We are friends with physical education. Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type "Herringbone"

Sports holiday:

Balashov 2013




Region Integration:

Holiday progress:

We invite everyone now.
Holiday of sports and health
It starts with us!



Heals young children
Heals birds and animals.
And now he's rushing towards us
good doctor...
Children. Aibolit!

Dr. Aibolit:
Is this the Yolochka Kindergarten?

And whispered only two words:

Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: Scarlet fever?
Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: Cholera?
Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: Appendicitis?
Children: No!
Children: No!
Before competing
You should warm up soon.
Do the exercises
Repeat after me.

1. "Roll the ball."
2. Relay "Crossing"

1. We are sports ditties
Prepared for you.
On the go they were composed,
Performing for the first time.

2. We do physical education
We just love
Basic Regulations
We are easily ahead.

3. Better than any kangaroo
I can long jump.
I studied it for a long time
I was not lazy at work!

4. “It hurts here and it hurts there ...
Yura always has an excuse,
He is afraid of physical education!

I forgot about diseases.
Hippocrates gave advice.

6. To develop muscles,
Engage in physical education.
Train, jump
Move your feet more!

7. If you will work,
You can achieve a lot.
Who is stubborn, loves sports,
It won't disappear anywhere!

But we got a little lost.
All the same, they sang to the end,
Oh yes we are! Hey young man!

3. "The ball in the hoop."
4. "Pull the hoop up."
To be completely healthy
Everyone needs exercise.
To start in order -
Let's workout in the morning!

And without any doubt
There is a good solution
Running is useful and play
Get busy kid!

To develop successfully
Need to play sports
From exercise
Will a slim body

It is useful to us without a doubt
That's why guys
We will do the exercises.

We will play together
Run, jump and jump
To make it more fun
We'll take the ball as soon as possible.

Let's stand straight, legs wider
Raise the ball - three or four,
Rising up on your toes.
All movements are easy.

We will take the jump rope in our hands
Hoop, cube or stick.
We will learn all movements
We will become stronger and better.

To learn to jump
We need a jump rope
Let's jump high
Like grasshoppers - easy.

Hoop, cubes will help
Let's bow more often
Squat and bend over.

Here is a great picture
We are like a flexible spring
Let not everything be given at once
We'll have to work!

We'll run the relay.
Let's run fast together
We really need to win!
5. Who will crawl faster

6. "Through the tunnel."
7. Relay "Grasshoppers".

And now a musical break.


Sports holiday:
“We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases”

Physics instructor. culture: Schukina N.V.

Balashov 2013
 Create a festive mood for children;
 To help children feel joy, pleasure from joint motor and play activities;
 To develop orientation in space and physical and volitional qualities in children;
 To stimulate the desire to achieve their own success in sports.
Improve children's skills in walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, balance;
Develop motor skills: speed, agility, flexibility, strength, coordination, activity.
To educate moral and volitional qualities: courage, perseverance, confidence, discipline, the ability to overcome difficulties. Achieve the set goal;
To form feelings of collectivism, interest in sports, habits of systematic physical education.
Promote health promotion;
Develop cardiovascular and respiratory system;
Develop support - locomotor apparatus;
form correct posture.
Equipment: Bell; small ball - 2 pcs.; clubs - 2 pcs.; landmark - 2 pcs.; hoop - 2 pcs.; big ball- 2 pcs.; gymnastic bench - 2 pcs.; tunnel - 2 pcs.; sand bag - 2 pcs.
Region Integration:
Socialization: encourage the manifestation of courage, resourcefulness, mutual assistance during exercise.
Music: Conduct games and exercises to music.
Health: to form in children the idea that being clean is beautiful and good for health, and dirt contributes to disease.
Safety: to form the skills of safe behavior during relay races.
Communication: encourage children's speech activity in the process of motor activity, discuss that being clean is beautiful, good for human health.
Labor: to monitor the neatness of clothes and hairstyles; teach to clean Sports Equipment during a sports event.

Holiday progress:
Festive procession of teams to the sounds of the march.
Physical instructor. Cultures: At the sports festival
We invite everyone now.
Holiday of sports and health
It starts with us!
Physical instructor. culture: We invite all boys and girls to take part in sports festival“We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of illness.” I wish you success in sports competitions. I want to introduce the teams that participate in the competition.
Team Names: Yellow Star Team
Motto: V healthy body- healthy spirit!
Team of the Green Stars
Motto: Sports, guys, are very necessary!
We are friends with sports!
Physical instructor. Cultures: Our progress will be judged by an honorary jury.
Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a miss.
Who will be friendlier - let him win today!
And now the welcoming speech is given to the chairman of the jury, the head of the MDOU d / s "Herringbone" Rybak O.V.
Physical instructor. Culture: Hush, guys. I hear bells ringing. We have guests coming. But who is coming to us, you will find out if you guess the riddle.
Heals young children
Heals birds and animals.
And now he's rushing towards us
good doctor...
Children. Aibolit!

Physical instructor. culture: That's right guys, it's Dr. Aibolit! (Doctor Aibolit appears). Hello Doctor Aibolit! How was your trip?
Dr. Aibolit:
Is this the Yolochka Kindergarten?
I barely had time to visit you for the holiday.
I ran through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows,
And whispered only two words:
« Kindergarten Kindergarten, Kindergarten!
Physics instructor. culture: Dear doctor, you are not late at all, our holiday is just beginning. But we need your help: before all competitions, the doctor must examine the athletes, whether they are sick, whether they can participate in competitions.
Dr. Aibolit: Do you have a sore throat?
Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: Scarlet fever?
Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: Cholera?
Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: Appendicitis?
Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: Malaria and bronchitis?
Children: No!
Dr. Aibolit: What healthy children you are! Just look! (Looks at the children.) Yes, I am satisfied with the inspection, everyone is healthy! You can start the competition!
Before competing
You should warm up soon.
Do the exercises
Repeat after me.

Parts of GCD Content of GCD Dosage Guidelines
Basic General developmental exercises.
1. I. p .: feet on the width of the foot, parallel, hands on the belt. 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up, rise on toes; 3- hands to the sides; 4- return to the starting position.
2. I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the head. 1- turn the body to the right, arms to the sides; 2- return to the starting position. The same to the left.
3. I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1- hands to the sides; 2- tilt to the right (left) leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4- return to the starting position.
4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2- sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4- return to the starting position.
5. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - right leg forward on the toe; 2- to the side (to the right); 3- back; 4- return to the starting position. The same to the left with the left foot.
6. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - jumping legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - return to the starting position. On account 1-8.
Let's start our competition. And the fans support the participants with friendly applause.
1. "Roll the ball."
On a signal, the team members roll a small ball with a stick to the landmark and go back in the same way, pass the stick into the hands of the next team member.
2. Relay "Crossing"
The captain of the team stands at the landmark on a signal, he puts on the hoop and runs to the team, lowers the hoop, takes one participant and thus transports his team, one participant at a time, to the landmark with the help of a hoop. The winner is the team whose captains will quickly transport all the participants.
Musical pause: ditties about sports.
1. We are sports ditties
Prepared for you.
On the go they were composed,
Performing for the first time.

2. We do physical education
We just love
Basic Regulations
We are easily ahead.

3. Better than any kangaroo
I can long jump.
I studied it for a long time
I was not lazy at work!

4. “It hurts here and it hurts there ...
The doctor does not order to strain ... "
Yura always has an excuse,
He is afraid of physical education!

5. Everyone who was engaged in running -
I forgot about diseases.
"Running is great medicine!" -
Hippocrates gave advice.

6. To develop muscles,
Engage in physical education.
Train, jump
Move your feet more!

7. If you will work,
You can achieve a lot.
Who is stubborn, loves sports,
It won't disappear anywhere!

8. We sang, we tried for you
But we got a little lost.
All the same, they sang to the end,
Oh yes we are! Hey young man!

3. "The ball in the hoop."
On a signal, a team member runs, holding the ball in both hands, runs up to the hoop, crouches, hits the hoop with the ball and comes back. Passes the ball to the next and stands at the end of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
4. "Pull the hoop up."
On a signal, a team member runs to the hoop, stands in it, raises the hoop up, straightening his arms, lowers it, putting it on himself. He comes back, passes the baton, touching the palm of the palm of the next participant, and stands at the end of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
To be completely healthy
Everyone needs exercise.
To start in order -
Let's workout in the morning!

And without any doubt
There is a good solution
Running is useful and play
Get busy kid!

To develop successfully
Need to play sports
From exercise
There will be a slim figure

It is useful to us without a doubt
Everything related to movement.
That's why guys
We will do the exercises.

We will play together
Run, jump and jump
To make it more fun
We'll take the ball as soon as possible.

Let's stand straight, legs wider
Raise the ball - three or four,
Rising up on your toes.
All movements are easy.

We will take the jump rope in our hands
Hoop, cube or stick.
We will learn all movements
We will become stronger and better.

To learn to jump
We need a jump rope
Let's jump high
Like grasshoppers - easy.

Hoop, cubes will help
Flexibility we develop a little
Let's bow more often
Squat and bend over.

Here is a great picture
We are like a flexible spring
Let not everything be given at once
We'll have to work!

To become agile an athlete
We'll run the relay.
Let's run fast together
We really need to win!
5. Who will crawl faster
The teams are lined up one by one. On a signal, the captains begin to move, crawling along gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling themselves up with both hands, climb down, run to the landmark, run around it and come back, passing the baton to the next one, etc.

6. "Through the tunnel."
On a signal, a team member runs, holding a small ball in his hand, climbs through the tunnel, runs around the landmark, comes back running and passes the ball to the next member.
7. Relay "Grasshoppers".
Teams are built in columns in front of the starting line. Team captains are given sandbags. On a signal, the first numbers clamp the bag between their knees and jump to the landmark, take the bag in their hands and run back, touch the next participant with their hand, he starts jumping, etc.
The team that finishes the relay first wins.

And now a musical break.

And now the teams will sit down and rest. And the children will read the poems.

1. I don't look like a horse,
And I have a seat.
Not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram,
2. Green meadow,
One hundred benches around.
From gate to gate
The people run briskly.
On these gates -
Fishing nets. (Football)
3. This riddle is not easy:
Hit the ball and the puck with a club
And I'm called - (Hockey)
4. Two snub-nosed girlfriends
Do not fall behind each other.
Both run in the snow
Both songs are sung
Both ribbons in the snow
Leave on the run.
5. Every evening I go
Draw circles on ice.
Just not with pencils
And shiny: .. (skates).

Physical instructor. cultures:

We are ending the holiday and wish everyone health, success and happiness in everything!

And now the last relay.

Physical instructor. culture: In the meantime, the jury is summing up, and our teams are resting, I want to hear from the fans. And I suggest Doctor Aibolit to guess riddles for you, and you will guess.
1. I don't look like a horse,
And I have a seat.
There are spokes. They confess
Not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram,
But I'm calling, so you know. (Bike).
2. Green meadow,
One hundred benches around.
From gate to gate
The people run briskly.
On these gates -
Fishing nets. (Football)
3. This riddle is not easy:
I always write with two "k".
Hit the ball and the puck with a club
And I'm called - (Hockey)
4. Two snub-nosed girlfriends
Do not fall behind each other.
Both run in the snow
Both songs are sung
Both ribbons in the snow
Leave on the run.
5. Every evening I go
Draw circles on ice.
Just not with pencils
And shiny: .. (skates).
Well done guys, guessed all the riddles, showed their ingenuity. Now let's ask the jury to announce the results.
The word of the jury (Summing up, awarding diplomas and medals).
Sports dance performed by senior groups.
Physical instructor. cultures:
The merry holiday was a success.
I think everyone liked it.
Goodbye, goodbye, everyone be happy
Healthy, obedient and do not forget sports!
Be friends with sports, go hiking,
And boredom will then be nothing to you.
We are ending the holiday and wish everyone health, success and happiness in everything!

“We are friendly with physical education -

we are not afraid of disease!

sports holiday


Create a festive mood for children.

Develop physical and volitional qualities in children.

Develop a sense of collectivism (“one for all and all for one”).

The course of the holiday

Leading. On sports ground

We invite everyone now.

Holiday of sports and health

It starts with us!

Leading. I invite all boys and girls to take part in the sports festival "We are friends with physical education - we are not afraid of illness." I wish you success in sports competitions. I want to introduce the teams that participate in the competition.(Teams pronounce their names together.)

1st child

We make friends with the sunbeam

With jump ropes and with a ball,

Skittles and hoops

What you will see for yourself.

2nd child

Today is a competition, an important day,

We are not too lazy to meet him.

3rd child

Who follows the exercise

It shines with beauty.

In addition, in well-being

Amazing mood.

4th child

Do not be lazy,

Physical education is life!

You always be athletic - forget about illness!

Leading. Dr. Aibolit promised to fly to us for the holiday. And here he is. How did you get there, Dr. Aibolit?

Dr. Aibolit. I barely made it to your party.

I ran through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows,

And whispered only two words:

"Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten!"

Leading. Dear doctor, you are not late at all, our holiday is just beginning. But we need your help: before all competitions, the doctor must examine the athletes, whether they are sick, whether they can participate in competitions.

Dr. Aibolit. Do you have angina?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Scarlet fever?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. cholera?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Appendicitis?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. Malaria and bronchitis?

Children. No!

Dr. Aibolit. What healthy children you are! Just look!(Looks at the children.) Yes, I am satisfied with the inspection, everyone is healthy! You can start the competition!

Leading. Let's start the competition with a warm-up. Each representative of the team must show one exercise.

Shows 1 member of the "Brave" team, the rest repeat after him. Then next exercise shows a representative of the “Skillful” team, etc. (for 5-6 exercises).

relay races

1st competition "Running with a racket and a balloon"

The participant runs to the cube and back, leading the balloon with a racket, trying not to let it fall.

2nd competition "Running with a racket and a cube lying on it"

The task is not to drop the cube, if it falls, then you need to pick it up and continue the baton from the place where the cube was lost.

3rd competition "Snow" (captains)

Imagine that it is snowing. You see, in front of each of you on a chair are felt boots, a fur coat, a scarf and a hat. At my signal, you need to put on felt boots and a fur coat, a hat, tie a scarf and run to the jury table in this form. And then return back. Get ready, start.

Jury's word

4th contest "Riddle Contest"

Leading. Now I will give you riddles, your task is to give the correct answer faster than the opposing team.

I don't look like a horse

And I have a seat.

There are spokes. They confess

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

But I'm calling, so you know.(Bike)

I don't understand guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard?

Don't interfere with the game!

You'd better leave

We are playing… (volleyball).

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearable.

Aptly pour players

I'm kicked.(Soccer ball.)

5th competition "Running snake"

Run like a snake with a small ball in your hands between four hoops laid on the floor, go around the cube and return in the same way back. The ball is passed to the next participant in the relay.

6th contest "Pass the ball"

Jumping on two legs with a small ball in hand into each hoop (4 pieces), go around the cube and return in the same way back. The ball is passed to the next participant in the relay.

7th competition "Put - put"

In four hoops lying on the floor, one pin is placed. The first participant in the relay runs, puts the skittles on the floor with his hand, goes around the cube and returns in a straight line. The second member of the team runs and puts the skittles in the hoops, goes around the cube and comes back running in a straight line.

8th Kangaroo Competition

Teams line up in columns one by one behind the start line. The first players have the ball sandwiched between their two legs. On a signal, the first players perform jumps on two legs with the ball sandwiched between their legs to the cube and back. They pass the ball into the hands of the next participant in the relay, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task first wins.

9th competition "Competition of captains"

Ribbon trap game. Children have one ribbon behind their backs. The captain of the team in 30 seconds must pull out as many ribbons as possible from the children from the opposing team. Then the captain of the other team plays.

Leading. Our competition is over.

We want you to cross mountains.

Overcome all difficult obstacles

Be friends with sports and grow faster!

Akhmetova Tatyana Evgenievna,
physical education instructor
MBDOU No. 63 "Pearl"
Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

Physical entertainment
“We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases”

- to consolidate children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;
- continue to develop physical qualities: speed, strength, agility, jumping ability;
- continue to cultivate friendly attitudes towards peers, organization, perseverance in achieving positive results.

Costumes of Microbes and Dr. Aibolit, basketball ball - 2 pcs., soccer ball - 2 pcs., basket with dirty vegetables and fruits (models), log - 2 pcs., arches - 4 pcs., hoops - 10 pcs., rope - 1 pc., vitamins.


Vedas. Is everyone gathered? Is everyone healthy?
Ready to run and play?
Well, then pull yourself up, don't yawn and don't be lazy,
Get to the workout!

Cheerful movements are useful movements,
Who deals with them - health is gaining,
And whoever doesn't work out gets sick with illnesses.

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS " morning exercises» (Dj Valer)

Vedas. Today we have a carnival of health.
Both adults and children want to be healthy.
How to keep healthy?
Who can answer me?


Vedas. 2 teams will compete today at our festival:
"Neboleyka" and "Fortress".

Team "Neboleyka"
We decided to never get sick!
Do not be sick? It must be known!
Our motto: If you want to be healthy, temper yourself!

Team "Fortress"
Become healthy, agile, strong,
Become resilient and accurate!
Our motto: A healthy mind in a healthy body!

Vedas. Let's start our competition. I'll give you a riddle:

You throw him on the floor - he will jump high. (ball)

RELAY RACES: 1) Running, hitting the ball.
2) Passing the ball back between the legs, forward overhead.
3) Driving the ball with your feet.
4) Jumping, holding the ball between the knees.

(Microbes enter)

1 microbe. Well, we got to you, friends! Uphee, uphee!

2 micro. Ha, ha. It's time for us to do dirty work.
(cough and sneeze)

Vedas. and children. Be healthy!

1 microbe. Those words again…I hate them!
I do not like healthy, bold and cheerful!

2 micro. We love the lazy, frail, ugly and completely sick.

Vedas. Who came at an unexpected hour?
We have a holiday here now.
We were no longer waiting for guests, we danced and played,
Everyone had a wonderful time, and we were beautifully dressed.
And these have a strange look, something he does not amuse.
Who are they? Answer! Do not disturb our holiday.

Microbes. We are microbes. (sing)
Microbes fly through the air, microbes
Germs, microbes get on the skin.
When you suddenly sneeze and don't cover your mouth,
Microbes fly out, infect everyone around.

1 microbe. You were shouting together here, probably tired ...
Isn't it time to go home, or to the hospital for the doctors?

Vedas. No, we are not tired at all, we would still play.

2 micro. Well, you don't want to, as you like, we brought you presents.
(they take out dirty vegetables and fruits from the basket, offer them to children)
Vedas. Germs, your vegetables and fruits are dirty, they need to be washed.

2 micro. So what, there is no need to wash fruits and vegetables with water before eating.
They need to eat, drink water, then wash in the tummy.

Vedas. Guys, right microbes say?

Reb. We all love to wash and dress neatly.
Sun, air and water are our best friends!

We are not indifferent to sports, accurate and obedient.
Here are my favorite foods: vitamins, juices, fruits…

We are strong, small, beautiful - everyone is envious and marvelous.
Let's tell you in chorus now ... (all) There is no place for you among us!

Microbes. And we still won't leave!

Vedas. Guys, I know what to do.
From simple water and soap, microbes lose their strength.
Let's all dance together.

(microbes get scared and run away)

Vedas. To protect yourself from germs, you need to wash with soap and water.
And every day before eating, wash fruits and vegetables with water.

Now let's continue our competition.
The next contest is for the fans.


Vedas. Girls - attention! Boys - attention!
There is another fun challenge for you!

RELAY "Obstacle track"
1) Walk along the log.
2) Crawl under the arcs.
3) Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Next task:
Get in line soon, but hold on tight to the rope!

"Tug of the Rope"
(Dr. Aibolit enters)

YES. Who hurts? What hurts?
The good doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal everyone!
I came to Petya, I came to Kolya.
Hello children, who is sick with you?

Vedas. Hello, good doctor Aibolit. We have a gym today
holiday, we are all healthy and cheerful.

YES. Can't be.

Vedas. Children, is anyone sick with us?

YES. I have to check it out. (checks the children)

Now I'll look out of my glasses at the tips of the tongues.
Do you have dirty girls?
Breath! Do not breath.
Is no one afraid of injections?

Vedas. We start the day with exercises, and dance, and sing.
And we don’t get bored at all, we live a lot of fun.
And now we have competitions between teams
"Neboleyka" and "Fortress".

YES. Come on, come on, let's see.

Vedas. Now we will play a game-competition


YES. I see, I see, well done, for this I will treat you with vitamins.
(feeds children)

At parting, my order:
To grow up healthy, energetic and intelligent,
To drive away fatigue, laziness,
Eat vitamins every day!
Early in the morning, do not be lazy, get up for exercises!
Help us always - the sun, air and water!
Strengthen so that the muscles, do physical education!
Goodbye, kids! Hi all! Physical training!

Sports entertainment in the extended day group "We are friends with physical education - we are not afraid of illness!"

Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, educator of the GPA MOU Tumskaya secondary school No. 46 Branch "Oskinskaya OOSh", Klepikovsky district, Oskino village.
Description: I present you with a script. sports entertainment for students in grades 1-4. This material will be of interest to GPA educators, instructors physical education, teachers primary school when organizing sports events.
Target: Formation in schoolchildren healthy lifestyle life, the development of interest in sports.
1. Preservation and strengthening physical health students.
2. Enriching the knowledge of schoolchildren about fellow countrymen - athletes, about various types sports.
3. Development of motor skills, development physical qualities: agility, speed, endurance.
5. Development of creative and intellectual abilities of students.

Entertainment progress:

The King sits on a throne on the stage. The song “Do exercises - you will be fine” sounds, the king takes off his crown and begins to do various exercises: he swings his arms, squats, raises dumbbells.
One two three four,
To be healthy and strong
I must love physical education!

Vovka appears, looks at the Tsar with surprise, sits down in an armchair, puts on a crown.
Why are you charging? You are the King - you are supposed to do nothing!
Why are you doing these squats?
Why are you doing these push-ups?
You must lie on the sofa
And don't bother yourself!

Do you know, Vovka, such a saying: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”. Indeed, even in ancient times Ancient Greece competitions were held in running, fisticuffs, discus throwing, chariot racing, archery.

So it's been so long
And now another movie
Guys are on the internet
They don't want to run or jump.

By my royal command,
According to my royal desire,
I'm sending you, Vovka, I'm sending you
For re-education to the guys
To the extended day group!

To the sports ground
We invite everyone now
Holiday of sports and health
It starts with us.

Every day we guys
Starts with charging.
Make us a little stronger
Exercise will help!

We are charging
We start in the morning
To contact less often
For advice to doctors!

Us pills and potion
And in the cold, and in the cold,
Replaces physical education
And cold water!

Who is boldly friends with charging,
Who will drive away laziness in the morning,
Be brave and skillful
And have fun every day!

The song “Do exercises - you will be fine” sounds, the students perform a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.

Wow, I got to the Oskinskaya school,
Well, what have I not seen here, I wonder?

Firstly, Vova, we must say hello to everyone. And secondly, tell us, please, what kinds of sports do you know?
Hello guys!
I like to lie on the sofa
watch cartoons,
Seeds click!

No, this will not work, we offer you to start guessing riddles about sports.

In this sport, players
All dexterous and high
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits loudly
About the floor, it means - Basketball.

Stand - ka, on the projectile, my friend,
One is a jump, and two is a jump,
Three jumps to the ceiling

There are two somersaults in the air!
What a miracle - the grid here?
For jumping projectile - Trampoline.

It's very hard to be, don't argue
The most accurate in this sport.
Just skiing
That even works for me.
Try to run for a day
And then hit the target
Lying, supine, from a rifle.
You can't do without training!
And the target is not an elephant for you,
The sport is called Biathlon.

The dodger beats on the gate,
Swimming throws the ball.
And the water is here instead of the floor,
So this is - Water polo.

Here the team wins
If the ball does not drop.
He flies with a pitch aptly,
Not at the gate - through the net,
And the playground, not the field,
Athletes in - Volleyball.

Horse, rope, log and bars,
The rings are with us.
I'm not going to list
Lots of projectiles.
beauty and plasticity
Gives us - Gymnastics.

I'm looking at the champion
Barbell weighing a quarter of a ton
I want to become the same
To protect my sister!
Raise big - Giri

You can't do without a paddle
If you do sports,
And what is the name of the occupation
Where do they sail to the finish line in a boat?

Now skipping, then squatting,
Children do- Charging.

Like a soldier without a gun
There is no hockey player without - Sticks.

Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are racing.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones Skates.

Two wooden horses
They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run,
I touch the snow with sticks.

I twist it with my hand
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist at the waist,
And I don't want to drop.

The boxers have a projectile - a pear,
And in this sport, “fruit” is better.
An athlete is hitting the ball
At the gate in the form of the letter H,
The ball looks like a plum,
Can you name this sport?

We have only skates
They are only summer.
We rolled on the asphalt
And they were satisfied.

Let's put together a school team
And we'll find large field.
We break through the corner -
We hit our heads.
And at the gate the fifth goal!
We love very much - Football.

There, in armor, everything is on the ice platform,
They fight, grappled in a sharp fight.
Fans shout: Hit harder
Believe me, this is not a fight, but - Hockey.

Oh, how many new things I learned from you guys, maybe it's time to play already?
Attention attention,
Let's start the competition
Cunning, brave,
Fast and skillful.
I invite everyone to take part in fun relay races.

Joke relay.

Stage 1 - "Crayfish - bullies"
They say about me that I'm hiding back.
Not backward, but forward, only backwards.
First, team members move on all fours, backwards, and back - running.
Stage 2 - "Kangaroo".
Kangaroo - mother carries her cubs in a bag on her stomach. You, following the example of a kangaroo, will carry the ball, but between your legs, and try not to drop it.
Stage 3 - "Jumper - dragonfly."
Sitting on the ball, you need to jump to one side, take the ball in your hands and run back, passing the ball to the next team member.
Stage 4 - "Sharpshooter".
It is necessary to hit the ball into the target, the team that scores the most points wins.
Stage 5 - "Merry snake."
The first participant runs to the specified place, returns to the team, catches the next participant, and so on, until the whole team is hooked. The team that completes this task faster wins.
Stage 6 - Siamese twins.
Two team members, whose right and left legs are tied with a rope, run to the indicated goal and return back to the team, untie the rope and pass it to the next two players.
Stage 7 - "Catdog".
One participant moves with the help of his hands, the second participant holds his legs. Thus, the participants reach the mark and back.

Guys, how great we ran, my mood even improved.
You're right, Vova, it's not for nothing that people say: "He who loves sports is healthy and cheerful." Guys, what other proverbs and sayings about health, about sports do you know?

Proverbs and sayings about health, about sports.

Move more, live longer.
Movement is the companion of health.
If you want to be healthy - temper yourself.
Who deftly hits the ball, everything is on the shoulder.
Where there is health, there is beauty.
The sun, air and water always help us.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Those who play sports gain strength.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.
Movement is life.
Give time to physical education - in return you will get health.

Guys, I think that it will be interesting for you to learn about our countrymen - athletes.

Ryazan biathlete Alexander Pronkov, a student of the Mikhailovsky College of Economics, won a silver medal at 11 Paralympic Games.

Ryazan rider Tatyana Ivanova won gold medal in a mountain race.

Ryazan skier Ilya Chernousov, bronze medalist Olympic Games in Sochi, took 5th place in the race for 50 kilometers in the skiathlon.