How to pump up the side of the thigh. Exercises for the outer side of the thigh

It won't take long to build the outer (long) head of your biceps. Do it with a quick and effective workout for biceps!

When you first start training your arms, basic exercises are all you really need to grow them. But while barbell and dumbbell work is good enough for beginners, you will eventually need to do more specific, detailed work to see your arms grow, get bigger, stronger, and better.

If you train with iron enough time, you know and understand what I mean. Advanced arm training requires "decomposing" the biceps into parts. It needs to be aimed at working out the short and long heads.

If you are not familiar with the anatomy of the arms, the biceps has two heads. (Hence, "bi" two, biceps). The long head is the outer part of the biceps, so when the lifter is in the back double biceps pose in the photo, the part of the bicep you see is the outer (long) head.

Focusing on a long head will not only improve general form biceps, but will also help you add size to them and improve strength for other pulling movements. You can add this a simple workout to your current biceps program or turn it on at the end of your back workout.

The workout below is a fast, focused superset. You can either do it as directed or make a small change. If you want to do each exercise individually as standard sets, that's fine too, but be aware that it will take a little longer to complete.



1A. Close Grip Curl – 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

1B. Lifting dumbbells for biceps with a hammer grip lying on incline bench- 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Rest 45-60 seconds between sets. We do not rest between exercises in a superset.

Barbell Curl with narrow grip.

It may seem strange, but to target the outer head of the biceps, you really need to use narrow grip neck on the rises of the barbell for biceps. Place your hands close together on the bar, but not until your fingers touch. The grip should be narrower than shoulder width. For a more comfortable execution of this movement, you can use the EZ - neck.

When lifting the bar, try to transfer the load to the little fingers. This will give more emphasis to the long head. Take your elbows back a little and squeeze the bar at the top of the amplitude, as if trying to crush it.

Hold this contraction for two counts before you start lowering the weight. You shouldn't try to break records with your chosen weight, but make sure it's heavy enough to get your biceps working.

Hammers with dumbbells lying on an incline bench.

Use a high incline on an adjustable bench (45g). Arch your chest and roll your shoulders back. To aim for the biceps, your arms should be hanging and your elbows will be still when you bend your arms. Control the weight, not the other way around, so focus on lifting the weight and on the biceps and try not to swing your arms.

At the top of the dumbbell curl, tighten your biceps again for two counts as you did with the first exercise. Then lower the weight back to the starting position, slowly and under control. Don't let momentum make you drop dumbbells when your arms get tired!

Beautiful hips are the main component of a stunning figure that a person dreams of. Taking care of the beauty of this part of the body should begin with an understanding of the device. Thigh - segment lower limb located between the hip joint and the knee. Consider the functions of the thigh muscles.

The muscles of the anterior thigh are responsible for many functions. Responsible for straightening the knee, turning the hip outward, abduction to the side, approaching the stomach. The back muscles are the biceps. The functions include maintaining bodily balance, straightening from a tilt, pulling the hip back. The muscles of the inner thigh are called adductors, they direct the movement of the femur inward. The outer surface of the thigh consists of muscles that pull back and to the side, visible as a beautiful roundness of the sides of the thighs.

Exercises aimed at the muscles of the outer side of the thighs will help to give forms that cause admiring glances. With insufficient physical activity and an unbalanced diet, there are body fat, popularly called "ears". Get rid of it by doing exercises for the outer side of the thigh.

The effectiveness of training depends on regularity. Exercise is shown daily. If such a schedule is not possible, it is worth doing the exercises three times a week, but the result will take longer.

During classes, it is important to look at the muscles that you want to bring to the desired state. If the load goes primarily to them, the exercises are performed correctly. If the muscles of the front, back, and inside are of less interest than the outer surface of the thigh, the greatest tension is felt mainly on the muscles of the sides.

It's important to keep track of the details. Whether the squat is deep enough, whether the heels touch the floor, whether it will be possible to raise the leg higher during the swing, whether the angle of elevation is kept correctly - the result and speed of achievement depend on the quality of the exercises.

A gradual increase in load is justified in time. If the exercise has become easy, you need to raise the bar. Starting from ten swings, smoothly move to fifteen, twenty. Break into two sets of 20 times. Gradually increasing the load is useful for a full workout.

It is acceptable to do at home and at work, if there is a suitable place. For classes you will need a mat, dumbbells and a good mood.

Possible difficulties with exercise

It is pleasant and easy to train for the beauty of your own legs. Small difficulties can arise, which are easy to overcome. The main nuisance that interferes with successful training is a slight pain in the muscles. You should not be afraid, on the contrary, rejoice. This means that the muscles grow and become stronger. The pain will soon pass, it will turn into a pleasant tension of a trained body, sweetly pleasing with the effectiveness of the spent forces.

Among the exercises on the outer surface of the thigh, there are classes that develop the muscles of the inner part. They can also get sick. To reduce such by-effect, before training it is shown to warm up. Running (on the spot), jumping, and other aerobic exercises increase muscle temperature in preparation for training.

At first, it will take a long time to perform “scissors”, to do big number swings and lunges, maintain the quality of movements. If the load indicated in the described exercises is unbearable, it is better to do less, but well. Endurance comes with regular training.

When performing exercises aimed at a specified part of the body, one should not forget about the whole body. Train different groups muscles, it is important to monitor the posture - it is supposed to be straight, and the stomach is retracted. It is important to monitor breathing, speed of movement. Don't delay, but don't delay either. The speed corresponds to the degree of load maintained during the exercise phase.

To exercise daily, you need to set aside time for exercise. It is better if the training time becomes regular, for example, in the morning. When planning your day, choose a time devoted to exercise. Leave enough strength for training, correlate with the diet.

An additional difficulty will be finding a place to exercise. The best option will become gym. Or you can perform the exercises in a place where you can lay a rug and make wide lunges. It is desirable that the room is well ventilated.

Linking Exercise to Nutrition

Get rid of body fat, pump up beautiful muscles will help proper nutrition. Limit flour and sweet foods. Fruits, berries and juices will help to replace your favorite buns. As a treat, it is permissible to use, for example, nuts, in moderation.

You should not eat right before the exercises, it is allowed to refresh yourself an hour before class. Recommended protein food: chicken breast, eggs, fish products. Such food strengthens the muscles. Do not eat immediately after a workout. Within an hour after exercise, burned calories will easily recover from eating food.

Skip dinner for four hours before bed. In a dream, the body rests from the received load, the process of processing food slows down. Food is not digested, turning into body fat.

Secrets of self-discipline to achieve results

The beauty of the body directly depends on the inner mood. Make you overcome your own laziness, begin to achieve your cherished goal with diligence and reason. Self-discipline will be needed for a lazy person who does not know when to stop.

In order for the outer surface of the thigh to quickly acquire ideal shapes, remember to excessive load interfering with exercise. Excess will lead to pain, force you to forget about training for a while. It is important to correctly distribute the load, increase gradually.

The need for internal discipline is higher in a person who does not want to overwork. Remember cases from life where you achieved the desired by an effort of will, moreover, it turned out to be pleasant. Take, for example, learning to ride a bike. How many trainings were required to finally ride beautifully and freely! Then you learned to ride longer, became more enduring. Apply a similar mindset to achieve your own beauty.

It is important to believe in achieving the goal, in the success of the exercises. Reasonable distribution of forces, attitude to the result, the manifestation of the will will help to achieve goals.

The next problem area of ​​body fat for women is the outer surface of the legs. The so-called spoil the silhouette in tight dresses and skirts, and look out from under the swimsuit with completely unappetizing rollers.

Recall that we have already considered all the features of getting rid of, and also made up the top effective loads for and surfaces of female legs.

Now it's time to break up with outer part hips. Deal with this problem area better a complex of power and aerobic loads with a calorie deficit. But remember! The WHOLE body will lose weight, it will not work to remove volumes in one isolated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Perfect for training static exercises on outer part hips with various hangings.

You can complicate the execution of exercises by increasing the number of approaches, using a gymnastic expander tape. The latter should not have too much resistance - working 15-20 times per set should be performed.

So, we present to your attention the most effective exercises for the outer side of the thigh at home.

Leg abduction in a kneeling position

Together with the outside in this exercise, it is worked out and inner side hips. Difficulty is medium.

  1. Starting position - lay a mat, emphasis on straight arms, legs bent at the knees. If a dumbbell is used, place it at the bend of the thigh and lower leg;
  2. On inspiration, we take the bent leg to the side to the parallel with the floor, fix the point;
  3. We return to the starting position.

How to remove the sides on the hips even faster? Use weights.

At the end of the working number of repetitions, remove the weight, if it was used, and make 10-15 jerky movements in the same direction. Then do the exercise on the other side.

See the video for more details:

Reverse hyperextension

A fun exercise that helps to effectively load the riding breeches area and, as a bonus, the buttocks. Difficulty is medium, aggravated by checking for coordination. To perform, you will need a chair with a soft seat, a bench. Also do not forget that is one of the most effective exercises for buttocks.


  1. Starting position - emphasis on the seat of the chair with your stomach, grab its side with your hands, legs straight, feet together;
  2. While inhaling, we push our feet up, strongly strain the buttocks, hang for a second;
  3. Exhaling, we return to the starting position.

More on video:

Repeat the movement should be 15-20 times, with a break, in several approaches. Watch your lower back, avoid excessive bending and tension in it.

Mahi lying on the side

You can do it either lying just on the floor, or with an emphasis on a chair. The emphasis on the chair in this exercise will allow you to simultaneously use the inner surface on two legs at once - one in static tension, the other in dynamic. Mahi is great. The complexity is high, it is necessary to control the position of each point of the body, not to rush, so as not to hurt yourself.


  1. Starting position - lying on your side, emphasis on the forearm, the straight lower leg is located on the chair, and the straightened upper leg is brought forward above the lower one;
  2. Inhaling, we swing the outstretched leg up as high as possible;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting point.

More on video:

We perform 15-20 repetitions on one leg and turn over. We make 2-3 sets with a break of 30-45 seconds.

Note! In the same position, you can swing your upper leg not up, but closer to the body, bending it 90 degrees.

Forward lunges

Functional dynamic exercise, acting both on the development of muscles and on their stretching. Exercises for the outer and inner thighs, such as this, effectively help to lose weight throughout the lower body and. You can weigh down the performance with dumbbells or weights. You can additionally diversify it by jumping when changing legs or by supporting one side on a hill.

  1. Starting position - legs together, back straight, arms lowered along the body;
  2. While inhaling, step your left foot back until a 90-degree angle forms at the right knee, the left is extended and stretched;
  3. Return to the original position and perform actions on the other leg.

More on video:

You need to perform 15 to 20 times on each side, repeating approaches 2-3 times.

Knee bent leg in this exercise, in no case should go beyond her toe. Otherwise, there will be an incorrect and traumatic load on the joints.

Lunges to the side

Static muscle tension in these actions helps to actively burn fat and activate growth. muscle fibers. , and the hated rollers of the inner surface of the thigh.


  1. Starting position - legs wider than shoulder width, straightened back, gaze directed forward;
  2. With an inhalation, we step with the right foot to the right, making sure that the knee does not go beyond the toe and is perpendicular to the floor, the left leg is straightened, the toe and heel are pressed to the floor surface;
  3. As you exhale, go back and repeat the effort on the opposite side.

See more in the video:

Additional calories can be burned if, after performing a lunge, you additionally swing with a straight leg or cross-squat back. combination better affects the problem area and pulls up faster.

Carry out activities with great care and concentration. Ligaments that are just starting to get used to stress are very fragile and any sudden movement can cause stretching or tearing. If the ligament area still hurts after a workout, do a light pinching massage and treat with a warming ointment.

Wide stance squat

An excellent stretch for the outer thigh is obtained during wide squats. The multi-tasking plié covers the battlefields of fat and on the buttocks, inner, front and back thighs, as well as a great . The difficulty is medium, which is easy to increase with dumbbells, weights, or simply, instead of focusing on the heel, rise on your toes.


  1. Starting position - straight back and wide staging legs with toes turned to the side;
  2. Inhaling, slowly lower the pelvis to parallel with the floor. We make sure that the knees do not go beyond the socks, otherwise we make the rack wider. We twist the lower back, strain the buttocks;
  3. Exhaling, we rise to the original position.

More on video:

Do 10-12 reps, rest 45 seconds and repeat the circle 2 more times.

As you know, one of the most problem areas The female body most prone to body fat is the outer thighs. But imagine perfect figure, which every girl dreams of, is impossible without elastic pumped up buttocks.

You can give your hips the desired shape with the help of special exercises, which help to easily get rid of the hated "ears" on the sides.

The thigh is located between the knee and the hip joint, it forms part of the lower limb of the human body.

The outer part consists of muscles, the functions of which are to ensure the functioning of the leg back and to the side. You can see them as an attractive roundness on the side of the hips.

Getting started searching and executing exercise, you need to find out the basics of successful training.

The effectiveness of training is as follows:

  • regularity;
  • orientation;
  • attention to details;
  • gradual increase in load.

The first thing to remember is regularity - it is she who is the most important factor in performance.

Ideally, you should practice every day, but if this is not possible, you can set aside 3 days a week for this. In this case, it is necessary to understand that the result will be more long-awaited in time.

During training, do not forget to pay attention Special attention to the work of those muscles that need to be tightened.

Here you just need to listen to your own feelings: if you feel that the load is directed more towards the desired areas, then you are going in the right direction.

When performing exercises on the outer part of the thigh, it is precisely lateral muscles legs.

Important to remember! It's the little things that often make the difference. Make sure that the squat is low enough, the feet do not come off the floor, the instep angle is kept correctly, and the leg rises as high as possible during the swing. Thus, it is possible to influence the speed of achieving the final result.

Over time, step by step, try to increase the load. Again, personal feelings will become the main assistant here: if you feel that you need less effort to complete the exercise than before, raise the bar. For example, 10 swings should inevitably develop into 15 over time, and later into 20.

Exercises for the outer thigh at home

Exercises on the outer thigh can be performed at home and even at work., if there is the necessary space and time, so they are a real salvation for women who do not have the opportunity to attend Gym. You will need dumbbells, a mat and a positive attitude.

Exercise 1. Leg swings

For the first exercise you need to stand up straight, putting your feet shoulder-width apart and stretching your arms in front of you. Feet should be parallel to each other.

When performing leg swings, make sure that they do not bend at the knees.

Bend your right leg at the knee and swing up to the side, trying to reach the elbow. The next swing is done in the same way, only with a straight leg. You should start with 10 approaches for each limb.

Exercise 2. Raising the legs

The following type of outer thigh exercises will require a similar starting position as in the previous case. Right leg you need to put it on the toe, turning it to the right, and lift it back as high as possible.

To perform the exercise, you can use a support to ensure maximum abduction of the leg back.

Bringing the leg to the highest point, put it back. For a start, 15 approaches for each limb will be enough, then their number should be increased.

Exercise 3. Squats

No set of exercises for the outer thigh is complete without squats. The main rule is not to stand on your toes. Try to squat as low as possible, with a straight back, keeping your arms bent in front of you.

For starters, 10 squats will suffice. The main advantage of this type of exercise is that they are useful not only for the outer surface of the thigh, but for the whole organism as a whole.

Exercise 4. Lunges

The leader among effective exercises are lunges. Take wide steps to the side, first with your right and then with your left foot keeping the arms parallel to the body. For weights, use dumbbells.

Remember to keep the unused limb straight. You should start with 10 lunges on each leg for 3 sets.

Lunges can be not only lateral. You can perform them forward alternately with each foot. At the same time, you need to expose your legs as far as possible. Faithful helpers there will be dumbbells that will only increase the effectiveness of training.

Pay attention to your posture - your back should be perfectly straight.
Breathe in with each step. Do not try to lunge abruptly, it is better to give preference to smooth movements. As for the number of lunges, experts also recommend performing 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercise 5. Raising the knees

For the next exercise, you need to kneel. For maximum efficiency, shift the main weight on your hands and straighten your back. The knee rises at an angle of 90º.

Do the same with the other leg. Muscles must be in constant tension. Experienced trainers advise starting with 20 lifts of each knee with the condition of subsequent increase in load.

Exercise 6

Leg raises are also quite effective when done to the side. To do this, you need to lie on the mat, turn on your side and raise the limb lying on top as high as possible.

Then you should turn on the other side and do a similar operation with the opposite leg. You can start with 10 swings with each leg.

Exercise 7. Holding the raised legs

You can complete the workout and relieve tension from the muscles by rolling over onto your back and lifting the limb up perpendicular to the floor.

Outer thigh exercises at the gym

Some women prefer going to the gym over home workouts, considering them to be more effective and give quick results.

In addition to the loads on the simulators, exercises on the outer part of the thigh on the fitball are very popular.

A set of exercises on fitball

Initial position The essence of the exercise Number of exercises
Back to the fitball with arms extended forward. You will feel more comfortable if the ball is located in the corner of the room, because this way it will not slip out from under you. Bend one leg at the knee and raise it to a height of 15-20 cm above the floor. After that, without sudden movements, bend the other limb and do squats so that the buttocks touch the ball. If you are no longer new to this type of outer thigh exercise, raise your knees higher or opt for a smaller ball. Also in this situation, dumbbells that act as a weighting agent will help you out. To start - 7-10 squats
The ball is between the wall and your body, which should be in contact with it in the lumbar region From the starting position, lift your hips up. It is possible to understand that the end point has been reached and should be lowered back, by the fact that the body is stretched into a straight line. To achieve maximum performance, pay attention to the muscles of the press and legs - they must be tense. Body deflection at correct technique present in hip joint. It is worth noting that haste here will be unnecessary and will only hide the effect, so try to hold the final position for 3-5 seconds. It’s worth starting with 10-12 times, then you can increase this amount up to 20 times
Lying on your side with support on your elbow. The ball is on the floor under the feet. Inhale and lift your hips off the surface. The rise should be carried out until the body is completely straightened. To make the exercise easier, you can use a smaller ball.
Lying on my stomach. Fitball is located under the hips Raise your limbs one at a time, holding the floor with your hands. As for the legs, you can keep them in a comfortable position for you - straight or bent at an angle of 90º. 15-20 times for each limb

In the gym, in addition to the fitball, it is likely to find many other units that will help you tone the outer thigh muscles. It's about trainers.

One of the most effective in terms of loading on the outer surface is a simulator designed to reduce and breed legs.

Exercise on the simulator 1. Reduction and breeding of legs

Note! Improper use of this simulator can lead to zero results. First of all, adjust it, take care of the mass of the working weight and the width of the seat.

When doing exercises on the outer thighs, keep your back straight and your legs at a right angle.
Exhale and slowly bring your legs together until the rollers touch each other, and then just as slowly spread your legs.

Exercise on the simulator 2. Reduction and breeding of legs while standing

Many fitness centers have machines that allow you to perform a similar exercise in a standing position.

Before performing the exercise on the simulator, you should set the optimal load so as not to damage the ligaments and muscles.

It is worth noting that the advantage of this unit compared to the previous one is that it not only affects the desired area in the necessary way, but also accelerates blood flow and saturates the muscles with oxygen.

To fix the legs in the simulator in question, special footrests are provided. You need to grab the handrail with your hand. Further move your leg to the side.

Exercise on the simulator 3. Stepper

Important to remember! In addition to specialized ones, in gyms there are many universal simulators that allow you to maintain the outer surface of the thighs in attractive. One of them is Stepper.

It perfectly tightens the legs, buttocks and thighs. However it should be treated with caution and not overdo it, otherwise sprain of the knee ligaments is guaranteed to you. This category also includes treadmill and exercise bike.

Before you start doing exercises, we advise you to read the recommendations of experienced trainers, thanks to which your exercises will be able to give you the most effective and quick results.

To increase the effectiveness of training, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • combine regular workouts with a balanced diet- so your hips will gain the desired look in a short time;
  • don't neglect stretching, because it is she who will help relieve tension from the trained muscles and get rid of pain in the future. You can also avoid pulling pains by taking a bath with sea ​​salt;
  • all kinds of massages and wraps should become your best friends. Creams with a cooling or, conversely, warming effect will come to the rescue, cling film and a brush with coarse bristles. Massage should be from the bottom up, repeating the flow of lymph. Massage cups are no less effective in maintaining skin and muscle tone. To use them, you will need a cream or oil that you need to lubricate the surface to be treated;
  • the effectiveness of exercises on the outer thighs directly depends on the internal mood. The main obstacle to beautiful body often becomes elementary laziness, so the question of self-discipline is more important than ever. Try to create a clear training schedule, the deviation from which should be perceived as a personal weakness. Naturally, the decisive factor here is motivation, the correct designation of which can set you in the right mood and solve all problems with self-discipline. Thus, formulate for yourself a clear goal that you need to achieve at all costs and classes will bring only joy and satisfaction.

Give perfect buttocks appearance difficult, but quite real, even if you have never practiced, but have a strong enough desire.

Regular workouts designed to work out the outer surface, combined with a balanced diet and skin care, will help you achieve the desired results in the near future and not become the owner of the hated "ears".

Videos with recommendations for performing exercises on the outer thigh

In this video clip experienced trainer gives recommendations that will help you learn how to properly perform exercises on the outer thigh in the gym:

A set of exercises that will help get rid of the ears on the hips at home is shown in this video clip:

It is often necessary in the process of training to work out a certain part of the body more intensively. So, for example, many people think about how to pump up the outer muscles of the thighs and forget about inner part. Let's take a closer look at hip exercises to find out if you can train at home, which exercises are suitable for this, and when you will see the result.

Exercises for the thigh muscles for the outer surface

Useful information for inflating the outer side of the thigh

  1. Why pump the outer muscles in the thighs at all? First of all, it is necessary for the normal, harmonious development of the body. Many men prefer to pump only their arms or chest. As a result, the figure looks disproportionate due to the powerful top and sluggish bottom. So, how to pump up the outer muscles of the thighs and legs in general, you need to think about immediately after you decide to pump up your body.
  2. Why else is it worth doing exercises for the outer thigh muscles? It is also required to activate metabolic processes in the body, improve blood circulation and muscle growth throughout the body. So, be sure to spend time in this area.
  3. let me give you one helpful advice. Always start exercising by doing a warm-up. Ideally, it should take about 5-7 minutes, including light running, biking, jumping rope, or just vigorous movement of the arms and legs. In just a little time, you will prepare your muscles for the load and protect yourself from injury during exercise.
  4. Where to practice? You can pump the outer thigh muscles both in the gym and at home. The effectiveness of training in any case will depend solely on your diligence. So, if you don't have time to go to the gym, it's okay if you work out at home. Moreover, today it is completely unproblematic to purchase dumbbells, a rug and other equipment for training.

Exercise technique for the outer thigh

  1. First of all, pay attention to ordinary squats, which must be performed without additional burden and then gradually increase the load. But, of course, experienced athletes can always use a barbell - this is very effective if we are talking about exercises for the external muscles in the thigh area. By the way, squats also develop gluteal muscles, which is also important, not to mention the improvement of the squat technique itself. Perform 30-50 repetitions for two sets - this will be enough to pump up the thigh muscles.
  2. In case you visit the gym, pay attention to straightening (extension) of the legs on the simulator. In general, it can be performed as a warm-up, but with increasing load, such an exercise becomes extremely useful for the outer surface of the thigh. Be sure to adjust the simulator to your height. The rollers should rest against the ankle, and the angle between the lower leg and the thigh should be either sharp or straight. Remember, the sharper the angle, the more difficult the exercise becomes. While inhaling, straighten your leg parallel to the floor and hold in this position for 1-2 seconds. As you exhale, slowly lower your leg. Keep in mind that when doing exercises, the most important thing is not to work by inertia. Make sure that it is the outer muscles in the thighs that function.
  3. Pay attention to lunges with weights, which can be performed even at home to pump up the thigh muscles. To do this, you will need dumbbells or a barbell. We put the leg so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the knee of the back leg touches the floor. We return to the starting position. This is what lunges are. During them, make sure that the chin is raised and the body is tense. And keep in mind, the narrower the step, the more the quadriceps work. You can perform 3-4 sets on each leg for 8-12 repetitions. Select the weight according to this load.

Video: exercises for the inner thigh

How to pump up the thighs from the inside

Remember that even if you work hard in the gym, but without paying attention to nutrition, you will not achieve results. What to consider if you decide to pump the inner thigh? Body fat leaves evenly, and therefore, it is very important to understand that if the weight is large, you will not achieve quick results. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, fat deposits leave the inner surface of the thighs at the very last turn - this area is usually not very involved in everyday life, it is difficult to train, but it accumulates fat faster. So, pay attention not only to physical activity but also for food. This will help speed up the process CORRECT weight loss.

For exercises for the inner thighs, men will need to eat more protein foods so that healthy protein contributes to growth. muscle mass, and the fat burned during this time. But you should not completely exclude fats and complex carbohydrates from the diet - it is important for you to maintain the level of hormones at the same level, as well as to receive energy, which will subsequently be spent during training. You can look at the rate of consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates on the Internet on specialized sites where calculators are located, with the help of which it is easy to calculate how much you need to eat. If a man does not get protein, you can use protein shakes that are sold in shops sports nutrition. They should not replace a meal if you have the opportunity to eat, for example, an omelette or chicken breast, but protein shakes can and should be used as a supplement to the diet.

Exercise technique for the inner thigh

Now let's talk about how to pump up the inner thigh, and what exercises are suitable for this. Firstly, you can train at home or in the gym - the place practically does not matter. The main thing is your desire. Secondly, to increase the effectiveness of training, you will need to use weights. They can be dumbbells, barbell. Beginners can perform exercises with a bar from the barbell, and then gradually increase the load.

  1. The barbell squat is one of the most effective exercises for pumping up the inner thighs. To do this, we put the barbell on our shoulders, put our feet shoulder-width apart. We begin to squat slowly and smoothly, reaching the moment when your legs are at an angle of 90 degrees. You can't bend your back. Also, we do not recommend that you squat more than the specified value, since in this case the load on the knee joints- you put pressure on them not only own weight, but also by the weight of the bar. Exercise for men should not be performed with anguish - work out the muscles of the inner thigh smoothly.
  2. Lunge exercises are another way to quickly pump up the inner thigh. Take 1 dumbbell in your hand. We put one foot forward so that it is approximately in line with the back foot. Then we slightly bend it at the knee, crouching a little. We return to the starting position. These are lunges that will help you train your inner thigh. You can also slightly bend the back leg, bring it to the floor, but do not touch it.
  3. Next exercise for thigh muscles can be performed even at home. Lie on one side and lower arm put on the head. lower leg bend, and put your free hand where it is convenient. Next, raise the upper leg to a height of about 45 degrees and return it to its original position. Do not forget that when you lower your leg back, you should do it slowly and smoothly - this way the muscles in the thighs will be used as much as possible. Perform the exercise until you feel a slight numbness in the muscles of the inner thigh. Then work the other side in the same way.

Remember that regular training will definitely bring results!

Video: exercises for the outer thigh