Warm-up for all occasions. Effective exercises for pumping deltas Stretching muscle groups on deltas

Everything you need to know about deltoid training...

  • The main problem for many gym goers is having a good anterior delt, a good middle delt, and a weak posterior deltoid.
  • Know that you have a disproportionate development if, when you stand relaxed, the front side of the palms is turned more back.
  • When doing forward raises, lift the weight 110˚ instead of the 90˚ where most people tend to stop.
  • Maximize rear delt work by keeping your shoulders abducted to your sides by 30-45˚.
  • Most weightlifters do side lifts incorrectly. The wrist, elbow, and shoulder should be level at the top, and the sharp side of the elbow should be pointing straight back.
  • People with hypertrophied upper trapezius muscles tighten the dumbbells during lateral lifts. To avoid this, consider pushing the dumbbells away from you.

3D Delta

The key to developing deltas that have a three-dimensional appearance is the proportional development of all three bundles of the deltoid muscles. This will make your shoulders look fuller when viewed from the front, side, or back.

Cosmetically, the most common pattern of delt maldevelopment is well-developed anterior deltoids, moderately developed middle deltoids, and severely lagging posterior deltoids.

This is usually manifested by a significant inward turning of the shoulders. In other words, your palms turn more back when you are relaxed.

This is possible if:

  1. you love bench press and chest workouts in general
  2. you tend to focus more on training the muscles you see in the mirror

Another option to train the shoulders without loading the front delts, prioritizing the development of the middle delt until it is already thick, and the front delt remains underdeveloped, especially when viewed from the side.

Rate your selfies

Before you start training your shoulders, you should find out which of the deltoid bundles is behind in development. To prioritize.

Take your shot with your arms at your sides and your arms facing your body. Take additional front, back, and side shots. So you can evaluate to see yourself from all sides, and then after a while compare the results of training. When viewed from the front, the shoulders should have a rounded appearance.

If your shoulders have a narrow bone structure and / or you have a wide hip structure, then beautifully rounded delts are what you need. You should download deltas, giving Special attention middle beams of the deltoid with the help of lateral lifts.

On the other hand, if you are looking from the side, the front of the shoulders is not arched enough, then you need to focus on the front delt. Use to train your anterior deltoids different variants lifting dumbbells and barbells in front.

If you need to pump up your rear delts, use the bent-over dumbbell row to train the back of your shoulders.

Double biceps from behind

Keep in mind when evaluating your rear delt this is usually short muscle with a different appearance from the front delta. So don't expect the same from them. appearance like the front deltas. To assess how well the back delt is pumped, use the rear double biceps pose.

We build a training plan for the deltoid muscles

Let's go over some basics in shoulder training before diving into the specifics. I can assume that you train your shoulders every 5-7 days.

Shoulders can be trained in combination with other muscle groups. But if your shoulders are lagging behind in development, then do not swing them after the pectoral muscles. It is better to train these groups on different days with a break of 2-3 days. So you will have more strength and energy to train your shoulders. This will allow you to lift more weight with correct technique.

The back delt is a pulling muscle, so on “shoulder day” it makes sense to train the deltoids along with the back. Because the rear deltas function like back muscles, they help pull your arms down and/or back.

So when you're doing shoulder adduction (chin-ups), shoulder stretches (dumbbell rows), bent-over rows (barbell rows), your rear delts are seriously involved whether you like it or not.

Shoulder Exercises, Sets and Reps

1. Rear deltas

To pump up the posterior deltoid muscle, 3-4 working approaches (excluding warm-up) in an isolating exercise should be enough.

It may seem that one exercise is not enough, but remember that one of the functions of the rear delts is the external rotation of the humerus. So if you're doing a few external rotation exercises every week (as you should be) during your back workouts, then a few sets of one exercise will likely be enough.

However, if your rear delts are severely retarded, then do two rear delt isolation exercises. Do three sets of each exercise. Here are three effective exercises to choose from:

  1. Wiring to the rear deltas in the standing block
  2. Mahi or dumbbell rows in an inclination on the rear deltas with an emphasis on the head in an inclined bench
  3. Rotating Dumbbell Bent Over Row Exercise Technique Video

Please note that this is not a triceps exercise. This is a movement where you do not bend your elbows and pull your arms back using only the back delts.

Beware of lifting the scapula to isolate the rear delt, the shoulders should always be down. Keep in mind that the function of the posterior delt is simply to move the humerus backward without bringing the shoulder blades together.

No matter what rear delt exercises you do, there are a few biomechanical principles to keep in mind. For beginners, to optimize the performance of the rear delts, train them at the optimal line of pull, which is formed when the shoulders are abducted (at the sides) by 35-40˚.

It is also necessary to raise your arms with dumbbells in line with your shoulders, pointing your little fingers up. This will align the rear delt so that it does the best job possible.

When the posterior delt is isolated, the problem for most people is actually isolating the delt for quality muscle contraction. For this reason, exercises with light weights with a number of repetitions of 10-15 are more often performed. Performing a heavy weight exercise with a low number of repetitions is more effective, but wait until the neuromuscular connection of the rear delts improves before moving on to larger weights.

2. Front deltas

Bench press standing from the chest

To train the anterior deltoid muscle, a bench press from the chest is usually used. This good exercise for shoulder training. This is a basic shoulder exercise.

Pressing the front deltas can be done with a barbell and with dumbbells. It is imperative to change the exercises to include the stabilizers of the shoulder muscles, so that the shoulders are healthy.

In addition, bench presses for the front delts are like squats for the quads. On the other hand, push-ups isolate the front delts in the same way that straightening the leg isolates the quads.

If the front delts are your forte, then focus on pushing up, with occasional raises in front of you as a complement. This, combined with the bench press, is all you need to train your delts.

On the other hand, if you need to increase your front delts, then it is better to do one dumbbell or barbell forward raise in addition to the overhead press.

The two best exercises for the up press are the basic barbell up press (sitting or standing) and the basic dumbbell press, whether seated or standing. While many set/rep up press patterns work, it's best to stick with 4*6-10, although 5*5 and 3*8-12 are also good options and should be done correctly.

When it comes to isolating the front delts from the rear delts, the dumbbell front raise option is just fine, but the barbell front raise is more effective.

Regardless of which front raise option you choose, make sure the bar is at a 110˚ angle, approximately at the level of the top of your forehead. This is the peak where the front delts contract, not the 90˚ where most people stop.

When doing forward lift variations, it is preferable to choose a rep range of 3 * 10-12, sometimes take more weight and do 6-8 reps, sometimes less and do 12-15,

3. Middle deltas

If you want to have bodybuilder-like shoulders, you should always include variations of side raises to emphasize the middle delts, the most fundamental of which is the dumbbell side swing.

Despite the fact that most people do dumbbell swings through the sides, many do it wrong.

For optimal tension of the middle bundles of the deltoid muscles, the palms should be turned down at the top point. Or, if you really want to load them well, tilt the protruding part of the dumbbells down a few degrees, so that inner side hands slightly turned up.

Also, the wrists, elbows and shoulders at the top point should be at the same level. Also, the point of your elbow should be pointing straight back, not to the floor.

At the top of the movement, most people tend to tilt the protruding side of the dumbbells too high, causing their wrists to be higher than their elbows. This is because the pattern of this movement allows more front delt dominance to help you more than you want.

People with very strong upper trapezius muscles also tend to curl the dumbbells at a finish position angle close to 90˚. To avoid this, think about pushing the dumbbells away from you.

For variety, you can change the point of maximum tension of the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle by performing one of the following exercise options:

  1. Lie on your side incline bench. Perform dumbbell swings, raising your arm to an angle of 90˚, where the peak of contraction of the middle deltas occurs.
  2. Tilt your torso to the side with the weight like in the video:

If you need to increase your middle delts, usually do three sets of two different shoulder abduction exercises (side raises). Do one exercise for three sets of 8-12 reps and the other for three sets of 12-15. And as usual, do sometimes more complex or easier.

Two Continuous Shoulder Workouts

There are two fundamental, serious shoulder training programs, each targeting different shoulder deficiencies.

  1. For lagging middle and rear delts (but well developed front delts):
  1. For lagging front delts (but good middle delts):

I have been training for six months and pulled the front delta of the shoulder, this is especially felt with the bench press. I reach 90 kg. and the delta starts to hurt, on small scales this does not happen. Can you explain how to get out of this situation

First of all, a correct diagnosis must be made.

First: You really pulled the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle.

Second: You have tendinitis in your shoulder and biceps. Although this is usually mistaken for a shoulder injury (it hurts, after all), biceps tendinitis is actually the result of the upper biceps tendon coming out of its bed on the upper end of the hamerus - humerus. Pain is felt under the anterior deltoid and is therefore often mistaken for a shoulder injury. This is usually misdiagnosed as bursitis or sprain of the shoulder girdle. If the biceps tendon is not returned to its place, then this will cause shoulder disease, as the biceps ligament stabilizes the shoulder joints. When it is not where it should be, the lateral and posterior shoulder joints experience additional stress, gradually become inflamed and sick. Ultimately, everything can end up with separation of the shoulder joint.


After reviewing your answer to my question, I decided to go to the Luzhniki sports and medical dispensary. The surgeon, having examined me, reassured me, saying that it was delta periarthritis, and prescribed Butadion ointment twice a day and Ortofen tablets twice a day, as well as physiotherapy. If this does not help, then the "Blockade", as far as I understand, is the injection of the medicine directly into the source of pain. For about 5 days I have been taking "Ortofen" and using "Butadion" the pain has become less, but I have not been training for 10 days. I want to start exercising as the muscles start to lose tone. Maybe tell me how to train correctly in my situation, and where you can get advice on organizing training process, and the technique of performing exercises, since I live in the suburbs.

Sincerely, Alexander.

I must say that your attitude to our sport deserves respect. By continuing in the same spirit, you will certainly achieve significant success, and perhaps in 5-10 years I will still be proud to know you.
Let's hope that the diagnosis is made accurately and the injury will not only be healed, but completely cured.

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In the course of personal consultations (correspondence) by e-mail, you will have at your disposal "tools" with which you can change the figure - this is a diet, training program, diet, rest and so on. We will also teach you how to use these tools so that in the future you can do whatever you want with your figure - build muscle mass, force or relief, burn excess fat, increase or decrease your weight within your genetic data. In fact, you will simply take a course of study to become your own personal trainer and a nutritionist (nutrition expert).

Also possible personal training with a certified trainer to study correct technique performing exercises with conducting only in Moscow.

For getting detailed information about personal consultations or training, you can send us a question.

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    What will be required

    According to the idea of ​​nature, men should have harmonious V-shaped figures. Build broad shoulders delta exercises will help. The article describes the most effective movements for working out this muscle group. The load on the shoulders can be given both with free weights and in the simulator. The best options will help girls too - fit shoulder girdle the representatives of the weaker sex looks very attractive.

    Anatomy of deltas

    The deltoid muscle is not a solid array, but a group consisting of three bundles:

    • anterior (clavicular part);
    • middle (acromial part);
    • posterior (spinous part).

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    The frontal zone is involved in most exercises - it is easiest to pump it up. Side beams are responsible for the width of the shoulders - they need to be given special attention. The back region is noticeable when viewed from the side - ignoring it, you will not get perfect spherical deltas.

    There is no universal exercise for the deltoid muscles. Basic exercises several beams are involved, but separate zones are still in priority. Therefore, the training program should include a variety of movements for all three beams.

    It is extremely rare that this muscle group develops evenly. As a rule, some bundles lag behind - most often it is the back and middle ones, as they are either forgotten, or they do the exercises incorrectly, or they do not do enough work, concentrating on some bench presses. Over time, you can focus on precisely these bundles, starting the shoulder day not with a bench press, but with swings to the rear and middle deltas. But on initial stage it is necessary to lean on the base, while not forgetting to pay attention to each beam. For beginners, two or three movements are enough. Experienced athletes use 2-4 basic and 2-4 isolation exercises.

    The recommended number of approaches per movement is 3-5, the number of repetitions is 8-15. It is recommended to train shoulders once a week. Only with specialization among experienced athletes, deltas can be divided into two or three days in bunches.

    Pay special attention to the warm-up. The shoulders are a complex complex that is easy to damage. It makes sense to put shoulder movements in the program after training large muscle groups corps. This will prepare the deltas for the load and reduce the risk of injury.

    If you experience pain in the joints and ligaments, immediately stop training. It is best to consult a specialist in such cases. By ignoring the problem, you run the risk of falling out of the hull for several months.

    Delta exercises

    Exercises for pumping deltas are divided into basic, in which several joints are involved at once, and isolating, giving a load on separate areas and one joint. Even at the very start, you should not give up isolation - such movements will positively affect the result as a whole and allow this muscle group to develop evenly.

    Front beam exercises

    All pressing movements on the shoulders should be attributed to the basic ones on the front beam. In many of them, the middle one also works, but the emphasis still goes exactly to the front.

    Bench press standing and sitting from the chest

    A basic movement that should be performed by both beginners and experienced athletes.

    Standing exercise technique:

  1. Place the barbell on the racks at shoulder level.
  2. Approach the projectile and remove it from the racks, taking a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders (so that your forearms are strictly perpendicular to the floor) and placing the barbell on upper part chest.
  3. Take a step back, stand straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders and slightly bent at the knees - this is the starting position (IP). The back should not be bent during the entire approach! If you arch your back, lower the weight.
  4. Smoothly, without jerking and using the legs, squeeze the bar up. At the same time, the elbows are slightly bent at the top point - this will help to avoid injuries to the elbow joint.
  5. Smoothly return the projectile to the PI, you can not touch the chest with the barbell, but immediately start the next repetition.
  6. Return the bar to the racks.

This is the most common option. But some athletes take the barbell to the chest not from the racks, but from the floor - with a jerk. To do this, you need to have experience and appropriate technology. In addition, the majority in this variant loses a certain percentage of the weight of the projectile.

The exercise can also be performed while sitting, the technique will be similar, but in this case the load on the spine increases, but the deltas work worse, as the pectoral muscles begin to turn on.

A variation of the latter option is the bench press in Smith. In this case, the trajectory of movement is set by the simulator, which reduces the number of stabilizing muscles involved. However, this variation can help you focus specifically on pumping the delts, excluding the pecs and triceps, since here you do not need to pay much attention to the balance and stabilization of the projectile. Try all the options and choose for yourself the one in which you feel the load on your shoulders better.

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Bench press from behind the head

This exercise can also be performed standing, sitting and in Smith. The movement is traumatic, therefore it requires certain preparation - as a fundamental ( good stretch, strong ligaments), and local (thorough warm-up).

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The execution technique is also similar to the chest press, only the projectile is behind the head, respectively, in the starting position we take the barbell as with classic squats. The weight here will be slightly less, since it is more difficult to control the projectile, and the movement is unphysiological for the shoulder joints. Be careful when lowering so as not to hit your head. Also, do not lower the bar too low - it is quite enough to the lower edge of the ears.

Standing and sitting dumbbell press

One of the best exercises on shoulders. Most often, the movement is performed while sitting, in the case of dumbbells this is the best option:

  1. IP - sitting on a bench with a vertical back (or located at an angle close to 90 degrees), arms with dumbbells are spread apart and bent at the elbows, the shells touch the deltas, the palms “look” outward.
  2. As you exhale, squeeze the dumbbells up in a wide arc. No need to touch them at the top. Elbows should be under the hands, not go forward. You can not bend your back to avoid increased stress on the intervertebral discs. At the top, the elbows should remain slightly bent. Try also to hold the dumbbells in such a way that the little fingers are higher than the rest of the fingers.
  3. As you inhale, slowly return your hands to the PI.

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With the standing press, the technique is similar, however, this embodiment is rarely seen in gyms.

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Another variation of this movement is the dumbbell (or kettlebell) press with one hand. When you have already reached serious weights, when you press two heavy dumbbells, your back may sag one way or another. To avoid this, you can reduce the load by performing one-arm presses alternately. This can be done both sitting and standing. Also, with this embodiment, the trapezius muscles are less involved in the work.

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Arnold press

A variant of the dumbbell press, in which the position of the hands changes throughout the movement. IN starting position palms facing the face, and in the final - outward. At the same time, the elbows are directed forward at the start. The rest of the technique is similar to the previous exercise.

The main difference is that the Arnold press uses more medium beams than the standard case.

Press sitting in the simulator

This movement is most similar to the dumbbell press, but here the trajectory is strictly limited by the design of the simulator. The exercise is basic, but it should be performed after the barbell or dumbbell press. Another option is to perform as a warm-up with light weights before a heavy bench press.

Lifts (swings) in front of you

This is the first isolated exercise on deltas in this review. It is done standing up, with light weights. Can be performed with dumbbells (alternately and two at once), a barbell, in the lower block or a crossover (similarly, with two hands at once and one at a time).

Technique for performing with two dumbbells at the same time:

  1. IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered down and located in front of the hips, the grip is straight.
  2. Without jerk and momentum, raise your hands in front of you, fixing them for a moment at shoulder level. You don’t need to raise it higher - the load from the deltas goes to the trapezoid.
  3. Slowly return your hands to the PI.

In the case of performing with a barbell, one dumbbell or on a block, the technique is exactly the same.

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Alternate swings are also popular. In this case, it is easier to focus on one side. In addition, asynchronous lifts allow you to work with more serious weights. However, don't forget that no need to swing the body and throw dumbbells with the help of inertia.

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Alternate swings can also be performed in a crossover:

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Exercises for medium beams

Here the focus is on the medial area.

Chin pull (pull)

Basic exercise, performed while standing. The most commonly used is a barbell, but options with dumbbells are acceptable, as well as on the lower block / crossover and even in the Smith.

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The traditional version implies a vertical stand and an emphasis on medium beams. To do this, the grip should be wide - wider than the shoulders. Narrow setting hands leads to a greater load on the trapezium and front deltas.

  1. IP - standing, lowered hands with a straight wide grip hold the bar in front of the hips.
  2. With the efforts of the middle bunches of deltas, raise the neck to the level of the collarbones or lower, the level depends on the grip - the wider it is, the lower the neck will be. Elbows at the top point are just above the shoulders.
  3. Return your hands to the PI under control.

Like a bench press from behind the head, this exercise is dangerous. Therefore, the movements are smooth, and the weight of the projectile is relatively small. It is much more useful in this case to give preference to a multi-rep style - 12-15 repetitions.

Breedings (swings) to the sides

isolated movement. The best way to do it is slowly and technically. Although more often in the halls you can see the performance in a power format - with cheating and throwing dumbbells up with the help of body buildup. Leave the last option to the professionals for more effective shoulder training. this exercise it is worth doing with light weight, without cheating and in the amount of 12-15 repetitions.

Standing swing technique:

  1. IP - standing straight, no need to lean forward. Hands with dumbbells are lowered and located on the sides, and not in front of the hips, the grip is neutral. You can slightly bend them at the elbows.
  2. Slowly spread your arms to the sides. At the top point, at which the hands are at shoulder level, the palms are turned so that the little finger is on top - this maximizes the load on the middle beams.
  3. Return your hands to the IP. You don’t need to rest below and touch the hips with shells - immediately start a new repetition.

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Similarly, this exercise is performed while sitting. In this case, cheating is more difficult, which in this case is a plus.

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Mahi can also be done in a crossover using the lower handles (both with one hand alternately, and with two at once). With this performance, the amplitude of movement increases (in lowest point you can take the handle a little further), and the muscles are in tension throughout the approach.

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Also in many halls you can find special simulators for side swings. Here the technique is slightly different - as a rule, you need to bend your arms at the elbows and rest them outside in the pillows of the simulator. In the future, the movement is the same - you need to spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level.

The last variant of this exercise can be considered lifting to the sides with one hand while sitting sideways on a bench. Can be used both horizontally and reclining bench. You need to lie sideways on it (if the bench is horizontal, substitute your elbow), take neutral grip dumbbell in your free hand and raise it just above shoulder level (not to the vertical). There is no need to bend your hand. Try to feel exactly the middle bundle of the deltoid.

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Exercises for the back beams

Breedings (swings) in an incline

The position of the body in this movement is almost parallel to the floor. Technique:

  1. IP - standing in an incline, arms with dumbbells down, neutral or straight grip, legs slightly bent at the knees.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides, fixing them at the top point for a moment and trying to achieve maximum muscle contraction.
  3. Slowly return your hands to the PI.
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  • The second embodiment involves a rope handle. Take it with both hands, take a couple of steps away from the crossover rack and pull the handle towards you, moving your elbows to the sides. Important point- in most cases, this exercise is performed with the hands located in a plane parallel to the floor. A slightly different technique will help to achieve a better effect, in which the arms in the extreme position are in a position, as if you are showing a double biceps from behind. This is detailed in the following video:
  • Training program

    Consider how to pump deltas at home and in the gym.

    Home workout program

    Designed for one separate workout per week and work with dumbbells:

    Gym workout program

    The first complex is also designed for one workout per week, which will be sufficient for most visitors to the gym:

    An option for more experienced athletes with lagging shoulders is the division of deltas into bundles by day.

    Day 1 - back thickness, back delt, biceps:

    Day 2 - chest, front delta, triceps:

    Day 3 - back width, middle delta, trapezium:

    On the fourth day, you can separately work out the muscles of the legs.

    The deltoid muscle, originating from the clavicle and scapula, stretches along the shoulder to the upper part of the forearm. It is also known as three-headed, as it consists of three beams, but in shape it resembles the Greek letter "delta". Thanks to the deltoid muscle covering the shoulder, the latter has a characteristic rounded shape.

    Consists of deltoid of the front, middle and back parts, each of which functions in its own way. At the same time, at the same time, all three parts are responsible for raising the arm and reliably holding the humerus within the specified limits during the movement.

    Causes of stretching

    Loads that require the movement of the arms in any direction can provoke a stretch of the deltoid muscle. For example, . Causes of injury may include:

    • fall or blow directly to the shoulder area;
    • a sharp tension provoked by an attempt to prevent a fall.

    Anterior part of the muscle, working with a large pectoral muscle, provides raising the hand forward and making it rotational movements. The middle part is responsible for raising the arm to the side. The back part, together with the large round muscle and the latissimus dorsi muscle, turns back the upper part of the raised arm.

    Not only athletes who make active movements with their hands can get a stretch of the deltoid muscle, the risk of developing stress points also exists in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. So, in particular, tension points in the deltoid muscle can appear in people working at a computer if its keyboard is not placed correctly - too low or high.

    Stretch symptoms

    The clinic fixes frequent stretching of the deltoid muscle. Symptoms of injury are marked by a manifestation of deep soreness in the following situations:

    • shoulder movement;
    • an attempt to raise the shoulder to a horizontal level;
    • bringing the hand to the face;
    • an attempt to reach the suprascapular part of the back with a hand.

    At rest, the pain is mild. Localization of pain directly depends on its source. For example, if the anterior part of the deltoid muscle is affected, then the pain manifests itself in its anterior and middle region. If the posterior part is affected, pain occurs in the posterior and middle region of the deltoid muscle.

    The pain that accompanies a deltoid strain may well resemble the pain syndrome that accompanies arthritis. shoulder joint, subdeltoid bursitis, damage to the cuff of the rotators, tendonitis, sprain, dislocation or subluxation of the articular surfaces of the acromioclavicular joint. Often, injury along with the deltoid muscle captures the acromioclavicular joint.

    Treatment and diagnosis

    If pain occurs in the shoulder, it is suspected that their cause is inflammation or
    stretching of the deltoid muscle. Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist doctor who is able to correctly diagnose the problem and find a solution.

    For example, if the axillary nerve is damaged, motor fibers which are able to innervate the delta, the skin of the shoulder and the small round muscle. With such damage, it is impossible to lift the shoulder, and, in addition, the sensitivity of the skin of the shoulder is disturbed. When the deltoid muscle is affected, the pain is concentrated precisely in the affected part of it, and does not spread to adjacent areas, as happens with all other muscles.

    To avoid injury to the deltoid muscle, you should monitor the correct exercise. Before physical activity You definitely need to loosen your tendons. It is not necessary, when performing bench presses, to do wide grip hands The best position is shoulder width or slightly wider. In addition, you need to properly move your hands back. If an injury occurs, you should immediately stop the load on the chest, as well as all other exercises that provoke soreness in the deltoid muscle.

    Treatment of the deltoid muscle involves the following methods:

    1. Tensile mobilization- performed by a doctor.
    2. Postisometric relaxation- Performed under medical supervision.
    3. Self Post-Isometric Relaxation. To perform independently, without the help of a doctor, stretching the back of the injured deltoid muscle, the patient lowers the hand of the injured arm to the shoulder of the other arm. Then, grabbing the elbow of a healthy arm, stretches the back, using traction for the elbow through chest. The stretching procedure is performed under medical supervision. To prevent displacement of the scapula during the reception, the doctor fixes it behind with his palm.
    4. deep massage. Feeling painful seals, massage is performed along with ischemic compression. A similar effect is performed both with passive shortening of the muscle, which involves a pincer-like grip and kneading, and with a slight tension of the muscle, which involves acupressure or longitudinal massage.
    5. Self-mobilization by stretching. It is performed in a standing position. The injured person, standing in the doorway, puts the inner surface of the forearms on the side jambs (the door must be open) with his hands down or at an average level. The patient holds the head straight, the neck is not extended, the lower back is extended. One leg in front, her knee bent. The patient, bending the leg forward, smoothly shifts for a couple of seconds into the doorway. Next, the patient relaxes and performs respiratory movements, preparing for re-stretching.