Flexibility tests for rowers. Pedagogical diagnostics of physical fitness physical education test on the topic

Diagnosis of physical fitness of children preschool age kindergarten No. 232 JSC Russian Railways

Target: survey physical condition both an individual child and a group as a whole in a preschool educational institution.


  • Reveal level physical development, physical fitness and performance of children.
  • Implement an individually differentiated approach to the physical education of children.
  • Organize data recording, information collection.


IN common system educational work MDOU physical education occupies a special place. It is in preschool childhood that, as a result of purposeful pedagogical influence, the health of the child is strengthened, training takes place. physiological functions body, movements, motor skills and physical qualities are intensively developed, which are necessary for the all-round harmonious development of the personality.

One of the most important activities of the senior educator is pedagogical control over the implementation of the program. physical education based on the analysis of the results of the diagnosis of the physical condition of pupils.


A set of test exercises and forms of reporting documentation are proposed, which allow conducting a mass examination of children at a certain time.

The proposed system of measures for collecting, processing, analyzing information, assessing and predicting the state of health and physical development of children allows you to track the results and predict future work in a timely manner.

There is a problem of obtaining high-quality information about the level of development of pupils in preschool educational institution in all sections of the program and in particular in physical development. This is due to the fact that new generation programs do not offer criteria for assessing the quality of education, do not provide tests to determine the level of development of a preschooler. This is also the case with complex educational program"Childhood", on which our preschool institution works.

The program under the section "Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful" characterizes age features pupils, levels in mastering the content of program tasks

(high, medium, low), minimal results suggested, but test items No, therefore, it became necessary to systematize work in this direction.

We have developed a program of physical examination of preschoolers, which consists of diagnostic tests with a description of the methodology.

Diagnostics of physical development allows:

  • get an objective assessment of the level of physical development and physical fitness of children;
  • draw up a plan of physical culture and health-improving work with preschoolers, adjust it;
  • to implement an individually differentiated approach in the physical education of children.

When testing, it is important to consider:

  • individual abilities of the child;
  • features of the tests, which should reveal even the smallest deviations in motor development child.

Before performing control motor tasks, a small warm-up should be carried out (calm walking, turning into running, continuous running for 1.5 minutes, breathing exercises).

Tests are best done in a playful way so that children enjoy the activities, so that they can experience the “muscle joy” of physical activity.

Tests for children 2 junior group.

Testing of this age group is carried out in one session. Given the increasingly complex nature of the exercises, one should more carefully approach the organization of the preparatory part. It is necessary to include exercises in walking on toes, heels, in a semi-squat, along a rope.

It is necessary to provide for a number of jumping exercises: jumping off the bench, jumping from circle to circle, lying at an accessible distance. It is desirable to include exercises for climbing and throwing balls, running exercises, games.

Test 1

Target: define coordination abilities.

The child must walk along a line 3 m long, 15 cm wide. The test is considered completed if the child, holding his head, passes along this line without touching the restrictions.

Test 2

Target: to determine the endurance of children, the ability to run without stopping, the frequency of coordination abilities.

Children should run slowly, continuously for one minute. The exercise is performed together with an adult who runs ahead and sets a pace that is feasible for children.

Test 3

Target: determine strength and coordination abilities.

Children must climb up and down gymnastic wall to a height of 1.5m.

Children perform the exercise on their own, but with a safety net. Mats should lie at the base of the wall.

Test 4

Target: Determine the accuracy of movements.

Children must pass each other a rubber ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm and catch it. The distance between the children is 1.5 m. The test is considered completed if the child caught the ball 2 times out of 3 times.

Test 5

Target: Determine the strength of the muscles of the legs, the ability to jump, pushing off with two legs.

The child should jump up and touch with an outstretched hand an object raised to a height of 15 cm from the outstretched hand. The test is considered completed if the child took out the object twice out of three attempts.

Test 6

Target: determine coordination abilities, volitional manifestations.

The child must jump off a pedestal (bench) 20 cm high into a circle with a diameter of 80 cm. The test is considered passed if the child, having pushed off with both legs, lands on both legs without touching the border of the circle.

Evaluation of the results of testing children of the 2nd junior group.

5 points – all elements of the test are performed in full accordance with the model presented in this paper.

4 points - one error was made during the test, which does not significantly affect the final result.

3 points - the test was performed with great difficulty, there are significant errors, deviations from the specified model.

2 points - the test was practically not completed, however, the child makes attempts, where 1-2 elements that are not significant are still performed.

1 point - the child does not make any attempts to complete the test, is physically unable to complete any element of the test.

Entrance diagnostics of physical readiness of children of the 2nd junior group

Tests to determine the speed qualities.

Speed ​​- ability to perform motor actions in the shortest possible time, which is determined by the speed of reaction to the signal and the frequency of repeated actions.

Test number 1. Running 10 m on the go

Target: determine the speed qualities of the child and his reaction in running 10 meters from the move.

Methodology: Start and finish lines are marked on the paved path. Behind the finish line (6 - 7 m from it) a landmark (a bright object - a pin, a cube) is placed so that the child, crossing the finish line, does not make an abrupt stop. Two attempts are offered, rest between them is 5 minutes.

The child on the command "to start" goes to the line and takes comfortable posture. The teacher stands to the side of the start line with a stopwatch. After waving the flag, the child takes a run. At the moment of crossing the start line, the teacher turns on the stopwatch and turns it off when the child reaches the finish line.

fixed best result out of two attempts.

Test #2

Target: determine the speed qualities in running 30 meters from a high start.

Methodology: The task is carried out on a treadmill (length not less than 40 m, width 3 m). The track is marked with a start line and a finish line. Testing is carried out by two adults; one is with a flag on the line
start, the second (with a stopwatch) - at the finish line. A bright landmark is placed behind the finish line at a distance of 5-7 m. At the command of the teacher “attention”, the child approaches the start line and takes the starting position. Then follows the command "march" - wave the flag (it must
given to the side of the child). At this time, the teacher standing on the line
finish, includes a stopwatch. During a short rest (3 - 5 min)
calm walking with breathing exercises.

Two attempts are offered, the best result is recorded. Attention! While running, do not rush the child, adjust his run.

Tests for determining speed-strength qualities

Force - it is the ability to overcome external resistance and counteract it through the muscular apparatus.

Test number 3. Standing long jump

Target: determine the speed-strength qualities in the standing long jump.

Methodology: Examination of long jumps from a place can be carried out on the site of the kindergarten in the warm season, and indoors in the cold season. The jump is performed into a sand-filled jumping pit or onto loosened ground (1x2 meters in area). Under adverse weather conditions, jumping can be carried out in the gym, for this a gym track can be used.

The child is offered, pushing off with both legs, with an intensive wave of the arms, from the marked line of repulsion to the maximum distance for him and landing on both legs. When landing, do not lean behind your hands. The distance between the repulsion line and the footprint (along the heels) is measured upon landing (in cm). 3 attempts are made. The best attempt counts.

The test is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Test number 4. Throwing medicine ball weighing 0.5 kg. Away with both hands with a swing from behind the head from the SP. standing

Target: determination of strength and coordination.

Methodology: The test is carried out on a flat area with a length of at least 10 m. The child stands at the control marking line and throws the ball from behind his head with both hands forward from the initial standing position, one leg in front, the other behind or legs apart. When throwing, the feet must remain in contact with the ground. Movement is allowed following the throw. 3 attempts are made. The best result counts.

The test is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Test number 5. Throwing a bag of sand into the distance

Target: definition of agility and coordination.

Methodology: The examination of the throwing range is carried out on an asphalt track or a sports ground. The throwing corridor must be at least 3 meters wide and 15-20 meters long. The track is pre-marked with chalk with transverse lines every meter and the distance is numbered with numbers. The repulsion line 40 cm wide is shaded with chalk. On command, the child approaches the repulsion line, from the sp. standing, throws a bag (200 gr.), with one hand from behind the head, one leg is placed in front of the other at a step distance. When throwing, you can not change the position of the feet. The best result of three attempts is counted.

The test is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old..

Endurance tests.

Endurance - is the ability to resist fatigue And any activity. It is determined by the functionalstability of nerve centers, coordination of functions locomotive system and internal organs.

Test number 6. Lifting the torso from a lying position.

Target: determine climbing endurance.

Methodology: The child lies on a gymnastic mat on his back, arms crossed over his chest. At the command “begin”, the child rises without bending his knees (the teacher slightly holds the child’s knees, sitting on the mat next to him), sits down and lies down again. The teacher counts the number of lifts. The test is considered correctly performed if the child did not touch the mat with his elbows while lifting, and the back and knees remained straight.

Of the two attempts, the best result is counted..

The test is intended for children from 4 to 7 years old.

Test number 7. Running at a moderate (slow) pace.

Target: determination of general endurance in running at a distance of 9, 120, 150.

Methodology: The test is conducted with a small subgroup (5 - 7 people), formed taking into account the level motor activity children. There are two educators and a nurse who monitors the well-being of children.

The teacher needs to measure the distance of the treadmill in advance (in meters) and mark it - mark the start line and half the distance. The path can go around preschool. Children come to the start line. The teacher of the group gives the command "to start" and turns on the stopwatch. Educator for physical culture runs ahead of the column at an average pace of 1-2 laps, the children run after him, then the children run on their own, trying not to change the pace. The run continues until the first signs of fatigue appear. The test is considered correctly completed if the child runs the entire distance without stopping.

The test is intended for children: 5 years old - distance 90 m;

6 years - distance 120 m;

7 years - distance 150 m.

Flexibility test.

Flexibility - morphological and functional properties of the musculoskeletalapparatus, which determine the degree of mobility of its links. Flexibility characterizes the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Test number 8. Torso forward from a standing position.

Target: definition of flexibility.

Methodology: The test is administered by two teachers. The child becomes gymnastic bench(the surface of the bench corresponds to the zero mark). Task: lean down, trying not to bend your knees (if necessary, one of the educators can hold them). The second teacher, along a ruler installed perpendicular to the bench, registers the level to which the child reached with his fingertips. If the child does not reach the zero mark (the surface of the bench), then the result is counted with a minus sign. During the performance of this test, you can use the game moment “get the toy”.

The test is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Agility Test

Agility - this is the ability to quickly master new movements (the ability to quickly learn), quickly and accurately reorganize their actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing environment.

Test number 9.

Target: determine dexterity in zigzag running.

Methodology: The test is carried out on sports ground or in a hall with a length of at least 15 m. A start line is outlined, which is also the finish line. From the “start” line at a distance of 5 m, 2 large balls are placed, from them at a distance of 3 m 2 more large balls parallel to the first and 2 more balls at the same distance. Thus, the distance is divided into 3 zones. The distance between the balls is 2 m. It is necessary to indicate the direction of movement with arrows.

At the command "Start!" the child stands behind the start line. By the command "March!" the child runs in a zigzag in the direction indicated by the arrow between the balls and finishes. The teacher turns off the stopwatch only after the child has covered the entire distance. Time is measured with an accuracy of 1/10s. The test is carried out by one child 2 times and the best result is recorded. If the child touches the ball or pushes it off the spot, strayed off course or fell, the test is repeated.

The child needs a show.

The test is intended for children from 4 to 7 years old.

Diagnostic card of physical readiness of children 4-7 years old

Surname, name of the child



speed is power








Running 30 m from a high start (sec.)

long jump with

seats (cm)

running high jump (cm)

Distance throw (m)

Test #1

Test #2

Running "zigzag"


Down slope (cm)

Lifting the torso from a prone position (number of times in 30 seconds)

Criteria and indicators

physical fitness of children 3-7 years old

Name of indicator


3 years

4 years

5 years

6 years

7 years

medicine ball throw













Standing long jump













Torso forward from a standing position (cm)





10 meter run













30 meters running











Zigzag run











Raising the body in a sitting position for 30 seconds. (quantity)








Running for a distance of 90,120,150 meters









Throwing a stuffed bag into the distance







4,0- 4,5




Test to determine the increase in psycho indicators physical qualities

To assess the growth rate of indicators of psychophysical qualities, we propose to use the formula proposed by V.I. Usachyov:

100(V1 - V2)

W = ½ (V1+V2)

where W is the growth rate in %

V1 - baseline

V2 - final level.

For example: Sasha D. jumped in length from a place at the beginning of the year by 42 cm, and at the end - by 46 cm. Substituting these values ​​into the formula, we get:

W= 100(46-42) = 9%


Is it good or bad? The answer to this question can be found in the scale for assessing the rate of growth of physical qualities.

Scale of assessments of the growth rates of physical qualities of preschool children

Growth rate (%)


What caused the growth

Up to 8


Through natural growth



Due to natural growth and natural motor activity



Due to natural growth and a targeted system of physical education

Over 15


Through the effective use of the natural forces of nature and physical exercises

Thus, the presented tests and diagnostic methods


  1. evaluate various aspects of the psychomotor development of children;
  2. to see the dynamics of physical and motor development, the formation of coordination mechanisms and their control processes;
  3. to widely use these tasks in the practical activities of preschool institutions.

Often age-related changes lead to limited mobility of the spinal column. In this case, the fusion of the vertebrae can begin, which leads to the formation of a bone mustache. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle exacerbates this pathological process.

To understand in what state the flexibility of the spinal column and what is its plasticity, it is necessary to evaluate it. This will help simple tests.

What is the flexibility of the spine: screening tests

With the help of certain tests, it is possible to check the mobility of the vertebrae, which must be done very carefully, without much effort.

Test number 1. From the straight position of the body (legs together), we bend forward and down (as low as possible). Fingertips should touch the floor.

Test number 2. We lie down on our stomach, bring our legs together and press them to the floor (they should not come off the floor in any case). From this position, raise your head up with your chest. From floor to chest the distance should be from 10 to 20 cm.

Test number 3. We stand with our backs to the wall, while our legs are 30 cm wide. We lean down to one of the sides, without tearing off our backs. Then in the opposite direction, lowering the fingertips slightly below the knee joints (if possible, touch the calves with your fingers).

Test number 4. We sit on a chair facing its back, legs apart. At the same time, the hands rest on kneecaps. The pelvis and legs remain in place. Turn your head and body back.

Test number 5. Lie on your back, put your legs behind your head. Try to reach the floor with your toes, while keeping your legs straight ( perfect option). Note for yourself: did they touch the floor, in what position were the legs (slightly or strongly bent).

If, during these tests, the flexibility of the spine is noted, that is, all exercises are performed with ease, then the spinal column is in great shape. To have such flexibility and stretch throughout for long years, it is necessary to support the spine and strengthen its muscular corset through various exercises.

But if there is pain in the spine or some stiffness in some place when doing exercises, this is a reason to contact a medical institution and undergo an examination. Perhaps a thorough diagnosis and serious treatment is needed.

Additional test

Testing is carried out for the presence of curvature of the spine. We start one hand behind the back from above over the shoulder, and with the second hand - from below from the lower back. We connect the fingers. Then we change the position in the same way. With an even spine, the hands connect without problems, easily and painlessly. If there is a curvature of the spine, there may be problems with the introduction of the hands, discomfort, soreness, or no ability to perform the test at all.

In order to measure mobility in the joints, angular and linear measures are used. When using linear measures, the results of the measurement may be affected by the individual capabilities of the subjects, for example, the length of the arms or the width of the shoulders, which will affect the results of the measurement, when bending forward or when performing a twist with a stick. Therefore, in all cases where there is a possibility for this, measures should be taken to eliminate the negative influence of the individual characteristics of those involved in the correctness of measuring joint mobility using linear measures.

For example, when performing a twist with a stick, it will be effective to determine the flexibility index, which is the ratio of the width of the grip to the width of the shoulders (in cm).

Most accurately, mobility in the joints is determined in angular measures using a goniometer.

When measuring the amplitude of flexion, extension and abduction of the shoulder, the legs of the compass of the goniometer are placed on the head of the lateral condyle humerus. When measuring the supination of the shoulder, the arm is bent at the shoulder joint to horizontal position with the thumb pointing up. The legs of the compass are placed on the most protruding points of the medial and lateral condyles of the shoulder.

When measuring mobility in the elbow joint, the legs of the compass are placed on the ulnar and styloid processes of the ulna. When measuring the supination of the forearm, the shoulder is fixed in a vertical position, the forearm is in a horizontal position, the hand is placed with the thumb up. The legs of the compass are placed on the most protruding points of the styloid processes of the radius and ulna.

By changing the amplitude of flexion, extension, adduction and abduction of the hand in wrist joint in the initial position, it is located with the thumb up, the forearm is placed on a horizontal stand. The legs of the compass are placed on the head of the third metacarpal bone and in the middle of the line connecting the radial and ulnar styloid points.

To assess mobility in hip joint determine the amplitude of flexion, extension of abduction and adduction of the hip. The legs of the compass are placed on the lateral epimuscle of the thigh and the top of the greater trochanter. The measurement is carried out in a standing or lying position. In a standing position, mobility is determined with an unbent lower leg. In the initial position, the thigh is located vertically. In the prone position, the amplitude of flexion is measured with a bent and straightened leg, the amplitudes of extension, abduction and adduction - only with a straightened leg. The starting position of the thigh is horizontal.

To determine the mobility in the knee joints, it is necessary to cordon the amplitude of flexion of the lower leg, which is measured in the supine position. When measuring, the legs of the compass are placed on the horses of the lateral ankle and the top of the head of the fibula.

Mobility in the ankle joint (flexion, extension, abduction and adduction of the lower leg) is assessed from the initial position of the foot at a right angle to the axis of the lower leg. The legs of the compass are placed flat on the plantar surface of the foot, the goniometer disk is oriented in the plane of foot movement.

Main pedagogical tests are the simplest control exercises that allow you to assess the mobility of various joints (shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, mobility of the spinal column, etc.).

They are based on the implementation of exercise complexes that impose maximum requirements on mobility in the corresponding joints.

When determining flexibility, testing should be done in the morning, preferably at the same time. On the eve of the day of the examination, strenuous training sessions are not carried out. Before measuring flexibility, a special warm-up is carried out, including exercises with a large range of motion.

J.K. Kholodov and V.S. Kuznetsov identified the following main pedagogical tests for assessing the mobility of various joints:

1. Mobility in the shoulder joint. The test subject, holding the ends gymnastic stick(ropes), twists straight arms back. Mobility shoulder joint evaluated by the distance between the hands during twisting: the smaller the distance, the higher the flexibility of this joint, and vice versa. In addition, the smallest distance between the hands is compared with the width shoulder girdle subject. Active abduction of straight arms up from a lying position on the chest, arms forward. The greatest distance from the floor to the fingertips is measured.

Test: Raise your arms up while lying on your stomach.

This test is used to assess the level of flexibility of the upper shoulder girdle.

Equipment: tape measure, stick 1.5 m long, bench.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on the bench with his stomach, resting his chin on it, and stretches his arms forward. With both hands he holds a stick. Without lifting his chin from the bench, he raises straight arms as high as possible above his head.

The teacher, using a tape measure, measures the length of an imaginary perpendicular from the stick to the bench. The interpretation of this result is carried out in the same way as in the previous test.

Test: Moving away from the wall. This test is also used to measure the flexibility of the upper shoulder girdle.

Equipment: tape measure.

Testing procedure. The subject stands with his back to the wall, legs together, spreads his arms to the sides so that the little fingers of both hands touch the wall.

Then, without taking his little fingers off the wall, he moves forward to the maximum distance.

The teacher measures at the level of the shoulder blades the distance from the subject's back to the wall. The interpretation of this result is carried out in the same way as in the previous test.

2. Mobility of the spinal column.

Test: Torso forward in a sitting position.

Testing procedure. The subject sits on the floor or bench, resting his feet against the wall, tilts his body forward and down. The teacher uses a tape measure to measure the distance from the subject's chest to the floor (bench).

The result is an indicator of the level of development of the student's flexibility.

There are two options for interpreting the result: a) comparing the test score with the performance of other students in this test; b) comparison of his result in the indicated test with the results in other tests of flexibility.

Option. The same test, but performed from a standing position.

Test: "Bridge".

The procedure for performing this exercise is known.

The result is the distance from the heels to the fingertips of the subject. The shorter the distance, the better the result.

Test: Trunk flexion.

Equipment: bench, tape measure.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on his stomach on a bench or on the floor, puts his hands behind his back, the partner fixes his legs, pressing them to the floor (bench). Then the test subject raises his head and back as high as possible.

The net result is the distance from the floor (bench) to the subject's jugular fossa. However, the result calculated according to the following scheme is more informative: the net result multiplied by 100 and divided by the length of the body, measured in centimeters.

  • 3. Mobility in the hip joint. The subject seeks to spread his legs as wide as possible: to the sides and forward back with support on his hands. The level of mobility in this joint is assessed by the distance from the floor to the pelvis (coccyx): the smaller the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.
  • 4. Mobility in the knee joints. The subject performs a squat with arms extended forward or hands behind the head. High mobility in these joints is evidenced by a full squat.
  • 5. Mobility in the ankle joints. Measurement of various parameters of movements in the joints should be based on compliance with standard testing conditions: the same initial positions of the body links; the same (standard) warm-up; repeated measurements of flexibility should be carried out at the same time, since these conditions somehow affect mobility in the joints.

Ankle flexor and extensor flexibility test.

Equipment: bench, sheet of paper, tape measure.

Testing procedure. The subject sits on a bench, legs together. WITH inside legs perpendicular to the bench is placed a blank sheet of paper. The subject extends the leg at the ankle joint. At this point, the position of the thumb is fixed by a dot on the paper. Then the student bends the leg at the ankle joint, the position of the heel is fixed with a point, as well as the upper point of the instep of the foot. The same is done with the second leg.

The result is determined as follows: the points on the paper are connected and the angles obtained from the horizontal are measured. The interpretation of this result is carried out in the same way as in the previous tests.

Thus, while exerting a directed influence on the development of flexibility, it should be borne in mind that stretching exercises have the greatest effect if they are performed daily or even 2 times a day. When you stop performing exercises for flexibility, its level gradually decreases and after 2-3 months it will return to its original level. Therefore, a break in classes can be no more than 1-2 weeks.

With the development of flexibility, the following ratios of various stretching exercises are appropriate: 40% active, 40% passive and 20% static. But there is such a pattern: the younger the age, the greater the proportion should be active exercise and smaller - static, it is important to ensure the harmonious development of mobility in all joints. At the same time, one must bear in mind, first of all, those links of the musculoskeletal system that are of the greatest importance in mastering applied vital actions (shoulder, hip, ankle joints, articulations of the hand). In case of individual mobility restrictions (hereditary or resulting from diseases) Special attention is given to the restoration of normal range of motion.

An important point in the education of flexibility is to control it. There are various instrumental methods for controlling joint mobility, but in general practice it is more advisable to use the method of tests and control exercises. The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that can be achieved by the subject. The amplitude of movements is measured in degrees or linear measures, using equipment or pedagogical tests.

Whether you're into sports, fitness, or just having an active lifestyle, you're sure to come across stretching exercises. Stretching, or as it is called otherwise - stretching - an integral part of any workout.

Why do we need a Flexibility Test?

Whether you want to conquer mountains, waters, or any other sport, you can't consider yourself well-trained if you don't stretch.

Take a look at the athletes before the competition: the players arch their backs and stretch their palms to the floor; runners sit on to stretch the ligaments of the legs, etc.

The fact is that flexibility is the ability of the joints to move in full amplitude. The less flexibility, the greater the likelihood of various injuries to muscles and joints.

In addition, it has been proven that an inactive lifestyle contributes to the development of all kinds of chronic diseases. Therefore, the easiest and surest way to avoid this is stretching.

Part 1

Warm up for 20 minutes and proceed to the test. Do test exercises.

1. Tilt to the legs

Stand straight, put your feet together, bend down.

  • Fingers do not reach the ankle joint - 0
  • Fingers touched the floor - 1
  • You can touch the floor with your palm - 2

Polish this test a little. Stand sideways in front of the mirror without bending your knees. Follow the line of the legs around the knees with your eyes.

If your knee is slightly arched back (as children say, “knees back”), the joint is hypermobile. In the event that it is bent forward, its flexibility is insufficient.

If the line of the leg is absolutely straight, everything is normal.

2. Tilts to the sides

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Stretch your arms along the body, put your hands on your hips.

Lean to the sides so that the palms slide along the leg, being careful not to turn the torso and not lean forward or backward.

  • Fingers touch knee - 1
  • You do not reach your knee with your fingers - 0
  • You can touch your calves with your fingers - 2

3. Plow: legs behind the head

Lie on your back, put your legs over your head.

  • You cannot touch the floor with your feet - 0
  • Straight legs touch the floor - 2
  • You can touch the floor, but your knees are bent - 1

4. Sit on the floor, stretch your straight legs in front of you. Lean forward.

  • If you touch your fingers to your toes - 1
  • You can only touch ankle joints – 0
  • Managed to clasp the toes - 2

Now let's count the points and find out the result.

Less than 3 points. The former flexibility is completely lost. To quickly sit on the twine, you need to carefully stretch and not endure pain during stretching.

If the pain does not disappear after a few seconds after the end of the stretching exercise, the intensity should be reduced.

From 3 to 5 points. You have average flexibility and may well return to the previous opportunities. You just have to do it with care. In order to quickly sit on the twine, you are better off doing a dynamic type of stretching.

From 6 to 8 points. You can be congratulated, you have a wonderful stretch. In order to quickly sit on the twine, you better focus on static view stretching exercises, working on the principle of "there is pain - there is no pain."

Part 2

If, according to the test results, you good stretch, then it makes no sense to check further, but if there are problems, then you should go further and find out where you are still lame.

5. Deflection

Place both palms on your lower back with your fingers down. Bend back, sliding your fingers along rear surface pelvis.

If the fingers reach the popliteal fossa, the flexibility of the spine is sufficient.

6. And now - a test for the flexibility of the hand. Surely in childhood it worked out for you elementary.

Bend the wrist at the wrist joint and use the other hand to pull thumb brushes to the forearm.

Normally, the first finger touches the forearm or does not reach it by more than half a centimeter, or touches it.

7. The next test is finger extension. Extend the fingers of the other hand back with one hand.

Normally, the fingers bend back, but at an angle much less than 90 degrees.

8. Now - checking the elbow joint. Stretch your arm forward with your palm up and straighten as much as possible elbow joint.

If you managed to make the arm perfectly straight from the shoulder to the wrist, the flexibility of the joint is normal.

If the joint is overextended by more than 10 degrees, this indicates its hypermobility.

9. Test for the shoulder joint. Raise your arm vertically up, bend it at the elbow and bring it behind your head. With your other hand, grab the elbow joint from above and try to get it behind your head.

Normally, the hand winds up slightly behind the head. All excess movements indicate hypermobility.

10. Sit on a chair. Stretch your leg forward and pull your foot towards you.

Leg should be straight knee joint, no deflection up or down.

The same test can be performed while standing.


I think you have already felt your weaknesses in the process of doing the exercises. And if there are enough of them, do these exercises daily, spending only a few minutes a day on yourself. You'll see, your body will thank you.

Yes, this one in this test for flexibility was used far from the most cool exercises, and even the middle peasants found it a bit boring here.

Consider it first class.

Good luck, health and good mood!

The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that can be achieved by the subject. The amplitude of movements is measured in angular degrees or in linear measures, using equipment or pedagogical tests. Hardware methods measurements are:

  1. mechanical (using a goniometer);
  2. mechanoelectric (using an electrogoniometer);
  3. optic;
  4. radiographic.

For especially accurate measurements joint mobility, electrogoniometric, optical and radiographic methods are used. Electrogoniometers allow you to get a graphical representation of flexibility and follow the change in articular angles in different phases of movement. Optical methods for assessing flexibility are based on the use of photographic, film and video equipment. The radiographic method allows you to determine the theoretically permissible range of motion, which is calculated on the basis of an x-ray analysis of the structure of the joint.

In physical education, the most accessible and common method is to measure flexibility using a mechanical goniometer - a goniometer, to one of the legs of which a protractor is attached. The legs of the goniometer are attached to the longitudinal axes of the segments that make up a particular joint. When performing flexion, extension or rotation, the angle between the axes of the joint segments is determined.

The main pedagogical tests for assessing the mobility of various joints are the simplest control exercises.

1. Mobility in the shoulder joint. The subject, holding the ends of the gymnastic stick (rope), twists straight arms back. The mobility of the shoulder joint is assessed by the distance between the hands during twisting: the smaller the distance, the higher the flexibility of this joint, and vice versa. In addition, the smallest distance between the hands is compared with the width of the subject's shoulder girdle. Active abduction of straight arms up from a lying position on the chest, arms forward. The greatest distance from the floor to the fingertips is measured.

2. Mobility of the spinal column. It is determined by the degree of torso tilt forward. The subject in a standing position on a bench (or sitting on the floor) leans forward to the limit without bending his knees. The flexibility of the spine is assessed using a ruler or tape by the distance in centimeters from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. If at the same time the fingers do not reach the zero mark, then the measured distance is indicated by the minus sign (-), and if they fall below the zero mark, the plus sign (+).
"Bridge". The result (in cm) is measured from the heels to the fingertips of the subject. The smaller the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

3. Mobility in the hip joint. The subject seeks to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) back and forth with support on his hands. The level of mobility in this joint is assessed by the distance from the floor to the pelvis (coccyx): the smaller the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

4. Mobility in the knee joints. The subject performs a squat with arms extended forward or hands behind the head. High mobility in these joints is evidenced by a full squat.

5. Mobility in the ankle joints. Measurement of various parameters of movements in the joints should be based on compliance with standard testing conditions:

  1. the same initial positions of the body links;
  2. the same (standard) warm-up;
  3. repeated measurements of flexibility should be carried out at the same time, since these conditions somehow affect mobility in the joints.

Passive flexibility is defined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to external influences. It is determined by the largest amplitude that can be achieved due to an external force, the value of which must be the same for all measurements, otherwise it is impossible to obtain an objective assessment of passive flexibility. The measurement of passive flexibility is suspended when the action of an external force causes a painful sensation.

An informative indicator of the state of the articular and muscular apparatus of the subject (in centimeters or angular degrees) is the difference between the values ​​of active and passive flexibility. This difference is called the active flexibility deficit.

1. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methods of physical education from sports: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p.