Testing for physical fitness in fitness. Fitness Level Test

Many girls overestimate the level of their own preparedness. Jogging behind the bus every morning and light walks on Saturdays do not help to maintain a good physical form. Before embarking on a set of exercises or switching from one sport to another, test your abilities with the tests below. This will determine the condition of the muscles and joints, cardiovascular vascular system, as well as find out which departments and systems are less developed than others. After that, you can choose the most suitable for the current level. physical fitness training program. Check your abilities every few months and record your progress.

1. Test for the physical condition of the muscles

Strong muscles are by no means a privilege of men. Every day a woman faces a huge number of situations where Strong arms, press or legs. This is raising children, and shopping, and doing housework. Let's do some tests to find out the strengths and weaknesses in your muscle development.

1. Test for abdominal muscles (plank)

Get into a classic plank position. See the execution technique here - "Plank". You need to time yourself and stay in this position for as long as possible. After that, determine the state of the abdominal muscles.

  • In bad shape - 10-20 seconds
  • In mediocre form - 30-40 seconds
  • In good shape - 60-80 seconds
  • IN great shape- 90-120 seconds

2. Test for pectoral muscles (push-ups)

  • In bad shape - 1-2 times
  • In good shape - 5-6 times
  • In great shape - 10 times

3. Biceps test (pull-ups)

Grab the bar narrow grip palms towards you. Without swinging, pull yourself up by bending your arms and trying to raise yourself so that your chin is above the bar, then slowly lower yourself. Count the number of pull-ups and determine the level of your fitness.

  • In bad shape - 1-2 times
  • In mediocre form - 3-4 times
  • In good shape - 5-6 times
  • In great shape - 10 times

4. Leg strength test (squats on one leg)

One-legged squats (pistol) are a great test for balance and leg muscles. See the execution technique here - "Squats on one leg". Count how many such squats you can perform and evaluate your capabilities.

  • In bad shape - 0 times
  • In mediocre form - 1 time
  • In good shape - 3-4 times
  • In great shape - 5-6 times

2. Test for the state of the cardiovascular system

Find a bench or a sturdy chair 30 cm high. Stand on the bench and get off it in four counts: on the count of "one" put one foot on the bench, on "two" - the other, on "three" lower one foot to the ground, on " four" - another. The pace should be as follows; two full steps up and down in 5 seconds, 24 in a minute. Continue the test for 3 minutes. After testing, immediately sit on a bench and count your pulse.

The pulse should be counted for a minute to determine not only the pulse rate, but also the rate at which the heart recovers after exercise. Compare the received data with the table data and you will see how well prepared you are.

Good stretch improves motor activity a person, which has a good effect on the condition of the joints and prevents the appearance of bone fragility. Let's evaluate the level of stretching of the hamstrings and buttocks.

Stand straight and place your feet about 40-45 cm wide. Keeping your back straight and bending at the waist, perform a smooth forward lean, trying to reach your fingers to the floor in front of you. Determine the level of your flexibility and draw appropriate conclusions.

  • Unable to reach the floor, then you have poor flexibility.
  • If you manage to reach the floor with your fingers, then you have mediocre flexibility.
  • I managed to put my palms on the floor, then you have good flexibility.
  • You can lean even lower, then you have great flexibility.

There are a fairly large number of scientifically based fitness tests to check your condition. Fitness tests are needed in order to determine the most important parameters of your body:

1. The level of development of the cardiovascular system.
2. The level of flexibility in certain areas of the body.
3. The condition of the spine (the most important curves).
4. The level of strength and endurance in certain (most important for you) exercises: push-ups, squats, strength exercises with weight, running for certain distances for a while.

How to choose fitness tests for yourself?

First, clearly define the parameters with which you want to work in training. You need to select tests that correspond to the parameter being checked.

Development of flexibility

If you are working on flexibility, use , and also check . The last test is useful for everyone to do in order to avoid trouble with the lower back.

general physical preparation

If you are engaged in general physical training and health activities, regularly spend, or. They will tell you when to pay attention to cardio.

Regularly check yourself in test exercises: squats for times, for times, squats with a barbell, pull-ups, long jumps, running for a certain distance, etc. If the results are growing, then everything is in order. If they decrease or do not change, it is worth taking measures to improve training program or just take a few days off.

Weight loss

If you are working on weight loss, do a Rufier-Dixon test regularly, weigh yourself (no more than once a week), take measurements of body girths (once a month).

Test formula: RDI \u003d (4 x (P1 + P2 + P3) - 200) / 10

Strength development, powerlifting

If you train for strength, regularly check your abilities in the most important strength exercises:,. Progress is clearly visible if you keep regular records of training. The growth of working weights and the number of repetitions with them speaks for itself.

Don't forget to test yourself with the Rufier-Dixon test. It will show the state of the heart. If the indicators become worse, it is necessary to pay attention to cardio training.

Bodybuilding and muscle building

Bodybuilding classes and set muscle mass imply regular weighing and measurements of girths of all areas of the body. Special attention pay attention to the waist. If it grows significantly, then you need to pay attention to nutrition (gain overweight not related to muscles). Also have regular Rufier-Dixon or Cooper tests to monitor your heart.

Choose the fitness test that suits you and do it regularly every 2-4 weeks at the same time of day. Compare results and draw conclusions.

Any questions can be asked through the comment form under the articles.

April 13, 2016

Consider how to conduct a fitness test to determine the level of physical fitness

Level detection physical training is one of the most reliable ways to know if you are progressing in your workouts. And what is important: it is not at all necessary to contact fitness center specialists or use sophisticated equipment for this. gyms. Everyone can independently test muscle strength, determine endurance and functionality of the cardiovascular system, and identify opportunities in flexibility. And today we will tell you what special methods can help with this.

To check the level of physical fitness of the muscles, respiratory system and circulatory systems usually resort to so-called tests. Such fitness tests are a kind of indicator of those sports maximums that your body is able to achieve in terms of certain indicators.

The most representative are the push-up test, the crunch test, the 3-minute heart rate test, and the 1.5 km aerobic endurance test. Below we will consider in detail the essence of each of these loads and the system of results for men and women that correspond to one or another level of physical fitness of a person (depending on his / her age).

However, first I would like to note that such test fitness loads should be carried out more or less regularly (for example, once every 2-4 weeks). If you progress on the test, it will mean that the sport program on which you work in this moment, is effective and promotes physical development. If the test results remain unchanged over time or fall, then this should be a signal to make adjustments to the fitness plan.

Fitness Test #1. Push ups

This type of load allows you to measure strength and strength pectoral muscles, shoulders and triceps, as well as the endurance of these muscle groups. Equipment needed: 1-minute timer to complete the exercise.

Goal: Do as many push-ups as you can in one minute. Women can use a modified position - kneeling push-ups.

Results for Men

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Great > 54 > 44 > 39 > 34 > 29
Fine 45-54 35-44 30-39 25-34 20-29
Medium 35-44 24-34 20-29 15-24 10-19
Low rate 20-34 15-24 12-19 8-14 5-9
Very low score < 20 < 15 < 12 < 8 < 5

Results For Women

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Great >48 >39 >34 >29 >19
Fine 34-48 25-39 20-34 15-29 5-19
Medium 17-33 12-24 8-19 6-14 3-4
Low rate 6-16 4-11 3-7 2-5 1-2
Very low score < 6 < 4 < 3 < 2 < 1

Improvement Tip: If you are unable to complete the desired number of repetitions, no need to get upset. Try to gradually improve your score. To do this, focus on weight-bearing exercises aimed at working out the muscles of the chest, arms and shoulders.

Fitness Test #2. Twisting

This type of load helps to measure the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles. The advantage of this exercise is that it can be done anywhere. Equipment Needed: A timer to count one full minute.

Goal: Perform as many crunches as possible in 1 minute.

Outcome scoring: The figures below have been adjusted for age and gender based on findings from sports medicine research.

Results for Men

Age < 35 лет 35-44 years old > 45 years old
Great 60 50 40
Fine 45 40 25
Below the average 30 25 15
Very low score 15 10 5

Results For Women

Age < 35 лет 35-44 years old > 45 years old
Great 50 40 30
Fine 40 25 15
Below the average 25 15 10
Very low score 10 6 4

Improvement Tip: To improve your performance on this test, choose strength exercises, which involve the main muscles in active work abdominals and lower back. Then try to check yourself again in 2-4 weeks.

Fitness Test #3. Heart Rate Recovery

This sports test is aimed at identifying aerobic endurance, that is, the ability of the cardiovascular system to respond to stress. In this exercise, the task is to determine how quickly heartbeat returns to normal after training load. The faster this happens, the more resilient the body.

Equipment needed: stopwatch, platform or box 30 cm high, metronome (to maintain a constant rhythm, 96 beats per minute). You can use the Metronome Online online metronome.

Goal: Step onto the platform for 3 minutes without stopping while maintaining a consistent pace, and then determine how quickly the heart rate returns to normal. To do this, after completing the test, sit on a bench and count your pulse for 1 minute (on the wrist or on the neck). Rest 1 minute and repeat the measurement. Then check the result with the values ​​in the table.

step order

Results for Men

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Great 50-76 51-76 49-76 56-82 60-77 59-81
Fine 79-84 79-85 80-88 87-93 86-94 87-92
Above average 88-93 88-94 92-88 95-101 97-100 94-102
Medium 95-100 96-102 100-105 103-111 103-109 104-110
Below the average 102-107 104-110 108-113 113-119 111-117 114-118
Low rate 111-119 114-121 116-124 121-126 119-128 121-126
Very low score 124-157 126-161 130-163 131-159 131-154 130-151

Results For Women

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Great 52-81 58-80 51-84 63-91 60-92 70-92
Fine 85-93 85-92 89-96 95-101 97-103 96-101
Above average 96-102 95-101 100-104 104-110 106-111 104-111
Medium 104-110 104-110 107-112 113-118 113-118 116-121
Below the average 113-120 113-119 115-120 120-124 119-127 123-126
Low rate 122-131 122-129 124-132 126-132 129-135 128-133
Very low score 135-169 134-171 137-169 137-171 141-174 135-155

Improvement Tip: In order to improve your performance on this test, we recommend that you practice regular cardio workouts, gradually increasing their intensity.

Fitness Test #4. Aerobic Endurance After 1.5 km

This test measures your aerobic fitness level based on how fast you can walk 1.5 km at submaximal speed.

Required equipment: comfortable clothing and sport shoes, stopwatch, stadium, playground, or flat road.

Goal: Walk 1.5 km as fast as possible, but at a steady pace. Do not perform this test on a treadmill as it will skew the results. Also, before starting, do a warm-up for 3-5 minutes.

Results for Men

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+
Great <11:54 <12:24 <12:54 <13:24 <14:06 <15:06
Fine 11:54-13:00 12:24-13:30 12:54-14:00 13:24-14:24 14:06-15:12 15:06-15:48
Medium 13:01-13:42 13:31-14:12 14:01-14:42 14:25-15:12 15:13-16:18 15:49-18:48
Below the average 13:43-14:30 14:13-15:00 14:43-15:30 15:13-16:30 16:19-17:18 18:49-20:18
Low rate >14:30 >15:00 >15:30 >16:30 >17:18 >20:18

Results For Women

The main task in the process physical education, is to ensure optimal development physical qualities, inherent in man.

Increasing the level of physical fitness is a very important task to be solved in the process of physical education of schoolchildren.

The health of the child largely depends on the effectiveness of solving this problem. The level of physical fitness affects success in various types activities.

General readiness implies a versatile development of physical qualities, functional capabilities of organs and systems of the body. .

The physical training of adolescents is now mainly the responsibility of the school. For most students, the lessons physical education are not only the main and for many the only form of their physical education.

Special tests are used to determine the level of development of physical qualities of athletes. From the available literature, we concluded: the methods for determining the physical data of schoolchildren studying in grades 10-11 are described in different sources, which makes it difficult to carry out.

We have made an attempt to combine methods for determining general and special physical fitness in the conditions of city secondary school No. 1.

Run 60 meters. Starting from a crouch to progress top speed on a short stretch. For a quick exit from the start, apply starting blocks. They provide a firm base for pushing off. Two attempts are given best result counts. The result is recorded by a stopwatch, with an accuracy of 0.1 sec. .

Cooper test. The 12-minute run assesses the body's physical fitness based on the distance a person can run (or walk) in 12 minutes. The famous American physiologist K. Cooper developed standards that determine the state of the cardiovascular system (endurance), they are simple and convenient, they have been tested by many people of different ages and physical fitness. We used a table that assesses the level of preparedness.

Table 3

12-minute Cooper running test for fitness

According to the table below, you can determine the degree of preparedness of any person who has overcome a certain distance in 12 minutes of running. The test is carried out at the school sports ground, the circle is 400m, the number of circles that the participant has overcome in 12 minutes of running is recorded.

To determine the level of development of speed endurance, we used a 1000m run on earthen ground. Pupils ran two and a half circles, each circle 400 m. Girls in one race, for boys there were two races. The rhythm of the athlete's breathing must be fully coordinated with the frequency of steps - this allows you to maintain even breathing throughout the distance and eliminate the lack of oxygen in the last laps, when you need to make a finishing dash. The results were recorded by an electronic stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.1 second, after the finish the data of the judges were averaged by two judges and the result was recorded in the protocol.

All remaining tests in general physical training were carried out in gym Secondary school No. 1 of the city of Rudny.

Dynamometry of the hand - the determination of the flexion force of the hand was carried out with a manual dynamometer (calibrated for 90 kg.). The dynamometer is taken in hand with the dial inward. The arm is extended to the side at shoulder level and the dynamometer is squeezed as much as possible. You can not make sudden movements, move away, bend and lower your arm. 2-3 attempts are made first with the left, then right hand. Dynamometers must be calibrated before testing. The average strength of the right hand in men is 35-55 kg, in women - 28-33 kg, the average strength of the left hand is usually 5-10 kg less. Any indicator of strength is closely related to body weight. Therefore, when evaluating the results of dynamometry, it is important to take into account both the main absolute force and the relative one. It is expressed as a percentage. To do this, the strength indicator of the right hand is multiplied by 100 and divided by the body mass indicator. The average indicators of relative strength in men are 65-70% of body weight, in women - 45-55%. The result is fixed at the maximum compression of the dynamometer, one attempt is given. Two measurements are taken - alternately with the left and right hand, the data obtained are recorded in the protocol.

Angle at emphasis: performed on the uneven bars. One attempt is given. The subject fixes the emphasis at an angle, while the arms and legs are absolutely straight, the legs are parallel to the bars, being in emphasis, the student raises his legs until they are 90 degrees with the body. Basically, the angle is held by the thigh muscles and by the press. The angle is held as long as possible, the exercise is performed for a while. The correctness of the performance is controlled visually, the time is fixed by a stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.1 second.

Standing long jump. Starting position before the jump - "swimmer's start" legs half-bent. It is not possible to tear off the legs from the floor before the jump. They push off with both legs with a simultaneous swing of the arms forward. In flight, the legs are bent at the knees and carried forward. At the moment of landing, the student squats and extends his arms to the sides, providing himself with a stable position and a soft landing. The measurement is taken from the point of contact with the ground by any part of the body. Three attempts are made in a row. The best result is recorded in centimeters.

Flexibility test. This test is designed to measure the active flexibility of the spine and hip joints. Determining the amount of forward inclination of the torso is carried out from a position standing on gymnastic bench, to which a measuring tape is attached, marked in centimeters. The scale of the ruler is graduated in such a way that "zero" corresponds to the plane of the bench, centimeters with the sign "-" go above the plane of the bench, and with the sign "+" - below. Feet shoulder width apart, without bending the legs in knee joints, the student should lean forward as much as possible, touching the ruler with outstretched fingers of both hands. The assessment in centimeters is made visually. Three attempts are given, the best result is recorded.

Hanging pull-ups (boys). Hanging is performed on the crossbar, hands shoulder-width apart, grip from below. The subject bends and unbends his arms, while hanging on bent arms. It is necessary to fix the position at the top point and return to the starting position. Run to the level of the chin above the crossbar, any movements of the torso or legs are prohibited. Indicators are recorded visually, the exercise is performed once.

Raising the body from a prone position (girls). The legs are bent at the knee joints at an angle of 90 degrees, the feet are fixed, the hands behind the head are performed to a sitting position, then it is necessary to return to the starting position until the shoulder blades touch the surface of the gymnastic mat. The exercise is performed for 1 minute, it is necessary to raise the torso as many times as possible.

It is difficult to come up with a more accessible and effective exercise than the plank. After all, all that is necessary for its implementation is Smooth surface, own weight and endurance. With systematic implementation, the result will not keep you waiting: the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle, the press, hips and even buttocks will be strengthened.

At first glance, it may seem that the plank is a fairly simple component of a complex workout and it is easy to perform it correctly. But there are a number of common mistakes that can make your workout at least useless and, at the most, traumatic. Therefore, in order to achieve the greatest productivity and prevent complications, you first need to figure out how to do a static exercise correctly.

Classic technique

  1. Place your shoulders over your elbows (forearm plank) or hands (on straight arms).
  2. Make sure that the whole body is even: straighten your legs and keep your lower back. Avoid arching in the lower back, a dip in the shoulder blades and lifting the pelvis up.
  3. Look down. Don't raise your head so as not to overload cervical region spine.
  4. Maintain strong tension throughout the body. Squeeze your buttocks, tighten your stomach and twist your pelvis forward.

How long do you need to last?

Plank for beginners

If you have just started training, then the most optimal time in the bar is 30 seconds. But before moving on to numbers, remember that the main thing is still not time, but correct execution. Therefore, if you feel that already at the 20th second your body relaxes and there are gaps in the technique, rest and prepare for the next approach.

The goal of training for beginners is four sets of 30 seconds each. Once you feel that you are doing this task with ease, increase the time of each set by a few seconds.

Plank for advanced

There are studies on the basis of which it can be concluded that two minutes in the plank is considered a good and optimal result for training. This time shows that the core muscles are in excellent shape.

For example, at Linfield College in Oregon, an experiment was conducted with the participation of 168 students, among whom were both boys and girls. As a result of the study, it turned out that students hold the bar for an average of 1 minute and 46 seconds, and female students - 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Besides, Dr. Stuart McGill, professor of spinal biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada, also claims that two minutes of plank per set will suffice for advanced workouts. According to the expert, if you cannot complete the task, then the reason is either poor technique or excess weight. Both verdicts only mean that you have something to pay close attention to and work on.

5 simple but effective exercises For perfect press

Include them in your workout, and the cubes will not keep you waiting.

Plank for record holders

Upon reaching a 2-minute result, it is recommended to increase not the time, but the complexity of the technique. For example, perform a plank on one arm or with a raised leg, add weights or dynamics. Increasing the time is only worthwhile if your goal is to beat a personal record.

By the way, the current world record among men belongs to an athlete from China. Mao Weidong. In 2016, he was able to hold the bar for 8 hours and 1 minute in the confrontation with George Wood, who set a personal best of 7 hours and 4 minutes. And this year a new achievement among women was recorded - Canadian Dana Glovaka held the position for 4 hours and 20 minutes. She was able to surpass Maria Kalimera's record, which was the highest from 2015 to 2019, by 49 minutes.