Eastern battles. Martial arts - what is it and what types are there? Martial arts with weapons

Martial arts are spectacular and striking in their technique. Action movies with epic fights are sometimes so captivating that you want to watch with bated breath. A vivid impression is created not due to high-quality special effects, but thanks to the real skill of actors and understudies who are fluent in various martial arts. As a rule, we are talking about some oriental martial arts techniques, but there are exceptions. A whole separate sub-genre of cinema is even dedicated to martial arts.

Traditions of the West

In the 80s and 90s of the last century, a wave of love for karate action movies swept the West. At this time, many cult films about martial arts were released, which left a noticeable mark on the history of cinema. Now in Hollywood films about boxing and fights without rules are popular. The characters in these pictures can be professional athletes, and novice fighters, rapidly improving their skills. Watching them grow and win is exciting and exciting. In our online collection you will find any films from this category, both serious and comedy. Martial arts sometimes take center stage in science fiction or fantasy films as well. In this case, we are usually talking about battles with swords and other melee weapons.

Oriental martial arts

Asia is the birthplace of karate, kung fu, jiu-jitsu and other legendary fighting styles. This has found its reflection in oriental cinema. Here, martial arts films have become very popular and continue to be popular. The main characters are invincible warriors who crush any villains who challenge them. Watch their adventures in our online compilation at good quality.

Why do we love martial arts movies? For their determined protagonists! Often in the center of the plot are ordinary people who go through a long path of self-improvement. Having lost at the beginning, they do not give up and, with maximum effort, become real masters. And in the end, they definitely win a triumphant victory. Such a movie charges with motivation, and the main characters inspire respect. Watching films about martial arts is always interesting, because the techniques are performed at a professional level. Choose any movie from our selection and enjoy watching online.

We have collected together both comedy films and more serious and dramatic works. All films and series about martial arts are presented in our online cinema only in good quality. So you can see in detail all the battle scenes.

Today, martial arts are no longer exotic for anyone. They are taught in numerous circles and sections, in sports schools and fitness clubs, a rare self-respecting bookstore does not allocate several shelves, or even a whole rack, for literature dedicated to them. What caused such popularity of oriental martial arts? Perhaps, the fashion for everything oriental and exotic, or perhaps this trend is a response to, alas, the difficult situation in our society today, when a lot depends on the ability to protect oneself. Be that as it may, martial arts have long become an integral part of mass culture, and therefore every year the number of people who want to join the mysterious culture of the East, including in this way, is growing.

As you know, if you want to achieve success in something, you should never scatter your efforts, and often in life we ​​have to choose. But how to make a choice when it comes to large numbers types of martial arts, according to what criteria to choose, what to stop at? I will try to deal with this issue.

First of all, it is necessary to define the concepts of "wrestling" and "martial arts", often used as synonyms, but they are not. It's called a fight martial arts, which mainly uses grips, throws and painful techniques; from this we can conclude that the battle requires close contact of opponents. In martial arts, these techniques are used along with strikes, and sometimes with impact on the enemy at a distance, for example, throwing objects (how can one not recall the metal stars that Japanese ninjas throw).

There are a great many types of oriental martial arts. They can be divided according to different criteria - according to the country of origin, according to the antiquity of traditions, according to the main techniques used in them, etc. I would take their popularity as a criterion, and therefore I will talk about each species, moving from the most common to the less known.


What is the first thing that comes to mind for most people when it comes to martial arts? Of course, karate-do. This one is perhaps the most popular view The martial art originated on the island of Okinawa. Originally, the word "karate-do" meant "the way Chinese hand", since Chinese martial arts significantly influenced his formation, but in 1933 master Gichin Funakoshi changed the character "Chinese" into the character "empty" in writing. Both characters are read the same way - "punishment". With this replacement, the master emphasized not only the martial arts - wrestling without weapons - but also its independence.In 1955, the Japanese Karate-do Association arose, and Funakoshi became its main instructor.

In karate, there are many directions that differ greatly from each other. The most popular among them is setokan, called by experts the alphabet of karate. It is based on the techniques of combat on the middle and short distance, kicks at the lower and upper levels. Shotokan requires good physical condition and quick reaction.

One of the youngest trends is kyokushinkai, founded in 1969. Training methods are rigorously disciplined, and, unlike other areas, the emphasis is not on philosophical aspects and moral self-improvement, but on combat effectiveness. One of the most difficult exams is the so-called "one hundred kumite" - one hundred fights without a break.

IN sito-ryu the emphasis is on the speed of movement, correct breathing and work with the center of gravity, in other words, with the ability to keep balance. This direction includes 50 kata - sets of exercises, which is much more than in any other style. Some fights in Shito-ryu are fought with ancient Japanese-style armor.

Direction goju-ryu combines karate techniques with some elements taken from Chinese martial arts. This style is distinguished by a combination of fast and smooth movements, as well as a large number of escapes, while in other areas of karate, a direct attack dominates.

Style wado-ryu, created in 1938, is considered the most Japanese of all. It is dominated by slips and throws, Special attention devoted to the development of a special state of mind.

Perhaps the most spectacular style is braids. karate-do due to the applied striking and throwing technique. This direction is also quite traumatic, so all fights are held with the mandatory use of protective equipment.


This Korean martial art is called differently: taekwondo, taekwondo And taekwondo. Don't be embarrassed, it's always about the same thing. The first name, in my opinion, is more convenient for pronunciation. The second is romanized, since in Latin the combination ae is read as "e". The third option most accurately conveys the pronunciation and spelling of this word in Korean. The term itself appeared in 1955, when after the Second World War in Korea, the system of Korean martial arts, almost forgotten by that time, symbolizing the spirit of the nation, was revived. A huge contribution to the revival of the martial arts of Korea was made by General Hong Hi Choi, who in 1966 headed the International Taekwon-Do Federation. Since 1988, taekwon-do has been included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

Taekwon-do mainly uses kicks and jumps. Any grabs and blows to the head with hands are prohibited. Demonstration performances of taekwondo fighters are very spectacular, often showing breaking boards with spectacular jump kicks.


Wushu is believed to have been created by the monk Bodhidharma, who arrived in China from India in the first half of the 4th century. There are many styles in wushu, among which there are northern and southern, external and internal. Northern styles, or the styles of the northern provinces of China, are distinguished by wide movements and jumps, as well as a large distance between fighters. The most common of the northern styles is considered chan quan, of the southern ones, the most popular style nanquan. Those who study external styles see their main task as honing the technique of performing techniques, while internal styles are aimed at improving the mental qualities of a fighter. The classic representative of this group of styles can be called tai chi chuan characterized by smooth movements and flowing movements.

In the ear there is a direction of the so-called sports wushu, which combines the above styles, and also includes complex acrobatic elements that require great flexibility of the spine and elasticity of the leg muscles.


Relatively recently, having appeared in Russia, aikido managed to gain a certain popularity. This martial art was founded by master Morihei Ueshiba in 1945. The main concept of aikido is to achieve harmony between the fighter's own life energy and the surrounding world. In combat, the aikidoist seeks to use the enemy's aggression against himself. This type of martial art is rather a means of defense, rather than an attack, and therefore suits balanced, non-aggressive people. Aikidoists compete in short white kimono and wide black hakama trousers, which makes the fight spectacular.

Like karate-do and wushu, aikido has its own internal directions. The most popular of them can be called volumes of aikido, mix traditional aikido techniques with judo techniques. Tomiki Aikido includes competitions in the training program, which is very unusual for Eastern martial arts, because it is believed that it is more important to master the art of combat than to win competitions. It is worth mentioning also tanto randori-ho, the art of unarmed combat with an armed opponent. For training, a soft knife is used, which is wielded by one of the athletes, and at the end of one duel, they change roles.

Thai boxing

Thai boxing, or Muay Thai, originated in Thailand in the XII century in the wars with China. Instead of gloves, the wrestlers wrapped their hands with ropes, and before especially important fights, they even smeared them with glue and sprinkled them with broken glass. It must be said that this was done by mutual agreement of the opponents. Thai boxing is recognizable by its spectacular kicks, but experts say they are used mainly for entertainment, not for combat effect. In Muay Thai, punches are delivered with elbows and knees. Separate competitions are held for amateurs and professionals, and if amateurs compete in protective gear, then professionals compete semi-naked, in light boxing gloves.

Thai boxing is unthinkable without its inherent ancient rituals. Previously, the time of the duel was counted with the help of a coconut shell: a hole of a strictly defined size was made in the half of the shell and lowered into the water. As soon as the shell sank, the duel ended. Of course, many traditions have sunk into oblivion over the centuries, and boxers now use gloves instead of ropes, but there remains a sacred dance performed before a fight in order to enlist the support of spirits. The fight itself takes place to the music. As a talisman, the Thais put on mongkon - a bandage on their heads - and pratyat - on their wrists. Now these armbands perform the same functions as the belts in other oriental martial arts - they indicate the level of skill of a fighter.

Although Muay Thai appeared in Russia relatively recently, its adherents are already predicting a great future for it in our country. The first step for this has been taken: Moscow already hosts regular performances by both foreign athletes and Russian rising Thai boxing stars.


Jiu-jitsu is also called jujutsu and translated from Japanese means "the art of flexibility." This martial art originated from the ancient technique of fighting in armor. The technique is dominated by grips, throws and painful techniques - the impact on pain points enemy. It is currently practiced to keep the enemy in a prone position.


Judo originated in Japan at the end of the 19th century on the basis of jujitsu. Its name is translated from Japanese as "flexible way". For a long time, judo was not a sport, but was intended, like almost all martial arts, to educate the personality of a fighter. However, at the end of the Second World War, when only schools remained sports direction Judo has become a sport. In 1972, the first of the oriental martial arts, judo was included in the program of the Olympic Games, making its debut in summer games in Munich.

In judo, as in jiu-jitsu, grabs and painful techniques are used; this is the so-called contact wrestling, which requires the bodies of opponents to touch. The purpose of the fight is to unbalance the opponent and throw him back on the tatami mat - the wrestling mat. The judo kimono has short sleeves for maximum grip.

Martial arts with weapons

Kenjutsu- This is martial arts in Japanese armor and using a sword. The fighter's demeanor should be aggressive: it frightens the opponent, helps to breathe properly and raises the morale of the fighter himself. In kenjutsu, two types of swords are used - a long two-handed katana and a short wakijashi.

Kendo similar to kenjutsu, only the sword it uses is bamboo, aerodynamically more comfortable than metal. Also, the athlete is not dressed in armor, but in a national Japanese combat suit and a lattice mask. Important in kendo is the "kiai" shout, known to most readers from the movies. Shouting is practiced in almost all Eastern martial schools, but in kendo, shouting has a particularly important, almost ritualistic meaning.

Nagintado - combat sport using the bamboo halberd naginata. Interestingly, according to the tradition, nagintado is mainly practiced by women.

Currently, these recently completely unknown martial arts in our country are gaining popularity, and you can even learn them in fitness centers. It should be borne in mind that in fitness centers, the lessons of these martial arts are usually called blade (English blade - blade) and are a simplified fitness version. Trainers say that Japanese swordsmanship is a rather difficult art, and only after a considerable amount of time do students begin to feel the sword or halberd.

In general, there are a great many oriental martial arts, and, unfortunately, it is impossible to consider everything within the framework of one article. However, in my opinion, martial arts such as pencak silat(Indonesia), yet vo dao(Vietnam) and varma kalai(India) will not soon become not only popular, but also somehow known in our country. Those who wish can see demonstration performances in these styles at specialized festivals of oriental martial arts, regularly held in Moscow.

East is East, but the West is trying to keep up with it, and therefore, in addition to martial arts, there are several Western areas that also require attention.


Kickboxing (from the English kick - kick) is a young sport that arose in the 70s. in USA. This is a mixture of boxing with elements of karate-do and Thai boxing. During fights, boxers must use protective equipment and boxing gloves. The technique uses kicks and punches, grips and strikes with elbows, knees and head are prohibited.

Competitions are held, as in Thai boxing, separately for professionals and amateurs. Kickboxing has a direction full contact, or full contact, in which it is allowed to donate all the strength and even bring the opponent to a knockout. As we can see, this is a rather tough sport.


In 2000, while in Rio de Janeiro, I saw street acrobats. They performed jumps one over the other, and one of the acrobats somehow strangely spun in place, stepping from one foot to the other and at some point even leaning on his hands. Unfortunately, in the picture, the acrobat was captured in a half-squat on his legs, that is, in a pose that does not at all give an idea of ​​the nature of the movement. I did not know then that the acrobat was demonstrating the art of capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that soon became popular in Russia.

Elements of capoeira are stylized as acrobatic and dance movements. The duel takes place to the music and without contact with the enemy. The purpose of the battle is to use lunges and acrobatic elements to unravel the intentions of the enemy and unbalance him. In the fitness version, which fitness clubs offer their visitors, acrobatic elements are simplified, but in order to master them, you will have to sweat a lot.

If, after reading, you still haven’t decided which martial art to do, then Sensei Azuma Takashi created it especially for you.


This most versatile of all martial arts was founded in 1981 and was originally called daido-juku karate-do. Sensei Takashi was not satisfied with the combat capabilities of the existing martial arts, and he founded kudo, which included elements of karate-do, judo, boxing, jiu-jitsu and muay thai. Unlike numerous remixes (and, believe me, there are many of them), kudo is a harmonious dynamic system. Its creator is constantly in creative search, adding more and more new techniques and complexes.

Kudo is a fairly tough direction in martial arts, and therefore it is necessary to use a protective helmet in fights. This martial art is suitable for both beginners and honored owners of black belts in other types of martial arts. Adherents of kudo believe that the main goal of studying any martial art is not to build up physical strength in order to destroy the enemy, but to endlessly improve the spirit.

In our calm time, martial arts are perceived more as a hobby, but there are times in life when you need to be able to fend for yourself. If you decide to learn self-defense or send your child to a fighter course, then you should pay attention to martial arts. So, let's take a closer look at the best.

Martial arts - classification and types

All oriental martial arts can be divided into three groups:

  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • Thai and other martial arts.

They differ from each other in the philosophy of warfare.

  • So Chinese species suggest self-defense. There are many elements of protection, blocks and captures. The main strategy is to turn the opponent's strengths against himself.
  • And the Japanese, on the contrary, specialize in attack.
  • Thai martial arts are more brutal, and the goal is the same - to survive at all costs. There are many painful blows in this discipline.

So, let's deal with each branch of martial arts in more detail.

Chinese martial arts

Consider some types of Chinese martial arts and their features.

Wushu is the most popular Chinese martial art. Wushu or, as it is also called, kungfu, is not only physical training, but also moral education and development of a person as a person.

The goal of kungfu is self-improvement and hardening of a person, raising his self-esteem, the ability to quickly assess the situation and overtake the goal.

In ancient China, children studied in wushu schools, where they studied not only fighting techniques but also counting, writing and reading. Wushu can be called the main type of Chinese martial arts, and all listed below are its subspecies.

Features of martial arts

  • Wushu is a set of breathing and gymnastic exercises.
  • It teaches you to avoid conflicts, and only in extreme cases to use force.
  • Kungfu is a lifestyle, a whole philosophy that allows you to know yourself, your capabilities and facets.
  • Tempers and develops a person physically.

You can engage in such a martial art at any age, but as recommended, not earlier than 5 years.

2. Tui show

Tui shou or "pushing hands" as it is also called, they are mainly taught together with tai chi chuan- self-defense equipment.

The task of the tui show is: throw the enemy off balance.

But tui shou by itself is ineffective, so it is used with tai chi quan. It is together that they make up an ensemble of combat techniques and contribute to the development of coordination of movements, stamina and elasticity.

By the way, you can start at any age.

3. Sanda

Sanda is sports sparring. Blows are made with legs and arms, so the athletes start the fight in fully equipped(helmet, cap, boxing gloves, groin and chest protection).

If you want to send your child to such martial arts courses, then The recommended age to start is 12-14 years old.

Japanese martial arts

One of ancient species Japanese martial arts is jiu-jitsu, or as they say about it, “soft art”.

Here there is a throwing technique and a force effect on the joints which is very similar to judo. It is jiu-jitsu that is the founder of such martial arts as judo, aikido, karate, sambo.

It is recommended to start practicing this type of martial arts from the age of 8.

Judo is interesting in that it offers a lot of techniques for knocking an opponent to the ground. which is its main principle.

This art of self-defense teaches a variety of grappling and throwing techniques. , as well as the impact on the opponent's pain points.

When can you start training? Recommended from 5-7 years old.

6. Karate

Karate is a hostile fighting technique. This is a dangerous fight in which punches and kicks are used.

What is a good example? Just remember how karatekas break bricks with their hands or heads.

Karate develops:

  • reaction speed,
  • movement coordination,
  • attentiveness,
  • ability to concentrate.

Aikido is a defensive technique. All movements of an aikido fighter go in a circle, which allows you to constantly control the enemy. It can be compared to a whirlpool that spins a chip, taking away aggression from it, and carefully returns it to the shore.

All movements of an aikidoist smooth and beautiful, and at the same time clearly designed to block the opponent's blows, which the aikido master provides in advance.

This type of martial arts develops not only physical strength but also morale.

Since he is not considered too aggressive, you can start training as early as 4 years old.

Other martial arts

Sambo comes from Russia and is a defensive technique.

In SAMBO, painful holds on the legs are allowed, but strangulation is strictly prohibited. In this it differs from judo.

You can start after 5 years.

Thai boxing is a cross between karate and boxing. This Combat vehicles requires high endurance and pain threshold, as well as physical fitness.

There are powerful pain blows here, and injuries often occur. But, if you endure the tough first couple of months of training, then you will have a low pain threshold, strong morale and beautiful body. In short, Thai boxing is not for the weak.

You can start classes no earlier than 12 years.

Kickboxing combines techniques classic boxing and karate, Thai boxing, wushu , which is why it is most effective in the fight.

Punches like in boxing and kicking techniques like in martial arts make kickboxing a balanced system.

It should not be forgotten that kickboxing is a contact fight, so even a novice novice has a high probability of bruising.

Martial arts are good because, in principle, they do not have any specific restrictions on physical training, sex or age. You can start whenever you want to choose any type for yourself. So good luck with your selection and training!

Martial arts - various systems of martial arts and self-defense, predominantly of East Asian origin; developed mainly as a means of hand-to-hand combat. Currently practiced in many countries of the world in ... ... Wikipedia

Martial arts- (martial arts) (martial arts), types of wrestling that originated in the East and are now very popular all over the world. B.i. require a high degree of physical preparation and good body control. On the one hand, they are a means of self-defense, and on the other ... Peoples and cultures

Martial arts ( combat system) systematized techniques of self-defense and attack, methods of training and teaching how to conduct a duel with and without weapons (as a rule, edged weapons are used). It is necessary to separate the concepts of martial arts and combat ... ... Wikipedia

Martial art (combat system) - systematized techniques of self-defense and attack, methods of training and learning to conduct a duel with and without weapons (usually, edged weapons are used). It is necessary to separate the concepts of martial arts and combat ... ... Wikipedia

- (SlavStS) Russian style of hand-to-hand combat, hallmark which is the installation to protect against the attack of several opponents, maximum relaxation during the battle, the absence of seizures for clothing (limbs) and a kind of ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Life. Charger. The Hidden Powers of Your Body by Stephen Russell. Stephen Russell - author of 15 books, most of which have become bestsellers, creator of a popular documentary series for the BBC, continues the best tradition of "barefoot doctors", ...

It is still not clear which martial art is best suited for self-defense? Fencing? Well, walking with a blunt sword through the gateways is not the best idea. Some outlandish martial art that the whole world is talking about? Street fighting skills are also not always enough, because the hooligans who decide to pick your pockets most likely know them as well as you. So it’s very difficult to say right away, probably everyone has their own opinion, and boxing is enough for someone. Therefore, it makes no sense to exalt one martial art over others, instead, we will offer 7 highly effective types of martial arts, ideal for self-defense. Very short review and the right to choose at your own discretion.


Country of origin: Japan
Also known as: juju
Nickname:"The Art of Softness"
Famous fighters: Ice-T

History of Jiu-Jitsu

Many of the modern and popular styles of martial arts, including judo, aikido, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, have their origins in classic Japanese jiu-jitsu.
By by and large, without jiu-jitsu, the modern scuffle fair would not be what we know it in its current form. It may seem to someone that the jiu-jitsu federation paid us extra, but in fact, many martial arts would lose their effectiveness.

So, jiu-jitsu, or as they say in Japan, juju was one of the fundamental methods of samurai combat training. Well, of course, when it comes to Japan, it's somehow about samurai, or technology, or geisha, or really bad porn.

As you know, the equipment of a samurai made him a killing machine, but anything can happen in battle, and in frequent cases, when a warrior was left without a sword, dagger and bow, he had to fight with the last weapon that he had left - with his hands and feet, and more often everything against an armed enemy.
The literal translation of "jujutsu" can be confusing. "The Art of Softness"... are you serious!? Powerful and effective techniques, invented in order, if not to kill, then simply to lay down the enemy with bare hands give the least softness.

Why is Jiu-Jitsu one of the best martial arts?

Jiu-jitsu is one of the most effective martial arts in the world because it uses the aggressiveness and momentum of the attacker against him. In fact, this is the art of counterattack, self-defense in its purest form. It made no sense for a chained and tired samurai to rush to the tip of a spear or sword, it was easier for him to kill the enemy with his own energy. In addition, hitting the armor with your hands and feet is not entirely effective, but dodging, intercepting the blow and planting the enemy on his own weapon is quite useful.

The basic principle of jiu-jitsu is “do not go into direct confrontation in order to win”, do not resist, but yield to the onslaught of the enemy, only directing his actions in the right direction until he is trapped, and then reverse the strength and actions of the enemy against himself.

Jiu-Jitsu fighting techniques are based on the knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and psychophysiology, as well as on filigree technique, brought to automatism and the nuances of the strategy and tactics of the fight. There is no place for all sorts of dance "pas" and techniques in the style of "cinema". There is only one task: to destroy your enemy or enemies as quickly as possible, using any methods that are in your arsenal.


Country of origin: Korea
Also known as: Taekwondo, Taekwon
Nickname:"The Path of the Brush and the Fist"
Famous fighters: Barack Obama, Steven Seagal, Jessica Alba, Willie Nelson

History of taekwondo

Taekwondo is very closely intertwined with the history of Korea itself, and this is probably why last years is developing as successfully as the southern neighbor of Kim Jong-un.
Originally there were nine taekwondo kwans (schools) that were recognized by the Government South Korea. Each school had its own unique style of taekwondo. In 1955, the nine kwans were merged into the one commonly studied today. In order to describe the history of this art in more detail, a separate article is needed, it is enough to say that all political events, including the notorious Korean War, strongly affected the appearance of martial arts.

Why is taekwondo one of the best martial arts?

When in films with high-intensity martial arts for one frame, a fighter kicks quickly and briskly, then most likely he uses taekwondo. Actually, powerful high kicks, and make taekwondo so effective view martial arts.
The main charm of taekwondo is not only that one good hit legs can incapacitate an opponent, but the fact that this martial art is extremely effective against several opponents. Unless, of course, they know taekwondo.
The word "taekwondo" is made up of three words: "tae" - leg, "kwon" - fist (hand), "do" - art, the path of taekwondo, the path to improvement (the path of the arm and leg).
Taekwondo is the only martial art on this list that is olympic view sports. But Olympic restraint and fear of death did not make it less effective.

Krav Maga

Country of origin: Israel
Also known as:"Contact Fight"
Famous fighters: Eyal Yanilov


Krav Maga has long been recognized as one of the best martial arts for self-defense in the world. This type of martial arts owes its birth to the outstanding fighter Imi Lichtenfeld. Initially, he taught his fighting system in Bratislava to help protect the Jewish community from Nazi armed groups. He created a group of trained thugs with characteristic surnames and noses, who did their best to protect the Jewish population from the growing, and at the same time very radical, manifestations of anti-Semitism.

After arriving in Palestine, Lichtenfeld began teaching hand-to-hand combat in the Haganah. After the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, he became the chief physical education instructor and hand-to-hand combat at the Israel Defense Forces Combat Training School. Lichtenfeld served in the IDF until 1964, constantly developing and improving his system. After his retirement, Krav Maga was adapted by him to civilian realities. In fact, Krav Maga is his brainchild.

Why is Krav Maga one of the best martial arts?

Krav Maga is designed to quickly neutralize the threat. The tricks are simple and often very dirty. However, the Jews did not have to choose. There is even a saying: "If the reception looks good and beautiful, then this is not Krav Maga."

There are three main principles of Krav Maga:

The most important thing is to neutralize the threat.
- Simultaneous defense and attack. Unlike many styles of martial arts, attacks and defenses in Krav Maga are intertwined during combat.
- All blocks are built on opening the fighter the opportunity for a counterattack.
All Krav Maga attacks target vulnerable areas of the human body such as the eyes, face, throat, neck, groin, and fingers. There is no place for ceremonies, philosophy and other nuances inherent in martial arts. This art was created in order to quickly and painfully eliminate an opponent. Therefore, it was adopted by the Israel Defense Forces. There is no need to bow to the military, the military needs to kill, or at least cut down.

This is a deadly fighting style that recognizes no etiquette. It was born on the basis of fighting techniques of other martial arts, in street fights with Jewish pogromists with exactly one goal - to help the Jews survive. So if you want a simple and effective method to survive in real conditions, and not a beautiful solemn martial arts with your internal culture - then all the attention is on Krav Maga.

Aikido - the martial art of Steven Seagal

Country of origin: Japan
Nickname:"Way of Spiritual Harmony"
Famous fighters: Steven Seagal, Matt Larsen

History of aikido

Aikido is not exclusively a combat system. The founder of aikido, the legendary Morihei Ueshiba, studied several areas of traditional jujutsu, kenjutsu, and the art of calligraphy. On the basis of the acquired knowledge, he formed his own system - Aikido - as opposed to the traditional bu-jutsu (the art of killing). Aikido - budo (the way to stop killing), teaches deadly bu-jutsu techniques, not only with the aim of killing, but with the aim of stopping them, making a person strong, helping others, uniting all people on the basis of love. As they say, kindness must be with fists.
Ueshiba once said, "Controlling aggression without causing harm is the art of peace."
Aikido is also a highly spiritual martial art. The word aikido means "the way of the harmony of the spirit" ("Ai" means harmony, "ki" means spirit or energy, "do" means a way, road or way).

Why is Aikido one of the best martial arts?

As a preface, aikido is one of the most difficult of all Japanese martial arts. If you want to quickly, in a short time, learn self-defense, then aikido is not your assistant here.

Aikido is a derivative of jujutsu, and similarly focuses on merging with the opponent's attack, redirecting the attacker's energy, and ending with a painful hold or throw. Aikido fighters use the opponent's aggression and momentum to incapacitate him or render his attacks useless.
However, one should not think that since the development of aikido takes a long time, and the style itself promotes peace and tranquility, then there is little sense from it. This is one of the best martial arts suitable for self defense.

Wing Chun is the martial art of Bruce Lee.

Country of origin: China
Also known as: Wing Tsun
Nickname:"Singing Spring"
Famous fighters: Bruce Lee, Robert Downey Jr., Christian Bale

History of Wing Chun

The history of Wing Chun is a mixture of fact and legend. Most boil down to the fact that it was developed in the 17th century, as an offshoot of one of the most difficult styles of martial arts studied by the stern and die-hard Buddhist monks. There is talk of the nun Umei, who created a martial art capable of being effective regardless of size, weight, or gender.

Why is wing chun one of the best martial arts?

As in other wushu techniques, it is based on the “chi-sao” technique - “sticky hands”, thanks to which the fighter learns to constantly be in contact with the enemy with his hands, feel all his movements and prevent him from carrying out his techniques. But wing chun fighters fight at a short distance, where you can reach the enemy with your hand, and even better - with your elbow. In order to break through to a sufficiently close distance, special types of movements are used. Kicks are used in combination with punches. Usually kicks hit the opponent's knees at the same time as an upper level attack with hands.

What wing chun masters are really proud of is their balance between attack and defense, they can attack and defend at the same time. And real masters are famous for their ability to correctly choose a position, so competently that it is literally impossible to take them by surprise.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - the martial art of Chuck Norris

Country of origin: Japan/Brazil
Also known as: Jiu-jitsu, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
Nickname:"Human Chess"
Famous fighters: Carlos Gracie, Helio Gracie, BJ Penn, Joe Rogan, Paul Walker, Michael Clarke Duncan

History of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Like aikido, Brazilian jiu-jitsu is an adapted version of jiu-jitsu. Martial arts are very much loved in Brazil, and therefore they gladly developed the technique shown by the outstanding jiu-jitsu master Mitsuyo Maeda during his visit to the sunny country.
The founders and creators of Brazilian jiu-jitsu (bjj) are the brothers Carlos and Helio Gracie. Carlos showed the knowledge received from Maeda to his numerous brothers, trying to teach the wisdom of the East to everyone except the frail and too young Helio. The frustrated boy, who already had a complex from the fact that he was much younger and more frail than his brothers, took and developed the basics of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This new style of martial arts allowed him to use leverage and choke rather than brute force to control the fight.
But the real popularizer of martial art was the son of Helio - Royce Gracie. Speaking in the UFC, with the help of BJJ techniques, he easily laid down opponents many times higher and heavier than himself. After the success of Royce, the popularity of BJJ increased significantly.

Why is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu one of the best martial arts?

BJJ is undoubtedly one of the most effective martial arts styles in the world. Almost all MMA and UFC fighters have studied BJJ extensively. The style teaches fighters how to use leverage and proper weight distribution to defeat stronger opponents.

Leverage is the isolation of an opponent's limb to a specific body position that will force the joint to move in a straight line (rotate on its own axis) outside of its normal range of motion. With increasing pressure on the limb, the opponent, unable to avoid this position, surrenders. He can verbally surrender or slap the opponent several times (slapping yourself is dangerous because the opponent may not hear). Choking is used to cut off the oxygen supply to the opponent's brain, which can cause them to become unconscious if they don't give up soon enough. It's clear how dangerous, deadly dangerous view sports, therefore, in some countries sections and tournaments in traffic safety are not approved by law.

Muay Thai

Country of origin: Thailand
Also Known As: Thai boxing
Nickname:"The Art of Eight Limbs"
Famous Fighters: Tony Jaa

History of muay thai

Muay Thai is a Thai style of martial arts with very deep roots. National Thai fighting style, which is not only sports, but also the cultural heritage of the country. The secrets of Muay Thai have been passed down from elder warriors and fathers to children, from generation to generation, and it is perhaps thanks to this traditional struggle that Thailand, surrounded by sworn enemies, has managed to survive through the ages.
A cruel spectacle from which one could emerge either a winner or a loser. They fought not for life, but for death, in the truest sense of the word. It was impossible to give up - shame and contempt for life, so the defeated left the battle either badly beaten or dead.
Over the years, only one thing has changed in Muay Thai - thanks to the introduction of points, it has become unnecessary to die, but the martial art itself has not become softer, deaths it's not uncommon either.

Why is Muay Thai one of the best martial arts?

Muay Thai is not only one of the most effective martial arts in the world, it is also one of the best self defense martial arts. In modern Muay Thai, it is possible to strike with fists, feet, shins, elbows and knees - because of this it is called the "fight of eight limbs". In fact, every part of the body becomes a weapon, a deadly weapon. The hands became daggers and sabers; elbows with maces and hammers; knees like axes, and shins and forearms protect the body like armor. There are many devastating lethal strikes that have helped Muay Thai achieve some impressive victories over other martial arts in their time. And until now, this severe martial art causes sacred fear and admiration in everyone.