Summaries of physical education fixes in the senior group. Synopsis of physical education for the senior group

Irina Stroganova
Synopsis of physical education in senior group"Funny boys"

Synopsis of physical education in the senior group"Funny boys"


Repeat walking with high knees;

Exercises in balance, developing coordination of movement;

Jumping on two legs with advancement;

Throwing an object at a target.


Basic walking;

H. on socks;

H. on the heels;

X. with a high raising of the knee, arms to the sides;

H., restoration of breathing;

stand in one line! Bypassing the hall step march! 1, 2, 3, 4. rose on toes, arms up, keep your backs straight. Well done! We turn to walking on heels, hands on the belt. 1, 2, 3, 4. we walk evenly, we keep our distance. Attention! Normal walking. Listen exercise: we walk around the hall, raising our knees high, arms to the sides. Run march! Well done Normal walking. We take a breath, rise on toes, hands up. Exhale, hands down. Finished.


ORU complex. (Exercise without objects):

1. I. p .: the main rack. hands on the belt.

1-tilt head to the right, 2nd. p., 3-turn the head to the left, 4-and. P. Repeat: 6 times.

2. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand legs on shoulder width, hands down. 1- arms to the sides; 2- tilt to the right (left leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4- i.p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 return to and. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: main stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-and. n. The same left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Main stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8.


H. by gymnastic bench, hands to the side;

Throwing at a target;

Jumping from hoop to hoop with two legs;

Passage on the gymnastic bench, emphasis on the hands and knees;

stand in one line! Attention, listen to the task. Now you take turns, in a column one at a time, approach the bench, and walk along it, holding your hands to the sides, for balance, go down, reach the hoops, jump from hoop to hoop with both feet. Reaching the basket, we take the item and throw it at the target. Next you go to the gymnastic bench. The second time you pass the bench, you pass it on all fours. We do. Finished. Walking in a circle.


Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the other side of the site. In the center of the site is the driver. Choir players pronounce:

"We funny boys,

We love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

After the words "Catch!" the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The one who was hit by the trap before he crosses the line is considered to be caught, steps aside and misses one dash. After two runs, another driver is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


March slowly in a circle! At the expense of 1-inhale, arms to the sides, 2-exhale, lowered your hands. On this our class is over. Well done Guys, everyone listened to me very carefully, and rarely made mistakes. Goodbye.

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Educational area: « Physical development» Abstract prepared by: Grishina Irina Vladimirovna, music director; Gorelenko Nina.

Synopsis of physical education for children of senior preschool age "Our friendly guys" Objectives: to improve the health of children. Tasks: to consolidate the skills acquired in physical education classes; to develop strength, endurance; to educate.

Synopsis of physical education in the senior group Location: gym. Equipment: ropes, benches, Treadmills, small balls, hoops, ribbons. Tasks: Fix.

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Synopsis of a plot physical education lesson for children of the second junior group “The grandmother lived with funny geese” Synopsis of a plot physical education lesson for children second junior group“The grandmother lived with funny geese” Program content: Exercise.

Subject: Let's go to visit Mishka (senior group)

Program content: learn to walk and run easily and rhythmically; to consolidate the ability to hit the ball with one hand in motion; cultivate interest in exercise through riddles.

Materials and equipment: a tape recorder with a record, 2 boards, a pipe, balls according to the number of children, a Bear toy, a bear mask hat.

Lesson progress

Listen to the sound letter from the King of the Land of Mysteries with an invitation to visit Mishka.

1st part

We're on the train Walking in a column one by one -

Singing the song "Steam".

We get into the tunnel. Walking in a semi-squat.

We go by bus Walking in pairs.

Jumping forward on 2 legs.

winding road, Walking around.

They flew by plane. Scatter run.

Loose walking. Breathing exercises. Rebuilding in a line of 5-6 children.

Instructor. Here we are in the extraordinary Land of Mysteries.

2nd part

General developmental exercises without subjects "Come on, guess."

1. Two ends, two rings,

And in the middle are carnations.

"Scissors". I. p. - narrow stance, arms to the sides: surrounding hand movements. Repeat 8 times.

2. I will turn with a long neck,

I will pick up a heavy load.

"Crane". I. p. - kneeling, hands up; tilts left and right, back and forth. Repeat 8 times.

3. This horse does not eat oats.

Two wheels instead of legs.

"Bike". I. p. - lying on your back: energetic movements of the legs, imitation. Repeat 10-12 times, alternating 2 times with a relaxation exercise.

4. Curls, wriggles,

Shimmers in the sun.

How to hiss

Tell everyone to run away.

"Snake". I. p. - gray on the heels, brushes in the castle: slowly kneel - pull up, imitation, onomatopoeia.

The teacher uses a pipe like a fakir. Repeat 8 times.

5. Buggy-eyed girlfriend,

And her name is...

"Frog". I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms bent, hands at the chest: bending in the lower back with straightening the arms and bending the legs at the knees, onomatopoeia - "kva-kva". Repeat 6 times.

6. Stroking - caresses.

Teasing - biting.

"Dog". I. p. - emphasis on your knees: energetic turns of the pelvis and shins to the right and left, onomatopoeia - “bow-wow” (“tyaf-tyaf”). Repeat 8-10 times.

7. From the branch to the path,

From grass to blade of grass

jumping spring,

Green back.

"Grasshopper". I. p. - narrow stance, hands on the belt: jumping on two legs with forward movement. Alternate 2 times for 20 jumps. Breathing exercise.

Basic movements:

Guess the most difficult riddles and then you will get to visit Mishka.

1. Fast little animal,

Jumping through the trees.

"Squirrel". Jumping on one leg with forward movement (8 meters). Repeat 4 times, frontally.

2. The crawler is crawling, the needles are lucky.

"Hedgehog". Crawling on knees and forearms. Repeat 4 rounds, straight.

3. Falls - jumps,

Hit - do not cry.

"Ball". Hitting the ball on the floor with one hand in motion. Repeat 4 rounds, straight.

So we came to visit Mishka.

The mobile game "Funny guys and the Bear" (like "Trap"). Repeat 4 times.

Choosing a Bear for the role of a trap using a rhyme:

Behind glass doors

There is a Bear with pies.

Mishka, Mishenka-friend!

How much does a pie cost?

A pie costs three

And you will catch!

Part 3

Sedentary game "Who left with the Bear?". Repeat 3 times.

Children walk in a round dance

Someone hide now.

You don't open your eyes.

Who is gone now - find out!

The children say goodbye to Mishka and the king of the Land of Mysteries and return home to kindergarten.

Usually carried out 3 times a week (108 per year). For children of older groups, many options for organizing lessons are prescribed: plot, thematic, traditional, relay races, competitions, games, with elements of aerobics.

When planning, the educator draws up a summary of thematic physical education classes in the older group. Its main goal is to show children how to improve and maintain health with the help of

Synopsis "Physical education in the senior group"

This material is compiled for a successful, correct and clear lesson. This is a kind of guide for the educator, which will help not to miss everything. important points. In the summary of physical education classes for the senior group kindergarten the main goals, tasks, progress of the implementation are entered in detail, and the results are also necessarily summed up.

First, the type of occupation and interaction with various areas of development is determined. It can be a plot, thematic, open traditional, non-traditional activity, during which speech, aesthetic, artistic, communicative, social skills are developed. Clear goals are set. For example, to develop children's imagination, fantasy, to teach them how to navigate in problem situations, to overcome difficulties in movements. All of this is included in the outline.

Physical education in the senior group should be characterized according to a certain algorithm. It is necessary to describe in detail the training, educational, speech, developmental tasks, which one was used. It should be indicated what preparatory work was carried out, the main stages of the lesson (part and duration in time).

Compilation example

How to make a summary of the physical education classes in the senior group? Let us consider in detail on the example of a lesson in a preschool institution on the topic "Unusual Adventure".

The field of education - " Physical Culture', which integrates with cognitive development, socio-communicative, artistic, aesthetic, speech.

Type of lesson - plot-thematic.

The goal is to teach children to look for a way out of difficult situations, using fantasy, to deal with motor difficulties.

A lesson is held in the sports and music hall.

The total running time is 30 minutes and 2 minutes of reserve time.

Program content

In the abstract of the plot physical education lesson in the senior group, the teacher enters all the tasks that need to be solved.


  • to train children to line up in an organized and fast manner, to stand one by one in a column on the spot and in pairs while walking;
  • learn new exercises
  • keep balance when walking sideways, side steps, keep an equal distance between each other;
  • run evenly and "snake";
  • climb on your knees, under arcs;
  • correctly throw, swing, stuff the ball.


  • develop speed, speed, strength, agility, coordination, endurance, interest in physical education;
  • apply musical, gaming, motor and verbal activities.


  • instill a desire to help;
  • be kind to people;
  • evoke positive emotions;
  • develop discipline and courage.
  • replenish vocabulary;
  • activate children's speech.

Main stages

In the abstract of a game physical education lesson in the senior group preschool Be sure to include the course of the lesson. The main stages and their duration are considered.

  1. Organizational moments (game motivation).
  2. Introductory part.
  3. Main.
  4. Final.
  5. Outcome.

Be sure to allocate spare time.

Let us describe in detail the course of the lesson, which must be included in the summary of physical education classes in the senior group. The table is shown below.

Techniques and methods

Participants enter the hall, build, greet.

Organizing time


The instructor starts talking. He asks children questions: do they know the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", who are the heroes in it. Shows slides.

Here the speech method is used, visual, interest and attention are activated. Conversation.

Main part.

According to the scenario of the fairy tale, the teacher selects exercises to perform. You can use walking, running, rebuilding, breathing exercises (“the forest makes noise”). A number of games are used (with “apples” balls are used, “Babaka-Yozhka”), relay races (“Let's clean the stove”, “Who will catch up with the geese faster”), exercises for balance (“Path in the forest” with gymnastic benches, “Walking on the bridge”, “Who will throw the pebble further”). A detailed scenario and description of which, the instructor enters in his summary of non-traditional physical education classes in the senior group. Slides are shown.

Techniques: activating attention, pointing, instructor's help, reminder, command, learning new exercises, showing movements, repetition, explanation, summarizing answers, evaluating activities.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

In the final part, the instructor finds out if the children liked it, summarizes, gives homework, says goodbye to the children. Participants line up and leave the group.

A command is used.

Each game, relay race, exercise is signed in great detail: what tool was used, how many times, what needs to be done, the sequence, who follows whom, all names are taken into account. The same goes for dialogues. Everyone has their own words, remarks clearly according to the script.

preliminary work

Before the lesson, the teacher draws up a summary of "Physical education in the senior group", which will greatly facilitate its course. Such work takes a lot of time, but in the process of preparation, the instructor will quickly remember the material, see all the strengths, and eliminate mistakes. Be sure to read the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” to the children, if possible, they organize a cartoon viewing, learn counting rhymes and outdoor games with children.

Equipment and demonstration material

The process will require the following equipment:

  • projector;
  • screen;
  • laptop;
  • musical accompaniment;
  • balls;
  • arcs;
  • cords;
  • landmarks;
  • gymnastic bench;
  • costume "Baba Yaga".

Demo material:

  • illustrations for a fairy tale;
  • slides.

As an auxiliary material, a summary of thematic physical education classes in the senior preschool group.

Control over the assimilation of the material

Before the lesson, it is carried out, namely, the construction of children in a line. In the introductory and concluding parts, the frontal organization is used, that is, the performance of tasks by all participants. A subgroup is also added to the main one.

Control over assimilation lies in the fact that through gaming activity the instructor monitors the correct execution of running, walking, balance exercises, rebuilding, compliance with safety rules in outdoor games, and the quality of exercises. The abstract "Physical education in the senior group" is ready.

Open class

Such a lesson is even more exciting for the teacher. Colleagues and management can come to it. Here it is important for the instructor to show himself, his professionalism, the ability to organize children and convey information to them, since this is what will be assessed. In such a situation, it is simply necessary to draw up a detailed outline of an open physical education lesson in the senior group of a preschool educational institution and follow it clearly. Every step, movement, dialogue is written here.

Parents can also be present at such a lesson, who, in turn, will evaluate the attitude of the teacher to the children, as well as how interested they were in the lesson, what they learned new, their skills in general.

Today it is fashionable to be healthy. Modern people take care of themselves, go in for sports, fitness. A child should be taught to be attentive to their health from an early age, which is what the preschool teacher should do, since this is where children spend most of their time. This can be achieved only through games, fairy tales, having interested a small person.

Alexandra Nikolaeva
Physical education in the senior group

Physical education in the senior group.

"Be healthy!"

Target: repeat running, walking in a circle with a change of movements; perform exercises with gymnastic sticks. Practice walking on a gymnastic bench, crawling under an arc and throwing bags at a horizontal target.

Course progress.

Guys! Today on physical education class, we will repeat walking in a circle, with interchangeable movements. Let's do exercises with gymnastic sticks. We will practice maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench, crawling under an arc and throwing a bag at a horizontal target.

Let's go easy

High hip walking

Walking on toes.

High hip walking

Walking on heels, hands behind the head, back straight, look forward.

Easy run

Walking with a high lifting of the hip, we take gymnastic sticks and build in 3 links

Part 2 General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick.

1 exercise "Raising the stick up"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, stick below

1 - stick in front of the chest

2 - stick up

3 - stick in front of the chest

4 - starting position

2 exercise "Stick for the head"

1 - stick up

2 - lower your head

3 - stick up

4 - starting position

3 exercise "Tilts to the side with a stick"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, stick on the chest

1 - stick up

2 - tilt to the right

3 - stick up

4 - starting position

We do the same to the left side, in turn.

4 exercise "Touch the floor with a stick without bending your knees".

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, stick below.

1 - stick forward

2 - lean forward, touch the floor

3 - straighten up, stick up

4 - starting position

5 exercise "Stick Squats"

I .: heels together, socks apart, stick below.

1 - 2 - sit down, stick forward

3 - 4 - starting position

6 exercise "Stick jumping"

I. p .: legs together, stick below

1-2 jump legs apart, stick up

3-4 starting position.

Circle, for the leader go in a circle. Sticks in place in the basket, the children sit down.

The main types of movements.

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other, arms to the sides.

2. Crawl under the arc, clap over the head.

3. Throwing a bag at a horizontal target from a distance of 2 m (right and left hand) alternately).

4 part. Mobile attention game "Find Your Place".

Target: develop coordination of movements, attention, memory. Learn to find your place according to the colored balls. Continue to teach to run in all directions in one direction without bumping into each other.

Material: balls of 3 colors, 3 colored hoops.

Game progress: 3 hoops (red, yellow, green) lie on the floor in different places. To the music, children run scattered in one direction without bumping into each other. In the hands of a colored ball corresponding to one of the colors of the hoop. The music has ended take its place according to the color in the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times.

Program content:

  • Build skills healthy lifestyle life. Exercise children to jump in length from a place.
  • To consolidate the ability to crawl on the bench on the stomach. To improve the ability to walk on the narrow rail of the gymnastic bench.
  • In p / and "Collect streams into the river" to develop speed, agility, endurance. Develop in the game the small muscles of the hands, the articulatory apparatus.
  • Heal the children's body with the help of respiratory and visual gymnastics.
  • Strengthen the arch of the foot with exercises to prevent flat feet. Conducting psycho-gymnastics through the game "I am a doctor".
  • Encourage children to express themselves creatively, develop friendly relationships.


Costumes Moidodyr, Air, Water; musical accompaniment - rhythmic melody + waltz, 3 balloons, pictograms with tasks, jumping mats, landmarks, table with exercise. for the eyes, benches, small cubes or a designer, a set of items for "Guessing", a colorful envelope, large, blue satin ribbons.

Game motivation:

Fizorg: We will dedicate today's lesson to our health, learn about ourselves, learn how to take care of our health in order to be strong, strong, resilient.

There is a knock on the door. Moidodyr (teacher) enters the hall.

Moidodyr: Hello children! I am glad that you invited me to this wonderful hall. But I didn't come alone. My friends are with me. Guess:

Falls in winter
murmurs in spring,
Noisy in summer
Dripping in autumn.

Children: Water (Water enters - the educator plays her role)

It must be clean and fresh.
To let us breathe easily.
You guys tell me what is this? -

Children: Air (Air enters - its role is played by the educator)

Moidodyr: Get ready for the road, go for health!

Method. instructions

1. Introductory part.
Children are built in two columns, a melody sounds.
Walking around the hall, on toes.
Light running on toes "so the water runs."
Walking with high knees
Running with acceleration - "strong current"
snake walking; winding river.
Slow run.
Walking is calm. We breathe through the nose.
Moidodyr:"Here we come to the country of health."
Water and Air:"Why are we needed?"
Children:“For washing; so that there are no germs, you need to wash your hands with soap, the air must be clean.”
Water and Air:“Now we will offer you to breathe through your nose in this fresh room, actively work with your hands and feet and repeat after us.”
To rhythmic music, children take landmarks in the hall.

30 s.
25 s.
8-10 r.
30 s.
30 s
15 s

Check your posture, breathe through your nose.

We actively work with our arms and legs, without bumping into each other.

1) "Tilts of the head." I.p. o.s.

1 - head tilt (to the right) to the shoulder;
2 - i.p.
3 - tilt of the head to the shoulder (to the left);
4 - i.p.
5 - head tilt back; 6 - i.p.
7 - head tilt forward; 8 - i.p.

Not harsh, watch your posture
2) “Let's look out the window” I.p. - standing, legs apart, bent at the knees, arms above your head in the "castle".

1 - head forward ("look out the window");
2 - i.p.;
3 - head back;
4 - i.p.
5 - head to the right;
6 - i.p.
7 - head to the left;
8 - i.p.

Maintain posture, perform rhythmically, closer to the shoulder

a) I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered.

1 - right shoulder up;
2 - i.p.
3 - left shoulder up;
4 - i.p.

b) I.p. Same.

1 - both shoulders up;
2 - i.p.
3 - both shoulders up;
4 - i.p.

c) I.p. Same.

Side step to the right, to the left, raising the shoulders.

Shoulders raise higher, hands on the belt.
4) I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

1, 2, 3, 4 - raise the hands of the right and left hands up and release.
i.p. - the same, circular rotations with the hands forward, backward.

4x2 Actively work with the hands.
5) I.p. o.s.

1 - step to the right (left) arms to the sides;
2 - tilt forward;
3 - straighten up;
4 - i.p.

8 p. Don't bend your knees. When tilted, you can make cotton
6) I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands down

1 - sit down, cross your arms at the top;
2 - i.p.,
3 - sit down, cross your arms below;
4 - i.p.

8 -10 The back is straight. Extend your knees, lift your heels.
7) I.p. - standing, legs apart, arms to the sides

1 - bend the right knee, direct the left elbow towards it;
2 - i.p.,
3 - the same in the other direction;
4 - i.p.

8x2 Higher knees, toe pull
8) I.p. lying on the left (right) side, resting a hand on the head, legs straight

1, 2, 3, 4 - swings with the right (left) foot. Change position, lie either right or left side.

Feet straight pull socks.

9) "We are not afraid of the rain"

Running and jumping in place with different hand positions. Walking.

We land softly, breathe through the nose.
10) Breathing exercises. "Ball"

Inflate the balloon quickly. He gets big.
Suddenly it burst, the air came out - He became thin and thin.
Rebuilding in a column of 3.

Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth.

2. ATS.

Moidodyr: “And now we offer you three balls with tasks. (Pictograms with ATS are attached to the balls, with a different sequence of tasks for each team). Moidodyr works on one, Water on the other, Air on the third).

Children listen carefully to the task.


a) standing long jump
b) visual gymnastics according to the table.

Feet together, pushing hard


a) crawling on the gymnastic bench on the stomach.
b) exercise for the prevention of flat feet. "Porters" - move the cubes, the designer with the help of legs from one place to another.

4-5 p.

Legs are straight, socks are pulled.
Grab hands-free.


a) walking on a narrow rail of a gymnastic bench
b) "Guessing" - blindfolded to grope and guess the object.

Hands to the side.

Moidodyr:"Now I'm handing you a big envelope." What's in it? Many "brooks" - blue ribbons.
P / and "Gather the streams into the river."
scatter run with ribbons
run with acceleration one after another.
Rest: breathing exercises holding the ends, slowly move one after another in a snake.
quickly lay out a stream of ribbons on the floor.
decompose, building a lake from ribbons.
"Traps with Ribbons"

2-3 p.
2-3 p.
2 p.
2 p.
2 - 3 p.

Don't bump into each other.

Do not unhook your hands from the tapes

3. Walking.
Breathing exercises "Let's blow on a stream" (ribbon)
Psycho-gymnastics. "I am a doctor 2003." (see the book by V.T. Kudryavtsev “Developing Pedagogy of Health Improvement Moscow 2000, p. 235). Soft gentle music sounds.
Children sit down in the pose of a fakir, relax, imagine that they are doctors. Put your hand in place.
1. Heart, dear, work well, rhythmically, be kind.
2. Blood, be clean, healthy.
3. Tummy, be soft, my intestines, work precisely and at the right time.
Moidodyr: What good fellows you are!
You were smart, you were strong.
Water: You were strong, You were skillful.
Air: And now it's time to say goodbye...
We wish you to be tempered.
Moidodyr, Air and Water:
Sun, air, sport, water are our best friends.
Children: Physical training.
Music sounds. Everyone leaves.

breathe properly


Program content:

Teach children a set of exercises with flags; strengthen the back muscles and form the correct posture. To consolidate the ability to jump in length from a place, crawl under the gymnastic bench.

Improve the ability to climb the gymnastic wall in the same and different ways; walk with balance on a limited surface. Improve the ability to throw at a moving target.

To develop endurance in children, speed of movement in the mobile-game relay race "Journey along the bottom of the sea." Develop children's imagination, clarity and expressiveness of actions, enrich emotional experience.


Pebbles, flags, three cardboard plates, three felt-tip pens, pictograms with tasks, a gymnastic bench, upturned benches, large balls, “Apple” musical records, rhythmic music.


Game motivation:

Guys! Today we will go on a "sea" journey, first we will sail on a ship, we will be sailors, as you know, brave sailors, strong people, they know many professions: they are swimmers, good divers, signalmen, they have a captain. Ruslan will be the captain today. I am a marine instructor.



Introductory part.

Marine instructor: We go ashore for the captain in a column one at a time. (Walking one after another.)
"The sun is shining, it's very hot, the sand is hot: let's sunbathe"
- hands up, walk on tiptoes,
rolling from heel to toe,
snake - "we go around large stones on the shore."
"The sun warmed the sand even more" - they jumped, ran with the usual run on the sand, raise their knees higher, "jump over the pebbles."

30 sec.
10-12 sh.
12-15 sh.
25 sec.
2-3 p.

Back straight

breathe through the nose

feet together, help with hands

a) The game is a task. "Ships ply the ocean."
Marine instructor commands:
- Boys, line up! Girls line up on the opposite side of the playground! March on the spot! Forward march! (The column goes around, the line - across the hall). On the spot!
When the leader of the column reached the diagonally opposite corner - to the left!
Look, children: the column has become a line, and the line has become a column. We, like "ships", continue to move.

b) Game - task "Storm at sea"
Big waves tore the ships
Scatter run.

"The storm subsides. The ships enter the port."
Children dismantle the flags on the go and become three columns in the hall.

be careful, keep your distance
outdoor switchgear

Marine instructor: " I am the signalman on the wharf, and you are the signalmen on the ships. I give the signal, and you must repeat it exactly."

Exercises are done with musical accompaniment twice. Three columns are three ships with sailors, with three names. Children write the name of their ships on three cardboard strips and fix them on the wall. (For example: "Fast", "Skorokhod", "Courageous", etc.)

Outdoor switchgear "Sea signalers"

1) I.p. o.s. Flags to the side; 2 - up; 3 - forward; 4 - i.p.
2) I. p. o.s. Flags up; 1,2,3 - swing your arms to the sides. 4 - i.p.
3) I.p. o.s. Flags to the side. 1 - lunge forward with the right foot; 2 - i.p.; 3 - lunge forward with the left foot; 4 - i.p.
4) I.p. kneeling, flags to the sides 1 - sit on the right at the heels, flags up; 2 - i.p. 3- sit on the right at the heels, flags up, 4 - sp.
5) I.p. lying on its side (left right side), the hand rests on the elbow. 1 - wave the arm and leg up, at the same time 2 - I.p.
6) I.p. lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. 1 - inhale, flags up and cross, bend over; 2 - exhale, i.p.
7) I.p. o.s. 1,2,3,4 - jumping on 2 legs, waving flags, 5, 6, 7, 8 - walking.

The children put the flags in place. The marine instructor says: "We need to explore the bottom."

Continuation of ORU "Divers".

8) Wave-like movements of the hands on the floor - "pushing the water apart, we sink to the bottom: inhale - exhale.
9) "Meeting with the ships" - movement, sp. sitting on the floor, legs together, emphasis with hands behind. 1.- bend your legs, 2- push off, 3- advance 4 times - forward, 4 back.
10) "Meeting with a starfish" I.p. lying on the stomach. 1 - legs, arms to the sides, 2 - sp.
11) "Meeting with the little mermaid" I.p. sitting, hands on back.
a) 1 - raise your legs to the "corner". 2 - lower.
b) "the torso of a mermaid also appeared" 1 - lift up the pelvis; 2 - i.p.
12) I.p. sit down. Jumping up - "surfacing" onto the deck.
Deck walking.

2 p.
2 p.

15 s

Execute movements clearly
Hands are straight, the pace is peppy,
the back is straight.

sock pull

legs are straight, arms are straight.

Bend over, pull socks
Arms straight, jump gently

Legs straight, arms moving smoothly
pull socks, head up.

Perform smoothly, head up.
Socks pull, legs, arms, straight.
Raise the pelvis higher.
Hands up, push off harder, land on bent legs. Jump high and soft.


The ships are on the road. Teachings begin. The commander gives tasks, distributes pictograms. They have a poem written on them.:

Sailors "dashing people"
They like to do:
Run, jump, climb, swim,
Even somersault.
We give a little time for the task.
Try to do everything smartly and sensibly.

Children disperse with their pictograms like "ships".

1) Divers.

Crawling under the gymnastic bench.
+ "Collect beautiful pebbles from the bottom of the sea" (with the help of legs).

2) "We climb on the mast of the ship."

Climbing the gymnastic ladder (one and the same way)

3) "By masts and yards".

Walking on an inverted gymnastic bench, arms to the sides.

4) "Sea battle".

Try the guys to hit the "torpedo", I will quickly roll the balls, and you roll yours, trying to hit one of my balls.


slopes below
grasp with the tips of the toes

perform the correct grip
back straight

Hit accurately, throw in different ways

"We need to take a break."

Breathing exercises.

1) "What a big sea."

I.p.o.s. 1-inhale - arms to the sides, up, rise on toes; 2- exhale - hands down. ("Oh!"); 3-4 is the same.

2) "Seagulls catch fish in the water."

I.p. - legs apart, arms lowered 1-inhale - torso tilt forward, arms to the sides; 2 - exhale - return to ip; 3-4 - i.p.

3) "The dolphin is swimming".

I.p. - legs apart, arms bent at the elbows 1 - breath. 2 - exhale, lean forward, touch the left bent knee with the right elbow. 3 - breath in I.P. 4 - exhale - lean forward, touch the right knee with the left elbow and return to the SP.

We inhale with the nose, lower the hands through to the sides

Don't bend your knees

Toe pull

The marine instructor says: "Now we have rested, gained strength, it's time to compete, reads a poem:

At the bottom of the sea, among marvelous corals,
Lives a wonderful, amazing "people"
Crawls and swims beautifully...
But where, why, no one will figure it out.

Game - relay race "Journey along the bottom of the sea".

1) "Crabs - go ahead."

a) emphasis of hands behind, advance. forward, fold. and bend. knees.
b) Grabbing objects with hands ("claws"), move them.

2) "And the cancer, look, deftly moves back."

Walking on low all fours back

3) Who is walking cheerfully? Of course, this is a good octopus!

Walking on high on all fours with support on the fingers and toes

4) The seahorse frolics and plays.

Leap forward and sideways jump!
(jump with moving forward squatting, hands on knees)

Well done! The results of the competition are summed up. Everyone dances to the tune of the dance "Apple"

Distance 5-6m.
6-8 times

Work harder with arms and legs

We work more actively with our hands and legs to lower our heads down.

Show creativity

We all sit in boats, the ships remain in the roadstead, and we move towards the shore.

Imitation of the movement "Rowers".

I.p. sit on the floor in Turkish - an imitation of the movements of the oars with your hands.

Work hard

a) Muscle relaxation according to the method of D. Jacobson.
i.p. standing, legs apart, hands behind the back.

It began to rock the boat,
Press your foot to the stone!
We press the leg firmly,
And we relax the other.
Sat down. Hands on your knees
And now a little laziness.
The tension has flown
And the whole body relaxed.
Our muscles are not tired
And they became even more obedient.
We breathe easily ... evenly ... deeply ...

b) Game m / n "Find a pebble".

The players stand facing the center, hands behind their backs. On a signal, the children pass a pebble behind their backs, in the center is the driver. Start on the signal. The driver determines who has this moment pebble. If the driver guessed correctly, then the player whose item was found becomes the driver.

c) "Sea figures".

Two teams (girls and boys) Demonstration of any pose under the agreement, you need to guess if the answer correct figure alive, moving.

d) Game m / n "The sea is worried."

The children leave, turning into a stream, moving one after another.

e) Visual gymnastics (imitation of movements)

"We look through a telescope" or "binoculars"
right, left, far
"strong wind" - blink
"waves" - eyes left, right
"Night - dark" - close your eyes.

In conclusion, the facilitator thanks the children, sums up the lesson.

We breathe evenly, calmly