Breathing exercises for preschoolers. Use of breathing exercises in dhow

Irina Beregova
Breathing exercises V kindergarten

Breathing exercises in kindergarten.

Goals and objectives:

Restores disturbed nasal breathing;

Improves the drainage function of the lungs;

Eliminates some changes in the broncho-pulmonary system;

Promotes the resorption of inflammatory formations, straightening wrinkled areas of the lung tissue, eliminating congestive local phenomena;

It has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue;

Fixes broken functions cardiovascular system, strengthens the entire circulatory apparatus;

Corrects various deformities that have developed in the course of the disease chest and spine;

It increases the overall resistance of the body, its tone, improves the neuropsychic state.

Respiratory gymnastics plays an important role in the process of healing and hardening of preschoolers.

In junior and middle preschool age, ORU exercises for the arms, shoulder girdle and torso are actively used in combination with sound gymnastics: imitative, figuratively imitative exercises.

Given the incompleteness of the formation respiratory system younger preschoolers, breathing exercises are performed at a slow and medium pace with a small number of repetitions (4-5 times).

In the introductory and final parts of the physical education session, game exercises of respiratory gymnastics are held for 25-30 seconds.

Most exercises at this age begin from the starting position "standing"; some exercises for the body from the position of "sitting", "lying on your back", "standing on all fours".

Exercises from a standing position.

"Catch a mosquito" I. p. - stand up straight, legs apart, lower your arms. Clap your hands in front of you at face level (chest, above your head, say “Clap!”. Return to I. p. - inhale.

"Flap your wings like a rooster". I. p. - stand up straight, legs apart, lower your arms. Raise your arms to the side, then, clapping your hands on your hips, exhale and say "Ku-ka-re-ku."

"Mower". I. p. - stand up straight, legs apart, slightly bent, stretch your arms forward, clench your fingers into a fist. Turn right and left, imitating the movements of a mower, make sweeping movements with your hands and say with an exhalation “Zhuh! Zhukh!

"Woodcutter". I. p. - stand up straight, legs wide apart, arms raised above your head, fingers clasped. Bend over, lowering your hands between your legs, and say with an exhalation: “Baaaah! Ba-ah-ah-ah-ah."

"Geese hiss" I. p. - stand straight legs apart, feet parallel, hands behind your back. Lean forward looking forward, stretching your neck, say: "Shhhh!". Return to i. p. - inhale.

"Watch". I. p. - stand up straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. A slight tilt to the side, with an exhalation, say "Tick-tock." Return to i. p. - inhale. The same on the other side.

"Play the trumpet". I. p. - legs together, arms bent in front of you, as if holding a pipe. Make small movements with your fingers, imitating pressing the keys., And with an exhalation say: “Tu-tu-tu!”.

"Pinwheel". I. p. - stand up straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Turn right and left, waving your arms freely and say "Xrrrr!".

"Grow Big". I. p. - stand straight legs together, arms lowered. Raise your arms, stretch, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your hands down, lower yourself to your entire foot - exhale, saying "Uhhh!".

"Hided" I. p. - stand up straight with your legs slightly apart, arms down. Sit lower on the entire foot, put your finger to your lips and say "Shh!". Return to i. p. - inhale.

"The Frog Jumps" I. p. - stand up straight, legs together, hands on the belt. Inhale, then jump forward while exhaling and say “Kwa-aak!”

"Pump". I. p. - stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Inhale, then, tilting the body to the side - exhale, pronouncing for a long time - “sss”. Slide one foot along the leg, lift the other to the armpit. Return to i. p. - inhale. Repeat on the other side.

Exercises of their position "sitting", "lying on your back", "standing on all fours", "kneeling".

"Rowers". I. p. - sit legs apart, arms bent at the elbows. Lean forward, touch the toes of your feet with your hands, exhale, saying "Uhhh." Straighten up, slightly spread your elbows to the sides - inhale.

"Pendulum". I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs crossed, hands on the belt. Swing the torso to the right and left, repeating "So-so."

"Bend your knees." I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs forward, arms up. Pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your hands and say “Here” as you exhale. Return to i. p. - inhale.

"Kitty" I. p. - standing on all fours. Raise your head, bend your back - inhale. Lower your head, arch your back, say “Frr” (“Shhh”) - exhale.

"Motor". I. p. - kneeling, bend your arms in front of your chest. Perform rotation of bent arms, pronouncing "rrrr". Return to i. p. - inhale.

"The bear is sleeping". I. p. - lying on your back, legs extended, arms along the body. Bend your legs, turn on your side, exhale "Whoo". Return to i. P.

Game exercises.

"Train". Children - wagons stand in a column behind the educator - the "locomotive". The train is moving, the children move their bent arms alternately and say “Chukh-chuh”.

Choo-choo, choo-choo,

The train rushes at full speed,

The steam locomotive puffs

"I'm in a hurry" - buzzes.

"I'm in a hurry! I'm in a hurry

I hurry-yu-yu-syu = s”.

Repeat for 25-30 seconds.

"Lost". One part of the children depicts trees, the other - children lost in the forest. They walk between the trees, stop, fold their hands like a mouthpiece and, as they exhale, loudly pronounce “A-u-u-u! A-u-u-u!"

"Geese are flying". Children slowly walk around the hall, raising their arms to the sides, inhale and exhale, lowering them, and say “Goo! Whoooo!"

"Collecting Flowers". Children walk around the hall and collect pre-arranged flowers. The teacher offers to smell fragrant flowers. Slightly tilting their heads, the children inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, saying "Aaaaa!".

"Blow on a dandelion". Children collect dandelions, inhaling, bending slightly and exhaling for a long time, trying to blow off all the parachutes from the dandelion.

"Blow off the snowflake." Children are looking for pre-folded, paper-made snowflakes. They put them on the palm. Inhaling, bend slightly and, exhaling, try to blow off the snowflake.

"Bubble". Children, together with the teacher, join hands and form a circle, becoming close to each other, then they say:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst

At the same time, the children diverge to the sides, increasing the circle, holding hands until the teacher says "The bubble has burst." On the exhale, the children converge to the center, pronouncing "Sh-sh-sh."

Breathing exercises.

During the classes, children perform a large amount of physical work, which requires an increased supply of oxygen to the muscles and organs. Therefore, to improve lung ventilation in the classroom, it is necessary to introduce breathing exercises that help normalize breathing, especially after running and jumping.

"Hug Yourself". I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides and laid back, palms forward, fingers apart. Cross your arms over your chest, slap your shoulder blades with your hands, exhale at the same time. Return to I. p- inhale.

"Blow the snow (dust) off the shoes". I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms up - to the sides. Lowering onto the foot, lean forward, cross the arms across the sides in front of the chest with a loud exhalation. Remaining in an inclination, smoothly crossing and spreading your arms, finish exhaling. Smoothly straighten up, making a calm vloh, and accept and. P.

In older preschool age, the load on the musculoskeletal system gradually increases. locomotor system and other body systems due to greater intensity and increased dosage of exercises. Circular rotations of the arms are introduced (forward-backward, jerky movements of straight and bent arms. In exercises for the body, turns and tilts to the side, turns around oneself while standing and lying down are made. More attention is paid to special breathing exercises. Manuals and simulation exercises are widely used.

Breathing exercises performed at an average pace of 6-8 times.

"Forward bends". I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Calm breath in and. n. 1-2-3 - springy forward bends with triple exhalation. Hands behind your back, look forward. 4.- return me to and. P.

"Tilts to the side"("Tilts with an umbrella"). I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Calm breath in and. p. 1-2-3 - triple tilt to the side, raise the opposite hand above the head - “covered with an umbrella” - exhale. 4.- return to and. P.

"Who has the ribbon swaying longer." Each child takes a narrow ribbon of thin colored paper in his hand. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, slightly laid back. Calm breath. As you exhale, bring the ribbon to your mouth, make a slight inclination.

Special breathing exercises.

"Blow out the candle". Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath and hold your breath slightly. Curl your lips. Perform three short rare exhalations, as if blowing out a burning candle: “Fu! Ugh! Ugh!". During the exercise, keep your back straight.

« Full breath» . Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Make a free deep, at the same time I raise my hands in front of me up. Hold your breath (as long as it's nice). Perform an energetic exhalation with an open mouth, while lowering your arms and leaning forward ("Ha!"). Exhale with relief, as if freed from worries. Straighten up slowly.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

The exercise can be done standing or moving.

"Hedgehog". Turning the head to the right to the left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each movement, take a breath with your nose, short noisy like a Hedgehog with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx (nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck is tense); exhale soft, arbitrary through half-open lips.

"Ears". Shaking your head left and right, take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, and the ears reach for the shoulders. Make sure that the body does not turn when tilting the head. Inhalations are performed with tension in the muscles of the nasopharynx. Exhalation is arbitrary.

Respiratory gymnastics in kindergarten is the best way to prevent and improve the health of children. The card file of this gymnastics personifies a variety of exercises that children really like.

The main goal pursued by supporters of breathing exercises is the general strengthening and improvement of the child's body.

  • enrich the body with oxygen;
  • are a great method to help a child control their breathing;
  • improve everyone's work internal organs;
  • allow the child to become more calm and avoid stressful situations;
  • have a preventive focus, allowing you to make the baby's immunity more resistant to various colds.

Indications and rules for conducting classes

Respiratory gymnastics in kindergarten, a card file of various methods for different ages is a mandatory requirement for preschool workers. Venue - any; it is very useful to conduct the complex on the street, but if the weather conditions do not allow, the complexes are held in a group with a teacher, or at music lessons.

There are contraindications for some exercises. There are not many of them, but the teacher needs to consult with the parents of the children about the presence of chronic diseases.

  1. The exercise schedule is from 10 minutes to half an hour. Complexes should be performed only an hour after eating.
  2. A variety of toys and other demonstration materials should be used in these sessions. This will increase the motivation and interest of children in the exercises.
  3. Using standard sets of exercises, you can modify them by adding something of your own and making them original.
  4. When weather conditions allow, it is mandatory to perform the complex on the street. If gymnastics takes place indoors, its temperature should not exceed 20 degrees.
  5. For achievement the highest score, it is necessary to familiarize the parents of the children with the exercises so that they can regularly practice at home.

Card file of breathing exercises for preschoolers

In preschool institutions, much attention is paid to breathing exercises. In the arsenal of each educator there is a card file containing a variety of sets of exercises.

For example:

  1. "Puffing out cheeks"

The child inhales air through the nose, then exhales through the mouth. In this case, it is necessary to inflate the cheeks. The leader needs to monitor the stream of exhaled air, it should not be noisy and harsh, on the contrary, it should be calm and smooth.

  1. "Pump"

Keeping his hands on his belt, the child needs to perform small squats in amplitude. At this time there is a breath. When the child rises, there is an exhalation. Repeat 4 times. To train a longer exhalation, after a while, you should increase the depth of the squats.

  1. "Talk"

The child is sitting, the body is not tense, hands below. The child imitates the sounds that the teacher asks to show.

For example:

  • Can you tell me how the train rides?
  • Show me how the car hums
  • Do you know how the dough rises?
  • Do you remember how the owl speaks?

After the questions, you need to work on a long exhalation, this can be done by singing various vowels. First, the adult shows the exercise, then does it with the baby, and when the child confidently follows all the instructions, he can sing the vowels on his own.

  1. Work on the respiratory system

At the time of the technique, the children lie calmly and relaxed on the mats, nothing should distract their attention.

The adult asks to "listen" to the breath, and gives commands:

Answering these questions, children learn to analyze their breathing, listen to their body.

  1. "Hedgehog"

The exercise is performed using a game situation. The guys fantasize that they are little hedgehogs looking at a clearing in the forest. They look to the right - they inhale in surprise with their nose, as if they saw an owl.
Then exhale through the mouth. Looking to the left, they see a bunny or mushrooms, and quite “sniff” with their noses. Under suitable musical accompaniment, children repeat this exercise up to 8 times.

Gymnastics according to A. N. Strelnikova for children from 4 years old

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova - teacher-vocalist. When she became seriously ill, she had an asthma attack, and acting gymnastics helped her. Her whole technique is based on this gymnastics. Subsequently, the teacher began to help people strengthen their body, and the sick - to recover from various ailments.

In institutions of preschool education, Strelnikova's breathing exercises have become widespread, the card file of her exercises has a wide variety of techniques and techniques that allow children to fight colds and perfectly strengthen the immune system.

The complex should be carried out, observing several rules:

  1. The most important aspect of gymnastics is inhaling through the nose (it is noisy and sharp).
  2. You need to exhale through your mouth, calmly and smoothly.
  3. Each specific movement is accompanied by a breath.
  4. Each exercise corresponds to a specific, clear rhythm. It is comparable to a military march.

Exercise "Palms" or "Fists"

This exercise is a warm-up.

  1. The child is in the most comfortable position for him.
  2. The child bends his arms at the elbows, palms look forward.
  3. At the command of the leader, the child takes a breath, and at the same time clenches his hands into fists.
  4. This is followed by a short pause (about 5 seconds), then the repetition of all actions several times.

If dizziness occurs, you should relax, sit down, increase the time of pauses.

"Drivers" or "Drivers"

The child's hands are clenched into fists and are in the middle of the abdomen. It should be noted that the rest of the body should not be tense (especially the shoulders). With a rapid inhalation, the child abruptly pushes fully extended arms to the floor. After the child returns to the starting position. 8 times is the recommended amount to perform.

"Pump" or "Pump"

The exercise is performed while standing. Legs slightly apart. At the command of the leader, the child makes a slight tilt, and in the second half inhales sharply through the nose. The inhalation ends with the inclination. After that, the child needs to rise slightly, and again perform the tilt movement.

We should not forget that each exercise is performed in the rhythm of a drill step. The leader needs to monitor the rounded back of the wards, as well as the level of inclination - it should not be too low. Perform this exercise 12 times.

"Hug Your Shoulders" or "Hug Yourself"

During this exercise, the child seems to hug himself with bent arms. Raising them to shoulder height, he inhales sharply, and wraps his arms around himself. 12 times - the amount recommended for the exercise.

The manager needs to find out if there are children with heart disease and ischemic disease hearts. With such a disease, exercise should not be performed.


In a standing position, the child begins to perform dance squats. Turning to the right is accompanied by a short breath, and the hands at this moment make grasping movements. The same goes for turning to the left.

Repeat 12 times. The leader pays attention to light, springy squats, and a relaxed, voluntary exhalation. Feet during squats do not need to be torn off the floor, all actions are performed with a straight back.

"Head Turns"

The content of this exercise includes turning the head. The neck at this moment is relaxed, each turn is accompanied by a breath.
Repetition of the exercise - 12 times.

Gymnastics according to K. P. Buteyko for children 2-7 years old

Buteyko breathing exercises are aimed at reducing carbon dioxide in the blood with the help of shallow inspiration. This complex has a beneficial effect on the entire body, especially it is indicated for children with bronchial asthma.

The main goal of the complex is to relax the diaphragm. This happens by reducing the depth of inspiration and increasing the pause after exhalation.

Exercise "Watch"

The child is in a standing position, legs slightly apart. The leader invites him to imagine that he is a small watch. You can ask how they "speak?", the child will answer: "Tick-tock"

After that, swings with straight arms are added to the words along with the pronunciation of the imitation of the clock.


Starting position - sitting, back straight, but not tense.
The child's arms are bent into a tube, raised to the level of the mouth. Exhaling slowly, the child says “pf”. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.


A fun exercise that is of great interest to children. The teacher invites them to imagine that they are a big train.
Children line up and walk in a circle, saying "choo-choo." Time to complete this exercise: 20-30 seconds.


The child stands calmly, straight. The leader invites him to dream up and imagine that he is a cockerel. All children are happy to show with their voices how roosters crow.

After that, the leader needs to demonstrate the exercise itself - you need to say “crow!”, clapping both hands on the hips for each syllable. Then the child raises his hands to the sides and, clapping them on his hips, says: "Ku-ka-re-ku." You should repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

"On the horizontal bar"

The exercise is performed using a gymnastic stick. The child is in a standing position, holding it in front of him.
With an inhalation, the child rises on his toes, and at this time the hands raise the stick up. Exhalation occurs with the lowering of the stick, and the pronunciation of the sound "F".

"Dwarfs and Giants"

Children walk in a circle, following the instructions given by the teacher. He invites them to show the dwarfs - crouching, and squatting, and then the giants - the children stretch out and walk on their toes. Breathing is calm, not confused. For greater involvement in the game process, the leader should choose the appropriate lines of the poem and musical accompaniment.

Such an exercise is included in the hardening complex, so you need to perform it without socks and shoes, and in a T-shirt and shorts.

Hatha yoga gymnastics for children from 5 years old

To introduce children to healthy lifestyle life, many teachers use such a modern technique as hatha yoga. Its implementation allows improving the physical and mental abilities of children, instilling in them a culture of health.

Respiratory gymnastics, which has an extensive card file, together with a rational regime, proper nutrition and hardening in kindergarten, gives an excellent result.

More specifically:

  • The number of children suffering from acute respiratory infections and influenza is decreasing.
  • In children, there is an increase in vitality.
  • Improves memory and physical development.
  • Children are better able to master the program.
  • Improved communication skills and resilience.

Exercise "Snake"

Children are seated in a comfortable position. The right hand closes the left nostril and inhales through the right. Then the right nostril is closed, and exhalation takes place through the left. The educator needs to use various imitation techniques: a breath of breeze, a hurricane, inflating a balloon.


The teacher uses a game situation: children imagine that they brave divers who dive in search of sunken ships. You need to find suitable pictures, video clips and entertaining stories. This exercise teaches children to hold their breath. It is necessary to repeat several times.


Starting position - lying down. The teacher asks the children to focus on breathing, and take a deep breath, inflating the chest, "like a balloon."

The exercise helps children get used to breathing with the diaphragm.


The teacher asks the children to imagine that a warm, summer breeze has flown into their window. Children take a deep breath in through their nose and exhale with a “U” sound. Then the teacher says that a cold wind blew, the children inhale through their nose, and as they exhale, they close their teeth tightly and say “Aaa”.

Games and exercises for breathing in verse

In kindergarten, exercises from the card file of respiratory gymnastics in verse are actively used.

Breathing exercises in kindergarten. Card file of exercises in verse

During the implementation of this technique, it is important for the manager to observe:

  • For the breath of children - it is carried out through the nose.
  • For complete relaxation of the shoulders.
  • As you exhale, it is moderate and relaxed.
  • Behind the cheeks - they should not puff up.
  • Behind general condition child - if dizziness occurs, exercise should be stopped.

Exercise "Football"

To complete the exercise, you need a small ball and a gate (can be made from a constructor). The task of the child is to “score” a goal into the goal. The tongue at this point should lie on the lower lip.

Before the exercise, the child recites the lines of the poem:

  • “My cheerful sonorous ball” (during the first acquaintance with the line exercise, the head says);
  • "Where did you jump off to?" (then the exercise is performed directly, and after it it is necessary to read 2 more lines);
  • “I have time for you” (when the children perform the exercise together, you can offer to read the lines to one child while the other completes the task);
  • “And I score at the gate” (repeat the poem several times).


Exercise develops a strong, directed exhalation. The lateral edges of the child's tongue are pressed against the upper lip (a gap is obtained in the middle). At the tip of the nose is a small piece of cotton.

The child reads a line from the poem:

  • “I want to become a skilled magician,” and at that moment it blows sharply, trying to drop a piece of cotton wool.
  • “Magically, I will lift the cotton wool into the air!” - after reading the phrase, the child repeats the exercise again.


The exercise is performed on a table with cotton balls on it. The leader offers the child to “blind” a snowman in an unusual way, namely with the help of breathing.

At the first lesson, the leader himself reads the lines of the poem, and then the child himself tells them.

  • “I like to play with snow” - the child takes a breath, rolls the balls on the table.
  • “And roll snowballs” - after these lines there is a short pause.
  • “I make a perky snowman” - the child again blows on pieces of cotton wool.
  • “And I will give you (or the name of the teacher) for patience” - the child takes the balls with his hands and “collects” the snowman.


The child stands straight, the teacher says the line of the poem:

  • “He will show us the right path” - the child inhales through the nose, raising his right hand up and his left hand to the side.
  • “Turns will indicate everything” - exhales with the sound “P”, now the left one is at the top, and the right one is to the side. The child pronounces the sound "F" and exhales at this time.

The card index of breathing exercises is quite wide. You can do exercises both in kindergarten and at home. They can be modified and supplemented depending on the age and capabilities of the children.

Performing this breathing exercises will provide excellent prevention of diseases in children, as well as raise their vitality, improve the functioning of many internal organs, and allow them to unite with each other.

Video about breathing exercises

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova in kindergarten:

The speech therapist will show several breathing exercises for children:

Card file of respiratory gymnastics

for preschoolers

Educator: Sabaeva M.A.

Breathing exercises for preschoolers

There are various respiratory gymnastics complexes - Strelnikova gymnastics, Buteyko gymnastics, gymnastics borrowed from hatha yoga, and others. All of them are built on exercises, the main elements of which are: deep breathing, artificial difficulty in breathing, holding the breath, slowing down the breath, as well as shallow breathing.

But strict standard respiratory gymnastics complexes are performed by adults, and a number of simple exercises are usually offered for children.

Exercises for children 5-7 years old

For older children, the following exercises can be added to the exercises described above:

rose and dandelion

Performed in a standing position. First, the child takes a deep breath through his nose, as if he is sniffing a rose, trying to draw in all its aroma, then “blows on a dandelion” - exhales as much as possible through his mouth.


The child sits on a chair with his arms down, then takes a quick breath and raises his arms to his armpits, palms up, depicting the wings of a chicken. On exhalation, lowers the “wings”, turning the palms down.


Invite the child to portray a hamster - you need to puff out your cheeks and walk a few steps like this. Then, turn around and slap yourself on the cheeks, thus releasing the air. And then go a few more steps, breathing through your nose, as if sniffing out new food for a new filling of your cheeks.


The child stands with his legs slightly apart and hands down. He takes a breath, spreads his arms wide to the sides, like wings, as he exhales, slowly lowers his hands and says “karrr”, stretching the sound “r” as much as possible.

The Dragon

We invite the child to imagine himself as a dragon who breathes alternately through each nostril. The child closes one nostril with his finger, the other inhales deeply and exhales the air.

Throw the ball

The child is standing, holding the ball in his hands, arms raised up. Inhales, then on exhalation throws the ball forward from the chest, while pronouncing a long “uhhhh”.

Each exercise is performed 4-6 times.

Fun and games that train the respiratory organs

In addition to the proposed special exercises some familiar children's entertainment is also good exercise strengthening the respiratory system. These are such interesting activities as inflating balloons, blowing soap bubbles, “gurgling” in a glass of water through a straw, whistling a whistle, playing a pipe, a pipe, a harmonica.

Also, children can be offered such useful games:

air football

Take the ball for table tennis or we make a ball of cotton wool, put on the table a “gate” of cubes or a designer. You need to “score a goal” - blow on the ball so that it rolls around the table and rolls into the goal. You can try to complicate the task - drive a cotton ball, blowing on it not with your mouth, but with your nose.

Drawing on the window

The child exhales on the glass or mirror so that it becomes cloudy, after which he draws a given figure on it with his finger.


Make "snowflakes" - small balls of cotton wool or paper. We ask the baby to arrange a snowfall - put "snowflakes" on the palm of your hand and blow them off.


Cut out small butterflies from paper and hang them on threads. Invite the child to blow on the butterflies so that they fly.

I am a wind

Make a propeller out of paper (or take a store-bought one) and blow on it to make it spin. Pour water into a bath or basin, put a light boat into the water and blow on it so that it floats

Breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova

It was designed to restore and expand the vocal range of professional singers. Along with improving the sound of the voice, breathing exercises by Strelnikova relieve fatigue, increase vitality, improve mood and reduce temperature. This gymnastics does not require large premises, easy to perform. Therefore, the problem of adapting this breathing exercises for children preschool age acquires relevance in today's reality. This technique gained wide popularity thanks to the efforts of a student and follower of Strelnikov's breathing exercises, Shchetinin Mikhail Nikolaevich. This unique method natural healing of the whole organism.

Execution rules:

1. Try to put as many emotions as possible into the breath. The breath is as active as possible, short, like an injection, short and interested. Sniff the air like a dog's footprint.

2. Performing exercises, observe the simultaneity of breaths and movements, do not control exhalation - let it be arbitrary. The breath goes along with the movement. Movements create sufficient volume and depth for a short breath without much effort.

3. We take breaths at the expense of "2", "4", "8", i.e. we inhale in series. Make sure that the inhalation is slightly louder than the exhalation. For children, 8-16 episodes are enough.

4. Do not exercise in passing.

Complex of respiratory gymnastics for children.

1. "Warm-up"

This is how we play today

We start sniffing the air


It smells of burning, oh-oh.

2. "Steps"

March in place

Inhalation is done with each step, exhalation is spontaneous

Aty-baty, aty-baty.

And today we are soldiers

We walk left and right.

We breathe in air quickly.

3. "Cat"

Standing in place, arms bent at the elbows, hands freely lowered.

Take 4 short noisy breaths through the nose, 4 passive exhalations. When exhaling, we squeeze our fingers into fists (the cat catches the mouse, while exhaling, we unclench.

We will imitate the cat

Let's clench our palms into fists

We release claws

We will catch the mouse quickly.

4. Curious Barbara

standing. The muscles of the neck are relaxed, only the head turns to the left and right. Inhalation and turning of the head are performed in a measured rhythm of walking in place.

Curious Barabara

Looking left, looking right

What smells like not understanding

Need to inhale through the nose

5. "Ears"

Starting position: legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, back straight, arms down, eyes looking forward. Alternately tilt your head to the right and left shoulder. A short and noisy breath is taken simultaneously with each shake of the head.

Let's shake our heads -

Tilt left and right.

We do not raise our shoulders

We breathe air through the nose.

6. "Garden-garden"

Standing straight. Look up, inhale, look down, inhale. We sniff fruits at the top of the tree, vegetables at the bottom of the garden.

We raise our heads up

We will see ripe fruits

And below the radish grows

And the cabbage is close, close.

7. "The cat is hunting"

Standing, arms bent at the elbows. Sit down slightly, turning to the right, make a grasping movement with your hands - a short and noisy breath, (prey on the right, the same to the left (prey on the left).

The cat went hunting

Sparrow catch hunting.

Squat left-right-

We inhale the smell of a sparrow.

8. "Shoulders"

Standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the belt. At the moment of a short noisy breath, forcefully push your fists to the floor, while unclenching your fingers.

We clench our hands into fists

Now push your hands down

Let's unclench our fists here -

We breathe air through the nose.

9. "Pump"

Standing, arms down, body slightly tilted forward. Pick up a pencil, like a pump handle and inflate a car tire, Inhale through the nose in the final phase of the slope.

We drove up the hill!

Flat tire - bang!

Inflate the tire quickly

We breathe the air below.

10. "Hug your shoulders"

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level. Start the movement by throwing your hands towards each other, while the left hand hugs the right shoulder, and the right hand hugs the left armpit and vice versa. Inhalation occurs when the arms are crossed.

Oh guys, let's freeze

Let's embrace the shoulders.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Watch" I.P. - standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Swinging straight arms back and forth, say "Tick-tock"

2. "Trumpeter" I. P. - sitting on a chair, hands clenched and raised up. Slow exhalation with a loud pronunciation of the sound "ffff"

3. "Rooster" I.P. - stand up straight, legs together, arms to the sides. Clap your hands on your hips and, exhaling, say "Ku-ka-re-ku"

4. "Steam locomotive" I.P. - arms bent at the elbows. Walk around the room, rotating bent arms along the body, hands clenched into fists and say “Choo-choo-choo”

5. "Pump" I.P. - stand up straight, legs together, arms along the body. Lean forward with the pronunciation of the sound "ssss"

6. "Controller" I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other laid aside. Inhale. Change the position of the hands with an extended exhalation and the pronunciation of the sound "rrrr"

7. "Skier" I.P. - legs half-bent and spaced to the width of the foot. Imitation of skiing. Exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound "m"

8. "Geese" I.P. - the main stand. Slow walking around the room. Raise your arms to the sides while inhaling, lower them down while exhaling with a long pronunciation of the sound “uuuu”

9. "Semaphore" I.P. - sitting, legs together. Raise your arms to the sides and slowly lower them with a long exhalation at the sound "S-s-s"

10. “Porridge is boiling” I.P. - sitting on a bench, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in the stomach and drawing air into the chest - inhale, lowering the chest and sticking out the stomach - exhale. While inhaling, pronounce the sound "Shhh"

11. "Partisans" I. P. - standing. In the hands of a stick. Walking with knees high. Inhale for 2 steps, exhale slowly for 6-8 steps with the pronunciation of the word “Ti-shi-na”

12. "On the horizontal bar" I.P. - standing, legs together, gymnastic stick in both hands in front of you. Rising on toes, raise the stick up - inhale, lower the stick on the shoulder blades - long exhale with the pronunciation of the sound "FF-f-f-f"

13. “Geese hiss” I.P. - legs shoulder-width apart, arms lowered. Lean forward while moving your arms back and forth. Slow exhalation on the sound "Shhh"

14. "Hedgehog" I.P. - sitting on the mat, legs together, emphasis on the hands behind. Bend your knees and pull them up to your chest, exhale slowly at the sound "ffff". Straighten your legs - inhale.

15. “The ball burst” I.P. - legs slightly apart, hands down. Raising the arms to the sides - inhale. Clap in front of you - a slow exhalation on the sound "Shhhhh"

16. "Lumberjack" I.P. - legs shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - exhale with the pronunciation "Uh-h-h."

Respiratory relaxation according to the method of M. L Lazarev:

The program "Hello" by M. L. Lazarev was developed on the basis of modern scientific approaches to the upbringing and education of preschool children within the existing framework of educational standards. An important role in the program is played by music, which for the first time in the pedagogical literature on the formation of health is not an additional material, but an integral basis of the entire course.

Respiratory relaxation technique: quiet calm music sounds (musical supplement on SD No. 1)

“Let’s lie down on our back… Let’s close our eyes… Let’s imagine that you breathe in the fragrance of a flower… Try to inhale it not only with your nose, but with your whole body… with your skin… Inhale, exhale… You had a great rest… Your body is energized… I count up to 5… On the count of 5 open your eyes. Eyes open. Freshness in the body… Cheerfulness… Good mood… ».

Full breath.

Full breathing - yoga breathing - the most rational way of breathing, this is the basis correct breathing. Full breathing promotes the best ventilation lungs, energy movement and oxygen metabolism in the body. This breathing gives a wonderful effect, healing the lungs and the whole body as a whole.

A set of exercises:

1. "Wind"

I. p .: lying, sitting, standing. The trunk is relaxed. Make a full exhalation through the nose, drawing in the stomach, chest. Take a full breath, sticking out the stomach and ribs of the chest. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Through compressed lips with force to let out air with several jerky exhalations. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. "Rainbow"

I.P.: standing or moving. Take a full breath through the nose with the spread of the arms to the sides. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Stretching your lips in a smile, pronounce the sound “c”, exhaling air and drawing in your stomach and chest. Hands first point forward, then cross in front of the chest, as if hugging the shoulders: one hand goes under the arm, the other on the shoulder.

3. "Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly"

I.P. sitting, standing, the body is straightened, but not tense.

Close the right nostril with the index finger right hand, the left nostril to take a quiet long breath (successively lower, middle, upper breathing).

As soon as the inhalation is over, open the right nostril, and close the left nostril with the index finger of the left hand - through the right nostril, make a quiet long exhalation with the maximum emptying of the lungs and pulling the diaphragm up as much as possible so that a “fossa” forms in the stomach.

The same is vice versa.

4. "Balloon" (belly breathe, lower breathing)

I.P .: lying on your back, legs are freely extended, the torso is relaxed, eyes are closed. Attention is focused on the movement of the navel: both palms rest on it. In the future, this exercise can be performed while standing.

Slow smooth breath, without any effort - the stomach slowly rises up and swells like a round ball. Slow, smooth exhalation - the stomach is slowly drawn in towards the back.

Breathing exercises for preschool children

Features of children's breathing
The respiratory system of children is imperfect, and than less baby, the already all the respiratory tract, and the mucous membrane lining them is very tender, easily inflamed, even under the influence of dust particles; at the same time, the already narrow passages become even narrower, and it becomes difficult for the child to breathe.
The vital capacity of the lungs is the smaller, the smaller the child, and the need for oxygen is great, so the child breathes often and superficially. That is why it is necessary to include breathing exercises in the complex of physical culture and health-improving exercises.
Respiratory gymnastics in preschool age pursues the following tasks:
-increasing the general vitality of the child and the resistance, hardening and resistance of his body to diseases of the respiratory system;
When compiling respiratory gymnastics complexes, the following was taken into account:
- the effectiveness of each exercise for hardening and healing children in conditions preschool;
-Affordable degree of difficulty of exercises for children different ages;
- the degree of influence of exercises on strengthening the respiratory muscles.
For the purpose of systematic use of breathing exercises, they are included in the complexes recreational gymnastics after sleep, morning exercises and physical education classes.
Respiratory gymnastics plays a huge role in hardening and healing children.
Technique for performing breathing exercises.
The basis of the training methodology is the use of special static and dynamic breathing exercises. The basis of breathing exercises is an exercise with an elongated and enhanced exhalation against the background of restorative and general developmental exercises. exercise. This can be achieved with the pronunciation of vowel sounds (a-a-a, u-u-u, o-o-o), hissing consonants (zh and sh) and combinations of sounds (ah, uh, fu). It is advisable to carry out these breathing exercises in a playful way (a bee is buzzing, an airplane is buzzing, train wheels are knocking, etc.).
The room in which the child is located should always be well ventilated: there are fewer germs in clean air, and the risk of illness is reduced.
Classes are recommended to be carried out in lightweight clothing, at an air temperature not higher than 17-20 degrees. The duration of classes is from 10-12 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the children and the frequency of classes. Classes can be conducted by a teacher, instructor, educator or medical worker of a preschool institution.
The load gradually increases by increasing the number of repetitions and complicating the exercises.

Respiratory gymnastics complexes

Complex number 1. Let's listen to your breathing

Target: to teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency, and according to these signs - the state of the body.
Starting position - standing, sitting, lying (as convenient in this moment). The muscles of the body are relaxed. In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine:
Where does the air flow enter and where does it come out?
- what part of the body comes into motion during inhalation and exhalation (stomach, chest, shoulders or all parts - in waves);
-what kind of breathing: superficial (light) or deep;
- what is the frequency of breathing: often there is an inhalation-exhalation or calmly with a certain interval (automatic pause);
Quiet, inaudible or noisy breathing.
This exercise can be done up to physical activity or later, so that children learn to determine the state of the whole organism by breathing.

We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly

Target: to teach children to relax and restore the body after physical exertion and emotional arousal; regulate the process of breathing, focus on it in order to control the relaxation of your body and psyche.
Starting position - standing, sitting, lying (it depends on the previous physical activity). If sitting, the back is even, it is better to close your eyes. Slow breath in through the nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as long as you can. Then slowly exhale through the nose. Repeat 3-5 times.
The exercise is performed silently, smoothly, so that even the palm substituted for the nose does not feel the stream of air when exhaling.

Breathe in one nostril

Target: teach children to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.
Starting position - sitting, standing, the body is straightened, but not tense.
1. Close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet long breath with the left nostril (successively lower, middle, upper breathing).
2. As soon as the inhalation is over, open the right nostril, and close the left nostril with the index finger of the left hand - through the right nostril, make a quiet long exhalation with the maximum emptying of the lungs and pulling the diaphragm up as much as possible so that a “fossa” forms in the abdomen. 3-4. The same with other nostrils. Repeat 3-6 times.
Note. After this exercise, inhale and exhale several times in a row with one nostril (first with the nostril that is easier to breathe, then the other). Repeat 6-10 breaths for each nostril separately. Start with calm and move on to deep breathing.

Balloon (belly breathe, lower breathing)

Target: to teach children to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal organs, to ventilate the lower part of the lungs, to focus on lower breathing.
Starting position - lying on your back, legs freely extended, torso relaxed, eyes closed. Attention is focused on the movement of the navel: both palms rest on it. In the future, this exercise can be performed while standing. Exhale the air calmly, pulling the stomach to the spinal column, the navel seems to fall.
1. Slow, smooth breath, without any effort - the stomach slowly rises up and swells like a round ball.
2. Slow, smooth exhalation - the stomach is slowly drawn in towards the back.
Repeat 4-10 times.

Balloon in chest (medium, costal breathing)

Target: to teach children to strengthen the intercostal muscles, to concentrate their attention on their movement, by ventilating the middle sections of the lungs.
Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. Put your hands on lower part ribs and focus on them.
Make a slow, even exhalation, squeezing the ribs of the chest with your hands.
1. Slowly inhale through the nose, the hands feel the expansion of the chest and slowly release the clamp.
2. On exhalation, the chest is again slowly clamped with both hands at the bottom of the ribs.
Note. The muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle remain motionless. IN initial phase training, it is necessary to help children slightly compress and unclench the lower part of the ribs of the chest during exhalation and inhalation.
Repeat 6-10 times.

The balloon rises up (upper breath)

Target: teach children to strengthen and stimulate the upper airways, providing ventilation to the upper lungs.
Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. Place one hand between the collarbones and focus on them and the shoulders.
Performing inhalation and exhalation with a calm and smooth raising and lowering of the clavicles and shoulders. Repeat 4-8 times.

Wind (cleansing, full breath)

Target: to teach children to strengthen the respiratory muscles of the entire respiratory system, to ventilate the lungs in all departments.
Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. The trunk is relaxed. Make a full exhalation through the nose, drawing in the stomach, chest.
1. Take a full breath, sticking out the stomach and ribs of the chest.
2. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.
3. Through pursed lips with force to let out air with several jerky exhalations. Repeat 3-4 times.
Note. Exercise not only perfectly cleanses, ventilates the lungs, but also helps to warm up during hypothermia and relieves fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out after physical activity as often as possible.

Rainbow hug me

Target: is the same.
Starting position - standing or moving.
1. Take a full breath through the nose with the spread of the arms to the sides.
2. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.
3. Stretching your lips in a smile, pronounce the sound “c”, exhaling air and drawing in your stomach and chest. Hands first direct forward, then cross in front of the chest, as if hugging the shoulders; one hand goes under the arm, the other on the shoulder. Repeat 3-4 times.
Repeat the exercise “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” 3-5 times.

Complex 2.

The purpose of this complex: strengthen the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and lungs.
All exercises of the complex are performed standing or in motion.

Breathe in one nostril

Repeat the exercise “Breathe with one nostril” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage. Turn the head to the right and left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose: short, noisy (like a hedgehog), with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx (nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhalation is soft, arbitrary, through half-open lips. Repeat 4-8 times.

Lips "pipe"

1. Exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and intercostal muscles.
2. Fold your lips into a “tube”, sharply draw in air, filling all your lungs with it to failure.
3. Make a swallowing movement (as if swallowing air).

4. Pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale the air through your nose smoothly and slowly. Repeat 4-6 times.

Shaking your head left and right, take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, but when the head is tilted to the right and left, the ears are as close to the shoulders as possible. Make sure that the body does not turn when tilting the head. Inhalations are performed with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx. Exhalation is arbitrary. Repeat 4-5 times.
Let's blow bubbles
1. When tilting the head to the chest, inhale through the nose, straining the muscles of the nasopharynx.
2. Raise your head up and calmly exhale air through your nose, as if blowing soap bubbles.
3. Without lowering your head, inhale through your nose, straining the muscles of the nasopharynx.
4. Exhale calmly through the nose with the head down. Repeat 3-5 times.
Language "pipe"
1. The lips are folded in a “tube”, as when pronouncing the sound “o”. Stick out your tongue and also fold it into a “tube”.
2. Slowly drawing in air through the “tube” of the tongue, fill all the lungs with it, inflating the stomach and ribs of the chest.
3. Having finished inhaling, close your mouth. Slowly lower your head so that your chin touches your chest. Pause -3-5 seconds.
4. Raise your head and exhale calmly through your nose. Repeat 4-8 times.
1. Connect your hands in front of your chest, clenching your fists.
2. Perform forward-down bends and, with each springy bend, take jerky breaths, as sharp and noisy as when inflating tires with a pump (5-7 springy bends and breaths).
3. Exhalation is arbitrary. Repeat 3-4 times.
Note. When inhaling, strain all the muscles of the nasopharynx.
Complication. Repeat the exercise 3 times, then tilt back and forth (large pendulum), while breathing in and out. When leaning forward, freely pull your hands to the floor, and when leaning back, raise them to your shoulders.
With each breath, the muscles of the nasopharynx tighten.
Repeat 3-5 times.
We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly
Repeat the exercise “We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.
Complex 3.
It is carried out in the form of a game.
wind on the planet
Repeat the exercise "Pump" from complex No. 1.
Planet "Sat-Nam" - respond! (yogic breathing)
Target. To teach children to strengthen the muscle tone of the entire body and the entire respiratory muscles.
Starting position - sitting with the buttocks on the heels, the socks are extended, the feet are connected, the back is straightened, the arms are raised above the head, the fingers, except for the index fingers, are intertwined, and the index fingers are connected and straightened upwards, like an arrow.
After the words "Planet, respond!" children begin to sing "Sat-nam".
Repeat 3-5 times.
Note. "Sat" to pronounce sharply, like a whistle, pressing the stomach to the spinal column - this is a sharp exhalation. "Nam" to pronounce softly, relaxing the abdominal muscles - this is a small breath.
Breathing cycle: exhale "sat" - pause - inhale "us". With the pronunciation of “sat”, the muscles of the body are tensed: legs, buttocks, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, fingers and toes, muscles of the face and neck; "to us" - everything relaxes.
The exercise is done in slow pace. After the children say “Sat-nam” 6-8 times, the adult says: “I accepted the call signs!”
The planet breathes quietly, calmly and smoothly
Repeat the exercise “We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage in order to relax muscle tone.
Purpose: the same as in the exercises "We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly", "Planet" Sat-nam "- respond!"
The difference in execution: muscle tension on inhalation, and relaxation on exhalation.
Starting position - 3-4 times from the supine position, 3-4 times standing. The exercise is performed under verbal accompaniment, for example: “Aliens wake up, tense up”, etc.
1. Quietly exhale air through the nose, drawing in the stomach and chest.
2. Slowly and smoothly inhale, filling the lungs completely.
3. Hold your breath, tensing all your muscles and mentally pronouncing: "I am strong (th)".
4. Calmly exhale air through the nose with muscle relaxation.

Guidelines for conducting breathing exercises.
All three complexes are interconnected by the degree of increase in physical activity on certain muscles of the respiratory system and by the technique of execution.
In the first complex, more attention is paid to the types of breathing - soothing-restoring and cleansing (exercises are performed without much muscle tension).
The second complex is aimed at strengthening the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and lungs with a tension in the tone of certain muscle groups.
The third complex is mainly aimed at strengthening the muscle tone of the entire respiratory system.
All three complexes must be alternated within one or two weeks, i.e., each complex should be carried out for 2-3 days. (When learning each complex, the number of days can be increased.)
You can vary the complexes: for example, the entire complex, but with a lower dosage in the exercises, or 3-4 exercises from different complexes but with the same dosage.
Younger preschoolers perform all breathing exercises with a lower dosage and in a simplified form, with gradual complication.
Individual exercises included in these complexes can be used as a prophylaxis against colds, especially in the cold season.
The complexes can be used in working with children of different preschool ages, but it is necessary to start with a simplified form of implementation. Children of the same age develop differently, so each child needs to be shown the exact technique of performing a breathing exercise, build work depending on his individual capabilities.

A set of breathing exercises.

Junior group.

Exercise number 1. "Roll call of animals."
The roles of various animals and birds are distributed between children. Children should, having heard the name of their animal from the leader, pronounce the appropriate onomatopoeia with a slow exhalation. The game is enlivened if the host tries to confuse the players: he calls the animal, but looks at the child who plays a completely different role. Attention is directed to the duration and clarity of the sound of consonants and vowels.
Exercise number 2. "Trumpeter".
Children bring clenched fists to their faces, placing them in front of each other. As you exhale, slowly blow into the “pipe”. The instructor praises those who managed to blow into the "pipe" the longest.
Exercise number 3. "Axe".
The children are standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, and fingers interlocked. Quickly raise your hands - inhale, lean forward, slowly lowering the "heavy ax", say - wow! - on a long exhalation.
Exercise number 4. "Crow".
Children are sitting. The arms are lowered along the body. Quickly raise your hands through the sides up - inhale, slowly lower your hands - exhale. Say: Kar!
Exercise number 5. "Geese".
Children are sitting. The hands of bent arms are pressed to the shoulders. Take a quick breath, then slowly tilt your torso down, take your elbows back, on a long exhale say: ha. Keep your head straight. Return to the starting position - inhale. As you exhale, say ha, gee.

A set of breathing exercises. Middle group.

Exercise number 1. "Let's play with tummies."
Purpose: formation diaphragmatic breathing.
In the supine position, the children put their hands on their stomach, inhale deeply - while the tummy inflates, then exhale - the tummy retracts. To make the exercise even more interesting, you can put some small toy on your stomach. When the child inhales, the toy rises up with the stomach, and on the exhale, on the contrary, it goes down - as if it is swinging on a swing. Second option. In a standing position, children take a deep breath without raising their shoulders, and then exhale, controlling the movements of the abdomen with their hands.
Exercise number 2. "Recognize by smell."
Purpose: the development of a deep long breath, the development of smell.
Children take turns sniffing, for example, flowers, trying to remember their smell. An adult asks the child to close his eyes and offers him one of the flowers, offering him to determine by smell which flower is in front of him. The child should take a deep long breath through the nose, without raising the shoulders, and then exhale and name the guessed flower. In order for the child to take a deep diaphragmatic breath, the adult first himself shows how to smell the flower. And then, holding the flower in front of the baby's face, the teacher asks the child to put both hands on his stomach and thus control his breathing.
Exercise number 3. "Let's teach the nose and mouth to breathe."
Purpose: differentiation of inhalation and exhalation through the nose and mouth, development of attention.
The child learns to control his inhalation and exhalation, exercising them in different ways. First, the child inhales through the nose and exhales through the nose (2-4 times), pointing with the index finger to the nose; and, inhaling through the mouth, brings the palm to the mouth, but does not touch, but only tactilely controls the air stream coming out of the mouth. Second option. Exercises are carried out similarly: inhale through the mouth - exhale through the mouth (a palm is brought to the mouth) and inhale through the mouth - exhale through the nose (when inhaling, the child opens his mouth, and when exhaling, he closes and points to his nose with his index finger).
Exercise number 4. "Drive the ball into the goal."
Purpose: the development of a long, strong, purposeful exhalation, the development of an eye. An adult shows the children how to blow on the “ball” in order to drive it into a toy gate. Children take turns doing game exercise. The winner is the one who managed to send the “ball” into the goal with one exhalation.
Exercise number 5. "Let's hum."
Purpose: to develop a long smooth oral exhalation.
An adult demonstrates to children how to blow into a bubble so that it buzzes. To do this, the lower lip should slightly touch the edge of the neck, and the blown air jet - “breeze” should be strong enough. Then, in turn, the children themselves blow into their bubbles, achieving a buzzing sound. At the end of the exercise, all children blow at the same time. When playing out the exercise, you can offer the kids several options when the buzz can mean the signal of a steamer, steam locomotive, or the howling of the wind. You can use the bubble as a musical instrument, making it buzz at the teacher's signal while playing specially selected music.

A set of breathing exercises. Senior group.

Exercise number 1. "We breathe differently."
Starting position - sitting on a chair straight or standing:
Inhale and exhale through the nose (inhale quickly, not very deep, exhale long).
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.
Inhale and exhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other (alternately).
Inhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other (alternately).
Inhale through the nose, slow exhale through the nose with intensification at the end.
Inhale through the nose, exhale through pursed lips.
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose with jerks.
Exercise number 2. "Candle".
Slow exhalation training while blowing on an imaginary or real candle flame. Focus on the stomach. Slowly blow on the "flame". It deviates, try to keep the flame in a deviated position during exhalation.
Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2-3 cm wide and 10 cm long. Place your left palm between your chest and stomach, take a strip of paper in your right hand, using it as a candle, and blow it calmly, slowly and evenly. The paper will deviate, if the exhalation is even, then it will be in the deflected position until the end of the exhalation. Pay attention to the movement of the diaphragm - the left palm, as it were, “slowly sinks” during exhalation. Repeat 2-3 times.
Exercise number 3. "Stubborn candle."
Intense strong exhalation training. Imagine a large candle, you understand that it will be difficult for you to extinguish it, but you definitely need to do it. Inhale, hold your breath for a second and blow on the candle, the flame has deflected but not extinguished. Blow even harder, blow even harder. More!
Can you feel the movement of the diaphragm with your palm? Do you feel your lower abdomen tighten up? This exercise makes it possible to feel the active movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Repeat 2-3 times.
Exercise number 4. "Extinguish 3,4,5,6, ... 10 candles."
On one exhalation, “extinguish” 3 candles, dividing your exhalation into three portions. Now imagine that you have 5 candles.
Do not try to inhale as much air as possible. Let the volume remain the same, just each portion of the air on exhalation will become smaller. With the help of static and dynamic breathing exercises, they train abdominal muscles and diaphragm muscles. These exercises can be used in the complex of morning exercises.
Exercise number 5. "Belly dance."
top Tilt your torso forward at a 45-degree angle, and place your hands on your lower back with your thumbs forward. Look straight ahead, back straight, shoulders back. Execution - simultaneously with exhalation, the stomach is pulled in p-ffff, then a reflex inhale occurs, the stomach moves forward. Repeat 3-5 times.
Training exercises for the development of intercostal respiratory muscles. Recall that the air filling of the middle part of the lungs depends on how the intercostal respiratory muscles are developed.

Natalia Krainova
The use of breathing exercises in preschool

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard requires new non-standard approaches to the improvement of children, since the old forms and methods cannot adequately withstand the deterioration in the health of the younger generation.

Many modern methods reduce the incidence of children and adolescents give good results, but require material costs. For some methods, a separate room and additional time are required.

Breathing exercises gives a great positive result in strengthening the health of children. Actively includes all parts of the body (arms, legs, head, hip belt, abdominal Press, shoulder girdle, causes a general physiological reaction of the whole organism, oxygen consumption increases.

Performing exercises, simultaneously with a short noisy inhalation and passive exhalation, tissue breath increases oxygen uptake by tissues. These exercises irritate a vast area of ​​receptors on the nasal mucosa, which provides a reflex connection of the nasal cavity with almost all organs. This ensures the body's resistance to various diseases.

For these and other parameters breathing exercises out of competition.

Breathing exercises - universal. It can be curative and preventive, health-improving and developing, restoring strength and improving mood. It can be done at home and on the street, standing, sitting and lying, all at once or in parts. It has no contraindications and is very effective. For breathing exercises you need one square meter of room and an open window. 10 minutes after the start of classes, a completely different well-being: cheerfulness, lightness throughout the body, good mood. That is, in the shortest possible time - the maximum result. And this is necessary modern man with our lifestyle.

It is important to note that in order to teach children this health-improving technology, it is necessary for the teachers themselves to master the principle of this gymnastics, exercises, their sequence and technique. Thus, it is necessary to strictly follow guidelines indicated by the authors of the methods for breathing exercises.

Thanks to breathing exercises solve problems:

Improving the health of children;

Restoration of normal physiological breathing through the nose;

Channeling children's energy "in a peaceful direction" and full satisfaction of the need for physical activity;

The choice of this health technology is explained by the fact that breathing exercises helps children overcome severe speech disorders.

When conducting breathing exercises children should do the following conditions:

- Perform breathing exercises on an empty stomach, excluding 20 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after a meal;

Before execution gymnastics to clear the nose;

Particular attention should be paid to children's clothing, i.e. - tightening clothing (tight collar, belt) must be loosened to improve the movement of the chest and diaphragm.

- Respiratory exercises are included in the morning routine gymnastics, in physical minutes during classes, on a walk (at an air temperature above 10-12 degrees Celsius, after daytime sleep.

After graduation gymnastics attention of children"collected" they listen and hear the teacher's words. At this time, you can tell the children what else to do on a walk, organize the activities of children.

Children easily master the exercises and perform with pleasure, in a good mood.

Related publications:

Didactic manual for breathing exercises "Insects" The goals of respiratory gymnastics: - training of the respiratory system - fixing the names of insects - development of concentration of attention - development.

Game complex of respiratory gymnastics The proposed complex of breathing exercises is suitable for children from two years old. Promotes the development of the respiratory muscles of the speech apparatus.

Game exercises for breathing exercises WATCHES-watches go forward, we are led by I. p. -standing. legs slightly apart 1-swing your arms forward - tick (inhale) 2-swing your arms back so. (exhalation).

The use of breathing exercises in the process of educational activities Approximate set of breathing exercises Let's listen to our breathing Purpose: to teach children to listen to their breathing, determine its type.

Card file of respiratory gymnastics 14.1. "Swing" Purpose: to strengthen physiological breathing in children. The child, who is in the prone position, is placed on the stomach in the region of the diaphragm.

Synopsis of morning exercises with elements of breathing exercises, exercises for the prevention of postural disorders Synopsis of organization and conduct morning exercises(with elements of breathing exercises, exercises for the prevention of postural disorders).

Now in our modern world everything is computerized. And our children are not playing Board games, and in the computer and phone. Due to this.