Tales and stories about the sun. Scenario of joint activity for young children "The Tale of the Sun" using ICT technology

Olesya Chistyakova

Target: Create an expressive look « sunshine» in collaboration with the teacher.


educational: continue to learn how to create the simplest forms: roll out cylinder (sausage) direct movements of the palms; roll out a ball (kolobok) in a circular motion palms and slightly modify them - convert them into other forms (flatten the ball into a disk).

Educational: educate children's responsiveness, the need to come to the aid of those who need it, a careful, kind attitude towards nature, an interest in modeling.

Educational: develop a sense of form, rhythm, speech, fine motor skills hands, independence, the ability to perform movements to music.


Student-centered approach

Health saving

Informational (presentation);

preliminary work: looking at book illustrations in collections of songs, nursery rhymes, folk fairy tales in order to enrich the impressions and ideas children about image options sunshine.

Material and equipment: plasticine (yellow, red, blue, green, pumpkin seeds, cardboard or thick blue square-shaped paper with an image solar disk without rays, an envelope with a surprise (medals « Sun» ).phonogram music: "Spring Polka" "Music for Toddlers", laptop, presentation: « Tale of the sun» .

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, tell me, is it winter outside?

caregiver: No, winter. And the snow lies.

caregiver: And why did he melt.

caregiver: Guys, do you want see a fairy tale about the sun.

Children are watching fairy tale: « Tale of the sun»

(multimedia presentation).

Soundtrack sounds: "Music for Toddlers"

The teacher demonstrates fairy tale, accompanying words:

2 slide. There was snow on the meadow.

The gray hare came running.

“Oh, when will spring come?

And when will the snow melt?

Where are you sun bell?

Look out soon, shine, warm up!

Sun spring shone in the sky.

Immediately in the clearing it became brighter for everyone.

The sun smiled, shone brighter.

And the rays turned all the snow into puddles.

The fervent rays began to warm the earth,

The grass began to grow.

7 slide. In the meadow, in the meadow

Flowers began to bloom.

8 slide. Flowers with play in the sun.

They open their buds.

Bunny jumped again

He took all the animals and birds.

9 slide. Rays at the sun warms everyone.

Birds, animals, have fun,

Everyone is playing in the field.

10 slide. Suddenly, an evil cloud flew in.

Luchik at she wanted to take the sun.

The animals were frightened, they all ran away.

11 slide. Closed she is the sun

And took all the rays.

Poor the sun is very scared.

How did it remain without all its rays.

13 slide. like rays return the sun

Help somebody!

14 slide. What to do?

How to be?

caregiver: How to return rays sunshine?

Children offer options on how to help sunshine.

caregiver: Guys, can we fashion rays from plasticine?

The children are calling Sun.

Children: Sun come to us!

The teacher takes a blue cardboard, with an album sheet, which depicts solar disk without rays.

caregiver: Look, the sun smiles again.

It's happy that you can help it!

Guys, I have a different color plasticine:

red, blue, green, yellow.

Which one should I choose for sunshine?

Children: Yellow.

Children take lumps of yellow plasticine and roll out plasticine flagella between their palms with direct movements

both hands and attached to the cardboard to solar disk.

caregiver: Well done! How many rays for we blinded the sun?

Children: A lot of.

caregiver: Guys, let's make a gift to our sunshine! Let's make her a wreath of flowers.

Each of you will make a beautiful flower,

And I will collect flowers in a wreath.

Children are offered multi-colored plasticine and pumpkin seeds.

caregiver: Choose a piece of plasticine that you like and roll a small ball in your palms. This will be the center of the flower. Then we squeeze with our fingers so that the ball becomes flattened. We insert pumpkin seeds around it. These will be the flower petals.

Children from pumpkin seeds and plasticine make flowers.

The teacher puts on Sun flowers collecting them in a wreath.

caregiver: Look what a wonderful wreath we gave sunshine.

I think, the sun will be very nice if we sing a spring polka.

Children go out into a round dance and sing "Spring Field",

performing movements to the music.

Soundtrack sounds: "Spring Field"

caregiver: we helped return the rays of the sun?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Then let's send sunshine in a fairy tale and see its continuation.

Children watch the continuation of the electronic presentation « Tale of the sun» .

Soundtrack sounds: "Music for kids

16 slide. shining again Sun.

The sun is radiant.

affectionate, warm,

Simply golden!

17 slide. The animals are happy, the birds are happy,

All nature is having fun!

18 slide. Thank you kids

You tried your best!

Our fairy tale end,

And who listened, well done.

Hello to all the guys

And an envelope with surprises!

caregiver: Look, here is an envelope with a surprise!

Children get medals from the envelope « Sun» and give them to the children.

The sun lived. Big, big, kind, kind, warm, warm! The light of golden rays enlivened and warmed the space, everything around rejoiced at the appearance of the Sun, reached out to him, smiled.
Only the Sun was sad. Strange Sun. It freezes all the time! The sun dreamed of getting warm, it extended its rays and said:
- Warm me up, please! I'm very cold! - As soon as the Sun uttered these words, everyone immediately scattered.
- It's not normal! Stay away from him! You can expect anything from him! - I didn’t really want to be friends with the sick sun, and again it remained alone and cold. Well, how, tell me, how can you warm the Sun?
The trouble with the sun was that it did not understand that it was the SUN! It did not understand that it could itself shine with a warm, joyful light, warm everyone around, and not even a drop of warmth in it decrease, but, on the contrary, increase. Such a solar device: the more joy and light it gives, the stronger and brighter it becomes.
You could help the Sun and tell about it. But it never occurred to anyone that the sun does not know that it is the Sun. What a misfortune! The sun shone brightly and shivered from the cold. It dreamed of someone who would warm it. Every time when someone, having seen a magical radiance, ran towards him, the sun rejoiced: now it will become warm!
- Warm me! Stretching out warm rays, the Sun asked, and again saw surprised eyes, and heard offensive words:
- Abnormal, some! Crazy! Go away!
The sun wandered around the wide world in sadness and longing, lonely and unhappy. No one wanted to warm him, no matter how much it asked, no matter how much it begged. The Sun had to endure many difficult moments, many bitter tears shed from his golden eyes.
Once the Sun was in the Permafrost Valley. Tired, it sat down to rest, and noticed a beautiful delicate flower frozen in the ice. The sun wanted to revive the flower and inhale its fragrance. It put warm hands on eternal ice, and the ice began to melt quickly, the sun helped itself, dousing the ice floe with hot breath. It breathed hotly, and soon the earth appeared in place of the ice block, it was still cold, but had already begun to warm up from the sun's warmth. Together with the earth, a flower came to life. The sun carefully removed her palms, and a miracle happened!
- Thank you, Sunshine! You saved my life! - Flower rang out in a gentle voice.
- I'm not Sunshine. Sunny said.
- And who are you? The Flower was surprised.
- I don't know. The suns never freeze, and I am always cold, and no one wants to warm me. Sun complained.
You are the real sunshine! Flower laughed. - It's just that no one ever told you that you are the Sun! - It was a very smart Flower.
- How so? Is it possible? The sun shrugged its sunny shoulders.
-Of course it does! Many people live and do not know who they are, why they came into this world, and what they should do. They get very upset and upset others. But as soon as they understand Who they are, everything immediately falls into place!
- How do I know that I'm Sunshine? The sun patted her red lashes.
"Very simple," said Flower. - Look around! This is the Valley of Permafrost! Where did the eternal ice, cold and longing go? While we were talking, the Earth warmed up and woke up, grass and flowers grew on it, bees, butterflies flew in, grasshoppers jumped in, and even birds sang songs. Look at the little animals snuggled up to your side! From happiness they are afraid to move, look at their happy faces! Flower said. - And I? Was it not from your Love that I returned to Life? Didn't you warm me with warm palms, wasn't it your hot breath that won my life from the permafrost? You're sweet! - Flower said very clearly. - The Real Sun - bright, warm, kind and joyful! - the Flower smiled, and stroked the Sun on the palm of his hand.
- Am I Sunshine? Sunny asked incredulously. - I am the Sun. - It repeated a little more confidently, and inside it warmed up. - I am the Sun! - became warmer. - I am the Sun!!! - became even warmer. - I AM THE SUN!!! Hooray! I am the sun!!! - Sunny shouted joyfully, jumped, spun, and danced the Sun, rejoicing at his discovery. - Sun! Sun! Sun! it sang. - I can give everyone Joy, Light and Warmth endlessly! I cannot freeze, because I am the Sun - the source of Love!
- Yes! Yes! Yes! You're sweet! The most wonderful sun in the world! - the Flower was happy for his friend.
- Thank you, magical Flower! You did a miracle, you warmed me! - Embracing the Flower with rays, the Sun said, and tears of joy sparkled on his fluffy eyelashes.
- Just something and a miracle to understand Who are you? You did it yourself. Flower smiled. “I just called you by your name.
- I will remember you all my life, and send you the light and warmth of my Love, - the Sun promised, recovering on the New Path.
- All the best to you! Thank you for giving me life again. I will always remember you, fragrant in your honor. Let everyone know about your kindness.
The flower and the sun embraced and parted forever. But wherever the Sun was, the Flower felt its Light and warmth. No matter how high the Sun rose, the fragrance of the Flower reached him, and they both smiled, I remember an old meeting.
The sun went to walk around the world, performing many miracles. It smiled at everyone, and everyone smiled at it. It warmed everyone with its warmth, and everyone shared their love and joy with it. But the most important thing for the Sun was to help other freezing Suns understand themselves. The suns ceased to be sad and freeze, and the warmth, joy and light in the world became more and more every day. Do you notice?
This is a fairy tale about you, SUN!
08/04/11, Lokhvitsa

© Copyright: Lilia Akhmedova, 2011
Publication Certificate No. 21108041060

Stranger, we advise you to read the fairy tale "The Tale of the Sun (Sami Tale)" to yourself and your children, this is a wonderful work created by our ancestors. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy are produced by pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels the incredible love with which the images of the environment are described. Everyday problems are an incredibly successful way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, to convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. Main character always wins not by deceit and cunning, but by kindness, gentleness and love - this is the main quality of children's characters. Dozens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and customs of people remain the same, practically unchanged. Of course, the idea of ​​the superiority of good over evil is not new, of course, many books have been written about it, but every time it is still pleasant to be convinced of this. The fairy tale "The Tale of the Sun (Sami Tale)" to read for free online will be fun for both children and their parents, the kids will be happy with a good ending, and moms and dads will be happy for the kids!

A long time ago, there was a country in the north where the sun did not shine. And the moon didn't shine. The country was completely dark. Only the stars were visible in the black sky. But what light from the stars? Almost none. One flicker...
The black sky hung over the country, and it was so dark that people could distinguish each other by their voices. And the people of the Dark Country did not know fire. They lived in vineyards made of turf and twigs, they insulated these dwellings as best they could - they poured earth, studded with moss ... But they still shivered from the cold, because in the Dark Country a fierce wind always blew from the cold sea, muffled ice-covered. It was bad for people in the Dark Country. Quite bad. And there was a high round mountain in the Dark Country.
Half the sky was covered by a round mountain, no one had ever seen what kind of stars shine on the other side of the round mountain ...
And at the foot of the mountain stood a long and high black fence.
So long and so tall that no one could get around it. And no one could climb over this fence to see what was there.
The vezhniks only knew: behind the fence there was a large house made of black logs, upholstered in deer skins for warmth.
And seventy black brothers live in that house.
And a hundred thousand deer graze behind a high fence. And the skins of deer are warm, and their blood is hot, and their meat is tasty ...
But the veterans only heard about all this - they themselves had neither deer nor houses, and they ate only fish that they pulled out from under the black ice. This is how people lived in the Dark Land for a thousand years. And a thousand more. And another thousand years, and another...
And none of the vezhniks thought that it was possible to live in any other way.
But one day it happened: they saw the vespers - an old man riding a deer was riding along a high black fence. On a white deer, on a wonderful deer.
The deer was so beautiful and so white that a quiet glow emanated from it. And in this radiance, the devotees saw the face of an old man, the simple and wise face of an old man who lived a lot, saw a lot, does not envy anyone and wants to leave people a good memory of himself.
Hello people! - said the old man and stopped the deer.
- What a deaf darkness in your country - said the old man, and people saw his long gray beard, almost to his knees.
“Have you never seen the sun, you veins?” the old man asked.
But no one answered him, no one understood what he was asking.
Vezhniki did not know the sun. And the moon did not know.
Only the stars knew, dim fireflies in the black sky.
“Yes,” said the old man, “I see you don’t know the sun… And the sun is great joy and great warmth. And the sun lives on the other side of the round mountain, behind a high fence. On the fastest deer, it is a long ride to see the sun. And on foot along the high fence you will never reach the sun, for this a human life is not enough ...
The servants of the old man listened and silently wondered: what kind of thing is this - the sun, which is both great joy and great warmth? ..
Heard the old man and the black brothers. They heard - and suddenly shouted:
“Stupid you, bastards!” Silly and dark! Can there be something that is both joy and warmth at the same time? Is there anything that we don't know? An old deceiver has arrived on a white deer and tells you stories like little children! Let's beat him and drive him away! There is no color on earth better than black! .. Let's beat the old man and drive him away! Let's beat! And let's drive! Let's beat! And let's drive!
The guardians thought. Do they beat you for a fairy tale? And seventy black brothers have already gone to the old man, have already surrounded him along with the deer.
The wise old man shook his head, and his eyes went out, and his face darkened, and the radiance from the white deer went out.
The old man said:
It's hard to believe what you haven't seen. But if there is a fence, there is something beyond the fence. If there is a mountain, there is land beyond the mountain. If there are fireflies-stars - maybe such a big star, bright as a hundred thousand stars at once, warm and joyful ... And there are many different colors on earth, not just black. And black is the color of great untruth, the color of deceit and evil power. I'm leaving. And now I will show myself only to those who believe in the sun.
The black brothers stretched out their hands to grab the old man, but the white deer hit with its hoof, the earth parted - and the deer disappeared, and the old man disappeared.
People dispersed to their own posts, to their own affairs. And the black brothers went to their big house, behind a high fence. And everyone began to live as they lived.
And only one young man could no longer live in the old way. He remembered the words of the old man about the unknown sun, which immediately gives warmth and joy.
The young man went to the dark lakes, where the reindeer moss grows. He looked at the black sky, he looked at the black water, he looked at the black earth and said:
How nice it would be if it wasn't all black! So I want to believe in the sun! I so want to see the sun! But the old man disappeared, the old man was offended. And his white deer was gone. How can I find them now, in such darkness? ..
As soon as the young man said these words, the reindeer moss opened up and a wonderful deer appeared before the young man. He was so white that a radiance emanated from his skin ...
"I'm here," said the deer. - I'm waiting for you. Get on top.
The young man was very surprised and sat astride a deer. And they rushed over mosses and swamps, through black lakes, over black forests, over gloomy hills ...
Whether they raced for a long time, whether it was short, a wonderful deer stopped.
And the young man sees: in front of him, on a granite stone, sits the same old man, a gray beard to the knees, a simple, wise, unenvious face.
“Hello,” the old man said. Thank you for believing in the sun. Among the darkest people there will always be a hero. There can be no people without heroes...
- Thank you for good word, said the young man. - But tell me, how can I get the sun for the faithful? At least a piece of the sun, which is both warm and joyful at once...
“You will get the sun,” said the old man. “But for the sun to warm everyone and make everyone happy, you need all the people of your tribe to believe in the sun. Even by a thread, but they would believe. Only then will the sun be in your hands. Only then will it warm everyone.
“Good,” the young man said, sat on a deer and returned back to his Dark Country.
He came and told me what happened. And he asked each for a hair.
The guards thought, but they gave the young man a hair, each gave a hair, a whole heap gathered. Only the black brothers did not give a single hair. But the black brothers have a young man and not a beggar.
The young man began to weave a box of hairs. It was hard work. Seventy days and seventy nights he wove the box. But that's just what it says - seventy days. Because in the Dark Land, days were like nights, and nights were like days. There was no difference between day and night - equally dark. And in the dark, to the touch, weaving a strong box is not an easy task.
But the young man believed more firmly in the sun - and he wove the box.
And he went out again to the lake, on the shore of which grew a tall reindeer moss, reindeer moss. Looked at the black sky and said:
- My box is ready. Seventy days and seventy nights in deep darkness I wove it. And the faith of many people entered me through these hairs, through my eyes and through my fingers. Now I'm ready to get the sun for the faithful.
As soon as he said this, reindeer moss, deer moss, opened up, and a white deer appeared before the young man.
"Sit down," said the deer. - Get on top of me.
And again they rushed over black mosses, over black lakes, over black forests and black swamps.
They raced for a long time, so long that the young man lost track of time.
And suddenly a thick red light flashed in the distance.
The young man sees: at the very edge of the earth there is a huge red sun. It stands, shimmers, glows with heat, blinds the eyes.
“Stop,” said the young man to the white deer. - Wait, wait, it hurts your eyes, let me get used to it.
The deer stopped and said to the young man:
“Look how huge the sun is, how bright, how hot! One cannot carry such a sun alone. You and I will break off a piece, show it to people in the Dark Country. If they like a piece of the sun, let them come and take the rest. And if you don’t like it, you will have to return the piece to its place.
- Like it! – said the young man. - The sun cannot not be liked by the veiners, it cannot be like that! Let's go faster, our eyes are used to it, it's time for our hands to do the work - hurry!
“Open your box,” says the deer, “and hold on tight to me.”
The young man opened the box - and they rushed straight into the sun. At full gallop, the deer hit the sun with its horns, a piece bounced off the sun and fell right into the box. The young man immediately slammed the lid of the box, and the wonderful deer rushed back.
They reached the Dark Country, the young man got down from the deer and bowed low to him. And the deer hit with a hoof - and disappeared.
A young man stands among his people, among the servants, and says:
“You all gave me a hair's breadth. I wove a box and brought you a piece of the sun. Quite a small piece. Let's release it, let it light up our skies and our land. And if you like a particle of the sun, I know how to get the rest of the sun. It is much more, I can’t do it alone, everyone needs to take it.
As soon as he said these words, seventy black brothers came running from the round mountain from behind the high fence. They run, wave their hands, shout at the top of their lungs:
- Don't you dare let go! Our lakes will dry up! The iron in the earth will melt and flood our homes! You yourself will go blind, and we will all burn!
The young man answers them:
- The lakes will not dry up, and the iron will not melt. I saw the sun, I saw the earth around the real sun. Beautiful is that land, there is nothing more beautiful! Because the sun hates black!
The black brothers surrounded the young man from all sides, they want to snatch the box. But then the guards stood up for their own.
“No,” they said, “we will not give you a box. It is woven from our faith, it is from our hope. And if he brought a particle of the sun, let him show everyone!
But the black brothers grabbed the young man and dragged him to the black swamp to drown him along with the casket. Vezhniki see - it's a bad thing, words do not help. They picked up stones from the ground and rushed at the black brothers. A battle began, and a black wind arose, a real black storm.
And suddenly the box opened. And a piece of the sun flew out of it. The wind picked up and raised the small sun above the black earth.
First, the sun twinkled like a dim star above the people. Then the wind began to inflate it, as it blows coals in a fire.
And the sun shone, brighter, brighter, and the sky flared up with a red light. The swamps lit up, the lakes lit up, and the reindeer moss on the shore, deer moss, lit up ...
Vezhniki are watching: the water in the lakes has turned blue, the mosses have turned yellow, pink, green ... And even the stones have become multi-colored. The nobility never thought that their Dark Land was so beautiful.
And the black brothers became even blacker, just like wet coals. Then they flared up with a hot flame and burned down without a trace. And the wind scattered the ashes. Because he who does not believe in the sun will not be able to withstand its light and heat. To whom the sun is not in joy, it is in trouble.
- Thank you! the servants shouted to the young man. - Thank you! Teach us how to get all the sun! Teach!
“Go where the black brothers lived,” said the young man. - Go and break the high fence. And take a hundred thousand deer. And then we'll all go together and get the sun. The guards did just that.
They broke the high fence, took the deer and drove to where the young man pointed.
We drove for a long time, and a huge red sun appeared in the distance. Vezhniki got down from the deer and bowed low to the sun.
The young man said:
- Now put the deer in a large circle, heads to one side.
The guards did just that.
And suddenly the earth parted, and a wonderful white deer appeared, the same one on which the wise old man once came to the Dark Country.
The miraculous deer touched the sun with its horn, it swayed, rose and smoothly lay down on the antlers of all the deer. And a hundred thousand deer carefully carried the sun to the Dark Land.
And they brought the sun safe and sound, and the Dark Country ceased to be dark: flowers and herbs rose towards the sun, trees stretched into the sky.
And people in the tundra have learned to smile at each other, children and the sun.
Since then, the sun has been shining over the tundra.
And a thousand years have passed since then, and then another thousand and another...
Other people live in the tundra, and they don’t know at all how it can be solid darkness, when day is indistinguishable from night. But the memory of the brave young man who believed in the sun - the memory still lives and will never die, it is eternal. How eternal is the sun itself - A big joy and Big Heat.

"Sun Boy" - A fairy tale for a 4-year-old boy who does not want to go to bed.

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Sunshine. It was an unusual boy. He lived high in the sky and was so bright that he illuminated everything around. Basking under its warm rays, the birds sang songs, and the trees rustled joyfully with their green leaves.

The children loved Sunny so much that when he looked out from behind the clouds, they began to jump and shout cheerfully: “Sunny! The sun is out!" Sunny loved to play with the children in the clearing. He let out "sunny bunnies" to them, the children happily caught them and released the bunnies back.

The Sun had a friend - Cockerel. He woke the boy in the morning, bathed in the evenings and read bedtime stories. During the day, the boy was very busy, he played catch-up with the clouds, collected a cheerful little train from the clouds, rocked on a swing and just ran.

One was bad. Sunny, he really did not like to go to bed in the evenings. As soon as the Cockerel told him that it was time to go to bed, the boy immediately had thousands of things to do. I had to watch the cartoon! Then rearrange all the toys! Eat again, and after eating, brush your teeth again.

One day, lying in his bed, the Sun said to the Cockerel:

I won't sleep.

Well, - said the Cockerel - If you don’t want to sleep, you can just lie down - relax.

I don't want to lie down, the boy said.

What will you do? asked the Cockerel.

I will play! Sunny replied cheerfully.

But you will be very tired.

I won't get tired! – stubborn boy.

Well, you can play - the Cockerel sighed sadly.

Immediately, a blanket flew off the bed, and Sunny ran to the swing.

How joyful and fun!

Finally, you can play as much as you want!

No more sleeping!

The sun ran, jumped and had fun. Everyone around seemed to rejoice with him.

Oh, he did so many things!

Made a big tower out of toys. I collected all my lightning cars and arranged races. I read a book. I drew a funny picture about the Cockerel and let the “sunny bunnies” to the children ... but no one began to catch them.

There was no one. The kids were sleeping. The cockerel has long since gone to sleep. Even the clouds scattered somewhere.

The sun is sad. Now the game is not so interesting. He decided to ride the cloud train, but he did not want to go. He started building a tower out of cubes, but the cubes kept falling down. This made Sunny very upset. He played and played and did not notice how he fell asleep.

In the morning the children woke up. The weather was cloudy and cold. The sun was nowhere to be seen.

The Cockerel woke up and immediately flew off to wake up the Sun. But the boy did not want to get up at all. He was in a very bad mood. He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw that it was dark all around.

What's happened? Sunshine asked.

You are very tired, so your light almost disappeared, and it became cold - answered the Cockerel.

The sun jumped up and ran to the clearing.

The children sat at home and yearned. The boy really wanted to help them have fun, but he did not have the strength at all, and the "sunbeams" could not break through the black clouds.

The birds hid from the cold. The sun tried to warm them, but he could not do it, his rays almost disappeared, warmer and brighter. The trees swayed sadly in the cold wind. Even the toys have lost theirs bright colors.

The sun rushed frightened across the sky and did not know what to do now. Everything around became gray. Dull. Anguish and despair seized the heart. Everyone suffered from cold and longing. The boy was completely frustrated and started crying.

The cockerel comforted Sunny, but the boy cried for a long time.

I will definitely save them, - having calmed down a little, Sunny decided.

When evening came, the boy bathed, brushed his teeth and immediately went to bed.

How pleasant it was to lie on a soft pillow and listen to the tale of Petushka! The sun wrapped himself tightly in a warm blanket and, smiling, fell asleep.

In the morning the boy woke up and looked around. The surroundings were bright and warm. Toys have regained their bright colors. The sun jumped up from the bed and ran to the clearing. The birds were singing and the trees were rustling their green leaves. Children,

laughing loudly, shouting “Sunshine! Sun!". The boy smiled and let out "sunbeams".

Since then, Sunny always went to bed in the evening, because it is so important to wake up rested and in a good mood.

On this summer day, the Sun burned so hot that all animals and people hid in the shade, and the water in the river began to evaporate so quickly that water vapor rose into the sky in a column. There they cooled and turned into small droplets, which were so small that they did not fall to the Earth, but gathered together, forming a snow-white Cloud.

- The world is beautiful! it exclaimed. - I really want to see it. But how to do that?

Then someone rubbed his cheek against his side. The cloud turned around and saw a mischievous boy with flowing long hair.

- Who are you? Cloud asked.

- I'm Wind! Veterok replied cheerfully.

- What are you doing in Heaven? Cloud asked.

“I play with the clouds and disperse the clouds,” Veterok shouted, spinning in all directions.

— Veterok, please help me see the world. He is so beautiful! But I can’t move,” Cloudkit pleaded plaintively.

“Of course I will help you. You are so fluffy, snow-white, cool, like cotton wool, like fluff, like whipped cream that people eat, like the most delicious ice cream in the world! I will blow on you and move you across the Sky in any direction,” Veterok sang joyfully.

So they became friends. The breeze helped the Cloud now float quietly over the Earth, then fly swiftly, then rush with all his might. He blew on him now weakly, then a little harder, then with all his might. And Oblachko rejoiced and was surprised at his acquaintance with the world.

The first thing Cloud did was to go to the sea, into which the river flowed, to admire himself in the reflection of the water surface. Cloud looked into the water, as if in a mirror, saw himself from all sides.

- And I'm really beautiful! Cloud exclaimed.

But then it noticed that it began to gain weight, grew larger. It was water vapor that flew to him from the sea.

- Oh oh! Cloud got upset. - I don't want to get fat! We need to get away from the water as soon as possible. Although the sea is so big! And there are so many clouds above it. Maybe they are my brothers and sisters? We need to swim closer.

The cloud approached other clouds and began to get acquainted with them. It did not even notice how, during the conversations, all the clouds merged into one huge Cloud. It rose above the Earth as a beautiful snow-white palace with silvery lace on the columns. The breeze barely moved this Cloud. It turned out to be just above the fields and gardens and was so heavy that it could not hold on to Heaven and fell to Earth in a short warm summer rain. It wept, but the people rejoiced. There was no rain for a long time, the grass in the fields began to turn yellow, and vegetables in the gardens did not grow without moisture. People danced and sang for joy:

Rain, rain, pour!

There will be a grain harvest.

Rain, rain, let it go -

Let the cabbage grow!

The rain has passed, and the hot summer Sun has shone again in the Sky. It instantly dried up the puddles on the roads. Where is Cloud? Has his journey come to an end? Yes, here it is. Water vapor from the moisture after the rain quickly rose into the sky, forming a Cloud.

How scared I was that it was gone! it exclaimed. But how many good deeds I have done. Everyone was pleased: people, plants, and animals. It turns out that everyone needs me?! Great! I'll keep sailing, maybe I'll help someone else.

And Cloud went along with Veterok further. It was in the evening. All nature was getting ready for sleep. Cloud felt tired, began to yawn. And then the Sun, which was setting over the horizon, illuminated it with its radiance. The cloud first closed its eyes from the bright light, and then slowly opened its eyelashes and looked around the sky.

— Fire! Fire! Cloud screamed.

“Don’t shout like that,” Veterok reassured him, “it’s not a fire, but the Sun is setting.” It is tired of warming everyone during the day, shining for everyone, and now it goes to bed.

The cloud looked around. Heaven was quiet and calm. Rare, extraordinarily beautiful clouds spread over it like milk jelly. In what colors the setting Sun and Evening did not paint them! Their dresses were cast in pink, and purple, and crimson, and golden, and smoky. Cloud looked at her amazingly beautiful dress. At least now to the ball! But what is it?! The bright colors are gone.

Who stole my beautiful dress?! Cloud exclaimed. - Get it back now!

“How funny you are, Cloudkit,” giggled Veterok, “nobody stole your dresses from you. Just the Sun went to bed, and it became dark. Night has come. And at night everyone sleeps. And you lie down, rest. Tomorrow we'll be on our way.

The cloud closed its eyes and fell asleep. And Veterok stroked his head for a long time and guarded his peace. They were waiting for distant countries and long roads.

Questions and tasks

What was the Cloud formed from?

Who did he make friends with?

- Why did the Cloud disappear when it communicated with other clouds over the sea?

— What useful deed did Cloudkit do?

- How did the Cloud again appear in the Sky?

- Why did the Cloud turn into different colors?

- Draw illustrations for the story.

- Come up with a continuation of the tale: where did Cloud go on a trip, who did he meet, what happened to him?

- Listen to the poem "Clouds" and tell how the weather can be predicted from the clouds.


Clouds like sails

The wind rushes them, drives them.

If there are many clouds

It will definitely rain.

Well, if the clouds

Like the feather of the Firebird,

There will be sunshine in the morning.

The birds will chirp.

And collide head on

They will turn into a cloud.

And then the thunder rumbles

These clouds are angry!

- Listen to the poem "Fidget-clouds", try to enter into a dialogue in the roles of a river and clouds. Why are clouds constantly in motion?


"Zhur-zhur-zhur, - the river murmurs, -

I flow from afar."

Past, past, past, past

Clouds are floating.

"Where are you going?" the river screams.

Clouds: "There, there."

"Maybe you'll sail again?"

And they: “When? When?

The wind is driving us dashing.

We only dream of peace."