How to learn to swim a 10 year old child. Where and how to teach a child to swim? Review of the best exercises

Summer is a period of vacations and trips to the sea. So, it's the right time to teach children to swim. How to do it quickly and safely?

You can teach your child to swim at any age. Of course, the teaching methods for the baby and the student will be different, but you can always achieve the effect quickly enough. The main thing is not to force, not to drag, not to throw the child into the water (he can be so frightened that the fear will persist for life). And, of course, you need to start training in shallow water.

Baby swimming

Many doctors advise teaching your baby to swim from birth. Of course, not in a river or sea, but in a bath or a special pool. Newborns have strong reflexes, and it is not difficult for them to hold their breath. With constant training, babies can not only dive underwater for a long time, but also swim serious distances.

Baby swimming very beneficial for health, physical development and nervous system, but, alas, it has nothing to do with real swimming. Therefore, do not be surprised if the baby, who boldly crossed the pool at six months, after a year suddenly begins to be afraid to even approach it. The more the child is aware, the more fears he will have. And it is possible that you will have to re-accustom the baby to water.

Teaching children to swim 1-2 years old

At this age, swimming as such is out of the question. During the first meetings with big water, whether it is a river, sea or pool, it is only important to ensure that the baby is not afraid to go into the water and plunge. Do not demand from the baby that he runs into the waves on his own, at first just bring him into the water in your arms. In no case do not let the child swim freely, even in shallow water - this can cause severe stress and even panic, after which the little one will not come to the water for a long time.

When the baby becomes bolder and begins to enjoy going into the water on his own, play with him, splash, lightly splash some water on his face. This is the first step towards holding your breath.

Remember that a child of 1-2 years old should be in the water only in an inflatable ring or sleeves.

Teaching a preschooler to swim

3-4 years is the right time to teach your child the basics of swimming. Show your child how to hold their breath; explain that you can only inhale above water, and exhale underwater.

Start with a simple exercise where the child will hold their breath and briefly lower their face under the water.

The next stage is a game of fish. Ask your baby to exhale air under water to make beautiful bubbles, and then immediately raise his head to inhale again.

If the baby is making progress, you can practice diving with him - squat, plunging under water, and immediately get up.

At this age, the child can be released into shallow water both in armlets and with a circle, and without them, but only under the supervision of adults.

Teaching a student to swim

Swimming coaches advise starting to seriously teach a child only from 6-7 years old. At this age, the main thing is not to let everything take its course, so that the child is not used to swimming like a dog or just floundering in the water. The main and only assistant in training the right techniques- a swimming board, which the student must hold in front of him with outstretched arms.

A child of this age will very quickly learn to hold his breath and dive, after which you can move on to more complex exercises:

  • "Star": teach the child to lie on the water with arms and legs spread out in the pose of a star (both on the back and on the stomach), at first support him if he is afraid;
  • "Float": the child presses his knees to his chest, wraps his arms around them and "hangs" in the water;
  • “Arrow”: the child stretches his arms above his head, clasping his palms, crouches, dives and, pushing off with his feet from the bottom or wall of the pool, “flies” under water with an arrow towards an adult;
  • swimming with a board implies that the student lies face down in the water, holds the board with outstretched arms, pushes off with his legs and swims, raising his head to inhale and lowering his face again into the water;
  • it is also useful to teach a child to jump into the water with a “soldier” and a “bomb”.

When should you start teaching your child to swim?

From birth: it is good for both health and development

From 5-6 years old: the child will understand what he is doing

My method involves learning to swim first under water, then emerging and mastering the "surface" space (the idea came when I saw baby swimming). I proceeded from the fact that the main catch is that children are afraid of diving under water and are so desperate not to drown that they prevent themselves from swimming. Having learned to hold their breath and swim underwater, children gain confidence, their movements cease to be convulsive attempts to stay on the surface - they calm down and swim.

First question: how often do you plan to go to the pool? Optimal frequency 2 times a week or more. An adult who he trusts more should deal with the child (usually mom is more suitable, men are often too passionate about the goal and they don’t have the patience to let the child calm down and believe in their abilities, but if your dad is a calm, balanced person, then he can do it! ). And it is very important not to force things, otherwise you can scare the little one! IMPORTANT: non-stop praise and encourage the child, especially at key moments (learning to dive and start swimming underwater).

  1. To begin with, you should stand at a depth where the child is chest deep, (standard depth for classes) remove the armlets and ask the child to squat in the water, holding his breath. First, so that the water covers his lips, then his nose, then dive headlong and immediately emerge. This exercise should be done until the child realizes that he controls the diving situation, holds his breath in time and correctly, emerges of his own free will and is not afraid of lack of air (let the child not close his eyes and do not plug his nose when diving, if he is afraid water in the eyes, it makes sense to offer glasses, but all the children I taught learned quite calmly without them - the main thing here is to interest the child in what can be seen under water).

    As a game, jumping from the side of the pool at the deep edge very well helps to master the situation of diving, first with armlets (at later stages - without them), while the adult must catch the child before he has time to get scared.

  2. When the dive is mastered so much that the child completely ceases to be afraid of it (usually one lesson is enough), ask the child to stretch his arms when he dived and quickly drag him under water by his arms at least half a meter, gradually increasing to the distance of your outstretched arms. By the end of the distance, push it to the surface, indicating the need to inhale. Usually children like this exercise very much. Come up with some kind of game preamble for him: a submarine, a fur seal ...

    Pay attention to the fact that he emerges (raises his head above the water) when he wants to breathe, assure him that he is safe and in control of the situation, both on your part and on his. Gradually transfer the initiative to emerge to the child.

  3. When the child feels confident that he always has the opportunity to emerge, complicate exercise No. 2 by leading the child by the hands, and he dives and emerges for inhalation-exhalation, while he completely tears his legs off the bottom and "floats" without putting your feet on the bottom at the moment of inhalation-exhalation. Start with 2-3 dives-wires (inhale-breath-hold-dive-wire-surface (1) - breath-hold-dive-wire-surface (2) - etc.), working up to 5-6. This is a very time-consuming exercise for a child (give him a break, do not force) and the most basic in a skill (usually it takes 2-3 lessons to master).

    Continue to play jumping from the board (without armlets), jump in the water with immersion ("the woman sowed peas"), all games should be aimed at teaching the child not to be afraid of situations in the water, associated with water on the face and diving under water despite the fact that it has no watercraft.

  4. When the child stops looking out of breath when performing exercise 3, i.e. learn to dive easily and in time, explain to him how to dive on his own. To do this, he must fold his hands in a boat, put them forward and dive after his hands (ask him to look underwater at his hands). The child now independently controls his immersion and resurfacing without the help of an adult with his hands.

    When this is mastered (usually this happens almost immediately), stand at a distance of half a meter from the child and ask the child to dive, see your body under water and go under water (sometimes it turns out to swim right away) to you and emerge. Explain to him how to kick off the bottom with his feet to increase the speed of movement (this also encourages him to take his legs off and swim, and not go under water). Gradually increase the distance so that one breath is enough. Come up with a game in which the child will thus swim up to different people and objects in the water.

    Jumping into the pool from the side is no longer worth immediately insuring and catching the child. Let him swim up to you and emerge.

  5. This exercise - key moment independent swimming. Stand away from the edge of the pool or put another adult at a distance of one and a half to two meters. Explain to the child that he can swim to the desired destination (side of the pool or another adult) by coming up for breath as many times as necessary. Show him how to paddle his arms underwater by extending them forward and spreading them out to the sides. At first, many children try to stand on the bottom during inhalation. Therefore, pretty soon, remind the child that he knows how to push with his feet when diving, and ask him not to lower his legs, at first walking next to the child and insuring (a little bit !!!) his hand under his stomach during inspiration ... to master this stage takes 2-4 sessions.
  6. After mastering ex. 5, when your insurance during inspiration becomes symbolic, convince the child that now he can swim under water on his own (metaphor - swim like a dolphin). Ask him to swim to various objects that are clearly visible in the water, and then complicate the task so that he not only swims to the object, but also returns to you (usually the competition technique works very well here: "I bet that you swim? .." ).

    Gradually shift your activities to a depth where the child does not reach the bottom with his feet.

  7. In fact, having mastered ex. 6, we can assume that you taught him to swim, further training (swimming above water) can be left to the discretion of the child (usually children themselves very easily understand after a while how to swim without diving). If there is a desire to control the process of learning to swim, then you just need to show the child that you can dive not immediately after inhaling, but continue to swim, keeping your head above the water. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the child does not stretch his neck (remind him that as soon as he gets tired of swimming above the water, he can dive).

    All the rest of the training is about swimming style: show your child how to work with their feet, achieve smooth and synchronized movement of the arms and legs.

In the end, I want to add that this swimming is just the beginning of the ability to swim in style!!! Further training (crawl, breaststroke and other bells and whistles) is the job of an instructor athlete, the goal of this technique is confidence on the water.


20.10.2008 04:32:01, Pandus

What do the experts think? - Probably only the lazy one has yet to read about it here:

20.10.2008 04:31:06, Pandus

And mine swam with the help of the SWIMTRAINER circle. Here is their website What do the experts think? =)

07/28/2007 02:37:19 PM, Marina

It is easy to learn how to swim on your own and teach your child using the tutorial published on the website

06/20/2007 13:28:13, __ms__

Of course, it's very cool! I have been teaching children to swim in approximately this way since 1978-1979, children can already swim independently after 2-3 minutes on their own, and those who have never seen water bodies, i. did not flounder in the water, after about 2-3 hours they can swim confidently themselves. Like this.

12.05.2007 11:09:45, Marat

I think it is very useful and not at all "instructive" material, the author is trying to teach swimming in practice (!), which is very important.

04.11.2003 22:50:11, Stella

The article is useless and harmful, Kuku is right. Just maybe it shouldn't have been so rude.
The author does not own the material, but tries to teach. These are still small children, you need to be more careful with unprofessional advice.
You just pulled some exercises from completely different material.
Do you really have to mind your own business, or are you playing pretend?

06.11.2002 20:54:26, Anna P.

Who would advise where to start with a child who, not only without armlets, but even with any inflatable device, is afraid to go into the pool and sit deeper than chest-deep?
For now, I'm inclined to leave him alone, and in a year (at 5 years) send him to classes with a coach ... And if he still resists?

In general, it turned out like this: my 3-year-old child learned to swim in an adult pool through armlets. I even thought that it was bad that you had to swim in armlets, but nothing could be done about it. At first, the son swam in armlets, and then the armlets deflated and deflated until they began to fall at all, and the son realized that he could swim without armlets. So now we swim in the pool, in which I myself don’t feel the bottom, but we still dive. In the pool in infancy, we never practiced. And six months passed from the first lesson in the pool with armlets to swimming without them. And in essence, I was doing very similarly, as it is written in the article, only we did not have a bottom. First, we gained confidence by swimming in armlets, learning to hold on to the board, learning to work with our legs and arms, learning to dive in armlets, and jump from the side in them. And when I was already without armlets, I tried to do everything so that my son would not be scared. We jump into the water together when he is afraid to jump alone, or I catch him below, or hold his hand. When he swims, I swim away and show my hand that he can grab it, and he swims to my hand. 4-5 meters swims without stopping. Now we are playing with a ball. We throw it as far as possible and swim, as it were, in a race to the ball in order to grab it. When Dima needs to rest, he grabs the sides himself to take a breath and look around. And sometimes we fool around: we release streams of water with our mouths like whales, we play throwing each other into the pool, the son tries to swim on his back, and he succeeds a little. But I must say that my son was always very fond of water in general, he was not afraid to dive even in the year when we were at sea, in general, my son has some kind of craving for water, for swimming. No other sport interested him as much as swimming.

I have vast experience in teaching children to swim from one year old. Children begin to swim after 10 lessons. You don’t have to talk much, you just have to be with the children and love what you do very much.

11/01/2002 8:35:19 PM, love

And in my opinion, a very useful and interesting article. Probably, lady No. 1 with dubious curses is very afraid of water herself and is simply jealous of people who not only know how to swim, but can also teach others to do it.

Leave swimming lessons to the professionals. Your so-called method is absolutely illiterate, do not fool people's heads.
Take care of what you know.
Not every coach with a higher education will undertake to teach babies, for this you need to master one of the existing methods (which doctors developed).
You still develop massage techniques, having neither knowledge nor experience. I'm sure you'll have a lot of followers here. To give birth to a healthy child and to make an idiot out of him with his methods of upbringing.

10/31/2002 21:11:22, kuku

Now summer is the time for vacations and beaches, and, of course, expanse for children! Arriving at the beach, you can see both the little ones and the older kids splashing in the water, who no longer just scatter splashes, but know how to swim. What is your child doing at this moment? If he timidly cuddles up to you and does not dare to approach the water, looking around timidly, then you need to urgently start teaching him how to swim. After all, it is probably not worth explaining to you how beneficial swimming is for the health and spine of a person. With the help of swimming, the lungs develop, the back muscles are strengthened and abdominals, the muscles of the hands are strengthened, and indeed the whole body becomes flexible. How can you teach a child to swim, and at what age is it better to do it?

Where to begin?

In general, you can start teaching a child to swim as early as 2-3 weeks - as soon as the umbilical wound heals. Of course, classes for such kids should be carried out only in a home bath - there can be no talk of any reservoirs yet. The reason for such an early start is that in infancy, the baby is not yet afraid of water, but then it will be more difficult to rid him of this fear. Therefore, it is better to start accustoming to water as early as possible, although, of course, you should not expect that the baby will be able to swim like an adult. This refers to the training of certain muscle groups and the development of the baby in the water, fortunately, there are a large number of methods for teaching the baby to swim.

As for the conscious classes that will be carried out with a grown child, there are two ways: give him to the pool, where a professional trainer will work with him, or try to teach him to swim on his own. The choice is yours. But still, if you do not want your child to be taught by strangers, and even in a large group, where it is unlikely that much attention will be paid to him, there is nothing better than to take care of his “swimming abilities” yourself. And start better at home, in the home bath. And if you have a special inflatable paddling pool - this will be simply the best option of all! And the first swimming lessons will begin with ... breathing! Yes, yes, do not be surprised, because breathing training is a basic thing for a future swimmer.

Breathing exercises

The most important thing is to teach the child to inhale and exhale in the water, as well as to hold the breath. There are a few simple exercises for this.

1. Put some light object on the palm (for yourself or your baby). It can be a small piece of paper, a feather, a leaf from a tree. After that, take a deep breath with your child and then exhale through tightly pursed lips to blow the object from the palm of your hand.

2. Throw a lot of small toys into the bath and compete with the child: blow on the toys, trying to quickly nail them to the opposite edge of the bath.

3. Pour water into the bath and imagine that a small minnow is hiding from a predatory pike - take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few moments. After that, lower your head into the water and exhale noisily through your nose and mouth - to scare and drive away the pike.

4. Very useful for diving breathing training, but many children are afraid to dive underwater, and even with their eyes open. To relieve the child of this fear and achieve the exercise, you can scatter many of his favorite or even new toys on the bottom of the bath - and ask the child to get them from the bottom. Carried away by an interesting task, he will most likely forget about his fears - and will dive with pleasure. The only thing you need to warn the baby in advance is that he does not breathe underwater, but breathes in and holds his breath until diving and exhales only when he is back in the air. If the baby still chokes on water, take it out and let it calmly cough and spit. It is not necessary to knock on the back or turn him over into various unthinkable poses - unless, of course, you want to scare him so that he is afraid of water like fire for a couple of years.

5. A similar diving exercise is to pour some water into the bath, ask the child to take a deep breath, put his head under the water and reach the bottom with his nose - as storks do with their beak.

6. If you pour a full bath of water - you can do next exercise: the baby puts on his cheeks, takes a deep breath and, holding his breath, plunges into the water, as if hiding from you. After a few seconds, he emerges and exhales.

7. The child takes a deep breath, stretches his lips with a tube and lowers them into the water, after which he exhales, blowing funny bubbles through the water. It is advisable to do this exercise 5-6 times with short pauses for rest.

8. Take a small amount of water into the bath and calmly put the child in the bath on his back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs are straight, the head is raised, the baby is looking at the ceiling, and you support his head with your hands.

9. Starting position, as in the previous exercise, but now ask the child to raise and lower straight legs, tossing water up with his toes.

After you and your baby have mastered these simple exercises- You can go to the beach. Just, of course, remember that the child should not be left on the water unattended.

Educational games in the pond

Before you let your baby into the water, make sure it is safe. First of all, independently examine the bottom for bottle fragments, snags, broken fittings and other unpleasant “surprises”. It would also be useful to find out the depth of the reservoir, whether there are pits at the bottom and sharp transitions from shallow to deep. Pay attention also to the sanitary condition of the reservoir, the water temperature (for preschool children, the water temperature should be at least 23 degrees), the presence of whirlpools and the strength of the river.

It is necessary to choose a place for teaching a preschool child to swim near the shore, where the depth does not exceed 1 meter, that is, approximately up to the chest of the baby (or better to the waist). And, of course, do not leave the child unattended during training.

What are the educational games in order to make your baby a swimmer of the highest qualification?

1. "Floats". This game is exciting even for an adult, not to mention a child. Its essence is to sit down under the water, taking a deep breath, and, clasping your knees with your hands, float to the surface like a float.

2. "Star". Surely, this game is also familiar to you. Its essence is to, standing exactly in the water, raise your hands up and smoothly lie on your stomach on the water. After that, spread your arms and legs to the sides and relax, gently swaying on the water.

3. "Dolphinarium". Such a game really resembles the behavior of dolphins. Its essence is to dive into the water, taking a deep breath, then jump as high as possible and exhale.

4. "Reference ball". For this game, the child will need an inflatable ball that does not sink in water. You need to take it in your hands, lie on the water and, leaning on it, swim, working with your feet and trying to change direction.

5. "Race". The essence of this game is to teach a preschooler to move in the water, helping himself with his hands and feet, making strokes around the body. For this game you will need the floating toys that you used in your home bathroom. At a distance of 3-4 meters from the shore, put the toys on the water, after which, at a signal, run to them from the shore in a race. Having reached the toy, the baby must take it and return with it to the shore. The winner is the one who collected the most toys.

6. "Sliding". This exercise should be performed at a depth to the chest of the baby and is aimed at teaching him to glide and stay on the water. The child stands in the water with his arms raised up and palms laid one on top of the other. You are standing behind him. The child, taking a deep breath, holds his breath, and then lies down on the water (as in the Star exercise), but without spreading his arms and legs. After that, he pushes off from you with his feet - and slides through the water to a complete stop, face down, keeping his head under water.

7. "Arrow". The starting position is the same, but now the child is pushing off with his feet from the bottom of the reservoir, and not from you.

After the general educational games, start doing exercises to work out the elements of swimming movements. It is worth noting that best style swimming "for beginners" is a crawl, because it is with swimming in this style that both arms and legs work in a similar way - as with walking and crawling. Having mastered the front crawl, children will quickly learn other styles of swimming.

What are the exercises for teaching a child the technique of swimming?

1. "Seal". This exercise is performed near the shore, in shallow water. The child lies in the water on his stomach, his shoulders should be in the water, and his head above the water. The legs are straight and move up and down, a little later they are connected to this breathing exercises- inhale above the water - exhale into the water.

2. "Sliding" with legs. This exercise resembles the “sliding” exercise, but in the process of sliding on the water, you need to work with your feet and breathe in above the water, exhale into the water.

3. "Crawl". This exercise is a prototype of how a child will crawl in the future. The depth of the water should be up to his chest. The child lies down on the water, lowers his face down, and to inhale, turns his head towards the hand that finishes the stroke. The movements of the legs are the same as in the Seal exercise, but the hands are also connected to these movements, which must be moved in turn: first one, then the other. The fingers should be pressed together, and the hand bent in the form of a boat. When performing a stroke, the baby must ensure that the hand passes under his stomach to the hip. You can practice hand movements on the shore, raising one hand up and holding the other along the body.

4. "Self-sliding." This exercise is a consolidation of all of the above. Its essence is that the child lies on the water and pushes off from you, as in the “Sliding” exercise, after which he begins to work with his arms and legs, and you watch how he swims, securing if necessary. It is better to perform this exercise at a depth to the chest of the child.

And, of course, once again it is necessary to remind you: even if it seems to you that the baby has learned to swim almost better than you yourself, it is extremely dangerous to leave him alone on the water, so always be there - and at least watch him from the shore. If your baby has begun to drown, keep your composure and throw him something that he can catch on while waiting for your help - a life buoy or a piece of foam. After that, swim up to him, pull him ashore, clean him of mucus and dirt, and then put him on your bent knee so that his head and legs hang down and the water comes out of his lungs.

In addition, do not get carried away diving - frequent holding your breath can cause dizziness. And do not expect your child to swim after a couple of classes. Someone swims already at the age of 6, someone learns this only by the age of 20, and someone is afraid of water all his life like fire. All this is deeply individual - and when the time comes, your child will definitely swim. And you will still be proud of the fact that it is thanks to you that it floats so nicely on the water!

To teach a child to swim, you need to know

6 rules for parents

1. A baby can learn to swim at any age, but it is considered optimal for this

  • The age of the child is 5-7 years.

2. You should start exercising in water no earlier than 1 hour after eating.

3. If swimming lessons are not in the pool, choose a convenient place to practice.

  • Shore -

- flat, gently sloping, sandy or small pebbles.

  • Water -

- calm, without significant excitement (at sea);
- flow no more than 1 km / h (in the river).

  • Water temperature ≥27 o С
  • Water transparency is at least 1 meter deep.

4. The duration of the first lessons in the water should not exceed 15 - 30 minutes.

  • With the appearance of chills, lethargy, dizziness, blue lips in a child, classes with him should be stopped immediately.

5. In the water, the child should do:

  • Always face the shore.
  • No deeper than chest.
  • Always with open eyes.

It is advisable to purchase special glasses for swimming for your child.

6. To teach a child to swim, training should be carried out without life-saving equipment (inflatable sleeves, circles, vests, etc.).

The kid should always be engaged in the presence of experienced swimmers who can provide assistance, if necessary. To teach a child to swim, it is important that he is not afraid of water, gets used to it, feels free in it.

How to teach a child to water.

/all exercises are performed in the form of a fun game/
  • Step 1.

Ball game.
An adult stands shallow in the water facing the shore, the child - on the shore.
Both throw the ball to each other.
An adult sometimes "accidentally" almost throws the ball to the shore - the kid is forced to get the toy out of the water in order to continue the game.
So he himself, without fear, will learn to enter the water.

  • Step 2

Enter the water with the child so that it reaches his waist. The child is facing the shore.
The kid crouches in the water so that his chin touches its surface.
Without changing the position of the body (under the guidance of an adult), the child takes a deep breath through his mouth and blows into the water.
Then teach your baby to wash his face with water so that he does not close his eyes.

  • Step 3

The child stands waist-deep in water.
He squats, touches its surface with his chin, takes a full breath with his mouth, holds his breath, squats deeper and plunges into the water with his head for a few seconds, then straightens up - emerges. The eyes are open.

  • Step 4. (performed with school-age children)

The child is in the water up to the chest.
He takes a full breath, holds his breath, crouches and plunges headlong into the water.
He bends his legs, wraps his arms around them and pulls them to his chest. He bends his head to his knees, his eyes are open. Without changing the position of the body, the child mentally counts up to ten, at which time his body floats to the surface like a float.
After that, he straightens up, emerges and becomes feet on the bottom.
Before starting this exercise, the adult explains to the student the technique of its implementation.

  • Step 5

This exercise will teach the child to swim (to lie still) on his back.
Having understood that the water itself pushes the relaxed body to the surface, children quickly master the rest of the swimming skills.
The child stands in the water up to his chest, with his back to the shore.
Squats, touches the water with his chin, takes a deep breath with his mouth, holds his breath, tilts his head back and calmly lies on his back (an adult supports him with his hand from below), stretches his arms and legs, throws his head back so that his mouth and nose are on the surface of the water.

Do not be afraid if the water covers the child's face for a second.
The child should keep the body even, relaxed, without bending the spine. If the student's feet "do not float", let him raise his fingers above the water - then the feet will rise to the surface.

  • Step 6

The child stands chest-deep in water facing the shore. He squats, touches the water with his chin, stretches his arms in front of him, takes a full breath through his mouth, holds his breath, lowers his face into the water and, pushing off the bottom with his feet, slides along the water to the shore. The eyes are open.
The described exercise is included in the training of both beginners and experienced swimmers.
Gradually teach your child to slide on the water, raising his head to inhale: raise the chin above the water - inhale through the mouth - dip the chin into the water and exhale, slightly opening the mouth for this. Eyes are always open.

  • We master the movements of the legs.

The child stands shallow in the water facing the shore.
Squats, rests on the bottom with his hands, straightens his legs and makes swimming movements with them.
Then he performs a slide on the water (Step 6), making swimming movements with his legs.

  • Learning hand movements.

The child stands in the water up to his chest, facing the shore.
An adult shows him the swimming movements of the hands. The student squats, touches the surface of the water with his chin and performs the appropriate movements with his hands.
The student then slides (Step 6) while swimming with the arms and legs, periodically raising the chin above the water to inhale. The eyes are open.

Before you teach your child to swim, give him the opportunity to observe the technique of swimming good athletes, show him how you swim yourself. Let the well-coordinated movements of the arms and legs in the water be successful for the baby not immediately. Having mastered all the steps, he will not be afraid of water and will easily be able to keep his body on its surface.

To teach a child to swim, it is important to instill this desire in him. The support and optimism of adults will very soon help him achieve excellent results in conquering the water element.

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Starting from a certain age of the child, many parents think about what narrower channel to direct his colossal energy. Of course, the choice of a future lesson is directly influenced by the inclinations, personal qualities and abilities of the child, however, there are objective criteria for choosing a section:

  • stimulation of physical and mental development;
  • health benefits;
  • pleasure from work.
Swimming - perfect option

One of the first on the list of such activities is swimming. Firstly, it strengthens the muscles of the spine and the whole body as a whole, lays an excellent foundation for health. Secondly, constant swimming lessons not only have a positive effect on physical development, but also bring up in the baby such qualities of character as determination, perseverance and patience. Thirdly, with the right approach, the learning process can bring a lot of vivid emotions and impressions. And even if your baby does not become the star of one of aquatic species sports, the ability to swim will be useful to him in everyday life.

When, how and where to start swimming lessons?

Giving preference to swimming, parents are faced with a number of questions - for example, at what age is it better to start teaching children to swim, and where to actually start trying to teach a child to swim. Parents of those children who are not yet 7 years old are interested in the question of the peculiarities in teaching swimming to preschool children.

Starting too early will not bring any special dividends. For children after a year and up to 2-3 years, ordinary bathing with their parents and toys designed for water will be quite enough. The benefits of swimming with running along the bottom, jumping out of the water, splashing and floundering will be tantamount to the benefits of swimming by all the rules, with the appropriate movements of the arms and legs and proper breathing, but in the first case, the baby will definitely get more pleasure from the process.

The swimming section is one of the best options additional activities for the child. Swimming brings great pleasure and strengthens the body. But you need to start classes no earlier than 5 years.

In any children's swimming section, trainers do not recommend trying to teach a child to swim, and even more so to acquaint him with styles in preschool age. Starting from 4-5 years old, you can teach your baby to lie on the water in the supine position. It would be useful to tell him about physical qualities water - for example, about its resistance to the movement of arms and legs.

It is useful to explain to the child the main nuances associated with the swimming process itself:

  • descending under water, a person exhales, and on the surface of the water takes a breath;
  • Being in horizontal position It is easier to stay on the surface of the water than in a vertical position.

The ideal age for learning to swim is 6, 7 or 8 years old. Such children are already able to understand what is required of them, and this plays an important role in achieving a positive result.

Who and how should swim with a child?

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This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

The parents themselves can also teach the primary skills and techniques of swimming to the baby. To do this, it is not necessary to know all the styles and have the technique of a professional swimmer - the main thing is that the child is not afraid and feels confident in the water. If you want your child not only to be able to swim, but also to master various styles and correct technique better use the services children's trainer teaching swimming.

Whichever school or swimming section is chosen, most adhere to the generally accepted scheme for conducting lessons:

  1. dry land exercises;
  2. water exercises;
  3. water games;
  4. arbitrary swimming.

If a child shows interest in classes, and parents would like to ensure his sports future or instill skills in various styles of swimming, it is better to study with professional trainer

Swimming pool and additional aids

An essential role in the process of learning to swim is played by the place where the lessons take place, and more specifically, in which pool. At the initial stage of training, the pool should not be too deep, since a baby who begins to swim needs to reach the bottom well with his feet, and the water should not exceed the level of the lower part of his chest. It is desirable that the length of the pool is not less than 6 meters. At this distance, it will be easy for the child to perform the main exercise - sliding.

Now there are a large number of all kinds of auxiliary things for learning to swim: fins with vests, inflatable rings and armlets, and much more. All these devices only harm and hinder learning. In the same sleeves, the child develops the habit of holding his head vertically above the water, while leaning on his armpits. As a result, the baby will not be able to feel the buoyancy of his own body, which will subsequently lead to the inability to stay on the water on his own. The most correct assistant in the learning process is a swimming board. With its help, the child will be able to be strictly parallel to the surface of the water, immerse his face under the water and slide, working with his feet.

Effective exercises to do at the beginning of training

In order to teach a child to lie on the water in a horizontal position and fearlessly lower his face into the water, use the following uncomplicated and easy-to-perform exercises:

  1. "Star". It is necessary to lie strictly horizontally on the water and spread your legs and arms to the sides in the shape of a star.
  2. "Float". Bend your knees, pull up to your chest and clasp your hands, press your head to your knees. Fix the position on the surface of the water.
  3. "Arrow". Push off with your feet from the side of the pool and, stretching your legs and arms, slide on the surface of the water.

Initially, the child should be taught to simply stay on the water, and only after that can he move on to diving under water.

Turning to immersing your head under water, you should always remember that children who have problematic ears or nose - for example, a damaged eardrum, have otitis or sinusitis, such exercises are contraindicated. In these cases, you should limit yourself to exercises without lowering your head into the water.

Breathing technique

One of the most important aspects of swimming is proper breathing. His technique is rapid inhalation through the mouth and long exhalation through the nose. Mastering such a technique by a child is not only necessary, but also useful. The kid will become more enduring and will be able not only to swim for a long time without getting tired, but also to run and jump for a long time on land.

How to help your child cope with technology correct breathing? Breathing exercises should be started on land, as it is often difficult for a child to follow the breath and the movement of the hands at the same time. You can also use an ordinary basin of water for exercises: inhale and exhale already into the water. The main thing - when performing the exercise, make sure that the child does not hold his breath. Gradually, from the basin, you can move into the pool. Over time, such exhalations into the water will become a habit for the baby.

Sequence of learning

In any training there is a sequence of presentation of the material. Swimming is no exception.

First, the child learns to swim with assistive elements using only footwork. This is needed to automate the skill

The order in which you need to master the movements is as follows:

  1. sliding on water;
  2. footwork;
  3. work with hands, ideally, each in turn;
  4. breath.

Each movement should be brought to automatism and only then move on to the next. When performing certain movements, make sure that they are continuous, smooth, and individual muscles remained relaxed. But such exercises on land as circular rotations of the arms with simultaneous turns of the head to the right, then to the left, standing on one leg with arm movements to the sides and up, help to coordinate movements.

Following the above rules, all parents must comply with the most important rule - continuous supervision of a child who is in the water. The result of common efforts and joint work is your family collection home video will be replenished with unforgettable shots of how your child skillfully swims in the sea on vacation or in the nearest river in the village with his grandmother. How to prepare a child for visiting the swimming section, you can watch the video.