Test to measure the speed of action. Tests to determine the level of development of strength abilities

    What is a test? A test is a short-term technically relatively simple test, which has the form of such a task, the solution of which can be quantified and serves as an indicator of the degree of development of present moment known function in the subjects. The testing process is called testing, and the resulting numerical value is called the testing result.

    1. Six minute test.
    2. Running for 600; 800; 1000 m
    3. March - 3000-5000 m.

    Run for 200; 300; 400 m

    1. Pull-ups on the crossbar.
    2. Push-ups from the floor.
    3. From i.p. lying on the mat, hands behind the head, legs bent in knee joint- raising and lowering the body.
    4. Rope climbing.
    1. Jump up from a place.
    2. Standing long jump.
    3. Triple jump from a place.
    4. Five jump from a place.
    5. Depth jump.

    a) over the head

    b) from behind;

    c) bottom to top.

    1. Shot put.
    2. Throwing a grenade from a running start.
    1. shuttle run 330 m; 510 m
    2. Zigzag run.

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""Testing to determine the motor abilities of students" "

Testing to determine the motor abilities of students is one of the stages of health-saving technology

on lessons physical education

In high school, in order to plan properly training process, the teacher needs to diagnose the preparedness of schoolchildren in physical education classes. Readiness diagnostics is understood as an objective assessment of the state motor function involved, as well as their sports and technical skills.

Operational control - the effect of one training session.

Most often, I need to carry out control after 1-2 months of preparation. This is how indicators of the level of development of motor qualities are assessed, the degree of mastery of technical skills.

To get reliable information, I need to know:

    what and when to measure;

    what should be the level and dynamics of benchmarks.

The assessment of the state should not and cannot be reduced in the course of pedagogical control and assessment of any one indicator, but involves taking into account and analyzing the totality of a number of parameters. To assess the preparedness of those involved with the help of tests, it is necessary that these exercises correspond to the specifics sports discipline, gender, age, qualification characteristics of students, and the tests themselves were reliable, informative.

What is a test? A test is a short-term technically relatively simple test, which has the form of such a task, the solution of which can be quantified and serves as an indicator of the degree of development of a known function in the subjects at the given moment. The testing process is called testing, and the resulting numerical value is called the testing result.

Tests based on motor tasks are called motor or motor tests.

One of the main conditions is the simplicity of tests, the admissibility of measurements for the teacher and ease for students. Measurement of various aspects of students' readiness should be carried out systematically, which makes it possible to compare the values ​​of indicators at different stages of training. Accuracy of control results is needed, which depends on the standardization of test execution and measurement of results.

At present, sports practice has a fairly large number of tests, with the help of which physical fitness students of various ages. I offer you common tests to determine the motor abilities of children and adolescents involved in physical education.

Endurance Tests

    Six minute test.

    Running for 600; 800; 1000 m

    Forced march - 3000-5000 m.

    Sports walking 1000; 2000; 5000 m

To determine speed endurance.

Run for 200; 300; 400 m

Speed ​​Tests

    Frequency of movements in running on the spot for 1 minute; 30 sec.; 10 sec.

    Fast run from a low start to 20 m; 30 m; 60 m; 100 m

    Fast run on the move for 20 m; 30 m; 40 m

    Fast run from a high start at 30 m; 40 m; 60 m; 80 m; 100 m

    Relay race: 850 m; 580 m; 4100 m

With children of primary school age, various relay races (" fun starts”) to cultivate speed.

Tests to determine power abilities

    Dynamometry (determination of hand strength).

    Pull-ups on the crossbar.

    Push-ups from the floor.

    From a hanging position, straight leg raises.

    From i.p. lying on the mat, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knee joint - raising and lowering the body.

    Rope climbing.

    Lifting the bar to the chest (50-95% of the maximum).

    Snatch (50-90% of maximum weight).

    squat with a barbell (50-90% of the maximum weight for a while).

Tests to determine speed-strength abilities

    Jump up from a place.

    Standing long jump.

    Triple jump from a place.

    Five jump from a place.

    Depth jump.

    Throwing a stuffed ball from various starting positions with both hands:

a) over the head

b) from behind;

c) bottom to top.

    For children of primary school age, throwing tennis ball from a run, with one hand, at a distance.

    Shot put.

    Throwing a grenade from a running start.

    Jumping on two legs over the rope for a while (for one minute).

Flexibility Tests

    Tilt the torso forward from a gray-haired position, legs together.

    From i.p. standing with legs together tilting the torso forward.

    Bridge. When performing the bridge, the distance from the heels to the fingertips of the subject is measured.

    Breeding the legs to the sides (longitudinal, cross twine). The distance from the top of the corner to the floor is measured.

Assessment Tests coordination abilities

    Shuttle run 330 m; 510 m

    Throwing a tennis ball on the accuracy of hitting the target.

    Zigzag run.

    Throwing a tennis ball at a target while standing with your back to the target (throwing the ball over your shoulder or head).

    Releasing the stick (the teacher holds gymnastic stick by the upper end on the outstretched arm, the tested person holds an open hand on the outstretched arm at the lower end of the stick. The teacher releases the stick, the test-taker must catch it).

    Stand on one leg. The test subject closes his eyes and stands on one leg, the other is bent at the knee joint and deployed. Heel bent leg touches the knee of the supporting leg, hands on the belt. The teacher turns on the stopwatch. The indicator of retention of time for balance is fixed.

    Performing various complex coordination exercises (high jump with a run, long jump with a run, hurdles, etc.).

Control exercises (tests) for assessing speed abilities are divided into four groups: 1) for assessing speed

simple and complex reactions; 2) to estimate the speed of a single movement; 3) to assess the maximum speed of movements in different joints; 4) to assess the speed manifested in integral motor actions, most often in running short distances.

Control exercises for assessing the speed of a simple and complex reaction. The simple reaction time is measured under conditions where both the type of signal and the method of response are known in advance (for example, when the light comes on, release the button, start running when the starter fires, etc.).

Under laboratory conditions, the reaction time to light, sound is determined using chronoreflexometers, which determine the reaction time with an accuracy of 0.01 or 0.001 s. To estimate the time of a simple reaction, at least 10 attempts are used and the average response time is determined.

When measuring a simple reaction, you can use a ruler 40 cm long (Fig. 13).

In competitive conditions, the time of a simple reaction is measured using contact data.

chiki placed in starting blocks (Athletics), starting bollard in the pool (swimming), etc.

A complex reaction is characterized by the fact that the type of signal and, as a result, the method of response are unknown (such reactions are characteristic mainly of games and martial arts). It is very difficult to register the time of such a reaction in competitive conditions.

In laboratory conditions, the choice reaction time is measured as follows: the subject is presented with slides with game or combat situations. Having assessed the situation, the subject reacts either by pressing a button, or by a verbal response, or by a special action.

Control exercises for assessing the speed of single movements. Time of hitting, passing the ball, throwing, one step, etc. determined using biomechanical equipment.

Control exercises to assess the maximum frequency of movements in different joints. The frequency of movements of the arms and legs is assessed using tapping tests. The number of movements of the hands (alternately or one) or legs (alternately or one) is recorded in 5-20 s.

Control exercises for assessing the speed shown in integral motor actions. Running at 30, 50, 60, 100 meters for the speed of overcoming the distance (from a low and high start). Time measurement is carried out in two ways: manually (with a stopwatch) and automatically using photoelectronic and laser devices, which allow recording the most important indicators: speed dynamics, length and frequency of steps, time of individual phases of movement.

7.4. Endurance and the basics of the methodology for its education


Endurance is the ability to withstand physical fatigue during muscular activity. The measure of endurance is the time during which muscular activity of a certain nature and intensity is carried out. For example, in cyclic types exercise(walking, running, swimming, etc.) the minimum overcoming time is measured given distance. In gaming activities and martial arts, the time is measured during which the level of a given efficiency of motor activity is carried out. In complex coordination activities related to the performance of movement accuracy (artistic gymnastics, figure skating etc.), an indicator of endurance is the stability of a technically correct performance of an action.

Distinguish between general and special endurance. General endurance - this is the ability to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time with the global functioning of muscle

noah system. In another way, it is also called aerobic endurance. The man who can endure long run at a moderate pace for a long time, is able to perform other work at the same pace (swimming, cycling, etc.). The main components of general endurance are the possibilities of the aerobic energy supply system, functional and biomechanical economization.

General endurance plays a significant role in optimizing life, acts as an important component of physical health and, in turn, serves as a prerequisite for the development of special endurance.

Special Endurance- this is endurance in relation to a certain motor activity. Special endurance is classified: according to the signs of a motor action, with the help of which a motor task is solved (for example, jumping endurance); according to the signs of motor activity, in the conditions of which the motor task is solved (for example, game endurance); according to signs of interaction with other physical qualities (abilities) necessary for the successful solution of a motor task (for example, power endurance, speed endurance, coordination endurance, etc.).

Special endurance depends on the capabilities of the neuromuscular apparatus, the speed of consumption of resources of intramuscular energy sources, on the technique of mastering a motor action and the level of development of other motor abilities.

Different types of endurance are independent or little dependent on each other. For example, you can have high strength endurance, but insufficient speed or low coordination endurance.

The manifestation of endurance in various types of motor activity depends on many factors: bioenergetic, functional and biochemical economization, functional stability, personal-psychic, genotype (heredity), environment, etc.

Bioenergetic Factors include the amount of energy resources that the body has, and the functionality of its systems (respiration, cardiovascular, excretion, etc.), which ensure the exchange, production and restoration of energy in the process of work. The formation of energy necessary for endurance work occurs as a result of chemical transformations. In this case, the main sources of energy production are aerobic, anaerobic glycolytic and anaerobic alactate reactions, which are characterized by the rate of energy release, the amount of fats, carbohydrates, glycogen, ATP, CTP allowed for use, as well as the allowable

the volume of metabolic changes in the body (N. I. Volkov, 1976).

physiological basis endurance are the aerobic capabilities of the body, which provide a certain amount of energy in the process of work and contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after work of any duration and power, ensuring the fastest removal of metabolic products.

Anaerobic alactic energy sources play a decisive role in maintaining performance in exercises of maximum intensity lasting up to 15–20 s.

Anaerobic glycolytic sources are the main ones in the process of energy supply of work lasting from 20 s to 5-6 min.

Factors of functional and biochemical enonomization determine the ratio of the result of the exercise and the costs of achieving it. Usually, efficiency is associated with the energy supply of the body during work, and since the energy resources (substrates) in the body are almost always limited either due to their small volume or due to factors that hinder their consumption, the human body seeks to perform work at the expense of a minimum of energy consumption. At the same time, the higher the qualification of an athlete, especially in sports that require the manifestation of endurance, the higher the efficiency of the work performed by him.

Economization has two sides: mechanical (or biomechanical), depending on the level of technical proficiency or rational tactics competitive activity; physiological and biochemical (or functional), which is determined by what proportion of the work is done due to the energy of the oxidative system without the accumulation of lactic acid, and if we consider this process even deeper, then due to what proportion of the use of fats as an oxidation substrate.

Factors of functional stability allow you to maintain the activity of the functional systems of the body during adverse changes in its internal environment caused by work (increase in oxygen debt, increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the blood, etc.). The ability of a person to maintain the given technical and tactical parameters of activity, despite increasing fatigue, depends on functional stability.

Personal and mental factors have a great influence on the manifestation of endurance, especially in difficult conditions. These include motivation to achieve high results, the stability of the installation on the process and the results of long-term activities, as well as such strong-willed qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, endurance and the ability to endure unfavorable

nye shifts in the internal environment of the body, to perform work through "I can not."

Genotype (heredity) and environmental factors. General (aerobic) endurance is moderately strongly determined by the influence of hereditary factors (heredity coefficient from 0.4 to 0.8). The genetic factor significantly affects the development of the anaerobic capabilities of the body. High heredity coefficients (0.62-0.75) were found in static endurance; for dynamic strength endurance, the influences of heredity and environment are approximately the same.

Hereditary factors have a greater effect on the female body when working at submaximal power, and on the male body when working at moderate power.

Special exercises and living conditions significantly affect the growth of endurance. In those involved in various sports, the indicators for endurance of this motor quality are significantly (sometimes 2 times or more) superior to those of those who do not go in for sports. For example, athletes who train in endurance running have 80% or more maximum oxygen consumption (VOC) values ​​or more than the average person.

Endurance development comes from preschool age up to 30 years (and to loads moderate intensity and above). The most intensive increase is observed from 14 to 20 years.

Tasks for the development of endurance. The main task for the development of endurance in schoolchildren is to create conditions for a steady increase in overall aerobic endurance based on various kinds motional activity provided for mastering in compulsory physical education programs.

There are also tasks for the development of speed, power and coordination-motor endurance. To solve them means to achieve a versatile and harmonious development of motor abilities. Finally, another task arises from the need to achieve the highest possible level of development of those types and types of endurance that play a particularly important role in sports chosen as a subject of sports specialization.

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Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov B.C.
X 73 Theory and methodology physical education and sports: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p. ISBN 5-7695-0567-2

physical education
Chapter 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE THEORY AND METHODS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1.1. The essence and causes of the emergence of physical education in society The emergence of physical education

Physical exercise
Physical exercise

The healing powers of nature
The healing forces of nature have a significant impact on those who exercise. Changes in meteorological conditions (solar radiation, effects of air temperature and

hygiene factors
The hygienic factors that promote health and increase the effect of physical exercises on the human body, stimulating the development of the adaptive properties of the body, include

Visibility methods
In physical education, methods of providing visibility contribute to the visual, auditory and motor perception of the tasks being performed. These include: 1) the method of direct

The principle of consciousness and activity
The purpose of the principle of consciousness and activity in physical education is to form a deeply meaningful attitude, stable interest and needs for physical education among those involved.

The principle of visibility
The principle of visualization obliges to build the process of physical education with the wide use of visualization in training and education. Visibility means engaging the senses

The principle of accessibility and individualization
The principle of accessibility and individualization in physical education means the requirement of optimal correspondence of the tasks, means and methods of physical education to the abilities of those involved. Etc

The essence of the principle of continuity in physical education is revealed in the following main provisions. 1. The first position of the principle of continuity assumes that the process of physical reproduction

The principle of systemic alternation of loads and rest
The systemic alternation of loads and rest in the process of physical education is an important provision, on which the total effect of classes ultimately depends. Operating with different options

The principle of gradual build-up of developing and training influences
This principle necessitates a systematic increase in the requirements for the manifestation of those involved in movement.

The principle of adapted balancing of load dynamics
Three main provisions follow from this principle, in accordance with which the typical forms of the dynamics of the total load are determined within the framework of the stages of physical education.

The principle of age adequacy of the directions of physical education
This principle obliges to consistently change the direction of physical education in accordance with the age stages and stages of a person, i.e. in relation to changing periods of ontogeny

The law of no limit in the development of motor skill
Improving motor action practically continues throughout the entire time of classes in the chosen direction of physical education. 5. The law of movement transfer

fixed assets
1. Exercises with the weight of external objects: barbells with a set of discs different weight, collapsible dumbbells, weights, stuffed balls, partner's weight, etc. 2. Exercises aggravated by body weight

Strength Training Methods
In the practice of physical education, a large number of methods are used aimed at educating various types of strength abilities. The most common of them are presented in the table.

Education of the actual power abilities with the use of unlimited weights
For the education of the actual strength abilities and the simultaneous increase muscle mass use exercises performed at an average and variable pace. Moreover, each exercise is performed before I

Education of strength endurance using non-limiting weights
The essence of this technique lies in the repeated repetition of an exercise with a weight of light weight (from 30 to 60% of the maximum) with a number of repetitions from 20 to 70. Where a specialized exercise

Education of actual strength abilities using near-limit and limit weights
The essence of this technique lies in the application of exercises performed: 1) in the overcoming mode of muscle work; 2) in the inferior mode of muscle work. The education of the actual power is capable

Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of strength abilities
In the practice of physical education, quantitative and strength capabilities are evaluated in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers (Fig. 12, 4), dynamographs, strain gauges

Means of educating speed abilities
The means of developing speed are exercises performed at maximum or near-limit speed (i.e., high-speed exercises). They can be divided into three main groups (V. I. Lyakh, 1997

Methods for educating speed abilities
The main methods of education speed abilities are: 1) methods of strictly regulated exercise; 2) competitive method; 3) game method.

Methods of developing speed abilities Education of the speed of a simple motor reaction
At present, there are enough situations in physical education and sports where high reaction speed is required, and its improvement by one tenth or even hundredths of a second (and speech

Raising the speed of complex motor reactions
Complex motor reactions are found in activities characterized by a constant and sudden change in the situation of actions (mobile and sports games, martial arts, etc.)

Education of speed of movement
The external manifestation of the speed of movements is expressed by the speed of motor acts and is always supported not only by speed, but also by other abilities (strength, coordination, endurance, etc.).

Endurance Education Means
The means of developing general (aerobic) endurance are exercises that cause maximum performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Muscular work is provided by

Methods of education of general endurance
For the development of general endurance, cyclic exercises lasting at least 15-20 minutes are most widely used, performed in aerobic mode. They run in standard continuous mode.

Education of endurance by influencing the anaerobic capabilities of a person
The development of endurance by influencing anaerobic capabilities is based on the adaptation of the body to work in conditions of accumulation of underoxidized products of energy supply and character.

Features of education of specific types of endurance
An analysis of literary sources shows that at present over 20 types of special endurance can be named. Speed ​​endurance is manifested mainly in activity

Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of endurance development
One of the main criteria of endurance is the time during which a person is able to maintain a given intensity of activity. Based on this criterion, direct and indirect

Means and methods of educating flexibility
As a means of developing flexibility, exercises that can be performed with maximum amplitude are used. They are otherwise called stretching exercises. Main

Methodology for developing flexibility
For the development and improvement of flexibility, it is methodically important to determine the optimal proportions in the use of stretching exercises, as well as the correct dosage of loads. If you require

Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of flexibility development
The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that can be achieved by the subject. The amplitude of movements is measured in angular degrees or in linear measures, using

Means of education of coordination abilities
The practice of physical education and sports has a huge arsenal of means for influencing coordination abilities. The main means of educating coordination abilities

Methodical approaches and methods of education of coordination abilities
When educating coordination abilities, the following main methodological approaches are used. 1. Teaching new diverse movements with a gradual increase in their coordination

Methodology for improving the spatial, temporal and power accuracy of movements
The methodology for improving the accuracy of movements includes means and methods aimed at developing the ability to reproduce, evaluate, as well as to differentiate spatial, temporal and

Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of coordination abilities
The variety of types of motor coordination abilities does not allow estimating the level of their development according to one unified criterion. Therefore, in physical education and sports, they use time

Extracurricular forms of classes
As mentioned above, small, large and competitive forms of non-school activities are used in mass physical culture and sports practice. For small forms of employment are characteristic:

Requirements for planning in physical education
1. Target orientation of the pedagogical process. It consists in the requirement to determine the ultimate goal of this process and the subordination (selection) of all its content, methods and forms of organization

Forms of organization of physical education at school
In the system of physical education of schoolchildren, various forms of organizing physical exercises are used. 1. Lesson of physical culture. The main form of physical education

Forms of physical education in the family
The most common forms of physical education for school-age children in the family include: 1) morning hygienic gymnastics (exercise); 2) physical education m

Dosing physical activity in the classroom
Physical load is a certain measure of the influence of physical exercises on the body of those involved. The load dose is a certain value of it, measured by the parameters of the volume

Explanatory letter
The work plan for teaching the subject "Physical Education" was drawn up for the II quarter for the V grade on the basis of the official program for the subject for a general education school. The working plan envisages

Lesson 6
1. Communication of knowledge on drill exercises and technique of exercises on uneven bars and high crossbar. 2. Rebuilding from a column one at a time to a column of three and times

Theory and methodology of sports
Chapter 17. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SPORT 17.1. Basic concepts related to sports. Classification of sports Sports as a multifaceted social phenomenon is a field of training.

Sports and tactical training
Sports and tactical training is a pedagogical process aimed at mastering rational forms of conducting wrestling in the process of a specific competitive activity

Physical training
Physical training is a pedagogical process aimed at educating physical qualities and development of functional capabilities that create favorable conditions for the improvement of all

mental preparation
mental preparation- this is a system of psychological and pedagogical influences used to form and improve athletes' personality traits and mental qualities necessary for

Physical culture
Chapter 23. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF IMPROVING PHYSICAL CULTURE 23.1. wellness orientation as essential principle systems of physical education The essence of this principle

Aerobics is a system of exercises in cyclic sports associated with the manifestation of endurance (walking, running, swimming, etc.), aimed at increasing the functional

Rhythmic gymnastics
Rhythmic gymnastics is a kind of health-improving gymnastics, the main content of which is general developmental exercises, running, jumping and

Shaping (from the English shaping - to shape, form) is a system of physical exercises (mainly strength) for women, aimed at shaping the figure and improving

Callanetics is a program of 30 exercises for women, performed mainly in isometric mode and causing the activity of deep muscle groups. The author of this

Hydroaerobics is a system of physical exercises in water, performed to music, combining elements of swimming, gymnastics, stretching, strength exercises(Fig. 44). Use

Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises are special exercises for the development of respiratory muscles. There are many systems breathing exercises. These are yoga breathing exercises.

Equally important are the game and competitive methods, the use of which creates an additional incentive for the maximum manifestation of speed capabilities by increasing interest, motivation, emotional uplift, and the spirit of competition among those involved.

effective method increasing speed capabilities is also a variable method.

1.4 Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of speed abilities

Control exercises for assessing speed abilities are divided into four groups: 1) for assessing the speed of a simple and complex reaction; 2) to estimate the speed of a single movement; 3) to assess the maximum speed of movements in different joints; 4) to assess the speed shown in integral motor actions, most often in sprinting.

1.5 Education of motor quality speed

When teaching the basics of technique and tactics of the game, the teacher needs to achieve an increase in the level of speed, speed-strength abilities and jumping endurance of students.

To develop the speed of movement, speed exercises are used. The duration of one repetition of a speed exercise varies depending on the gender, age, preparedness of students and specific tasks - from 2-3 to 10-12 s. The length of the distance is chosen so that the intensity of work remains maximum until the end of the attempt. The number of repetitions is no more than 5-6.

Rest intervals between attempts are from 1 to 2-3 minutes. To maintain the excitability of the central nervous system enough high level, pauses between repetitions are filled with exercises of low intensity, during which the same muscle groups, as in the main exercise. For example, if students make a series of jerks with the ball, then they return to the starting point by slow running or calm walking, dribbling or juggling the ball.

In order to prevent the formation of the so-called "speed barrier", which consists in stabilizing the speed and frequency of movements, various game means are included in the lessons, constantly varying them. This is one of the reasons for the widespread use of outdoor games and relay races in the education of speed, during which students adapt to non-standard conditions: they move in the most unexpected ways, instantly react to a change of scenery. .

For the development of speed-strength qualities, various jumps, various exercises with basketball and stuffed balls, select such exercises, which in terms of coordination are similar to the already mastered motor skills. Movements are performed with full amplitude, for example, squats end with a jump, throwing movements are often used, etc.

The intensity and duration of work in each attempt, the number of repetitions, the duration and continuation of rest pauses - remain the same as in speed exercises. It is no coincidence that exercises for the development of speed and speed-strength qualities are recommended to be combined into complexes. This creates additional convenience in organizing classes and increases the motor density of a physical education lesson by eliminating the loss of time for students to rebuild.

To increase the jumping ability of schoolchildren, combinations of various jumps into the “depth” are used, followed by jumping onto some kind of elevation or jumping up and reaching for a highly located object (for example, a ball that the teacher holds in his raised hand, a basketball net or the lower edge of the shield), numerous jump options gymnastic bench. .

An important place in the speed-strength training of students in football lessons is given to outdoor games, relay races with a large set of jumping, throwing and shock character. For example, in grades IV-V, such games as "Hunter and Ducks", "Shootout", "Jumpers" are held, and in senior grades - various versions of the "Caterpillar" relay race, the game "Struggle for the rebound", etc. It is also useful to perform speed-strength exercises in a competitive way, setting students the following tasks: “Who will make a five-fold jump further?”, “Who will throw a stuffed (basketball) ball higher?”, “Which pair will make 10 passes faster in a sitting position on the floor?" and others. When choosing the means of speed-strength training, preference is given to movements similar in structure and execution conditions to game motor actions. So, more and more often they give such tasks: perform one or another technique of dribbling in a jump (most often catch-pass); turn 90, 180, 360o; intercept a high-flying ball; cover the opponent's throw, etc. Both before repulsion and immediately after landing, when performing jumps, the teacher monitors the observance of the correct game stance and the rational technique of all movements of the players . .

To develop jumping endurance, separate classes include such special exercises and games in which the player’s ability to perform maximum power jumps for a long time is developed. For example, having caught the ball in a jump, have time to pass it to a partner before landing, throw it into the basket or hit the basketball backboard. Various multi-hops are used, performed over an increasing distance.

Jumping with a rope contributes not only to the development of jumping endurance, but also to an increase in jumping ability and general endurance, improvement of coordination of movements, strengthening the muscles of the lower leg and hands. However, not all children by the fourth grade know how to handle a rope. Therefore, they must first be taught the skills of jumping rope. No more than 1-2 lessons are spent on this, and for those who continue to lag behind, individual homework is developed.

Rope jumps are performed in different ways in terms of the nature of movements and the degree of complexity. You can jump sequentially, stepping over the rope with each foot, pushing off the floor at the same time with two legs, on one leg. You can make intermediate jumps between jumps; rotate the rope forward and backward; make one or two turns in one jump; perform turns around its axis by 45, 90, 180o; jump in a semi-squat; bend your legs back in flight or take your knees forward and up. With interest, high school students perform joint jumps over the rope, two or three of them, located with the back of the head or sideways to each other. However, initially it is necessary that students master the skill of jumping with a push with two legs with forward rotation of the rope and then move on to studying other varieties. .

In order for students to perform jumps at a given pace, you can control them with a metronome. In the absence of a metronome, the teacher invites students to independently calculate how many jumps (turns of the rope) they make in one minute, giving a signal at the beginning of the exercise.

At the second stage (11-14 years old) the formation of tactical skills takes place. Improvement of previously studied tactical actions is carried out by repeated repetition of game and special exercises. At this stage, it is advisable to use exercises in which the player is asked to perform a specific task, for example, to “close” a certain player, perform an “opening” at speed, use an opponent’s stroke when attacking, etc. at the second stage, the football player begins to learn the ability to interact with a partner with further improvement of these actions. The trainer selects exercises for learning simple interactions: playing the "net", "crossing". A necessary tool for teaching tactical actions at this stage is watching the games of the teams of masters, analyzing the games of your team using video recording. . .

1) the speed of a simple and complex reaction;

2) starting speed;

3) remote speed;

4) speed of braking movements;

5) speed of execution techniques games;

6) the speed of switching from one action to another.

These speed abilities of hockey players in a competitive environment, as a rule, are manifested in complex forms. Therefore, in the practice of hockey, it is customary to assess the level of speed abilities of a hockey player by performing a high-speed maneuver on skates, during which almost all components of the structure of speed readiness are manifested in an organic relationship.

Skating includes three relatively independent phases:

  1. start. During the match, there are a lot of game situations that require starting from different positions and in different directions;
  2. stabilization - cyclic movements during sliding, characterized by repulsive force and frequency of steps;
  3. turns - change the direction of sliding.

The manifestation of forms of speed and speed of movements depends on a number of factors:

  1. the state of the central nervous system and the neuromuscular apparatus of a person;
  2. morphological features muscle tissue and its composition (i.e. the ratio of fast, slow and intermediate fibers);
  3. the ability of muscles to contract and relax quickly;
  4. quantities (adenosine triphosphoric acid - and creatine phosphate - CRF);
  5. coordination;
  6. the biological rhythm of the life of the organism;
  7. sex and age;
  8. natural speed abilities of a person.

The speed of the reaction from the point of view of physiology depends on the speed of the following phases:

  1. the occurrence of excitation in the receptor (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) involved in the perception of the signal;
  2. transfer of excitation to the central nervous system;
  3. movement of signal information along the nerve pathways, its analysis and the formation of an efferent signal;
  4. transition of the efferent signal from the central nervous system to the muscle;
  5. muscle excitation and the appearance of an activity mechanism in it.

Speed ​​Ability Tests

Tests for assessing speed abilities are divided into five groups:

  1. speed of simple and complex reactions;
  2. single movement speed;
  3. maximum speed of movement;
  4. speed, manifested in integral motor actions:
  5. starting speed,
  6. remote speed;
  7. braking speed.

It should be noted that the dependences between elementary and complex forms of manifestation of speed are very small.

In hockey, there are practically no elementary forms. Therefore, to assess the speed abilities of hockey players, it is not recommended to use tests that are mainly aimed at assessing a simple non-specific reaction, the speed of local movement (tapping tests), etc., since their information content for game types sports is small.

Tests to assess the speed of single movements

Time of throw, push, one step, etc. determined using special biomechanical equipment.

The following test can serve as an example of assessing the speed of a single non-specific movement.

The subject stands on a special strain gauge platform. The task is to raise and lower the leg as quickly as possible on a signal. The time from the moment the signal is given to the leg lift-off (simple reaction) and the time from the moment the leg is lifted to its return (single movement time) are recorded. First three attempts are performed with one foot, then three with the other.

Tests to assess maximum frequency of movements

The control of the maximum frequency of movements is carried out through tapping tests and special physical exercises.

When using tapping tests, the number of movements of the legs (alternately or one) or the arms (alternately or one) in a certain time is recorded. In the latter case, two approaches are usually applied:

Figure 1. Performing a tapping test using special equipment

A) In the first case, a special device such as a telegraph key is used (Figure 1). The task is to close and open the key at the maximum pace, the readings are recorded every 30 seconds using an electric meter. Typically, the duration of this test is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. It should be noted that such a duration also imposes certain requirements on the local endurance of the muscles of the wrist area. To level this aspect in Slovakia, it is proposed to perform this test for 10 seconds.

Table 1. Grading scale for hockey players in Slovakia under the age of 21

B) The second approach is simpler, because does not require any special equipment. The subject is given a sheet of paper, divided into 4 identical parts. The task of the athlete at the highest possible pace is to draw points with a pen or pencil, every 30 seconds (four segments in total), the examiner gives the command to switch to another section of the sheet. The dynamics of fatigue is assessed from the first segment to subsequent ones, as well as total movements.

Figure 2. Tapping test with feet

The control of the maximum frequency of leg movements is carried out with the help of two tensoplatforms with a size of about 30><30 см, расположенных на расстоянии 10 см друг от друга, и подсоединённых к компьютеру (рисунок 2). Испытуемый ногами становится на них и по сигналу начинает бег на месте в максимально возможном темпе на протяжении 10 секунд. Задача совершить как можно больше шагов каждой ногой.

Figure 3. Movement dynamics of the right and left legs

Immediately after the end of the test, the monitor displays the dynamics of movements and their total number for 10 seconds for each of the legs (Figure 3).

When controlling the maximum frequency of movements during special physical exercises, the following tasks are usually used:

  • 20 hits with a basketball about a circle painted on the wall, 50 cm in diameter, from a distance of 2 meters. Throws by do not count. The time and number of hits are fixed.
  • 20 throws of a tennis ball against a circle painted on the wall, 30 cm in diameter, from a distance of 2 meters. Throws by do not count. The time and number of hits are fixed. The second variation of this test is to perform 10 throws with each hand.

A characteristic feature of the two tests described above is that the degree of development of accuracy as a component of motor coordination has a serious impact on the final result. You can reduce the impact by applying the following tests:

  • 30 hands basketball into the wall from a distance of 2 meters at speed. Execution time is logged. The second variation of this method is to perform the maximum number of strokes in 30 seconds. The test is done by hand.
  • 20-30 kicks of a soccer ball into a wall from a distance of 2 meters at speed. Execution time is logged. The second variation of this method is to perform the maximum number of strokes in 30 seconds. Both options can be performed first with the right foot, then with the left, or alternately with both.
  • 20-30 tennis ball throws into the wall from a distance of 3 meters at speed. Execution time is logged. The second variation of this method is to perform the maximum number of throws in 30 seconds. Both options can be performed first with the right hand, then with the left, or alternately with both.
  • Exercise "Claps". The task of the subject is to perform 20 claps with straight arms above the head and on the hips in the shortest time from the starting position - the main stance.
  • Exercise "Squats". The task is to perform 20 squats from the starting position of the main stance in the shortest time.
  • Exercise "Tilts". The subject is required from the starting position of the main stand to perform 20 tilts with the fingertips touching the floor in the shortest time. After each tilt, you need to straighten up to the starting position.

Tests for assessing the speed shown in integral motor actions

The most informative subgroup of tests for assessing speed abilities in team sports. In practice, they usually use running for 30, 37, 50, 60 and 100 meters with registration of the speed of overcoming the distance (from a low and high start). The choice of these segments is due to the fact that the speed, regardless of the athlete's specialization, reaches its maximum after the 30th meter. After 200 meters, running speed is already largely dependent on speed or general endurance.

In hockey, the following tests are most widely used:

Time recording is carried out in one of two ways: manually (with a stopwatch) or automatically using photoelectronic and laser timing systems, which, depending on the configuration, record various indicators: speed dynamics, length and frequency of steps, time of individual phases of movement.

table 2

Tests (control standards)

Level of preparedness

Very low

Above average


30 m run, sec

60 m run, sec


30 m run, sec

60 m run, sec

30 m run, sec

4.0 or less

60 m run, sec

7.4 or less

Table 3. Evaluation of the physical fitness of highly qualified hockey players according to Savin V.P.

Table 4. Indicators of the level of preparedness of highly qualified hockey players And

Starting Speed ​​Tests

Running 5 meters

Figure 5. Performing a 5 meter run test

To fix the running time of the distance, the sensors of the timing system are installed at the start and finish lines.

Run 20 meters

To fix the time of running the distance, the sensors of the timing system are installed at the start and finish lines (20 meters), as well as at the 10-meter point.

The subject takes a high start position, front foot on the starting line. The athlete starts running when he is ready. The task is to run as fast as possible.

In the absence of a timing system, you can determine the speed of starting acceleration by calculating the difference between running a 30-meter distance from the start and from the start.

Distance Velocity Tests

Running 30 meters using a timing system

To fix the time of running the distance, the sensors of the timing system are installed at the start and finish lines, as well as at the marks of 5 and 20 meters. This technique allows you to record the starting speed (section 0-5 meters), distance speed (section 20-30 meters), as well as the total time to overcome the distance (section 0-30 meters).

Based on the results of examinations of more than 100 hockey players from various KHL clubs (Zankovets V.E., Popov V.P.), an evaluation scale was created for this test:

Table 5. Grading scale for hockey players of the KHL level


Level of preparedness

Very low

Very tall


1.25 or more

0.97 or less

1.30 or more

1.07 or less

Run 30 m, sec

4.60 and more

4.05 or less


Starting speed (0-5 m), sec

1.31 or more

1.02 or less

Distance speed (20-30 m), sec

1.33 or more

1.09 or less

Run 30 m, sec

4.77 and more

4.19 or less

Starting speed (0-5 m), sec

1.28 or more

1.04 or less

Distance speed (20-30 m), sec

1.33 or more

1.15 or less

Run 30 m, sec

4.83 or more

4.10 or less

Running 30 meters from the move

During this test, the subject has the opportunity to arbitrarily choose the distance for acceleration. The stopwatch starts at the moment when the athlete crosses the start line and stops at the moment when he crosses the finish line.

Table 6. Evaluation of the physical fitness of highly qualified hockey players according to Savin V.P.

Tests to evaluate the speed of braking

Hockey is a kind of activity where you need to constantly respond to rapidly changing game situations, make braking, instantly start in different directions. With a sudden change in the situation on the field, the one who is able to brake faster will have an advantage at the start in the other direction. Therefore, when controlling the speed abilities of hockey players, attention is also paid to this aspect. Within the framework of general physical fitness, the following approach is most widely used:

Stopping speed

A prerequisite for using this technique is the presence of an electronic timing system.

During the test, the subject is required to run a 10-meter segment twice. The beginning is the same: start from a place from a high rack on a signal. In the first case, the subject's task is to run the finish line at maximum speed; in the second, stop exactly at the finish line so that it is between the legs of the athlete. The time of each race is recorded, then the difference between the second and the first segment is calculated, which serves as the final result.

Tests to assess the special speed abilities of goalkeepers Figure 6. Location of sensors

The test is aimed at assessing the speed of reaction. For its implementation, it is necessary to have a timing system equipped with a function for evaluating the reaction of choice (such as Smart-speed). In preparation for testing, four pairs of sensors are installed in the goal area so that they are at arm's length from the goalkeeper (picture 6).

Figure 7. Test execution

Although the original test is performed on ice, testing can also be performed on the ground to save valuable ice time.


The goalkeeper assumes the position of the main goalkeeper position in close proximity to all sensors. According to the light signal of one of the pairs of sensors, the goalkeeper must react as quickly as possible and cross the laser beam passing between this pair with his hand. Immediately after this, the light signal appears on the other pair of sensors. In total, during the test, the subject must respond to 20 signals in a chaotic manner.

Tests for assessing the speed shown in the integral motional actions of goalkeepers

To assess the special speed abilities of a goalkeeper with anaerobic-alactate mechanism of energy supply (power), the following tests are used:

Test skating 18 meters face and back forward

This test is recommended by the Ice Hockey Federation of the Republic of Belarus. The choice of a distance of 18 meters was dictated by the convenience of using the hockey rink markings used at that time: the goal line served as the start, and the blue line closest to it served as the finish line. This allowed the test to be carried out without any preparatory procedures. However, since then, the rules of hockey and the layout of the site have undergone some changes. In particular, at the time of publication of this encyclopedia, according to the official rule book of the International Ice Hockey Federation, the distance from the goal line to the near blue line is 18.86 meters.

To conduct the test, you must have a stopwatch or timing system, as well as one cone, which is installed at the finish line to identify it.


The subject takes the position of the main goalkeeper, the skates are located behind the start line. On a whistle or other prearranged signal, the goalkeeper starts and runs at the maximum possible speed of 18 meters. The time to cover the distance is fixed.

First, the test is performed facing forward, and then, after resting until complete recovery, the back-to-front skating test is performed. The only difference from the described protocol when performing the back-to-back skating test is the starting position: the subjects must take the position of the main goalkeeper's stance, standing with their backs to the direction of movement.

Table 7. Normative for students of higher sports mastery groups(19.20 years old)

0 0 6333



Level of preparedness, points

Very low

Above average

Power abilities - it is the ability of a person to overcome external resistance.

Absolute power - This is overcoming the maximum burden at one time.

Relative strength - it is a calculation of the level of force relative to its own weight.

Dynamic force- is the overcoming of weights when performing a movement

Static force - is holding a position with external resistance

In practice, strength abilities are tested in two ways.:

  1. With the help of measuring devices - dynamometers, and tensometric devices that allow you to selectively assess the maximum strength of various muscle groups.
  2. With the help of special pedagogical strength tests.
Measuring strength with a carpal dynamometer does not allow a realistic assessment of the strength of an athlete, since the small muscles of the finger flexors are involved in this test. In order to obtain objective data on the strength of an athlete, it is necessary to pay attention to testing the main muscle groups of the body: the pelvic girdle, trunk, hips and shoulder girdle. To determine the strength of the extensors of the spinal column, a backbone dynamometer is used. In practice, coaches very rarely use these devices. To determine strength abilities, they use pedagogical tests. Their implementation does not require the use of special expensive inventory and equipment. The most informative are the measurements carried out in the dynamic mode of muscle work.

Criteria for assessing maximum strength athletes with experience can serve the following tests:

  1. Performing a barbell bench press (1 time).
  2. Squat with a barbell (1 time).
  3. Deadlift (1 time)
These tests are performed with a maximum weight per rep max.

For people who do not have a professional technique for these exercises, they can perform, for example:

  1. Bench press 10 reps. In this case, pre-warm-up.
  2. Leg press in the simulator for 10 times.
For testing children, these measurements are prohibited. When testing children, the simplest methods using their own body weight should be used. So the strength of the flexors of the arms and the latissimus dorsi can be determined by the number of pull-ups in the hang on the crossbar, while rocking is not allowed. The pace of the exercises is arbitrary. Pull up above the chin.

The strength of the extensors of the arms and pectoral muscles can be determined using the exercise: flexion-extension of the arms in the lying position.

The strength of the abdominal muscles can be tested using the exercise: lifting the torso into a gray position from a supine position.

These tests can be called strength tests with a big stretch, because strength endurance is already present here.

Many sources give averages for a certain age group, but coaches should not rely solely on them, because the main thing is the increase in indicators during testing.

Speed-strength abilities manifest in D.D. where, along with large values ​​of the force developed in the movement, high speed is also required. Types of movements such as various types of jumps, throwing, when performing accented strikes, quick defenses and unexpected movements in boxing, jerking the barbell, etc., speed-strength abilities are manifested.

To determine the level of speed-strength abilities, the following exercises are used:

  1. Standing long jump.
  2. High jump (Abalakov test).
  3. Pull-ups on the bar for a while.
  4. Flexion-extension of the body the number of times for a while.
  5. Triple jump (on the left and on the right leg).
Strength endurance should be assessed when performing movements of an imitation nature, similar in form and features of the functioning of the neuromuscular apparatus to competitive exercises, but with an increased share of the strength component. For example, on a dynamometer in the form of a boxing bag, you can measure how many punches a boxer delivered and the tonnage of punches for the entire round during a training round. For wrestlers, work with rubber shock absorbers or throws a dummy in a given mode.

Thus, the criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of motor actions (the number of pull-ups, push-ups, the number of jumps) and the time of these exercises.

Strength Endurance- This is the ability of muscles to perform work with light weights for a long time.

Strength endurance is assessed different ways:

  1. According to the duration of the specified standard work.
  2. According to the total amount of work performed during the execution of the test program.
  3. In terms of the ratio of the impulse of force at the end of the work provided for by the corresponding test to its maximum level.
To determine strength endurance young athletes use the following exercises:
1. The maximum number of push-ups on parallel bars.
2. The maximum number of push-ups from the floor.
3. The maximum number of push-ups from the gymnastic bench.

Rapidity, it is the ability of an athlete to produce a movement or perform a certain movement in a minimum amount of time (in a minimum amount of time).
Speed ​​is a physical ability largely due to heredity. When testing speed capabilities, both in terms of the content of the tests and the methodology for their use, it should be remembered that during the testing process, the athlete must be in conditions of high performance, without signs of developing fatigue. The time for performing tests of maximum intensity usually does not exceed 15 - 20 seconds.

Control exercises for assessing speed divided into four groups:

  1. Evaluation of the speed of a simple and complex reaction.
  2. Estimation of the speed of a single movement.
  3. Evaluation of the maximum speed of movements in different joints.
  4. Evaluation of speed, shown in a holistic movement (running 30m., 60m.), etc.

  • Control exercises for assessing speed are simple.

    The simple reaction time is measured under conditions when both the type of signal and the method of response are known in advance (the sprinter starts running at the starter's shot). Under laboratory conditions, the measurement accuracy reaches 0.01 or 0.001 s. The subject makes ten attempts, then the average response time is calculated.

    When measuring a simple reaction, a ruler 40 cm long can be used.

    In competition conditions, the simple reaction time can be measured using contact sensors (sprint start in l / a, swimmer).

    A complex reaction is inherent in martial artists and players in sports games. The type of signal and the method of response is not known in advance. In competitive conditions, it is very difficult to register the time of a complex reaction.

    This can be done on a special stand equipped with light sensors. The wrestler, on a signal, must hit the target where the light sensor lights up. The time from the beginning of the light signal to the strike on the target is recorded.

    1. To assess the speed of a single movement, the most informative indicator is the time of performing specific movements or exercises. These include the time of a blow in boxing, a throw in wrestling, the number of various techniques per unit of time, etc.
    2. Movement frequency control is based on detection of the number of movements per unit of time. The maximum frequency of movements in different joints is estimated using tapping tests. Record the number of movements performed alternately with one or two hands in 5 - 20 seconds.
    3. To assess the speed shown in a holistic movement (maximum speed), you can use a run from 5 to 60 meters, or a shuttle run.
    Flexibility is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude.

    The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion. The main pedagogical tests for assessing the mobility of various joints are the simplest control exercises:

    1. The mobility of the shoulder joint is assessed by the distance between the hands during twisting. The width of the grip is compared with the width of the subject's shoulder girdle.
    2. Active abduction of straight arms up from a lying position on the chest, arms forward. The distance from the floor to the fingertips is measured.
    3. The mobility of the spinal column is determined by the degree of forward inclination of the torso and is evaluated with a "+" or "-" sign. When performing a gymnastic bridge, the distance between the heels and fingers is measured.
    4. Mobility in the hip joint is determined during the longitudinal and transverse twine.
    When carrying out the measurement of flexibility, it is necessary to observe the standard test conditions:

    1. Carrying out a standard warm-up before testing.

    2. The same starting positions.

    3. Repeat measurement at the same time.

    Coordinating ability

    In the motion control system, one of the basic concepts on the basis of which others are built is the concept of "coordination of movements" - "organization of controllability of the motor apparatus" (N.A. Bernshtein).

    coordination ability, it is the ability of a person to quickly, efficiently, expediently, i.e. most rationally, master new motor actions, successfully solve motor tasks in changing conditions.

    In accordance with the criteria for evaluating coordination abilities, we consider the following four main features: correctness, speed, rationality and determination, which in turn have qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

    The control of coordination abilities should be carried out in different functional states of the body - in a steady state, with a high level of working capacity and optimal conditions for the activity of the neuromuscular apparatus and under conditions of compensated or obvious fatigue. This is fundamentally important, since a high level of coordination abilities under optimal conditions does not yet mean that they will manifest themselves under severe fatigue and the intense action of other distracting factors, in particular, psychological ones, which have a particularly intense effect on athletes during important competitions surrounded by strong rivals.

    All of the above listed abilities are associated with the concept - dexterity.
    Agility- a complex motor ability, the level of development of which is determined by many factors:

    1. Muscular feeling - plasticity of cortical nervous processes.
    2. The speed of reaction and the urgency of the formation of coordination connections, the speed of transition from one action to another depend on the speed of the nervous processes.
    The variety of types of motor coordination abilities does not allow estimating the level of their development according to one unified criterion. Therefore, different indicators are used in sports. Let's list them.

    Factors, defining coordination movements:

    1. The time spent learning a new movement.
    2. Movement accuracy.
    3. The stability of the movement.
    4. The time needed to change from one activity to another.
    5. The complexity of the movement being performed.
    6. Preservation of stability in case of imbalance.
    control tests in martial arts can serve:
    1. Shuttle run with tasks
    2. Spinner exercise. The wrestler raises his index finger up, looks at it and rotates in one direction for 30 sec., 1 min. After the end, he needs to perform an accurate series of blows on the force meter, while maintaining speed, accuracy and force of blows.