Physical education travel in space. Summary of physical culture and sports activities: “Space travel

Our Universe, space consists of many galaxies. One of them is called the Solar System, it is formed by various celestial bodies (planets, comets, asteroids), but the main one is ... the Sun.

Guys, how is the sun like?

And it can also be playful, cheerful, jumpy and will help us to exercise.

outdoor switchgear:

Rhythmic gymnastics "Radiant Sun".

Well, recharged with solar energy?

To go on a flight, astronauts must be strong, dexterous, enduring, and for this they must train a lot. Your keen eyes will help you to pass the obstacle course. And now we will train them.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Stargazer"

So it's time for our space training.


    Walking on the gymnastic bench

bag on the head with a squat in the middle of the bench and a deep jump at the end of it.

    Walking with an added step to the side (to the right and to the left) from the rope.

    Circular maze.

    Crawling on the gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with hands.

    jumping over gymnastic sticks on two legs.

    Crawling on all fours in a tunnel, followed by bouncing towards the ball.

Well done!

To relieve some tension, massage each other's backs with space massagers.

We will also check how friendly you are and how able to work together in a team, because you cannot do without these skills in space.

Relay "Ship repair"

Snake between the pins, jump from hoop to hoop, run to the landmark, take the tool and return to the team.

Relay race "Who will put on the spacesuit faster?"

Pass the hoop through yourself and pass it to the second player. The last one puts the hoop on, then takes it, runs around the team and gets up first.

Mobile game "Stars and planets".

At the signal of the "Stars" - stand in pairs with your back to each other, legs and arms to the sides. At the signal of the "Planet" - line up in two circles.

They played great. Thank you.

You are probably a little tired. Let `s have some rest. Lie down on the carpet like on the lawn. Close your eyes.


“On a cloudless clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with thousands of stars. They seem to us small sparkling points, because they are far from the earth. In fact, the stars are very large.

You wait for us, stars: when we grow up,

We'll come to you and let you know...

About how beautiful the planet Earth is.

What cities and fields are on it,

What colors and trees grow.

What birds sing in the forests.

We will also tell about our childhood,

About our Motherland, in which we live.

So wait for us, stars: when we grow up,

We'll tell you about everything, about everything."

Open your eyes. Breathe in and out. Stand up please.

Sports leisure on Cosmonautics Day "Journey to Mars" in senior group DOW

physical education instructor Kashina Anna Nikolaevna
Place of work: Voronezh MBDOU "Kindergarten of general development type No. 125"
Target: introducing children to the celebration of the day of the first manned flight into space.
1. Improve the execution technique motor actions, speed and dexterity of orientation in game situations, speed of motor reaction.
2. Cultivate a sense of collectivism in games and relay races.
3. To consolidate the knowledge about the Cosmos obtained earlier in the classroom in the group.
Hall decoration: Posters and drawings on the theme of space and space travel; stars, models of planets, spacecraft, satellites, etc.
Equipment: poster with the image of the solar system, hoops, plastic multi-colored balls, 2 cones 2 soft modules (rockets), 4 "pillows", 2 sheets of A2 paper, colored markers (at least 4 pcs), 2 colored hoops, a digital drive with a song composition file group "Earthlings" (And we do not dream of the roar of the cosmodrome ...), equipment for playing a file with music.
Location: gym.
Instruction: before physical education is carried out theme week"space", where children receive information about space, planets, astronauts.

The host announces the beginning of the holiday during which the best space crew is to be chosen.
Leading: Hello guys! You probably already know that every year on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrate Cosmonautics Day. Tell me why April 12th and not April 14th or 15th or some other day?
-Children's answers
The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961, exactly 50 years ago, that our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight.
Leading: Do you know who was the first person to go into space?
-Children's answers
Presenter: That's right guys, it was Yuri Gagarin. And today we will visit space. Space is an endless world with many stars and planets, and among these planets is our planet Earth. She is our home. Earth. Guys, what other planets of our solar system do you know?
Children's answers- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
Leading: I am sure that when you grow up you will invent fast way to get to distant planets, but for this you need to know and be able to do a lot. Physically weak and lazy people are unlikely to find a place in spaceships that will fly to other worlds in the future.
- Do you want to become astronauts?
-Children's answers- (Yes!)
Leading:- Attention attention! I invite all children to take a trip into outer space. Our teams will turn into space crews. And we will go on a journey to distant planets.
Sounds like a musical composition. During it, the children are rebuilt in 2 teams (rebuilding from one column to 2 through the middle of the hall)

Relay 1. "Rocket Flight"
A team of one person must move to the opposite side of the hall "on a rocket" (a soft cylindrical module). A crew member must fly his rocket along a given trajectory - fly to the asteroid (cone), fly around it from left to right and return to his crew and pass the baton. The first team to complete the task wins.

Leading: Guys, we flew to Mars! Did you know that the soil on Mars is very hot? And so that you and I do not get burned, we will use special equipment - a “thermal pillow”. It will protect you from hot ground, from burns.
relay 2"Journey to Mars"
A team of one person needs to get over to the opposite side of the "Martian crater" (gym) with the help of a "thermal cushion". Each member of the crew will have to overcome a dangerous path, moving exclusively on "thermal cushions". It is unacceptable to step on the ground. The first team to complete the task wins.

Relay 3 "Mars Rovers"
Teams need to collect samples for scientific research. Each crew member "turns" into a rover. And using only 2 manipulators (2 legs) collect the samples (colored balls) into your crew container (hoop); taking samples with other manipulators (hands) is prohibited. Move only "spider". The crew with the most samples wins.

Leading: Did you enjoy traveling on Mars?
Children's answers - (Yes!)
Leading: Well done! You are fast, agile, friendly! Are you good at solving riddles?
Children's answers- (Yes!)
Leading: This is what I know now!
A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land
But he can do it
Make it fast.... ( ROCKET)
Well, which one of you will answer:
Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
And not a cook, but a fryer? ( SUN)
The blue sheet covers the whole world .... ( SKY)
Above the houses by the path
Hanging a piece of cake .... ( MOON)
Leading: Great! And now it's time for the last race!
And now you will make a gift to the Martians, draw ... and the task must be guessed!
The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
English: astronaut
And in Russian….
Children's answers - ASTRONAUT!
Leading: Now you will draw an astronaut. Each team has its own. Do not forget that our astronauts are people! Humans have 1 head, 1 body, 2 legs, 2 arms. Our astronaut will be in a spacesuit.
Relay 3. "Gift to the Martians"
Each member of the crew must quickly get to a sheet of paper and draw 1 part of the body (suit) of the astronaut, then run to the crew, pass the baton to the next one. The team that draws more accurately and quickly wins. (The teacher helps to cope with this task)

Leading: That's all. Our journey to distant Mars is over. We saw how fast, dexterous, friendly you are! Generous - a gift to the Martians left. Now we are waiting for them with a return visit!
The results are summed up, the winning team is revealed. All participants of the holiday are awarded, the winners are honored. Solemn music sounds, teams leave the gym in formation and “fly” to the ground - to their group.

Tatyana Stoyakina
Synopsis of a physical education lesson dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics

Physical education to the day of cosmonautics.

Members: older children preschool age

Implementation period: beginning of April 2014

Goals: learn to maintain balance, exercise in jumping, walking on a tightrope, throwing, develop an eye; exercise in climbing on the gymnastic bench and wall, without missing the rails.

Fix the order of the planets.

Raising a sense of collectivism, friendly attitude of children, the ability to find an independent way out of various situations.

preliminary work: reading books about outer space, talk about astronauts, about planets, display of didactic game « Space» .

The guys go into the gym and see an envelope hanging on a rope. In an envelope letter:

“Sos, sos, sos. I am a resident from the planet Saturn. We really need your help. Our planet has run out of water - we ask you to bring it to us. We look forward to seeing you. Inhabitants of Saturn.

Instructor: Guys, what should we do?

Children's answers: you need to go to the aid of the inhabitants of the planet.

Instructor: How are we going?

Children: you can fly, on a rocket.

Instructor: there are a lot of us, probably, we will not fit on one rocket.

Children are asked to split into 2 teams. Shared without the help of adults. Okay, where do we get rockets.

Children offer to build, for example, from soft modules.

Relay race "Who will build the rocket faster". Children independently come up with the shape of a rocket (coordination of children in a team is important, the ability to negotiate, to help in a difficult situation).

Instructor: I see that you are ready to fly. What do we need while traveling?

The kids are in charge: water for the inhabitants of Saturn.

The instructor invites the children to transfer all the water bottles (pre-prepared small plastic bottles filled with water) from the boxes to the rocket.

relay race is underway "Who will load the water on board the rocket faster". To do this, two teams line up and pass water from hand to hand, the last child puts water into a rocket.

Instructor: Well done boys. You have done this task so well that we can go on our way. Children take seats in a rocket, sounds space music - we are flying to the planet Saturn.

Instructor: guys, how do we know that it's time for us to stop and not miss the right planet?

Children offer different variants answers: look out the window, but how do we recognize it?

The instructor pushes the guys to the fact that we are flying from the Earth, and then Saturn will be the third planet from the Earth.

Here's the first stop - which planet is closest to Earth?

Children answer that it is Mars.

Instructor: Teams line up in a row, one after the other. There are obstacles ahead of you (the hoops should be laid out in a chaotic position, a little far from each other) - on the table there is a sheet of paper with a drawn sun and cut out models of the planets. Guys, you need to lay out all the planets one after another, as they are located. Whose team will cope with the task faster, correctly and quickly lay out the planets, and also get to the task, jumping from hoop to hoop, that team gets the coveted score.

Relay race "Parade of planets"- children one after another overcome obstacles and lay out the planets, the last person checks the correctness of the task. The team that completes the task without errors wins.

The instructor checks the correctness of the task.

We continue our journey, and our next stop is the planet Jupiter. The inhabitants of this planet have also prepared for you exercise: you need to crawl through the mountains of Jupiter.

Relay race “We crawl over the mountains of Jupiter, we collect stars from heaven”. Children stand in front gymnastic bench, along which you need to crawl, pulling yourself up with your hands, then climb up gymnastic wall up, grab the star (they hang on ropes on the top rail, and go back down. The team that does it first wins.

Well done, we are already closer to our end point of the journey. This is the planet "Saturn". So we flew in, but what is it under our feet? A rope is laid out in front of the teams. These are the abysses and ruts of the planet Saturn that we must not fall into.

Relay race "Go - don't fall", the guys walk along the rope one after another with a lateral side step, socks on the rope, heels on the floor (2 times back and forth). Well done, you did a great job with dignity.

Relay race "Is there danger ahead?" we need to check if it's safe to move forward? To do this, we will take 2 bags of sand (to the right and left hand) and shoot at the target. Children throw bags at the target.

Nice work, I think the way is clear. And we can unload our water.

Relay race "Unload the Water". But unloading water is not so easy, the inhabitants of the planet offer us 2 skateboards for unloading. Why do you think? Children offer water transportation options. We stop at the option that one child with one bottle sits on a skateboard, and, pushing with his feet, moves forward, unloads the bottle and returns back. This is what all team members do.

Instructor: guys, we are all great fellows, the inhabitants of the planet are very happy and thank you for your help. And it's time for us to return to our planet, home.

Children sit on rockets, music sounds.

Instructor: Guys, here we are back home. What did you like the most about our trip? (children's answers)

What will you tell your parents?

Which planet do you like best?

Will we still travel together?

Guys, we had a wonderful holiday. I'll be glad to see you in next time. Goodbye.

Galina Chernova
Physical education lesson on the topic "Space"

Class in the senior group topic« Space»


Exercise children in walking and running one at a time between objects, consolidate climbing skills on the gymnastic wall in the same way. Develop jumping ability in jumping over short rope and balance in walking with a pouch on the head.

I part. Alignment.

Rebuilding in two lines.

Walking next to each other.

“Our goal, friends, is the planets.

And our campaign is not close.

At least there are some secrets around.

We will reveal them now."

Walking backwards one after the other

Mars, Jupiter and Venus

All planets are good.

We all learn about the sphere,

Grow up when, like you.

Scatter jumps.

We do jumps

Learn about the planets

Who lives on them and how

The whole secret is in our hands.

Walking step by step.

Step by step, gradually

We are moving towards the stars.

We get to know the universe

We are trying to find out everything.

II part of the ORU.

1. I. p. - about. s., hands down.

1 - arms to the sides

2 - hands up, stand on toes.

3. - arms to the sides

"I'm trying to reach

Up high to a star.

Stretched on toes -

And you are closer to the star.

I. p. - about. With. Hands to the side.

1. Rotation with straight arms


“I am now astronaut,

I fly high.

And in space I'm watching you with a rocket."

3 .I. p - feet shoulder width apart,

Hands down.

1. - hands above the head

2 - turn right

3 - turn - straight.

4 Hands down (I. p.)

"Even circle, even circle,

In its orbit,

Around the sun one by one

The planets are flying faster and faster.

4. I. p. - lying on the stomach, p. in front of.

Bend over, lifting your arms and legs off the floor.

"I float in weightlessness,

I'm getting closer to the sun

I will give you a star

In fact, I'll try!"

5. I. p. - sitting on the floor, knees bent.

Hug your knees with your hands, head down.

1 - 2 - lift your legs off the floor up, arms to the sides,

Raise your head.

3 - 4 - and. P.

The night has come, the star has opened,

The night is gone, the star has closed.

6. Jumping in place with claps.

"The sun is high in the sky,

The stars in the sky are far away.

I'll reach for the sky

I'll get to the star."

1. Climbing on the gymnastic wall in the same way.

2. Jumping on two legs through the rope moving forward.

3. walking on a pole with a bag on your head.

mobile game “New missiles are waiting for us…”

III part. A game of low mobility.

Walking at an average pace around the gym.