School exercise exercises. Complexes of gymnastic exercises

Physical exercises for younger students

The main task of physical culture at this age, in addition to the narrowly health-improving task, includes the improvement of various movements, the formation of posture, the skills of cycling and skating, skiing, swimming, and the development of dexterity in games.

Physical education for first grade children

At this age, there is a further improvement of movements, the interaction of children in a collective game, when performing complex tasks.

The role of purposeful motor activity, competitive element in classes. First-graders, as a rule, are already attending classes in a comprehensive school.

The main task of physical culture is to help achieve high level student health. That's why classes physical education should increase stamina and strength in children. At the same age, it is necessary to intensively educate them in the need to do morning exercises daily, the duration of which increases to 10–12 minutes. Children should actively participate in school competitions. Physical education classes are held 2 times a week for 35 minutes.

Walking of younger schoolchildren should be correct and beautiful. The movements of the hands are free, the body is not tense, the head is held straight. Improving walking is achieved by exercises that complicate its implementation. For this purpose, they walk with their eyes closed, with the simultaneous movement of the hands, squatting.

Running at this age is already quite perfect. Further consolidation of all elements of running is carried out with the help of exercises. Endurance and running speed, the ability to overcome obstacles on the run, etc.

Jumping is one of the most favorite types of physical education for children up to school age. At this age, a student may be given the task of jumping a certain distance - to the line, through a rope to a certain height. Such a stimulus improves all elements of the jump, both from a place and from a run.

crawling, climbing

Babies don't learn new ways to crawl. Crawling and climbing only become technically more difficult, both directly in exercises and in games.

Children should be able to throw the ball with both hands from various positions - from the chest, from above, with a rebound from the ground, throw the ball at a distance, at the target.

Balance exercises

To improve balance at this age, it is necessary to increase the amount of balance exercises.

General developmental exercises

It is necessary to vary the selection of exercises quite often, change the amplitude and pace of movements, introduce a competitive element for the development of movements. Thanks to the change of exercises, a steady interest in classes is maintained. It is necessary to use exercises designed for children, which are described in detail in various manuals.

Approximate content of classes for children in the first grade

Errors in coordination of movements at this primary school age are detected only in special exercises, in particular in exercises in which it is necessary, for example, to quickly pass in a straight line, go to a designated place, etc.

Walking should be further improved. For this purpose, exercises are used that complicate the possibility correct walking(for example, walking with a fixed position of the hands).

The running of children of the 6th year of life is quite well coordinated. However, even at this age it is necessary to improve his technique. To do this, in the classroom they use exercises with different paces of running - from the slowest to the fastest run.

However, training correct running can only be done at a slow pace.

At the same time, attention should be paid to all components of the movements - bringing the hip forward, placing the foot on the ground with the front part and other components of the run.

The purpose of the classes is to improve motor skills in walking and running with elements of rebuilding, in performing exercises with objects.

Benefits - wooden hoops, two ropes 3 m long each.

Introductory part: building in a column one at a time, walking around the hall, running. The duration of the introductory part is 3-4 minutes.

Exercise 1

Take a hoop. At the expense of 1-2, raise your hands with the hoop up, stretch, look up - inhale. At the expense of 3-4, lower the hoop - exhale.

Exercise 2

Sit on the floor in Turkish, grab the hoop with both hands. At the expense of 1-2, holding on to the hoop, lie down on the floor. At the expense of 3-4, pulling up behind the hoop, return to the starting position. Other exercises of a similar orientation are also used.

Duration of classes - 7-10 minutes.

Main part: the child jumps over the "groove". In order to mark the groove, two ropes are placed on the floor parallel to each other at a distance of 60–70 cm. Together with games, the main part is 12–15 minutes.

The final part consists of have a good game(2–3 min).

The next group of exercises is aimed at improving motor skills in walking and running with the complication of movement conditions.

Benefits: racks for high jump through ropes, gymnastic bench or board, large cubes.

Introductory part: in columns of one or two people, walking around the hall on toes, on heels, running. Duration - 3-5 minutes.

Preparatory part

Exercise 1

Starting position - legs apart, arms lowered, torso to the sides. On account 1 - tilt to the right; 2 - straighten up; 3 - tilt to the left; 4 - straighten up.

Exercise 2

Starting position - legs apart to the width of the foot, arms to the sides. On account 1 - swing the right foot forward, clap the palms under the foot; 2 - return to the starting position; 3-4 - the same with a swing of the left foot forward.

Main part

A gymnastic bench is placed in the middle of the hall and a “gate” is placed in front of it. Children crawl under the "gate" and walk along the bench, changing the position of their hands - to the sides and "to the sides". Walking on an inclined board. One end of the board is installed on the lower horizontal stick of the gymnastic ladder. Children pass the board in both directions.

For high jumps, two racks are placed and a rope is pulled. After the exercises, outdoor games are played. Duration - 15–17 minutes.

Final part

A game of low mobility, then walking around the hall for 3-5 minutes.

In addition to indoor activities, children aged 6-7 need to engage in physical education and in the open air (at a temperature not lower than 10-12 ° C).

Classes on fresh air in summer they are held at the beginning of the walk. In warm weather, it is rational to conduct swimming and bathing. In autumn, winter and spring, classes are held in the middle or at the end of the walk.

In the autumn period, the main attention should be paid to exercises in walking and running, jumping with a rope, in length, height, from a place, in throwing objects. In addition, riding a bicycle, a scooter is mastered.

In winter, skiing, sledding, and ice skating are held.

in winter breathing exercises are not carried out in the air.

In summer, the main movements are fixed, mainly swimming.

Very useful sports in the forest, park

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Proposed complexes gymnastic exercises compiled for various mass sports and gymnastic performances and sports holidays schoolchildren. All of them have been tested during rehearsals and performances. They are necessary to provide methodological assistance to all those involved in the preparation and holding of mass sports and gymnastic performances of schoolchildren under the Starts of Hope program and other physical culture and sports holidays in schools and summer camps for children.

Undoubtedly, with sincere interest and creative imagination, many leaders of mass sports events can come up with their own, more spectacular and original sets of gymnastic exercises.

You can use tunes that are constantly updated and heard on radio and television.

Complex 1.

Exercises with balls for children of primary school age

Children run out onto the field and line up at their points in columns of 12 participants each. The calculation of the columns is from left to right (girls stand in odd numbers, boys stand in even numbers). All the guys have rubber balls in their hands. medium size: boys - red, girls - blue.

Starting position - the main stand, the ball is below.

I. 1. Hands forward.

2. Hands up.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Hands down.

5. Hands in front of the chest.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Lean forward, touch the ball to the ground.

8. Straighten up, the ball on the chest.

II. 1. Squat, ball forward.

2. Straighten up, ball down.

3. Squat, ball to the chest.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Girls: squat, ball down; boys: main stand, ball up.

6. Girls: straighten up, ball up; boys: squat, ball down.

7. Girls: squat, ball down; boys: straighten up, ball up.

8. Everyone: jump leg stance apart, ball up.

III. 1. Tilt to the left.

2. Main stand, ball up.

3. Tilt to the right.

4. Same as on account 2.

5-7. Same as for 1-3.

8. Ball down.

IV. 1. Tilt forward, put the ball.

3. Tilt forward.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Same as on account 3.

6. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

7. Same as on count 3, but take the ball.

8. Straighten up with a jump, the ball on the chest.

V. 1. Turn (girls - to the left, boys - to the right), the ball on the chest.

2-7. Jumps to change places with a partner and return to the starting position.

8. Main stand, ball up.

VI. 1. Tilt forward, touch the ball to the ground.

2. Emphasis crouching.

3. Straighten your legs.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Boys: straighten up, ball up; girls: emphasis crouching, ball down.

6. Change position.

7. Same as on account 5.

8. Everyone: straighten up, ball down.

VII. 1. Boys: get down on your right knee; girls: ball on the chest.

2. Boys: put the ball on the left knee.

3-6. Girls: run around the boys


7-8. Boys: straighten up, put your right foot, the ball is at the top; girls: turn around,

ball in front of the chest.

VIII. 1-6. Jumps to change places with a partner, return to the starting position and

turn (girls - to the right, boys - to the left).

7. Tilt forward, put the ball.

8. Straighten up, arms up.

IX. 1-6. Mahi with bent arms above the head.

7-8. Lean forward and grab the ball.

Complex 2.

dance exercises for children of primary school age

After completing complex 1, the children are arranged in circles (in each circle there are 12 girls and 12 boys who stand in pairs facing counterclockwise. Boys stand inside, girls outside the circle).

Starting position - boys and girls hold hands, hold the ball from the side-outside.

I- II. 1-15. Polka steps forward*.

16. Attach a foot, turn to face inside the circle, the ball on the chest.

Ill- IV. 1-15. Polka steps in a circle, change places 2 times.

16. Stand facing the main direction of movement, join hands again, ball from the side-outside.

V- VI. 1-7. Polka steps forward.

8. Putting a leg, turn to face inside the circle, the ball is in front in bent arms.

VII-- VIII. 1-4. Girls: perform 4 jumps in place, hitting from above with your balls on

boys balls; boys: stand still while holding the ball.

5-7. The same as on the account 1-4, but do the opposite.

8. Everyone: turn right.

IX- X. 1-14. Polka steps forward (towards partner).

15. Jump to crouch with an inward turn, put the ball.

16. Straighten up with a jump, hands on the belt.

XI. 1-6. Polka steps in place with spreading and mixing.

7-8. All perform 3 hand claps.

XII. 1. Clap your hands.

2. Clap hands with a partner (right hands).

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Clap your hands with a partner (left hands), put your hands down (girls take on skirts).

5-6. Girls: half squat on the left leg, right leg crossed behind; boys: tilt your head forward.

7. Squat, take the ball.

8. Straighten up with a turn in the main direction, the ball to the chest.

Complex 3.

Exercises with flowers (paper, foam) for children of primary school age

The construction of schoolchildren before performing exercises is in an open formation. The interval and distance between the participants is 2 m. The arrangement of girls and boys is the same as in complex 2.

Starting position - main stance, flowers below, in both hands.

I. 1. Hands to the sides.

2. Rise on toes, hands up.

3. Get down on the whole foot, arms to the sides.

4. Hands down.

5-7. Same as for 1-3.

8. Hands to the shoulders.

II. 1. Squat on toes (knees apart), arms to the sides.

2. Straighten up, hands to the shoulders. 3-4. Same as for 1-2.

5. Tilt to the right, arms to the sides.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Tilt to the left, arms to the sides.

8. Straighten up, hands in front of the chest.

III. 1. Half-squat with a half-tilt forward, left hand forward, right hand back.

2-7. Springy semi-squats for each count, changing the position of the hands.

8. Straighten up, hands to the shoulders.

IV. 1. Turn left, arms to the sides.

2. Return to the starting position.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Turn (boys - to the left, girls - to the right) facing each other.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Turn (boys - to the right, girls - to the left) facing each other.

8. Same as on account 2.

V. 1-3. Boys: take three steps forward (starting with the left foot).

5. Everyone: connect the flowers together.

6. Hands to the sides.

7. Join hands together.

8. Girls: squat on left knee, holding flowers in left hand, right hand above head;

boys: holding flowers in the right hand, take the girl's right hand with the left.

VI. 1-7. Boys: Starting with the left foot, run around the girls (counterclockwise).

8. Girls: straighten up.

VII. 1. Girls: squat; boys: stand still. 2. Girls: straighten up; boys: squat.

3-7. Change of position.

8. Boys: stand up straight and take the girls by the hands.

VIII. 1-4. Take small incremental steps to circle counterclockwise.

5-6. Turn (boys - to the right, girls - to the left).

7. Raise the flowers up (girls - in the right hand, boys - in the left).

8. Half tilt with half squat (girls - left leg crosswise - behind, boys - right).

IX. 1-6. Straighten up, wave flowers over your head. 7-8. Return to starting position.

Complex 4.

Flag exercises for elementary school children

Before leaving, the students are built in open (2 m) columns (in odd columns - girls, in even columns - boys). In each hand, participants hold a flag measuring 30 X 40 cm (girls - white, boys - red). With the beginning of the musical accompaniment, the first line of participants runs out to their points. Behind her, after 4 counts, the second line runs out, etc. (interval output). Starting position - emphasis crouching. After the musical phrase, the guys get up and begin to perform a set of exercises.

I. 1. Hands forward.

2. Hands up.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Hands down.

5. Left hand to the side, look at the left hand.

6. Right hand to the side, look at the right hand.

7. Left hand behind the head, look ahead.

8. Right hand behind the head.

II. 1. Left hand up-out, look up.

2. Right hand up and out.

3. Arms crossed over head (left forward right).

4. Hands to the sides, down, crouching emphasis, lower your head.

5. Raise your head, bend your arms to the sides.

6. Same as on account 4.

7. Raise your head, hands forward.

III. 1. Turn the body to the left, lunge to the left, right hand forward, left back.

2. Turn the torso to the right, arms to the sides.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

5. Left foot to the side on the toe, tilt to the left; right half-bent arm up,

left half bent at the bottom.

8. Attach the left leg, arms up.

IV. 1. Circle with the left hand inward.

2. Circle with right hand inward.

3. Squat, arms to the sides.

4. Straighten up, arms up.

5. Arcs outward arms to the side-down, half-squat with a half-tilt forward, knees apart,

hands back-down (palms up) - “swimmer start”.

7. Circle with both hands inward.

8. Lower your arms through the sides down, the main stance.

v. 1. Girls: squat, arms to the sides, head down; boys: arms through sides

up-out, look up.

2. Girls: the starting position is the same as at the expense of 1 for boys; boys: same as for

1 for girls.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Jump stand legs apart, arms down.

5. Lunge to the left, arms forward.

6. Attach the left leg, hands down.

7. The same as at the expense of 5, but in the other direction.

8. Same as for 6.

VI. 1. Arc down, left hand to the right.

2. Hands to the sides.

3. Arc down, right hand to the left.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Tilt forward, arms forward.

6. Straighten up, arms down.

7. Tilt back, arms to the sides.

8. Straighten up, arms down.

VII. 1. Hands on the belt.

2. Half squat.

3. Leap turn left around.

4. Hands to the sides.

5. Hands on the belt.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Same as on account 3.

8. Hands to the sides.

VIII. 1. Left foot to the side on the toe, arms up.

2. Main stand.

4. Jump stop crouching.

5. Straighten up, arms to the sides.

6. Tilt forward, arms forward.

7. Straighten up, arms up.

8. Hands through the sides down.

Complex 5.

Exercises without subjects for children of primary school age

A set of exercises can be performed on sports ground in the pioneer camp. Interval and distance

III. 1. Tilt back, arms to the sides, palms up.

2-3. Spring forward bends, arms forward.

4. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

5. Hands to the sides.

6. Hands up.

7. Hands forward.

8. Hands on the belt.

IV. 1-8. Boys and girls: imitation of jumping rope in place.

The complex is repeated 2 times.

Complex 6.

Pennant exercises for girls of middle school age

After leaving and stopping at the markings, the interval and distance between the participants is 2 m.

Starting position - crouching emphasis, pennants in front of you, lower your head.

I. 1. Rise on toes, arms to the sides.

2. Get down, hands down.

3. Rise on toes, arms through the sides up.

4. Get down, arms through the sides down.

5. Tilt forward, arms to the sides.

6. Straighten up, arms up.

7. Rise on toes, arms up and out.

8. Same as on account 4.

II. 1-2. Circle hands to the right.

3-4. Circle hands to the left.

5. Jump stand legs apart, arms to the sides.

6. Bending forward, half-bent arms forward-cross (right in front of left).

7-8. Straighten up, arching your arms down.


3-4. The same as on the account 1-2, but with the other hand. 5-6. Large circle with both hands inward.

7. Small circle with both hands inward.

8. Jump main stance.


3. Hands to the sides.

4. Hands up-cross (left forward right).

5. Same as on account 3.

6. The same as on account 4, changing the position of the hands.

7. Hands to the sides.

8. Same as on account 3.

v. 1-2. Smooth circle with hands to the right.

3-4. Smooth circle with hands to the left; rising on toes, hands to the sides

5-8. 270° left stepping turn, arms down.

VI. 1. Circle right hand back.

2. The same as on count 1, but with the other hand.

4. Round semi-squat with half forward tilt, up and forward pennants.

5-6. Wave-like movement of the torso forward, arches downwards arms upwards.

7-8. The same as on the account 5-6, but arms to the sides.

VII. 1-4. Rising on toes, turn by stepping to the right by 360 °, arching the arms downwards upwards.

5-8. Four large consecutive circles of hands in the lateral plane (starting from the left),

hands up.

VIII. 1. Turn right, arms to the sides.

2. Attaching the left leg, semi-squat, arms down.

3-4. Rising on toes, arms outward arcs up.

5-7. Cross movements with pennants at the top.

8. Descending, arching outward arms down.

Complex 7.

Pennant exercises for girls of senior school age

After the exit, the participants are located in a chess formation. Interval and distance - 4 m.

Starting position - the main stand, pennants up and out.

I. 1-2. Facial circle with right hand inward.

3-4. The same as on the account 1-2, but with the other hand.

5-6. Small circle with both hands inside.

7-8. Large circle with both hands inward, hands up.

II. 1. Arc outward right hand down.

2. The same as on count 1, but with the other hand.

3. Pennants to the sides.

4. Pennants up crosswise.

5. Same as on account 3.

6 - 7. The same as for the account 4-5.

8. Pennants down.

III. 1 - 2. Two side steps to the right (1st numbers - to the right, 2nd numbers - to the left) and two circles with hands

right; stand on right leg, left to the side on the toe, pennants to the side-up.

3 - 4 Same as for 1-2, but pennants to the left.

5 - 8 The same as at the expense of 1-4, but in the other direction.

IV. 1. Waving pennants to the sides.

2. Stand on the left knee, pennants back.

3. Straighten up, pennants up.

4. Pennants to the sides.

5 - 8. The same from the other leg, pennants forward.

V. 1. Circle right hand back.

2. The same as on count 1, but with the other hand.

3. The same as on account 1, but with two hands.

4. Pennants up.

5 - 8. 360° stepping turn.

VI. 1. Step right foot forward into a right stance, left back; circle pennants back.

2. Step left foot back, pennants to the sides.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Attach the right foot, pennants up.

5. Half squat on the right leg, left forward on the toe; right pennant forward, left - back.

7 - 8. The same as at the expense of 5-6, changing the position of the legs.

VII. 1 - 6. Successive great circles in the lateral plane.

7 - 8. Turn right into a leg stance apart, pennants to the sides.

VIII. 1 Lunge to the right, arc upward pennant to the right.

2. Straightening up, the pennant arced upwards to the left.

3 - 4. The same as on the account 1-2, but in the other direction.

5 - 7. Three large circles with both hands.

8. Putting the right foot, pennants up and out.

Complex 8.

Applied floor exercises (TRP) for children of middle school age

Interval and distance - 2 m.

I. 1. Bend your arms to the sides.

2. Hands up and out.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Hands through the sides down.

6. Straighten up, main stance.

7. Same as on account 5.

8. Straighten up, arms down.

II. 1. Tilt forward, touch the feet with your hands (legs are straight).

2. Take the “barbell” on the chest (squat, bend your arms forward, fingers clenched into fists).

3. Straighten up.

4. Push the “barbell” (arms up, fingers clenched into fists).

5. "Pull up" (rise on toes, bend your arms forward, fingers clenched into fists).

6. Hands up (palms forward).

7. Turn to the left, arms through the sides down.

8. Attach the right foot, left hand forward, right hand back - "skier's stance"

(half squat with half tilt forward).

III. 1-3. "Walking on skis" (three springy squats, changing the position of the hands for each count).

4. Hands behind the back - “skater landing” (half squat with half nakdon forward).

5. Left foot on the toe.

6. Attach the left foot.

8. "Swimmer start".

IV. 1-2. Straighten up, arms up.

3-5. Imitation of swimming: 3 circles with hands down (starting from the right).

6. Emphasis standing.

7. Emphasis crouching.

8. Emphasis lying.

v. 1. Bend your arms.

2. Straighten.

3-4. Same as for 1-2.

5-6. Emphasis lying on the hips.

7-8. Emphasis lying bent over ("house").

VI. 1-2. Emphasis lying on the hips.

3. Emphasis crouching.

4. Jump turn to the right into a leg stance apart, arms to the sides.

5. Starting position for the "push shot" (oblique lunge to the right, left hand to the side,

right behind the head).

6. "Push the core" (with a turn to the left, straighten the right leg, arms forward and upward).

7. With a turn to the right, an oblique lunge to the right, arms to the sides (right arc to the left).

8. "Grenade throw" (straightening the right leg, with a turn to the left, stand on the left leg,

right back on the toe, hands forward-up (palms forward).

VII. 1. With a turn to the right, stand the legs apart, arms to the sides (right arch downwards).

2. Arcs downward hands down; join the palms (clap), hands up.

3. Tilt forward.

4. Straighten up, arms up (join palms).

5. Same as on account 3.

6. Straighten up, arching outward arms to the sides.

7. Jump stop crouching.

VIII. 1. Jump leg stance apart, arms through the sides up.

2. Jump the main stance, hands through the sides down (clap the palms on the hips).

3-4. Same as for 1-2.

5-7. Starting with the left foot, take 3 steps in place (with a high hand signal).

Complex 9.

Hoop exercises for middle school girls

Before performing the exercises, the participants run out to the markings to the sounds of the polka.

The interval and distance between them is 4 m.

I. 1-2. Bending, rise on your toes, hoop up.

3. Half squat, hoop forward.

4. Straighten up, hoop up.

5. Bending legs, half tilt to the left.

6. Same as on account 4.

7. The same as at the expense of 5, but in the other direction.

8. Same as on account 4.

II. 1-4. Turn left 360°.

5. Half squat, chest hoop.

6. Straighten up, hoop up. 7-8. Same as for 5-6.

III. 1. Left foot to the side on the toe, tilt to the left.

2. Attach a leg, main stand, hoop up.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. The same as on count 2, but the hoop is down.

5-6. Squat, knee hoop vertically, lower your head.

7-8. Straighten up, hoop on the chest.

IV. 1-2. Rise on toes, hoop up horizontally.

3-4. Oscillatory movements of the edges of the hoop up and down.

5. Squat in the hoop, put it on the ground.

6. Straighten up, arms up.

7. Hands up and out.

8. Squat, take a hoop.

V. 1-2. Straighten up, hoop up.

3. Hoop on the chest.

4-6. Three jumps in place on both legs (with the rotation of the hoop for each jump) - "rope".

7. Climb on toes, hoop up.

8. Squat, hoop down; touch the ground with the far edge of the hoop, tilt your head forward.

VI. 1-2. Hoop on your knees vertically, raise your head. 3-4. Straighten up, hoop up.

5-8. Rising on toes, stepping turn to the right by 360 °.

VII. 1. Left foot to the side on the toe, hoop on the chest.

2. Lunge to the left, hoop up.

3. Straighten the left leg (push), hoop on the chest.

VIII. 1. Bending legs, half tilt to the left.

2. Straighten up, hoop up.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. Same as on account 2.

5-6. Half squat with half tilt forward, tilt your head forward.

7-8. Straighten up, hoop up horizontally. Oscillatory movements of the edges of the hoop up and down.

Complex 10.

Hoop exercises for high school girls

Participants are located in an open formation. Interval and distance - 2 m.

Ordinal calculation of columns - from left to right.

Starting position - main stand, hoop down.

I. 1. Hoop on the chest.

2. Hoop up.

3. Left foot to the side on the toe, hoop on the chest.

4. Attach a leg, hoop up.

5-6. The same as on the account 3-4, but with the other foot.

7. Rise on toes (heels together).

8. Squat, hoop down and forward, lower your head.

II. 1. Straighten up, left leg to the side on the toe, hoop up.

2-3. Two springy slopes to the left.

4. Attach a leg, semi-squat, hoop down and forward.

6-7. The same as at the expense of 2-3, but in the other direction. 8. Attach the right foot, hoop

up horizontally.

III. 1. Squat, put a hoop.

2. Straighten up, arms to the sides.

3. Hands behind the head.

4. Bend over.

5. Hands up-out (palms out).

6. Hands on the belt.

7. Squat, take a hoop.

8. Straighten up, hoop up.

IV. 1. Lower the top edge of the hoop onto your back.

2. Bend over.

3. Hoop up.

4. Hoop on the chest.

5. Half squat, hoop to the left.

6. Straighten up, hoop on the chest.

7. Half squat, hoop to the right.

8. Straighten up, hoop up.

V. 1. Step to the left, leg stance apart, hoop down.

2. Lunge to the left, hoop up and to the left.

3. Straighten your left leg (push), hoop down.

4. Put your left foot, hoop up.

5-8. The same as at the expense of 1-4, but in the other direction.

VI. 1. Turn inside (odd columns - to the left, even columns - to the right), hoop on the chest.

2. Attach a leg (odd - right, even - left), hoop up.

3. Squat, put the hoop (without letting go), tilt your head forward.

4. Straighten up with a turn (odd - to the right, even - to the left) into a leg stance apart,

hoop up.

5-6. With a turn (odd - to the right, even - to the left) sit down, put the hoop (without releasing

7. The same as on account 4, but with a turn in the other direction.

8. Same as on count 2, but hoop down.

VII. 1. Turn (odd - to the right, even - to the left), hoop on the chest.

2. Attach a leg (odd - left, even - right), hoop up.

3. Round semi-squat, hoop forward and down vertically (lower edge on the ground).

4. Straighten up, hoop up.

5-7. Three jumps in place on both legs (with the rotation of the hoop for each jump) - "rope".

8. Hoop up.

VIII. 1-4. Stepping turn (odd - to the right, even - to the left) by 270 °, facing

main direction, hoop up horizontally; oscillatory movements of the hoop

up down.

5. Half squat in a hoop (hoop at waist level).

6. Straightening up, toss the hoop up (horizontally).

7. Catch the hoop.

8. Fast oscillatory movements of the hoop up and down. Reorganization in ranks.

Exercises in closed ranks Starting position - a hoop below in the right hand.

I. 1. Turn the hoop to the left.

2. Squat.

3. Take the hoop from below with your left hand.

4. Take your right hand and the neighboring (right) hoops.

5. Straighten up with a turn to the right, the hoop up horizontally.

6. Right turn squat, hoop down.

7-8. The same as at the expense of 5-6, but in the other direction.

II. 1-2. Sequential wave-like raising of the flanks of the ranks: rise in four

(1-4th) participants standing on both flanks.

3-4. The same as on the account 1-2, but the next four (5th-8th) participants stand up, and

the previous ones raise the hoop up.

5-6. The same as on the account 1-2, but the next four (9-12th) participants get up,

and the previous ones squat (1-4th) and lift the hoop up (5-8th).

7-8. Continuation of the "wave"; all: squat, hoop in front of you.

III. 1-2. Odd ranks: straighten up, hoop up.

3-4. Odd ranks: squat, hoop up; even numbers: straighten up.

5-6. Same as for 1-2.

7-8. The same as for the account 3-4 (squat with your back to the stands).

IV. 1-2. Straighten up with a turn to the left in a circle (8th and 7th lines).

3-4. The same as for the account 1-2, but for the 6-5th rank.

5-6. The same as for the account 1-2, but for the 4-3rd rank.

7-8. The same as for the account 1-2; everyone: sit down facing the stands.

V. 1-2. Everyone: straighten up with a turn to the right, hoop down.

3-4. Everyone: right twist squat, hoop down.

5. Everyone: straighten up, hoop up.

6. Everyone: squat, hoop down.

7. Same as on account 5.

8. Everyone: straighten up, hoop in front of you. Rebuilding in a circle.

Exercises in circles Starting position - squat facing inside the circle. The grip of the hoop is the same as for the exercise in closed ranks.

I. 1. Straighten up with a turn to the right, the hoop up horizontally.

2. Right turn squat, hoop down.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. The same as on account 2, but in the other direction. 5-6. Same as for 1-2.

7. Straighten up, hoop in front of you.

8. Squat, hoop down.

II. 1-2. The left (in relation to the stands) half of the circle straighten up.

3-4. Sit down on the left half, straighten up on the right.

5-6. Same as for 1-2.

7-8. The same as at the expense of 3-4, everyone: crouching emphasis.

III. 1-8. Consistent, undulating straightening and squatting in circles;

hoop in front of you and up.

IV. 1-8. Continuation of wave-like movements in circles. Restructuring for care.

Complex 11.

Interval and distance - 2 m.

Starting position - main stance.

I. 1. Hands to the sides.

2. Hands to the shoulders.

3. Hands up (palms out).

4. Hands through the sides down.

5. Half squat, arms forward.

6. Straighten up, arching your arms down through the sides up (palms forward).

7. Tilt forward.

8. Emphasis crouched.-

II. 1. Straighten up, left leg to the side on the toe, arms through the sides up.

2. Attaching a leg, emphasis crouching, arms through the sides down.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Attach the right leg, arms to the sides.

5. Bend the left hand behind the head, look at the right hand.

6. The same as on account 5, changing the position of the hands.

7. Hands to the sides.

8. Hands up.

III. 1. Squat knees apart, arms down to the sides (palms back), lower your head.

2. Raise your head, turn your hands palms forward.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Jump stand legs apart, arms to the sides.

5. Tilt to the left, hands on the belt.

7. The same as at the expense of 5, but in the other direction.

8. Straighten up.

IV. 1. Turn the body to the left, hands on the belt.

2. Turn the torso to the right, stand the legs apart, arms to the sides.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. The same as on account 2, but in the other direction.

5. Lunge to the left, arms down-cross (left before right), head down.

6. Stand legs apart, arms to the sides.

8. Same as for 6.

V. 1. Jump with turn to the left, main stance.

2. Emphasis crouching.

3. Emphasis lying.

4. Emphasis lying on the hips. 5-6. Emphasis while standing bent over.

7. Same as on account 2.

8. Straighten up, main stance.

VI. 1. Jump right turn.

2. Emphasis crouching.

3. Emphasis lying legs apart.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Emphasis standing.

6. Straighten up, hands through the sides up (palms forward).

7. Hands on the belt.

8. Same as on account 2.

VII. 1. Jump leg stance apart, arms to the sides.

2. Hands through the sides up (palms forward).

3. Tilt forward, touch with palms ankle joints.

4. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

5. Squat, knees apart, arms to the sides.

6. Same as on account 4.

7. Tilt forward.

8. Jump main stance.

VIII. 1. Jump leg stance apart, arms up.

2. Jump main stance.

3. The same as on account 1, but arms to the sides.

4. Same as on account 2.

7. Starting with the left foot, 3 steps in place.

8. Attach the right foot, the main stance.

Complex 12.

Charging-type exercises for middle school children

Interval and distance - 3 m.

Starting position - main stance.

I. 1. Hands to the sides.

2. Bend your arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists.

3. Hands up, look at the hands.

4. Hands through the sides down.

5. Left foot to the side on the toe, left hand to the side, look at the hand.

6. Put your foot down, lower your hand.

7. The same as at the expense of 5, but in the other direction.

8. Same as for 6.

II. 1. Boys: arms up and out (palms out), girls: emphasis crouching.

2. Boys and girls: change starting position.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Girls: straighten up, arms up and out.

5. Tilt forward.

6. Half squat, arms to the sides.

7. Straighten up, arms up.

8. Hands through the sides down.

III. 1. Leaning forward, bending over, arms to the sides.

2. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

3. Tilt back, arms to the sides (palms up).

4. Same as on count 2, but hands down.

5. Left foot to the side on the toe, hands through the sides up.

6. Attach a leg, hands down.

7. The same as on the count of 5, but with the other foot.

8. Attach a leg, arms through the sides down, crouching emphasis.

IV. 1. Straighten up, left leg back on the toe.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Emphasis crouching.

5. Left foot to the side on the toe, look straight ahead.

6. Attach a leg, lower your head.

7. The same as on the count of 5, but with the other foot.

8. Emphasis crouching, lower your head.

V. 1. Straighten up, main stance.

2. Jump leg stance apart, arms to the sides.

3. Turn the torso to the left, lunge with the left foot, arms forward (right arch downwards).

4. Same as on account 2.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Jump main stance, arms to the sides.

8. Hands down.

VI. 1. Emphasis crouching.

2. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

3. Swing left leg to the side, arms up.

4. Put your foot, hands on the belt.

6. Same as on count 4, but hands down.

7. Hands to the sides.

8. Same as on account 1.

VI I. 1. Jump leg stand apart.

2. Hands to the sides.

3. Squat, arms to the sides.

4. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

5. Tilt forward.

6. Half squat, arms forward.

7. Same as on account 4.

8. Jump legs together, hands down.

VI II. 1. Step left in place, left hand to shoulder.

2. Same as on count 1, but with the other leg and arm.

3. Step left in place, left hand up-

4. Same as on count 3, but with the other leg and arm.

7. Three claps above your head (arms bent).

Complex 13.

Charging-type exercises for middle school children

Interval and distance - 2 m

Starting position - main stance.

I. 1. Hands to the shoulders.

2. Hands up and out.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Hands through the sides down.

5. Squat knees apart, arms to the sides.

6. Main rack.

7. Same as on account 5.

8. Same as for 6.

II. 1. Tilt to the left, left hand on the belt, right up.

2. Main stand.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Tilt forward, touch the ankle joints with your fingers (palms are connected).

6. Straighten up, main stance.

7. Same as on account 5.

8. Same as for 6.

III. 1. Emphasis crouching.

2. Emphasis lying.

3. Bend your arms.

4. Straighten your arms.

5. Same as on account 3.

6. Same as on account 4.

7. Emphasis crouching on the left leg, right to the side on the toe.

8. Turn right into the seat.

IV. 1-2. Emphasis lying behind.

5--6. Same as for 1-2.

7--8. Same as for 3-4.

V. 1. Bend your legs.

2. Straighten your legs.

3-6. Same as for count 1-

7--8. Turn to the left, emphasis lying on the hips.

VI. 1-2. Emphasis lying bent over ("house").

3-4. Emphasis lying on the hips.

5-6. Same as for 1-2.

7. Emphasis lying.

8. Emphasis crouching.

VII. 1. Jump (with a turn to the right) stand legs apart, arms to the sides.

2. Arcs downwards hands up (clap hands together).

3. Tilt forward.

4. Straighten up, palms are connected.

5. Same as on account 3.

6. Straighten up with a jump, arms up, palms connected.

7. "Swimmer start".

8. Straighten up, arms up (palms forward).

VIII. 1. Swing your right foot forward, touch your lower leg with your hands.

2. Return to and. P.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. "Swimmer start".

6. Emphasis crouching.

7. Straighten up, arms through the sides up, clap your hands over your head.

8. Hands through the sides down, the main stand.

Complex 14.

Exit to the markup - drill step under the march, a stick to the right shoulder.

Starting position - main stance, stick at the bottom.

I. 1. Stick forward.

2. Stick down.

3. Stick up.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Squat knees apart, stick up.

6. Unbending your legs, leaning forward, touch the ground with a stick.

7. Half squat, stick on the chest.

8. Straighten up, stick up.

II. 1. Left foot to the side on the toe.

2. Lunge to the left, stick on the head to the left, look to the left.

3. Stand on the right foot, left to the side on the toe, stick up.

4. Attach the left foot.

5. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

6. The same as on account 2, but in the other direction.

7. Same as on count 3, but with the other foot.

8. Same as on account 4.

III. 1. Half-squat knees apart, stick on the chest (left end up).

2. Straighten up, stick up horizontally.

3. The same as on account 1, but the stick with the other end up.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Turning the torso to the left, stick on the chest (grip at shoulder width).

6. Same as on account 4.

7. The same as at the expense of 5, but in the other direction.

8. Hands up.

IV. 1. Bend the left leg forward, arms down; touch the knee of the left leg with a stick.

2. Put your left foot, stick up.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Same as on account 2:

5. Stick for the head.

6-7. Two springy forward bends, bending over.

8. Jump stand legs apart, stick up.

V. 1. Lunge to the left, stick on the head to the right.

2. Extending the left leg, stand legs apart, stick up.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Tilt forward, put the stick.

6. Straighten up, arms to the sides.

7. Tilt forward, take a stick (grip shoulder width apart).

8. Jump straighten up, main stance, stick up.

VI. 1. Emphasis crouching, put a stick.

2. Emphasis lying on the hips.

3. Emphasis crouching, take a stick.

4. Straighten up, stick up.

5. Half-squat, knees apart, stick behind the head.

6. Tilt forward.

7. Sit on your heels, stick on your chest.

8. Sit on your knees, stick up.

VII. 1. Sit on your heels, leaning forward.

2. The same as on account 1 (indicate).

3. Stand on your knees, stick up.

4. Stick down.

5. Left foot to the side on the toe, stick up.

6. Put your foot, stick down.

7. The same as on the count of 5, but with the other foot.

8. Same as for 6.

VIII. 1. Stand on the right knee, left bent leg forward, stick to the chest.

2. Straighten up, putting your right foot.

3. Step left foot back, stick up.

4. Put a foot, a stick on the chest.

5. Jump stand legs apart, stick up.

6. Jump main stance, stick down.

7. Stick to the right shoulder, keeping a grip with the left hand.

8. Left hand through side down, main stance.

Complex 15.

Exercises with gymnastic sticks for boys of middle school age

The interval and distance between the participants is 2 m. Gymnastic sticks are colored red. Starting position - main stance, stick at the bottom.

I. 1. Rising on toes, stick forward.

2. Stick up.

3. Stick forward.

4. Stick on the chest.

5. Turn the body to the right, stick forward vertically (left hand on top).

6. Turn the body to the left, stick to the chest.

7. The same as at the expense of 5, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands.

8. Turn the torso to the right, leaving the right leg, stand the legs apart, stick down.

II. 1. Stick on the chest.

3. Stick forward.

4. The same as on account 1.

5. With the torso turned to the right, stick forward vertically (left hand on top).

6. With the turn of the body to the left, a stick on the chest.

7. The same as on account 5, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands.

8. With a turn of the torso to the right, leaving the right leg, stand the legs apart, stick down.

III. 1. Stick on the chest.

2. Putting the right foot, stick up.

3. Swing your right foot forward, stick forward.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Same as on count 3, but with the other foot.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Half squat, stick forward.

8. Straighten up, main stance, stick up.

IV. 1. Stick to the shoulder to the left.

2. Stick to the shoulder to the right.

3. Swing the right leg to the side, stick to the shoulder to the left.

4. Putting the right foot, stick to the shoulder to the right.

5. Same as on account 1.

6. Same as on count 3, but with the other foot.

7. Putting the left foot, the stick is arched downwards upwards.

8. Stick on the chest.

V. 1. Tilt forward, put the stick at your feet.

2. Straighten up, "hands up and out.

3. Bend your arms to the sides (fingers clenched into fists).

4. Hands up and out.

5. Circle with arms out.

6. Arcs outward arms down, clap palms on the hips.

7. Arcs outward arms up, clap above your head.

8. Squat, arms down with arches outward, lower your head.

VI. 1. Raise your head.

2. Emphasis lying.

3. Emphasis lying on the hips, legs apart.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Emphasis lying, legs apart.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Emphasis crouching, take a stick.

8. Straighten up, stick down.

VII. 1 -2. Turn (the first numbers - to the right, the second - to the left).

3-4. Step forward with the left (right) foot.

5-6. Turn in the main direction (toward the audience).

7. Emphasis crouching, lower your head.

8. Raise your head.

VIII. 1. Right foot to the side on the toe.

2. Attach a leg, crouching emphasis.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Same as on account 2. 5-6. Climbing up on your toes, stick up.

7. Stick on the chest.

8. Stick down.

IX. 1. Stick forward.

2. Stick up.

3. Stick to the right shoulder.

4. Arc outward left hand down.

5-7. Three steps in place, starting with the left foot.

8. Attach the right foot.

Complex 16.

Interval and distance - 2 m.

Starting position - main stance.

I. 1. Hands forward.

2. Hands in front of the chest.

3. Hands up.

4. Arcs outward arms down.

5. Left hand to the side, turn your head to the left.

7. Squat, arms down to the sides, palms back.

8. Lower your head.

II. 1. Raise your head, palms forward.

2. Lower your head, palms back.

3. The same as on account 1.

4. Emphasis crouching, lower your head.

5. Straighten up, hands in front of the chest.

6. Hands up-out, look straight ahead.

7. Arcs inside the arms to the sides.

8. Jump stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

III. 1. Turning the body to the left lunge with the left foot.

2. Stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. The same as on count 2, but arms to the sides.

5. Squat on the left leg, hands in front of the chest.

6. Same as on account 4.

7. Same as for 5, not with the other foot.

8. Stand legs apart, arches downwards arms upwards.

IV. 1. Leap stop crouching, lower your head.

2. Straighten up with a jump, hands on the belt.

3. Swing the left foot to the side, arms to the sides (look at the left hand).

4. Attach a leg, hands down.

5. The same as on account 3, but in the other direction.

6. Put the right leg, hands on the belt.

7. Hands to the sides.

8. Hands through the sides up.

V. 1. Emphasis crouching, arches forward arms down.

2. Straighten up, left leg back on the toe, arms up and out (palms forward).

3. Emphasis crouching.

4. Straighten up. Same as on count 2, but with the other foot.

5. "Swimmer start".

6. Hands forward.

7. Straightening, arms up and out (palms out).

8. Hands to the sides.

VI . 1. Circle with the left hand down.

2. Circle with the right hand down.

3. Squat, hands down to the sides, head down.

4. Turn your palms forward, raise your head.

5. Hands forward.

6. Straighten up, arching your arms down to the sides.

7. Bend your arms to the sides (fingers clenched into fists).

8. Hands up.

VII. 1. Tilt forward.

2. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

3. Tilt back.

4. Half squat, arms to the sides.

5. Leap turn to the left in a circle in a leg stance apart, hands on the belt.

6. Jump stop crouching.

7. The same as on the count of 5, but arms to the sides.

8. Hands on the belt.

VIII. 1. Jump half-squat on the left leg, right forward on the toe, arms to the side-down (palms up), look to the left.

2. Straighten up with a jump and rise on your toes, hands on your belt.

3. The same as on account 1, changing the position of the legs.

4. The same as on account 1.

5. Jump leg stance apart, arms forward.

6. Jump main stance, arms to the sides.

7. The same as on the count of 5, but clap your hands over your head.

8. Jump main stance.

Complex 17.

Charging-type exercises for children of primary and secondary school age

Interval and distance between participants - 2 m.

Starting position - main stance.

I. 1. Hands forward "

2. Hands up.

3. Hands in front of the chest.

4. Hands down.

5. Right hand to the side.

6. Left hand to the side.

7. Half squat, clap above your head (arms straight).

8. Straighten up, arms to the sides.

II. 1. Lunge to the right, arms forward.

2. With a push, unbending the right leg, put it to the left, arms to the sides.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Right hand forward.

6. Left hand forward.

7. Jump leg stance apart, arms to the sides.

8. Arcs down the arms in front of the chest.

III. 1. Turn the body to the right, hands on the belt.

2. Turn the body to the left, arms in front of the chest.

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

4. The same as on account 2, but in the other direction.

5. Jump main stance, arms to the sides.

6. Squat, hands forward.

7. Straighten up, arms to the sides.

8. Hands up.

IV. 1. Lunge to the right, left hand behind the head, right to the side.

2. Attach the right foot, arms up.

3. The same as on account 2, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands.

4. Attach the left tourniquet, hands up and out.

5. Squat, arms down to the sides.

6. Straighten up, arms up and out.

7. Tilt forward.

8. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

V. 1-2. Rising on toes, arms outward with arcs up, palms together. 3-4. Dropping on the whole foot, hands on the belt.

5. Hands to the sides.

6. Half squat, knees together, clapping palms on thighs.

7. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

8. Jump leg stance apart, arms to the sides.

VI. 1. Turning the torso to the right, lunge with the right foot, hands forward (the left arc downwards).

2. Turn the torso to the left, arms to the sides (left with an arc downwards).

3. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands.

4. The same as on account 2, but in the other direction, changing the position of the hands.

5. Jump stop crouching.

6. Emphasis lying on the hips.

7. Same as on count 6, legs apart.

8. Emphasis crouching.

VII. 1. Right foot to the side on the toe, arms forward.

2. Attach a leg, hands down, crouching emphasis.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Straighten up, arms up and out.

6. Half-squat with a half-tilt forward, hands behind the head.

7. Straighten up, arms up and out.

8. Hands down.

VIII. 1-3. Three steps in place, starting with the left foot.

4. Attach the right leg, arms to the sides.

5. Hands through the sides up, clap your hands over your head.

6. Hands through the sides down, clap the palms on the hips.

7. Same as on account 5.

8. Same as on count 6, main stance.

Complex 18.

Exercises without subjects for girls of middle school age

The interval and distance between the participants is 3 m.

Starting position - main stance.

I. 1. Hands forward

2. Hands to the sides.

3. Hands up.

4. Hands behind the head.

5. Half squat with a half turn to the right.

6. Straighten up with a half turn to the left, hands behind your head.

7. The same as at the expense of 5, but in the other direction.

8. The same as at the expense of 6, but in the other direction.

II. 1. Jump right turn.

2. Half squat, arms forward.

3. Straighten up, arms down.

4. The same as on account 1, but in the other direction.

5-8. Same as for 1-4.

III. 1. Left foot to the side on the toe, hands in front of the chest (fingers clasped into a "lock").

2. Hands up.

3. Tilt to the left.

4. Attach the left leg, arches outward arms down.

5. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. The same as on account 3, but in the other direction.

8. Same as on account 4.

IV. 1. Tilt forward.

2. Emphasis crouching, look straight ahead.

3. Lower your head.

4. Raise your head.

5. Emphasis standing bent over.

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Straightening up, rise on your toes, arms to the sides.

8. Hands up.

V. 1. Dropping on the whole foot, right hand behind the head.

2. Left hand behind the head (fingers clasped into a “lock”).

3. Hands up (fingers in the "castle").

4. Hands behind the head.

5. Left hand through the side down.

6. Right hand through the side down.

7. Clap your hands over your head.

8. Hands through the sides down.

V. 1 - 2. Rising on toes, gently raise your arms to the sides and up.

3 - 6. 360° left stepping turn.

7 - 8. Hands behind the head, bend over.

1. Half-squat jump on the left leg, right forward on the heel, arms to the sides (palms up).

2. Jump up on your toes, hands on your belt.

3. The same as on account 1, but change the position of the legs.

4. Same as on account 2.

5 - 8. The same as for the account 1-4.

Complex 19.

Charging-type exercises for children of primary and secondary school age

Interval and distance between participants - 2 m.

Starting position - emphasis crouching. Introduction. Everyone straighten up.

I. 1. Girls - left, boys - right foot to the side on the toe, arms through the sides up.

2. Everyone: emphasis crouching.

3. Same as on count 1, but with the other foot.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Girls - left, boys - right hand to the side.

6. Change the position of the hands.

7. Everyone: arms to the sides.

8. Everyone: hands up.

II. 1. Everyone: squat, hands down, tilt your head.

2. Girls: raise your head.

3. Girls: lower your head; boys: raise your head.

4. Same as on count 3, but change the position of the head.

5. Everyone: straighten up, bending over and moving the leg to the side on the toe (girls - left,

boys - right).

6. Emphasis crouching.

7. The same as on account 5, changing the position of the legs.

8. Main stance, hands on the belt.

III. 1. Turn: girls - to the left, boys - to the right, arms to the sides.

2. Put your foot, hands on your belt.

3. Squat, hands forward.

4. Rise on toes, arms back.

5. Same as on account 3.

6. Straighten up, arms down.

7. Turn: girls - to the right, boys - to the left, arms up and crosswise.

8. The same as on count 2, but hands down through the sides.

IV. 1. Jump turn: girls - to the left, boys - to the right.

2. Everyone: emphasis crouching.

3. Straighten up, arms back.

4. Same as on account 2.

5-6. Same as for 3-4.

7. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

8. Jump turn: girls - to the right, boys - to the left, arms up.

V. I. Girls - left, boys - right hand to the side.

2. Everyone: arms to the sides.

3. Hands down-cross.

4. Same as on account 2.

5. Hands up-cross. *

6. Same as on account 2.

7. Hands to the shoulders.

8. Emphasis crouching.

VI. 1. Jump to straighten up in a leg stance apart, arms to the sides.

2. Jump stop crouching.

3-4. Same as for I-2.

5. Straighten up, hands on the belt.

6. Hands up and out.

7. Hands to the side, down. 8. Hands down.

VII. 1-4. Cross movements with bent arms above the head.

5. Girls: half squat, right leg behind; boys: head tilt forward;

all: hands to the sides, down.

6. Girls: straighten up; boys: raise your head, hands down.

7-8. Turn around.

VIII. 1-8. Rebuilding.

Complex 20.

Exercises with poles for boys of senior school age.

Participants (5 people for each pole) are located in a chess formation. Interval and distance - 4 m. Calculation of fives - from left to right.

Starting position - the main rack, the pole below.

I. 1-2*. Six forward.

3-4. Six up. 5-6. Six on the chest.

7-8. Six down.

II. 1. Step left, pole forward. 2. Pole up.

3-4. Tilt forward with subsequent straightening, circle with hands to the left.

5-6. Tilt forward with subsequent straightening, circle with arms to the right. *

7. Pole on the head.

8. Put your left foot, pole down.

III. 1. Pole up.

2-3. Two springy forward bends, a pole at the ankle joints.

4. Straighten up, pole up.

5-6. Half-squat, knees apart, pole forward.

7. Same as on account 4.

8. Pole down.

IV. 1-2. Step to the left, circle with hands to the right.

3-4. Step to the right, circle with hands to the left.

5. Arcs to the left, circle with hands to the left.

6. The same as on account 5, but in the other direction.

7-8. Arcs downward hands down.

V. 1. Squat, pole down.

2. Interception of the right in the grip from below.

3. Straighten up with a turn to the left, pole up.

4. Put the right foot, the pole on the right shoulder.

5. Pole on the left shoulder.

6. Pole on the right shoulder.

7. Pole up.

8. Left hand on the belt.

VI. 1-2. Circle right hand forward.

3-4. Tilt forward with subsequent straightening, circle with the right hand forward.

5-6. Two quick circles forward with bent right arm.

7. Turn to the right, circle with the right hand to the left.

8. Attach the left foot, pole up (interception of the left in the grip from above).

VII. 1. Squat, pole down.

2. Interception of the right in the grip from above.

3-4. Odd ranks raise the right and lower the left end of the pole

(with appropriate squatting or lifting sections); even perform

the same on the other side.

5-6. Change the position of the lines.

7-8. Everyone: main stance, pole up.

VIII. 1. Odd: main stance, pole up; even: squat, pole down.

2. Change the position of the ranks.

3. The same as on account 1.

4-7. Everyone: jumping, stand legs apart, arms up and out.

8. Jump main stance, pole on the chest.

IX-XXIV. Figured marching "patterns".

IN childhood there is an active growth of the body and the duty of parents to help their child in physical development. We need to make it stronger and healthier for everyone possible ways. Sport and an active lifestyle are the basis and guarantee of good health! How to start teaching your baby to take care of his body? Of course, with morning exercises, which will not only wake you up, but also energize you for the whole day!

The health of the baby must be taken care of early childhood. Massages, constant walks and home games are certainly good. In addition, you need to carry out sets of exercises that will help not only to use the necessary muscle groups, but to gain new knowledge.

Musical exercises from 1.5 years old "A giraffe has spots."

In order to attract the attention of a child, songs and music are often used. There are many different songs that are written especially for kids. Their text indicates all the actions that the baby must do. Let's take a look at one of them!

This exercise can be done with a very young child. You can start doing such exercises with a child up to 1.5. The text of the song is very clear and even an unprepared, inexperienced person can carry out exercises. You can put the baby on a pillow in front of you, controlling his hands to sing a song and do the whole complex to the music. When the child grows up a little and is able to perform the actions himself, you can stand in front of each other. So he can look at you and repeat the set of exercises after you.

Consider the main movements in the text:

  1. The song begins with the words: "The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere." During this stitch it is necessary to show the spots of the giraffe. For greater clarity, spread your fingers, feed them a little forward, as if they were focusing on a wall. The line is repeated twice.
  2. Then comes the main block, which will help to learn parts of the body with the child: “On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows. There are on the nose, on the stomach, knees and socks. This block must be done with both hands on the body.
  3. The remaining three verses are done according to the same principle.

To avoid problems when performing this charge, you can watch the detailed video below:

There are a lot of such songs and they can be alternated so that the child is not bored. At the same time, the benefits for the child's body will be versatile.

Charging for every day.

In addition to musical exercises, you can invite the child to play. Disguise a small set of exercises as a game. The most important thing to remember is that small children cannot do the same exercise for a long time, they get tired quickly. If you want more benefits, you can use the proposed exercises several times during the day.


This exercise is also for attentiveness and ingenuity.

Stand in front of the child and ask the baby to stretch, raising his arms up. Then say that you are the wind, he is a birch and the wind blows on a birch. The birch sways from side to side, and when the wind stops blowing, the birch stands up straight again.

"Funny animals"

The principle is that the child is invited to imagine that he is some kind of animal. For example, that he is a bunny. The child must jump like bunnies jump. You can also depict how a penguin walks or a cockerel walks, how a kitten fawns or a bear walks. It will be very interesting and fun if there are several kids.


Play the situation that the child is an airplane. It is located at the airport and stands in its place. The place can be a sofa, a chair or a bed. At first he sits still and when the dispatcher announces that he is ready to take off, the baby begins to run around the room, spreading his arms like wings. After the words: "It's time to land!", He must return to the parking lot.

"For mushrooms, for berries"

Arrange cubes, balls or toys around the room. Invite your child to pick berries or mushrooms. At the same time, he must squat at each item, rise and carry it into a bucket (bag, basket). And so on, until everything is collected. You can complicate and offer to collect by color.

Morning exercises for preschool children (3-7 years old).

Older children need a heavier load to engage more muscle. The complex proposed below is perfect for ages from 3 to 7 years. Simple but effective exercises will not cause problems. They should be changed periodically.

If the complex is used for a child of 3 years, then you should not exercise for more than 5 minutes. With the addition of the year, it should be increased by about a minute.

Charging in verse.

Morning work-out for children it can be in poetic form. This will make the process more interesting. The child will be happy to do the exercises described in the verses.

Simple strengthening exercises to recharge.

Consider the individual elements from which you can assemble any complex you like. You can consult with the child and leave only those that you liked the most and then gradually add the rest. The most important thing is that the child is interested. If he does not like this or that component, you can exclude it. Morning developmental exercises are performed for children strictly before meals.


In this exercise, the child should raise his arms up through the sides, stretch well up. It can be said at the same time that he reaches for the sun. Then offer to wave your hands to the sun or pretend that he is dispersing the clouds to see the sun. Additionally, you can put your hands behind your head and bend well.


The exercise is aimed at warming up the upper body. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Hands are placed on the belt. It is necessary to make turns to the sides, pretending that the clock is ticking. In this case, it should only move top part torso, and the pelvis remains in a stationary position. When turning - inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale. It is done 5 times in each direction.

"Look around"

Starting position as in the previous exercise. Smooth turns are performed in both directions. It is necessary to perform 3 times in each direction.

"Touch the Floor"

The legs remain in the same position. It is necessary to bend down, exhale, stretch and reach with your hands to the floor. Straighten up, inhale.

"Window in the house"

The child lies on his stomach and joins his hands in the castle. As you exhale, you need to raise your head and shoulders, stretch your arms in the lock forward and up. Linger on 5-8 accounts. Inhale - go down. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Swinging legs"

Remaining lying on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows, put one on top of the other and lower your chin on them. Take turns swinging with each leg. 5 times each.


Lying on your back, you need to depict the well-known exercise - pedaling a bicycle. 8 - 10 accounts.


After the “bicycle” exercise, you need to focus on your elbows, bend your legs at the knees and put them on the floor. Alternately straightening each leg up and holding it for 5-6 counts at the top. Do 2-4 times with each leg.

"Reach for a sock"

The final complex for stretching. Sit on the floor, spread your legs to the sides as far as the stretch allows. You need to get to the toe, grab it and linger for 5-6 accounts. Then change legs. Repeat 2-4 times.

"Closed Book"

Continuing to sit on the floor, connect the straightened legs. Raising your hands, you need to go down to the toes of your feet, exhale. Stretch and linger for 5-6 counts. Return to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat 3-4 times.

This is the main complex, which can be reduced or supplemented, the time of the event can be varied. You can finish it with deep breaths and exhalations. During charging, observe the child, his condition.

In addition to the suggested exercises, you can take your favorite options from the video below:

Morning exercises for school children. Full complex.

For schoolchildren, charging is no less important! Except physical development, charging will help you quickly wake up and go to school cheerful and energetic.

  1. Always start by walking in place. We warm up the muscles and prepare for stretching.
  2. Next, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. To the right, then to the left, slowly tilt your head. In this case, the body is in a stationary state. 4 times in each direction.
  3. We remain in the same position. We stretch one hand up, the other remains down. Now alternate hands in front of you. 8 times.
  4. Body turns. All the same position, feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Turns are made alternately to the sides. Turns are done completely with the whole body and you need to try to get your elbow as far as possible behind you in order to better stretch the muscles. 4 in each.
  5. Further, the arms are extended to the sides and tilts to the right and left begin. In this case, the pelvis does not move, all actions are performed only top. During the tilt, first the right hand reaches for the left leg, then vice versa. 4 times in each direction.
  6. Then we move on to full slopes. Both hands first tend to the right leg, then raise and lower again, but already to the left. 4 times for each leg.
  7. Sit on the floor. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Put your hands behind your head in the castle. Turns are made to the right and then to the left. 4 approaches.
  8. Remaining sitting on the floor, we connect the legs together. Emphasis is placed on the back of the hands. Now, in turn, the right straight leg rises first, then the left. In this case, it is necessary to try to raise the leg as high as possible. 4 times.
  9. The penultimate exercise, jumping through the squat. First you need to sit down, but not completely, but half. Then, on the rise, make a push from the floor and, as it were, jump up. During landing, we immediately go to the squat and repeat these steps 8 times.
  10. In conclusion, slowly stretch up, rise on your toes, count to 4. Then slowly lower yourself to the full foot, while the body leans forward and towards the legs. Bend as low as possible to fix the position and stretch the muscles. If the stretch is good, you can wrap your arms around your legs. Count to 4 and rise to the starting position.

When choosing morning exercises for your child, look at his abilities and health. Pay attention to stretching, it improves blood circulation and, accordingly, improves metabolism. Additionally, for good health, it will be good to temper the baby from childhood, do periodic massages and monitor nutrition. Be healthy!

Immediately after the birth of the baby, it is important to carry out a complex of developmental gymnastics for the proper development of the crumbs. With age, the importance of exercise becomes even more important, especially as children approach puberty. Charging and gymnastic exercises will help the child to be healthy, active and in a good mood throughout the day.


morning exercises or charging is important and necessary at any age, therefore it is recommended for all family members. Each age group has its own exercises and training focus, but the benefits of physical activity obvious. From birth, the baby is prescribed massages and exercises to help proper development a small organism, in some cases exercise therapy is prescribed for infants. When a child becomes independent and can perform physical exercise without the help of a parent, there comes a period of time when you need to start exercising with him.

9 years old is the age when the number of homework for a child seriously increases, he has several times more things to do. Charging for children at the age of 10 is simply necessary, because not every parent can find the time and finances for a child to attend a sports section or engage in other types of vigorous activity.

To make up for the lack physical activity, it is important to allocate at least 20 minutes a day to do a little warm-up with a teenager. Gymnastic exercises at this age should be selected no less carefully than at any other stage in the development of the child. Both at the age of 9 and at 11 there is an active growth of the body, and the older the student becomes, the more intensively all processes take place inside and outside his body.

It is this time that is considered optimal for dividing a set of exercises for girls and boys due to the difference in the pace of development of the body. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the metabolic processes of puberty, it is important for girls to focus on those exercises that will correct the figure. During the period of active growth of bones in the body of boys, it is necessary to help them relieve muscle discomfort and develop muscles so that it has time to grow behind the bone tissue.

Physical exercises and exercises for children of 9-12 years old are of great importance, therefore you should not neglect it, but try to participate in the life of the child and spend a physical education session with him.


The onset of puberty is of great importance for both physical parameters girls and boys, and for their psychological development in general, which is why it is so important to pay due attention to these issues. It is at this time that all the main parameters of the figure are laid, which will later be very difficult to change. The main bias in exercises for boys and girls of this age should be done on flexibility, coordination and those exercises that help strengthen the entire body.

In the process of training, it is necessary not only to choose the right exercises, but also to ensure that the upper and Bottom part bodies were loaded equally. The same applies to the right and left sides of the body.

If parents have the opportunity, and, of course, the desire to engage with the child, then the following gymnastic exercises should be introduced into the charging complex:

  • Somersault. His students should already be able to do physical education lessons, so at home, parents will also be able to cope with the task. It is advisable to first study the technique of carrying out the exercise and insurance during a somersault in order to safely carry it out at home. The reverse roll is more difficult to do, so the role of the parent in this case is very important to explain everything correctly and help reproduce it.

  • If there is a large space at home, in the yard or at the stadium, if it is located nearby, you can try to make wheel. The first step in learning the wheel will be a handstand against the wall, after which you will need to learn how to get out of this position by raising your arm and lowering your leg to the other side. As soon as the wheel against the wall begins to turn out, you can try to make it without support.

  • Another important exercise for children of this age is bridge, which develops the muscles of the back and activates the spine, which eliminates the formation of any problems with it in early age. Initially, they learn to make a bridge from a prone position on the floor. The first exercises should be performed with insurance, and then use a wall or swedish stairs on which the child himself will be able to descend into the bridge and get up from it.

  • Twine are also important for children of this age, especially for girls, as they develop internal muscles legs. The flexibility of any limb for a girl will be an advantage, because learning to split will become very important point for the development of a flexible and coordinated girl.

As for the boys, physical exercise for them will be slightly different from those intended for girls. Since the growth of the skeleton begins quite abruptly, the muscles do not have time to catch up with it, and therefore adolescent boys often get tired and lead a sluggish and passive lifestyle. During this period, it is important to work hard on the flexibility of all parts of the body and perform more exercise for coordination.

Worth using sports equipment and equipment in the process of charging or exercising.

Usually, morning exercises at this age are a general strengthening event, and the main load is given after it. After the warm-up has been completed, the boy is given a certain set of exercises, which he must cope with without much difficulty, but with tension in all the muscles of the body.

Approximate complex

In order for exercises and gymnastics for teenagers to proceed correctly, it is worth choosing the best exercises for them. The main ones will be:

  • Walking in place. It is important to monitor the position of the body, posture and the position of the hands - strictly down.

  • Legs together, arms along the body, Task: lifting on toes, while the arms should be raised simultaneously to the sides. It is necessary to monitor posture and breathing.
  • Feet slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Task: turn the body alternately in each direction with the maximum withdrawal of the elbow. It is important to watch your posture.
  • Legs, as in the previous exercise, put your hands on your shoulders. Task: rotate the elbows in the direction forward and backward in maximum amplitude. Follow your posture.

  • Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. Task: at the expense of 1 - lean forward, stretch your arms parallel to the floor, at 2 - the starting position. You can complicate the exercise: 1 - lean forward, 2 - bend in the back and arms up, 3 - lean forward, 4 - starting position.
  • Squats to a 90 degree angle at the knees, pull the pelvis back, keep your back straight with a slight forward tilt. To make it more difficult, you can do triple squats with three springs in each squat and return to the legstand.
  • Feet slightly apart, arms down. Task: 1 - raising arms and raising on toes, 2 - tilting down with lowering hands to the floor.

The number of repetitions will depend on the level of preparation of children. As the exercises become feasible, you need to gradually increase their number.

In the complex of morning exercises for boys, you can also include exercises such as:

  • Move your legs. Basic position: legs side by side, arms arbitrarily. Swing with the right and left legs for 8-10 repetitions. The movement is made from the starting position forward, to the side, and also back in turn with each foot.
  • Coordination movements of arms and legs. Legs nearby, arms down, on 1 - raising the arms and moving one leg back to the toe, on 2 - the starting position. We repeat the same with the other leg.
  • Tilts to the sides with the addition of arms. Feet slightly apart, hands on the belt. Task: tilt to the side, arms stretch in the same direction. The exercise is performed in each direction.

  • Push ups. Task: from the prone position, bend and align your arms in elbow joint. Maintain a level body position and range of motion.
  • Press. Sitting on the mat, legs can be straight or bent in knee joints, the position of the hands is behind the head. Task: lie on your back and return to the starting position. You can add rotations of the body to the right and left alternately for the work of the oblique muscles of the press.

Usage basic exercises or those that include elements of gymnastics for carrying out exercises with children 9-12 years old will bring great benefit for the body of adolescents, will attract them to sports and give good mood preparing the student for the new day.


The use of various items and sports equipment can make any exercise or training much more interesting. If the child does not want to do pattern exercises, and sport sections you can't afford, then use gymnastic stick, ball, jump rope will help to radically change the situation.

OFP with objects and groovy music will not leave a teenager indifferent and will attract all household members to training. With the help of a projectile, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Sitting position on the mat, legs apart, ball on the thigh of one leg. Objective: Roll the ball down the leg from the hip to the toes. Work is done on each leg in turn.
  • Sitting on the mat, legs forward together, put the ball on the feet, put your hands on the floor behind. Task: raise your legs so that the ball rolls to the stomach and comes back.
  • Lying on the mat, hold the ball with your feet. Task: lift your legs up to an angle of 90 degrees without dropping the ball.

Exercises using a gymnastic stick.

  • Standing, legs slightly apart, crossed arms holding a stick. Task: move your fingers to the end of the stick with each hand in the opposite direction.
  • The wand is placed on the floor. Task: walk along it, stepping clearly with the middle of the foot. This exercise is especially good at preventing clubfoot, and most importantly, children can do it. different ages with equally good results.

At the end of any workout, it is important to carry out a stretching complex, which will allow you to relax the muscles and relieve fatigue, relieving the child of discomfort after class. Daily exercise It will help you develop a habit that will last a lifetime.

For information on how to exercise for children 9-12 years old, see the following video.