4. Absence of urinary and fecal incontinence.
  5. Increase in attraction.

Regular performance of a set of Kegel exercises will help to quickly restore stretched tissues after childbirth and return to a full sexual life.


Like any other physiotherapy, these exercises have some contraindications.

Performing Kegel exercises is contraindicated:

Any exercises can be performed only after consulting a doctor, this also applies to Kegel exercises.

Varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins are often referred to as "sedentary" disease. And this is true to some extent, since the risk group includes people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, congestion begins in the pelvic organs, causing the onset of the disease or its exacerbation.

In such situations, special therapeutic exercises for hemorrhoids help. At the beginning of the disease, it allows you to completely stop the pathological process, and in severe form - to reduce symptoms and prevent periods of exacerbation.

However, not all physical exercise useful, especially for expectant mothers or patients with advanced hemorrhoids. That is why it is necessary to know what activity from hemorrhoids at home is permissible, and which is strictly prohibited.

What are the benefits of exercise for hemorrhoids?

An integrated approach is the basis for the correct treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. Impossible to win varicose veins anal veins without the use of drugs, a balanced diet, giving up bad habits and, of course, physical activity.

The last point is understood not only as ordinary walking or short runs, but also as special exercises that (subject to regular execution) allow:

  • return the necessary tone to the sphincter muscles and muscles of the rectal canal;
  • activate the outflow of blood from venous accumulations in the anus;
  • eliminate blood stasis in venous and capillary vessels.

Additionally, charging against the onset of hemorrhoids helps to strengthen the vascular walls, normalize the process of bowel movement, forget about constipation and improve general state health.

The complex of antihemorrhoidal exercises prolongs the period of remission and prevents exacerbations, and at the very beginning of the disease it “slows down” the development of the pathological process.

Permitted and prohibited exercises for hemorrhoids

In any form of the disease (except for a severe exacerbation of the disease), patients are advised to “move” more and be in a sitting or standing position as little as possible.

The easiest and most obvious option is long walks. Doctors recommend taking at least 10,000 steps a day.

Both with the external and internal location of hemorrhoids, the so-called cardio loads, that is, exercises that strengthen the cardiovascular system, will benefit. These include swimming in the pool, easy run, normal walking or skiing.

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No less useful gymnastics for the prevention and treatment of varicose hemorrhoidal veins. It consists of exercises that improve the functioning of the digestive tract and blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

There are several complexes of antihemorrhoidal charging. These are and, and classes according to Norbekov, and, and others physical activities, which should be discussed in more detail.

However, not every physical exercise is useful for proctological disease. Some activities can worsen a person’s condition, which is why experts forbid performing movements that unnecessarily strain the muscles of the peritoneum and increase pressure in the pelvic organs.

Such activities include:

  • weightlifting, which is accompanied by weight lifting (for example, barbells or dumbbells);
  • sharp swings of the lower limbs;
  • deep and sharp squats;
  • exercises for the press (raising legs, turning to the sides, sharp bends forward / backward).

There are also conditionally permitted types sports activities that can be done during remission. These include cycling and horseback riding, rowing. With exacerbated hemorrhoids, such activity is prohibited.

Rules for the implementation of classes

In the treatment of hemorrhoids or the prevention of the disease, it is important to perform physical exercises correctly, constantly “checking” with the state of your own body.

  • before classes, it is better to empty the intestines so as not to be distracted by possible urges;
  • if the patient feels some pain during movements and exercises, the hemorrhoid should first be anesthetized with sitz baths, anesthetic ointments or suppositories;
  • if, nevertheless, the pain syndrome appears during some exercises, they should be abandoned, focusing on neutral, from the point of view physical condition, classes;
  • start a set of exercises for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be with minimal loads, then you can increase the number of repetitions;
  • each exercise should be done with hemorrhoids very carefully, at a calm pace, without sudden movements, lifts and jerks;
  • it is highly recommended not to hold your breath while doing exercises, since such an action leads to an increase in intraperitoneal pressure;
  • it is important to exercise regularly and spend about 10-15 minutes doing exercises in order to feel positive results after 2-3 weeks.

Exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease is not considered a contraindication to exercise. On the contrary, many exercises relieve negative symptoms, relieve swelling and inflammation.

However, you should definitely listen to your body. If soreness occurs, the exercises are stopped for a while. After the condition improves, charging continues, coupled with the right diet and medication.

Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids

The set of classes, which was developed by the American gynecologist Alfred Kegel, was initially intended exclusively for women who were pregnant or had recently given birth to a child.

The main objectives of the exercises were the restoration of the uterus after childbirth, the prevention of urinary incontinence, prolapse internal organs. However, it turned out that the Kegel complex effectively strengthens the muscles of the entire abdominal girdle.

Currently, such classes are prescribed to all categories of patients for, in order to strengthen the gluteal muscles and the press. Exercises are also suitable for men with inflammation of the prostate gland, erectile dysfunction.

With varicose hemorrhoidal veins, Kegel exercises help strengthen the muscles of the rectal valve, improve the condition of the venous vessels, and relieve blood stagnation in the lower body. The regularity of the exercises will reduce the likelihood of recurrence of hemorrhoids, prevent the exit of cavernous formations from the rectal canal, and reduce the size of the bumps.

In order not to harm his own body, the patient needs to learn how to correctly make contractile movements of the pelvic muscles. According to the mechanism of execution, they resemble attempts to keep gases during bowel movements or interrupt the process of passing urine.

At the very beginning, charging is done in a supine position. In this position, it is much easier for the patient to develop the right muscles without involving the rest of the muscles in the contraction process.

The exercise algorithm is as follows:

  1. You need to lie on your back, bend lower limbs on your knees, pressing your feet to the floor. Then it is necessary to compress the pelvic muscles in such a way that there is a sensation of compression and retraction of the sphincter into the anus. This position should be held for about 3 seconds.
  2. Then you need to consistently relax and contract the muscles of the perineum. That is, first quickly compress the sphincter, and then relax it.
  3. After that, it is necessary to increase the strength of contractile movements to maximum values, and then just as gradually decrease.
  4. The last step is imitation of attempts, which resemble the movements of the anus and perineal muscles during bowel movements or labor.

Kegel exercises should be performed daily, each exercise is repeated 10 times. At first, classes are done in a prone position, after the “habituation” of the muscles, they can be carried out while sitting on a chair.

The exercises are quite simple, but still they are done very carefully, paying attention to a possible pain syndrome. With an exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease, which is accompanied by bleeding, prolapse of nodules, classes are stopped for a while.

Gymnastics against hemorrhoids

Experts have selected a set of exercises that effectively fight hemorrhoidal disease. It is not necessary to perform all movements at once, you can choose those that do not cause discomfort.

With discomfort in the rectal canal and anorectal region, the number of repetitions is reduced, and when a pain syndrome appears, charging is suspended.

With hemorrhoids, you can do the following physical exercises:

  • regular scissors. The patient lies on the mat, then raises the straightened lower limbs at an angle of 45 degrees. The next step is to spread the legs to the sides, followed by crossing. You need to repeat the exercise 50 times;
  • vertical scissors. The patient remains in the same position, only the legs should not be spread apart, but one lower limb should be raised while lowering the other to the floor. Then the positions of the legs change. The number of repetitions - 50;
  • cutting scissors. It resembles the first version of the exercise, however, the legs rise significantly higher and they must be spread as wide as possible. Number of repetitions - 20;
  • birch. A standard exercise familiar to everyone since school. The lower limbs are lifted up perpendicular to the floor, then you need to slowly raise the pelvis, holding it with your hands. This will help eliminate blood stasis in the pelvic organs, restore blood circulation in the veins;
  • movement on the buttocks. Starting position - sitting on the floor with outstretched lower limbs. One buttock needs to be lifted and moved forward. Then you need to take a "step" with the other buttock. So you should move around the room for about a quarter of an hour. Important! Legs should not be involved in the movement;
  • iron. The patient lies down and raises the legs 45 degrees from the floor. In this position, you should remain for about half a minute. Then you need to rest a little and repeat the exercise, now lingering for 45 seconds, etc .;
  • small bridge. The person lies on his back, arms stretched along the body. Then it is necessary to raise the pelvis, fix this position, additionally squeezing gluteal muscles. After the patient returns to the starting position and repeats the exercise 50 times;
  • cat. The patient gets on all fours. Slowly, you should bend your back up, then slowly bend it down. Repeat the exercise should be 50 times;
  • march. This activity involves stepping in place, in which the knees rise above the level of the hips. After a while, the exercise needs to be complicated by lowering the raised leg so that it intersects with the supporting limb.

The gymnastics described above should not be overly carried away, despite the fact that the presented complex does not require special physical training.

With special care, the exercises described above should be approached by those patients who have pathologies of the spinal column and other chronic diseases.

Yoga in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Another type of exercise that can help relieve varicose hemorrhoidal veins is yoga. Certain postures (asanas), which must be performed every day, help to reduce blood stasis in the organs of the peritoneum.

The exercises adopted in Indian health practice allow you to activate the functioning of the digestive tract and eliminate the difficulties with emptying the intestines, which often lead to hemorrhoids.

If you do the exercises correctly, you can feel how the muscles of the entire body tense up, including the muscles of the rectal valve and perineum. Similar sensations are given by the implementation of the Kegel complex.

It should be understood that the traditional Indian health practice is technically quite complex gymnastics. Most classes are conducted only under the supervision of qualified professionals.

The exercises below are suitable for inexperienced "users", however, self-execution should take into account the following precautions:

  • in the absence of experience, one should start with the simplest asanas, gradually and consistently moving on to more complex and perfect ones. Also, you can not at first linger for a long time in one position;
  • a long stay in a sitting position (for example, asana "lotus") should be excluded, since it is harmful for inflamed hemorrhoids;
  • you can’t hold your breath for a long time, on the contrary, you need to breathe evenly, calmly, without any effort.

Patients who are not familiar with Indian health practices need to perform the simplest movements and postures that will definitely not cause harm.

If hemorrhoids are diagnosed, exercises from the following list are suitable:

  • Tadasana (mountain). You need to stand up, straighten up, connect your big toes and slightly spread your heels. It is necessary to achieve stretching of the body "into the line", for this you should tighten your knees, draw in the gluteal muscles and stomach. The neck needs to be extended, but it should not be strained. The upper limbs should be lifted up, palms facing each other, at the same time rising on the toes and stretching the whole body. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then relax.
  • Tiryaka Tadasana (wind bending tree). The starting position is the same as in the previous asana. Stretching out and thereby stretching the spine, while exhaling, tilt to one side (fix the pose for 1-3 seconds), then straighten up, inhale and lean to the other side. Wherein bottom half the body should not move, only “works” top part body. It will take 12 approaches.
  • Kati Chakrasana (waist rotation). Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, one stretched forward upper limb, and the second - bend at the elbow, touching the palm of the forearm. Then you need to turn towards the extended limb (it is taken back). It is important not to use the gluteal and pelvic muscles in the exercise. It will take 12 approaches.
  • Muladhara Bandha (root lock). It consists in the contraction of the muscles of the pelvic floor. To perform the pose, one should take Tadasana, placing the lower limbs shoulder-width apart. On exhalation, you need to compress the anal sphincter, and after 3-4 seconds, relax, taking air into the lungs. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

These exercises are perfect for beginners who are not yet familiar with all the features of ancient Indian health practices. But if the asanas listed above are suitable for all patients, then it is better to take more serious classes with an instructor.

Difficult asanas are characterized by an increased load, which in the end can adversely affect the condition of a person with severe form pathological process.

Norbekov method

A popular figure in alternative medicine Mirzakarim Norbekov has developed a complex gymnastic exercises, which is primarily intended for the treatment of diseases of the spine.

However, some patients successfully use these exercises in the case of anal varicose veins.

Treatment of hemorrhoids will be successful if medicines are used along with exercises.

The author of the method has developed several sets of exercises aimed at a specific section of the spine. For patients with hemorrhoids, exercises aimed at “development” of the lower body are most suitable, when the muscles of the pelvis and peritoneal organs are involved.

In the treatment of varicose hemorrhoidal veins can be used the following exercises:

  • the patient bends the lumbar region so that the coccyx is directed upwards;
  • the patient stands on bent legs and with springy movements first raises the buttocks, and then lowers;
  • put the lower limbs shoulder-width apart and bend at the knees. After that, you should bend a little in lumbar spine so that the coccyx "stretches" up;
  • must be done slowly and smoothly circular motions hips - first to the right, and then to the left;
  • the legs should be slightly bent at the knees, the thigh should be taken to one side, while bending the torso forward;
  • connect the lower limbs together, right hand lift up to the ceiling. Then you should reach up, while tilting your chest forward.

Since the effectiveness of such gymnastic exercises has not been officially proven, they must be done carefully, not “at your best”, refusing to make sudden movements.

Before execution this complex classes, it is better to consult a proctologist who will tell you how much these exercises will help with hemorrhoidal disease and whether they will harm the body.

Gymnastics during pregnancy

Often, varicose veins of the hemorrhoidal veins occur or worsen during the period of bearing a child. A similar prevalence of the disease is associated with changes in the female body that occur during 9 months of pregnancy.

Gymnastics for pregnant women with hemorrhoids may include a set of Kegel exercises, since these classes are just designed for future and accomplished mothers.

Such a specialized exercise will not only help reduce the severity of adverse symptoms, but also prepare the muscles of the uterus for the upcoming labor activity.

Pregnant women can also take advantage of yoga exercises that are specially designed for expectant mothers. Training videos can be found online.

Many experts note that it is not so important what exercises the patient chooses to combat sedentary disease. The most important thing is to just move more, because it is precisely physical activity normalizes work gastrointestinal tract and relieves one of the causes of hemorrhoids - constipation.

Hemorrhoids treatment and exercises for hemorrhoids

Kegel exercise

It should be remembered that hemorrhoids involve treatment, in which gymnastics is only one item. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the selected set of exercises with taking medications and observing correct mode nutrition.

An unpleasant and painful ailment - hemorrhoids - a frequent "guest" at the very end of pregnancy. Even if a woman has never had anything like this, it is in the third trimester that the moment may come when the symptoms of the disease appear for the first time, because the uterus, which has reached a large size, presses on the inferior vena cava, disrupting the blood supply, including in the hemorrhoidal veins.

How to alleviate unpleasant symptoms and cure hemorrhoids in the last weeks of bearing a baby, we will describe in this article.

General principles of treatment

Hemorrhoids, both external and internal, during pregnancy are difficult and troublesome to treat. Not all medicines can be taken, moreover, the same effective method combating this disease - surgical - is not suitable for women in the "position".

During this period, only very complex cases of the disease are solved promptly, in which venous nodes fall out of the anus ring, while there is a fairly strong anal bleeding, and the nodes are not manually reset.

Such hemorrhoids in pregnant women are rare. Therefore, in most cases there is no need for surgical intervention. It is accepted to treat hemorrhoids in the third trimester in a complex way, combining different methods - from taking medications (systemic and local action) to correcting the lifestyle of the expectant mother.

They always start with a correction, and if the disease is not neglected and chronic, it can sometimes be limited to it.

Regardless of the degree and nature of the disease, the treatment of hemorrhoids in the third trimester is considered a simpler task than the treatment of a similar disease at an earlier date.

The choice of medicines at this time is not as limited as during the period of active growth and development of the crumbs, the laying of its internal organs. However, doctors do not rely on drugs, but on changes in the lifestyle of a pregnant woman, which should have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the hemorrhoidal veins.


This is the basis of the basics of the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. When the first symptoms of the disease appear (pain, burning and itching in the anus), a woman should definitely reconsider her daily diet, nutrition should be balanced and such that the woman does not have prerequisites for constipation.

To do this, the entire daily menu is divided for 5-6 receptions, eat expectant mother should be fractionally and in small portions, avoid overeating. Foods that thicken stool should be avoided.

It is important for a woman to prevent not only constipation, but also excessive softening of the feces, because diarrhea will cause a lot of discomfort, the inflammatory process in the rectum and in the anus will only intensify.

If hemorrhoids appear, then you should completely abandon fried foods, smoked foods, salty and too sweet. Also under the ban are all spicy dishes, spices and seasonings. To the maximum, food with a high content of animal protein should be limited - cottage cheese, sour cream, butter; you need to eat meat and fish, but in very small quantities, only satisfying the needs of a growing baby in such substances. The abundance of protein food contributes to the violation of intestinal motility and problems with defecation.

Foods that can cause intestinal gas such as legumes, yeast baked goods, chocolate and grapes should be avoided. Do not drink carbonated drinks.

Raw vegetables and fruits will benefit the expectant mother, since the fiber they contain quickly and gently helps to eliminate constipation, makes the passage of feces through the intestines easier. Useful will be porridge-slurry (with the exception of rice and semolina), beets and dishes from it, prunes.

It is important to adhere to such a diet not only during the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, but also the rest of the time, even if it seems that the disease has completely receded - hemorrhoids tend to come back.

Toilet and hygiene

An integral part of the treatment of a delicate disease should be the correct approach to hygiene and going to the toilet. Unfortunately, none of us in childhood was taught to walk in great need correctly. If hemorrhoids appear, it's time to learn how to do it.

You need to empty your bowels in one go. A bowel movement should not last more than five minutes. Sitting on the toilet with a book or a phone in your hands for half an hour or longer is a sure way to the appearance and exacerbation of existing hemorrhoids.

When a pregnant woman sits on the toilet for a long time, her blood supply to the hemorrhoidal veins is disrupted, and the manifestations of the disease may intensify.

Going to the toilet correctly is to empty the intestines as far as peristalsis allows, and then leave the toilet and return to it only when there is a clear urge to defecate.

During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, do not use toilet paper. Mechanical friction will only increase swelling and inflammation in the anus. It is best to wash yourself after every bowel movement.

Enemas for pregnant women are not prohibited, but they should be done with great care and only when necessary. In order to prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis with the constant washing out of beneficial flora from the intestines, when enemas are often done, it is better to use not the usual "pear" or Esmarch's mug, but microclysters that are sold in pharmacies.

When using topical medications, it is important to follow all hygiene rules - wash yourself after each bowel movement, wash your hands thoroughly before applying ointment to a sore spot or introducing a rectal suppository, keep the caps and applicators clean, if used medicine in the form of a gel or ointment.

Medication treatment

Despite the large selection of various medications for hemorrhoids, the choice of a particular drug in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy should be approached with great care. This should be done by a doctor self-appointment and self-treatment while waiting for a child are inappropriate in principle.

With hemorrhoids of 1-2 degrees, topical preparations are enough. They are available in the form of ointments and suppositories. Sometimes candles are ineffective or bring only minor relief, despite the fact that the woman follows all the recommendations and eats right. If hemorrhoids cannot be cured within 1-2 weeks with local remedies or the disease has more pronounced symptoms, systemic agents can also be prescribed - in capsules and tablets.

Most local remedies have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects, improve blood supply in the area of ​​inflammation, and reduce swelling.

Systemic drugs act throughout the body and cause an improvement in blood circulation, prevent thrombosis.

Systemic hemorrhoid drugs allowed in the third trimester - table:

Topical drugs allowed in the third trimester - table:

Name of the drug

Release form

How to apply

"Relief Advance"

Candles, ointment

After each bowel movement externally and rectally no more than 4 times a day


Rectal suppositories

Morning and evening after defecation 1 suppository


Rectal suppositories

After each bowel movement, one suppository no more than 3-4 suppositories per day


Candles and ointment

In the acute stage after each bowel movement, after the removal of the pain syndrome - 2 times a day, 1 suppository.


Ointment and suppositories

For all forms - 2 times a day.

"Anuzol Neo"

Candles and ointment

Up to 7 times a day - at bedtime and in the morning, as well as after each bowel movement, 1 suppository or 1 dose of ointment.

8 months of pregnancy "experts" on numerous Internet resources are not suitable for the treatment of expectant mothers.

In the later stages, you can use home-made candles cut from raw potatoes. It helps to get rid of the manifestations of hemorrhoids even before childbirth (at 38 - 39, 40 weeks) sea buckthorn oil, which can be used to moisten tampons for subsequent insertion into the anus.

Pregnant women before use folk remedies treatment of a delicate ailment, you should definitely consult with your doctor, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

Gymnastics and physical activity

This is the part of the complex treatment, which is also of great importance. A woman should control her motor activity. You can not squat and get up abruptly, you should not lift weights. However, calm leisurely walks on fresh air will only benefit.

A woman should not stand upright for a long time, nor should she lie down all the time., although many expectant mothers after 36-37 weeks of pregnancy believe that it is safer and better to spend the time remaining before childbirth in a prone position. This is wrong.

Of course, a woman should treat herself as sparingly as possible, from time to time lie down to lie down, but at the same time, do not forget that it is advisable to keep her legs higher than her body, placing a pillow or roller under them. This is not only the prevention of varicose veins in the later stages, but also the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.

Exercises aimed at normalizing the circulation of the lower veins and preventing constipation are best coordinated with a doctor or exercise therapy specialist at a polyclinic at the place of residence. Usually, sets of exercises are used, which include leg raises from a prone position and standing on all fours, as they allow you to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and anal sphincter.

Gymnastics is contraindicated in women who have an increased tone of the uterine muscles, who have problems with the spine or are at risk of premature birth.

enjoys great popularity a set of Kegel exercises. They are simple and do not require much effort. True, such gymnastics is contraindicated for women who have hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes and bleeding from the rectum. Also, gymnastics should be refrained from during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Many pregnant women choose yoga for treatment and prevention.

For a detailed set of exercises for hemorrhoids, see the following video.

Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids are considered one of the most effective methods, allowing to alleviate the patient's condition without fear of harming his body. With the help of a specially developed technique, it is possible to significantly strengthen the muscles of the perineum, as well as improve blood circulation in the organs located in the pelvic area.

One of the reasons for the development of hemorrhoids is a sedentary lifestyle. modern man. Literally a hundred years ago, this disease was considered not so popular and was quite rare. People had to move more, and they did not use transport, and food and the environment did not harm their health. Now everything has changed, a person has become limited in his movements, spends the whole day in the service sitting at the table, and having arrived, again by transport, he also hurries home to get in front of the TV. Hence the majority of problems, such as constipation, problems in the gastrointestinal tract and all the consequences that follow from here. In order to prevent the development of negative changes in your body, you need to provide yourself with sufficient physical activity. For this purpose, a complex of special gymnastics was created, which was developed by the famous doctor Kegel, and today is considered the most effective not only in the treatment of manifestations of hemorrhoids, but also successfully used as a prevention of this disease.

This complex allows you to alleviate the course of the disease, increase the duration of periods of remission, remove hemorrhoids. Systematic studies according to this technique, the timeliness of their implementation and careful adherence to the recommendations make it possible to say goodbye to hemorrhoids forever.

To achieve the expected result, classes must be carried out daily, with the exception of periods of exacerbations. Performing exercises is not particularly difficult, some of them can be carried out not only at home, but also in crowded places, and no one will notice this.

The essence of the gymnastics

The gymnast consists of three types of movements, including slow tension and relaxation of muscles, contractions with increasing speed and pushing. Each type is performed ten times, gradually adding five more movements to them. Classes use the main types of movements, such as:

  1. Compression and relaxation of the muscles of the anus, which are held slowly for 5 seconds each.
  2. Repetitive contraction and subsequent relaxation of muscle tissue.
  3. The use of rapid muscle contraction, the intensity of which increases.
  4. Pushing exercises that are carried out as if they are trying to push something out of themselves.

The first classes should be carried out lying on your back, resting your bent legs on the floor. As the muscular system improves, all exercises can be done sitting and standing. You can check the effectiveness of classes by the ability to interrupt urination. As soon as this can be done for a few seconds, you can judge the effect obtained.

For all its effectiveness, it is possible to conduct such classes only after the approval of the proctologist, and at the same time as the classes, it is necessary to conduct a course of therapy for hemorrhoids with the use of drugs.

Who are Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids?

The benefits of exercise have been proven for both women and men. It is necessary to start practicing at home, and over time they can be carried out anywhere, even while at work or traveling in transport. This does not require much effort or a lot of time. Each, the busiest person, can carve out about ten minutes in his busy schedule for classes. The complex will be useful for pregnant women, as it will allow for preparation muscular system to birth processes. Among those who were engaged in similar exercises before childbirth, there are no cases of muscle tissue rupture during childbirth. Classes allow you to restore muscle tone even after the birth of the baby.

For men

There are a number of exercises recommended for use by men. They strengthen the pelvic muscles, improve blood circulation and prevent the development of hemorrhoids and prostatitis. To this end, men can use the following exercises, performing each of them ten times:

  • produce relaxation and tension of the muscles located in the perineum;
  • strain the pubococcygeal muscles without further relaxation;
  • tense the same muscles for about three seconds, after which it will relax.

Using these exercises regularly, you can prevent not only the development of hemorrhoids, but also increase male sexual performance.

For women

Such exercises allow a woman to bring the vagina and the muscles located in it back to normal and increase their tone, as well as increase the effectiveness of therapy for hemorrhoids. Loss muscle tone causes urinary incontinence and poor-quality sexual life with a lack of orgasm. by the most simple exercise to prevent these changes in the female body, is the retention of the stream of urine during urination for a couple of seconds.

During pregnancy

Kegel exercises are especially important during pregnancy, since it is at this time that women most often develop hemorrhoids. Additionally, such exercises strengthen the muscles of women who are actively involved in labor. When performing them, you need to be especially careful, do it slowly and without tension, sitting on the floor or standing.

  1. Sitting with legs spread apart, try to reach your feet with your hands, and then take the starting position.
  2. In the same position with the arms laid back and bending the legs at the knees, stretch them out, without lifting the heels off the floor.
  3. Standing, legs apart shoulder-width apart, turn the body with arms extended forward to the side, doing this while inhaling. While exhaling, we align the body, returning to its original position.

After childbirth

During childbirth muscle fibers lose elasticity, for this reason, hemorrhoids can occur. Therefore, gymnastics will ensure the following:

  • treat existing hemorrhoids;
  • get rid of lochia faster;
  • return the uterus to a permanent place;
  • increase the power of attraction to sex.


Gymnastics also has some contraindications in which classes are not performed, for example:

  • malignant tumors;
  • postoperative bleeding;
  • with exacerbations of hemorrhoids;
  • in case of heavy hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • with vascular disorders in the limbs;
  • in the stage of exacerbations of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • with a perineal injury received during childbirth;
  • in the presence of hypertension.

Each Kegel exercise, in the presence of such conditions, should be used only after a medical recommendation.

Active growth of the uterus and a sedentary lifestyle lead to the development and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Due to the risk to the fetus, the list of control methods is reduced. The best preventive measure is exercise for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. They allow you to gently improve blood flow and strengthen blood vessels.

General rules for training

  1. Move slowly. Sharp jerks and heavy loads should be avoided.
  2. Keep track of your condition. It is especially important to control the pulse. Normally, a woman's heart rate increases by 10-15% during pregnancy. If this indicator exceeded 120 or pain appeared in the lower abdomen, you should immediately stop doing the exercises.
  3. Eliminate the load on the press in the 1st trimester. Such activities are dangerous during the gestation period. The fetus is not securely attached to the mucous membranes, so any impact on the abdominal wall and the press can cause hypertonicity and miscarriage.
  4. Make your workouts harder gradually. If a woman does not have sports training, you should start with 5-10 minutes. In the future, it is recommended to increase the duration to 15-20 minutes.
  5. Do not exercise during exacerbations. Blood flow to the intestines will exacerbate the symptoms. It is better to use medications for hemorrhoids after consulting a doctor.


  1. Starting position - lying down. Stretch your legs and arms straight different sides, then slowly press against your body. Repeat 25 times. This exercise is a warm-up.
  2. Take a comfortable position. Tighten the muscles of the anus and stay in this state for 5 seconds. Repeat 20 times. Later, the intervals can be increased to 10 seconds. This exercise is also useful to perform during household chores for prevention.
  3. Starting position - lying down. Legs are straight, brought together. Raise them, stretching, then spread them apart and cross. Perform turns for a minute. During the lesson, the raised legs should form a right angle with the back, so in the 3rd trimester, the Scissors exercise will have to be abandoned.
  4. IN comfortable posture quickly squeeze and unclench the anus for 2 minutes. The minimum interval is 2 seconds. After pregnancy and recovery, pauses can be removed.
  5. Starting position - standing on all fours. First arch your back, and then relax and bend as much as possible. Each movement should take 4-5 seconds. Exercise "Wild Cat" should be repeated 20 times.

Gymnastics from hemorrhoids during pregnancy should first be performed under the supervision of a fitness instructor or other specialist. It will help to correct the movements and tell you how to perform it correctly. useful exercises.

Fitball classes are a great addition. They strengthen the muscles of the back and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the development of the disease:

  1. Starting position - sitting on the ball. Keep your back straight. Push off the fitball as if you want to jump for 2-3 minutes. Feet must remain on the floor. To complicate the task, you can make turns or raise your hands.
  2. Move your buttocks on the fitball left and right and back and forth. Describe circles. Repeat for 5 minutes.
  3. Starting position - lying on your side. Grasp the ball with your feet and slowly squeeze. Switch sides after 2 minutes.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises should be included in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Exercise prevents constipation and improves blood circulation in the pelvic area:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your legs and plant your feet on the floor. Slowly contract your pelvic muscles for 5 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 7-10 times. After preparation, the intervals can be increased to 20 and 40 seconds, respectively. A load on the principle of an elevator gives a good effect: the muscles are compressed and unclenched in several steps.
  2. Contract and relax your muscles without interruption. Each movement should take 4-5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Squeeze and unclench your muscles quickly. Do not overexert yourself during the first sessions. Repeat 15-20 times.

5 Kegel exercises during pregnancy

There is a fourth exercise, which involves pushing and pushing. It is better to avoid it during pregnancy. Excessive muscle stimulation threatens the health of the fetus.


Exercises for hemorrhoids for pregnant women should not include twisting and poses that put pressure on the stomach:

  1. "Butterfly". Sit down. Bring your heels and feet together. Pull them up to your stomach so that you feel comfortable. Lock your hands on your feet, but do not press. Relax your muscles. Straighten your back slowly. In the process, you should feel how the spine straightens, and the hips lower and diverge.
  2. "Baby". Get down on all fours. Leave a folded cloth or blanket on the floor beforehand. Connect your feet, and spread your knees. Touch your buttocks to your heels. Get down on the floor so that the load is transferred to the forearms. Lower your forehead onto the fabric. Relax your neck, arms, back, stomach and buttocks.
  3. Lifting the pelvis. Starting position - lying down. Rest your feet on the floor. Raise your pelvis. Don't overdo it, you should be comfortable. Relax your neck and shoulders. Breathe slowly and deeply.

Therapeutic exercise allows you to resist the disease with minimal risks to the fetus.

However, it is important to perform the exercises correctly and remember the safety rules.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only. It is recommended to consult a specialist (doctor) before applying the tips described in the article.

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