Make friends with your body youtube. body wisdom

The issues of body perception have become an object of creative research for the singer. She promotes adequate self-acceptance and believes that vitamins and training will not help if you do not learn to listen to your body.

Explain how to find the line between self-acceptance and the understanding that changes are still necessary?

For me, productivity is always important, and everything that interferes with being in balance and takes strength is beyond. One side of destructiveness is excessive aggression, because of which you are not satisfied with everything about yourself. The other is when, on the contrary, you allow yourself too much, because "you accept it as it is." You need to understand what prevents you from being harmonious, and correct it. But without regard to changing trends and other people's opinions.

How do you take care of your body? Learned to hear and understand it?

I will not say that I understand my body one hundred and fifty percent, because for me the dialogue with it is a dynamic state. You can say: “Yes, I know everything! I need to exercise and take these vitamins to feel good.” But all these healthy lifestyle attributes will not help much if you do not know how to speak honestly with the body. I have long come to the conclusion that psychological condition for me it is more important than the physical, also because stress and psychosomatic manifestations spoil my voice, and music is the most important thing for me. Self-care manifests itself in many ways: it includes surrounding yourself with the right people, and even the right smells. I also go to yoga recently: I try to feel my femininity through correct breathing and work with other institutions (laughs).

"Being in balance gives me the strength to create what I love"

You are 27 years old, but have you thought about how to accept yourself and your body in 20, 30 years?

I don't know how I'll feel when I get wrinkles or when the person I love leaves for a younger girl. For three years I have been interviewing different women for my social project and talk with them about the problems of self-perception. During this time, I realized that final acceptance is basically impossible, and when you realize this, it becomes easier for you. By the way, the most interesting thoughts are shared by women after 40 years. For example, one of my recent interviewees said: “I love my scar on my stomach because it reminds me that I am a mother and gave birth to a beautiful son.” I believe and hope that all my research activities now it is not in vain and in 20-30 years I will feel even more harmonious.

You are referred to as the ideologists of body positivity, but you criticize some of its manifestations.

First, in a recent manifesto, I reflected on the topic of why body positivity is so inaccurately interpreted in Russia. It seems to me, including because body and positive are two non-Russian words. It is interesting to know if there is a definition in our culture that could more organically reflect this idea? I think there is. Secondly, I do not like any manifestations of aggression. People who hate body positivity and people who hate people who hate body positivity are terribly similar and use the same language. And it scares me. Interestingly, behind the scenes of the whole story with the #injurybeauty and #show us projects, I met a lot of negative reactions from friends and friends who wrote to me: “Oh no, this parade of strong and independent again?”. To many people, everything now seems like an aggressive body positivity campaign. At the same time, there is a main plus - the topic is being discussed and there are those who study it deeper.

About yoga with a capital and a small letter

All yoga known to us can be divided into two categories: Yoga with a capital letter and yoga - with a small one.

Yoga with a capital letter has existed for centuries. According to legend, it originates from Adinath - Shiva. Yoga techniques are primarily aimed at working with consciousness, and knowledge about it is transmitted to students from the guru orally. Upon receiving initiation into the tradition, the disciple takes several vows. In different traditions and at different times, the vows may differ, but invariably there was a vow not to divulge the secrets of the practice to anyone, ever. Therefore, little is known about Yoga, it has never been something fashionable or popular. In addition, the techniques offered by the tradition are complex to the point of impracticability, so few people have the motivation to comprehend them.

Yoga with a small letter is just what is presented in the mass version and can be bought for money: sets of movements, asanas, the simplest breathing exercises and nutritional advice. Are they helpful? Yes. Do they work? They work. But these techniques do not affect consciousness directly and do not change its quality. Therefore, there is no need to harbor illusions that if you stand in bakasana for a few more seconds, then all your chakras will open and you will fly home in the lotus position.

Unfortunately, now there is often a substitution of concepts, when they try to pass off yoga with a small letter as yoga with a capital letter. But it is necessary to understand that all types of yoga, based on the practice of asanas, are essentially author's methods that have nothing to do with the ancient tradition. And the common phrase " classical yoga”, which representatives of some directions use without a twinge of conscience.

Do you need to do yoga? If you want to make friends with your own body and learn to understand yourself better, then yoga is for you.

About yoga classes

Do you need to do yoga? If you want to make friends with your own body and learn to understand yourself better, then yoga is for you. Our whole life basically consists of typical situations in which we use ready-made behavioral patterns. But in order to develop, it is necessary to go beyond the usual. And yoga gives us such an opportunity. While practicing asanas, we take various positions of the body, many of which, especially at the initial stage, become a real test. In order not to break down and not suffer from pain, we inevitably have to listen to ourselves and look for the only right solution that allows us to return from an uncomfortable state to a comfort zone. Having mastered one position, we move on to another and solve a new problem. So gradually we learn to listen and be aware of our body and adjust the harmonious interaction of all its parts with each other. As a result, we become healthier and happier.

Having mastered one position, we move on to another and solve a new problem. So gradually we learn to listen and be aware of our body and adjust the harmonious interaction of all its parts with each other. As a result, we become healthier and happier.”


Anatoly ZENCHENKO, author of the Ishvara Yoga methodology, founder of the Yoga School in Kyiv, President International Association yoga, the official representative of the International Yoga Federation "World Union of Yoga" in Ukraine, the host of international seminars, master classes on the theory and practice of hatha yoga, which take place in many cities of Russia and Europe.

Achievements: fourth place at the World Artistic Yoga Championship (2001), silver medalist of the European Artistic Yoga Championship (2001), bronze medalist Intercontinental Championship in Olympic Yoga (2001), world champion in artistic yoga (2002), bronze medalist of the World Cup in Olympic yoga (2002), world champion in artistic yoga (2003).

Text: Tatyana Bushmakina.
Photo: Igor Mazutsky.

Opinion of psychoanalyst Tatiana Pisarenko, founder of the Center for Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis Tatiana Pisarenko, on the importance of a harmonious relationship with oneself

How often do we notice that, trying to change something in our life, we cannot get out of the vicious circle? And you can get out only by understanding “who I am”, “what I want”, “what is the meaning of my life”, “where to move on”. At a certain stage of my life, this happened to me: I, a successful teacher in English, wife, mother, at first glance, having fulfilled all the conditions of the task called “female happiness”, she felt that she was not living, but existing. In an effort to be the perfect homemaker, I completely abandoned myself and my interests. To prevent this from happening, it is important to be in a harmonious relationship with yourself, to be friends with yourself, to understand your own value. Why is it that very often everything happens exactly the opposite?

Relations with the body is one of the most important aspects in the development of a harmoniously developed person. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to building relationships with the body from childhood. But my body is my boundaries. In childhood, it is very important to explain to the child that the body belongs only to him. And no adult, except parents, can touch him. If this is not explained to the child, then he does not build a protective barrier. The barrier says that my body is, first of all, "I". Relationship with yourself goes hand in hand with relationship with your own body.

Being born, the child perceives love through the body: touching, stroking, kissing. So he understands what love is, what is pleasant, and what is not. A child who is desired and born in love, whose parents understand that another person has appeared, and their task is to watch her become and support her on the way, will grow up bathed in love. If the child appears unplanned, and the mother thinks about whether or not to have an abortion, or if it is the result of intentions, for example, to save the family, most likely, she will not even receive bodily pleasure. For every person, the main thing is to love and be loved. Because through love for him, he learns to love himself. If the balance “I am loved - I love” is disturbed in childhood, then the course is distorted accordingly, which leads to serious consequences when working with a psychoanalyst is required.

In adolescence, the relationship between father and mother, as well as the relationship of the child with them, play an important role in the formation of the personality of both a boy and a girl. Healthy relationships are built in a family where the child is allowed to be a person, to seek and choose what interests him, and the parents are nearby and provide support, supervision and guidance. In these relationships, as a rule, there are boundaries of the family that individuals have created: father, mother and child; in such a family, father and mother have a relationship between a man and a woman (they did not become exclusively the parents of their child). Healthy relationships in the family help the child grow up confident in himself and his abilities.

It is very important not to lose contact with your children. You need to talk to them every day. No matter how tired you are during the day, you need to find strength and talk with your child. If you have several children, it is important to talk to each of them separately, find out how your day went, how your friends are doing, at school, etc. If no one communicates with the child, then he himself is looking for a solution, relying on himself: “I am fat. What can I do about it? I can stop eating."

A teenage girl who thinks she is overweight needs to be explained that her body is changing and this is a normal process, and in fact it is beautiful. From childhood, dad should compliment the girl (if there is no dad, then any native man is nearby) about her body, appearance, hairstyle, and talents. And then the teenage period, when the issue of appearance is one of the most important, the child will survive easier. If in childhood a girl already felt like a beauty, then she will not see a hippopotamus in the mirror, because she has established a relationship with her own body. She knows that she is a princess, even if she is plump. From such girls grow up women who radiate love, especially for themselves. And already in the second minute of communication with them you do not notice any imperfection in appearance. Look at plus size models. They are puffy, show themselves with pleasure, proving: "I love my body."

If a woman does not love her body, does not associate him with her "I", does not know how to love him, she does not know how to love herself. And if the body still does not meet the now generally accepted standards (the media tried to convince of this), the woman decides to tame it and force it to be the way it, in her opinion, should be. In other words, he starts a war with him. For example, he goes to the gym and dooms his body to grueling workout, without thinking that you need to start training gradually, under the supervision of a trainer. One of my friends immediately chose a serious TRX program: she lasted two weeks, and then she got very sick. Why? Because the body was frightened: “Today you rape me with sports, tomorrow you will think of starving, I won’t give you anything, I need a resource to live.” This internal conflict is constant if you live in a body that you do not like. It's like being friends with someone you hate. The war with your own body leads to the fact that the body, on the contrary, gains weight, defending itself.

Anorexia and bulimia are among the most severe consequences of unestablished relationship with the body in childhood.. These are psychiatric illnesses. From my experience, I can say that parents notice that their child has lost a lot of weight when he is in critical condition. Most often, these are girls at the age of 13-14, when there is an urgent need to please guys. Today, gloss is crammed with the correct proportions of the body, thanks to which many girls and women believe that if their proportions are not 90-60-90, then they cannot be successful, happy and interesting to men. Many have deduced for themselves such a formula: "thin - equally beautiful - equally beloved." Often, mothers themselves put their daughters on a diet, sincerely thinking that thinness will bring her happiness. But a diet in adolescence sets off a program that will damage the girl's health and cause a war with her own body, when the fantasy "I" does not match the real "I".

Many adult women fantasize that if she lost 10-15 kg, she would immediately have a man in her life. And since it is full, no one likes it. But after all, in the world, millions of women with rounded shapes are happy in marriage, give birth to children, live with pleasure, eat with pleasure. They are happy because they accept themselves for who they are. Nature after all for something creates different people. Often, parents, without realizing it, injure the child by talking that his body is somehow not like that: “legs are crooked”, “fat”, “big ears”.

An important factor that affects the harmonious perception of oneself,many do not know their body. Adult women say that they have never looked at themselves naked in the mirror. They are embarrassed by the body, and in the mirror they see an ugly self, for which they even came up with such designations as a hippopotamus, a toad, a monster, a cow. A woman who does not know herself and does not know what her body looks like needs the opinion of another person who will confirm that she is young, beautiful, well-groomed, or, on the contrary, say that she is ugly, fat, etc. And this is how a beautiful woman can talk and think about herself, looking at whom, you will never believe that she is so unsure of herself, does not love herself and her body.

simple and effective way look at the relationship with yourself - conduct a professional photo session. From her, a woman will either enjoy it, or discover the presence of an internal conflict: she is nervous, shy, cannot relax.

« Nobody wants me because I'm not perfect"these words can be heard very often. In fact, if it sounds “I don’t need anyone”, it means that “I don’t need myself first of all. I don’t know what I am, I don’t know what my body is, and I don’t want to, I’m scared to get to know myself. ” This woman aspires to perfect image. But the ideal person does not exist. We are all imperfect, this is our beauty and uniqueness. It is important to simply live in inner harmony in a relationship with yourself.

Some try to achieve harmony artificially. One of my friends was haunted by a hooked nose. Having finally corrected it surgically, she began to dislike the shape of her face, lips, and so on. As a result, she reshaped her entire body beyond recognition. It seems to such women that now I will fix this ugly place and become happy, but happiness does not come, and for some reason there are more and more ugly places. And gradually she finally gets confused in what she is real. The desire to resolve an internal conflict through only external changes is a dead end. It is not for nothing that the patient is sent before a plastic surgery to talk with a psychotherapist so that he confirms that the operation has a healthy desire and will not develop into passion. Thus, women are trying to fill the inner emptiness formed from ignorance of themselves. I am not against plastic surgery, but I am for friendship with myself. The void can only be filled by understanding yourself. And changes will come when a woman accepts herself for who she is.

What is the way out of the situation if you are in deep conflict with yourself, when there is an inner emptiness and there is not enough of your own resource to change something? There is a solution. Seek help from a psychotherapist. And in the office, with professional support, learn to listen to yourself, hear yourself and love yourself, building new relationships with yourself. I know this firsthand. I've experienced it for myself at the time.

Interview: Yulia Naidenko
Photo: Veronika Klim-Gerasimova

The body is in constant communication with the mind. Even a long time ago, our ancestors knew that the body and soul are one. Modern quantum physics suggests that the body and soul are actually manifestations of a single consciousness. I suggest you make a conversation with your body. Read how you can get in touch with the wisdom of the body.

body wisdom.

Body Wisdom is your conversation with the sensations of your body. We use this dialogue not to take control of our bodies, but to learn, grow, open our hearts, and heal ourselves. To change, to hear him and befriend him. And most importantly, in order to love him for who he is.


Talk with your hands and your heart.

As Svetlana (Moscow) watches the changes that are taking place in her life, she notices that on her heart is getting heavy, A hands as if something is pulling so she dares to speak with her hands and her heart.

Svetlana: Hands, why are you so heavy?
Hands: You don't listen to your heart. You are afraid of change. You want to move forward, but you give in to your fear. Therefore, a conflict arises.
I feel this heaviness in my arms when I'm trying to figure out what I really want. How will I understand what I want if for a long time I did what I thought others wanted? Hands, why do you hold back and limit yourself?
Hands: We do not limit you, but you yourself. You achieve something, but you use your fear, excuses, other people's thoughts and things to keep you from moving forward. You yourself do all this - we only help you feel it!

Exercise: Talk to your body.

talking to the body

1. Find a place where you could sit for 20 minutes in complete seclusion. And where no one and nothing will disturb you. Inhale and exhale deeply for a minute while consciously thinking about your body. Imagine a gold or silver ball , full of warmth, love, care and healing light above your head.

2. Imagine how, without any effort on your part, this ball of light descends and passes through your head, illuminating everything around, so that you too can look inside yourself. Does your head feel anything?

3. Explore yourself, your feelings from top to bottom. Your neck, chest, arms, stomach, intestines, genitals, legs - and so on to your toes. Notice all the sensations that come along the way. : pain, goosebumps, tingling, heat, tension, cold, sprains and constrictions.

4. Using colored pencils, pastels, a simple pencil or pen, with your subdominant hand, draw the outline of your body and mark the places where you found any sensations . For example, sensations in the shoulders can be conveyed with thick black lines, and pain with broken red lines. Tingling in the hands may become yellow lines or dots, pain in the heart may become red circles, and so on.

4A. If you are examining the body with the goal of becoming slimmer or gaining weight , mark on the contour of the body the places you want to change: hips, abdomen, waist, forearms.

5. Choose one sensation in one part of your body that you want to explore with paper talk. Write on your sheet the name of this body part: stomach, head, knees, heart.

6. In your dominant hand, write "Tell me about yourself." Lean back and calm down. If it's easier for you, close your eyes. Don't analyze the feeling - just feel it. With your dominant hand, write down what your body is saying to you. Let your feelings tell you. At first, it may seem stupid to you, or meaningless, or bad, or sad. Later you will be able to see if it was helpful. Now just open your heart and let your body speak.

7. Now write in your dominant hand: "What can I do to make you feel really good?" Lean back and calm down. Don't try to find out. Write the answer with your dominant hand.

8. Ask any question that comes to your mind. Write the answer with your subdominant hand.

9. When finished, move the drawing away from you a little and look at it. Remember and write down your thoughts and feelings. Now is not the time to decide whether this drawing was useful. Make an entry in your Diary. Thank your body for telling you about itself. Thank yourself for listening to your body. Return to drawing and writing next week - you will be able to understand the value of your drawing.

Case from practice.

Irina from Vladivostok (not her real name) was talking to her hips.
She said:
“I have problems with my legs and hips. They are too thick for my taste, so I complain all the time. I wear long skirts so no one can see them."

Irina: Hey fat thighs, tell me about yourself.
Hips: When we are alone, we feel fine, but as soon as we get dressed to go out somewhere, we start to feel fat.
Irina: Why do you exist in my life?
Hips: We want to say that for some reason you got it into your head that something is wrong with you all the time and that you can’t be all right.
Irina: Believe that you are what you are, worthy of love. Realize that you deserve to feel good about your body. Know that you are beautiful.


  • Do the exercise: talk to your body.
  • Write in the comments to this article a report on the work done - a dialogue with your body.
  • After a week, return to the blog and write the conclusions that your body gave you.
  • What new decision about yourself do you make based on these findings?

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A productive relationship with your body, like any other relationship, must be based on love and patience. Your relationship with your body is one of the most intimate experiences that cannot be avoided and compensated for with something else, without serious consequences. Therefore, it is worth spending time and effort to make them constructive.

We offer you some tips on how to make friends with your body. Follow them and your life will change for the better!


Treat your body as a whole with love and respect. Including those parts of it that this moment do not match your idea of ​​what they should be.

The main idea of ​​this article is that we are what we imagine about ourselves, in other words, we are an exact copy of that portrait that has developed for certain reasons in our head. Take the brush in your hand and make your adjustments. You are the creator of your life and the artist of your body.

Always remember that if you feel terrible, it does not mean that you are terrible! Use all means. Talk to a friend you trust about the sensations in your body, both internal and external. Share your thoughts on what you want to do to make your relationship with your body more harmonious.


Stop criticizing your body. Treat him with interest, like a traveler to a land still unknown to him. Delete from your vocabulary phrases like: "I'm too ..." or "I'm not enough ..." Carefully study all aspects related to your body - highlight the most important features of your figure for yourself and determine how you feel about them and What exactly is this attitude about?

Do not let complexes spoil your relationship with the body. Remember that everyone has complexes about their body. These complexes come and go throughout life and sometimes these changes occur within one minute.

Factors contributing to a negative attitude towards the body.

1. The need to be thin or have an athletic figure. (meet the generally accepted standard of beauty)

2. Deep-seated psychological trauma received in adolescence due to an unsuccessful experience of relationships with the opposite sex.

3. The belief that meeting certain standards can make us happy.

4. Painful conditions caused by stress, the manifestation of which are apathy, decreased vitality, loss of strength.

Learn more about the people, places, and activities that make you critical or disrespectful of yourself. Think about how to remove their impact, or at least find ways to protect yourself to minimize the negative impact. Also pay Special attention where and with whom you feel confident and comfortable and try to build a strong relationship along this line. Let jealousy be your teacher: identify who and what makes you jealous. What do they have that you would like to have? Maybe it's some characteristic feature or quality? Think about what is stopping you from becoming the same.


Changing the mindset is not an easy task. But, in the end, only in your power to make your brain respect your body and start thinking positively. Every time you find yourself in a negative situation, control your reaction by persistently directing your thoughts in a positive direction, do not allow yourself to fall into a vicious circle of depressive thoughts. Sooner or later, positive thinking will become a habit.

If you nevertheless fell under the influence of the idea that you have a lot of flaws in your body, that everything is terrible and hopeless, try to free yourself from the tyrant-mind and direct your feelings inside your body. Do something nice for yourself, for example, treat yourself to a massage in the salon. Professional massage helps to increase endorphins, which are otherwise called hormones of happiness. Going to a massage therapist will help put your thoughts in order and direct them in a positive direction. Beautiful music or dance classes can help get rid of negative thoughts. You can also take a relaxing aroma bath or chat with a positive person.

How to consciously cultivate a positive attitude towards the body:

1. Take 10 minutes each day to focus your thoughts on your strengths. It would be better if you list them on paper. This will help develop the ability to switch from self-criticism to gratitude.

2. Be skeptical of the standards that the media imposes on us.

3. Cultivate a sense of respect for your own and others' uniqueness. Try not to judge yourself or others.

4. Focus your thoughts on healthy way life, and not on their appearance.

5. Smile more often! Yourself, your body internal organs. Say hello to your body in the morning, thank it during the day - after all, it is it that helps you live and fulfill yourself in this world!

6. You are perfect! And only a restless mind prevents you from accepting it. No creature but man suffers because of his own imperfection - think about it :)


Emotions (from lat. emoveo - shake, excite) are the subjective reactions of humans and higher animals to any external and internal stimuli.

Each person, to one degree or another, constantly experiences various emotions, but when experiencing any emotion, we do not think that any experience is reflected in the breath and muscles. For example, a long background anxiety experience leads to tension in the muscles of the neck, trapezium, and diaphragm.

This is an unhealthy type of tension that can contribute to the development of problems such as headache tension, temporomandibular joint syndrome, back pain, respiratory failure, which leads to VSD, cardio problems vascular system, central nervous system and other health problems.

Some people feel that pressure rises during an argument. And this feeling is not deceptive - this is exactly what happens.
Moreover, it is not necessary to quarrel, it is enough to think about a quarrel one, two or five weeks after it happened, says the American Journal of Psychophysiology. Therefore, folk wisdom correctly says: quarreled - forget it.

A half-hour quarrel with a loved one for a day almost completely turns off the body's ability to heal itself. Ohio State University scientists have found that people who constantly quarrel with their partners, wounds heal more slowly. Researchers using a special device caused microburns on the skin of the forearm. When partners were asked to talk about the reason for a violent quarrel, wounds healed 40% longer.

Scientists explain these results by the fact that during swearing, cyphotoxins are released - molecules that are indicators of the inflammatory process. If the level of cyfotoxins is constantly elevated, diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer can develop.

In a person experiencing an emotion, it is possible to fix a change in the electrical activity of the muscles of the face. Some changes are also observed in the electrical activity of the brain, in the functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems.

An angry or frightened person's pulse may be 40 to 60 beats per minute higher than normal. Such drastic changes in somatic indicators when a person experiences a strong emotion indicate that almost all neurophysiological and somatic systems of the body are involved in this process. These changes inevitably affect the perception, thinking and behavior of the individual, and in extreme cases can lead to somatic and mental disorders.

How do basic emotions affect the body?

When we rejoice, the body expands, becomes light, we fly with happiness. All other emotions contract, compress the body. Even the amoeba, the simplest organism, shrinks to protect itself from danger.

Imagine the situation: you are walking down the street, you hear the squeal of car brakes behind you. What do you feel? Your body shrinks in the area solar plexus. They say: “a person is paralyzed with fear”, “legs buckled” (especially in the knees). These are the zones of fear in the body. Each feeling experienced by a person has certain zones of tension in the body. We always breathe the way we feel. So, with expressed fear, breathing always stops.

The image of a person in anger is quite definite: jaws clenched, deep and heavy breathing. The neck is tense, especially her side surfaces, as well as the chest and arms (as for a punch). These are all zones of anger.

Resentment is unexpressed anger, which, due to certain circumstances, cannot be expressed. Therefore, zones of resentment include zones of anger. In addition, resentment squeezes the throat (lump in the throat). From resentment intercepts the breath, the heart hurts.

Emotion activates the autonomic nervous system, which in turn affects the endocrine and neurohumoral systems. Mind and body require action. If, for one reason or another, behavior adequate to emotion is impossible for an individual, he is threatened with psychosomatic disorders.

Whatever the emotion experienced by a person - powerful or barely expressed - it always causes physiological changes in his body, and these changes are sometimes so serious that they cannot be ignored.