Siluyanov about burning fat. Local weight loss

Do you know how any beginner thinks after reading about the exercises "for the press", "for the hips" and for other problem areas? He thinks that, say, if you wave your left leg, it is the left leg that loses weight. The owners of resources, who are generally alien to fitness, think the same way about the problems of hiring competent fitness editors. Well, human psychology only complicates the task. Let's say we don't buy a magazine that says: "Heavy full body exercises to failure." We'll buy a gloss adorned with: "Five Easy and Not Boring Abs Workouts" and a photo of the notorious abs. So it turns out that there seems to be no local fat burning, but the broad masses believe in it. Or does it still exist?

Is local fat burning possible?

Weight loss "in some problem areas" is beautiful name"local fat burning". So the classical theory of fitness strongly denies this phenomenon. On the contrary, the “classic of the genre” is considered to be the very situation when the client loses weight except for problem areas, and they just have to lose fat from them with various “draconian” methods such as carbohydrate alternation combined with heavy circuit training.

But Professor Seluyanov does not think so. In a recent interview with Iron World, he stated that it is very possible to burn fat, strengthen it and completely “shaking” a certain part of the body. Moreover, in sports, a respected professor does not question this at all.

As an example, it is cited that runners, they say, have the thinnest fat layer on their legs, but fat may well lie on the stomach and back, but skiers have almost no layer all over their bodies. Swimmers have the least "fat" arms and back, and some Caucasian players football clubs greatly exceed the degree of inflated press of football players from the central regions. And all because they stubbornly pump the press at every workout.

Obviously, all of the examples listed do not quite "pump" the problem areas. More precisely, they perform a cyclic load on slow muscle fibers. It turns out that the aerobic theory from the series “we jump for half an hour, we swing the press for half an hour” should lead all the clients of fitness clubs without exception to harmony and relief? Now look around. Are there many slim and sculpted people in your aerobics group? That's the same.

Strictly speaking, Professor Seluyanov considers the fact of local fat burning scientifically proven, but only in relation to athletes who train in a certain mode.

The secret of local fat burning from prof. Seluyanova

So, in order to remove the notorious belly or the layer on the hips, you need to:

  • perform exercises in a static-dynamic mode, that is, never completely relax the muscle during the approach;
  • minimize or completely eliminate rest between sets;
  • train in a circular mode, that is, combining exercises into cycles one after another, and not sequentially performing all sets and repetitions;
  • at the end of the workout, arrange "hell" for your problem area, for example, choose 1-3 exercises for the press or hips and perform them until complete muscle failure;
  • due to the specifics of the modes, it is necessary to do all this joy almost without weights and in an ultra-repeated mode;
  • due to the specifics of the training regimen, there should be no more than two classes per week according to this scheme. Additionally, 2 half-hour aerobics sessions are required, in the "low" heart rate zone, and 3-4 " morning exercises", consisting of 1-2 exercises for the problem area;
  • follow a cunning diet. In the days of "long" power circuit training eat mainly protein and vegetables, and 5 hours before training, do not eat at all, and 30-40 minutes before it, eat candy, cookies and drink a glass of juice. On days without long strength training, you can eat as usual, but in the afternoon, reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates, and, in general, it is better to strive for a low-calorie diet. Well, of course, do not overeat, try to fill the need for vitamins, etc.

Why localized fat burning is a theory

You know, here you can either be a supporter or opponent of this system in fitness. So I can hardly imagine a person who is able to completely abstain from food during the working day for 5 hours, and then work normally training “on candy”. I don’t know, maybe it’s a personal negative experience or a lack of knowledge, but I haven’t met such people. Even in the shaping group, where no food is advocated 4 hours before a workout, people are usually, to put it mildly, sluggish in the class itself, and wave their legs, mostly on enthusiasm.

Suppose such a wonderful person exists. She honestly eats her chicken breasts with kale, and honestly doesn't eat pre-workout, and quite honestly does high-rep circuits without weight. She will certainly lose weight. In addition, there are all physiological reasons - a calorie deficit created, in fact, by 2 "unloading and training" days a week, moderate physical activity, and the regularity of the above activities.

And now, let's talk about why group aerobic classes do not work for most clients. They are just organized in a similar way. There are two tricks here - for such a scheme to work, the body must already have a stable anabolic background. That is, a person should not be overly stressed by a bunch of training, diet, and other activities. And for group cardio, we usually have beginners, to whom this does not apply. And yet, aerobics increases appetite more than it speeds up metabolism. Typically, an overly aerobic girl's diet includes a bunch of uncontrollably eaten fruits, sweets here and there, and "conditionally healthy" cereal, that is, a lot of simple carbohydrates, and protein on the "leftover principle". Which, coupled with the lack of a power load, leads to a “lack of recomposition” or such a result when, it seems, you do a lot, but you can’t see why.

Elena Selivanova

"I'm losing weight by the summer - I started to pump the press." Surely you have heard, and even said this phrase more than once. Coaches do not get tired of repeating that this simply does not happen, because it cannot be. But, nevertheless, it does not become less - as well as those who are confident that they managed to achieve their goal.

Let's say right away: we are not going to doubt that someone succeeded. Because we are sure: the one who pumped the press, for sure, measured only the waist, and not all body parameters. And the load, albeit small, still speeds up the metabolism, energy costs are growing, a person, without paying attention to it, refuses buns and cookies (and it’s true: in vain is he pumping the press?), etc.

Local fat burning is the dream of those who want to lose some weight in the waist

In short, losing weight, but not only, but everywhere. And a flatter tummy does not mean that all the fat has melted on it - toned muscles work wonders! In short, we readily believe that the tummy has become flat. But the fact that the fat burned out only on it, and in other places everything remained as it was - no. And that's why.

How do we lose weight?

Before moving on to the arguments as to why this is not possible, let's remember how weight loss generally occurs. So, what is the fatty layer? This is a tissue of the body, the bulk of which is made up of fat cells - lipocytes.

The presence of a fatty layer in a person is a normal phenomenon. It protects the body from the cold and creates an “emergency reserve” in case of a cold snap (that’s why, by the way, we get fat by winter, and we lose weight by spring), hunger or nuclear winter. The layer is the result of evolution, an archaic mechanism for protecting the body, so important that it has not died out over the millennia that have passed since the construction of the first dwelling and the manufacture of the first clothes.

That is why the body continues to store even now, when it is not necessary. People move little, they are warm, food is plentiful and available. But the body is a super-efficient system aimed at preserving and increasing the wealth received. Therefore, excess energy is not utilized, but packed into lipocytes and sent to warehouses, the locations of which are familiar to everyone - in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, etc. - to wait for the nuclear winter.

To get rid of body fat, you need to increase energy expenditure

And since, fortunately, it has not yet come, stocks from warehouses are not used, and their volumes are growing. The only way to get rid of stocks is to finally spend them on something. There are two paths that can be taken.

  • The first is to cut off energy from outside and force the body to serve itself only from reserves. This is the wrong way. As we remember, the body is aimed at preserving and multiplying, therefore it will give back what has been accumulated with a creak and learn to save literally on everything. So fast weight loss it will stop just as quickly, and the very first piece of food will be transformed into reserves - and so on for a long time. The result is a yo-yo effect and a few more kilograms in excess of the original weight. Yes, just in case.
  • The second way is to increase energy consumption. That is, start moving more and perform the most energy-consuming operations. At first, of course, the body will be greedy, but if you eat normally at the same time, it will understand that it is possible to fork out - no threat from the outside seems to be expected. An increase in energy consumption in combination with a reasonable reduction in the caloric content of the diet will eventually lead to the fact that a reserve from warehouses will be thrown to cover the resulting energy deficit, and you will begin to lose weight.

Then everything is simple. Fat in the cell breaks down into fatty acids and glycerol. Acids, together with the blood, are sent to the muscle tissue, and there they are oxidized and converted into energy. Waste products are removed from the cell. This is what the process of losing weight looks like from the point of view of physiology. Now let's see why you can't get thinner in just one place.

Local weight loss: two arguments against

Argument #1. Fat covers the entire human body. Its division into zones is very conditional. Blood and lymphatic vessels, skin and all the same subcutaneous fat are single systems that work on the entire area human body. It is impossible to lose weight only in the waist area - because it simply does not exist, but there is all the fiber.

In addition, the key concept of losing weight is not “subcutaneous fat”, but “energy deficiency”. From which warehouse the body will order to roll out a barrel of fat, it is not known. It has a supply distributed throughout the body. It is quite reasonable not to gut one warehouse, but to take a little from everywhere, so that in the event of an unforeseen situation in each of them there is something left for a rainy day.

Perhaps the first on the diet to “leave” is not the “ears” on the hips, but the volume of the chest!

Argument #2. By the way, about warehouses. Not all of them are equally dear to the body. Among them there are no unimportant ones - there are important and very important ones. Let's take the female body as an example - it is more revealing in this regard. Usually women are unhappy with deposits on the thighs and abdomen. Whatever is done, you will still want to improve these zones, because it is not so easy to bring them into an ideal state. And this is no coincidence. From these warehouses, the body takes fat very reluctantly.

Deposits in the abdomen and thighs are a strategic reserve aimed at maintaining the ability to reproduce, protecting the fetus and maintaining the viability of a woman during the period of feeding a baby, when she will not be able to effectively obtain food. To force the body to give up the supply from this particular place is an attempt to replay evolution. And this is impossible. It's easier to launch increased energy consumption and start removing stocks from all warehouses - including strategically important ones.

Argument for

However, there is an opinion that it is possible to lose weight in only one place. To do this, two conditions must be provided - a high concentration of fat-destroying adrenaline in the blood and an influx of a large amount of blood to the area that is planned to be "dry".

For example, you can start your workout with an interval cardio session, and then work with the right muscle: 30 seconds of intense exercise plus 30 seconds of rest. This is one series. There are three series in one set. At least 10 sets should be performed per day, several times can be. In general, this method is similar to the pumping technique, which has been used successfully for a long time.

Sports will help correct weight loss in a particular area

This method has a significant drawback. To succeed, you must strictly adhere to all the details (and there are a lot of them). For a person who does not have special education, this is hardly possible. And due to the fact that in our country this approach is not very popular, not all coaches know the peculiarities of its application.

However, there is another way to get rid of fat in a specific area of ​​the body. It involves training all the muscles with special emphasis on working out the muscles in the problem area. Shock load on the press, performed against the background of working out the muscles of the whole body, will allow you to quickly get rid of belly fat. Of course, this is not exactly local fat burning. But if you are not lazy and provide the muscles with a good load, the result will not be long in coming.

There are many examples of local weight loss, the classic ones are a quick release of body fat from the hands of those who are engaged in arm wrestling and a decrease in the fat layer on the legs of cyclists. However, speaking about the arms of armwrestlers and the legs of cyclists, it is important to understand that these people have been performing increased sports loads not comparable to the load of ordinary people. And low fat layer often accompanies increased local muscle volume. The idea that by working more on one muscle (or group of muscles) you can achieve noticeable result in losing weight in this part of the body, there are more than a dozen years, but how realistic is it?

In order to start, it is necessary that hormones with lipolytic abilities (calorificator) are released into the blood. This happens both under the influence of external and internal factors.

The process of burning fat in the body consists of three stages:

  1. Fat breakdown (lipolysis);
  2. Transport of fat cells to body tissues for subsequent "burning";
  3. Oxidation (the so-called "burning") of fat cells in body tissues - muscles and liver.

According to some experts, local fat burning is possible if there is an increased amount of blood in a given area of ​​the body or a specific muscle. It is achieved under stressful loads, causing a strong burning sensation, pain. For example, static-dynamic exercises performed 20-30 repetitions in one set.

Interesting scientific studies have been carried out on this topic by many scientists around the world. Russian professor V. Seluyanov summed up the evidence-based scientific basis for the assertion that local fat burning is quite possible. Citing as examples not only professional bodybuilders, but also ordinary women who are engaged in shaping in the gym or pumping the abdominal muscles at home, he showed examples of the so-called point fat reduction.

Fat on the body is distributed under the skin, as well as under each muscle group. It is this “armpit” fat that is removed when blood flow to a particular muscle increases, thereby accelerating the process of lipolysis. This can be achieved either by exercises or special vacuum devices.

Other studies refute this idea. For example, a 2007 study by Stallknecht B et. al., during which the subjects did the extension of one leg in the simulator with an intensity of 85%, 55% and 25% of the maximum. Indeed, the subjects showed an increase in blood flow in the working leg during low-intensity (multi-repetitive) work - 25% and 55%, which did not occur at a high intensity of 85%.

The results of the study showed that in half an hour of local muscle work, only 0.6-2.1 milligrams of fat was mobilized from 100 g of adipose tissue.

That is, suppose that you have accumulated as much as 3 kg of fat on your stomach: 0.6-2.1 mg / 100 g * 1000 g / kg * 3 kg \u003d 18-63 milligrams of fat you will burn in 30 minutes of abdominal exercises. And one milligram is equal to one thousandth of a gram.

Losing weight locally is not easy. Therefore, we advise you to lose weight first everywhere, and only then work out problem areas. physical training, held three times a week for 1.5 hours, are not as effective for local weight loss as daily 15-20-minute classes. After a while, as soon as the body gets used to the loads, they need to be increased so that the process does not stop.

An alternative to static-dynamic exercises for burning fat will be. At the time, you spend about 5 calories per minute, which in half an hour will allow you to burn 150 calories, which is about 15 g of fat. However, this fat will be mobilized from different parts of the body (calorizator). Choose what is best for you - 18-63 milligrams locally or 15 g from the whole body.

It is worth remembering that the processes of losing weight and muscle growth are most active during sleep, so do not neglect, as well as consisting of complex carbohydrates or portions of lean meat, which will help restore strength.

Amino acids (nutrition rich in complete animal protein; 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight minimum; if 2 workouts per day, then 2-3-4 g per 1 kg of body weight; per day the body can absorb ~ 500-600 g of meat if an athlete needs more protein, then they need nutritional supplements; half-decayed amino acids are needed = hydrolyzed protein, it is absorbed by 70%, and not 30% as usual; branching amino acids can be taken neat, in addition to these, they stimulate protein synthesis).

High levels of hormones (testosterone and growth hormone; hormones appear only during times of stress).
A lot of free creatine (occurs when creatine phosphate is destroyed during muscle work, accumulates within about 15 seconds of cyclic work).
The optimal concentration of hydrogen ions H.
Hyperplasia of myofibrils of glycolytic muscle fibers:
(We pump fast muscles, GMV).
Muscle contraction intensity: 60-100% (usually 70% is used).
Exercise intensity: any (at least 10%, at least 100% = sprint).
Duration: to failure + 2 times (with help; this is very important), and within 20-40 seconds (just 6-12 repetitions will turn out; during this time, creatine phosphate is almost completely destroyed and a lot of free creatine appears).
4-9 Sets 5-10 minutes active rest between sets (at this time, you can work out other muscle groups), 60 minutes of passive.
1 time per week (or tonic, 1 approach at least every day, but tonic is not needed).
It’s good to do a tonic for the legs so that hormones go, and immediately developing for the arms (1 approach of the leg, 2-3-4 approaches of the arm, then you can again 1 approach of the leg, and again the arms. From exercises with the hands, hormones go 4 times less than from legs.
Hyperplasia of myofibrils in oxidative muscle fibers:
(Swinging slow muscles, omv).
Intensity of muscle contraction: low. For untrained arms, 10% is enough, for legs 60% of the maximum.
Exercise intensity: low.
The amplitude of motion is partial, the muscle never relaxes (pumping).
Duration: 20-40 seconds, until pain / burning in the muscle + 2-3 times / 4-6 seconds; without breath holding.
Rest interval: 5-10 minutes active, or 60 minutes passive.
1-3 toning sets, 4-9 sets for muscle development.
1 time per week for development. Tonic for 1 approach can be at least every day instead, although tonic is also not needed.
Purely static increases pressure, but with a small movement, the pressure does not increase.
Super sets are useful: work 30 seconds, 30 seconds rest. Repeat 3-5 times. As a result, the time of free creatine in the muscle is longer, and the effect is higher.
Examples of exercises: (all in partial amplitude without a relaxation phase).
Triceps: push-ups (with weights if too easy, or kneeling if too hard).
Biceps: Bent over pull-ups (to make it easier).
Press: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees (to complicate it, you can have your partner press on your chest, or use weighting, or stretch your arms up and back.
Back: hyperextensions / boat / boat partner sits on his feet.
Legs: Squats or squats with weights.
Mitochondrial hyperplasia in glycolytic muscle fibers:
(Better stamina fast muscles, this is for athletes).
Intensity of muscle contraction: very high. 60-100%.
Exercise intensity: preferably high.
Duration: 3-40 seconds (until slight local fatigue; for running 3-5 seconds, for jumping 5-10 push-offs, bench press 10 times, for less intense work you can longer).
Rest 45+ seconds, so that during this time the formed lactic acid is completely gone (roughly speaking, rest = work * 5).
20-40 developmental sets, 10 toning sets.
At least 2-3 times a week, you can train at least every day, at least several times a day.
For 1 week of training you get 50% of the maximum, for 5 weeks you reach the maximum; you lose as fast as you gain.
During this training, free creatine will be present for a long time, since the exercise is being done actively, hormones will be produced. Therefore, although not as effective as working with weights, this workout will also build up myofibrils, roughly speaking 50% of the effectiveness compared to training with weights.
Increasing the aerobic capacity of muscles without injury + treatment of acidified muscles:
Intensity: depending on the composition of the muscles; to get to the glycolytic MV in the legs you need a lot, in the hands you can even 30-50%.
10 light push-ups, then 10 light pull-ups.
10 repetitions, roughly speaking without rest; the muscle is resting while another exercise is being done; rest roughly 60-120 seconds.
This can be done at the beginning of a workout after a warm-up, after an hour of technical work, an hour later. In total, you get 300 per muscle per workout.
The same thing on another day can be done with the press and back.
You can also include in the series, for example, squats.
Alternative option, slow and not very: 2-30 minutes to run on anaerobic threshold, determined in the laboratory, up to 40 repetitions, train at least the whole day with food breaks, at least 7 times a day. Mitochondria are overgrown with the working parts of glycolytic microbes, within 4+ months they reach the maximum level.
Aerobic training: easy and calm, then we accelerate with an effort of 50-60% of the maximum, we are waiting for the first signs of local fatigue in the muscles (about 20-30 seconds. Again, easy and calm for 2-3+ minutes, repeat.
(Then hormones will be released; little, but for 10 repetitions in total it is normal).
Endocrine system: there should be no more than 2 hard workouts per week. Once every few months, you need to give 10 days of rest / reduced load.
10 ab supersets per day = 30 omv sets = hard training, enough hormones for 2 weeks if done every day.
10 sets per MX = 1 set per GMF/OMV (for hormones.
Heart: pulse should not exceed roughly 190 beats per minute. If the pulse is higher, the heart does not have time to relax between beats, it acidifies. This is very harmful, the consequences in the form of at least interruptions in the work of the heart for life.
Strength work: done only at the end of a workout or at night. In the event that you do aerobics, then the hormones are consumed. And when the hormones remain in muscle tissue, then at night they will work, synthesize muscle mass.
Nervous factor: for 2 months of work on maximum scales a person learns to show strength, there will be no further increase in strength.
Burn fat: hormones and nutrition, weaning fat from insulin. After sports during sleep if not full.
The muscle has enough fat for 40 minutes of omv work. Then sit to rest for about 30 minutes, so that fat from adipose tissue comes to the muscle, you can work again. Only omv, prevent HMW and acidification, fat will no longer be used.
Glycogen accumulates within 2-3 days.
Mitochondria grow in 3-5 days.
Myofibrils grow 80% in 7 days, 95+% in 15 days.
Tendon ends are built 30-50, up to 90 days.
Tendon microtraumas disappear in at least a month; At least that much time should be given to the tendons to rest.
Creatine: 5 g per day (maximum 15 g per day); before training, after training and at night, three equal doses.
Amino acids: arginine, lysine, glutamine (maybe tryptophan) - stimulate the production of growth hormone. Take 5 grams of each at night.
Dihydroepinandrosterone: a breakdown product of growth hormone, also stimulates the production of growth hormone. Eat.
Alkaline: sodium citrate (E 331), eat 5-10 g half an hour before sports, temporarily takes on hydrogen ions and minimizes acidification, increases endurance. Antioxidants: vitamins A, E, D, C, Q10. Dosages of 1600%, mitochondria become more resistant to acidification, do not die. Take at night or before training.

Quite by accident, I stumbled upon interesting post from the blog, which tells the story of one person who, from the age of 15, has been engaged in skiing and then switched to mountain cycling. However, it is not his training as a skier that is of particular interest, but how a person trains now. In order not to retell his article, which, if you wish, you can read on your own, I will only tell you that he began to train according to a special technique developed by Professor Seluyanov. Further we will talk only about Seluyanov's approach to training. I am writing about this only because Seluyanov's technique is fundamentally different from conventional cycling training and athletics. If you want to fully understand what this theory is, I recommend watching Seluyanov's lecture on physical training and general health person. I understand very well that it is unlikely that someone will want to look at incomprehensible information. There are thousands of such lectures on physical training, and many talk about banal things, and even about those in which they themselves do not understand anything. I propose to briefly retell you Seluyanov's theory. I won’t succeed in any other way, I still didn’t remember all the terms and I’ll tell you only the most important thing that interested me, surprised me, and if you like, it dawned on me. Let's take cycling as an example, whether it's road or cross country. Let's see how most cyclists are preparing for the start of the season and directly to the competition. More often than not, any coach will tell you that before you do any kind of targeted training, you need to roll up pre-season volume, that is, mileage. A thousand, two or three kilometers, each in a different way, must be overcome at a calm pace. Moreover, at least one low-intensity workout per week is always in the training plan, almost any rider. Seluyanov, in his methodology, states that low-intensity training does not give any positive result. Train at least 200 km. 3-4 times a week, and there will be no effect. Under the effect, of course, means the time of passage of the track. Be it 50..100 or more kilometers. Seluyanov's theory Seluyanov approaches the process of building training through the structure of human organs, which I like. In our body there is a gland called the pituitary gland that produces hormones. Without hormones, muscles cannot develop, according to Seluyanov: hormones are the starting point for muscle growth and further progress. The pituitary gland is activated only under severe stress. Severe stress is caused by heavy physical exercises: bench press, squats, deadlift, sprint and others. Jogging and cycling at a leisurely pace, albeit for long distances, does not activate the pituitary gland, which means that the hormones that are needed for progress are not produced.

After any hard exercise, after about a minute, and most often less, lactic acid is formed in the involved muscles, the muscles become acidic. I think many cyclists are familiar with this feeling when, after a sharp acceleration, the quadriceps begins to “burn”. In reality, this means that hydrogen ions begin to “attack” muscle cells and training should be stopped, because, to make progress by continuing to apply the maximum possible effort with acidified muscles will not work, moreover, you can only harm yourself. It turns out that we must work to failure, and as soon as the muscles begin to acidify, stop intensive training. Based on the above, best workout for a cyclist on a bike: riding uphill. Moreover, riding is not at a high cadence, but at the lowest possible, but not such as to get excessive load on knees. Uphill saddle work is more efficient than sprinting. Why? - I'll tell you below. Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov, also known for his article: The Heart is Not a Machine. Again, I will try to briefly describe what is at stake, now in this work. normal pulse healthy person in calm state is 60-90 beats per minute. When we perform intense and prolonged exercise, our heart rate rises, because. a large number of muscles are involved, and each of them requires oxygen. This means that the heart must have time to deliver oxygen through the blood throughout the body, and it begins to contract faster. When the pulse rises above 170-180 beats / min, the heart does not have time to fully open, because it also takes time to fill it with blood. This negatively affects our health. I will say more, it can become a serious threat to our body. But there is a way out - the heart can be enlarged. A large heart does not need to contract 180-200 beats / min to provide oxygen to the muscles. Famous Tour de France riders can ride a bike with a heart rate of 120-150 and still win stages. It turns out that the heart also needs to be worked on. Therefore, sitting in the saddle, we are much less likely to drive the pulse to a critical point. To increase the heart, you need, firstly: not to bring the pulse to a very high one, and secondly: to give the body the same, physical, short-term stress. Perhaps I will end this article. I hope I interested you in your desire to watch Seluyanov's lecture in full, and most importantly, to think and maybe change something in your training.

Seluyanov training plan. One and a half months of training according to Seluyanov

Very soon it will be 2 months since I decided to study according to the Seluyanov system. It would even be more correct to say, according to Seluyanov's theory, he did not publish specific training systems. And you know, it's right, every trainee or his coach should study the theory and write a training plan on his own. For each sport, the plan will be slightly different, the key to the differences will of course be the target muscles and the nature of the sport (strength or strength-endurance). I am interested in cycling, so the focus was initially set on strength endurance and leg muscles, especially the quadriceps femoris.

Over the past year and a half, the volume of the thigh (its circumference, to be correct) has not changed for me, exactly like the weight - they stood as if rooted to the spot. All the progress that I made on the bike in a few years could be developed in 2 months! For the last 8 weeks I have been doing it in a new way and immediately there is a result: + 1.5 kg of weight, + 1 cm in the volume of the thigh. What could not be done for years, it turned out in 2 months.

And this is far from the end, growth, of course, will slow down, but there is still time for 2 power cycles before Sotka, in February and March, which means the leg will grow even more. Paradoxically, to achieve good results in cycling, you can not ride a bike at all, but all year round squat with a barbell and eat right, and 2 months before the competition, start running uphill 20-30 meters or 100 meters along the plain, jumping. It's simple. If you think that power training exhausting and doing them hard, which means you are doing it wrong. One workout does not exceed 40 minutes per day (rest between sets is taken into account). One muscle group trains once a week. On one day we do squats with a barbell, on the other we work with arms, on the third shoulders, the fourth back, the fifth calf and adductor muscle (isolated), the sixth deadlift and one day - rest. It is not an axiom that you need to do exactly as I wrote, build your plan without breaking the rules: 1 muscle group trains once a week.

Barbell/dumbbell weight 70% of max, work to failure, 5-9 sets. You also need to add static-dynamic exercises (the same exercises, but with incomplete amplitude, the muscles are tense all the time), weight 20-30% of the maximum, do until pain and also 1 time per week. It is advisable to separate dynamic and static-dynamic exercises, not to do them in a row. For example, if you do the classic barbell squat on Monday, the dynamic squat is best done on Wednesday-Thursday, and not on Tuesday or Sunday. We work in a power style for two weeks, rest for two, you can work on mitochondria at this time.

Apart from static-dynamic exercises, it turns out that we do only 2 workouts per muscle per month. Naturally, you need to eat right, everyone needs protein, those who do not have excess weight, you also need carbohydrates and fats in large quantities to prevent the breakdown of amino acids to glucose.

Statodynamic exercises according to Seluyanov. Features of statodynamics

For the first time, Seluyanov recommended statodynamic exercises for the development of strength indicators and aerobic capabilities of the body. The principle of training is to work with light weights - about 30-40% of the one-time maximum. Statodynamic exercises are performed in half amplitude for 30-40 seconds. Due to the continuous tension, the muscles begin to practically burn. It is the burning sensation that confirms correct execution exercises. After the approach, you need a 30-second rest, and then a new approach. In total, it is recommended to perform 3-4 approaches. Let's see how it works with an example carpal expander and compare with other exercise options:

  • Statodynamics is when the expander is compressed and unclenched not to the end, that is, in a shortened amplitude.
  • Dynamic is when you do the same thing in maximum amplitude.
  • Static - when the expander is held in a compressed state.

Static exercises are also called isometry. Isometrics differs from statodynamics in that it increases the volume of muscles and strengthens them, while statodynamic training is aimed primarily at strength indicators.

Bodybuilding weight training program according to Seluyanov - what and how to do

The training program is divided into 4 days:

  • on Monday, the athlete needs to complete a developmental workout for the spinal muscles (trapezium and deltas). 4-9 sets per exercise. Other muscle groups are trained with less intensity - 1-2 sets;
  • Tuesday - workout for the extensors of the arms and muscles abdominals. Training mode - developing - 4-9 sets;
  • Thursday - work on the extensor muscles of the legs and the flexor muscles of the arms. 4-9 sets. The remaining muscle groups train with less intensity (1-2 sets);
  • Friday - work on the bending joints of the legs. Perform 4-9 sets per exercise.

If you are not sure how to properly perform all the above techniques, be sure to watch the Seluyanov training video to avoid injury. Seluyanov's interval training - the main principles Seluyanov's interval training method should be built in compliance with the following main principles:

  • You don't need to overload your body. It is necessary to correctly distribute the load depending on the goals of the training: an increase in strength, endurance or speed. It is necessary to select the load on the body, taking into account the age of the athlete. For example, it is necessary to engage in rocking the heart (increase the volume of strokes) from the age of 18. Until this age, it is necessary to engage in the development of physiological qualities;
  • The main goal of interval training is to achieve a certain balance between the oxygen consumption of muscle tissue and the heart muscle. It is thanks to the achievement of this balance that the athlete will be able to withstand fairly large loads;
  • First stage interval training- it is necessary to create strong muscle fibers that will process lipid cells and lactic acid. This stage can be called fat burning training. After preparing the muscles, the athlete needs to begin to increase the stroke volume of the heart. This can be done by giving the body long-term static loads with a pulse of 100-120 beats. Long-term loads are intended to increase the "elasticity" of the heart. This is ensured by the fact that the heart begins to stretch due to the constant flow of blood in large volumes. You can increase the heart in volume by almost 2 times, since it is a “hanging” organ, unlike the musculoskeletal system. With this method of increasing the volume of the heart, anabolic steroids, amino acids and gainers are recommended for admission. They need to be consumed in small doses. Keep in mind that with regular use of steroids and a lack of protein in the body, dystrophy of muscle fibers may begin.
  • The peak of training, according to Seluyanov, is the saturation of the muscles, including skeletal muscle mitochondria. This happens as a result of regular workouts, and due to dynamic pushes - training for speed, races and other competitions. BLOG COMMENTS POWERED BY DISQUS

Seluyanov - strength endurance training

First, according to the law of physiology, in order to train glycolytic muscle fibers, they must be included in the work. This immediately implies the requirements for the intensity of work, it should be around 80% of the maximum. With such a load, almost all motor units are turned on.

Secondly, it is necessary that the work continues for a sufficient time in order to excite the very mechanisms that will then ensure mitochondrial hypertrophy. You need a slight acidification, the appearance of free creatine, an increase in the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood and muscle fibers.

We recommend doing 10 reps per set, and if the athlete cannot complete 10 reps, then the weight is reduced, but the mental stress remains the same. The athlete must perform each movement more intensively. In this case, all muscle fibers are recruited, and the degree of accumulation of free creatine and hydrogen ions becomes optimal for stimulating transcription - reading information from DNA. During such an exercise, no more than 30% of ATP and creatine phosphate are spent, therefore, during a two-minute recovery, the accumulation of hydrogen ions and lactate will not exceed a critical level that destroys mitochondria.

An increase in the number of approaches leads to a gradual accumulation of hormones in the blood and active muscle tissue, so 10 approaches provide the required concentration of hormones in muscle fibers. Who can't wait, you can perform 20 approaches in one workout to one muscle group. More approaches can lead to the complete destruction of ATP and creatine phosphate in muscle fibers, which will delay the recovery process by several days. Therefore, the methodology in summary can be represented as follows: Squeeze:

  • load intensity - 60-80% of the one-time maximum
  • duration - 20-30 sec. (10 reps)
  • rest interval - 60-120 s
  • number of approaches - 10-20 times
  • number of workouts per week - 3-7

Strength Endurance Development Methods

1. Extensive interval method - is used in case of choosing the development of endurance with the help of aerobic processes, that is, with the participation of oxygen. The method involves carrying out several exercises with weights equal to your body weight or 30-40% of the maximum. Here it is worth using circular method workout. Each set should be 20 to 40 reps. Rest between exercises - up to 2 minutes, between circles - 5 minutes. The number of circles is 3-5.

2. Intensive interval method - is used in case of choosing the development of endurance with the help of anaerobic processes, that is, without exposure to oxygen. The method involves performing exercises with a weight of 50-60% of the maximum. The style of classes is circular. There is no fixed number of repetitions. They are held from maximum speed"to failure." The approach time is usually about 30 seconds. Rest between exercises - 30 seconds, between circles - up to 3 minutes.

The selection of exercises depends on the specifics of the sport you are doing. If it is necessary to increase overall strength endurance, basic exercises are selected for large groups muscles. When there is a need to increase local strength endurance, a set of isolated exercises is selected.

For the first method, no more than 6 exercises are determined with a circle time of about 5 minutes. For the second method, no more than 10 exercises are advised.

Seluyanov training video

Article structure:

Is it possible to independently determine the composition of muscle tissues?

This is quite difficult to do at home, since in different muscle groups, the composition of tissues can vary significantly. A person is unique from birth and the ratio of slow and fast fibers will differ. Starting to play sports, we find the type in which we can achieve maximum results with our composition of muscle tissues.

However, some people refuse to follow the recommendations and cannot show their best. For example, a person is told that his potential is revealed, maybe in weightlifting, but he decides to start skiing. At the same time, there is a way to get a rough estimate of the ratio of the two types of fibers in the muscles of the legs.

And to do this is quite simple - perform a long jump from a place. According to existing standards, boys aged 10 to 12 years old should in this case show a result of 180-200 centimeters. Of course, some can significantly exceed this result. It should be noted that now the methodology for the selection and subsequent training of athletes is much inferior to that. What was used in the days of the USSR.

For example, most middle-distance runners, performing a long jump, showed results of about 300 centimeters. Today it is a maximum of 250. To sum up this conversation, then in order to determine the composition of the muscular tissues of the legs, it is necessary to perform a long jump from a place and compare the results with the existing standards.

The more high score you show, the more fast fibers in your tissues. However, it is necessary to take into account the level physical training. The technique we have discussed above is suitable for beginner athletes. If you are interested in the ratio of glycolytic and oxidative fibers, then you need to conduct appropriate research. This is due to the fact that fast and slow fibers can use any type of energy production.

What type of training contributes to a stronger hormonal response of the body: strength or static-dynamic?

Scientists also asked this question and conducted a special study. As a result, there were no significant differences in the rate of synthesis of anabolic hormonal substances. To obtain the maximum hormonal response, the athlete must follow all the technical details of the exercise. The subjects performed leg extensions in the simulator using power and statodynamic modes. They conducted one developmental and two tonic classes.

As a result, the same transverse increase in the quadriceps and a similar increase in muscle mass were recorded. However, when working in the statodynamic mode, oxidative fibers underwent hypertrophy, and in the power mode, glycolytic ones.

The overall increase in hormone levels was similar, although somatotropin was more actively synthesized when performing exercises in a statodynamic mode. We also note that the concentration of creatine phosphokinase did not increase with this training regimen. This suggests that the fibers increased their transverse dimensions even without the microtraumas inherent in strength training.

Is it possible to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time with natural training?

A similar situation is possible, but it is necessary to approach with all responsibility the observance of an appropriate nutrition program. First of all, this concerns the ratio of the main nutrients in the athlete's diet. The amount of fat should be minimized, and the amount of carbohydrates should be such that muscle mass is gained. In turn, protein compounds must be present in large quantities.

For example, an athlete weighs 70 kilos, and in this case he needs to consume 140 grams of protein daily, at least 140 grams of carbohydrates, and no more than five grams of fat, moreover, of a vegetable nature.

However, based on the practical experience of leading bodybuilders, for a significant loss of fat mass, it will be difficult to do without ephedrine. The fact is that this substance accelerates the basic metabolism and during rest, the athlete loses weight.

Is it possible to speed up the basal metabolism without the use of sports pharmacology?

To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to choose the optimal combination of power and cardio loads. the best way increasing basal metabolism is aerobic training. However, it is known that excessive cardio loads can lead to the destruction of muscle tissue. To eliminate this negative moment, it is necessary to find a balance between the two types of training.

In this case, the optimal choice is to conduct a cardio session in the morning, and strength training in the evening. It is important to remember that the brain uses only carbohydrates as an energy source. Muscles, in turn, are able to work actively thanks to fats.

However, the brain does not require large amounts of carbohydrates. For example, when cycling, it is enough to eat one candy every hour of training. This will allow the brain to function normally and not experience a lack of energy.

How to gain muscle mass with minimal body fat growth and how to lose weight with minimal muscle loss?

First of all, you must comply the right program nutrition. If you want to get rid of fat, but at the same time not lose muscle mass, you need to carry out tonic strength training, and the volume can be increased. In this case, a carbohydrate-free diet should not be used.

This is due to the need to ensure the normal functioning of the brain. Of course, the amount of carbohydrates must be limited and their sources should be consumed only before the start of the training and after its completion.

Is it necessary to use a certain number of repetitions for training different muscle groups during a period of mass gain?

This is a fairly popular question, inspired by the recommendations of the association of coaches for novice athletes. You must understand that the expert opinion can be expressed first of all by scientists. Coaches create training programs based on results scientific research. The choice of training volume depends on the composition of muscle tissues.

For example, if you are dominated glycolytic fibers, then the emphasis should be on static-dynamic exercises. Otherwise, work only in power mode. Thus, your task is initial stage training is reduced to determining the composition of muscle tissues.

How to use the principle of periodization correctly?

Let's start with the fact that in a properly organized annual training cycle, rest should not be provided at all. If you use excessive loads, then the body, or rather the hormonal system, wears out a lot, which leads to the need to rest for two or even three months. Most representatives of various sports disciplines today use excessive loads.

It is this fact that leads to the need to use powerful types sports pharmacology, For example, . When compiling your training plan, you need to use four weeks of developmental sessions, and on the fifth to do only tonic workouts. This will allow the body to rest and you will not need to rest in the off-season for a long time. If you feel that you will not be able to work efficiently in the upcoming lesson, then your hormonal system is depleted, and you need to give it a rest.

What is supercompensation?

No scientific experiment conducted to date has investigated the presence or absence of supercompensation. We can safely say that such a stage simply does not exist, since it was not possible to fix it. The growth of muscle tissue is a consequence of the decoding of the information contained in the RNA synthesized under the influence of physical activity.

Often, the term "supercompensation" means the depletion and replenishment of the glycogen depot. Note that for the first time they began to talk about this in the fifties and this topic continues to be actively discussed today.

How to overcome the training plateau?

Most often, a plateau is the result of a strong wear of the hormonal system. This is possible when using heavy loads against the background of a low-carbohydrate or no-carbohydrate nutrition program. In power sports disciplines to determine the state of your body, it is recommended to perform penetrations once a week. If after that the weight drops, then you should reconsider your nutrition program and.

Is it possible to work out glycolytic and oxidative fibers within the same workout?

If training process built correctly, it is quite possible. Your main task in this situation is to quickly eliminate lactate from muscle tissue. However, this applies more to cyclic species sports.

How do you feel about crossfit and is it possible to start doing this sport without initial physical training?

This sport can be considered quite unhealthy, due to the active acidification of muscle tissues. I do not recommend starting to practice, but it is better to choose another sport. However, once again it should be repeated that it is necessary to avoid strong acidification of the muscles. Many American CrossFit coaches try every training session as close as possible to the competitive process. It is absolutely impossible to do this.

Why is a carbohydrate-free nutrition program dangerous for the body, and how to properly use carbohydrates during the drying period?

I have already said that carbohydrates are essential for brain function. It is with this that the main harm of a carbohydrate-free nutrition program is associated. Carbohydrates must be consumed before the start of the training, during the session and immediately after its completion. The rest of the time you can not use this nutrient. Today it is often said that carbohydrates are to blame for the increase in fat mass. However, it all depends on the dosage of the nutrient. If you are eating low carbs just to keep your brain working, then there is no problem with overweight will not occur.

Many athletes wonder if taking carbohydrates during training increases insulin levels. I can say with complete certainty that this is not happening. The fact is that under the influence of physical activity, the synthesis of adrenaline, growth hormone, norepinephrine is accelerated. These hormonal substances inhibit the production of insulin.

It should also be recalled here that taking small doses of carbohydrates during training can significantly increase the intensity of work, since glycogen stores will be depleted more slowly. I recommend taking an isotonic drink instead of BCAA during class.

How effective is the ketogenic diet nutrition program?

Ketone bodies can partially replace carbohydrates as a source of brain nutrition. You must remember that during strength training, the body does not use adipose tissue for energy. During exercise, the body first consumes the supply of blood glucose, and then moves on to glycogen. It is impossible to allow the consumption of amines during the lesson, because in this case the muscles will not grow. for weight loss.

Often on the network you can find a statement about the importance of using free amines, in particular BCAA to compensate for the body's energy costs. It is fundamentally wrong and you should remember that energy must be obtained exclusively from carbohydrates, and amines must be spent on the growth of muscle tissue. It is now about strength training. Here we should also remember about the restructuring of the body for various modes of operation of the energy system from carbohydrates to fats. This is possible only during rest and with a high basal metabolism.