Alexey Vladovsky yoga for weight loss. The use of kundalini yoga for weight loss

Using kundalini yoga for weight loss is quite an exotic choice. Who does not know, the lesson of such yoga is more like a meditation or hatha class, and not a dynamic change of complex asanas. Fans of kundalini also somehow do not talk about burning calories. And even before this stage, yogis do not allow minors, they do not welcome pregnant women to classes, and they breathe very loudly. The musician and coach Alexei Vladovsky is promoting this trend in Russia. He also created a popular video course, which is included in the video library of the ZhiVi TV channel. It was with the promotion of this video course that the popularity of kundalini yoga began in the broad strata of the losing weight population.

What is kundalini yoga for weight loss

As a matter of fact, if you ask such a question in any yoga school that is not engaged in commerce and promotion of popular “tricks and tricks”, you will most likely receive a puzzled look in response. Yogis are not too fond of any prefixes "for health" or "for weight loss", the fact is that they believe that the teachings of yogis help a person get to his essence, and all sorts of weight loss there are a nice bonus.

On this very incomprehensible essence, the “principle of action” of kundalini yoga is based. Actually, the school itself is a set of techniques aimed at awakening the special energy of kundalini. All these exercises with awakening are solely for the sake of "pumping the spiritual level." The adherent loses weight mainly due to the shift in life accents.

Alexei Vladovsky often says in his interviews that the majority modern people"actively tied" to pleasure. And the latter in their heads, unfortunately, is closely related to food intake. The main task of kundalini for weight loss is to break this connection. With the help of yoga techniques and meditations, a person learns to relax in a state other than "overeaten and drunk." That's the whole secret.

How to do kundalini yoga for weight loss

Again, under this name in our country you can visit a class of anything. The same popular video tutorials in style are more like a classic hatha - you will do poses, get all the necessary load on the body. In addition, you will perform specific breathing exercises and you can saturate the body with oxygen with the help of them. You will also learn how to literally get involved in the process of any action with the help of meditation. Usually yoga beginners experience an increase in the quality of any activity. A simple example is if you are accustomed to eating without tasting it simply because a serving is that amount of food, this “valuable skill” is most likely the reason for gaining fat mass. Once you learn to “meditate on food”, isolate yourself from any external influences while eating, you can lose weight without dieting.

All this practice is not suitable only for those who do not believe in the effectiveness of something not directly related to fat burning, calorie expenditure and physical work. Most yoga teachers say that the result, achievements in the field of weight loss is a purely individual thing. In particular, there are students who go to elementary grades for years and do not achieve anything, simply because they think about their own during class. And there are also people who manage to learn from the video themselves in such a way that they perceive the entire yogic “potential”, and asanas, and meditation, and breathing, and eating style.

However, when attending kundalini yoga “in real life”, one must be careful. Very often sects act under the guise of "spiritual enlightenment and physical recovery". And the latter, for some reason, especially like to call themselves either adherents of Tantra or propagandists of kundalini yoga.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

For a modern person, most health problems are directly related to overweight. Sedentary work, a lifestyle with a lack of movement and constant stress, an unhealthy diet with a predominance of synthetic and processed foods - all this leads to the accumulation of fat and the emergence of many diseases, most of which pose a serious threat not only to health, but also to human life. Most people are aware of the need to lose weight, but do not know how to do it. in the best possible way. The course of video exercises "for weight loss" led by trainer Alexei Vladovsky will help you fulfill your dream and restore health and beauty.

How to lose weight without going to fitness clubs

For many overweight people visit sports activities in the group is a real serious test for nervous system, and individual instructions from a fitness trainer are an incredible luxury due to their high cost. Many try to overcome their complexes and continue to go to classes, but soon they leave them, because they do not keep up with their rhythm, designed for strong, young and slender people. There is only one way out - to work at home. But here other “pitfalls” await those who are losing weight:

Lack of motivation and competition.

The desire to indulge their weaknesses and not complete the course of exercises in full.

Lack of control allows you to relax and casually conduct classes, skip or arbitrarily reduce them.

Proximity to the kitchen and refrigerator often nullifies all efforts.

It turns out that losing weight without visiting a fitness club is almost impossible, unless the person who is losing weight has iron willpower. Actually this is not true. A lot depends on the choice of the course of exercises and the trainer who teaches it. Many of those who have already completed the Kundalini Yoga for Weight Loss course claim that it was Aleksey who managed to interest them in this type of yoga. With his suggestion, they began to follow the recommendations of the coach, gradually got involved and saw real changes in the state of not only their bodies, but also their minds, well-being and self-identification. Conventional weight loss methods, at best, insist on cleansing the body of toxins, and kundalini contributes to a kind of “brain cleansing”.

A person begins to understand that the reason for his fullness nests not in the stomach, but in the head. More often excess weight arises from dissatisfaction with life. It can be an unsuccessful personal or family life, an unloved job, a lack of demand as a specialist and a person. It's no secret that very often we simply "jam" our problems. Yoga plays the role of a stimulator of thought processes that lead to a rethinking of life and an understanding of the need to lose weight, not only to gain harmony and beauty. appearance but also to achieve significant changes in their own destiny.

Six stages of training

In order to be able to lose weight in the most comfortable environment, Alexey Vladovsky created a special video course "Kundalini Yoga for Weight Loss". It consists of six classes, each of which has a special name:

1. Ten bodies of consciousness.

2. The navel center and the energy of excretion.

3. Natural setting.

4. Nabhi kriya.

5. Exercises for morning sadhana.

6. Detox.

Already by the titles of the lessons, you can understand that kundalini yoga for weight loss practices an integrated approach to the process of losing excess weight. The coach perfectly understands that it is quite simple to “throw off” kilograms, you still need to make sure that they do not return, bringing a few more of your “friends” with you. Only a change in habitual lifestyle can eliminate the factors that used to be the cause of overeating.

Advantages of Alexey Vladovsky's technique

Each session with Alexey Vladovsky is carefully thought out and aimed at a specific goal - weight loss.

At the first lesson of the course "Kundalini Yoga for Weight Loss" exercises are introduced for different muscle groups, including the abdominal muscles, which can affect digestion. Special attention is given to the practice of "Breath of Fire", as it helps to speed up and improve the processes of digestion of food.

The second lesson is devoted to exercises for the abdomen, which helps to improve and speed up the metabolism in the body. This is one of the most important ways of natural and long-term weight loss.

In the third lesson of kundalini yoga for weight loss, the focus is on careful and serious work with the abdominal muscles, which sets the body in the right direction to detoxify and activate calorie burning. During the years of passive absorption of mountains of food, the body became “lazy”, and the muscles weakened and “forgot how” to work. But only active muscular work can expend energy, and, therefore, expend the collected fat.

The fourth lesson is extremely important, as it is aimed at influencing the manipura chakra. It can encourage a person to change their habitual diet. If this is not done, weight loss may turn out to be a temporary state, since without the active work of the manipura chakra, eating habits from “ past life» will return very quickly after the end of the course. During this lesson, the muscles of the press and hips are also diligently strengthened.

The fifth lesson reveals the secrets of invigorating and energizing morning exercises that set the right rhythm for the whole day and contribute to rapid burning incoming calories. By doing them every day, a person will be able to be active all day long and resist the temptation to alleviate the difficulties of existence by eating excess food of not the best quality.

With the help of the sixth lesson, the following video recommendations will be able to get rid of accumulated toxins, make your body stronger, healthier and more beautiful. It is the slagging of the body that often interferes with the correct process of losing weight. This can be compared to the condition of a water tank in which the outlet valve is faulty. If the water does not leave the vessel, it stagnates, acquires an unpleasant odor and begins to decompose. The same thing happens with an organism poisoned by toxins.

Try this course, and a charismatic trainer will guide you through the necessary tests until you achieve the perfect harmony of soul and body (we also recommend that you look at the methodology). Losing weight will not be easy, but useful and extremely interesting, besides, the effect will be obvious - muscle strengthening will certainly benefit health. For many, this course will be the impetus for a more in-depth study of other yogic practices, not just kundalini.

Master Yogi Bhajan became the first person to teach Kundalini Yoga. From a very young age, he studied theology and the art of meditation with leading teachers. At the age of sixteen, he achieved the title of master of this practice. Kundalini yoga consists of a set of physical exercises, techniques diaphragmatic breathing and meditation. This type of yoga is a type that combines all the components listed above into one whole. Self-improvement, gaining strength in the spiritual and physical plane, finding inner peace - all these are the goals of those people who decide to start practicing this species yoga. In addition, kundalini yoga is able to normalize the work of the nervous and endocrine systems, optimizes the functions of organs. Kundalini yoga and weight loss are also interrelated processes, since this practice directly affects the improvement of the physical shell.

One lesson of kundalini yoga consists of six parts: meditation, warm-up, "kriya" (a set of exercises), relaxation, meditation, blessing - "may the long time sun shine upon you" (in translation - let the sun shine on you for a long time) .

It is important to strictly adhere to the execution of the exercises in order. The average duration of one lesson is an hour and a half. It should be noted that the main goal of kundalini yoga is not to lose weight. However, this practice is great for bringing your body into great shape. This is due to the fact that exercises based on diaphragmatic breathing can speed up the metabolic process, due to which intensive fat burning occurs.

Before you start practicing kundalili yoga, you need to learn how to breathe with your stomach. Mastering this technique is useful in dealing with stress. And also this breathing technique is excellent for people suffering from panic attacks, increased emotionality and epileptic seizures. It must be understood that the breathing technique is the basis of yoga.

Lie on your back, put your hand on the diaphragm (this will help you control the position at first). The main principle of breathing with the stomach: when inhaling, the diaphragm lowers, and the stomach rises, while exhaling, on the contrary, air is pushed out of the lungs. Try to breathe calmly and slowly. It takes ten seconds to exhale and inhale. Start with three minutes of breathing with your stomach, gradually bring this exercise up to eleven minutes. After completing the exercise, rest for three to four minutes, lying on your back.

After mastering the breathing practice, you can safely move on to the exercises of kundalini yoga. To begin with, you need to learn seven exercises: spinal deflection, spinal twist, bear grip swing, shoulder raise, head rotation, bear grip, sat kriya. We recommend finding special videos that describe in detail and show how to do these exercises correctly. So it will be easier for you to master this complex.

The following are some rules and guidelines that should be followed when performing exercises:

. Make sure that when you inhale and exhale you do not experience tension.

. When you inhale, try to draw as much air into your lungs as possible, relaxing chest. As you exhale, try not to arch your spine.

. You should not feel dizzy when holding your breath.

The flexibility of the body can tell about the youth of the body. Kundalini yoga is able to give your body flexibility, respectively - youth. You will also feel a surge of strength and energy. Apart from slim figure and beauty, doing this set of exercises, you have the opportunity to put your nerves in order. As you can see, it is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of kundalini yoga. Therefore, we wish you to join this practice and feel the significant qualitative changes that will inevitably occur in your body!

Oriental techniques of recovery and weight loss in the last decade fell in love with compatriots. Usually popularity comes to them after famous people are interested in a certain direction. Then celebrity fans begin to imitate her and carry the technique "to the masses." With kundalini yoga, the story is about the same. Initially, it was "propaganda" by Alexei Vladovsky. Now it is used in weight and figure correction by those to whom this person is unknown.

Kundalini is based on the idea of ​​the latent potential of the body. The purpose of the classes is to learn how to use the energy “localized” at the base of the spine and move it to other energy centers. Actually, this energy is called "kundalini". Like any yoga for weight loss, this technology is interesting and promising.

A distinctive feature is the combination of breathing, meditative and physical exercises. One lesson is divided into several parts and lasts from an hour to an hour and a half. Moreover, physical exercises take only 30 minutes from the period. This is probably understandable. But how is the eastern direction related to weight loss? There really is a connection.

The benefits of yoga for the figure

You should not expect unique effects from classes. Of course, they have a certain effect on weight. But still, the main purpose of training is recovery, not weight loss. Concerning specifically body shaping, kundalini yoga is useful for the following reasons.

  1. Increase in general tone and energy. Regular classes make a person more energetic, mobile, flexible. There is an opportunity to quickly cope with excess weight.
  2. Normalization of the digestive tract. Any kind of physical activity will help you improve your performance. digestive system. But kundalini is especially effective because it involves breathing exercises.
  3. Restoration of the natural hormonal background. With endocrine disorders, yoga is incredibly useful. After all, excess weight is often the result of hormonal disorders.
  4. Acceleration of metabolism. More precisely, classes allow you to return it to normal. By systematically performing the appropriate exercises, you will certainly succeed in losing weight, because metabolic processes will come to normal levels.

In general, kundalini yoga can be helpful for weight loss purposes. At least, doing it all the time, and not from time to time. Then it will gradually thin out body fat, and the mass will decrease. It should also be said about the additional advantages associated with classes: yoga improves mood, peace comes, stress resistance increases. Training is helpful anyway.

Where to begin

Before proceeding with the part of the exercise that involves physical exercises, you will have to master the breathing technique. The technique is significantly different from what most people are used to in everyday life. The easiest way to get the first skills is by “training” while lying on your back. The bottom line here is simple:

  • breathing is carried out by the stomach and movements of the diaphragm;
  • on inhalation, the stomach “fills up”, the diaphragm drops;
  • at the exit, the stomach “deflates”, the diaphragm rises as much as possible to the lungs.

All these actions are carried out slowly. It takes 10-15 seconds to move. But the most important thing is that there is no feeling of lack of oxygen. If it still occurs, you should speed up the action a little. There is a short delay between inhalations and exhalations. At first, about 3 minutes are spent on breathing exercises, then the period is increased to 10-15 minutes.

Physical exercise

Now let's move on to the actual exercise. They are performed in conjunction with breathing exercises, having previously mastered it well. First, we list the fundamental rules that allow you to perform the exercises as efficiently as possible:

  • during classes, the spine is kept straight (when movements do not imply otherwise);
  • muscle contraction occurs on exhalation, after which there is a breath hold and relaxation with inhalation;
  • the minimum number of repetitions is 26, the maximum is 108 (unless otherwise indicated);
  • those who begin to practice are allowed a rest between exercises of 3 minutes.

Physical activity is a central part of classes. Start and end with breathing exercises and meditation. 30 minutes are spent on active actions. What movements are included in the complex? Kundalini yoga consists of such exercises.

  1. Tilts in a sitting position for the spine. In a sitting position with bent knees, the spine is bent forward and backward, respectively, leaning and returning back. While bending, inhale, while arching back, exhale.
  2. Twisting. A similar principle, but the spine does not arch, but twists to the right and left. When moving to the left, inhale, to the right - exhale. Exercise is done 26 times in each direction. At the end, a break of about a minute is required.
  3. "Bear swing". It is performed with hands gathered in a lock on the chest. Movements are made with the elbows set to the sides - in turn up and down. The number of repetitions is similar to the previous step.
  4. Shoulder exercise. Perform lifting and lowering of the shoulders for two minutes. In this case, there is no clear limit on the number of repetitions.
  5. Head rotation. Ordinary rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise alternately. Enough for five turns in both directions. Should be slow and with observance of technique of breath.
  6. "Capture". First, at the level of the neck, gather your hands into the castle and inhale deeply. In this position, raise the arms above the head without exhaling. Exhalation is done at the moment when the hands will return back. 2 repetitions.
  7. "Kriya". Ends a cycle. Sit on your heels and close your knees with each other. Raise your hands above you, join your palms so that the index fingers remain straight and look up, and the rest are intertwined. The main movement is done by the stomach - it alternately retracts and relaxes at a fast pace, observing the breathing technique. The total movement should be performed for approximately three minutes.

Then they move on to meditation. There are no hard requirements here. Someone even replaces meditation with a relaxed "lying" on your back for 15-20 minutes. It is unprincipled for those who only want to improve their figure, and not plunge into Eastern philosophical trends.

But training does require regularity. Then the desired effect on the body will appear soon.


The list of contraindications for such activities is small. It is advisable to abandon the loads suffering from hypertension, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, epilepsy. But they always pay serious attention to their own well-being in the process of training. Pronounced signs of malaise are a reason to abandon training, to make them less intense.


It was emphasized above that kundalini is a technique aimed at general improvement body work. Strengthens the body and nerves, helps to find harmony with oneself. Classes will be useful, even without bringing significant weight loss. And to increase the chances of getting rid of extra pounds, it is advisable to switch to healthy eating. The "adepts" of yoga themselves say that vegetarianism is better suited to the technique.