Mirzakarim norbekov health system. Norbekov's health system

Not everyone is happy with their height. There is an opinion that people grow up to 20 years old, but Norbekov's technique for increasing growth completely refutes this statement. Gives everyone the opportunity to become taller, regardless of age and gender. The main thing is not to be lazy and do exercises regularly.

Biography of Norbekov

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an academician, doctor of psychology and philosophy in medicine. Has membership in many Russian and foreign academies. He is also a writer, photographer, athlete, artist, traveler and black owner. The creator of many educational and recreational methods.

Mirzakarim Norbekov was born on November 17, 1957 in the village of Farhad (Uzbekistan). He grew up in a rural family, where, in addition to him, there were six more children. From childhood, his parents taught him to work. As a child, he worked tirelessly in the cotton field along with other children.

From childhood, Mirzakarim Norbekov read and drew a lot, preferring landscapes and national patterns. In 1975 he was drafted into the army. Once, when he was on duty, two colleagues approached him, with whom a fight later ensued. They failed to beat Norbekov. The next day, they called five more friends to help. The brawl made Norbekov disabled. This situation did not suit him, and Mirzakarim began to improve in order to restore himself. He studied the basic laws of nature, the possibilities of his body and established the relationship between the state of mind and physiology.

In 1982, the author entered the Andijan Institute of Cotton Growing, from which he graduated with an agronomist diploma. At the same time, he mastered karate, where he received a black belt, after which he began to train others. Here the author develops not only the body, but also grows spiritually. Soon he creates own methodology health improvement, which becomes popular first in Uzbekistan, and then in Russia.

In the 90s, M. S. Norbekov moved to Moscow. Brings its health complex closer to European standards. He actively conducts seminars, teaches in the capital and other regions of Russia.

In 1998, he opened the Institute for Human Self-Restoration, where about a thousand people study every day. Each teaching course is supervised by Mirzakarim Sanakulovich, who himself does not stop learning.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich created his own center, which is the only organization officially working on behalf of Nobekov.

Features of the growth technique

Against the background of many techniques created by the author, the Norbekov technique for increasing growth stands out. These exercises are only part of the unique health complex. They allow practitioners to grow 2-10 cm. The result comes after a week of regular practice.

An increase in growth occurs due to an increase in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, and also due to an increase in cartilage tissue in the space between the vertebrae and as a result of irritation of the tubular bones.

After performing a set of exercises on a certain section of the spine, you need to restore breathing. To do this, straight arms raise up - inhale one or two, lower - exhale (three or four). The movement is done five times.


The Norbekov technique for increasing growth is contraindicated for registered people with severe mental illnesses. Exercise is prohibited for pregnant women and people with oncology. You can not deal with people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and those who have had a stroke, heart attack and have a heart disease. These exercises are not recommended for patients with hypertension.

Gymnastics for the upper shoulder region of the back

Norbekov's technique for increasing height consists of a series of exercises for certain parts human body. Start with the technique for the upper spine.

In the first exercise, the shoulders are directed forward, and the chin is brought closer to the chest, and then pulled to the stomach. The back resembles a bow, and the shoulder joints remain motionless. Then they move on to back bends. The head is pulled to the back and pulled down, and the shoulders are directed towards each other. When moving forward - exhale, and when bending back - inhale. 15 sets forward and backward. You have 6 seconds for the exercise.

The next step is to raise and lower the shoulders. When performing the movement, the head is in a stationary state, and the spine is straightened. When the shoulders are lowered, the arms are directed downward with effort, and, conversely, when lifting shoulder joints limbs are lifted up.

To continue the exercises, the hands are placed at the seams. One shoulder is directed upward, and the other in the opposite direction. Head slightly shoulder going down. With each lesson, the tilt of the head should increase. Similar actions should be done in the other direction. Breathing is arbitrary. 3-6 times in each direction.

The next exercise is circular rotational movements hands. The exercise begins to be done slowly, each time expanding the range of motion. Breathe freely without effort. Perform 15 times in each direction.

The next movements according to the Norbekov system are tilts to the left and right. You need to get up, hands at your sides. Lean to the right and try to touch the foot with your right hand right foot, similarly, tilt to the left side. In this exercise, it is difficult to reach the feet, but it is possible to increase the flexibility of the spine. Should be performed 10 times in each direction. While tilting down - exhale, while lifting the body up - inhale.

Exercises for the chest and lower back

Norbekov's technique for increasing growth on the chest and lumbar consists of two exercises, these are:

  • Leaning forward. Movements are performed while sitting on a chair. Hands grab the seat of the chair, and the head is pulled to the stomach. Exhale - lean forward, inhale - return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions for 6 seconds each. They also perform backward bends, trying to reach the buttocks with the back of the head.
  • Spinal rotation. The back and head are straight. The shoulders simultaneously with the head turn to the right until they stop, and then make oscillatory movements, trying to turn a few more centimeters. Do 5 repetitions on each turn. Thus do the exercises to the left. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay. 20 seconds are allotted for a turn and a second for oscillations.

After this, exercises according to Norbekov are done on the lumbar region and sacrum. Do not forget to do a breathing warm-up.

Gymnastics Norbekov: exercises for the lumbosacral region

Continue the system of exercises to increase standing height. Legs - shoulder width apart, hands clenched into fists and rest against the kidney area. The elbows are laid back and close to each other. First, the head is tilted to the side, and then the entire back (in an arc to the limit). Without unbending, they do several oscillatory manipulations, where you should try to capture as much space as possible. Do 2 repetitions in one and the other direction, each should have 15 oscillations. Breathing is even. The knees are straight.

The next exercise is performed on the floor. Place your hands on your knees and lean forward until your spine allows you to lean lower. Next, you need to make an effort and try to grab some more space. Ideally, you need to touch your knees with your nose, and later on the rug.

Norbekov's technique for the spine continues with backward bends with arms extended upwards. The fingers are interlocked. The exercise is done while standing. The legs are shoulder-width apart, and the knees are straightened. Breathing is arbitrary. Here the load is on the entire spine.

The next exercise will be tilting to the sides with arms raised up. All actions are performed while standing. Legs and shoulders are on the same level. The exercise is performed as the previous one, but only on the right and left sides.

The complex continues to move with its hands up. At the expense of "seven" you need to turn to the right and stretch up, do the same to the left.

The next exercise will be tilting in one direction with a twist in the other. The left elbow here rises up, and the right one slides down. A circle is made with the elbows and twisted to the right side, bending when performed in the lower back. The gaze should rush to the ceiling and go behind the back. The exercise is repeated 6 times. Manipulations develop the flexibility of the spine.

The following movements are done while sitting on the floor. Legs are spread apart. The palms are placed on the chest and try to reach the right knee with the right shoulder. The same is done with the left side. Then bend to the floor with both shoulders. During the exercise, the shoulder muscles rotate as much as possible. In the future, the same movements should be made so that the shoulder tries to reach the toes. In each direction - 10 times.

Additional load

The Norbekov technique has proven its effectiveness more than once. Exercises should be performed in compliance with all the recommendations of the author, only in this case you can achieve the desired result.

In addition to the main movements, the complex includes additional ones, these are:

  • Outdoor games. They should be practiced twice a week for 1-2 hours.
  • Run. Four times a week and at least 3 km.
  • Rope jumping. Twice a day for 3 minutes.
  • Gymnastic stick behind the shoulders. Legs - wide shoulder muscles. Do 25-50 tilts in each direction.
  • U-turns with gymnastic stick over your shoulders. Exercise is done with maximum amplitude, 25-50 times to the left and right.
  • Tilts with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders while sitting. The number of repetitions is 50 times.
  • Turns with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders from a sitting position. The recommended number of movements in one direction is 25-50 times.
  • Sitting on a low chair. Clasp your hands behind your head, and elbow joints spread to the sides. The right elbow should tend towards the left knee, and the left elbow towards the right. The number of repetitions is 25-50 times in each direction.

If, when performing 50 repetitions, fatigue is not observed, then 2 sets of 50 repetitions should be done.

Before you start practicing according to the Norbekov method to increase growth, you should carefully study all the recommendations of the author. There are not many of them, and they look like this:

  • Give a load to the body gradually and after 3-4 days of classes, try to assess your capabilities.
  • During the execution of the complex, do not communicate with whiners and bores.
  • When performing exercises, do not talk or be distracted.
  • All movements are best performed to light meditative music.
  • It is impossible to do exercises purely mechanically, the goal that a person wants to achieve should be spinning in his head.
  • Do not start exercising with heaviness in the head, you can not overexert yourself during the exercises.
  • Do not doze in the classroom, drowsiness is unacceptable here.
  • Absences from classes associated with laziness and passivity are unjustified.
  • You can not perform the complex in a state of fatigue and hunger.

In the first two weeks of training, salt should be removed from the diet. This is done so that the body compensates for its lack of salt deposits in the joints. During this period, meat, bread, milk and dairy products should be abandoned. In the diet, leave honey, nuts, vegetables and fruits, cereals.

You should stubbornly move towards the goal, setting yourself the time by which the body should “grow up”.

The most important thing in performing a set of exercises to increase growth is regularity. They must be performed at least once a day for one hour.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an academician, doctor of psychology, professor, doctor of philosophy in medicine, doctor of pedagogy and an outstanding person with other scientific knowledge and life experience, who created his own unique system that helps people restore lost health and start living a full life. The first person on whom Mirzakarim Sanakulovich tested his technique was himself - he went through a difficult path from a sick invalid to a respected academician.

The range of his interests is very wide. Many are surprised at how all this can be combined in one person: an artist, a composer, a writer, a film director, an artist, an athlete, a coach who has a second dan black belt in karate and a black belt in sam chon up to the ninth dan. But most importantly, the author of the book is a specialist in Sufi medicine and practice, one of the most ancient among all existing ones.

Once Mirzakarim Norbekov was a terminally ill person. But Fate brought Norbekov to the system, which later became known as Sam Chong Do.

Classes according to the system have borne fruit: the state of health has improved significantly. But something was a hitch, something did not go well.
There has been little progress in recovery. The reason for this has eluded me all along. The incurable disease receded only when Norbekov realized that the key to recovery is to train not only his own body, but the training of the spirit. Hearing what his mentor was trying to explain to him, Norbekov directed his efforts in the right direction, and the ailments were defeated.
As soon as Norbekov understood the essence of study, he realized that physical exercise, in addition to the development of the physical, are designed to temper his will and spirit, he, in his own words, seemed to see the light. It was as if he saw again the goal he was striving for, and the roads along which he went to the goal. Mastering the system gave Norbekov health and impetus to the development of his unique abilities, with the help of which he turned the basic principles of the Sam Chong Do system into a unique health system that today bears his name.

His own cure raised the question of how to cure other people as well for Mirzakarim Norbekov. Today we can state that this question has an answer: the system of the famous healer Norbekov cures serious diseases faster THAN IN 6 YEARS.

The most important thing in this technique is the passionate desire of the person himself to be cured. To compile his methodology, Norbekov tried various recipes traditional medicine, Eastern teachings, and also carefully familiarized himself with the modern knowledge of traditional medicine and healing. As a result, he designed all the most effective from these practices into an educational and health-improving system that helps with chronic diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular, respiratory, immune and other systems of human life.

What is the human body's defense system, that is, immune defense? This is the same "combat stance". It is a readiness for confrontation. This is the same proven defense technique. Is it possible to defend against the enemy, having only theoretical training? Pretty hard. Almost impossible. Developing new skills, practicing coordination in practice, we create in the body the skill of automatic defense.
Our task is not to defeat another person, but to overcome ourselves, to overcome our illness! This is just another way to know yourself, your hidden abilities. This is a chance to learn to recognize - and call for help - the hidden energy reserves of the body.

Norbekov's health system consists of 18 author's methods:

· muscle gymnastics;

· articular gymnastics;

· will training;

· imagination training;

· strengthening the immune system;

· gynecological and urological non-contact automassage;

· physical rejuvenation - elimination of skin defects;

· training of emotional states;

· restoration of hearing and vision.

Patients who have taken classes according to the Norbekov method say that these classes helped them not only significantly improve their health, but also improve family relationships and relationships at work.

Norbekov's system is precisely the educational system that helps each person to start working on himself and grow spiritually. Academician says that recovery is only by-effect from the changes that occur with his patients. He also states that it is the knowledge of all, and especially the best, sides of his personality that underlies his course.

The Norbekov system is a school of Masters who teach people purely vital issues and have absolutely nothing to do with any of the world's religions.

First wellness course according to the Norbekov system, it helps with diseases of the organs of vision, circulatory disorders, diseases of the ears, nose and throat, as well as with osteochondrosis, respiratory diseases and many other diseases.

Contraindications for classes in the first wellness course are:

· alcoholism and drug addiction;

· epilepsy;

· pregnancy;

· oncological diseases of a severe degree;

· high blood pressure;

· a brain tumor;

· vascular aneurysm;

· previous heart attack or stroke;

· transferred abdominal operations;

· and after eye surgery, at least 9-12 months should pass.

Second wellness course is called "Sufi Course. Its goal is to help the patient understand why after the first course everything is not as they wanted. This second course will help develop the necessary character traits and intuition. It will also serve to discover hidden talents.

Main course according to the system Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov consists of ancient knowledge and modern techniques that are aimed at creating a successful personality. Also, it is during the main course that you can become a developed and harmonious person. Naturally, you will do most of the work yourself, because only the person himself can know what is hidden in the depths of his consciousness. You can start classes on the main course only after you have completed the first two courses.

Norbekov's schools also hold specialized classes. "Success Workshop" , for example, will help you get the secret of personal success directly from the Master and develop in you those character traits that are inherent in successful people.

Also have two courses on the development of family relations , children's course and club classes are regularly held, where the masters tell graduates how to develop further.

The special course isVIP - well" where Masters of the school work with successful people, because all people have problems that can be solved only under the guidance of competent specialists.

Disadvantages of the Norbekov system, Criticism of the methodology.

1. There are reviews from people who have attended Norbekov's seminars, which talk about strong psychological pressure on a person. Not everyone can stand it.

2. There is an opinion of doctors who attended Norbekov's courses, they believe that treatment should be strictly individual, and not mass.

3. Sometimes, during classes according to Norbekov, the disease that a person is trying to get rid of goes away, and new health problems appear. This is because Norbekov's courses call for the solution of a single problem, and do not begin to act on the whole organism as a whole, clearing the conditions for obtaining full health. Faced with such a circumstance, many believe that Norbekov, having corrected, for example, their eyesight, did not help them become healthy.

And here are some reviews from those who were engaged in the Nobekov system:

1. “Possible harm from the Norbeck system that comes to mind:

Forced (unlike eye and qigong) pushing energy through the channels and in a rather strange pattern. I mean mental effort. If there are large plugs - it can really get worse.

A fairly strong load on the joints and ligaments - an addicted person can overdo it with independent studies - well, this applies to any system.

Big bias in visualization, etc. - in combination with energy practices, the roof can go. But the chances are very low, IMHO.

A fairly high pace at the beginning - apparently due to the need to demonstrate the result in 10 days. It is difficult to endure it later, on which the majority apparently stumble.

All this applies specifically to extreme cases of overdose. At one time I read the forum on norbekov.com - there were people with problems, but nothing really serious happened.

True, there are still people who looked like courses, but did not enter (or the teacher got caught badly) - and pour out their disappointment ...
- Well balanced workout.

Simple and accessible to anyone work with energy - without cunning descriptions of what and how.
-Often enough people are gathered for a cumulative effect (see Kashpirovsky :)) - in such a crowd the return is much greater. It looks like some kind of resonance.
- Availability of simple and accessible literature.
- Reasonable price.

In any case, everyone can choose for himself what is suitable for him to restore health and longevity.

2. “I can only speak positively about the Norbekov system.
- Does not claim to be the author of the practices set out in the system;
- No zombies and the creation of a hierarchical business pyramid (unlike DEIR or Ar Santem);
- Accessibility for the contingent, not ready to accept serious esoteric practices in their purest form;
- Simplicity of presentation without profaning practice adjustments;
- Filling practices with mental work, which is extremely important for the completeness of their effect;
- Reduction of practices into a simple, harmonious, complementary system.
Those. - maintaining the principles of safety and efficiency. The remaining moments are "production costs" that do not negatively affect the practitioner. This is the main thing. Any negative effects, I think, due to the wrong application of practice, this is a human factor, from which no system is immune) ”

In conclusion, I would like to note that despite different opinions about the Norbekov system, in any case, everyone can choose for himself what is suitable for him to restore health and longevity.

Norbekov system- a set of methods and exercises of "alternative" medicine, designed to improve human health, develop his intuition (in the sense of predicting the future), increase vitality. Created in the 1990s by Mirzakarim Norbekov, Yuri Khvan (co-author of early books, founder of the Sam Chong Do system), Larisa Fotina (Norbekov's ex-wife, Ph.D. scientific works and a dozen books) and a team of other teachers.

The system consists of several multidirectional courses. The system became most famous thanks to a technique for improving vision after the publication of the book "The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment." One of the main healing effects of the Norbekov system, which he claims in the above book, is the rapid restoration of vision (1 diopter in a period of 3 to 6 days).

Norbekov's system has been criticized for being "pseudo-healing", as well as for possible harm health.


Method Essence

The authors of the method consider it possible with the help of self-hypnosis, psychological exercises, as well as physical training subordinate the natural ability of the body to self-regulation and self-healing directly to the will of man.

What is the main thing in this system? What is the essence of its healing effect? We all know that the body is a complex but integral living structure capable of self-regulation and self-healing: we are not surprised when an abrasion heals or fuses after a bone fracture.
...the approach makes it possible to make the “mechanism” of self-regulation manageable, subordinate it to the consciousness and will of a person, and thereby multiply its effect.

M. Norbekov, Yu. Khvan. “Lessons of Norbekov. Road to youth and health. 2nd revised edition.


At the moment, the system includes a line of basic courses:

as well as several additional courses and trainings, in particular classes on restoring health (development of vision, hearing, etc.), improving family relationships, training the right attitude to money, developing intuition and much more.

Included exercises

At seminars on the Norbekov System, students are offered the following exercises:

and others.
Some courses include exercises to develop clairvoyance, the result of which is often questioned as unscientific.

Contraindications and conditions

The creators of the method name a number of unconditional contraindications, including:

  • mental illness
  • Pregnancy
  • Recent heart attack, stroke, surgery

They also state that if the student of the course will perform physical exercises, but ignore self-hypnosis and psychological exercises, then the result of training will be minimal. A prerequisite are called personal interest in the result and the willingness to work for this yourself.

The results declared by the authors of the method

According to information from the official website of the Institute of Human Self-Restoration, the developed sets of exercises in practice have shown qualitative improvements in the health status of more than 2,000,000 course participants. To keep statistics, course participants are invited to fill out a questionnaire before and after completing the course; if possible, diagnoses of diseases and the corresponding conclusions of doctors with state medical education are also collected after 30-40 days after completing the course (the period of the so-called "homework" after 10- day course).

  • violation of blood supply;
  • eye diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • ENT diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gum problems;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the excretory organs;
  • skin defects;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

Experiment in educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan 2003

According to Uchitelskaya Gazeta, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan (as of 2003) Faris Kharisov conducted an experiment in 2003 to introduce the Norbekov system into the educational process.

Thus, the systemic introduction of health saving into the educational process began in the region. The experiment included nine schools and four kindergartens. In just three years, 1851 people participated in it. […] The experiment was carried out in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Zelenodolsk, Arsk, Kukmorsky district.

... The basis of the system is a set of exercises for the spine and articular gymnastics, which increases the protective immunity of the body and prevents scoliosis, myopia, physical inactivity, arthritis and some other diseases. Physical warm-up, relaxation, pictures, solarization usually delight children. And another component of this program was the work to restore peace of mind through special training emotions, feelings, imagination. … The results of a survey of children and parents confirm the manifestation heightened interest to lessons, a steady desire to participate in this health-improving project of both children, and their parents, and a teacher. The emotional state of children in health lessons has a positive effect on their attitude to lessons in other subjects.

Celebrities involved in the Norbekov system

"False teachers" according to the Norbekov system

Those who wish to become a teacher according to the Norbekov system undergo certification after a long period of study. The confirmation of attestation is a certificate of the established form. The exact list of teachers can be found on the official website. On this moment that's 47 people across the globe. Not each of them has the right to independently conduct seminars and courses on this technique.

Also underway unauthorized courses according to the author's methodology of M. S. Norbekov. This violation entails civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with Article 1515 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 14.10. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

We inform you that attending illegal courses can also have negative consequences for your health, since the persons involved in the criminal conspiracy do not possess the necessary official permits confirming their pedagogical skills and professional suitability for conducting recreational activities according to the method of M. S. Norbekov. At the same time, ANO “Institute for Human Self-Restoration” cannot be held responsible for the consequences for the health and life of students who suffered as a result of illegal actions of the so-called “organizers” and “teachers” of unauthorized educational and recreational seminars under the auspices of the “Norbekov System”.

In addition, there are obvious scammers pretending to be the authors of this technique. For example, the fraudulent "Official Norbekov Center Yekaterinburg", which has nothing to do with the official branch in Yekaterinburg "Norbekov Club".

Criticism of the Norbekov system

The Norbekov system as a system for getting rid of diseases does not help everyone. There is no information about the confirmation of the declared results from reliable sources.

1. This system has not been subjected to serious clinical trials; in terms of evidence-based medicine, there is no evidence of its effectiveness.

This system has not been subjected to serious clinical trials in terms of evidence-based medicine, there is no evidence of its effectiveness, despite more than ten years of existence of the Institute for Human Self-Healing (opened in 1998). There is also no information about the studies conducted, with numerical indicators of deviations in health before classes according to the Norbekov system and after classes. On the Internet, from time to time there are reviews that vision has improved (less often, that it has recovered) and there are no reviews about getting rid of other diseases.

This directly contradicts Norbekov's numerous statements that millions of people have been cured of various ailments by his system. Perhaps, speaking about the millions cured, Mr. Norbekov is referring to the total circulation of his books.

At the same time, a negative image of scientists and science is created in Norbekov’s books and articles: “Well, I wrote it, and now blows await me ... a condescending smile of ordinary highly scientific minds of the sleeping world.” This is his counterargument to the non-recognition of the methodology by the scientific community. It is worth noting that this is a typical sign for pseudoscientists.

2. Norbekov's books and courses arguably affect the worldview and mental state of a person

According to the warnings of the course authors of the Norbekov System, there are a number of contraindications for taking the course, one of which is mental illness. But, there are reviews on the Internet that say that after taking the courses, some people had mental problems that did not manifest themselves before the courses.

An excerpt from a reader's letter, from the site anticekta.ru:

I am a strong, physically healthy person, behind my shoulders 15 sports sections(while studying at school and university) and 5 sports categories. Before taking the courses, I could not even imagine that I would be ill with depression, and even more so with schizophrenia.

At the end of the 9th session, I saw (I don’t know how) a golden glow around my hands, and a rainbow inside my body, but at the end of the same session, we were warned that all this was quite likely. Even during the courses, my time spent in sleep decreased exponentially: I had 9 hours of normal sleep, then 6, then 3, and after the courses I did not sleep for 8 days. It was New Year's time and all the doctors were resting, and on January 4 I was taken by ambulance to a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. MS Norbekov himself writes on his website that schizophrenia cannot develop in 10 days. And in all medical encyclopedias it is said that it develops on the third day without sleep. On December 30, I called the Norbekov school in Moscow and told them how I felt, to which they told me to start reading his book again.

Five years later: forcibly rejecting the pills, I ended up in clinics 5 more times, all because of the same loss of sleep (and this did not haunt me at all before the courses), plus the loss of ability to work in my profession, loss of health (constant pain, burning sensations, spasms throughout the body for 2 years), constant intake of expensive drugs, etc. And I was a completely healthy person.

Now I am actively engaged in aikido, learning a new profession, but I want to warn everyone who wants to take MS Norbekov's courses - everything that this person does is dangerous to health.

3. Death of people involved in the Norbekov system

According to some information, the leading teacher of the Marchenko system, Aleksey, died of advanced appendicitis, due to the refusal of timely medical care in favor of treatment according to the Norbekov system. The fact of death is reflected in Marchenko's book “Illness? Well, to hell with her "on behalf of Norbekov, but the cause of death is not indicated in the text. Norbekov, responding to the accusations of the site antinorbekov.narod.ru, answers vaguely, but again does not name the cause of death. According to this information, which has not been verified by the Human Self-Healing Institute, the wisdom of the leading educators is questioned.

4. Some public organizations and institutions classify the organization of Mirzakarim Norbekov as a sect

The Mirzakarim Norbekov School (Academy), where classes are held according to the Norbekov system, was included in the list of sects of the Saratov regional branch of the "Center for Religious Studies" anticekta.ru.

A specialist in sect studies A. L. Dvorkin gives the following definition on the Orthodox portal k-istine.ru:

The Institute for Human Self-Healing is a non-religious eclectic sect organized on the principle of a network training company and combining elements of psychocult, pseudoscience, occult healing and pseudo-Sufism.

5. Criticism of Norbekov's methods

Norbekov calls for the use of the so-called. an intuition simulator that helps you learn to predict the future. Electric shock occurs or does not occur after pressing one of the two buttons. The review on the said site is as follows: "added a level of impact voltage, the rate of correct answers increased to 80-100%", the explanation implies an exacerbation of the feeling of which button to press before the fear of more pain from more current. But the simplest microcontroller allows you to control the process, juggling the results.

The use of cards (not necessarily playing cards) to train intuition, or colored peas and the generalization that 50% guessing later will help make the right decisions in various areas of life and business cannot but cause a smile.

6. Criticism of Norbekov's statements

Some of Mr. Norbekov's incorrect statements can also be criticized. For example, one of them is posted on the website of the Kiev representative office of his system, that one of his teachers, academician Ubaidullo Karimov, received the Nobel Prize for translating Avicenna's Canon of Medicine from Arabic, although this author is not indicated on the official website.

In the books and interviews that Norbekov gives, there are often odious statements like “a descendant of the last prophet of mankind Muhammad”, “5000 years ago”, etc.

7. Norbekov's books contain theses about the mystical nature of reality

In the book “Where Kuzkin’s Mother Winters, or How to Get a Free Million Solutions,” Norbekov claims that a person can predict the future, transmit thoughts at a distance, instantly move in time and space, and materialize objects. It is also stated there that when a person masters his intuition and everything happens as he thinks, the reverse process will become possible - what he thinks about will immediately materialize. Examples are given (chapters “How the bowl broke in the future”, “Places of power”, “First time in first class”, “How to turn a cobblestone into dust”, “Crazy with two buckets”, “I wish such a death to everyone”, etc. .

Published books on the system

  • Norbekov M. S., literary editor Serebryakova M. V. “The experience of a fool, or the Key to enlightenment. How to get rid of glasses» read, download
  • Norbekov M. S. "Where Kuz'kin's mother winters, or How to get a free million decisions" read, download
  • Norbekov M. S., Hwang Yu. E. "Training of the body and spirit" read
  • Norbekov M. S. "Training of the body and spirit" 2nd revised edition read
  • Norbekov M. S., Fotina L. A. “The road to youth and health. Practical guide for men and women» read
  • Norbekov M.S., Khvan Yu.E. “Lessons of Norbekov. Road to youth and health» read
  • Norbekov M. S. “Lessons of Norbekov. Road to youth and health. 2nd revised edition. read , download
  • Norbekov M. S., Fotina L. A. “Restore health and youth” read
  • Norbekov M. S. "Energy enema or the triumph of Aunt Nyura from Prostodyrovo"

I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that anyone who is at least a little interested in the topic of healing by natural methods has heard about the system of M.S. Norbekov. One of his most popular books, The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment, is dedicated to restoring vision.

Interested people immediately have questions: “What is original in Norbekov's approach to recovery? What should be done to restore vision according to the Norbekov system?

The most concise essence of Mirzakarim Sanakulovich's method is conveyed by the following scheme:

This diagram needs some explanation.

The key feature of the Norbekov system is a positive emotional attitude and belief in one's success during health improvement classes. Positive emotions and self-confidence can work miracles of healing, since they significantly activate the usually sluggish self-healing processes of the body.

And vice versa - even an absolutely healthy person, prolonged depression (as a result) can turn into a chronic patient. Not without reason in medicine there is such a direction as psychosomatics, which studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of bodily (somatic) diseases.

But how to learn to manage your emotions in order to tune in a positive way to wellness classes?

Since emotions are closely related to muscles (especially facial ones), Norbekov proposes to start the process of improving mood with an effort of will, adopting a “muscle corset” and facial expressions of the winner: straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and stretch your mouth in a wide smile. Such physical changes in posture and facial expressions will soon force a change in better side emotions and mood, as the emotional center is synchronized with the state of the muscles.

Further, the effect is enhanced if you artificially immerse yourself in a joyful state, and then mentally imagine yourself healthy (for example, seeing well) in order to nourish your faith in the successful outcome of recreational activities.

The above is well illustrated by a video demonstrating exercises for restoring vision according to the Norbekov system:

There is no doubt that those who have not previously encountered the Norbekov method, watching such videos can only laugh and arouse suspicion of some inadequacy of the person demonstrating the exercises :).

If you use this approach regularly (not necessarily every day, it is enough to practice 3 times a week), then the result will not be long in coming. Norbekov claims that it is possible to start the irreversible process of restoring vision within 20-40 days of classes.

As for the exercises for the eyes themselves, there are not so many of them, and most of them are familiar to those who are engaged in improving vision according to Bates: eye movements, solarization, accommodation training using a mark on the glass, palming (Norbekov gave him the name “Nachihatto-Naplevatto ”).

However, unlike the same technique of Dr. Bates, restoration of vision according to the Norbekov system is achieved not only by performing exercises for the eyes, but also by performing special gymnastics to maintain the flexibility of the joints and spine. Norbekov explains such great attention to the spine by its exceptional importance in the correct and well-coordinated work. internal organs, without which a person cannot be considered healthy and without which his efforts in restoring vision may be in vain.

Spine modern man clearly lacks the much-needed motor load. This is fraught with the loss of its flexibility, the accumulation of all kinds of deposits in it, hindering movement and pinching the nerves coming from spinal cord to the organs. Violation of the normal functioning of internal organs and systems is manifested in the violation of metabolic processes and a decrease in the self-healing potential of the body. In particular, Norbekov emphasizes that hyperopia that occurs with age is directly related to the condition of the spine.

You will get a complete picture of the restoration of vision according to the Norbekov system by reading his best-selling book:

If you prefer audio or video to books, you can use these materials:

E Even before I got acquainted with the DEIR System, I got acquainted with the brochures of M. Norbekov and Y. Khvan, dedicated to healing and rejuvenation. Now there is the Norbekov School with branches in various cities and countries.

In the 1990s, M. Norbekov, together with Y. Khvan, L. Fotina and other teachers, developed a set of alternative medicine methods. In the future, he continued to develop the "System" and created several organizations to conduct classes on it.

In his system, I was interested in a positive approach to recovery, using attitudes such as Image of Youth and Health (OMZ), and non-contact energy massage.

As stated in the introduction of one of the books (Yu.Khvan "Norbekov's Health System". 2002.) "Norbekov's technique is based on the achievement of the philosophical thought of the East and, if properly applied, makes it possible to quickly and without drugs heal almost all ailments that torment a person."

In the book by M.Norbekov, Yu.Khvan “Lessons of Norbekov. The road to youth and health "2000." 12 self-study activities are proposed, which "will help to embark on the path of spiritual and bodily self-healing." The essence of the method outlined in the first lesson is to awaken the deepest forces of a person in order to gain peace of mind, the violation of which causes illness. For this are used:

spine exercises and head massage;

training of imaginative thinking, emotions, imagination and feelings;

education of the will with sensations of heat, tingling, cold;

commandments, prohibitions and rules.

The author recommends setting yourself up for a full recovery, waking up with a feeling of joy, happiness, flying, freeing yourself from thoughts during classes, more often repeating positive statements like “I am healthy ... I am happy ... I can do anything ...”, treating yourself with love and respect.

Norbekov's technique allows you to work in the following areas:

1. Restoration of mental balance by training emotions, feelings, imagination; cultivation of self-control.

2.Training of the body's suppressed abilities for self-regulation and self-healing (rejuvenation). Launching the self-healing mechanism.

3. Increasing the body's resistance through strengthening the immune system, normalizing metabolism and mental activity, restoring sexual potency and achieving harmony in intimate relationships.

4. Improvement (restoration) of the functions of the sense organs.

5. Elimination of many types of consequences of injuries, operations or diseases: scars, scars, etc.

6. Rejuvenation of the face and neck.

7. Education of the will to achieve the goal using the initial setting: in the shortest possible time to restore the normal functioning of an unhealthy organ, as well as the whole organism.

8. Normalization of weight.

9. For women - gynecological meditative auto-massage (spontaneous contraction of the uterus), improving the shape of the breast.

The training is divided into stages. For example:

1. Mastering the technique and launching the cleaning mechanism. This is a preparatory, but the most important stage.

2. Mastering the basic exercises (the beginning of recovery, followed by an avalanche-like process of improving well-being).

3. Consolidation of what has been achieved and the beginning of biological rejuvenation.

The lessons themselves include:

  • self-massage of biologically active points of the head;
  • physical exercises for the joints and spine;
  • breathing meditative gymnastics;
  • figurative thinking training;
  • work with TPH-sensations (warmth, tingling, cold) - the development of these sensations and the challenge in various areas and organs of the body, as well as their movement; other manipulations with these sensations by combining them;
  • work with emotions, creation and work with OMZ;
  • meditative exercises for working with scars, treating a diseased organ, collecting and dissipating sensations, “shamrock”, “big circle”, “image of a third hand”;
  • facial rejuvenation.

Outside the lessons, posture, facial expressions, OMZ are monitored.

The first of the above books suggests an extended and accelerated course with thought treatment, prevention of future diseases, work with images of internal organs, self-control.

In Yu. Hvan's book "The Elixir of Health". 2002 it is proposed The Unified System of Norbekov and Sam Jeon Do(which, according to the author, cured Norbekov himself). In this book, the emphasis is on overcoming negative thoughts (a “combat meditation” against negative thoughts is given), general energy cleansing, mastering the energies of different planes (thought, breath, feelings). The book gives Sam Chong Do complexes in the form of meditative exercises that prepare the body for the perception of energies and use sensations.

The exercises are similar to qigong practice.

For some time I practiced individual exercises of the Norbekov System, but then I moved away from them because I had previously practiced similar techniques, and then began to master the DEIR system and others.

Despite some eclecticism of the Norbekov System, which uses heterogeneous practices, it can be useful for the practice of sensations, which, by the way, are used in mastering autogenic training and relaxation such as shavasana, as well as to form a positive attitude and strengthen the will.

If you go to Norbekov's website, you will notice that the topic is often mentioned there restoration of vision. Apparently, this topic became popular after the publication of his book “The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment. How to get rid of glasses. 2001., in which the author in an ironic manner reveals the causes of visual impairment, as well as methods for its restoration. The book is written emotionally with an abundance of jokes and examples. It kind of resonates with my post. "Sight and Insight".

Like many human development systems, Norbekov's system and himself are criticized.

In particular, material from Phrykopedia - an encyclopedia of pseudoscience

The reader is invited to "separate the wheat from the chaff" himself.