Beautiful posture, healthy back: niche exercises for the spine. Everything you need to know about Japanese gymnastics katsuzo nishi Articular gymnastics niche

These 5 ways are five simple exercises, most of them are well known in yoga. If you can easily do them, then everything is fine with you.

Does it happen to you like this: you seem to have slept well, but in the morning your head or stomach hurts? And you begin to analyze and look for the reasons for your poor health. In this case, self-diagnosis of health will help - there are 5 simple ways they are given by Katsuzo Nishi in his book Nishi Medicine. Golden Rules of Health.These 5 ways are five simple exercises, most of which are well known in yoga. If you can easily do them, then everything is fine with you.

1. Tilt forward

Bending at the waist, lean forward. The knees must be straight.Try to touch your fingers to the floor.If you succeeded, then your stomach and spine are in a normal state.

2. Emphasis on the wall

Stand facing the wall, lean on it with your hands.Try to make a 60° angle with the wall. Do not lift your heels off the floor.If you manage to be in this position, then your genitals and sciatic nerve are in order.

Exercise 3

Rest your back on the table with your elbows resting on it. The face is directed upward.Your body should form a 30° angle with the floor. Your posture should resemble a plank.The thumbs of the hands lie on the table, the remaining fingers hang from the edge of the table. If you succeeded, congratulate yourself, your kidneys are doing well.

4. Plow

Lie on the floor, on your back, stretch your arms along the body.Raise your straight legs up and place them behind your head so that the tips of your thumbs reach the floor.If at the same time you do not experience significant discomfort, then your liver is normal!

5. Fish

Sit on your knees, while placing bent legs under the buttocks.Now from this position, try to lie on your back.The knees should remain on the floor. Managed? So your ureters and your intestines are fine.

That's the whole self-diagnosis of health.

If you have trouble doing any of these five exercises, then those organs are not in order and you need to work out.

You can make these exercises much easier if you repeat the “capillary” exercise for the vessels before and after them.

Exercise for capillaries

Lie on your back on a firm and flat surface. It is better to put a roller under the neck (you can roll a towel).

Raise your arms and legs parallel to the floor - feet and palms look at the ceiling. In this position, vigorously shake your arms and legs.

Do this exercise for 1 to 3 minutes.

You can imagine that you are trying to throw the balls with your hands and feet - this is one of the options for doing this exercise.

Do the exercise the best you can. If your arms or legs do not rise, do at the same height as your arms or legs rise to. In time, everything will work out for you. Just do the exercise regularly.

Nishi recommends doing this exercise twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner.

Take care of your capillaries - it's that simple!

Exercises must be done in slow pace without jerking or excessive force.The performance of these exercises stimulates those organs, an indicator of the health of which they are.Therefore, by training and performing these exercises, you restore your body and help get rid of diseases of the relevant organs! published

This is one of the most famous Japanese healers, who formulated, based on personal experience, six rules for good health.

Nishi believed that only he himself could cure a person if he wanted to. And there is irrefutable proof of that. When Nisha was a child, doctors made a disappointing diagnosis, according to which he could not live to be 20 years old. However, contrary to all the conclusions of official medicine, Katsuzo Nishi not only lived much longer than he was predicted, but also surprised those around him with his good health, already at a very advanced age.

Nisha's Six Rules of Health system

A fundamental factor in the Niche system is a good understanding of the characteristics of human physiology. The conclusions that he made literally turned people's well-established ideas about what a disease is and how to achieve a cure by doing just a few simple manipulations with your body every day.

Nisha's Six Health Rules were widely publicized about 80 years ago. In our time, thousands of examples around the world have been witnessed, when seriously ill patients, turning to these rules, were cured of ailments even when doctors were already helplessly shrugging their shoulders.

What you need to know before starting exercises from the Nishi system?

As you know, most people today suffer from problems with the spine - scoliosis and various curvatures resulting from Not correct posture. When a person stoops, his ligaments and muscles weaken and do not hold the vertebrae as tightly as they should, as a result of which the latter are displaced relative to themselves. The golden rules of health of Katsuzo Nishi are aimed at forming the correct posture with the help of simple exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the vertebral systems, alternating wakefulness and sleep in a certain mode, etc.

The first golden rule of health is a firm bed.

A person spends one third of his life in a dream, but this time can be used not only for rest, but also for posture correction. If you sleep on a flat and hard bed, then in this case the weight will be evenly distributed throughout the body, and the muscles will be able to completely relax. Only on such a bed is it possible to correct the spinal column, which is in a twisted state during the day during work.

A firm bed stimulates the activity of the skin, activates the work of the skin venous vessels, prevents the prolapse of the liver, and accelerates the blood supply to the skin. All this ensures a sound sleep and a vigorous state after it.

In order for sleep to be stronger, in the evening, about an hour before bedtime, you should spend at least 20 minutes on fresh air.

The second golden rule of health is a firm pillow.

In this case, we are talking not so much about a traditional pillow, but about a roller-shaped lining under the head (preferably wooden). The pillow-roller should be of certain sizes, individually selected for each person. It should fill the depression between the back of the head and the scapular region so that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae lie flat on a hard surface and do not bend.

Of course, such a pillow will, out of habit, cause a lot of inconvenience or even painful sensations, but all this is solely due to the fact that people have been accustomed to a different way of life and sleep for a long time, and now everything that is right seems uncomfortable and wild to them. In order to eliminate discomfort, at first a hard roller can be wrapped soft cloth. As time passes, the layers of matter should be removed one by one, gradually getting rid of the unnecessary lining.

The third golden rule of health is the goldfish exercise.

This exercise affects the vertebral nerves, relaxes them and relieves overstrain, and also normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, stabilizes the work of the main body systems, including the nervous system, and promotes proper bowel function.

Initial position: lie on your back (on a flat and hard surface - it can be a bed or floor), throw your arms behind your head, stretch your legs forward, press your heels down and stretch your socks to your face.

First you need to do good stretch. Stretch your right heel forward and your hands in the opposite direction, then do the same with your left heel. Then put your hands under your head and, without lifting your torso from the floor (make sure that your heels, hips and spine are pressed to the floor), make wave-like movements with your body from left to right (but not up and down - this is an important condition!) for 1-2 minutes.

This and subsequent exercises are recommended to be performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

The fourth golden rule of health is capillary exercise.

The purpose of this exercise is to stimulate the capillaries in the organs, improve blood circulation throughout the body, movement and renewal of the lymph.. It is a good substitute for running, as it allows you to remove the load on the joints and heart, which is important for many health problems. If possible, perform it in light, loose clothing, then in addition to the above effects, you will get an increase in skin respiration, which will lead to the cleansing of the body of toxins through the skin.

Initial position: lie on your back on a hard surface, put the roller under your neck, which was discussed above.

Raise your legs and arms up, turn your feet parallel to the floor. In this position, do active shaking with your arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.

The fifth golden rule of health is an exercise in closing the palms and feet.

This exercise coordinates the functions of muscles, nerves and blood vessels. By doing it, you stimulate the diaphragm, which improves blood circulation and reduces the load on the heart. In addition, this exercise makes the muscles of the right and left sides of our body actively interact, which, by coordinating their work, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs. It is especially useful for women during pregnancy, as it promotes proper development fetus in the womb.

The exercise consists of two stages: preparatory and main parts.

Preparatory part

Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, put a roller under your neck, tightly close your feet and palms of your hands, spread your knees apart.

In this position, you need to perform several different movements, each should be repeated 10 times:

1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, press each other with the fingertips.

2. Start pressing with your fingertips against each other and continue pressing with the whole palm.

3. Grip the surfaces of your palms tightly.

4. Extend your closed hands behind your head and “draw a line” from behind your head to your waist. At the same time, the fingers should not change positions, and the palms should be pressed as close to the body as possible.

5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they "look" at the feet, and move them from the groin to the stomach.

6. Make movements similar to paragraph 4, but now do not bring your hands close to the body, but keep them at the maximum distance from the body so that they seem to cut through the air.

7. Stretch your arms up and back. Try to stretch them as far as possible.

8. Leave your hands closed over solar plexus, and move your feet back and forth without opening them.

9. Moving the legs as indicated in paragraph 8, add the movements of the palms in the same order.

Main part

Starting position: after completing point 9 of the preparatory part, lie on your back, close your palms over the solar plexus, connect your feet, spread your knees to the sides.

Close your eyes and, without changing the position of your legs and arms, lie quietly for 10-15 minutes.

The sixth golden rule of health is an exercise for the spine and abdomen.

The exercise for the back and abdomen is designed specifically for those areas of our body in which the main vital energies and important organs. It is useful for restoring the acid-base balance in the body, contributes to the beneficial effects of mental energy. It is divided into the preparatory part and the main part.

The starting position of the preparatory part: sit on the floor on your knees, while lowering the pelvis on your heels (if you wish, or for greater convenience, you can sit "in Turkish"). Remember to keep your back straight. Your hands should rest comfortably on your knees. Perform all elements of the exercise 10 times on each side.

1. Warm up:
- slowly underlower and lower your shoulders;
- stretch your arms forward in front of you, then look back sharply, as if trying to see your tailbone, then slowly look from the tailbone to the neck (of course, you will not be able to see the back, so do this mentally). Return your head to its original position and do the same manipulations on the right side.
- follow the same steps, stretching your arms up.

2. Tilt your head to the right and left.

3. Tilt your head back and forth.

4. Combine points 2 and 3 (do not forget that the exercises of the preparatory period should be done 10 times in each direction).

5. Tilt your head to one shoulder, then slowly roll it over to the other, touching the back of your head with your back.

6. Raise your hands from your knees, bend them in elbow joints to a right angle and tightly squeeze your palms, tilt your head back, look at the ceiling and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to connect them behind your back. At this time, stretch your chin up.

The starting position of the main part is the same as in the preparatory.

Relax for a while, then tighten your stomach again, straighten your back and make pendulum swings to the right and left, while moving your stomach back and forth. Do these movements for 10 minutes. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

The part of modern humanity that has chosen the spiritual and physical health, came to an unequivocally simple conclusion: by healing one of the systems of the body, it is impossible to achieve wholesome health and spiritual harmony. Maintaining the body in a state of proper functioning is a permanent task, requiring regular efforts, but giving a colossal effect. One of these techniques was the Katsuzo Nishi gymnastics system for the spine. Its uniqueness lies in the cumulative effect on all systems of the human body, and not only physiological ones.

Katsuzo Nishi - gymnastics for the spine and the whole body

The rules for healing the body developed by the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi are more correctly called a system, since the proposed principles are closely interconnected and have a complex effect on the human body. What made a person who does not have a medical education devote his life to finding a recipe for healing the body and longevity? IN early age the question arose before Katsuzo: surrender to the mercy of his illnesses or find a way to recover.

Morbidity Katsuzo forced his doctors to make a disappointing verdict: it will not be possible to reach the age of twenty Katsuzo. Then the Japanese made his own choice in favor of life: he studied the ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian treatises on the methods of rejuvenation and healing of the body, modern developments in other countries. The result of understanding so many cultures and philosophies was his discovery: the human body is a complex orchestra, the healthy sound of which depends on each instrument, and the conductor is moral and psychological condition personality.

For a more detailed and in-depth study of the essence of such a system as Nishi Katsuzo's gymnastics, there are plenty of videos on the Internet, as well as literature. It is necessary to influence the body constantly, systematically and comprehensively from 4 sides:

  • the skin should be kept clean and constantly cared for, as they have a protective function and remove toxins formed in the body;
  • food is a supplier of physical energy and provides the body with vitamins, minerals, acids to maintain activity and regeneration;
  • the spine - is the core that provides blood circulation and transmission of nerve impulses, problems with the spine will inevitably cause failures in other systems. Katsuzo Nishi considered the spine to be top of the list for recovery, since its influence on other systems is the strongest and most direct;
  • mental health - our thoughts should be pure, positive and benevolent towards the world around us. What we think about is what happens in the real world. This fact is also confirmed by research: optimists get sick less often than pessimists and are more successful.

So, the impact on the 4 pillars of health is designed by Katsuzo Nishi into a single system of 6 rules, the basic of which is the restoration of the spine, its structure as an integral element of the health of the whole organism.

Katsuzo Nishi - gymnastics from 6 rules of health

The first rule requires followers to choose a firm, level bed for sleeping. Such a surface will force the spine to stretch into the correct line given by nature, relax, the vertebrae will fall into their rightful places, and free blood circulation will be ensured. In addition to sleep conditions, the second rule of health requires the use of a firm cushion-roller placed under the 3rd and 4th vertebrae, which gradually removes blocks in the cervical vertebrae, ensuring normal cerebral circulation. The third rule is to exercise " gold fish”, the purpose of which is to restore the spine.

The exercise consists of 2 elements. In the first part, you need to lie on your back, stretch your arms and legs in line with the body, pull your socks towards you. On the count of 7 pull right leg forward and arms back, then left leg. To move to the main part of the exercise, place the palms under the neck. Start vibrating the body in a plane parallel to the floor, similar to a fish, moving only the feet and the back of the head. The fourth rule is aimed at training capillaries to normalize blood circulation. Lie on your back, placing a roller under your neck, stretch your arms and legs at a right angle to the body, shake them gently. Exist additional exercises for those whose limbs are constantly cold or the right and left sides are not equally developed.

The fifth rule, called "Combining the feet and hands," has a particularly positive effect on a woman's gynecological health. The exercise requires preliminary preparation, performed lying with joined palms on the sternum, close the feet, knees apart: press with fingertips and palms, with straightened arms, lead along the body from head to waist, turning fingers to toes, drive from bottom to top, cut the air several times with outstretched arms , upon completion, move the feet along the line of the body. Turn your palms up, fingers up, freeze for 10 minutes. The sixth rule must be performed simultaneously for the back and abdomen, accompanied by self-hypnosis techniques for a positive attitude.

The goal is to normalize the activity of the intestines for the timely removal of toxins. You need to kneel down, place the pelvis on your heels, keep your back straight. In this position, perform shoulder movements, tilts and turns of the head. Swinging the torso to the left and right at the same time it is necessary to move the stomach forward and backward. Nishi also formulated rules for nutrition and fasting, taking air and sunbathing, and relaxation.

Niche System - Teaching Materials

The most visual aid will be for studying the gymnastics of Nishi Katsuzo video, which can be downloaded from any Internet resource. The videos explain in detail and show how to properly perform the complex to achieve a healing effect. For those who are interested in the primary sources of such techniques as Katsuzo Nishi gymnastics, you can download a set of Nishi books, including a description of health rules, breathing practices, methods for cleansing blood vessels, blood, meditation lessons for psycho-emotional health. The Niche system allows you to comprehensively approach the solution of the question of how to become and be healthy and enjoy life.

Nishi katsuzo gymnastics - watch video

Health problems are observed in most people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Stagnation forms in the joints, they cease to be flexible. The spine suffers the most from this. As a result, the work of many body systems is disrupted. To restore health, there are many different techniques, including Nishi gymnastics.

The essence of the technique

Gymnastics to restore the functions of the spine was created by the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi. Since childhood, he had poor health and suffered from various diseases. The courageous Japanese man was constantly looking for ways to recover and studied the healing practices of different countries. Having no medical education, Nishi reworked a lot of literature on health. This led him to create a health-improving complex of exercises.

In the course of studying the works, he came to the conclusion that there are no separate diseases - they arise as a result of dysfunction of the body. One of the main reasons for this is the violation of the spinal column, which is the support of the whole body and is associated with the central nervous system. The slightest malfunction of the spine causes diseases of various parts of the body.

In addition to the spine, he attached great importance to the work of blood vessels. Nishi concluded that capillary dysfunction is the cause of almost any disease. As a result, he developed a gymnastics for healing blood vessels through vibrations.

Breathing is also very important for the proper functioning of the whole organism, as it brings oxygen to the cells. Nishi also considered a balanced diet to be important, as it affects the activity of many systems, participating in metabolism. The Japanese assigned one of the main roles to the mental state of a person. He believed that in a stressful state it was impossible to come to healthy lifestyle life.

Many of Nishi's teachings have been criticized for having a rather complex system or focusing on the healing of individual parts of the body. Japanese gymnastics, which was invented by Katsuzo, on the contrary, is extremely simple. It consists of performing several simple exercises. The Japanese also gives important recommendations for their use and noted the importance of proper sleep.

Feedback from people who have done this gymnastics suggests that Nisha's gymnastics has a strong healing effect. Additional pluses of this method are that the exercises are very easy to perform and suitable for people of any age. They can be combined with any health improvement treatments you see fit.

A set of exercises

Gymnastics Nisha gives the proper effect when all six rules are followed. The first two relate to proper sleep, during which the spine assumes a natural position and relaxes. The remaining four are directly exercises.

A firm bed must be used for sleeping. This is the first rule of gymnastics, which helps to correct the spinal column. When a person sleeps on a soft bed, his spine is in the wrong position. The vertebrae are bent, the nerve endings are clamped, the blood vessels are compressed. As a result, circulatory disorders occur. It leads to numbness muscle tissue disruption of other body systems.

On a hard surface, the spinal column is in a natural position, the vertebrae relax, and no vascular clamps form. Body weight is distributed evenly, the body is resting.

The second rule is to use a firm low pillow. It is recommended to replace it with a special roller. When a person sleeps with a soft pillow under his head, this leads to a dislocation of the cervical vertebrae. Numbness occurs in the neck, headaches, inflammation of the joints begin. With the roller, the state of the spinal column stabilizes, normal blood circulation is restored. It also affects the respiratory processes.

Next comes the complex, consisting of four health exercises. Due to the fact that classes normalize the work of all body systems, it begins to function correctly, which gives not only health, but also leads to weight loss. Very often the problem excess weight is a metabolic disorder. As metabolic processes stabilize, the body gradually loses overweight and gains normal weight.

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss and recovery begins with an exercise called the Goldfish. Katsuzo considered him the main health system. It helps to correct the curvature of the vertebrae, improves the condition of the central nervous system. Blood exchange processes are accelerated, the activity of internal organs, the cardiovascular system is restored.

  • Lie on a hard surface on your back. Stretch with your heels down and the back of your head up to stretch your spine.
  • Stretch your legs and press against each other, lift your socks towards you.
  • Raise your hands to your head, put your palms under the back of your head.
  • Begin to perform vibrational movements coming from the feet. To make it easier to understand the nature of the movements, it is recommended to imagine that your legs are the tail of a fish. You need to do the same movements as a fish with its tail, left and right. Vibrations are transmitted from the legs to the entire body.

The first time, do the exercise for about a minute, then the duration can be gradually increased.

The next exercise is called Baby Joy. It is reminiscent of the movements that babies make when they stretch their arms towards something, showing joy to the whole world. Exercise speeds up the movement of blood in the body, renews the lymph flow. As a result of these processes, fat cells are burned, cellulite crusts are removed.

  • Lying on a hard surface on your back, stretch your straight legs, put your hands freely. Place a cushion under your neck.
  • Gently lift your limbs up so that they form a right angle with the floor surface. The feet should be parallel to the body.
  • With arms and legs raised up, make vibrating movements. They should be like the way a baby shakes his arms.

Exercise at first do about a minute, then you can increase the duration.

The third exercise Japanese gymnastics for weight loss recommends doing smoothly, without rushing. Its implementation activates the work of capillaries, muscle tissue in the pelvic area. Eliminates body fat in the waist, hips and buttocks. Helps to correct the spine.

  • Take a position lying on your back, put a roller under the cervical vertebrae.
  • Put your hands in front of your chest and close your palms. Place your legs so that the feet are pressed against each other. At the same time, they should bend at the kneecaps.
  • Connect and disconnect the fingertips several times in a row. Then with your fingers press each other with some effort. Repeat these movements several times.
  • Further, without separating the palms, as if draw a line with them from the chest to the pelvis. Then do similar movements from head down. Repeat several times.
  • With the soles of your feet together, move up and down several times.
  • At the end of the exercise, lie down in a relaxed state for several minutes.

The last exercise from the gymnastics complex strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. Regulates metabolism, stabilizes intestinal activity. Strengthens nervous system. When doing these movements, breathe through your belly, not your chest.

  • Take a kneeling position. Then transfer the torso to the heels, straighten your back.
  • Tilt your head first forward, then back. After that - right and left.
  • Raise your hands in front of you and stretch forward. Move your chin over your right shoulder and look down. Repeat the same movements on the other side. Do them several times.
  • Move your hands behind your head, bending them at the elbows. Close your palms into a fist. Take your head back. Strive upward with your chin. Make smooth movements of the body to the left and right. All movements should be performed within 10 minutes at a slow pace.

While doing this exercise, remember to breathe into your belly.

During classes, Nishi recommends staying in good mood and focus on recovery. He strongly advises not to give in to negative thoughts, to believe in yourself and that you will come to a positive result. Nishi believed that this was a very important factor in the course of the classes.

The healing system developed by Katsuzo Nishi has many followers who have tested its effectiveness on their own experience. Japanese gymnastics for weight loss and recovery gives excellent results if you do it regularly. Follow all recommendations, including advice on healthy eating and the right attitude and you will be able to achieve the desired results.

Katsuzo Nishi is one of the most famous healers in Japan, who created on personal experience six rules of health. Nishi believed that only he himself could cure a person if he wanted to. And there is irrefutable proof of this.

In adolescence, Nishi received a diagnosis according to which he was not supposed to live to be 20 years old. Contrary to all scientific predictions, Katsuzo Nishi not only lived much longer than he was predicted, but also surprised everyone with his health already in old age.

System: "Nisha's Six Health Rules"

A fundamental factor in the Niche system is a good understanding of the characteristics of human physiology. The conclusions that he made literally turned the world and his ideas about what a disease is and how to achieve health using just a few simple manipulations with your body a day.
By the way, Nisha's six health rules were widely publicized about 80 years ago. In our time, thousands of examples around the world have been witnessed, in which seriously ill patients are cured of ailments, when even doctors even shrug their hands in impotence.

What you need to know before you start exercising.

As you know, most of us have problems with the spine. Scoliosis and various curvatures are common. All this comes from bad posture. When a person stoops, his ligaments and muscles weaken, they do not hold the vertebrae as tightly as they should, as a result of which they move relative to themselves.

The golden rules of health of Katsuzo Nishi are aimed at the formation of the correct posture with the help of simple exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the spinal systems, alternating wakefulness and sleep in a certain mode, etc.

1. First Golden Rule Health - SOLID BED.

A person spends one third of his life in a dream, so this time can be used not only for rest, but also for posture correction. A flat and firm bed is important because in this case the weight is evenly distributed throughout the body and the muscles can completely relax. At the same time, only on such a bed is it possible to correct the spinal column, which is in a curved state during the day during work.

A firm bed stimulates the activity of the skin, activates the work of the skin venous vessels, prevents the prolapse of the liver, and accelerates the blood supply to the skin. All this ensures a sound sleep and a vigorous state after it.
Of course, you can sleep both on the floor and on a piece of plywood, but the main thing to remember is that one of the important functions of the bed is its ability to warm the human body from below, so when equipping your bed, take care of the correct placement of rigid structures.

In order to have a better sleep, it will be useful in the evening, about an hour before bedtime, spend 20 minutes in the fresh air. It is very convenient to take care of your health together with your loved one or friend.

2. The second Golden Rule of Health is a HARD PILLOW.

Most likely this is not even a pillow, but a roller-shaped lining under the head. It is best for these purposes to use a piece of wood carefully tailored to your parameters.
The pillow-roller should be of certain sizes, which are different for each person. In simple terms, your new pillow should fill the hollow between the back of the head and the scapular region, while the third and fourth cervical vertebrae will lie flat on a hard surface without bending. An example of a correct bed with a hard pillow and an incorrect one are shown in the figure.

Of course, it immediately becomes clear that such a pillow will, out of habit, cause a lot of inconvenience or even painful sensations, but all this is due to the fact that we have been accustomed to a different way of sleeping for a long time and now the correct one seems uncomfortable and wild to us. In order to soften the discomfort, at first, a hard roller can be wrapped in a soft cloth, but remember, from time to time the cloth must be removed and thus gradually get rid of it. You need to get used to sleeping on the right pillow - this is the key to health.

3. The third Golden Rule of Health - EXERCISE "GOLDEN FISH".

This exercise acts on the vertebral nerves, relaxes them and relieves overstrain. It normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, stabilizes the work of the main systems of the body, including the nervous system. Promotes proper bowel function.

Starting position: we lie down on our back, naturally on a flat and hard surface, it can be a bed or floor, we throw our hands back behind our heads, our legs are stretched forward, we stand on our heels, and we pull our toes to the face.

Exercise Technique: First you need to stretch the body. We stretch with the right heel forward, and with our hands in the opposite direction, then we do the same with the left heel. Then we put our hands under the head, and without lifting the body from the floor (we make sure that the heels, hips and spine are pressed to the floor), we make wave-like movements like a fish from left to right (but not up and down - this is an important condition) for 1-2 minutes.
This and subsequent exercises are recommended to be performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

4. The Fourth Golden Rule of Health - EXERCISE FOR CAPILLARIES.

The purpose of the exercise is to stimulate the capillaries in the organs, improve blood circulation throughout the body, movement and renewal of the lymph. This exercise is a good substitute for running, because it allows you to remove the load on the joints and heart, which is sometimes very important. If it is possible to perform it naked, then in addition to the above effects, you will also receive an increase in skin respiration, and this will lead to the cleansing of the body of toxins through the skin.

Starting position: lie on a solid foundation on your back, put a roller already familiar to us under your neck.

Technique: raise your legs up, point your feet so that they are parallel to the floor, raise your hands up too. In this position of the arms and legs, do them active shaking for 1-3 minutes.

5. Fifth Golden Rule of Health - EXERCISE "CLOSING HANDS AND FEET".

This exercise helps the forces of the mind and body to achieve balance, coordinates the functions of muscles, nerves and blood vessels. By doing it, we help the diaphragm work, which naturally improves blood circulation and reduces the load on the heart. The special usefulness of this exercise is also in the interaction of the muscles of the right and left sides of our body, which, by coordinating, help the work of all internal organs. This exercise is especially useful during pregnancy, as it contributes to the favorable development of the fetus in the womb.

This exercise consists of two stages, preparatory and main parts.

Preparatory part of the exercise.

Starting position: lie down on your back on a hard surface, put a roller under your neck, then you need to close your feet and palms of your hands, spread your knees to the sides as shown in the figure.

Execution technique. In this position, we will perform several different manipulations or movements, each must be repeated 10 times.
1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, we simply press each other with the fingertips.
2. We begin to press each other with the fingertips and continue pressing with the whole palm.
3. Firmly squeeze the entire surface of the palms
4. Extend the closed hands as far as possible behind the head and draw a line from the position from behind the head to the waist, while the fingers do not change position and “look” behind the head, keep the palms as close to the body as possible.
5. Expand the fingers of both hands so that they "look" at the feet and move them from the groin to the stomach.
6. We make movements similar to item 4, but now we do not hold our hands close to the body, but we do it at the maximum distance from the body, as if cutting through the air.
7. Stretch your arms up, return back, try to make the movement to the maximum length.
8. The arms remain closed over the solar plexus, and the soles of the feet move back and forth without opening the feet.
9. We combine movements, moving the legs as indicated in paragraph 8, adding movements with the palms in the same order.

The main part of the exercise.

Starting position: we lie on our back, after completing point 9 of the preparatory part, the palms are closed over the solar plexus, the feet are closed, the knees are spread apart.

Technique: close your eyes and without changing the position of the legs and arms, lie down for 10-15 minutes

6. Sixth Golden Rule of Health - EXERCISES FOR THE SPINE AND ABDOMEN.

One of the main components of the success of life according to this method is self-confidence. As the saying goes, we are what we think about. If you set yourself up for a positive outcome and firmly believe in the result, then it will not keep you waiting.

Exercise for the back and abdomen is designed specifically for those areas of our body in which the main vital energies are concentrated, and even important organs. It is useful for restoring the acid-base balance in the body, contributes to the beneficial effects of mental energy. It is divided into the preparatory part and the main part.

The starting position of the preparatory part: we sit on the floor on our knees, while lowering the pelvis on the heels, if desired or more comfortable, you can sit “in Turkish”, do not forget to keep your back straight, hands rest on your knees. All elements of the exercise are performed 10 times in each direction.

1. Such a warm-up - raise and lower your shoulders.
After the first element, perform intermediate steps, by the way, you will need to perform them after each of the elements of the preparatory part described below.
- stretch your arms forward in front of you, then look back sharply, as if trying to see your tailbone, then slowly look from the tailbone to the neck, of course you will not be able to see the back - so do it mentally. Return your head to its original position and do the same manipulations only on the right side.
- we perform the same actions, only now the arms are extended upwards.
2. Tilt your head to the right and left (do not forget to do an intermediate exercise)
3. Tilt your head back and forth (again an intermediate exercise)
4. We combine points 3 and 4: tilt the head to the right and back, then to the left and back (intermediate exercise)
5. Do not forget that we do the exercises of the preparatory period 10 times in each direction. Tilt your head to your shoulder, then slowly roll it over, touching the back of your head with your back (we do an intermediate).
6. Raise your hands from your knees, bend them at the elbow joints, forming a right angle and firmly squeeze your palms, throw your head back, look at the ceiling and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to sort of connect them behind your back, at this time the chin stretches up (last time do an intermediate exercise)

Starting position of the main part: the same as in the preparatory part.

Technique: relax for a short period of time, then tighten your stomach again, straighten your back and do pendulum swings to the right and left, while moving your stomach back and forth. We perform such movements for 10 minutes. It will seem difficult at first, but you will get used to it very quickly.

All six Nisha health rules are quite effective and very easy to follow, you just need to overcome laziness and start exercising.

6 golden rules of health from the legendary KATSUZO NISHI - salvation for your body.