Child and children's aerobics program: a set of exercises. Fitness for children from Denise Austin What does such physical education for children consist of

IN childhood it is necessary to lay the foundations for the formation physical health. Aerobics for children is one of the ways to introduce the younger generation to the right lifestyle.

The exercise program is carried out in a playful and entertaining way, which makes playing sports interesting and fun. Consider the features of children's aerobics and their benefits for the growing body.

The benefits of children's fitness aerobics

Aerobics is not only a set of exercises aimed at weight loss, but also a rather difficult sport. It intertwines various artistic elements taken from dance, gymnastics, fitness and tap dance. At the same time, the execution of movements is accompanied by rhythmic music, as in a dance.

When competitions are held, the judges evaluate the performance according to the following parameters:

  • craftsmanship
  • interaction
  • partner emotions.

Athletes demonstrating their abilities in competitions must be distinguished by flexibility, endurance, artistry and good coordination. They are required to show the presence of these qualities and the level of complexity of the program being performed - individually and in groups.

In order to achieve high results, you need to deal with early age. Children's sports aerobics can be started at the age of 5-7 years.

At the same time, it is important that there are no contraindications to this sport and that the child has plasticity. In addition, he must have a desire to visit aerobic training.

Adults should understand that you should not expect quick results from kids, because sport exercises in aerobics, being very complex, require laborious work for many years.

  1. Fitness aerobics for children brings up character and endurance, even if a person does not become an Olympic champion.
  2. In addition, people involved in this sport are distinguished by posture, excellent physical fitness, grace and good health.

Children's aerobics is an exciting and interesting sport.

Features of aerobic exercise

For children's aerobics classes, special children's rooms are arranged and halls are equipped. It is important for them to have swings, ropes, children's sports complex etc.

The workouts are based on aerobic steps specially adapted for children. When drawing up a program and developing a set of exercises, not only the age of those involved is taken into account, but also their interests with the level of development.

It is important to prepare a uniform for classes for children so that the clothes emphasize the direction of training. These should be one-piece swimsuits without deep cutouts on their upper part. The child should be comfortable to move.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
healthy eating incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness, depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Check out the latest weight loss techniques.

According to experts, children can perform exercises to music even from 1 year old. The duration of the classes is set depending on the age group.

For example, for children under 2 years old, it should be a maximum of 10 minutes, and by the age of three it can be increased to 20 minutes. In addition, modern techniques allow a child up to 3 years old to study with his mother.

Little athletes start with three workouts a week. Then the number of classes gradually increases to 2 times a day.

IN sports aerobics included the following acrobatic and gymnastic elements:

  1. Push ups various types.
  2. Showing static forces (for example, the "corner" exercise).
  3. Turns of the body in the air and jumps.
  4. Movements demonstrating the flexibility and plasticity of the body (dance elements).

A set of exercises for each lesson is selected depending on the level of preparation and age of the children.

For example, basic complex with a low load suits everyone without exception. When the complex involves a high load, the lessons include muscle warm-up, jumping, walking, running and combined movements of various loads for arms and legs.

Complexes with a low load involve performing exercises with the obligatory location of one foot on the floor. In this case, the amplitude of movements of the arms horizontally should not exceed the height of the shoulders of the practitioner.

When shock high load all movements are performed in short-term flight. In this case, the arms are raised above the level of the shoulders, and when performing the exercises, the separation of both legs is obligatory.

Unlike classic exercises, physical activities for children during aerobics are given in a playful and exciting format.

A set of exercises for children's health

The effectiveness of these loads for the child's body is high.

  • Regular attendance promotes health, increases energy levels and directs children's hyperactivity in the right direction.
  • They also help improve the basic functions of the child's body.
Salvation from problems Health Benefits
In our time, this sport is becoming the salvation of the younger generation from overweight, as the kids spend a lot of time at the computer and TV. Reduces the risk of developing obesity, the appearance of heart disease, the occurrence of cancer cells. Also, the huge benefits of aerobics for children is to improve the functioning of the joints and strengthen the respiratory system during physical exertion.
Physically undeveloped children often get sick. Increases the immunity of the child. With regular exercise, the body is properly formed and developed.
As practice shows, a sedentary lifestyle also leads to disorders of the children's nervous system. Children leading an active lifestyle are ahead of their peers in terms of the early formation of thought processes and rapid development speech skills.

involved aerobic sports children, unlike those leading a sedentary lifestyle, have a strong bone structure and a lower risk of developing various diseases.

In addition, the psychological factor also plays an important role, since children with love instilled in sports grow up very active and cheerful.

Explanatory note

The program of additional education for children was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation»and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The content of the Program includes additional education for children preschool age for implementation educational field physical development.

Children's fitness- these are unique classes that combine elements of choreography, gymnastics, dance lessons. How earlier child feel the joy of physical activity, the better. After all, if from the earliest younger age regular classes children will take sports for granted, then in the future the child himself will feel the need for activities related to physical activity. In addition, fitness is a great way to throw out the irrepressible children's energy. I would like to note that the harmonious development of the personality of a preschooler is more multifaceted if it is carried out, firstly, on the basis of an individually differentiated approach, and secondly, in a preschool learning studio, creating a favorable atmosphere for children's emotional perception of children's fitness. It is necessary to start working with preschoolers from the smallest, but very interesting and close to the state of mind of children aged 3.5-5 years.Fitness classes are not hard sports training but a fun activity. But, nevertheless, fitness develops in children coordination of movements, plasticity, strengthens posture. That is, children involved in fitness acquire an excellent physical form and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Compared to sports, fitness is less traumatic. Since the load on the body of the child is uniform.

Target programs - full-fledged physical, personal, intellectual development of a preschool child, his physical abilities, « healthy spirit» through the organization of physical activity, which is distinguished by a health-improving character, the child’s active living of this activity, the feeling of subject-physical exercises (actions) and their conscious application in various life situations.


Educational: acquisition of knowledge necessary for organized and independent physical training classes, mastering the correct knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for organized and independent physical training classes, mastering the rules, skills and abilities necessary to ensure safety during self-study general physical training;

Educational: promotion of the formation and development of the need in relation to one's own health and the health of others as a value; positive character traits, such as disciplined behavior, collectivism, honesty, responsiveness. Courage, perseverance in achieving the goal; upbringing, coordination abilities.

Wellness: promoting the health of students, the formation and maintenance of correct posture, the prevention of flat feet; prevention of diseases, stress conditions by means of aerobics; increased mental performance; mastering the skills of formation healthy lifestyle life by means of OFP.

The duration of the program is 1 year. Category of children - 4-5 years. Classes are held 2 times a week.

Age features children

At the age of 3.5 - 5 years, children undergo a further change and improvement of the structures and functions of body systems. Pace physical development remains the same as in the previous year of the child's life. The increase in height per year is 5-7 cm, body weight - 1.5-2 kg. The height (average) of boys at 4 years old is 100.3 cm, 5 years old is 107.5 cm. The height (average) of girls 4 years old is 99.7 cm, 5 years old is 106.1 cm. Body weight (average) of boys and girls is equal to 15.9 kg and 15.4 kg at 4 years old, and 17.8 kg and 17.5 kg, respectively, at five. 1. Musculoskeletal system. Due to the peculiarities of the development of the structure of the skeleton, children 4-5 years old are not recommended to offer physical education classes and in free activity strength exercises. It is also necessary to monitor the correctness of the postures taken by the children. The strength of the right hand from 4 to 5 years increases within the following limits: for boys - from 5.9 to 10 kg, for girls - from 4.8 - 8.3 kg. 2. Respiratory organs. By the age of 5, abdominal breathing begins to be replaced by chest breathing. This is due to the volume change. chest. The vital capacity of the lungs slightly increases (on average, up to 900-1000 cm3), and in boys it is greater than in girls. By the age of 4-5, the mobility of the chest increases, respiratory movements are more frequent than in an adult. 3. Cardiovascular system. The heart rate per minute fluctuates in a child of 4-5 years from 87 to 112, and the respiratory rate from 19 to 29. The regulation of cardiac activity by the age of five has not yet been finally formed. At this age, the rhythm of heart contractions is easily disturbed, therefore, during physical exertion, the heart muscle quickly gets tired. The reaction of the body to physical activity is judged by external signs of fatigue: distractibility, general weakness, shortness of breath, blanching or redness of the face, and impaired coordination of movements. 4. Higher nervous activity. By the age of 4-5, the strength of nervous processes increases in a child. Especially characteristic for children of this age is the improvement of interalizator connections and mechanisms for the interaction of signaling systems. It is difficult for kids to accompany game actions with words or to perceive instructions, explanations of the educator in the process of performing gymnastic exercises, drawing, designing and even dressing. In the fifth year of life, especially towards the end of the year, a mechanism for comparing words with their corresponding stimuli of the first signal system develops. The independence of actions and conclusions increases. However, the nervous processes in the child are still far from perfect. Excitation predominates. So, in case of violation of the usual conditions of life, fatigue, this manifests itself in violent emotional reactions, non-compliance with the rules of behavior. At the same time, it is precisely by the age of five that the effectiveness of pedagogical influence aimed at concentrating nervous processes increases. Therefore, in the classroom and in everyday life, exercises should be offered that improve the child's response to any signal: stop in time, change the direction or pace of movement, etc.

Program focus

Fitness program» designed for children of middle and senior preschool age (from 4 to5 years) and is aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system, promotes the improvement of various functions and systems of the body.

In order to prevent various diseases in children, sets of exercises of corrective gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises. All sets of exercises are performed to specially selected music at the same pace and rhythm, mainly in a streaming way.

The focus of the exercises "Fitball-gymnastics":

    strengthening the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle

    muscle strengthening abdominals;

    strengthening the muscles of the back and pelvis;

    strengthening the muscles of the legs and arch of the foot;

    increased flexibility and mobility of the joints;

    development of balance function and vestibular apparatus;

    posture formation;

    development of dexterity and coordination of movements;

    development of mobility and musicality

    relaxation and relaxation;

    prevention of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs.

Program structure

    The Fitness for Kids program consists of three sections:

    Section I includes: general principles for the use of therapeutic and prophylactic dance, tasks, methods and means, organization and conduct of classes.

    II section represented by: complexes of dance exercises of general developmental impact. These are combat and general developmental exercises, dance exercises when walking, on the spot and in movement, running and jumping, joint gymnastics. In order to relieve tension and liberation of various muscle groups exercises have been developed to relax muscles and ligaments, which make it possible to apply stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration techniques to reduce physical activity and relaxation. Self-massage techniques such as “tapping” can be used to mobilize those involved for the start of classes or as distraction exercises.

    Section III exercises and dances of special impact are presented. These are exercises aimed at forming posture, correcting and correcting defects of the spine and foot. Breathing exercises that develop and strengthen muscles that contribute to correct breathing, dance exercises on large gymnastic fitballs, balance-gymnastics.

1. History of physical culture.

Physical culture and sport in Russia.

The concept of physical culture.

The value of classes physical culture.

Daily routine and movement.

Russian athletes- Champions Olympic Games.

2. Hygiene, medical supervision, injury.

Hygienic rules for classes exercise.

hardening. The main causes of trauma.

Signs of the disease.

Medical examination in a medical and physical education dispensary.

3. Self-control, safety precautions.

Rules of conduct in the classroom, in the gym and on the street.

Rules of the competition, places of employment, equipment, inventory in the classroom in general groups physical training.

4. Gymnastic exercises(varieties of walking, jumping, running, outdoor switchgear without objects and with objects).

5. Exercises of general developmental impact:

a) game stretching

b) articular gymnastics

V) breathing exercises

d) massage and self-massage techniques

e) relaxation exercises

6. Special impact exercises:

a) exercises with the ball (throws, rolls, dribbling, exercises in pairs)

b) the basic basic steps of fitball - aerobics

c) exercises on fitballs (sets of exercises with fito balls)

7. Outdoor games and relay races.

Educational and thematic plan


Signs of the disease

Daily routine and motor mode

general physical preparation

game stretching,

joint gymnastics, fitball exercises

Breathing exercises,

massage techniques and self-massage

Control tests


Calendar-thematic planning


Safety engineering.Gymnastic exercises

"Step March"

Fundamentals of knowledge.

Acquaintance with safety precautions in physical education classes.

Athletics: ORU. Running at a slow pace.

Gymnastics: walking on a limited plane.


Development of leg muscle strength

Building exercises. Improving rebuilding in a line and a column one at a time.

Athletics: running at a slow pace. ORU with a ball.

Development of leg muscle strength




Formation of correct posture.

Walking with tasks and running with tasks (running with a change of direction and pace).


Development of coordination of movements.

Walking and running with tasks (running with a change of direction and pace).

Athletics: forward jumps (multi-jumps).

Outdoor games

Improving the technique of the long jump from a place.

Outdoor games with jumping "Wolf in the ditch".



History of physical culture. Physical culture and sport in Russia. The concept of physical culture. The value of physical education. Daily routine and movement. Russian athletes are champions of the Olympic Games, the world, and Europe.

Gymnastics: Open switchgear with elements of dance gymnastics without objects. Pinning jumps through short rope. Familiarization with various types jumps: on one leg, crosswise, alternating change of legs.


Run with tasks.

Outdoor games

Building exercises. Formation in a line, in a column one at a time. Attention game "Who will be the first to line up?".

Athletics. Slow run 2 minutes. Running with tasks: with 180 and 360 degree turns.

ORU with a hoop.

Gymnastics: walking gymnastic bench with different positions of the hands, dismounting, jumping through a rotating hoop.

An outdoor game with climbing "Bird Flight" - familiarization.


Joint gymnastics

"Jazz Workout"

ORU with a ball.

Athletics: walking and running with high hips, with the performance of the task (with a stop, with a turn). Throwing the ball from behind the head for a distance.

Outdoor games with jumps: "Hares in the garden."


Development of mobility of various joints

ORU without subject.

Gymnastics: hanging on a gymnastic ladder with the correct grip on the crossbar. Climbing the gymnastic ladder in the same way.

An outdoor game with running "Day and night".


Development of joint flexibility.

ORU with a ball.

Gymnastics: hanging on the gymnastic ladder


Balance exercises. Jumping rope.

Combat exercises: building in columns one at a time. To be able to keep the system, rebuilding in a line by turning to the right or left.

Athletics: normal walking, with a task, performing balance exercises on a signal. Jumping over a short rope in place and with advancement.

Gymnastics: ORU with a short rope. Mobile game "Fishing rod".


Throwing medicine ball way from behind the head.

School of the ball: strengthening the skill of dribbling with the right and left hand. Passing the ball over the head while standing still. Know how to calculate the power of the throw. Catching the passed ball with both hands. Observance of safety precautions when fishing. The ball must hit exactly in the hands.


Catching the ball with two hands, exercises with a tennis ball.

Open switchgear with elements of rhythmic gymnastics. Teach children to move synchronously, rhythmically. To develop in children coordination abilities, a sense of rhythm.

School of the ball: working with a partner, passing and catching the ball in known ways.


Ball school.

School of the ball: working with a partner, passing and catching the ball in known ways, exercises at the tennis table.



Hygienic rules for physical exercises. The main causes of trauma.

Athletics: Walking and running with a change of pace.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear gymnastic stick. Combination of stick movements with leg movements. Walking on the hymn. stick with side steps to prevent flat feet.

Mobile game "Homeless Hare".


Acrobatic exercises.

Athletics: Walking and running with change of direction. Depth jumps for precision landing. Develop movement coordination.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with a hoop. Walking in a rotating hoop. Acrobatic exercises: rolls to the right and left sides. Static stress.

School of the ball: work with the ball in pairs in motion. Throwing the ball into a basketball basket using the overhead method combined with a jump. Develop accuracy.


Exercises at the gymnastic wall.

Building exercises. Constructions from a column to a circle, from a circle to columns, turns to the right, to the left, around.

Gymnastics: Open switchgear at the gymnastic wall.

Climbing in the same way (training).

Walking on a gymnastic bench with stepping over objects.


Jumping over a small hill.

Combat exercises, walking in a column one at a time.

Athletics: walking and running with tasks (one by one in a column - scattered). Jumping over a small elevation (series).

Gymnastics: ORU with a gymnastic stick for posture correction. Rolls to the side. Climbing the gymnastic ladder in a different way.

Ball school: preparation for competitions (throws, passes, catching in various ways).


Climbing, climbing.

Athletics: Walking with different hand positions, stepping over objects. Run at a slow pace up to 3 minutes.

Gymnastics. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick. Develop correct posture. Self control. Walking on a gymnastic bench with a load on the head. Develop a sense of balance.

Mobile game "Day-night". Develop attention, speed of movement.


Correct posture. Outdoor games.


Balance exercises.

Athletics: Walking in the floor squat, walking on outside feet, walking on a tightrope (prevention of flat feet). Running is normal in alternation with running with a wide step. A game where the ball is thrown over the net.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with a massage ball. Be able to influence active points with the help of massage ball. Climbing the gymnastic stairs in the same way with the transition to another span. Be able to coordinate movements. Develop volitional qualities.

Mobile game "Don't stay on the floor". Develop speed of reaction, ingenuity. Know how to use the entire site.


Eye gauge. Throwing and catching the ball. Injury prevention.

ORU with a hoop. Jumping into a rotating hoop, strengthening the abdominal muscles with a hoop. To be able to keep the rotating hoop on the belt as long as possible. Develop coordination skills.

School of the ball: throwing the ball into the basket. Develop accuracy. Cultivate a competitive spirit in children. Learn how to properly evaluate your actions and the actions of teammates.

Mobile game "Carp and pike", "Guess whose voice."


Games of the choice of children.

Participation in the competition "Merry Starts".

Sports leisure with elements of "School of the ball"



Athletics: Slow health run. Alternating running in a column one at a time with loose running. Know how to complete tasks quickly and correctly. Develop dexterity. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the children of your group.

Hardening: varieties of hardening (air, water). To instill in children the desire to regularly engage in physical education, as in fresh air as well as in the gym.

Signs of the disease. The main causes of trauma.

Outdoor game: "Through bumps and stumps." "The ball - to the average."


Walking and running tasks.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with a small ball. Develop fine motor skills, attention. Balance exercises: walking on the gymnastic bench on toes with stepping over objects. Visas on gymnastic wall on straight arms. Raising straight legs. Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Sports game: mastering the elements of volleyball. Be able to pass and receive the ball from above.

The mobile game "Ball to the average", "Traps with the ball".


Acrobatic exercises.

Varieties of walking and running. Develop attention.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with a small ball. Be able to perform exercises with musical accompaniment. Climbing the gymnastic ladder in a different way. Strength exercises - be able to go down the gymnastic ladder only on your hands. Acrobatic exercises: stand on the shoulder blades. Be able to hold your own weight, maintain balance.

The mobile game "Two frosts", "The third one is superfluous", "Forbidden movement".


Climbing the gymnastic ladder.

Buildings in a row, in columns of two. Know how to complete tasks accurately. Walking with tasks. Game "Find your flag". Running in moderate pace 2 minutes. Know how to breathe properly while running.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with medicine ball. Develop power abilities. Strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle. Be able to maintain balance while standing on a medicine ball. Exercise children in climbing the gymnastic ladder with the transition to another span in a different way. Develop movement coordination. Strive for ease of implementation.

Sports game: mastering the elements of volleyball. Teach children to toss the ball over their heads without holding it in their palms.

Game "Throw the ball over the net."


Throwing a medicine ball at a horizontal target.

Athletics: Walking and running with tasks. Throwing a medicine ball at a horizontal target. Develop an eye.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with medicine ball in pairs. Bring up Attentive attitude to each other. Know how to work in harmony. Balance exercise "Heron" on a medicine ball. Strength training. Exercise "Wheelbarrow". Be able to move around on your hands with the help of a friend.

The mobile game "Rooster Fight", keep balance on one leg. "Guess whose voice it is."


Acrobatic exercises.

Building exercises. Construction in two columns from one by breeding method.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with a hoop. Acrobatic exercises: grouping, rolls, stand on the shoulder blades. Exercises for abdominal and back muscles lying on mats.

Sports game: Mastering the elements of basketball. Basketball stance. Walking, running. Movement with side steps (facing forward, right, left). Stops (jump).

Mobile game: "Hit the ball."


Acrobatic exercises.

Walking with a side step forward, sideways, backward, with a wide step, with a change in direction. Running is normal, with high hips, with a change in pace.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear with a hoop. Acrobatic exercises: rolls, groupings from various starting positions, standing on the shoulder blades, bridge from the supine position.

Outdoor game: Relay races with dribbling and throwing the ball into the basket.


Open switchgear with elements of rhythmic gymnastics. Exercises for developing the flexibility of the body: exercises for flexion and extension of the body. Exercises for the development of flexibility and mobility in the joints: swinging the legs in the positions of gray hair, lying sideways, dance movements, relaxation exercises: alternately shaking the relaxed arms and legs, rotating the relaxed torso.


Fitball exercises.

"Sparrow Disco"

Gymnastics: Complex recreational gymnastics on fitballs. Learning. Strengthening correct posture.



Combat exercises: opening with side steps on outstretched arms forward in a column, to the sides (in a line), turns by jumping in place to the left, to the right.

Gymnastics outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick. Walking on the gymnastic bench with different positions of the arms straight and sideways. Crawling in a plastunsky way, on a gymnastic bench on the stomach, back. Pulling up with both hands, with the help of legs, holding a large object in your hands.

Outdoor games: "Crawl don't drop", "Firefighters in training".


Exercises on the gymnastic wall.

Orientation in space: expansion of ideas about space on the right, left, above, below, in front.

Gymnastics outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick. Exercises on the gymnastic wall: Raising and lowering bent and straight legs in the hang on the upper bar of the gymnastic wall. Holding the "angle" in the hang.

Sports and outdoor games: "Get in the basket", "Do not give the ball to the driver."


Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Walking and running with a wide stride, with a change in direction, with a change in pace.

Gymnastics ORU with a hoop. Walking on the gymnastic bench with tasks - with a stop, with squats, with a turn, on toes. Climbing on the gymnastic wall. Raising and lowering straight legs in the hang, holding the "angle" in the hang.

Sports and outdoor games: "Catching monkeys", "Ball through the net."


Stops, balance, rolls.

Walking Gymnastic step, with a high rise of the hip, even running for endurance.

Gymnastics ORU with a hoop. Acrobatic exercises: Standing, lying, balance on the right (left) leg, rolls.

Sports and outdoor games: "Firefighters in training", "The ball to the driver."


Walking and running with high raising of the hip and overlapping of the lower leg back. Running with alternating walking.

Gymnastics outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick.

Game stretching exercises (elements of children's yoga)

"Fish", "Ring", "Frog", "Plow"


Stretching and strengthening the muscles of the legs, back.

Jogging with alternation with walking up to 4-5 minutes.

Gymnastics: outdoor switchgear using a gymnastic bench. Balance exercises, Walking on the rail of the gymnastic bench straight and sideways, crawling under the cord (height 40-50cm). Climbing up the gymnastic ladder, paying attention to the grip of the thumb.

Sports and outdoor games: "Bird flight", "Don't stay on the floor".


Learning a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.

Building exercises. Building in one, two columns, lines. Turns on the spot: right, left, around.

Gymnastics Dance-rhythmic exercises: move rhythmically depending on the nature of the music, coordinating movements in walking, running.

Sports and outdoor games: "Who will make fewer jumps", "Running".


Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

"Salutation to the Sun"

Outdoor games: "Forbidden movement".



Athletics: outdoor switchgear without items.

Outdoor games: “Shootout”, “Bring the flag”, “Who will reach the flag faster”.


Passing an obstacle course.

Athletics: outdoor switchgear with balls. Jumping on one, two legs in place and moving forward, Jumping from a height of 40 cm to a certain place. Throwing a small ball for a distance.


Jumping from a height, jumping onto a hill of mats.

Walking and running tasks. ORU with a jump rope.

Athletics: Jumping from a height onto mats, jumping onto a hill of mats. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands (15-20 times without falling). Throwing the ball to each other (distance 2 meters) without falling and rebounding on the floor in different ways from different starting positions.

Gymnastics. Learning a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.

Outdoor games: "The ball is leading", "The guys have a strict order."


Complex of rhythmic gymnastics.

Gymnastics: Learning a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.


Jumping rope.

Walking with a gymnastic step. Walking step forward, sideways, overcoming obstacles. Running with a high hip lift, with an overlap of the lower leg back.

Athletics: outdoor switchgear with a rope. Jumping rope.

Gymnastics: Learning a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.

Outdoor games: "Get in the hoop."


Sports and outdoor games.

Sports and


Posture correction exercises. Games.

Walking with a gymnastic step, walking and running with a change of direction. OR with big balls. Posture correction exercises.

Gymnastics Learning a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.

Sports and outdoor games: "What has changed."


Breathing exercises

Combat exercises: rebuilding from a line into a circle, from a circle in all directions.

Gymnastics. Learning complex breathing exercises.

Sports and outdoor games.



Walking with tasks, running in different directions, scattered. Gymnastics ORU with a hoop. Crawling in a plastunsky way, on a gymnastic bench on the stomach, on the back, pulling up with both hands. School of the ball: dribbling: right, left, hand, alternate dribbling in place, on the move.

Sports and outdoor games: "Traps with a ball", "Throw over the net."


Prevention of flat feet, strengthening the arch of the foot

Orientation in space: Expansion of space on the right, left, above, below, in front. Gymnastics with a gymnastic stick.

Sports and outdoor games: Elements of basketball: dribbling, passing the ball, standing players. Mobile game "Cunning Fox".


Joint gymnastics

Outdoor games for children.


The development of mobility of the joints of the spinal column.

Walking with tasks, running in different directions, scattered. Gymnastics ORU with a hoop.

Outdoor games for children.


Strengthening the back muscles and preventing lordosis.

Gymnastics outdoor switchgear without objects.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall: climbing from span to span using familiar methods, performing exercises on the gymnastic wall "asterisk", "corner".

Sports and outdoor games: "Do not stay on the floor", "Who will make fewer jumps."


Relay races with balance exercises.

Orientation in space: one after another, through one, building in a line, in a column. Gymnastics outdoor switchgear without objects. Overcoming an obstacle course: climbing under an arc, high jump, deep jump, pulling up lying on a bench, jump with precise landing, walking with side steps on a rope, jumping through hoops, walking along a hand walk with support on hands.

Sports and outdoor games: "Bird Flight", "Homeless Hare".


Ribbon complex.

Walking and running with different tasks.

Outdoor switchgear with tapes.

Outdoor games: "Fish - saw"


Sport games.

Sports leisure. Relay games on familiar material.



Olympic champions Russia. Safety precautions in physical education lessons. ORU without items. Running with a change of pace.

Athletics: Jumping from a place. Throwing tennis ball into the distance

Sports and outdoor games: Elements of volleyball. Games in pairs: Catch the ball from above with two hands, roll the ball in threes with movement. Pioneerball game.


Running on short distances. Throwing a small ball for a distance.

Drill exercises: Orientation in space, turns to the right, to the left, around. ORU with a jump rope. Throwing a small ball at a target.

Athletics: Jumping over a short rope. Short distance running. Throwing a small ball into the distance.

Sports and outdoor games: elements of volleyball: throw the ball up with one hand and catch it from above with both hands. Pioneerball game.


Endurance training run.


Athletics. Walking and running in different directions, with changes in cadence and pace. OR with small balls. Jumping on one and two legs in place, with advancement (forward, backward). Throwing a ribbon at a horizontal target. 300m endurance run.

Sports and outdoor games: the outdoor game "The ball to the neighbor", "passed - run."


Sports and outdoor games: elements of volleyball, basketball.

Athletics: orientation in space: left, right, front, back. Building in a column, line, circle. ORU in pairs. Flexibility test.

Sports and outdoor games: elements of volleyball. Moving and standing, passing the ball from above with two hands. Educational games.


Athletics: walking and running while maintaining the correct posture. Turns to the left, to the right by jumping and stepping. ORU without items. Training run for endurance 1.5-2 min. Throws stuffed ball into the distance.

Sports and outdoor games: "Cosmonauts", "Firemen on exercises".


Fitball exercises.

"Sparrow Disco"

Athletics: Walking and running in different directions, with different tasks.

Gymnastics: fitball exercises.

Sports and outdoor games: "Don't stay on the floor."


Development of joint mobility on the ball.

Gymnastics: Performing exercises on a fitball: "squirrel".

Sports and outdoor games: "knock down the skittles".


Hoop exercises. Relays.

Walking and running with a change of guide. OR with balls. Jumping through the hoop in place and moving forward. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles with a gymnastic hoop.

Sports and outdoor games: "Get in the hoop", "Hares in the garden."


Sports leisure with elements sports games.

Sports and outdoor games. Linear relay races with the ball.

Sports leisure with elements of sports games. Pioneerball competition.


May .

Walking, running with tasks: scattered, with a change in direction. Outdoor switchgear with stuffed balls.

Athletics: long run at a slow pace. Jumping on two legs with a 90 degree turn.

Gymnastics: Walking on a bench with different hand positions.

Mobile game at the request of children.


Strengthening the arch of the foot and preventing flat feet.

Combat exercises: building in a column, line, turns on the spot (right, left, around). ORU with a jump rope.

Athletics: standing long jump. Run at an average pace of 300m.

Pair exercises.

Mobile game: "Get in the basket."


Relaxation exercises


Walking on toes, on heels, with high hips. Light training run. ORU without items.

Gymnastics: jumping rope, relaxation exercises.

Mobile game "Catch the ball".


Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

ORU with a hoop. Orientation in space.

Exercises for developing the strength of the abdominal muscles on the carpet.


Game stretching exercises and self-massage elements.

Walking and running tasks. ORU without items.

Game stretching exercises and self-massage elements.Sun salutation (children's yoga warm-up)

The development of attention.

Sports and outdoor games with balls: "Get in the circle", "Who is next."


Game massage.

The development of nasal breathing.

Combat exercises: building in a column, line, one at a time, in pairs. Opening with side steps. ORU without items.

Game massage.

The development of nasal breathing. "Let's go", "Firewood"

Outdoor game: "Traps with a ball."


Fitball exercises

Walking and running with a high hip lift, back forward, side steps forward, sideways, back. ORU with a jump rope.

Fitball exercises


Testing: throwing a small ball into the distance.


Sports and outdoor: relay race games with a ball.

ORU with a ball. Athletics: throwing various objects at a distance, at horizontal and vertical targets.


Sports festival "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

summer sports holiday"The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

Warm up in kindergarten and physical education at school is, of course, good, but not enough for the formation of a physically healthy child. Few of the teachers devote to the development special program Special attention trying to tailor the lesson to each student. Concerning sports sections, then they are not suitable for everyone, as they have a narrow age variation and target orientation, they accept children of the appropriate level of physical fitness.

The best option is children's fitness, the features and benefits of which we will discuss in this article.

Children's fitness is sports complex classes which include aerobics, yoga, martial arts, choreography, swimming, posture exercises, with a rope, as well as elements of gymnastics. Such a mix is ​​obtained, aimed at general development. The number of group members varies from 10 to 15 people. Such fullness is optimal, and allows the child not only to develop flexibility, dexterity, strengthen the body, but also get a charge. positive emotions while interacting with other children.

Groups are formed according to age and physical abilities. There is such a division by age categories:

  • from 3 years to 6 years;
  • from 7 to 11 years old;
  • from 12 to 16 years old.

The duration of classes for children of the first category is set within 20-30 minutes 2 times a week. Children of the middle category can already visit the fitness club 3 times with a “lesson” duration of 30 minutes. senior group it is allowed to go to classes 3 times a week, exercise for 40 minutes a day and include simulators in training.

Why fitness is for kids

Children really need fitness for several reasons:

  1. No need to win. Everyone is on an equal footing and is encouraged equally. Winning is not as valued as participation.
  2. Game form of training. The training program is built in such a way that the children want to return to the walls of the fitness club, do the exercises and enjoy it exclusively.
  3. Possibility to choose. The nature of each child is individual. Some will not like dancing, others will not like repetition exercises. Therefore, sports institutions give the baby the opportunity to choose the direction and type of activities that will make up his program, after giving him the opportunity to familiarize himself with each of the options.
  4. Safety. The likelihood of injury during training is reduced to zero. The instructor constantly monitors the children, and the exercises are selected very carefully.
  5. Availability. The doors of the fitness club or dance school, which also conduct children's fitness classes, are open to all children from 3 years old. And here the level of physical fitness does not play a role, since fitness is designed to strengthen the kids.

A little about training

All sports organizations, which provide children's fitness services, provide visitors with the necessary equipment. In the first days, the instructor conducts an introduction and a full briefing.

For schoolchildren, that is, children from 6 years old, new opportunities are opening up. Their training program includes new equipment - children's exercise equipment. At this age, the child is predisposed to develop flexibility, endurance, speed, strength and coordination. Therefore, special simulators will be most appropriate here. Training to work with them is mandatory.

All classes begin with a warm-up. At this stage, children are walking in place, running, squatting. Next, add variety to your workout. dance exercises. They are needed for the development of rhythm and musical ear in children. In the main block, there is an emphasis on strengthening the muscles of the legs, back, abs and arms.

Restrictions? Unfortunately…

Although children's fitness is designed to strengthen the child's body, the presence of certain pathologies requires approval from a health worker to attend training. So, in the case of chronic diseases, before starting classes, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and trainer, develop and agree on a training program that will not worsen the situation, but will contribute to recovery. For example, asthma involves limiting aerobic exercise. Problems with the spine will worsen if you load the child strength exercises, but swimming and aerobics will improve his condition.

Children's fitness is a necessary thing in the life of children. Another thing is that not all families can afford to take a child to a fitness club. In this case, it would be advisable to practice at home.

To do this, it is enough to consult with a pediatrician and find video tutorials on performing a number of exercises for children with the recommendation of trainers. The Internet spaces are filled with educational reviews on the subject of children's fitness, so it will not be difficult to provide yourself with information.

The benefits of children's fitness

The decision to include children's fitness in a child's life will only have positive consequences. So, as a result of training:

  • the perseverance of children appears in the lessons at school, because all their accumulated energy is completely released in training;
  • attention, coordination develops;
  • there is confidence in oneself and one's abilities;
  • the muscular corset is strengthened, flexibility and mobility develop, which helps to avoid scoliosis and other problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Strong immunity and healthy sleep are guaranteed.

And this is only part of the positive factors. The benefits of fitness for a child can hardly be overestimated. So feel free to hand over your child experienced trainer and rejoice in his success!