Proper weight loss bodyflex. Bodyflex - breathing exercises for weight loss

Friends, in this article we will understand what bodyflex exercises are. Here you will find the history of the appearance of this system, a complete list of exercises included in the body flex complex, and in conclusion - conclusions about whether this system is effective, for whom it can be designed and, of course, whether body flex is dangerous for health.

How did bodyflex appear?

Bodyflex exercises are a system of exercises invented by an American housewife and mother of three children, Greer Childers. Greer became extremely stout, having given birth to her third child. Faced with problems in personal life, low self-esteem, the inability to choose a wardrobe, Greer tried many different ones, but none of them brought tangible results. The reflection in the mirror continued to inspire hatred, I didn’t want to leave the house, and around my husband, who worked as a surgeon in the clinic, young nurse girls curled around, which also could not help but infuriate Greer.

Desperate to achieve results with traditional methods, Greer, on the recommendation of a neighbor, went to San Francisco for classes with a certain sports physiologist who taught wealthy American ladies to lose weight. The physiologist turned out to be a petite girl in her early twenties, who began to talk about how to breathe while doing the exercises.

Greer was disappointed. To pay one and a half thousand dollars for some girl who does not even have her own children to teach her - forty-year-old "mother-heroine" some nonsense? However, Greer nevertheless began to practice, rather wanting to wipe her nose at the impudent girl and prove that her system (Rolls-Royce-level exercises) does not work than hoping for a real effect. There was nothing to do, the money had already been paid, why not return home just like that? You should at least try to use what you have already paid for.

However, after a few days of classes, Greer found that doing breathing exercises no longer irritated her. On the contrary, there is more energy, the state of health has improved significantly. All right, Greer thought, if I don't lose weight, at least I'll feel better. And she continued to practice.

After finishing the course, Greer couldn't believe her eyes. For 10 lessons, she managed to lose 1-2 centimeters in various parts of her body. In total, adding up all the lost volumes, Greer counted 26 centimeters. Of course, this is not very much, but before that, the sizes did not go away at all! She was happy, taking what had happened for a real miracle.

Bodyflex is the result of the work of G. Childers on a Rolls-Royce level exercise system, which she got acquainted with in San Francisco.

However, there was one problem - the average American women do not buy limousines. For most sufferers overweight housewives simply don't have $1,500 to pay for miracle courses. Greer traveled back to San Francisco. Meeting with a physiologist who taught Rolls-Royce-level courses, Greer received the answer that it was impossible to reduce the price, since the system was originally designed for wealthy Americans and designed for the elite.

Greer then made the second life-changing decision of her life. She decided herself to convey to the average American women the miraculous method that made her slim. She did not understand at all why it was so effective and did not represent the principles of its influence, but she knew one thing for sure - this method works. So, everyone who needs it so much should know about it!

The book in which G. Childers talks about his system is called "A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day!".

And so the beginning of the creation of Greer Childers' own exercise system, based on the method of special breathing, was laid. Greer significantly reduced and simplified the program, choosing the most effective and efficient exercises in her opinion. She traveled a lot around the United States and consulted with various specialists and doctors, wanting to understand the principle of the program, which allowed her and her neighbor to lose weight. Convinced that the effectiveness of the technique has a scientific explanation, Greer began to give lessons herself.

After receiving positive feedback from clients, the enterprising housewife recorded several video cassettes and appeared on local television. The apotheosis was the book written by Greer Childers - "A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day", where Greer outlined the entire program in a simple and most intelligible way. She called her own exercise system "Bodyflex".

The main idea of ​​​​bodyflex

The main marketing idea of ​​bodyflex is that any average person without physical training by learning to breathe correctly while doing simple exercises, can get rid of extra pounds in just 15 minutes a day. It sounds truly fantastic, but the system has gained spontaneous popularity all over the world, especially in the author's homeland - in the USA.

Bodyflex exercises were originally designed for people without special training. So, the main audience of Greer Childers were American housewives.

Reviews about the effectiveness of body flex exercises vary from the enthusiastic cries of "fanatics" who claim that miracle workouts helped them get rid of incurable diseases, to the indignant cries of those who claim that body flex caused serious harm to their health.

Let's not judge the system based on the words of unknown people, but let's break the system down and analyze its pros and cons. This will allow us to make a reasonable conclusion regarding the effectiveness of the bodyflex exercise system and its safety.

Bodyflex technique

Breathe like a baby - diaphragmatic breathing

The main condition for obtaining the effect, as Greer Chidres says, is special breathing. It is with its development that classes begin. Bodyflex exercises for weight loss will not bring tangible benefits without diaphragmatic breathing.

In explaining what “diaphragm breathing” is, Greer uses the example of babies. When breathing in newborns, the stomach rises on inspiration, and not at all the chest, as in adults. The bodyflex technique also involves breathing with the stomach. In order to control himself, Greer suggests lying on the floor and putting a small book on his stomach. With the usual way of breathing, the book remains almost motionless. But with diaphragmatic breathing, the book will rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation.

Particular attention in bodyflex is paid to the so-called "diaphragmatic" breathing - breathing with the stomach.

How to master this technique?

To begin, take a series of deep and even breaths. Concentrate on the movement of your chest and imagine your lungs expanding and filling with air.

  1. Exhale forcefully through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs of the air in them.
  2. Breathe in quickly and forcefully through your nose, puffing up your belly. This will help spread the lower ribs and increase the filling of the lungs with oxygen.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs and pulling your stomach inward. To get a better feel for the belly work, Greer Childres recommends practicing in the “volleyball player” pose—feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent, torso tilted forward, palms resting on the legs just above the knees.
  4. After exhaling, hold your breath while continuing to draw in your stomach for 8-10 seconds. This is the training of the so-called "natural pause". Pull the stomach in as much as possible, while the ribs move again and the air comes out of the lungs.
  5. Relax and take a breath.

The main condition for safe bodyflex exercises is gradualness. Listen to your body and take your time. It is recommended to devote the first few lessons exclusively to the development of breathing techniques, and only then proceed to body flex exercises.

The main breathing position in bodyflex is the "volleyball player's position". And indeed, comparing an illustration from the book by G. Childres and a photo of a real volleyball player, you can find a lot in common.

Schematically, the bodyflex breathing technique can be represented as follows:

  1. Exhalation.
  2. Inhale.
  3. Exhalation.
  4. Pause.
  5. Relax.

Bodyflex exercises

In total, there are twelve exercises in the Bodyflex method. Greer Childres herself says that she has included isotonic as well as isometric exercises And . Bodyflex exercises for weight loss are designed for unprepared people. In fact, the main audience of the author of the system were American housewives.

1. Leo

Exercise impact zone: face, areas around the mouth and under the eyes, neck.

Bodyflex exercise "Lion" for the face and neck.

Initial position. Take the so-called "Pose of the volleyball player." Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and bend down, take your buttocks back. Place your palms on your legs a couple of centimeters above your knees. After completing the breathing cycle, hold your breath (stage 4 - natural pause) and begin the exercise.

Performing an exercise. Bring your lips into a narrow circle, tighten your face and try to lower this circle down. Open your eyes wide and look up. Stick your tongue out as far as you can through the tight circle of lips. Hold the pose for 8 counts and relax by inhaling the air.

Number of repetitions: 5.

Note. Be careful not to scare the husband who accidentally entered the room.

2. Terrible grimace

Exercise impact zone: neck, area under the chin.

This exercise is called "Terrible Grimace." When it is performed, the area from the sternum to the chin should be strained.

Initial position. Get into the "volleyball pose". Stick out lower jaw so that the lower teeth are in front of the upper ones, stick out your lips as if for a kiss, and stretch your neck with all your might. Raise your head up, as if with these very lips you intend to kiss the ceiling. You should feel tension from your chin to your sternum. Take a breath cycle and hold your breath.

Performing an exercise. During a breathing pause, take your straight arms back and linger in this position for 8 counts. Do not close your mouth, feet are on the floor. Breathe in and relax.

Number of repetitions: 5.

Note. Like the previous exercise, this pose got its name for a reason.

3. Lateral stretch

Exercise impact zone: waist and sides.

Exercise "Side stretch".

Initial position. Get into the “volleyball position” and take a breath cycle until you pause.

Performing an exercise. Lower your left hand to your elbow (so that not the palm, but the elbow rests just above the knee). Raise straight right hand and pull it through the side above your head, above your ear. You should feel how the whole side surface your body. Hold this position for 8 counts. Take a breath and relax. Repeat on the other side.

4. Pulling the leg back

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: buttocks, back of the thigh.

“Pulling the leg back” (G. Childers term) or “classic abduction” strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and rear surface hips.

Initial position. Get on the mat - on your knees and elbows. Stretch one leg back. At the same time, the foot should be reduced, the fingers rest on the floor. Perform a breath cycle until paused.

Performing an exercise. Raise your straight leg up and hold for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

5. "Seiko"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: buttocks.

Exercise "Seiko" to tone the buttocks.

Initial position. Stand in a knee-elbow position, put your straight leg to the side at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. The foot is on the floor. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. During a pause, lift your straight leg up and hold for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

Note. Greer named this exercise "Seiko" because the word means "flame" in Japanese. The gluteal muscle will "burn".

6. "Diamond"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: the inner side of the arms.

Bodyflex exercise "Diamond" is called so because of the similarity of the figure formed by the fingers to a gem.

Initial position. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Touch the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other hand, bringing your hands together in front of you. Elbows need to be raised to parallel with the floor, the back can be slightly rounded. Perform a breath cycle until paused.

Performing an exercise. As much as possible, rest the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other, do not lower your elbows. Stay in this position for 8 counts. Then inhale the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

7. "Boat"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: inner thighs.

Exercise "Boat" - lean forward with legs apart.

Initial position. Sit on the mat, spread your straight legs as wide as you can. Socks "pull" on yourself. Lean back with your hands and perform a breathing cycle until a pause.

Performing an exercise. Bring your arms forward and stretch them as far as possible, trying to lower the body to the floor. Stretch for 8 counts. Then inhale and relax again, moving your hands back.

Number of repetitions: 3.

8. "Pretzel"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: waist, lower back, outer thigh.

Exercise "Pretzel". Try to look back.

Initial position. Sit on the mat, cross your legs so that the left knee is over the right. Try to keep your right leg as straight as possible, horizontally. Put your left hand behind your back, and with your right hand take your left knee. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. Shift your weight onto your left hand, pull your left knee up and towards you with your right hand, and twist your torso to the left until you can look back. Hold this position for 8-10 counts. Breathe out and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3 on the right side and 3 on the left.

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: the area under the knees, the back of the thigh.

Hamstring stretch for beautiful legs.

Initial position. Lie on the mat on your back and lift your straight legs up, “pulling” your socks on. Grab your calves with your hands. Perform a breathing cycle without raising your head.

Performing an exercise. During a breathing pause, pull your legs towards you until a “pulling” sensation occurs under your knees. Hold for 8 counts.

Number of repetitions: 3.

10. Abdominal

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: abdominal muscles.

Abdominal exercise.

Initial position. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Stretch your arms up to the ceiling perpendicular to the body. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. Stretch your arms up and lift your shoulder blades. The head is slightly thrown back, the neck is relaxed. Arms and chest stretch to the ceiling as high as possible. Hold on for 8-10 counts.

Number of repetitions: 3.

11. "Scissors"

Exercise impact zone: abdominal muscles, emphasis on the lower part.

Exercise "Scissors" is also aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Initial position. Lie on the mat on your back with your feet together. Place your hands palms down under your buttocks. Head on the floor, lower back pressed to the floor. Perform a breath cycle until paused.

Performing an exercise. Raise your legs 8-9 centimeters off the floor and begin to do vigorous swings, winding one leg after the other and vice versa, as if you were working with scissors. Work for 8-9 bills. Then inhale the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

12. "Cat"

Area of ​​influence of the exercise: muscles of the body, spine.

"Cat" strengthens the muscles of the body and works out the spine.

Initial position. Get on all fours (on your knees and hands). The head is raised up, the gaze is directed forward, the back is straight. Do a breathing exercise.

Performing an exercise. Lower your head and arch your back up as high as you can. Stay in this position for 10 counts. Breathe in the air and relax.

Number of repetitions: 3.

So, bodyflex is a system of weight loss and recovery, based on a special breathing technique. Classes, according to the author of the technique, will deeply saturate tissues with oxygen, drive away stress and activate metabolism. They can be used on their own or as an aid to any physical activity. If you find yourself in a situation where active movements are contraindicated, body flex exercises can be performed at any level of training.

So, you have decided to use this system? Bodyflex exercises for weight loss will bring, according to the author, the maximum benefit if you follow the following rules:

  1. Do not exercise immediately after eating. The ideal time to practice is two hours after a light meal.
  2. In no case do not exercise in stuffy rooms. Always open a window if possible.
  3. Beginners should not do breathing exercises while walking.
  4. Hold in the main position for 8-10 breaths.
  5. Train every day and do each exercise 3-5 times.

Bodyflex exercises will help you quickly get in shape and improve your health. To track the progress of classes and additional motivation, measure your waist and hips regularly. After a month of training, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results, notes Greer Childres.

Is hyperventilation dangerous to health?

The essence of bodyflex training, according to Greer Childers, is that training on this system allows you to increase the saturation of body tissues with oxygen and, accordingly, speed up the metabolism in them. Therapeutic effect from bodyflex, according to her, is comparable to aerobics.

Be careful - hyperventilation of the lungs can be harmful to your health. Before starting classes, read the contraindications.

During aerobic exercise, active movement causes you to consume more oxygen, which the body needs to break down carbohydrates and fats and produce energy.

During bodyflex exercises, due to a special way of breathing, you force the body to receive more oxygen than it receives under normal conditions, forcing it to use this oxygen.

Thus, Greer Childers claims that by purposefully saturating your body with oxygen, you can significantly speed up your metabolism and start the fat burning mechanism. And if you simultaneously perform exercises for various groups muscles, creating an increased need for energy in certain areas, you can send this oxygen exactly to those problem areas where fat burning is especially necessary. It is by improving the supply of oxygen to tissues and accelerating the metabolism that excess volumes will go away.

In medical terms, the theory of bodyflex is built on the effect of hyperventilation of the lungs. By alternating intense deep breaths and periods of breath holding, a person receives 30-40 percent more oxygen than he consumes in normal life.

Contrary to the promised positive effect, this phenomenon can have very dangerous consequences for the body. Hyperventilation of the lungs leads to the fact that the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood decreases, which is a necessary component for many metabolic processes. By trying to maintain the amount of CO2 in the blood, the body tries to defend itself. Spasms of blood vessels and bronchi occur, blood pressure decreases, and the permeability of cell membranes decreases.

In turn, all this complicates not only the loss of CO2, but also the supply of oxygen to the body. There is an opposite effect - oxygen starvation, which has a lot of negative consequences. Up to the death of brain cells, if the process becomes uncontrollable.

Based on the foregoing, it is not worth it fanatically and thoughtlessly to rush into the maelstrom of bodyflex. Just like any other practice.

In what cases should you stop doing bodyflex? Exercise saturates tissues with oxygen and accelerates blood circulation, which does not always have a positive effect on well-being. Symptoms such as nosebleeds, dizziness, sleep disturbances and headaches are a definite reason to stop exercising.

Before you start exercising, you need to follow a number of precautions.

  • Make sure that you do not have the following diseases and conditions:
    • problems with blood pressure(high, low - it doesn't matter);
    • diseases respiratory system, including asthma, allergic phenomena;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • head trauma, intracranial pressure;
    • vision problems;
    • high fever, bleeding, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • pregnancy.
  • Begin classes only in the presence of another person who can help you in case of loss of consciousness.
  • Even if you are absolutely healthy or have not found your disease in the list of contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

In order to avoid unnecessary disappointment, remember that body flex exercises are designed for people who are overweight and initially slow. The therapeutic effect of these exercises is based on the idea of ​​accelerating the metabolism of obese and sedentary people, which causes the body weight to come in this way to the biological norm. However, this rate is not determined by you, but by your body. And your weight will not fall below the biological norm, even if it seems to you that you are still overweight.

Love your body and take care of your health! Good luck!

If you do not have extra pounds and you lead an active lifestyle, bodyflex will not help you, since your metabolism is already at the proper level. I hope that this article was informative and useful for you. Good luck and good luck in the sports field!

The article uses illustrations from the book by G. Childers "A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day!".

Bodyflex - examples of video classes

    Bodyflex - the most successful attempt to sell ordinary women idea to do daily. This is a hybrid of nauli yoga breathing, simple stretches and static poses. The purpose of the class is to lose weight exclusively in problem areas and facial rejuvenation.

    Gymnastics was invented by Greer Childers, an American housewife. In Russia, media fitness instructor Marina Korpan is promoting the methodology. Any physical activity is better than lying on the couch, but can training with own weight really help to lose weight 6 sizes without a diet, get rid of wrinkles and folds and ?

    How did bodyflex appear and who is its creator?

    The history of the emergence of gymnastics can be found in the book by Greer Childers. And the author herself can be seen on Youtube. Greer also has a website, although it is in English. She was the wife of a doctor and suffered greatly from idleness. More precisely, from the hard life of an American housewife. She did not get enough sleep, overeat, felt disgusting and recovered right up to 16 clothing sizes. For you to understand, Russian size 46 is 8.

    What only the poor fellow did not do, except for rational nutrition and strength training. Greer went to aerobics, but her legs only became thicker, and her stomach, if any, decreased only slightly. She ate only vegetables and did not eat at all, but then broke off the diet. By the way, Childers' favorite dish is shawarma, that is, a burrito, which explains a lot.

    The husband is gone, and the joy of life is gone with him. And if it weren’t for a trip to some esoteric guru and learning breathing exercises “for the price of a Cadillac,” Greer would have remained in a dress from “Omar the Tent,” as she herself calls outfits for full ones.

    After some time of breathing practice, Childers lost weight. And then I created a 15-minute morning complex, included in it exercises only for problem areas and the face, and went according to the knurled infobusiness scheme. First - seminars on US cities. Then - a book about losing weight, which became a bestseller. Next is Jimbar. This is not a very convenient expander for static exercises at home. After - sales of video cassettes and books. And, finally, everything is the same, but through the site.

    Bodyflex is when a person first exhales sharply, then draws in the stomach due to the vacuum and takes some static posture. After standing like this for 8 slow counts, he can inhale and perform the next repetition.

    The gymnastics itself looks even stranger than the Russian insanity from Instagram -. But it sells great.

    True, Marina Korpan, an instructor of group programs and the creator of a whole school of breathing exercises, writes that if you continue to eat buns, no body flex will help. But he continues to teach.

    The main idea of ​​​​bodyflex

    The official idea is simple - oxygen burns fat in problem areas. Allegedly, when holding the breath, its deficiency is created in the working muscle, then it is abruptly “pumped” into the problem area and begins to burn.

    Besides, static exercises, according to Greer, are many times more effective than :

  1. They do not lead to muscle hypertrophy, which means that the legs and arms will not grow in volume.
  2. Static does not load the joints and ligaments, and it can be practiced with sore knees and back.
  3. They are a metabolic activator that causes the body to burn calories faster at rest.

All this is great, but the process of fatty acid oxidation is not so simple. Our body cannot start burning fat if there are simpler sources of energy, such as liver and muscle glycogen. Or maybe, but if the liver and muscles are empty and the body is deficient in energy. Normally, the human body stores about 400 g. This amount is obtained by adding two average daily rations of a woman with her usual diet. That is, switching the body to burning fat is not so simple.

The second point is that you need to activate certain adipose tissue receptors in order for the fat burning process to begin. And they start working only if the person is able.

15 minutes of exercise in the morning will burn about 50-100 kcal, and this is only if the weight involved is large. All bodyflex exercises are of regional impact and low intensity. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to exceed these numbers with them.

What does bodyflex do for weight loss? Teaches you to draw in the stomach and trains the transverse abdominis muscle. It is thanks to this that sagging bellies are drawn in and the waist is reduced. Fat is not burned without a diet. As for the rest of the paraphernalia, it can only slightly tone the muscles if a person has not done anything before.

Training should be done every day on an empty stomach. The point here is to make it easier to draw in the stomach while holding the breath.

© lisomiib -

The role of oxygen and carbon dioxide in breathing

In biology textbooks, they do not write about the fact that oxygen burns fat during respiration. The role of oxygen in the body is to participate in oxidation on the mitochondria of cells (in relation to fats). But fatty acids still have to go to these mitochondria. They will only get there if there is a hormonal response typical of a calorie deficit.

Carbon dioxide is nothing more than a metabolic product, which is obtained as a result of cellular respiration and is excreted into the environment. If you hold your breath, oxygen will not "be absorbed in a larger volume."

Contracting a muscle or stretching it, a person accelerates blood circulation in the work area. This is where the blood and oxygen rushes. This theoretically speeds up local metabolism. But there is no scientific evidence as to exactly how much.

Greer wrote that in an hour of classes, you can burn 6,000 kcal. Then, according to the requirements of the US FDA, this statement was removed from books and speeches, as unproven scientifically. Although the author of the technique refers to the research of the University of California in his book, they say that scientists approve of bodyflex. But there is no evidence that it changes the local one and causes fat burning in problem areas.. It just works like regular gymnastics to increase muscle tone and prevent hypodynamia.

Bodyflex technique

Before starting the lesson, you need to learn how to breathe:

  1. Take a stance: feet shoulder-width apart, relax your stomach and face, rest your hands on your hips and bend slightly at the hip joints.
  2. Slowly exhale all the air from the lungs.
  3. Inhale sharply.
  4. Also exhale quickly, making a “clapping” sound “groin”.
  5. Pull your stomach in and count to yourself to 8.
  6. Push the abdominal wall forward and inhale.

© familylifestyle -

Exercises for the face and neck

"Ugly Grimace"

Stand in a stance in which you learned to breathe, and while holding your breath, push your chin up so that your neck tenses. Perform 3 to 5 repetitions, while holding your breath, there should be a feeling of tension in the neck. This movement should, according to the author, remove wrinkles from the neck and get rid of cervical osteochondrosis.

"A lion"

And now you can straighten up or even sit down if you can hold your breath while sitting. We stretch the lips forward with a tube and stick out the tongue. It is necessary to stand with such a face for 8 counts of delay and repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Exercises for the chest, waist, buttocks, legs


The only exercise for the arms and chest in the entire Greer complex. You need to sit on your heels on the mat, bending your knees, and squeeze your hands in front of your chest, spreading your elbows to the sides. It is necessary to squeeze “finger to finger”, forming a semblance of a diamond in front of you. It is necessary to press hard, all 8 accounts. Repetitions - 5.

© iuliiawhite -

Pulling the leg back

The exercise is familiar to everyone from school, but here you need to do it in statics. We get on all fours, take the straight leg back, reduce the glutes, raise the leg up and stand. You need to feel a burning sensation in the muscle and perform a static pose 3 times on each side.

© Maridav -

Exercise for the abdomen

Lateral stretch

Stand up straight, step with your right foot into a side lunge, turn your toe to the side, bend your leg at the knee, move your hip so that it falls parallel to the floor, lean on it with your hand, and raise the opposite hand through the side up, leaning towards your hip. The second leg remains straight. Stretching is performed 3 times on each side.

© Alena Yakusheva -

Abdominal Press

However, it must be borne in mind that going to a fitness club will be much more effective (in terms of an alternative to body flex, not diet), where strength and aerobic training should be combined.


Gymnastics cannot be done:

  • With diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle.
  • Immediately after childbirth - until the expiration of 6 weeks after natural childbirth and 12 after caesarean.
  • During pregnancy.
  • In the presence of epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Hypertensive patients during an exacerbation of the disease.
  • If there is a risk of retinal detachment.

Important about gymnastics

Bodyflex forced many to at least somehow take care of themselves. It was he who opened “nauli” to women, that is, the yogic vacuum, and the opportunities that open up if you know how to draw in your stomach in a quality manner. He saved a bunch of people from an aerobics frenzy. Now girls have migrated en masse to GYM's, but only 5-6 years ago they went to 2-3 aerobic classes a day and hardly ate if they wanted to lose weight. From such a "useful" activity, eating disorders, ligament and joint injuries were earned.

In the same time, gymnastics doesn't work the way Greer says. What does this change for bodyflex lovers? Nothing, they keep doing it. This workout is not the way local fat burning. Women who have begun to engage in themselves lose weight only if they connect a diet and are able to stick to it long enough to see the result.

Bodyflex is not able to build round buttocks, will not make the waist thin if it is naturally wide, and will not help improve posture. This gymnastics is a minimum of movement for those who do not want to do physical education at all and who are satisfied with just a little weight loss as a result.

Exercise should be done every morning on an empty stomach. Korpan recommends not eating an hour after that to "improve fat burning." This will only work if you maintain a daily calorie deficit in general.

In Russia, the system has another clone - Aeroshape gymnastics. It is designed for three times a day and is a collection of yoga poses performed while holding the breath. This gymnastics is more convenient for those for whom morning training is torture.

Bodyflex is an introduction to weight loss with physical education, and not a replacement for traditional and strength training. You still have to come to them if progress stops and the girl wants to improve her figure.

Modern women, because of the rush, lack of time for healthy sleep and proper nutrition, quickly begin to gain excess weight. Self-doubt or shyness prevents many from turning to fitness clubs.

The Internet comes to the rescue, offering a variety of techniques to combat extra pounds. Today we’ll talk about the sensational body flex.

We will understand the technique and try to make sure of its ease and simplicity.

What is bodyflex?

Bodyflex is a set of exercises aimed at combating excess weight and general strengthening of the body. It was invented by an American housewife, mother of three, Greer Childres.

With this technique, she lost 5 sizes in three months.

The technique consists of a complex ratio:

  • breathing exercises;
  • and stretching areas of fat accumulation.

Greer long years unsuccessfully tried to deal with fatty deposits that appeared after the birth of children. On the recommendation of a friend, she went to San Francisco to study with a famous physiologist.

Despite the fact that the cost of the program was very high (about one and a half thousand dollars), at first she did not notice the effect.

The physiologist taught her proper breathing, which only strained, but did not reduce the weight. But after a while, Greer realized that the technique had ceased to annoy her.

A lightness appeared in the body, which made her stay. At the end of the course, she managed to lose one or two centimeters in different problem areas, which was not so bad, because before that she had not been able to reduce her size at all.

The main provisions of the methodology

The bodyflex was based on the breathing system, which she was taught by a physiologist from San Francisco.

The practice technique is based on yoga, to which Greer added the above breathing exercises.

They consist of:

  • exhalation;
  • quick breath;
  • deep exhalation;
  • breath holding;
  • and full breath.

The technique proves that performing exercises while holding the breath ensures the production of a large amount of adrenaline. It "clings" fat cells that are burned during muscle contraction.

How bodyflex will help you lose weight and become slimmer will tell the video.

The main idea of ​​bodyflex is that by learning how to breathe properly, every woman can lose weight, spending no more than 20 minutes a day. This is one of the most important foundations that must be strictly followed.

Losing weight according to this technique, it is important to remember:

  1. Do not allow an increase in training time. They cannot exceed 15-20 minutes per day.
  2. The technique is designed only for overweight people.
  3. It is necessary to draw up a training regimen and strictly follow it.
  4. There are no dietary restrictions, but Ms. Childress recommends eating only healthy foods and following basic rules.
  5. It is forbidden to start exercises earlier than 2 hours after eating.

Important! Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from doing body flex.

Bodyflex complex for weight loss

    1. Lateral stretches are designed to improve the muscles of the waist.
      To perform this exercise, you need to stand up straight with your legs slightly bent.
      Put your hands above your knees.
      Then start doing breathing exercises.
      Raise your right leg and take it to the right, transferring the weight to the left side.
      At the same time, raise your right hand and stretch it to the left, to the bent leg.
      Count to 8 as you exhale and return to the starting position.
      You need to do three repetitions with each leg.

  1. Diamond is an exercise for correcting not only the waist, but also the arms.
    To perform it, you need to stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    Hands must be extended forward at an angle of 90ᴼ, palms together.
    After the respiratory complex is performed.
    At the expense of 8, when exhaling, it is necessary to press the fingers against each other with force.
    In total, you need to complete three approaches.
  2. Scissors - adjust the lower press.
    To perform it, you need to lie on your back, putting your hands under you.
    Press the palms with the buttocks.
    Perform breathing technique.
    As you exhale, lift both legs at the same time and swing.
    Only 10 in each direction.
    Legs should be crossed like scissors.
  3. The press is designed to tighten the lower and upper muscles waist.
    To perform, you need to lie on your back, stretch your arms straight up above you, bending your knees and resting your feet on the floor.
    Perform breathing technique.
    As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles.
    Then lift your shoulders and chest off the floor.
    Hold for 8 seconds.
    In total, you need to perform three approaches.
  4. Cat - corrects the stomach and tones the body.
    To perform, you need to get on your knees and hands (imitating a cat).
    Keep your head parallel to the floor.
    Then do the breathing technique.
    Keep the abdominal muscles tense.
    As you exhale, arch your back up (as cats do), linger for 8-10 seconds, and then return to the starting position.
    In total, you need to perform three approaches.

Exercises for gluteal muscles and hips:

The implementation of the bodyflex complex must be approached competently.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to consult with a physiotherapist.

Follow the instructions to see the result:

  1. It is important to correctly and clearly master the breathing technique, because it is in it that the whole point of the technique lies.
  2. You can not interrupt classes even for one day.
    Only with a daily approach, you can quickly and guaranteed to lose weight.
  3. Don't overdo your exercises.
    The complex is quite heavy.
    It puts the body in a stressful state.
    If the recommended time is exceeded, the consequences may adversely affect the body.
  4. Pay attention only to problem areas.
    You should not do exercises for the legs, hips or waist, if they do not have excess fat.
  5. Do not exercise immediately after eating.
    Since this will negatively affect the digestive tract and can cause gastritis or constipation.

Contraindications to bodyflex

Like any serious technique, bodyflex has a number of contraindications that you need to listen to and stop training if there is one of the problems described below.

The technique is prohibited for people suffering from:

  • pressure problems (hypertension and hypotension);
  • if a person has serious heart problems (attacks, arrhythmia, heart failure, etc.);
  • during an exacerbation of any disease (from a simple acute respiratory disease to problems with the stomach, heart or liver);
  • regular headaches or migraines;
  • a person has a hernia (even in the initial stage).

We repeat once again that it is strictly forbidden for women to start a complex of these exercises during pregnancy.

What problem is being solved?
weight loss

For whom?

  • For newbies
  • For advanced
  • If you have reduced physical activity
  • If there are contraindications to active fitness

Training basis:
Breath holding with stretching exercises. Reduces the volume of the stomach, improves intestinal motility.

Bodyflex has the following contraindications:

  • Nodules in the thyroid gland
  • Kidney stones, gallbladder
  • Postoperative period
  • stomach ulcer
  • Heart failure
  • Diabetes mellitus (type I)


Bodyflex is a breathing exercise based on a combination of deep diaphragmatic breathing and a set of stretching exercises. Bodyflex, unlike other techniques, is based on holding the breath after exhalation. It is due to this that an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide occurs in the body, as a result of which the arteries expand, and the cells are ready for the full assimilation of oxygen. It is the “additional” oxygen that contributes to the fight against excess weight, improves well-being and helps to cope with a lack of energy. Also, the method is good because it does not require a lot of time. You can devote 20 minutes a day to classes, and, believe me, it will bear fruit!

Bodyflex must be practiced every day in the morning on an empty stomach. This technique is suitable for absolutely everyone, no matter how old you are and what level of physical fitness you have. The main advantage of Bodyflex is that it is not a physically exhausting workout, you do not need to jump, run, pump abs and legs. All you need to do is just breathe properly. Bodyflex exercises are not just effective, but also useful and natural weight loss. Bodyflex is a very easy to use technique, but it also has certain principles that must be followed in order to achieve a good result.

7 principles of Bodyflex:

  1. Bodyflex must be done every day for 1-2 months. It depends on your original size and weight.
  2. Bodyflex needs to be dealt with in NATO. When you wake up in the morning after a night's sleep, your glycogen stores are nearly depleted. You only need 8 minutes to completely exhaust them. And by introducing excess oxygen into the body, the body begins to use fat reserves as energy.
  3. Your workout should not exceed 25 minutes.
  4. You can eat after a workout only an hour later.
  5. It is absolutely impossible to combine Bodyflex with other types of physical activity.
  6. Do not strive for frequent changes in the set of exercises. It is necessary to let the body get used to a certain load and then gradually increase it.
  7. Refrain from taking medications and additional cosmetic procedures.

The ability to lose weight, doing practically nothing for this and without denying yourself anything, is an illusion for many women in the world. But is it an illusion? Perhaps there is a miraculous technique that can be used to reset overweight in just a few weeks, spending only 15-20 minutes a day on classes? We hasten to please you, such a technique actually exists, and it is called bodyflex.

Let's take a look at what this unique method for weight loss? Bodyflex is not only a weight loss system, it is also a system for normalizing the work of the whole organism. Great alternative running and exhausting sports activities, the system was developed by an ordinary American housewife, Grieg Childers, the same as many of us.

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise, with the help of which the blood is enriched with oxygen, which, in turn, speeds up the metabolism and leads to the burning of adipose tissue. In other words, when you take a certain position and at the same time breathe “correctly”, the shock dose of oxygen is directed to the necessary part of the body.

Indications and contraindications for bodyflex

Bodyflex is intended for those who are overweight or have a slow metabolism. If everything is in order with your metabolism, you lead an active lifestyle and are already engaged in strength and aerobic training, bodyflex is unlikely to have a significant impact on your figure.

Where to begin?

Bodyflex, like any type of training, has its limitations and contraindications. Before you start losing weight with breathing exercises, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with them. So, bodyflex is contraindicated:

During pregnancy. The main thing that is important when doing bodyflex is proper breathing. Naturally, this cannot be achieved without tension in the abdominal muscles.
When fluctuating blood pressure.
For severe forms myopia.
In the presence of chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation high temperature And bleeding.
At bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system.
With an arrhythmia heart failure.
After surgery, trauma.
In the presence of thyroid disease.

In any case, before starting training, you should consult with your doctor.

Basic principles of bodyflex.

Systematic. Training should take place daily and should not be missed. If you miss more than three classes in a row, you will have to start all over again.

Discipline. Develop willpower in yourself and, contrary to any desire to relax, set aside 15-20 minutes a day for classes.
Strict adherence to instructions. Do not forget that classes should not exceed 15-20 minutes. You should not conduct your own experiments, use those exercises that have already proven their effectiveness.
Nutrition. Bodyflex itself does not imply dietary restrictions, however, introducing proper nutrition along with classes in your life is the right choice.
Proper breathing. Before starting training, learn the rules of breathing. We will talk about this below.

Note! If you are overweight, then you need to start with exercises aimed at overall weight loss, and then already - for specific parts of the body. Otherwise, the expressed results may not be.

The result of training largely depends on whether you learn to breathe correctly. Before proceeding to the main exercises, master the elementary basics of bodyflex:

Learn to exhale. This should be done exclusively through the mouth. Fold your lips in a "y" shape and exhale slowly, trying to completely empty your lungs of air.
It is necessary to inhale air, on the contrary, through the nose. The mouth must be tightly closed! You need to take as deep a breath as possible.
Sharp exhalation. With this option, the lips do not fold into a tube, but are pulled into a tight line as if you want to distribute lipstick over the lips. Exhaling the air correctly, you will hear the characteristic sound "groin".
You also need to be able to hold your breath correctly. When you have completely exhaled the air from your lungs, close your mouth and tilt your head towards your chest while drawing in your stomach. Hold this position for a count of eight.
And finally, a relaxed breath. Assuming the initial position, it is necessary to relax the muscles and exhale slowly.

Note! It is best to learn to breathe correctly lying down.

Next, you should decide what you need for training. Bodyflex does not require any special preparations. The most important thing you may need is a gym mat. It will allow your feet not to slip on the floor and not be distracted from your studies. A training suit is preferred but not required. And an immutable rule - keep track of the time. The clock should be located directly in front of you so that you can clearly control the time spent on training.

Basic rules of bodyflex.

You can not exercise immediately after eating. It is best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach or a few hours after a light meal.
Practice in a well-ventilated area.
Do not exercise while walking.

Let's move on to the exercises.

Basic bodyflex poses.

Basketball player

Position your body in such a way that your knees are half bent, your legs are apart, your body is tilted slightly forward, and your arms are resting a few centimeters above your knees.

wide seat

With your shoulder blades together, place your hands behind your back and place your palms on the floor. In this case, the face is turned up.

Four point emphasis

This pose involves standing on the floor with emphasis on the knees and palms. In this case, your pelvis, body, arms and knees should be at a right angle.

Basic exercises for beginners.

A lion. Starting position - basketball player. Pull in your stomach and do breathing exercises (steps 1-4). After that, with wide eyes we look up, and with our lips we seem to say “y”, folding them into a tube, after which we direct our lips down and stick out our tongue as far as possible. In this position, we linger for 8 seconds. Repeat 5 times. This exercise perfectly rejuvenates the face, tightens sagging cheeks and removes fine wrinkles.

Terrible grimace. Starting position - basketball player. Push the lower jaw so that the lower teeth are on top of the upper ones, stick out the lips and stretch the neck with all your might. Raise your head up as if you want to reach him with your lips. Do the breathing exercises of steps 1-4 and hold your breath. During a breathing pause, take your straightened arms back and stay in this position for a count of eight. In this case, the mouth should be open, tension should be felt from the chin to the sternum, the feet should be on the floor. Then inhale and relax. Do 5 repetitions. This exercise affects the neck, chin.

Lateral stretch. Starting position - basketball player. Take a breath cycle until a pause, and then proceed to the exercise. With your left hand just above the elbow, lean on your knee, and raise your right hand and stretch it through the whole body, so that it is located above the head and right ear. Linger for light eight. Take a breath and relax. Repeat 3 times on each side. This exercise affects the waist and sides.

Classic lead. Starting position - emphasis on four points. Stretch one leg back so that the toes of that leg rest on the floor. Do breathing exercises until you pause, and then lift your straightened leg up and linger for a count of eight. Relax and exhale. Do 3 reps on each leg. This exercise helps to work out the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

Diamond. Starting position - stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Connect the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other, bringing your hands together in front of you. In this case, the pads of your fingers should touch each other. The elbows are parallel to the floor, the back is slightly rounded. Perform the breathing exercises of steps 1-4, and then make an effort to support without lowering your elbows. Hold for a count of eight, relax, inhale. Repeat 3 times. Exercise helps you work inside hands

Boat. Starting position - wide seat. Spread your legs as wide as you can. Pull your socks towards you, and lean back with your hands. Perform a breathing cycle, then move your hands forward and stretch or as far as possible, trying to lie on the floor. Stretch for a count of eight, then inhale, relax and bring your arms back. Repeat 3 times. This exercise targets the inner thighs.

Pretzel. Starting position - sitting on the mat, cross your legs so that the left knee is under the right. In this case, the right leg should be as horizontal as possible. Take your left hand behind your back, and grab your left knee with your right hand. Perform a breathing cycle, then transfer all the weight to the left hand, pulling the knee up to you with the right, and turning the body to the left until you can look behind your back. Hold for a count of eight, inhale. Repeat 3 times on each leg. Exercise affects the waist, lower back, outer surface hips.
Press. Starting position - lie on your back, bend your legs and place them at a distance of 25-30 cm. Stretch your arms up at right angles to the body. Perform breathing exercises, then stretch your arms up, raising your shoulder blades. Your head should be tilted back and your neck relaxed. Reach for the ceiling as high as you can. Hold for a count of eight. Repeat 3 times. Exercise works on the abdominal muscles.

Scissors. Starting position - lie on the floor, bring your legs together, and place your hands palms down under your buttocks. Press your lower back to the floor, do not tear your head off. Perform a breathing cycle, then raise your legs 8-10 cm and do vigorous swings, as if cutting with scissors. Work for a count of eight, repeat 3 times. Exercise helps to work out the muscles of the abdomen, especially the lower part of it.

Cat. Starting position - emphasis on four points. Raise your head up, back is straight. After the breathing cycle, lower your head down and arch your back like a cat. Stay in this position for a count of eight. Repeat the exercise 3 times. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the body. As the founder of the system herself notes, in just three months of regular training, she managed to return a slender and toned body. Remember that the main safety rule in bodyflex is gradualness.

Listen to your own body and take your time. After all, a few months is not very long if you dream of beauty and health. Bodyflex is useful for everyone who wants not only to lose weight, but also to keep themselves in good shape, strengthen their figure and look 100%!