The best dance aerobics for weight loss. What is dance fitness? The benefits of dance exercises for weight loss

Dance aerobics is not only pleasant for everyone in the world. It is also very useful! Without a doubt, this type of aerobics, like other types, helps to lose weight. And this can be useful to many modern people who are dissatisfied with their own figures. Of course, if a person is suffering from excess weight, visiting the gym will be flour for him. Any groups of people with trainers doing dance aerobics will not work.

But, doing it at home, you can get pleasure and save a lot. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person in the world who does not like to dance. You can categorically refuse such a pleasant activity, again, only because of the uncertainty in your own movements and the beauty of your figure. But dance aerobics classes at home can be done alone!

And being ashamed of yourself would be extremely stupid. In principle, in all video classes for beginners, the same thing is said that a trainer can say in classes, for which you will have to pay! The same movements are shown there. And they in the same way lead to rapid weight loss, if you conscientiously engage in dance aerobics at home. And then, having already lost weight, you can safely go dancing in the appropriate institutions, such as modern nightclubs, beckoning with their own lights.

How to lose weight without diets? Aerobics at home / Aerobics for beginners!

Aerobics: Slimming for Dummies watch online!

A selection of video lessons of dance aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners:

If two videos are not enough for you, then below there is a whole selection of step-by-step video lessons on dance aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners, which will no doubt teach you something necessary and useful.

The term "aerobic" has been around for a long time, it means "living in the air." Aerobic exercise is physical activity that promotes greater oxygen consumption. They are great for training. respiratory tract. When performing such exercises, it is very important to learn how to maintain balance.

Aerobics for weight loss has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory systems. With its help, you can form a beautiful and gait, correct posture. Doctors are now developing with might and main the health direction in this type of gymnastics. Physical exercise within reasonable limits never harm health, they are even recommended for those who are often subjected to various kinds of stress.

How did

Also in Ancient Greece this aerobics was considered a male sport - from there it has come down to our days, having been transformed. Then the Spartans performed rhythmic movements to the beat of the drums. Such exercises improved plasticity, flexibility, strengthened the back muscles, and also developed a sense of rhythm. These exercises are comparable to rhythmic gymnastics, only they were more dynamic.

Dr. Demeny is the founder of health aerobics. He developed special program consisting of repetitive rhythmic movements. When they are performed, certain zones muscles relax and contract. The perception of the dance rhythm improves, and due to this, both strength and endurance, and the whole body, are easier to keep in good shape.

In the 1920s, aerobics at home for weight loss began to actively develop in Russia - it was then that dancing was very popular. Sports and dance schools were opened with might and main, where the main attention was paid to the emotional and rhythmic components. There were no age restrictions, social class didn't play any role either.. The exercises were performed to the music, then they began to add solfeggio, plasticity of movements, improvisation.

It's a great way to drop overweight. The result can be seen faster than from trips to Gym or even a strict diet. The first half hour of gymnastics is active movement-exercises that consume blood sugar, then the stocks of animal starch that are contained in the liver begin to break down. The main thing is to process these deposits, then the body will begin to consume energy already from adipose tissue, subcutaneous fat.

The longer such training lasts, the more efficiently fats are burned, the body from this becomes more beautiful, fitter. The main thing is to choose the right rhythm. It should be very high, then you will notice the results faster. With such training, it is important to monitor your heart rate - its frequency should not be more than 70% of your allowable value. In no case should you stop abruptly - gradually reduce the load on the heart.

dance exercises

Not every girl can visit the gym regularly, and there can be a lot of reasons for this. But if you want, you can always start doing it yourself. It is only necessary to ventilate the room well, free more space, choose good rhythmic music. That, in principle, is all that is required. And, of course, you need a desire to bring your figure in order!

There are several exercises with which you can put yourself in order at home in a short time.

Let's start with step aerobics. For her, you will have to buy a step platform, usually it is sold in specialized stores. And someone builds it on their own - there are a lot of schemes for assembling it on the Internet. This platform is suitable for power loads. When exercising, you can pick up dumbbells - this will give you an additional load. Wear comfortable sportswear and shoes. No need to train the body on a bare foot! Because of this, the load on ankle joint increases.

Let's take a closer look at the exercises:

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in step aerobics. The main thing is to regularly resort to it so that classes affect the tone of the muscles of the buttocks, back, legs. It does not require the presence of dance training, because this is not really dancing. You can perform both aerobic exercises and strength exercises.

If you decide to do aerobics, then resort to it at least three times a week. It is advisable to choose a balanced diet for yourself so that the results are better. But if you have problems with varicose veins veins, then such gymnastics will not suit you.

dance aerobics

With dancing, you can quickly lose weight and, in addition, recharge with positive energy. The main thing is to get rid of laziness and boredom. Decide for yourself which style you like best:

  • Hip-hop;
  • Disco;
  • Latin American dances;
  • Strip of plastic.

Hip-hop with stir-jazz will help to achieve an excellent relief of the buttocks, arms, and abs. But Latin American dances are combined with power loads on the body, arms, buttocks, and hips. At the moment of light dance, you will not only burn calories, but also "dry" the muscles of the body. If you also want to quickly tighten the figure, then choose strip plastic or belly dancing. They have others additional benefits- with the help of new movements you can conquer any man! Moreover, on the Internet you can watch various aerobics lessons online.

Can you combine different types dansa for more efficient combustion calories you don't need. In addition, this is a good discharge - all the negative accumulated during the day will go away!

How to do the exercises correctly

Any sport has its own structure of classes, aerobics is no exception..

After completion, you can’t immediately sit down to rest - keep moving so that your breathing is restored, your heartbeat returns to normal, blood circulation through the vessels normalizes.

It's so easy to bring into your life, reviews of which are mostly positive.

When choosing classes for weight loss, everyone is guided by their individual preferences and physical fitness. Some are enough morning exercises or jogging, and for others, the gym is not enough. There is a technique that allows you to burn calories and at the same time get an unprecedented charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day, improve your mood and even cope with depression - this is aerobics.

The principle of losing weight

Dance and sports elements intensively performed to rhythmic music contribute to:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • correction of problem parts of the body, reduction of volumes;
  • intensive burning of adipose tissue, which ensures rapid weight loss;
  • burning calories not only during training, but even some time after it (400 kcal is lost in 1 hour);
  • cleansing of harmful substances and excess fluid.

It is especially useful to do aerobics for weight loss of the abdomen and hips, as these problem areas are worked out very carefully. The result of constant training will be a reduced waist, elastic buttocks and beautifully defined hips without the slightest hint of cellulite.

Intensive movement consumes blood sugar and breaks down the reserves of polysaccharides in the liver. When this material dries up, the body has no choice but to use subcutaneous fat and adipose tissue that covers internal organs. The longer you exercise, the more actively hateful deposits are burned and the more toned and beautiful your body becomes.

through the pages of history. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the French physiologist and educator Georges Demeny became the author sports aerobics. In his writings, he emphasized the effectiveness of cyclically performed rhythmic movements to increase endurance and performance. In Germany, after its opening, the Institute of Rhythm appeared, thanks to which aerobics became an integral part of physical education.

Advantages and disadvantages

At first glance, it may seem that aerobics is an ideal method for losing weight, which is suitable for absolutely everyone. However, in addition to its advantages, it has several disadvantages, which are better to know in advance than to encounter them in the course of classes.


  • Improving the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of endurance;
  • saturation of the body with oxygen, as a result of which the work of the respiratory system is significantly improved;
  • positive effect on the endocrine system;
  • surge of strength and energy;
  • reduced fatigue;
  • improving well-being and mood;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • reduced risk of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • the opportunity to practice at home;
  • obtaining aesthetic pleasure from classes.


  • The presence of contraindications: varicose veins, problems with the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, injuries knee joint), hypertension, heart disease, fever, exacerbation of any disease;
  • group types of aerobics suggest a different level physical training practicing - this prevents the instructor from setting a single pace that would suit absolutely everyone: someone will lag behind, and someone will not have enough intensity;
  • for 1 hour of classes, an average of 400 kcal is burned - this is the approximate “weight” of two slices of pizza, while skating on the same rollers for half an hour allows you to spend 450 kcal.

On the origin of the term. In 1960, in the United States, Dr. Kenneth Cooper first coined the term "aerobics". It goes back to the Greek word "aero", which translates as "air". Aerobics is a set of exercises in which breathing exercises combined with the rhythmic movements of the body.


There are different types of aerobics - for every taste. It’s worth starting weight loss with the classic one, if there is no preparation. It resembles choreography, but includes additional sports movements running, jumping, exercising.

  1. Step aerobics

If a special platform is used in the classroom, this is step aerobics. This Sports Equipment is a step that helps to perform various steps, jumps, jumps. Each of them provides the muscles of the back, abs and legs with an additional load. Recommended exercises:

  • step-touch - side steps;
  • overlap;
  • basic step;
  • stretching;
  • step jumps;
  • step knee;
  • mahi;
  • V-step;
  • Over-step;
  • Knee up.

The intensity of such training is equivalent to running at a speed of 12 km / h. Among the advantages - the lack of dance training, the ability to use power loads.

  1. Power

Muscles get maximum load. The result is not only weight loss, but also excellent study perfect figure- embossed, with beautiful curves. There are directions here:

  • styling;
  • shaping;
  • target toning.

This is fat-burning aerobics, during which you can perfectly work out the most problematic areas and focus on gains. muscle mass.

  1. Sports

A sport in which a complex of high-intensity movements is continuously performed to rhythmic music. Solo, mixed doubles, trios perform at competitions. Judges evaluate the performance, artistry and complexity of the program.

  1. dance

Dance aerobics, which is much more spectacular, has disconnected from sports. The emphasis is not on the load (the power part is completely absent here), but on the plasticity and coordination of movements. It not only actively promotes weight loss by burning calories, but also heals the cardiovascular system, loads muscles, and corrects posture.

It can be based on different directions of dances:

  • street dance - a combination of jazz, funk and hip-hop;
  • Latin American folk dances;
  • rock'n'roll;
  • folk aerobics is divided into Russianfolk (Russian folk dances) and riverdance (Irish);
  • Indian aerobics - intense belly dance;
  • bodyballet is one of the most difficult types;
  • pump it up - dancing with a barbell;
  • zumba - the best dance aerobics, is a separate program, contains a lot of other directions.

One of the disadvantages of dance aerobics is the risk of injury due to an incorrectly chosen pace of the lesson or execution technique.

  1. Fitness

Now at the peak of popularity is fitness, so it is not surprising that fitness aerobics has arisen. It is called the physical education of the 21st century. FISAF - International Federation of Sports, Aerobics and Fitness deals with its separate issues and directions.

Read more about fitness exercises.

  1. Boxing

At one time, Yvonne Lin, the world champion in contact combat, was seriously interested in aerobics. She gave rise to a new direction - boxing aerobics, combining power training with gymnastics. This is a serious burden on the body, so weight loss is guaranteed as a result. Here all exercises are performed in boxing gloves, with and pears. This type positioned as support for excellent sportswear and as a way of mastering self-defense techniques.

  1. Cycle aerobics

It involves classes in a special simulator of a special design, which is called the cicle (bicycle). With it, you can control the load and speed. This is an imitation of cross-country driving. Characterized by high intensity. A set of exercises in each case is selected individually, taking into account the recommendations of a fitness trainer. Allows you to burn up to 600 kcal per hour.

  1. Aqua aerobics

It contains elements of stretching, gymnastics and strength exercises. The load on the joints and back is minimal. The risk of injury is reduced to almost zero. For 1 hour you can spend up to 700 kcal. Even those who can't swim can do it. However, this direction has its drawbacks: water aerobics is contraindicated for people with sore ears, classes are quite expensive, their effectiveness largely depends on the qualifications of the coach.

  1. slide aerobics

Refers to athletic training. Requires special sports equipment- slide boards and special shoes. The polymer coating of the board makes it possible to slide on it. Exercises resemble the movements of a skater and are aimed at working out the muscles of the legs and buttocks, develop endurance. The advantages include the fact that the main load falls on the adductor muscles of the hips, while it is minimal on the musculoskeletal system.

In combination with proper nutrition or slide aerobics is an excellent method for losing weight. Among the shortcomings note the static load on lower part back and monotony in movements.

  1. Fitball aerobics

Refers to wellness areas. Assumes active use. The author is Susan Kleifogelbach, a physiotherapist from Switzerland, who originally developed it for the recovery of patients with disorders in the central nervous system. The load on the spine is less than when running, the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves.

In addition, aerobics can be high-impact (with jumps), low-impact (without jumps) and combined. Someone distinguishes in it low-rhythm, medium-rhythm and high-rhythm options.

According to statistics. During the experiment, 40 women did aerobics 3 times a week for 3 months. As it turned out, the result was not only weight loss. According to the results of special tests, the level of intelligence of all subjects increased by an average of 37%.


If you decide to lose weight with the help of aerobics, it makes sense to first sign up with an instructor who can introduce you to basic exercises and track correct technique their implementation. On the other hand, classes in a group are not always comfortable due to the different levels of preparation of the participants.

At home, you can independently choose the pace and intensity of movements, but in this case it is better to choose video tutorials for beginners, and then you can already create your own complex.

The basic exercises are:

  • mahi;
  • slopes;
  • jumps;
  • lifting arms and legs;
  • jumping;
  • Steps.

An approximate set of exercises for classical aerobics (course for beginners) may be as follows.

Warm up

It lasts 5 minutes, the exercises are repeated 10 times. The legs should be constantly slightly bent at the knees and springy.

  1. Steps in place: feet at the expense of 1-4 are placed together, at 5-8 - shoulder width apart.
  2. Include hands in the previous exercise: at the expense of 1 - the right one straightens up, 2 - the left one, 3 - the right one goes down, 4 - the left one.
  3. Feet together. Hands are slightly retracted. At the expense of 1, take a step with the left foot to the left, 2 - step back and right with the right, 3 - return the left, at 4 - put the right next.
  4. Feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Bend the right arm, lift the left knee as close to the elbow as possible with a swinging movement.

Main part

Lasts at least 20 minutes. Exercises are repeated 10-20 times for each side of the body.

  1. Stand on the right foot, stretch the left forward so that the toe slightly touches the floor. Take your hands back. With a jump, transfer the body weight to the left leg, while simultaneously overlapping with the right shin. Jump back to starting position. Change legs.
  2. Feet together, bend your elbows in front of your chest. Take a step to the left with your left foot, attach your right. Take a step with the right, turning over the right shoulder 180 °, attach the left. Do the same in reverse.
  3. Feet shoulder width apart, hands in front of the chest. Half squat, stand up, overwhelm the left shin.
  4. Step together. Stretch your arms parallel to the floor, bend your left leg, raising your knee as much as possible. Repeat for the right. Perform side steps to each side.
  5. Feet together, hands in front of chest. Take a step to the left with your left foot, right - to the left, so that the legs cross.


Lasts up to 10 min. Repeat exercises 10 times.

  1. Feet together, bend your elbows in front of your chest. Half squat on right leg, the left lunges to the side. Attach right to left.
  2. Get on all fours, resting on your elbows. Extend the left leg parallel to the floor, bend it at an angle of 90 ° so that the heel looks up, straighten it.
  3. Lie on your right side, half-bend the upper leg so that the knee looks forward. Straighten it, stretching it back and up, return it to its original position.
  4. Lie on your back, arms should be parallel to the body, palms on the floor, but do not touch. raise upper part body, bending your knees and pulling them as close to your forehead as possible. The palms are static and do not move. Return to starting position.

All exercises must be performed to rhythmic music.

This is interesting. Many consider step aerobics monotonous and boring. In fact, there are more than 200 variations of ascents and descents from the platform. With the intensity of the lesson, you can burn up to 500 kcal per hour.

To increase the effectiveness of the exercises performed, be sure to follow the recommendations of experienced instructors.

  1. You do not need to immediately master heavy types of aerobics. If it is too intense, the body will quickly fail, and you will not achieve results. If you've never done this before, choose simple ones at a low or medium pace.
  2. You can't exercise on a full stomach. Take it 2-3 hours after eating.
  3. Adhere to the only correct structure of all classes: warm-up - aerobic exercise - hitch.
  4. Keep your heart rate below 70% of your maximum. Do not stop too abruptly - the load on the heart should decrease gradually.
  5. After the end of the lesson, it is necessary to restore breathing in motion, that is, you can’t immediately sit down or lie down. It is better to walk in a measured step or do housework.
  6. No need to overdo it: workouts should be moderate.
  7. Scheme of classes: three times a week, every other day.
  8. The duration of the lesson is 1 hour.
  9. To enhance the effect of losing weight, do not forget to eat right and drink plenty.
  10. There is morning aerobics, the purpose of which is to wake up the body from sleep and boost energy for the whole day. It is considered the most energy-intensive, as it makes you burn fat stored in reserve (food, as such, has not yet been received in the morning). Evening activities can proceed at a more intense rhythm and burn calories acquired during the day.
  11. Get ready to buy special shoes for classes (even if you spend them at home and not in the gym). These should be lightweight shoes with good cushioning. Clothing should not restrict movement. Mat and extras sports equipment(fitball, dumbbells, jump rope, etc.) will also come in handy if they are included in the exercises.

If you are planning to lose weight through aerobics, remember one unshakable rule: every activity should bring joy and satisfaction. No complexes and competitive spirit, which are often present at group lessons, should not be. You are doing this purely for yourself. Enjoy the intensity of movements and rhythmic music - they will fill your life with positive and excellent well-being.

A tale about what is more effective: fitness or aerobics for weight loss at home, step or belly dance and what two contraindications for water aerobics will prevent you from going to the pool? .. Let's go!

In 1984, the first TV show called Rhythmika was released in the USSR. Well-known ballerinas, film actresses and sportswomen, to specially selected music, demonstrated sets of exercises similar to incendiary dances and gymnastics at the same time. Wool leggings and a forehead band have become stylish and fashionable paraphernalia, regardless of whether you will sweat along with the screen beauties...

Hello friends! For those who don’t remember, from 1985 to 1991, 13 episodes of the program were released, in which, under the words “rhythmic gymnastics”, what we now call aerobics was hidden. How it looks now - read and see.

Miscellaneous principles

For beginners, I will explain: everything physical exercise divided into and anaerobic.

With intense strength training your body is undergoing an oxygen-free process of expending energy reserves. This is well suited for pumping muscle mass, shaping the relief, but it is difficult to disperse body fat.

Aerobic exercise is the best for weight loss. They increase endurance, improve work, they do not pump up bodybuilding relief, which not everyone needs. Why does a girl need bulging biceps and triceps? She needs slenderness and flexibility. This is where aerobics will help, which is aimed at creating aerobic conditions and is carried out to music, giving a good mood.

Contraindications for classes:

  • overweight more than 15-20 kg;
  • diseases (especially knee);
  • diseases (you can do it only with the permission of a doctor);
  • disease;
  • any chronic ailments in the acute stage.

Something to remember!

If you ask me or aerobics - which is better, ”I will answer: both are good. But unlike fitness, almost all complexes of this type are suitable for use at home. But in order to use this type of exercise to get rid of fat reserves, you need to follow some conditions.

  1. The lesson should last at least half an hour, preferably 40 minutes a day. In the first thirty minutes, you use up muscle reserves, and only after that does the consumption of fat cells begin (fatty acid oxidation).
  1. Nutrition must be correct. You can not get fewer calories than what is required by basal metabolism plus 200-300 kilocalories for activity. It is better to use and calculate how much energy you need to get for the load that you set yourself, and for the sake of losing weight, slightly reduce it (by no more than 100 kilocalories). Then the body will receive all the necessary substances and calmly spend fat reserves.
  1. You need to control your pulse. Calculating your limits is easy:

220 minus age = "x";

  • the lower limit for full load is “x” times 0.6;
  • the upper limit that cannot be exceeded is “x” multiplied by 0.8.

For example: 220 - 30 (years) \u003d 190. Multiply by 0.6 and 0.8 - you get:

  • lower - 114;
  • top - 152.

It is clear that below 114 will not be enough for the effect, and 152 is available only to a healthy person.

If during the lesson you feel pain or discomfort in the left side of the chest, burning behind the sternum, lack of air - the lesson should be stopped, consult a cardiologist, and, if necessary, reduce the initial load in order to first train the heart, and only then exercise at full strength.

Let's get to work!

At the moment, there are several types of aerobics. I will list the main ones, but you will choose for yourself what is closer in spirit, suitable for health and seems more attractive to you.

  1. Dance direction. It is the most attractive, especially for girls, it develops plasticity and coordination, gives grace and makes the body more obedient and slender. It is divided into areas:
  • "belly dance" - it perfectly develops plasticity, disperses salt deposits on the spine, develops posture, gives good work to the deep muscles of the press, makes you feel like an oriental beauty;

  • "Strip dance" - is considered especially sensual, sexy, in addition to dance includes stretching and strength exercises;

  • "jazz dance" - a lot of plasticity, especially in the movements of the hands, it works out the spine perfectly, it is recommended for those who have dance training;

  • "hip-hop" and "rock and roll" aerobics - power, energetic, designed for the fact that you can keep a high pace and love jumping and light acrobatics;

  • "Latinos" - as the name implies, is based on Latin American dances, includes a lot of rhythmic hip movements, step load, easy to learn.

  1. Step direction. For those who are advanced and well developed, I can recommend a real step - an incendiary dance, which spends a huge amount of energy. For those to whom it is not available, step aerobics is suitable. It includes;

  • weight training;
  • the presence of a special platform-step (you can’t do it with sore knees);
  • presence or replacement (for example, plastic bottles with water);
  • it is better to practice in the gym, under the supervision of a coach and in a group, so that there is no temptation to quit, as this is a rather difficult type of aerobics.
  1. . It is suitable for everyone, even for fat ones, and has only two contraindications:

  • unavailable if you don't have money for
  • undesirable with skin diseases - dermatitis, etc.

Doing exercises, overcoming the resistance of water, is harder, but more effective and interesting. In addition, you will not sweat in the water, which is also very nice. And even if you are very overweight, water will relieve stress on your joints.

Lessons (video for beginners) can be found on the video with Yulia Sinyagina or Oksana Veselova (as well as with many other experts in this field):

You can also download free video from torrent.

Which one is better - you choose!


, eat properly distribute workloads;

  • common sense, which will tell you that you can’t take and lose weight instantly, or “8 kg in a week.”
  • That's all for today.
    Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
    And drove on!

    Many people want to leave overweight, however, not everyone likes tedious exercise on the simulators or long runs. It is much easier to say goodbye to kilograms cheerfully and cheerfully in the rhythm of dance and aerobics. You can work out in a group at the gym or on your own at home. In addition, dance aerobics develops the flexibility of the body, makes it more graceful and strengthens the muscles. It requires a minimum of conditions, but you can get the maximum result.

    📌 Read this article

    Benefits for weight loss

    Dance aerobics was developed by American Jackie Sorensen in the 70s of the 20th century. Then she popularized Jane Fonda's set of exercises. A book was published, and then video tutorials.

    Initially, a set of aerobic exercises was developed back in the 60s for the military to train and maintain their cardiovascular system. The word itself means "using oxygen". In addition, classes are effective for improving posture and mastering your own coordination of movements. Like all good things, aerobics has gone to the masses.

    Dance classes consist of exercises that provide an intense load, which leads to a large expenditure of calories. As a result, a person begins to lose weight. Also, by regularly doing aerobics, the elasticity of the body and muscles increases, it becomes more flexible, and the condition of the joints improves.

    During exercise, an active supply of oxygen to the body and tissues begins. He, in turn, is involved in the removal of lipids from fat cells and consumption as energy. Aerobic exercise promotes the production of calcium, which leads to stronger bones. Exercise requires a lot of oxygen, so lung capacity increases. Breathing becomes much easier.

    Classes are a good prevention of heart disease, atherosclerosis. And aerobics relieves stress, which also has a positive effect on overall well-being and human health.

    Types of dance aerobics

    Today, there are several directions, so that each person can choose the level of interest and degree of intensity, the amount of load.


    This type is aimed at the development of all muscles in the same proportions. It increases stamina. The basic exercises have remained unchanged for several decades. However, new things are added all the time. Musical accompaniment of medium dynamism is selected.

    In the style of rock and roll

    The main element is the "signature" step. Also a lot of jumps, turns, swings, dashes. Regular classes help to tighten the hips, make the buttocks more elastic, remove the stomach. You don't need much physical preparation to get started, but training takes a lot of energy.


    Same popular view aerobics, as well as Latin American dances. The basis is springy movements and steps, the hips are constantly working. The main difference from other types is the absence of a power unit. Often, instead of jumping. During classes, the hips are also tightened, the buttocks are strengthened, posture is corrected, and the plasticity of the body improves.


    This type of dance aerobics requires quite serious physical preparation, endurance and joint mobility. This is a very energy-intensive set of exercises that allows you to work out many muscles of the frame.


    Classes contribute to the development of plasticity, improve body control, coordination, movements of arms and legs. It is not recommended to deal with those who have problems with ODA, as there is a strong load on the spine. It is better to start with a little gymnastic and choreographic training. This is a beautiful but difficult form of dance aerobics.

    Body ballet

    Here it is also desirable to have knowledge and skills in choreography, at least for entry level. They will not be required only at a very simple stage. Classes contribute not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the silhouette, the appearance of relief, thin waist. Correcting posture.

    jazz style

    Such aerobics is one of its simplest types. As a result, a person is well liberated, moves better. The posture becomes straighter, the mobility of the spine increases. Weight loss is somewhat slower than with other types. But the person does not feel overloaded. Classes are held at a pleasant pace.


    This is also not a very energy-intensive form of aerobics. Dance forms the plasticity of muscles and joints. But do not think that the movements are slow. They are pretty rhythmic.

    Strip aerobics

    It improves the condition of all muscle groups, posture and coordination. The fibers of the legs and abs are especially affected. In addition, it helps women feel their sexuality, liberate themselves. Strip aerobics has an additional positive effect on the psycho-emotional state. She relieves stress well.

    Contraindications to exercise

    Dance aerobics is a dynamic set of exercises performed at a high pace, so it is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications are:

    • heart disease;
    • problems with blood vessels, including varicose veins;
    • high pressure;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • skull trauma within the last three years;
    • pregnancy;
    • recent fractures and sprains;
    • scoliosis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

    Workout clothes

    In general, the equipment for classes is quite simple. You don’t even need a karemat (special fitness mat). And the advantage of studying at home is any convenient time.

    The most important thing is comfortable clothing. It should not be constricting movement, too long to catch when performing swings. Materials should be chosen with good heat dissipation, air permeable. Usually use trousers or shorts of a comfortable length and tops. Since the complex includes a lot of jumps, you definitely need a sports bra that supports your chest well.

    This is important so that the mammary glands are not deformed or injured, especially for owners of the 3rd and above size.

    If you decide to conduct aerobics at home, then you should pay attention to the following points:

    • When choosing a place, it is important that nothing interferes when performing swings and lunges.
    • The room should be well ventilated, as it requires a lot and active breathing.
    • The screen must be clearly visible and audible.
    • The number of classes - at least 2 - 3 times a week for at least an hour.
    • When choosing the type of dance aerobics, you should pay attention to the pace and speed of the exercises and, accordingly, select them according to your level of training. You should not immediately start high intensity, you need to increase the load gradually.
    • It is important to exercise regularly.
    • Exercise should be started at least 1.5 - 2 hours after eating.
    • After the end of the lesson, you need to perform a light load for 20-30 minutes, at least in slow pace. This will help calm the heart.
    • Each lesson is divided into a warm-up, aerobics itself, strength exercises and relaxation.

    Dance aerobics for beginners

    First of all, it is worth deciding on the direction of the complex. On early stages no need to choose too complex views. It is possible to stop at jazz aerobics, Indian dances. They help to strengthen the spine, improve posture. The movements are usually slow and uncomplicated. And the body will become more plastic, coordination will be restored.

    If a person is engaged for the first time, then you can prepare a little for aerobics. For a couple of weeks, you should walk more, take the stairs home, and not the elevator. Also, the result can be achieved if you do not follow a diet. It is important to drink more water, especially during exercise. Also, the main thing is to be patient and not give up halfway through.

    Dance aerobics can be a good helper in losing weight. In addition, it significantly improves the condition of the body. When choosing the right type and pace, the pounds will start to go away. But you should expect instant results. Only an integrated approach with a complete change in lifestyle will help to achieve a slim figure.

    Useful video

    About dance aerobics for beginners, see this video: