Far Eastern Sports Festival new generation. Autonomous non-profit organization "Directorate of the Far Eastern International Sports Festival of Students"

On September 20–24, 2017, Khabarovsk will host the New Generation Far East Student Sports Festival dedicated to the UNESCO and FISU international day student sports.

The main venues for the event will be sports objects the Lenin Stadium and the Far Eastern Academy of Physical Culture.

The New Generation Festival won a presidential grant in 2017 and was presented by the Khabarovsk Territory at the Eastern Economic Forum in September 2017 in Vladivostok.

The concept of the festival in 2017 is built taking into account modern world trends in the development of student sports. The event is based on practical training, acquisition of new knowledge, skills and interactive communication. "New Generation - 2017" will bring together teams from leading universities in the Far East, Japan, China and the Republic of Korea, as well as authoritative experts and mentors in sports popular among students, specialists in sports marketing, business, science, psychology and PR technologies .

Within the framework of the festival, young people, with the help of reputable mentors and experts, will be able to improve their skills and acquire new practical skills in the areas of university sports that interest them. For this, the Open Sport Practice program will be the central event of the festival. Its participants are waiting for master classes on rare and exotic species sports of the peoples of the North and the Amur region, sports of the youth sports subculture, seminars, trainings, mentoring sessions, demonstration performances, presentations, competitions, sports entertainment and unforgettable experiences. And of course, to communicate and compete with each other in sports such as streetbasket, swimming, table tennis, judo, mini-football, beach volleyball.

Large-scale event will visit Olympic team Russian Sports Student Union (RSSS). The RSSU Olympic team will represent 5 regions of the Russian Federation: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Volgograd and Tyumen regions. Among the famous athletes - Olympic champion 2004, winner of the World Cup, champion of the Goodwill Games and the World Universiade Tatyana Lebedeva, 1996 Olympic champion, five-time world record holder in weightlifting Alexei Petrov, two-time Olympic champion and seven-time USSR champion in volleyball Nina Smoleeva, Olympic champion in 1998 and three-time biathlon world champion Galina Kukleva and others.

Within the framework of the festival, sports events will be held, in which the townspeople will be able to take part. This is a mass run "Clean Marathon" in support of the World Festival of Youth and Students, which will be held in Sochi, fitness presentations from city clubs and, of course, citizens will be able to watch and cheer for student teams that will compete at the festival venues.

The second Far Eastern Sports Festival of Students "New Generation" opened in Khabarovsk

The Far Eastern International Sports Festival of Students "New Generation - 2017" opened in Khabarovsk the day before. 37 take part in it the strongest teams from leading universities in China, North Korea, Japan, Tajikistan and the Russian Far East. The competition will be held for several days and will end on September 24th.

The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government - Minister of Culture Alexander Fedosov, as well as 10 champions and prize-winners Olympic Games, world record holders, authoritative experts and mentors in sports, specialists in the field of sports marketing, business, science, psychology and PR.

“This large-scale and bright event will serve as a powerful impetus for the further development of university sports not only in the Far East, but also in Russia. Participation in the festival will give you the opportunity to communicate, gain new experiences and knowledge, charge emotions and share experiences. I wish the athletes high achievements in a fair fight, well-deserved victories and success in studies, objectivity and impartiality to the judges, and bright, spectacular competitions to the spectators,” said Alexander Fedosov.

This year the organizers in addition to sports events prepared an extensive educational program. It includes holding a scientific and practical conference, meetings and communication with government officials and Olympic champions, sessions on management, psychology, pharmacology and PR, master classes from champions and champions in the sports of the festival.

V International festival-competition

"New Generation"

Russia, Moscow,

DK "Kapotnya"

Location: st. 2nd quarter of Kapotnya, 20-A

Supported by:

  • Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"
  • Magazine Ballet
  • Company "Skazka-Lollipops"


Acquaintance with the work of Russian groups, cultural exchange of experience, creative master classes from choreographers, as well as members of the jury.

In the program of the festival-competition:

  • prize for EACH PARTICIPANT
  • competition for best number in each nomination;
  • exchange of cultural and creative experience;

Assistance in strengthening and expanding cultural exchange, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between peoples.


Tatiana Skrypka - graduate of the Moscow State Institute of Culture in the class of folk dance, laureate of the Governor's Prize of the Moscow Region "Our Moscow Region", director of the school of sports dances "Alteratsia", honorary member of the jury of the Festival Committee "Vocal of Russia", a regular participant in the concert activity of the Government House of the Moscow Region, winner of numerous competitions and festivals

Chernyaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna (vocal)- Honorary Worker of General Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Moscow Region for Youth Policy, Member of the Expert Commission of the International State Festival-Competition "Katyusha" in the nomination of instrumental art, teacher of the State Academic Theater of Russia in the class of academic vocals, leader. Exemplary vocal group "Little Secret"

Sergei Viktorovich Kononenko Laureate of the competition of instrumental performers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory of the Second World War in the nomination "Best Accompanist", Laureate of the State All-Russian competition instrument "Markatto", Musician, Composer, graduate of the Kyiv Institute of Culture


  • Leading professors and teachers of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography
  • Gnessin Russian Academy of Music,
  • Famous cultural figures, representatives of show business.


creative teams with any number of participants, soloists and small forms, of any age category

  • up to 7 years - junior group
  • 7-10 years old - second youngest
  • 11-13 years- middle group
  • 14-16 years old - senior group
  • 17-19 years old - adult group
  • 20-25 years old - youth group
  • Mixed age group (age min / max is indicated)

Attention! It is necessary to indicate in the applications the actual age of the participants on the day of the competition, and NOT the age category. The organizing committee will determine the age category of participants.


  • CERTIFICATE (issued to the head teacher) cost 800r
  • Participation for children 500 rub


Nominations of the festival-competition: IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR OWN NOMINATION

Choreography (includes all types of choreography and choreographic performances (theatrical, improvisation, etc.)

  • children's dance
  • folk dance,
  • stage dance,
  • classical dance,
  • modern dance,
  • ballroom dance,
  • dance mix,
  • patriotic dance
  • Street dance

original genre(circus and sports programs, including all types of the genre, with the exception of "air" numbers, rhythmic gymnastics)

"Who's over 30..."- soloists and groups with more than 80% of the composition in the age category of 30 years or more, in any genre.


Nominations: both vocal soloists and small forms, ensembles, choirs take part

  • academic vocal,
  • pop vocal,
  • jazz vocals,
  • folk vocals,
  • Author's song,
  • patriotic song,
  • song theater,
  • retro hits,
  • Chanson,
  • Songs from cartoons and movies
  • Folk art
  • Own nomination

Participants in the nomination "Vocal creativity"present 1 number with a total duration of up to 4 minutes. The jury has the right to stop the performance after 4 minutes. Competition works are performed only to accompaniment or "minus" phonogram. It is not allowed for vocalists to perform in the competition program under the “plus” phonogram and the use of phonograms with a prescribed melody.

Theatrical creativity

  • Artistic word (participants present 1 number with a total duration of up to 4 minutes. The jury has the right to stop the performance after 4 minutes)
  • Drama Theater
  • fashion theater
  • Puppet show
  • Theater of facial expressions and gestures
  • Musical
  • interactive theater
  • Own nomination


One number no more than 10 minutes

  • Soloists - 2000 rubles per performance, including registration of the application 300 rubles / person.
  • , including registration of the application 300 rubles / person.
  • Over 10 minutes to 20 minutes 15000 rub regardless of the number of people , including registration of the application 1500 rubles / application.
  • Over 20 minutes to 30 minutes 20000 rub regardless of the number of people , including registration of the application 2000 rubles/application.
  • "Premier" - a number that is presented on stage for the first time,
  • "Young stars of the festival" - a special prize for the youngest participants from 3 to 5 years old
  • "Formation" - the most massive number of the festival
  • "The theme of peace and kindness"

Criteria for evaluation.

  • Each number is evaluated separately according to the qualification and level of the team:
  • Performing skills; Charm and smiles;
  • Artistic level of the room; Culture and delicacy of costume;
  • Originality of the production;
  • Entertainment and stage performance culture;
  • Positive culture of communication with other participants during performances and at the festival;
  • Compliance with the rules of speech.
  • In the nomination "Choreography" each number is evaluated, the duration of the number is up to 4 minutes . The jury has the right to stop the performance after 4 minutes

Artistic creativity

ALL possible techniques of work are accepted to participate:

Pictures painted in any technique: Watercolor, Gouache, Oil, Pencil, Graphics, Graffiti, Monochrome gouache, etc. (each work is evaluated in its own nomination)

  • Arts and Crafts: Felting, Isothreading, Ribbon Embroidery, Dough, etc. (each work is evaluated in its own nomination)
  • Own nomination
  • Photo art

The size of works up to A2 format. Each work is evaluated, each work receives a diploma and a cup. The cost of participation is 1500 rubles for one work, including the registration of the application 300 rubles per person.

Each entry must include the following information in block letters:

  • Last name, first name, age
  • Surname, name, patronymic (in full) of the teacher

Name of educational institution


Festival fee: (For participation in one competitive program). When registering, indicate the exact number of participants, because. each participant receives a souvenir.

  • Soloists - 2000 rubles per performance , including registration of the application 300 rubles / person.
  • Duets -1200 rubles from each participant per number , including registration of the application 300 rubles / person.
  • Trio and small forms (up to 8 people) 1000 rubles each , including registration of the application 300 rubles / person.
  • From 9 people and more - 700 rubles per room , including registration of the application 200 rubles / person.

(In each room it is necessary to pay each participant)

Participants from orphanages and boarding schools do not pay the registration fee!!!

One number in the program they can show for FREE

The arrival of teams - participants is expected according to the schedule determined by the organizing committee. The schedule is sent to the team leaders by e-mail, 3 days before the start of the competition day. Correction is possible only on the day of mailing in case of a good reason.

In case of non-appearance of the participant for the competition, the registration fee is returned in the following cases:

  • The participant warned about his non-appearance 7 days before the start of the competition.
  • Force majeure circumstances related to the organization of the competition
  • Force majeure circumstances relating to the participant (s) in the presence of a document and notification of the organizers at least 3 days before the start of the competition.

In other cases, the registration fee is non-refundable.

  • Performances under the “minus” phonogram must be accompanied by a high-quality phonogram, a musical composition recorded on a flash drive. All phonograms are sent by mail to the organizing committee, on the day of the competition, to the sound engineer, after registration of the participants before the start of the performance of the contestant;
  • Accompanying teachers, team leaders, parents (guardians) are fully responsible for the life and health of the participants; according to fire safety rules, it is forbidden to use flammable items, including pyrotechnics, candles, torches, sparklers, decorations and other items that do not comply with fire safety.
  • The organizers of the competition are not responsible to the authors of works and songs performed by the participants of the competition, and the organizing committee is not responsible for incorrectly reported or changed information provided by the participant.
  • The organizers of the competition have the right to change the place or date of the competition due to force majeure.
  • When submitting an application, you must specify the FULL NAME OF THE TEACHER, CONCERTMASTER
  • For any corrections - reprinting a diploma, rewriting a letter, etc., etc., and any kind of inaccuracies in diplomas due to incorrectly specified data in the application, an additional fee for the diploma form will be charged.
  • Changes in the program on the day of the competition are not allowed! Namely: Name of the participant, performance number, name of the teacher or director, name of the institution.
  • Any changes, additions and rearrangement of numbers are strictly not allowed after the mailing of the generated contest program!
  • Be extremely careful when filling out the application!
  • The organizers of the competition are not responsible for tickets purchased in advance for travel from any point
  • The organizing committee of the competition is not responsible for the personal belongings of the participants! Do not leave personal belongings unattended!
  • The costs of organizing and holding the competition are at the expense of the organizers and contributions of the participants in the competition.

Submission of an application for the competition means familiarization and acceptance of all the conditions of the event. After submitting the application, managers and participants must pay the registration fee within 7 working days, but no later than 3 days before the competition.

The stage dimensions are 12 x 14 m. Rehearsals are not expected. At the competition, the number of numbers from the team is not limited. The jury evaluates the competitive program, and each number separately. The jury of the competition reserves the right to change the declared numbers of groups by genre and by age groups, after receiving required documents and view contest numbers. At the competition, NOT a competitive, but a qualification principle for evaluating the competitive program is applied. The jury evaluates the competition numbers according to its system and makes a decision on awarding places.

We accept applications until the last day!

  • Requirements for the participants of the festival:
  • Send an Application to our address;
  • The program (repertoire) of the group (in the order in which it is necessary to put it in the program), the number of the creative program for participation in the festival.
  • application for certificates and Thanksgiving letters(by form)

Festival and competition awards

Overall awards for the different genres presented on any subject:

  • GrandPrix - Grand Prix, festival cup.
  • Diploma "Laureate of the 1st degree" and a cup - DiplomaLaureate 1stdegree
  • Diploma "Laureate of the 2nd degree" and a cup - Diploma Laureate 2d degree
  • Diploma "Laureate of the 3rd degree" and a cup - Diploma Laureate 3d degree
  • Diploma "Diplomant 1st degree" and cup - Diplomante 1stdegree
  • Diplomante 2nd Degree Diploma and Cup - Diplomante 2ddegree
  • Diplomante 3rd degree diploma and cup - Diplomante 3ddegree
  • Diploma of the participant of the festival-competition - Diplomaofparticipant

Special awards:

Prizes and Diplomas "for the best number and any creative work"; "for artistry"; "for professionalism" and many others. others

Leaders of creative teams, teachers, sponsors are awarded letters of thanks (on request)

Discount certificates (5%, 10%, 15%) for participation in the following competitive programs.

The teams that have become owners of the Grand Prix are awarded:

Grand Cup for the entire performance program, Laureate Diploma, Certificate for a 30% discount

The teams that have become Laureates of the 1st degree are awarded:

Diploma for each issue of the program, a golden statuette for the team, a certificate for a discount from 5% to 15%

The teams that have become Laureates of the II degree and III degree are awarded:

Diploma for each number of the program, statuette

Teams that have become Diploma winners of the I degree, II degree and III degree are awarded:

Diploma for each number of the program, a small figurine

And panel of judges may decide on additional remuneration:

  • real assistance in creative implementation, namely: promotion of the brightest and most talented participants of the New Generation competitions to concert programs of city events in Moscow and the Moscow Region, to various performances;
  • Certificates for the best participants for free or preferential participation in subsequent competitions.