Exercises for arthrosis of the fingers. Hand exercises for arthrosis

The chronic process of destruction of the cartilage of the joint, its capsule, leading to bone deformity, is arthrosis of the small joints of the hands. This type of degenerative-dystrophic disease is irreversible, so when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. Let's see what arthrosis of the joints of the hands is, how dangerous this disease is.

Stages of the disease and their symptoms

Arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints of the hands is a chronic disease. It is impossible to completely recover from it, but contacting a traumatologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist at the first symptoms of arthrosis will help stop the progression of cartilage tissue destruction. This is a rare pathology. It is considered "feminine", which is associated with hormonal imbalances during menopause.

The causes of the destruction of the interphalangeal joints of the hands are:

  • heredity;
  • features of the body;
  • congenital diseases.

For secondary arthrosis:

  • professional activity;
  • stressful situations;
  • injuries of the phalanges of the fingers;
  • inflammatory processes - arthritis, synovitis;
  • age changes.

Depending on the manifestation and development of arthrosis of the small joints of the hands, there are 3 degrees of the disease: I, II and III. Each has its own characteristics. At stage I

  • Molecules of proteoglycans (special proteins) are destroyed, leading to the "drying" of the cartilage. Depreciation, motor properties of small joints of the upper limbs are lost. The connective tissue decreases, friction and deformation of the bones of the phalanges of the fingers occur.
  • After awakening, stiffness of movements is noted, periodically there are slight pains that disappear on their own. When a person moves his fingers, a crunch is heard, which many mistakenly call "salt deposition".

At stage II:

  • The surface of the phalanges of the fingers, left without lubrication, is destroyed. There is a "rebirth" of bone tissue, osteophytes are formed - growths that are visible on an x-ray.
  • Pain is aggravated at night, after doing any work. The crunch in fingers is observed at any movements. The defeat of small joints contributes to the restriction of mobility.

III stage:

  • It is characterized by immobility of the joints, which are severely destroyed. Osteophytes are clearly visible, forming nodular outgrowths: proximal (on the side of the joint) - Bouchard, distal - Heberden.
  • The pain becomes sharp, constant. Unpleasant sensations do not leave even at rest. Periodically there are spasms of the muscles of the hands, creating the impression of "inversion".

Methods of treatment of arthrosis of the hands

Treatment of the disease must begin with a consultation with a doctor who will develop effective scheme. The technique is determined by a specialist, but to make a diagnosis, you will need to undergo the following examinations:

  • Blood test (clinical, biochemical). With arthrosis, markers of inflammatory processes remain unchanged.
  • X-ray. Based on the x-ray data, the doctor determines the degree of damage to small joints and the stage of development of the disease.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Gives the most complete picture of the structure of bones, cartilage, joint capsule.


When prescribing drug treatment, a specialist should provide for a wide range of effects, taking into account the stage of destruction of hyaline cartilage, the presence / absence of inflammatory processes, physiological characteristics the patient's body. The doctor determines the form of the drug (rectal suppositories; coated tablets; injections). Depending on the stage of the disease, different drugs are prescribed.

Funds for internal reception

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Well stop the pain syndrome, reduce inflammation in small joints. Depending on the main substance in the composition, the following drugs are found:

  • Diclofenac - Voltaren, Diclonac P.
  • Indomethacin - Indomin, Metindol.
  • Ketorolac - Ketorol, Ketanov.
  • Ketoprofen - Fastum, Flexen, Ketonal.
  • Ibuprofen - Solpaflex, Brufen.
  • Movalis, Oksikamy - NSAIDs of the latest generation.

Vasodilating drugs - Theonicol or Trental. Necessary to improve blood flow, relieve spasmodic syndrome, treat circulatory disorders. Not recommended for use by persons with reduced pressure suffering from bleeding.

Chondroprotectors are drugs that restore damaged cartilage. To see the real effect of the action, a very long course of treatment is needed - from 100 to 150 days a year with a half-year break for 3-4 years. Pharmacies offer both monopreparations - Dona (Italy, glucosamine), Structum (France, chondroitin sulfate), and complex ones - Teraflex, Chondroitin Akos, Chondroxide, etc.

Products for external use


  • Dimexide is ideal for the treatment of diseases complicated by synovitis (edema and inflammation). It is applied in the form of compresses.
  • Bischofite is an oil brine that helps the resorption of arthrosis nodules on the hands. To do this, they make “mittens”, wrapping each finger with a bandage soaked in Bischofite, put on polyethylene gloves on top, and cotton mittens on top. Leave for 3 hours.

Ointments, creams, gels:

  • Diclac gel, Voltaren - to remove synovitis.
  • Apizatron, Viprosal - improve elasticity muscle fibers, blood flow to arthrosis-affected joints.
  • Finalgel, Nikoflex - by stimulating the production of endorphins, they help the body create its own painkillers "drugs".

Injections into the interphalangeal joints of the hands. They are not always prescribed reasonably, but the effectiveness of the impact is the highest of all drugs. Injections are applied:

  • Glucocorticosteroids - Diprospan, Hydrocortisone (Cortisol), Prednisolone. Quickly relieve pain in secondary arthrosis aggravated by synovitis.
  • "Liquid prostheses" based on sodium hyaluronate - Dyuralan, Sinvisk, Ostenil.


Classical medicine is aimed at treating the symptoms of arthrosis. A distinctive feature of homeopathy is the restoration of the whole organism, its balance. Before an appointment, an experienced homeopathic doctor compiles an extensive picture of the patient's condition, taking into account the time factor, exposure to heat, cold, weather changes, psycho-emotional mood, the influence of physiological moments, etc.

Classical homeopathy highlights remedies:

  • Actea spicata;
  • Polygonum aviculare;
  • Caulophyllum;
  • Colchicum;
  • Viola odorata.

Classical medicine borrowed the experience of homeopathy to get rid of the disease. The Heel complex drug, called Zeel T, relieves inflammation, anesthetizes, and has the ability to stimulate the production of chondrocytes. In combination with Traumeel S ointment, the agent effectively fights joint destruction, regenerating tissues and reducing swelling.


In the treatment of the disease, local ozocerite hand baths show excellent results; paraffin wraps that stimulate increased blood flow and have a warming effect. After removing the pain syndrome, doctors actively use physiotherapy procedures:

  • shock-wave impact;
  • ultra-high frequency treatment (UHF);
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • cryotherapy
  • ozone therapy.

There are areas of medicine that help get rid of joint pain by unconventional methods:

  • Hirudotherapy. Substances injected by leeches are similar in effect to injections of joint fluid substitutes.
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture) - impact on certain points (meridians, channels).
  • Isometric kinesitherapy. It involves the treatment of the disease through movement, overcoming pain. Kinesiology is based on the principles strength training carried out under medical supervision.
  • The use of dietary supplements. Tienshi, Chondroitin sulfate, Celadrin help to reduce pain syndromes. Dietary supplements are not medicines, require long-term use, lead to a decrease / refusal to use NSAIDs.

Therapeutic gymnastics exercise therapy and massage

Massage will help with arthrosis to stimulate the blood flow of blood vessels, stop stagnant processes, tissue atrophy. By doing the following exercises on your own, you will get rid of muscle spasms surrounding the collapsing joint:

  • Light, gentle rubbing of each finger from the palm to the nail, then massage the hand, forearm.
  • Circular movements, rubbing the brushes against each other.

Therapeutic gymnastics for the hands accelerates the movement of lymph, which contributes to the disappearance of edema and inflammation. It strengthens muscles, prevents the fusion of bone tissue, and helps treat arthrosis. Suitable for this:

  • Using a small rubber ball to warm up the fingers.
  • Classes in any business related to the motor skills of the hands.
  • Love for tapping on the table. This - perfect exercise.
  • Clenching-unclenching the hand into a fist with wide spreading of the fingers.


Right organized meals, the abundance of trace elements, vitamins in products are a positive factor in the treatment of joints. When choosing a diet, pay attention to such points:

  • the diet should promote weight loss;
  • refuse food rich in fats;
  • meal frequency - at least 5 times a day in small portions;
  • fast food - taboo;
  • reduce the amount of salt;
  • limit your intake of "bad" carbohydrates;
  • stop drinking alcohol.

Folk remedies

Alternative methods of therapy are effective if they complement the correctly selected medication and physiotherapy. Warm compresses, baths, rubbing sometimes work better than ointments, without causing allergic, chemical reactions. At the initial, first stage of the disease, they will help you stop taking some drugs, especially NSAIDs.


Here are some decoction recipes:

  • Decoction on birch buds. 1 st. l. Pour raw materials with a glass of water, boil for 10-15 minutes. Set aside and let stand until completely cooled. Strain, dilute with boiled water to 250 ml. Take 3-4 r. 50 ml daily before meals.
  • Burdock tincture. Pour the roots of the plant (1 tablespoon) with water (250 ml), boil and leave to cook for up to half an hour. Set aside, let cool. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • Alcoholic tincture of walnut shells. Pour a liter jar up to the “hangers” with nutshells and partitions. Fill with vodka up to the neck. In a month, the tincture will be ready. Take 1 tsp. no more than 3 times a day.
  • Grind the branches of viburnum: for 1 liter of liquid you will need 200 g of branches. Boil for 15 minutes, let it brew. Half an hour before meals, take 100 ml of decoction (2-3 times a day).


  • Tincture of lilac flowers, chestnut. Insist inflorescences on alcohol or vodka (1: 2) for about a month in a dark, cool place. For pain symptoms, rub your fingers, wrap with a cotton cloth and leave for half an hour.
  • Rubbing on the basis of the roots and leaves of the decon (marsh cinquefoil). Fill a liter jar up to the "shoulders" with a crushed mixture, pour vodka or alcohol, leave for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. Rub sore joints 2-3 times a day, wrapping with a woolen cloth for 20-30 minutes.


  • Raw green potatoes. Prepare a gruel based on potatoes that have turned green in the sun. Squeeze out the juice lightly. Apply the mixture to the joints, cover with plastic wrap, put on cotton mittens. Leave overnight. Relieves pain well.
  • Grind chalk, oatmeal in equal proportions. Pour in a fermented milk product - kefir, yogurt, homemade yogurt - until a thick, mushy mass is obtained. The application method is similar to the previous one.
  • Prepare the following composition: valerian tincture (1 part), alcohol (0.5 parts), 2-3 tsp. ground hot pepper or 1 fresh peppercorn. It needs to be infused for 3 to 5 hours. Soak a compress bandage in liquid, apply to fingers up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 25-30 days.

Other folk methods

Massage with honey will help relieve pain, reduce spasms, improve skin condition, nourishing small joints damaged by arthrosis with useful substances and trace elements. Rub the honey-salt mixture (5:1) into your fingers in gentle circular motions. The massage procedure takes from 10 to 15 minutes. Then wrap the brushes with a cotton towel and leave for half an hour. Wash off the composition.

Treatment in a sanatorium

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment is indicated for people suffering from arthrosis at least once a year. Small joints of the hands lend themselves well to therapy with physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic exercises, and non-traditional methods. Limit the load associated with fine motor skills during your stay in the sanatorium. It is good to undergo reflexology, lead nervous system in order.


The procedure for the treatment of arthrosis of small joints of the hands is a long process, sometimes taking several years. The cost of drug therapy varies depending on:

  • A drug manufacturer. So, the price of NSAIDs ranges from 50 to 580 rubles. for packing.
  • Type medicines. The most expensive in the standard treatment course are chondroprotectors (from 200 to 1000 rubles for 2 weeks). Long-term use (from 30 to 150 days) puts a burden on the patient's budget.
  • Stages of development of the disease. Surgical intervention will require from 50 thousand rubles, so it is better not to bring the disease to degree 3.

Prevention methods

To prevent the development of the disease, follow these recommendations:

  • If your profession involves an increased load on the fingers, do gymnastics daily. Every hour, take breaks from work, devoting at least 5 minutes to the exercises.
  • Observe correct mode, diet. Add omega-fatty acids (fish), products containing collagen (jelly, aspic, strong broths) to the menu.

The human hand consists of 27 small bones connected by movable and inactive joints. The most mobile are the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints, which provide movement of the fingers. If the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint begins, these movements are difficult, accompanied by pain, fine motor skills. The hands are prone to polyarthrosis, that is, the pathology develops in several joints at the same time. At a late stage, pronounced deformities are observed, pain symptoms are constantly manifested. Help relieve these symptoms gymnastic exercises. Regular workout with arthrosis, it allows you to maintain working capacity and the ability to self-service for a longer time.

Treatment methods for polyarthrosis of the hands

For non-inflammatory joint diseases, treatment consists in minimizing symptoms and slowing down degenerative-dystrophic processes in the joint. Chondroprotectors help slow down the destruction of cartilage, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effectively relieve pain and inflammation. and anti-inflammatory effect also have local irritating ointments, they stimulate blood circulation.

Therapy of arthrosis is not limited to the use of ointments and tablets, doctors without fail prescribe non-drug treatment:

  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • local hand baths;
  • percussion massage;
  • exercises that are aimed at increasing joint mobility.

Be sure to follow the diet. You can resort and, compresses from honey and salt, cabbage leaves, clay applications help well. Please note that massage physiotherapy shown only after the removal of inflammation, in the acute course of arthrosis, they should be refrained from. An important part of the treatment of arthrosis of the hands is exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises).

The implementation of a set of exercises is well supplemented with a number of other activities in which fine motor skills are activated:

  • modeling;
  • knitting or weaving;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • sorting out the rosary;
  • squeezing foam toys.

In diseases of the joints of the hands, a special massage technique is used. Percussion massage consists in blows that are applied to the back of the patient's hand through the masseur's palm. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the patient's palm and fingers are carefully pressed to the surface (usually the masseur puts the brush on his knees), fixed. The intensity of the impact gradually increases, in the first sessions it is only possible to apply spanking very lightly with the palm of your hand. When the joints get stronger, punches with the edge of the palm or fist are acceptable. Sessions are recommended to be carried out with an interval of 3-5 days, with a severe course of the disease, this interval increases to 1-2 weeks.

The role of gymnastics in the treatment of arthrosis

The pathogenesis (development mechanism) of arthrosis of the hands is associated with a defect in the complex protein collagen, an important component of cartilage tissue. Either there is a failure in the process of synthesis of its molecules, or the process of combining the structural units of this protein into collagen fibers is disrupted. This pathology may be due to different reasons:

  • genetic defect;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • violation of the course of biochemical reactions against the background of an endocrine or inflammatory disease;
  • hormonal changes during aging.

Polyarthrosis of the hands, as a rule, is a primary disease, what exactly is the trigger for its development is unclear. It has been established that the phalangeal joints of the hands in women during menopause suffer from degenerative-dystrophic changes approximately three times more often than in men, which indicates the relationship of the pathology with the hormonal background.

Inadequate connective and cartilaginous tissue resists loads worse, there is a gradual thinning and destruction of articular cartilage. Muscles often tense up to unload the joints, fingers swell, hurt first under load, and then almost all the time. As the disease progresses, stiffness of the joints increases, and the muscles gradually atrophy. In the area of ​​the affected interphalangeal joints, dense nodules are formed, the fingers are deformed. With the defeat of the distal joints, the pain syndrome is more intense, the formation of nodules is accompanied by burning, severe hyperemia (swelling of tissues). In the proximal joints, the process is not so acute.

Why is it necessary to do gymnastics with arthrosis? There are several reasons:

  • in the process of performing exercises, metabolic processes and blood circulation are activated, the production of synovial fluid, cartilage tissue receives more oxygen and nutrients;
  • the outflow of fluid accumulated in the periarticular tissue improves, which helps to relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • muscles are strengthened, elasticity of ligaments and tendons is maintained;
  • if you do not overcome the articular contracture, that is, stiffness, it progresses rapidly. The longer the joint remains motionless, the more difficult it is to overcome its contracture;
  • physical activity has a pronounced distracting effect, well relieves pain in the joints.

Mini complex for brushes

This gymnastics for hands with arthrosis, which can be repeated several times throughout the day, as soon as free time appears. The complex takes no more than 10 minutes. For pain in the joints, exercises should be performed carefully so that the discomfort does not increase.

  1. Sitting at the table, put relaxed hands of outstretched, straightened arms on the tabletop. Lightly drum on the table with the fingers, first of one, then of the other hand.
  2. Bend your elbows, raise your forearms, turning your palms away from you. It is easy to clench your fingers into a fist, pressing the big one to the index, then unclench and squeeze again, hiding the big one inside. Repeat at a fast pace.
  3. Stretch your arms in front of you and make circular rotations with your hands in one direction or the other.
  4. Stretch your arms with your palms away from you and bend and unbend your fingers in the proximal (middle) joints.
  5. Quickly close the thumb into the ring with the other four in turn, touching the pads.
  6. Press your palm to the table and tear your fingers off its surface, one by one and all at the same time. Perform 10-12 times, repeat for the other hand.

Advice for patients with severe contracture: before starting classes, warm up your hands, make a local bath, rub in massage oil. It is a safe, physiological remedy for pain and for increasing tissue elasticity. But you should not take painkillers before gymnastics, as they reduce sensitivity, and you can overdo it with the load.

Stretching Complex

When moving the fingers, squeezing the hand, followed by unclenching, the muscles are strengthened. With arthrosis, there is another task: to prevent ossification of the ligaments, to increase their elasticity. This is facilitated by stretching exercises with static elements, that is, you need to fix your fingers in an extreme position for a while. Exercises of this complex should be performed carefully, gradually increasing the amplitude. Patients should not feel pain during the session. If pain occurs, this is a signal that this moment the limit has been reached, it is not worth trying to stretch or bend the fingers even more forcefully.

Exercise 1 is performed for a minute. IN following exercises the achieved position must be held for 30-60 seconds, return to the original position for a few seconds, repeat 3-4 times for each hand.

  1. Bend your elbows and raise above your head. With an effort to spread your fingers as far as possible, hold in this position for a few seconds and connect again.
  2. An analogue of exercise 2 from the previous complex, clenching-unclenching fists with a change in position thumb brushes. But it is performed slowly, the compressed brush is held in this position for 30 seconds. Unclenching your fist, spread your fingers as much as possible.
  3. Put a relaxed brush on the table, slightly bending your fingers so that only the tips touch the surface. Stretch your fingers, fully pressed to the table, return to the IP.
  4. Turn your hand with your palm facing you and bend your fingers so that the tips are pressed against the bases, forming a semblance of a clawed paw.
  5. Hold your hand with your palm facing you, pointing your fingertips up. Press the thumb to the palm so that its pad touches the base of the little finger.
  6. The hand is in front of you, the wrist is straightened, 2-5 fingers are pressed against each other and bent. The big one in turn touches their pads, starting with the index, with the fixation of each "ring" for 30-60 seconds.
  7. The PI is the same, but the index finger is extended, the rest alternately need to reach for the big one and hold it in this position.
  8. Turn your hand with your palm facing you, all fingers are clenched. Bend the thumb in the middle so that its tip points towards the base of the index finger.
  9. From the same position, pull the straightened thumb over the palm up and in the direction of the little finger.

Additional complex

These exercises should not be performed every day, but 2-3 times a week, with an interval of at least two days. For patients with osteoarthritis of the little finger, such gymnastics for the fingers with arthrosis will be useful, but for problems with the joints of the thumb, exercises with the ball are contraindicated.

  1. Grip. Restores the skill of grasping and holding objects, handling door handles. With maximum effort, squeeze a small soft ball, after a few seconds, relax the brush, repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Tweezers. Strengthens muscles, improves fine motor skills. Pinch part of the ball with the tips of the thumb and one of the opposing fingers to form a crease. Hold for 30-60 seconds, repeat 10-15 times for each hand.
  3. Put an elastic band on the brush to press the thumb to the side of the palm. Place your palm on a flat surface and move your thumb to the side, overcoming the resistance of the elastic band. Fix for 30-60 seconds. in extreme position, then relax. 10-15 repetitions for each hand.

And a few more exercises in which the thumb is mainly involved:

  • press the tip of the thumb to the base of the little finger, fix for half a minute, then take it to the side so that it forms a right angle with the edge of the palm. 10 repetitions;
  • stretch straight arms in front of you, all fingers, except for the thumb, are tightly compressed, the thumb describes circles alternately in both directions.

Arthrosis requires not only drug treatment, it is necessary to treat the disease in a complex manner, and gymnastic exercises play a significant role in this. With polyarthrosis of the hands with the formation of Heberden-Bouchard nodules and rhizarthrosis (damage to the first carpometacarpal joint), both dynamic and static exercises must be performed.

The implementation of any complex must be agreed with the doctor, individual exercises can harm specific joints. It is also necessary to take into account general state health, the period of arthrosis (acute, subacute, remission). The exercises are easy, but daily execution requires diligence and perseverance.

When the hands are affected by arthrosis, a person has problems both in the professional field and in everyday life. There are more than a dozen joints in the hand, but more often arthrosis affects the fingers, and women are mostly affected by this disease. The cartilaginous tissue damaged by arthrosis gradually wears out, the motor capabilities of the hand decrease, movements bring pain, complete immobility may occur. Therefore, from the moment the disease is detected, the necessary treatment should immediately begin, to which preventive gymnastics is added.

What improves joint motility?

Massage and regular gymnastic exercises combined with physiotherapy are effective at the onset of the disease, when the joints do not yet have deformities. In addition to therapeutic exercises and massage, it is necessary to do self-massage daily and independently perform a gymnastic complex approved by a specialist.

With arthrosis, movements are shown that improve fine motor skills, they enhance the nutrition of cartilage and relieve inflammation. Daily exercises are effective, so you should not interrupt them for more than 3 days, because in order for the joints to function, they need movement for several hours a day.

The exercises of the following mini-complex are based on free and relaxed movements of the fingers, they can be done in the amount of 10 minutes at any free time:

  1. Sitting at the table, put an outstretched hand on it with a straightened elbow. With your hand relaxed, lightly drum with the tips of all fingers on the countertop. Perform movements for several minutes with one, then with the other hand.
  2. Bend your elbows, point your palms away from you. Fingers are easy to squeeze and unclench, while the thumb can either be hidden in the palm or placed on top of the index finger.
  3. Stretch your arms forward, freely rotate the brushes, periodically changing direction.
  4. Keep your hands in front of you, palms away from you. Bend and unbend fingers in the middle joints.
  5. Alternately touch the tips of the thumbs to the pads of others. Perform simultaneously with both hands.
  6. First, press one, then the other palm to the table and carefully tear off your fingers one at a time.

You need to perform longer those exercises in which movements are more difficult. Before starting movements, to improve the flexibility of the finger joints, you can warm your hands in warm water or apply a warm heating pad to them for 5 minutes.

A set of exercises for daily use

Exercises, which is important for arthrosis, strengthen the ligaments and muscles, return the range of motion. Gymnastic complex, agreed with the attending doctor, should be performed with the maximum stretch that can be achieved without feeling pain. The set of given exercises contains static elements that help activate the fingers (Fig. 1):

  1. Raising the bent arms, the fingers with tension as much as possible (but not to the point of pain) spread the sides (a). After holding for a few seconds, then they are shifted, the movement is repeated. Do it warm-up exercise need at least a minute.
  2. Firmly but gently clench your hand into a fist, pressing the rest with your thumb (b). Hold for 30 seconds, then open and close your fist again, hiding your thumb in your palm, lingering for the same time.
  3. Hold your hand in front of you without bending your wrists. Then bend the connected four fingers, touching the index thumb (c), forming a semblance of the letter "o". Moving the thumb, firmly press it to the other fingers in turn, moving forward and back.
  4. In the initial position of the previous exercise, alternately touch the thumb with 3-5 fingers, straightening the index finger and holding the brush with each finger for some (up to 30 seconds) time (c). Perform, changing hands, 3-4 times.
  5. Turn the hand with a straight wrist with the palm facing you, squeeze all tense fingers in the middle joints, depicting a tiger paw with claws (e). Pull the fingertips to the palm, trying to touch its "mounds", and fix the position of the hand (30 seconds). This stretch is repeated at least 3 times for each arm.
  6. The hand, fingers tightly connected, is straightened and held motionless, making rotation with the thumb in one direction, then in the other direction (e).

All tasks of the complex should be performed for both hands.

With arthrosis, it is very useful to sculpt from plasticine or clay, while many joints and tendons are worked out in a variety of movements. Such exercises improve the motor skills of the fingers. From plastic materials, you can sculpt balls, roll them into long "sausages", using your fingertips to sculpt small details. A hobby such as knitting will benefit the hands, and the joints of the hands will support music playing in good shape.

What to add to the complex?

Since arthrosis of the hands often affects the joints of the thumb, you can additionally add tasks for them to the constantly performed ones. training complexes or do these exercises separately:

  1. A narrow, stretchable elastic band is put on the bottom of the palm. The thumb is moved as far as possible to the side and the position is fixed (30 seconds), then the palm is relaxed.
  2. The finger is pulled with some tension and pressed against the bone at the base of the little finger, fixed (for 30 seconds), then taken away at a right angle to the edge of the palm to the side.

Repeat tasks 10 times, they develop exciting and holding movements.

Gymnastics can be performed with objects that create resistance and thereby develop muscles, removing part of the load from the joints. You can use an expander with a flexible spring (for arthrosis in the initial stage), a soft small ball is also suitable:

  1. Take the ball in your hand and squeeze it with the greatest possible effort, but without leading to pain. Fix the position, wait a few seconds and relax your hand. Perform up to 10 times with a change of hands.
  2. "Pinch" the ball, using the thumb and other fingers in turn. Fix the effort up to a minute, changing fingers. Perform with each hand 3 times.

There are many exercises and therapeutic manipulations that help improve the mobility of joints affected by arthrosis. Having chosen exercises, before starting training, you need to get the approval of a doctor. With consistent, patient and correct execution gymnastics for the fingers in the recommended volume, the condition of the joints will improve and a positive trend will be achieved in the treatment of arthrosis.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then this is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. You are solely responsible for the application.

Arthrosis is a natural disease that can affect anyone. In the fast pace of life, we, without noticing it, load the body - we type a lot on the keyboard of a computer or smartphone, write by hand for a long time, carry heavy bags or, for example, engage in hand-to-hand combat. Such a load adversely affects the carpal and shoulder joints. But, what is most surprising, by properly distributing the load, we can protect the joints from arthrosis. How to protect yourself, and what are the exercises for the hands or fingers with arthrosis?

It is very important to trace the stages of the disease in arthrosis of the hands. Exercises allowed in the first stage can be very harmful in the chronic course of the disease. And radical gymnastics will only worsen the condition on early stages. For the treatment to be effective, it is best to consult with your doctor first.

How and when exercise will help

Arthrosis, that is, the deposition of salts, occurs with dryness and inelasticity of the joints. This can be with the aging of the body, with a lack of vitamins and minerals, with injuries, infections, etc.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that proper activity slows down the development of joint disease. In addition, exercises for arthrosis contribute to the following effects:

  • reduction of pain;
  • strengthening of muscle tissues and ligaments, which ensure the normal functioning of the joints;
  • reduction of tension of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improvement of joint function and adaptation to different types greater load;
  • development of articular cartilage;
  • strengthening health and increasing the functionality of the body;
  • prevention of joint diseases.

Physiotherapy used directly as a treatment for arthrosis of the hands. In this case, it is necessary to correctly distinguish between the stages of acute illness and remission. In the first option, you will need exercises that help improve blood circulation in the joint, relax muscles, and reduce pain. And in the second, exercises should help strengthen muscles, cartilage, ligaments, joint tissues and restore their functionality.

When moving, a special fluid is released in the cartilage tissues, which lubricates the joints, allowing them to glide more easily. If we begin to move a little, accordingly, lubrication will not be produced, which contributes to the development of arthrosis.

The principle of exercise

When performing exercises for the hands with arthrosis, you should remember these principles.

  • The most important rule when performing any kind of exercise is smoothness and calmness. Jerks and active movements will only aggravate the situation. They contribute to the wear of fabrics, and we strive for the opposite result. Quick Exercises increase pain and increase the area of ​​the affected areas.
  • Another important tip is reducing stress on the affected joint. Never load the damaged area. This won't do you any good.
  • Needed immediately stop in severe pain after doing gymnastics. This means that the body rejects such an exercise, and it is very harmful to the joints. Therefore, listen to your feelings more often.
  • You should always remember that initially classes may seem difficult. Mild pain is curative. This means that the body, which is accustomed to the disease, begins to fight it, leaves the comfort zone. The main thing is not to let yourself relax.

Exercises should be repeated daily for 30 minutes. Within a week, the body will begin to adapt to the fight against the disease, and the patient will feel significant relief. And after a couple of months, there will be a dramatic improvement in the condition. But you should not stop gymnastics, as it will continue to support the joints and the whole body.


There are several types of activities that need to be combined and properly guided in order for the treatment to be effective.

  1. General gymnastics for arthrosis with a load on the joint complex. It is mainly recommended for treating arthrosis in the initial stages and for prevention.
  2. Joint stress exercises. This type is used in the final stages of the disease. It could be the load own weight(with arthrosis of the knee, for example, walking) or with the help of special devices (if it is humeroscapular arthrosis, weighting agents are used).
  3. Exercises without stress on the joint are used to treat any type of arthrosis at the stages of development and activity. Many consider this type of exercise useless, but it helps a lot in cases where it is difficult to endure pressure on the damaged area. For example, in arthritis elbow joint you can do ordinary flexion and extension, and with arthrosis of the hands - circular rotations. Also, this type is able to relieve any pain if you perform the exercises for about an hour.


To perform the exercises, there are the most simple, but very important rules:

  • use the “from simple to complex” method, move from easy exercises to more difficult ones;
  • a set of general developmental exercises should flow from top to bottom, from head to feet;
  • complexity and amplitude should be increased gradually;
  • conduct classes systematically;
  • choose exercises wisely, adjusting the types according to the stage and type of disease.


You can not do sets of exercises and exercise therapy in such cases:

  • in the presence of increased or decreased intracranial pressure;
  • at high temperature;
  • in acute diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • in severe illness gastrointestinal tract and other bodies;
  • within a few months after undergoing surgery on the stomach or lungs;
  • in the presence of hernias;
  • during critical days among women.

Exemplary gymnastics

Doctors strongly recommend patients and healthy people to stretch their joints for prevention. Such gymnastics will not only relieve pain and swelling, but also improve blood circulation in the joints, tones the muscles and restores their mobility.

With arthrosis of the fingers of the initial and middle stages

A set of exercises as a treatment for the joints of the hands is performed in a sitting position.

  1. To warm up, gently clench your hand into a fist, hold it for 1 minute (if difficult, for 30 seconds). Next, gently open your fingers so that they are as far apart as possible. Hold for another 1 minute (30 seconds). Do 5 times.
  2. Place your hand in a relaxed state on a flat surface. Then gradually lower and align it so that it is as flat as possible with respect to the plane. Avoid putting too much pressure on your joints. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Turn the palm of your hand towards you. Gently bend your fingers so that their pads touch the ridges at the base of your finger. Hold them for about 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Take a wash ball or sponge in your hand. Gently squeeze the object, lingering for 10 seconds, then gently unclench your fingers. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Let your hand rest.
  5. In this exercise, you will also need a small ball or any soft object. Place the object in front of you and make gentle pinches simultaneously with your thumb and other fingers in turn. At the same time, pause for 10 seconds in the clamped position. Repeat 4 times with each finger
  6. Place your palm on a flat, hard surface. In turn, raise each finger as high as possible, then slowly lower it. Repeat 4 times with each finger. You can use this exercise by raising all fingers at the same time.
  7. Press your palm against the wall and pull a tight elastic band over your knuckles. Slowly move your thumb to the side as far as possible. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  8. Hold your hand horizontally to the floor. Gently touch your index finger to your thumb. You should get a small circle. Stop for 10 seconds and switch to a third finger. Do the same with each finger of the hand. Repeat 5 times.

Use a set of exercises for hands with plasticine. No special rules are needed, just sculpt for your pleasure, for example, with children. So you will not only strengthen the joints of the upper limbs, but also get a lot of fun.

Gymnastics exercise therapy complex

The following set of exercises complies with the norms of physiotherapy exercises and is used only in the final stages of arthrosis. Performed standing.

  1. Raise your arms up in a circular motion through the shoulder joint. Hold for inhale-exhale. Gently lower down the same route. Do 3 times in each direction.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, wrap your arms around yourself. Perform smooth rotations of the torso in different sides 3 times.
  3. Stretch your arms in front of your chest, clasp in the lock, palms facing you. When exhaling air, turn the “lock” away from you, and bend your back back. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Put the brushes on your shoulders. Repeat circular motions elbows 5 times in each direction. If you have pain in your elbows, stop exercising.
  5. Grab in the middle gymnastic stick. Put your hand aside. Paint brush rotational movements fan principle. In turn, perform 3 turns with each hand 3 times. You can also connect the brushes and rotate with both hands at the same time in front of you.
  6. Take the stick with your hands along the edges. Stretch your arms in front of you and imitate swimming movements, rotating the ends in different directions. Repeat 5 times on each side.
  7. Stretch your arms in front of your chest. Perform a scissors movement, extending your arms to the sides as far as possible. Repeat 5 times.
  8. Relax your hands. Do circular swings back and forth several times.

Those who decide to treat arthrosis of the fingers should always do a little warm-up. Do not forget to increase the load on the joints over time. This will help restore their tone and health.


The disease is divided into post-traumatic and deforming type.

  1. The post-traumatic form is typical for people with difficult working conditions or those involved in sports, when there is an increased load on upper limbs. Periodic microtrauma leads to the destruction of cartilage tissue.
  2. The deforming type is characterized by the progression of degenerative dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the hands, which leads to the arching of the phalanges. Depending on the localization of the pathological process, there are:

Symptoms of arthrosis of the joints of the fingers

Since arthrosis develops gradually, the course of the disease was divided into 3 main stages. Let's consider each of them in detail:

  • The first stage of the pathology is characterized by the appearance of the first signs of cartilage destruction, while there is a violation of blood circulation in the tissues. If you start the treatment of arthrosis of the fingers at the very beginning, then it is possible to almost completely restore the integrity of the cartilage.
  • At the second stage, there is an active destruction of cartilage tissue, the joints are deformed externally, signs of inflammation appear and the physical activity joints.
  • In the third stage, there is a complete destruction of the cartilage, due to which the joint ceases to function. The affected area of ​​the cartilage gradually ossifies, which is an irreversible consequence of arthrosis.

Symptoms appear as the disease progresses:

  • At the beginning, the pain bothers only with a strong physical activity on your hands. When making movements, a characteristic crunch appears. Swelling of the joints is visualized. The initial changes cause tension in the muscle fibers. There is no stiffness during movement, the functionality is not impaired.
  • The second stage of arthrosis of the fingers is marked by the constant presence of pain, even at night, which intensifies after a slight load. Muscles gradually weaken, losing their functionality, which leads to limited mobility of the fingers. This period is characterized by increased swelling and the appearance of a burning sensation. In the cavity of the interphalangeal joints, nodules are visualized, which gradually thicken.
  • The third phase of arthrosis is manifested in the presence of severe pain and curvature of the fingers. There is an immobilization of the joints, which leads to a limitation of working capacity, up to a complete loss of it.

Treatment of arthrosis of the fingers

For non-inflammatory joint diseases, treatment consists in minimizing symptoms and slowing down degenerative-dystrophic processes in the joint. Chondroprotectors help slow down the destruction of cartilage, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effectively relieve pain and inflammation.

Locally irritating ointments also have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, they stimulate blood circulation. Therapy of arthrosis is not limited to the use of ointments and tablets, doctors without fail prescribe non-drug treatment:

  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • local hand baths;
  • percussion massage;
  • exercises that are aimed at increasing joint mobility.

Be sure to follow the diet. You can also resort to folk methods, compresses from honey and salt, cabbage leaves, clay applications help well.

It should be noted that massage, therapeutic exercises are indicated only after the removal of inflammation, in the acute course of arthrosis, they should be refrained from. An important part of the treatment of arthrosis of the hands is exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises).

The implementation of a set of exercises is well supplemented with a number of other activities in which fine motor skills are activated:

  • modeling;
  • knitting or weaving;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • sorting out the rosary;
  • squeezing foam toys.

The pathogenesis (development mechanism) of arthrosis of the hands is associated with a defect in the complex protein collagen, an important component of cartilage tissue. Either there is a failure in the process of synthesis of its molecules, or the process of combining the structural units of this protein into collagen fibers is disrupted. This pathology can be due to various reasons:

  • genetic defect;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • violation of the course of biochemical reactions against the background of an endocrine or inflammatory disease;
  • hormonal changes during aging.

Polyarthrosis of the hands, as a rule, is a primary disease, what exactly is the trigger for its development is unclear. It has been established that the phalangeal joints of the hands in women during menopause suffer from degenerative-dystrophic changes approximately three times more often than in men, which indicates the relationship of the pathology with the hormonal background.

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Inadequate connective and cartilaginous tissue resists loads worse, there is a gradual thinning and destruction of articular cartilage. Muscles often tense up to unload the joints, fingers swell, hurt first under load, and then almost all the time.

As the disease progresses, stiffness of the joints increases, and the muscles gradually atrophy. In the area of ​​the affected interphalangeal joints, dense nodules are formed, the fingers are deformed.

With the defeat of the distal joints, the pain syndrome is more intense, the formation of nodules is accompanied by burning, severe hyperemia (swelling of tissues). In the proximal joints, the process is not so acute.

Why is it necessary to do gymnastics with arthrosis? There are several reasons:

  • in the process of performing exercises, metabolic processes and blood circulation are activated, the production of synovial fluid, cartilage tissue receives more oxygen and nutrients;
  • the outflow of fluid accumulated in the periarticular tissue improves, which helps to relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • muscles are strengthened, elasticity of ligaments and tendons is maintained;
  • if you do not overcome the articular contracture, that is, stiffness, it progresses rapidly. The longer the joint remains motionless, the more difficult it is to overcome its contracture;
  • physical activity has a pronounced distracting effect, well relieves pain in the joints.

Therapy for arthrosis of the fingers is long and complex, one might say, lifelong. Is it possible to cure arthrosis of the fingers - this is a question that worries many, and the answer to it is ambiguous. Arthrosis is a chronic disease, and in the vast majority of cases it is not possible to get rid of it forever.

But at the initial stage of the pathology, it is quite possible to achieve the restoration of cartilage tissue, and with the help of preventive measures to avoid deterioration of the condition. With arthrosis of the 2nd degree, it is very important to stop the destruction of cartilage as soon as possible, then it will be possible to prolong the performance of the joints.

The complex therapy of arthrosis of the fingers includes the following measures:

  • taking medication prescribed by a doctor;
  • immobilization of diseased fingers during an exacerbation;
  • the use of external agents and visits to physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy and massage.

Prescriptions may also be used during treatment. traditional medicine but after consultation with experts.

Drug therapy is an important part of the treatment of arthrosis, depending on the cause of the pathology of the stage of the disease, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac. This group of drugs helps to get rid of joint pain, eliminate the inflammatory process in the joint.
  • In severe cases, when very severe pain is observed, with arthrosis of the fingers, injections with glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. These hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs quickly relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • If degenerative disorders in the joint are accompanied by an infection, then the doctor prescribes an antibiotic.
  • To restore cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are indicated. The composition of these drugs includes substances that provoke the regeneration of cartilage tissue. Chondroprotectors are especially effective at the initial stage of arthrosis, but they need to be taken for a long time.
  • For a general strengthening of the body, the doctor prescribes taking multivitamins.

Drug therapy is necessarily accompanied by immobilization of the diseased finger. The doctor applies a fixing bandage or cast to limit or completely eliminate movement in the joint.

An important feature of the therapeutic course is the complex treatment of the disease. This allows you to stop the pain syndrome, stop the destruction process, reduce inflammation, start the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue, and prevent the development of complications.

Arthrosis shows:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Therapeutic exercise and massage.
  • Medical treatment.
  • Diet.
  • Operational intervention.

Therapist, rheumatologist, traumatologist is engaged in the treatment of arthrosis of the fingers. The help of surgeons is resorted to only at the last stage of the disease.

Medical therapy

The course of treatment may include taking:

  • NSAIDs may be presented in the form of tablets, ointments or injections. Indicated for severe pain syndrome. Representatives of the species are Movalis, Naproxen, Nimesulide.
  • Muscle relaxants such as Mydocalm. The drug is used to relax the muscles in the presence of convulsions and spasms in the patient. This group also includes Baclofen, Tolperisone, Sirdalud, Tizanidin.
  • Corticosteroids help relieve pain, but negatively affect bone tissue. Apply Hydrocortisone, Triamcinolone.
  • Chondroprotectors start the process of cartilage structure regeneration. The most popular are Glucosamine, Chondroxide, Traumeel S. In the later stages of arthrosis of the fingers, drugs are ineffective.
  • Vitamin complexes, mainly consisting of representatives of the B group.

READ ALSO: A set of exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder

The course of therapy is prescribed depending on the stage of the disease:

  1. At the first stage, chondroprotectors are shown; in the presence of pain, NSAIDs can be used. During this period, physiotherapy, gymnastics and the use of vitamin complexes are effective. From traditional medicine, warm compresses are suitable, which reduce pain.
  2. In the second stage, the pain syndrome gradually increases, an inflammatory process appears. To overcome the symptoms, NSAIDs and chondroprotectors are prescribed. To reduce the load on the phalanges and reduce friction, hyaluronic acid is injected into the interarticular space. Vasodilators help improve blood flow to tissues.
  3. In the third stage, drug therapy is used only to relieve pain. At this stage of arthrosis, a blockade is carried out and hormonal drugs are prescribed. Surgery is indicated for loss of joint mobility.

Relief of pain syndrome

To quickly relieve severe pain in arthrosis of the fingers, prescribe:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce swelling and inflammation. The most popular are Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide.
  2. Ointments for local use. Their action is based on heating the affected area, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Oils are needed to nourish the joint with minerals. They reduce pain and irritation. Olive, eucalyptus and lavender oils are effective.

Gymnastics provides a moderate load on the joints. If the fingers are completely immobilized, this will lead to ossification of the tissues, overload, on the contrary, will enhance the inflammatory process and degeneration of structures. Therefore, it is necessary to perform special gentle exercises three times a day:

  1. Each finger is massaged in turn, without much effort.
  2. They rub their hands together, after which they gently shake them with brushes.
  3. Bend and slowly unbend fingers.
  4. Fingertips touch the elastic surface, imitating playing the piano.
  5. Putting hands together inside, you need to slightly squeeze them together.
  6. Connect the pads of the fingers together and make springy movements with the hands without tearing off the fingers.

Complications of arthrosis can have two causes:

  • Consequences of the disease.
  • The consequences of treatment.

Folk remedies for arthrosis of the fingers

In the complex treatment of arthrosis, traditional medicine recipes can be used. Many patients have noticed that thanks to folk remedies the joints began to hurt less, the swelling went down. But it is worth remembering that the panacea folk treatment is not, therefore, it can be used only after consulting a specialist.

With arthrosis of the fingers, the following traditional medicine recipes help:

  • Effectively relieves pain and inflammation compress with honey and cabbage leaf. It is necessary to wash and beat off the cabbage leaf so that it gives juice, and slightly warm the honey. Rub warm honey into sore joints, wrap your fingers with a cabbage leaf on top, fix the compress with a bandage and leave it overnight.
  • Salt hand baths are effective for arthrosis. To prepare such a bath, you need to dissolve a few tablespoons in boiling water. sea ​​salt then pour the solution into a small bowl and dilute cold water. The bath should be warm, the duration of the procedure is not 15-20 minutes.
  • Rubbing from celandine helps relieve pain in arthrosis. To prepare it, you need to run into a fresh plant and grind it. In a glass of olive oil, you need to add 3 tablespoons of chopped celandine, mix, and insist in a dark and cool place for 14 days. The finished product must be filtered and rubbed into sore joints every day.
  • Shilajit helps with arthrosis, it can be taken orally and also used externally. To prepare the rubbing, 100 ml of natural honey and 5 grams of mummy are mixed so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Rub the resulting ointment into the joints once a day, not longer than a week.

Ointments for arthrosis of the fingers

In addition to taking drugs orally for arthrosis of the fingers, external agents are often prescribed. Consider a few popular pharmacy ointments for arthrosis:

  • Diclofenac is an ointment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it effectively relieves pain and inflammation;
  • Nise is made using the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug nimesulide;
  • Fastum gel relieves pain, it contains ketoprofen.

Also in the pharmacy you can buy warming ointments that help get rid of pain. These include ointments based on bee and snake venom, ointments with camphor, red pepper. To relieve pain and inflammation, you can use ointments according to traditional medicine recipes, but only in complex therapy.