How to make a flag on a horizontal bar. How to learn to make a flag on the Swedish wall

Undoubtedly, the flag is the most impressive demonstration of power, with the help of the athlete controls the weight of his body. The exercise always attracts a lot of spectators. In people far from sports in general, the jaw drops in surprise!

To technically make a flag requires decent strength and a lot of preparation. But you need not only to have strength, but also to be able to apply it correctly, and for this you will have to train a lot. Few are able to special training do such an exercise. An untrained person will not last even a second in this position.

Critics call "Flag" ordinary circus trick, the only purpose of which is to hit schoolchildren and girls. But those who have actually taken the time and effort to learn how to do the exercise know how much it strengthens the body, spirit and character.

The "flag" will not help you build mass. Otherwise, YouTube would be full of clips showing how 100 kg bodybuilders hang horizontally on poles between competitions. But, having mastered this exercise, you will become incredibly strong, and it will be a completely different strength.
In addition, any occupation must be learned to one degree or another. Even simple barbell squats and bench presses require some skill.

Before embarking on the long, leisurely journey that flag preparation is, you should know that, as with all bodyweight exercises, a flag requires high strength-to-weight ratios.

If your body fat percentage is approaching 20% ​​or even higher, then the probability of your success is close to zero. In training with own weight and big guys and little boys have equal opportunities.
In this exercise, the lighter your weight, the greater your strength. Therefore, if you want to learn how to perform it, do not try to gain weight. However, flagging does lead to increased strength.

A strong vertical pole with a diameter of about 3 cm is best suited for training. A pole with a larger diameter will create additional difficulties. With one hand, the upper one, grab the pole with a direct grip, with the lower hand - reverse grip (this is if we draw an analogy with a horizontal bar). Firmly grasp the pole with your hands and, if possible, try to straighten your arms.

In this exercise, the whole body works, but the main load falls on the deltas, the latissimus dorsi and oblique muscles of the abdomen. To start training, you need good initial strength, which is provided by exercises such as pull-ups and overhead presses. You should pull yourself up 15 times without jerking and squeeze 2/3 of your body weight over your head at least 10 times.

The lower hand should rest against the pole, providing support to the horizontally extended body, and the upper hand will pull the body. In this case, the widest and deltas will definitely be involved.

Extreme stability of the body is provided by the synchronous work of the muscles of the antagonists. Having reached the basic level of training required to perform the “Flag” with the help of pull-ups and bench presses, it will be possible to further develop strength and endurance already in the course of specialized work on this exercise.

The most important thing is to find and learn to accept such a position of all parts of the body, in which it will be easier to maintain body weight. Make sure to work out evenly on both sides of the body.

vertical flag

The peculiarity and complexity of this exercise is that a relatively short lever (hand) is used to hold a much longer object (body) on weight. Since it is impossible to make the arms longer, one should try to make the body shorter in order to facilitate the exercise.

Try to train with your body in a position that is closer to vertical than horizontal ( try to raise your legs), almost like a crooked handstand. By the way, handstand training complements the Flag exercise very well. This position not only reduces stress on the arms, but also reduces the load on the oblique muscles, lower back and abdominal muscles. This allows you to learn to feel your body in the air while you build up the strength needed to extend your legs into the air. horizontal position.

Top down

Learning to do vertical ( crooked) "Flag", practice lowering your hips, but still lifting your legs up. From this position, gradually begin to lower one leg, and after a while, both legs.

As a preparatory stage, you can perform the “Flag” with knees bent or legs spread apart. Remember, the closer your legs and torso are to the pole, the easier it is to do the Flag. Once you start doing this, you will understand exactly what it is about.

To master this exercise, any changes to it are suitable that increase the strength of the lifting of the body and facilitate training. The most important thing is to exercise regularly. Stick to the following rule: move on to a more difficult version of the exercise only after you can hold your body in the air for at least 10 seconds in an easier version.

Down up

Once you manage to complete the "Flag" within a few seconds, you can start training to move to a horizontal position from the bottom up. Throwing the legs up by inertia and then lowering them to the horizontal is much easier than raising them smoothly from the ground.

Watch the video for an illustration:

Practicing the "Flag", give free rein to your imagination. Use any stable surface that you can grab onto with your arms wide enough. You can practice on traffic signposts, scaffolding posts, ladders, etc.

Each such item has its own peculiarity, which means that it will be necessary to overcome new difficulties. Training and developing body strength is very serious work, but it can also be very exciting!

Enjoy the process!

So, how long does it take to learn how to make a "Flag"? This is quite a common question. It feels like a lot of people would be willing to buy the ability to flag just not to learn. We advise you to approach the exercise patiently and slowly, without thinking about the final result. To master this exercise, you have to go a long way. Not a month or two ... Those who expect a quick result will be disappointed.

Even if you are already in great shape, you have to train a lot. Therefore, it is better to immediately concentrate on the process itself, and not on the result. This way you will have more fun. And what could be more interesting than having fun?

By the way, some "gifted athletes" can hang in the air after a few weeks of training. For others, it takes much longer. Everyone is different, but one thing is certain: if you work hard, success will definitely come.

Don't put it off until tomorrow or the next year. Try to set a goal - to learn how to flag and do your first workout today! You can be sure that it will be exciting, especially when you get better with each workout.

Good luck! Share your success in the comments.

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Most fans of exercises on the horizontal bar prefer the flag. This element is considered one of the most beautiful and allows you to appreciate the good physical training. The ability to perform this element on the horizontal bar leads to what you can do.

Everything is built on the basis of sufficient muscle preparation during the implementation of various elements and not only. What can be replaced with to complete the flag and what technique it has, the basics of its implementation, certain nuances - all in this article.


As mentioned earlier, to execute a checkbox element, you need to have sufficient physical strength. It consists in the presence of the strength of certain muscles. Which ones - we will consider below. While you first need to be able to hang on the horizontal bar, with the help of this exercise it is much easier to understand the technique, to figure out how to make a flag on the horizontal bar.


  1. With a medium grip, grab the pipe so that the palms are located towards each other. The torso should point down.
  2. Maximum straining lower arm, while pulling up the top. The body is in a slight angle.
  1. From the last position, which formed a small angle, turn the torso and raise the legs in the divorced position as high as possible - this way the angle becomes larger.
  2. Carefully begin to lower yourself, bring your legs together.

How to learn how to make a flag, friends can advise on the video, perhaps they have their own advice and experience. For a lighter version, to begin with, you should perform the element by bending the upper arm and spreading the legs. Subsequently, having learned to confidently be in this position, you can do a decent trick.

Muscles involved

Undoubtedly, you need to pump a certain muscle group to complete the flag element. Since the exercise is not easy to perform, you need to work hard on training the necessary muscles:

  • press;
  • triceps;
  • broad back muscles;
  • shoulders.

To strengthen the muscles needed to perform, there are a lot of exercises. Anyone can be involved in this. sports simulator or even handy items. Perfect for triceps. You can pump up the press as you like and anywhere - for this it is unnecessary to go far, even if there are no simulators, the floor is quite enough. You can train your back, shoulders on the horizontal bar, using pull-ups with a wide grip.

Replacing the horizontal bar

How to make a checkbox if there is no horizontal bar? A vertical staircase or a Swedish wall is ideal. Most athletes claim that doing this element is easier and easier on wall bars, since it is quite versatile and can pre-pump the right muscles before executing the checkbox.

In addition, doing a grip on a ladder or wall is easier than on a horizontal bar. Although for some this is not important, therefore they are neutral regarding the choice of an exercise device.


Regardless of what kind of sport everyone may be passionate about, he must know for himself for sure that the manifestation of laziness in training and exercises will never allow him to achieve the heights that the sport deserves. There is no limit to perfection, so engage physical activity need to!

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Hello dear athletes, today we will talk about how to learn how to make a flag. Most likely, you liked this complex element, and you asked yourself how to learn how to make a flag. And in this article I will try to reveal all the secrets of how to make it quickly and correctly.

how to learn to make a flag

The flag is one of the most difficult power elements on the horizontal bar, because in order to perform it, yours must be very well physically developed and prepared. That is, you will not be able to immediately come and do it, you need good physical preparation.

You can upgrade yours in many ways, and all this has long been written on my website. In order not to burden you with searches, here I give a link to an article - how to pump up on a horizontal bar.

Now that you've learned how to pump your body to perform the flag, let's move on to the question of how to learn how to hold the flag.

How to start holding the flag
So, now you have already entered the site and devoted yourself to the flag. What should be done at the beginning? That's right, we begin to warm up, do not forget, we start each workout with a warm-up.

We warmed up and approached the Swedish wall to start trying to perform our element. What grip to take to be comfortable? We take it in such a way that your head does not touch the pipe, this is too wide grip and it will be very difficult for you to learn how to make a flag in this position. And strongly narrow grip it will also be inconvenient to carry out a flag on the Swedish wall. Try to find your golden mean, in which it will be convenient for you to try to perform this spectacular element. I hope we figured out the grip, I forgot to say, we take it in such a way that the palms look at each other.

We take our hands on the Swedish wall and swing our legs, throw them to the top and begin to slowly lower the body to a horizontal position. The hand that is below should always be straight; in no case should we bend it.

You can also start with the fact that you just start pushing yourself away from the wall with the hand that is below, but do not throw your legs up at the same time, so you will understand whether you can hold yourself or not.

After that, try to hold the so-called “lazy flag” or it is also called the “vertical flag”. What does it mean? This means that yours is horizontal to the Earth…to the Earth….to the Earth, and your feet directly are vertical. And from this position we are already starting to lower our legs, it is better to spread them at the same time.

Try to stay in this position for as long as possible. When you are sure to already hold the flag with your legs apart, you will have to make the final moment - close your legs and hold the perfect flag.

If you tried to hold the flag and didn't succeed, don't be discouraged, keep improving your body. And yet, never put a frame in front of you, make a checkbox where it is convenient for you. I would be glad if I helped you figure out how to learn how to make a flag.

©Lesiv Alexander

To learn how to perform the exercises that you will see below, you need to have good ligaments and joint flexibility. How can you secure such an advantage? Training and more training. When you train even when you are sick with the flu, when you train when it is cold or raining outside, the body will gradually adjust itself to maximum success. And then, when you lack a little to improve your result, he will morally motivate himself to achieve the goal. These are not just words. But strong and at the same time flexible joints are a rarity. Therefore, here you will have to slightly limit yourself in working on strength or in working on flexibility. When you train some exercises, then never score muscles at the end of a workout that do a completely different job. I explain - if you came to the horizontal bar and train the hand grip there, then you will not need to perform exercises for biceps and extension - triceps. All this will affect the next workout in a negative way. 1. Scorpion back. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

2. Jump into the rack. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

3. Put-remove forward (from the moon). Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

4. Put-remove back (from the sun). Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

5.# Finnish rise. Tutorial. Part No. 1 Finnish rise. Tutorial. Part 2. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

6. Suicide bomber. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

7. Backward dismount. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

8. Crab No. 6. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

9. Flag through the exit. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

10. (Spanish exit 360). Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

11. Kip-back lift (Back riveting). Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

12. Lock for 540. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

13. Sun / Moon on the legs. Training on the horizontal bar. Video.

14. Horizontal bar. Rise by coup forward. Training on a horizontal bar. Video.

15. Coffin 360

Best regards, Georgiy.

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Jason Statham, flag

More than 2 years ago I watched a Nigerian workout video. Then it was still not exaggerated and was not popular. One of the memorable elements was the flag on vertical bar. Decided to learn how to do it too. Before that, I did not do anything that could help me with this on purpose. I was lucky, it turned out that only one desire was enough. After several attempts, I completed the clumsy checkbox. It turned out that it is easier to perform it on the stairs or the Swedish wall. Moreover, it is easier for me to make it right side up. That is, when the left side is up.

It turns out that I have nothing special to advise beginners if I can do it right away, and for this it was enough just my desire? Still, I have something to say.

In my training, I mainly engaged in heavy exercise. This helped me after a short period of time, for example,.

In addition to training in the gym, I work out on horizontal bars and uneven bars. But I don't do any tricks. I have no goal to impress others, so I stupidly just do push-ups on bars with harnesses and pull myself up. The harnesses are hooked on my belt at one end, the other end is hooked to the lower crossbar of the Swedish wall. It turns out something like and . Before that, I just did push-ups without weights. I didn’t train for quantity, I did series of several repetitions.

After I began to do pull-ups with weights, the flag began to turn out better, I began to do it with legs and body fully extended.
Experience allows us to conclude that in order to successfully complete the flag, it is necessary to develop:
Abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles;
The latissimus dorsi;

Press, it's all clear. To keep the body straight, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are fairly tense, it is felt. About the broadest too, almost everything is clear. Upper hand when performing a flag, it pulls the body up, helps to maintain a horizontal position. That is, she performs traction. The triceps help keep the lower arm straight, which also helps keep the torso horizontal. That is, he, in fact, presses, performs a bench press. Well, if you have powerful triceps and the broadest, you simply cannot have weak shoulders. Deltas also help to maintain stability and fix the rack.

So for training latissimus dorsi back, you can use the following exercises.