Sports holiday in the summer for preschoolers. Sports holiday for children

The relay race for preschoolers should be fun and provocative. Music, contests and awarding the winners - all this should be in a sports festival.

The task of holding sports festivals in kindergarten is the development physical qualities the child and the formation of motor skills. In addition, the child develops moral and volitional qualities, courage, endurance, independence and purposefulness.

The purpose of these holidays- this is the introduction of children to sports and the development of their desire for a healthy lifestyle. Children from a young age learn to actively and organizedly spend their holidays.

Fun starts- finish!

Scenario sports holiday in kindergarten

First you need to decorate the hall: hang posters with slogans about healthy way life and the benefits of movement. The central wall should be bright and eye-catching.

Tip: In the corners of the hall, set up stands with children's drawings on the theme "We are friends with physical education." Kids, together with their parents, come up with the name of their teams and the motto.

Scenario sports festival in kindergarten, it begins with the sound of a march, and the teams come out to applause:

  • Leading hello with the participants and announces the beginning of the holiday:

Our fun marathon
We will start now.
If you want to be healthy
Come see us at the stadium!
Jump, run and play
Never be discouraged!
You will be dexterous, strong, courageous,
Fast and skillful!

  • The facilitator invites the teams to get to know each other and they take turns saying their name and reciting the motto
  • Before the start warm-up training, the body warms up, the muscles warm up - everything, like real athletes
  • Musical accompaniment sounds and the kids begin to perform rhythmic exercises
  • After the end of the workout presenter says:

Hockey is a great game!
We have a decent platform.
Now who is the bravest?
Come play quickly!

  • Relay races and competitions begin. After several competitions, the children need to rest
  • Everyone sat down and began to guess riddles about sports:

What is an ice dancer called? (Figure skater)
The beginning of the road to the finish line. (Start)
Flying badminton ball. (Shuttlecock)
How often are Olympic Games? (Once every 4 years)
What is the name of the ball out of play? (Out)

  • After the rest, relay races continue. The result of sports competitions will be the awarding of winners

Leader's words:

Thank you all for your attention
For interesting victories and ringing laughter.
For fun competition
And long-awaited success!

As a prize for the winner, parents can bake a big one.

Important: Children will be happy to eat such a treat after a fun physical education, drinking compote or tea.

Children's sports competitions for preschoolers

No sports event is complete without fun competitions. They help develop in kids quick wits, quick thinking and quick reactions.

Baby sports competitions for preschoolers:


  • Everyone's favorite snowball game. Instead of snow, each team has sheets of paper of its own color.
  • Participants crumple sheets and throw them at rivals
  • After that, the participants begin to collect their team's snowballs in bags. Whoever collects faster wins


  • From each team of kids, one person is called
  • Two empty and one full containers are placed in front of the participants.
  • Any large items are completely mixed, for example, pasta of different colors
  • The task of the participants is to arrange pasta of the same color in boxes.
  • Whoever completes the task faster wins.


  • Two teams stand in two rows. At the end of the hall, two chairs opposite each of the teams
  • The task of each player is to reach the finish line in the form of an animal.
  • The facilitator says "Frog", and the players start jumping like a frog, running to the chair and back
  • In the middle of the competition, the host says “Bear, and the next participants run to the chair and back like a clumsy bear
  • The victory will be for the team that copes well with the task and its last member is the first to reach the finish line

Fun starts: sports relay race for children

The kids are looking forward to the sports day. They are happy to help decorate the hall and hang out their drawings. Both adults and children like fun starts.

Sports relay races for children:


  • Two teams line up and are given hockey sticks
  • With their help, you need to bring the cube to the finish line and back.


  • Ride in a bag or on a stick to the finish line and back
  • The stick or bag is passed to the next participant - so on until the victory

"No Hands"

  • Two people from the team to carry the ball to the finish line without touching their hands. You can hold the ball with your stomachs, heads


  • Captain inside the hoop - he's driving
  • Runs up, takes one participant to him, and they go to the finish line
  • So you need to "transport" each participant

Competition of sports games for kindergarten children

Children like funny Games and competitions, so the fun should be accompanied by music.

Important: In order to easily attract kids to the game, it is necessary to show by example how the relay race should be carried out.

Tip: Only run contests that you know are safe.

Children can be offered such contests sports games for kindergarten children:


The kids are divided into two teams. Each team has one toy truck with a doll or soft toy. Participants must drive the truck by the rope along the designated path to the finish line. Which team will complete this task faster, that one will be the winner.


Two teams of participants are given a roll of toilet paper. One "mummy" is selected, which must be wrapped with paper. Whichever team completes the task the fastest wins.


Children are given markers. There are two drawing papers hanging on the wall. Two children come out and start drawing one of the friends of their kindergarten group. The felt-tip pen is not held by the hands, but by the mouth. Which of the children will be the first to know whose portrait is drawn, then won. The next one is to draw the one who answered correctly.

Important: You can involve adults in children's competitions - dads, moms, grandparents.


Dads help in this competition. Adult is a horse. The child sits on the father's back. It is necessary to "jump" to the finish line. Whoever gets there faster wins.

Fun contests for kids

Toddlers love fun games. They will be happy to throw the ball or run from start to finish. Therefore, in kindergarten they can be offered such fun competitions for children:


Set up two chairs. Put on them a sundress and a scarf. Whoever puts on the costume faster wins.


Sleeves of two jackets turn inside out. Jackets are hung on the backs of chairs, which are installed back to back. Lay a rope two meters long under the chairs. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants run up to the chairs and begin to put on jackets, turning the sleeves inside out. After that, they run around the chairs, sit on them and pull the rope.

"Who is faster?"

Children stand in a line with jump ropes in their hands. A line is drawn 20 meters from them and a rope with flags is placed. On a signal, the kids begin to jump to the line. The winner will be the child who jumps to the edge first.

Important: Thanks to such holidays and competitions, adults direct the energy of children in the right direction.

These activities teach kids to be brave, help friends and be persistent in a playful way. Funny contests turn even an ordinary summer walk in kindergarten into an exciting and interesting event.

Video: Sports competitions for children and parents were held in kindergarten No. 40 Zvyozdochka

Summer holiday in kindergarten. Scenario "The sun, air and water are our best friends!" (for mixed age groups)

1. Umbrella
2. Non-standard equipment "Sun"
3. Non-standard equipment "Butterfly"
4. Ships
5. Waterfall
6. Colored plastic balls
7. Fish pool
8. Plastic cups
9. Tubes (cocktail)
10. Fish
11. Soap bubbles
12. Treats
13. Buckets
14. Balloons
The children go out to the playground and are met by Vasilinka and Chizhik Pyzhik.
Vasilinka: Hello guys! Today we have gathered for a wonderful holiday of health! We are glad to see you all. My name is Vasilinka, I will amuse you!
Chizhik: my name is Chizhik Pyzhik, I have prepared interesting games for you. Who's to say what it means to be healthy? (Answers of children). Yes, you are right, it means not to get sick, go in for sports and harden, eat more vitamins and healthy foods. And don't sit still, move more often. And for this, of course, our best friends will help us - SUN AIR AND WATER
Vasilinka: We have no time to be bored here, it's time to start warming up. Stand in a circle, join hands together.
(Dance warm-up)
Chizhik: Summer calls us for a walk. The sun has been waiting for us. Let's guys play with our sun.

(1) The game "The Sun and Children" (children run around the playground to the music, depicting cleaning the garden. As soon as the music stops, the children should all run under the umbrella.) The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Vasilinka: so that we can be healthy, we will be friends with the sun.

(2) The game with the sun "Who is faster" (on a signal, the children begin to wind the elastic tape around the stick until they get to the sun layout.)
Chizhik: In order for us to be healthy, we will be friends with the air.
I suggest you play with him. interesting game.

(4) The game "Ships" (Ships standing on the same line in the pool, at the signal, the children begin to blow on the sail, the boat must swim to the opposite side of the pool.

(5) The game "Bulkalki" - a glass filled with water by a third, a straw.
Children on command take a deep breath, making a gurgling in the water.
Playing with the wind Again the wind in our face (fan)
Here the tree sways (shake hands)
The wind is quieter, quieter (squat)
The tree is higher, higher (get up).
Playing with ribbons and wind: Our ribbons, like birds, began to spin in the air La-la-la ... (Waving the hand with the ribbon)
The breeze runs in a circle, flew one after another La-la-la ... (Running on toes behind the Wind)
The wind spun with us, the tapes spun themselves La-la-la ... (Circling around yourself)

Chizhik: Guys, do you like swimming? The kids are kids, and you remember the rules that you need to remember if you are going to swim. And I will remind you of them.
1. You can’t enter the water without adults!
2. If you can swim, put on inflatable armlets.
3. Do not swim far, the current can carry you away.
4. You can not jump and dive into the water if you do not know the bottom.
5. Do not throw sharp and glass objects into the water. Do not pollute the bottom of the reservoir.
Vasilinka: Do you remember the rules? In order for us to be healthy, we will be friends with water.
(6) The outdoor game "Water Mail" - the children stand in teams, each has one bucket of water, the second bucket is empty. Transfer water to an empty bucket with a plastic cup.
Chizhik: Hooray, let's start water procedures!

(7) “Run through the waterfall” (children stand one after another one by one, run through the waterfall at a signal.)
Vasilinka: Do you know that in our kindergarten there is a pond with fish. Do you want to fish? I suggest poking…

(8) Fishing game
Chizhik: I really like to play sports and exercise. What about you guys?
(children's answers)
And now we'll see how strong you are!

(9) The game "Hit the target" (in the hands of children, balls with water, on a signal, they begin to throw at the target (basket)
Vasilinka: And now guys, we will go on the path of health. So that our legs do not hurt and do not get tired.
Chizhik: guys, it's time for us to leave, but we have prepared Vitamins for you, which you will find on the health tree.
Vasilinka and Chizhik treat the children and say goodbye to the children.

Summer sports festival in the senior group in kindergarten "Grow up strong, dexterous!"

Target: to introduce children to physical education and sports, to strengthen their health.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction of game characters.

The recording sounds cheerful music from the cartoon "Smeshariki". Sportik appears on the site, surrounded by Smeshariki. They bounce around merrily. Some have balls, others have hoops, jump ropes.

Sportik(referring to children).

Here are my helpers

They are true friends.


Hi guys!

Today we are happy

We're coming to you for a holiday

And a holiday song

So happy to eat.

That song is good

The whole kindergarten sings.

And the guests are smiling

And listen to the guys.

The song "Charging for the tail" sounds (from the cartoon based on the works of G. Oster).


Little sportsman

Do volleyball

Rowing, swimming, football,

Launch colorful kites,

Skate in the winter.

Ride a bike

And always strive to win

Be strong for the joy of all

Nice little athlete.

E. Bagryana


We love sports very much

And we invite you to the stadium, to the court.

Cheerful rhythmic music sounds. Sportik and his friends explain what exercises can be done, what games can be played at the stadium. Everyone goes to the stadium.


This is the stadium

Start, friends, overtaking.

II. To be friends with sports is to be healthy.


If you came with me

Please don't stand here!

Bicycle relay.

On the starting line - a bicycle. On command, each participant puts on a helmet, rides to the turning point, pulls out a colored flag from the ground; then rides back, passes the bike with the flag to the next participant. The team whose last member returns to the start line first wins.


Be sporty, kids

The game starts!

The game "Transportation on a chair."

Game progress.

The team is divided into threes. In each "troika" two guys make a "high chair" from intertwined hands and on this "high chair" they carry the third player to the turning point and back.


So that you can shoot accurately

Learn how to hit the target!

Snipers game.

Shooting for the accuracy of hitting the target tennis balls, pine or spruce cones.


It's time for our feet to play.

Oh, this game is not easy!

Game "Three legs".

Game progress.

The players are divided into pairs, legs are tied to each pair ( right leg one player with the left foot of the other). A pair "on three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.


Strengthen your posture

Get up early in the morning.

Run fast and walk

Drive sleepy laziness!


Don't curl up like a donut

Straighten up and watch your posture!

Exercises for the formation of posture.

1. Walking on toes (1 minute) without bending your knees.

Hands on the belt, elbows back, back bend.

2. "Soft" step - walking.

Within a minute, smoothly rearrange the leg from the toe to the foot, slightly bending at the knee. Perform movements smoothly.


Step by step, life in motion -

The path to health, without a doubt!

3. Springy step.

Rise on your toes and take a step from the toe to the entire foot, bending and quickly straightening the knee, and switch to the toe again. Repeat 20-25 times.


Both winter and summer

Be friends with the game and run!

It's easy to run on your toes for a minute.

5. "Soft" run.

It is performed in the same way as the second exercise, but at a faster pace for 40 seconds.

Sportik. And now the relay "Hello to all the animals."

1. "Penguin".

Participants move by holding the ball between their legs.

2. "Frog".

Squatting down, they jump like a frog, get up, jump, squat again.

3. "Kangaroo".

Jumping on two legs together.

4. "Doggy".

Movement on all fours.

5. Cancer.

On all fours, crawl forward a step, and then back.

. Games with Sportik.

Burner game.

Game progress.

The players line up in pairs one after another in a column. Ahead, with his back to them, is the “burner”. They say to him in unison:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Dili don, dili don

Get out of the circle!

After these words, the players in the last pair run from both sides along the column. "Burner" is trying to catch one of them. If the running players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the "burner", then they stand in front of the column, the "burner" leads again, and the game is repeated. And if the “burner” catches one of the runners, then he stands with him in front of the column, and the player who is left without a pair leads.

The game "Dawn-Dawn".

Game progress.

One of the children is holding a pole with ribbons attached to the wheel. All the players run in a circle holding a ribbon in their hands. One of the participants is the driver, he stands outside the circle. Children go in a circle and say (you can sing):


red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys.

golden keys,

Ribbons are blue.

One-two - do not crow,

And run like fire!

With the last words, the driver touches one of the players, the two of them run to different sides and run around the circle. Whoever grabs the left ribbon first will win, and the loser becomes the leader. The game is repeated.

III. Chastushki Smeshariki.

You ditties for fun

Smeshariki will sing!

Oh, we are funny

Funny balls.

Baby play sports

And gain health!

We must live without diseases

Make friends with good vigor!

Early in the morning for exercise

Get in order!

Turn right, turn left

Bend very low.

Need to swim!

Happy to swim!

We will develop muscles

So that we do not know the pain.

There is a trampoline in the yard

Children are jumping here and there!

Legs are squeezing

Fly up to the sky!

gymnastic stick,

Round hoop and jump rope -

This is also hardening,

Rescuer for health!

Sports ball across the field

He gallops briskly.

The ball is inflated, do not shawl,

Kids love you!

Come to the stadium

It's filled to the brim!

Everyone needs sports

The game is bold, active!

IV. The final part of the lesson.

Children are awarded with diplomas and prizes. The final music plays. Children leave the stadium.

Elena Trusheva
Sports festival "Hello, summer!" (senior preschool age)

summer sports holiday.

senior preschool age.

Subject: « Hello, summer

Software tasks.

Create an atmosphere of friendliness, joy, positive emotions.

Ensure high physical activity of children.

Consolidate the skills acquired in physical education classes.

Equipment: balloons, flags, spoons, cups, glasses, racks, music, balls, 2 trays, spoons, 2 pots, butterflies, flowers, rackets.

The children are marching out to sports ground.

Instructor. Hello, Guys! See how you have grown and grown stronger in a year. We have summer today sports holiday. Let's have fun and play.

1 is a child.

How much greenery around!

What is this? This SUMMER

Sparkling with light and warmth!

2 - child.

How much sun! How much light!

What a beautiful summer heat!

Here's how to make summer

It was a whole year with me.


On this beautiful clear day

Let's visit let's call summer.

And so that we all have more fun,

Summer let the dance dance for us as soon as possible.

To the music « Summer» a girl dressed in a smart yellow dress is dancing "Dance of the Sun".

Sun. (greets children).

I am the bright sun

I light a candle in the windows,

For good weather

So that children grow from year to year.

Summer will help you become strong

Grow up strong and healthy.

After all, the sun, air and water -

All children. Our best friends.


We will be with in the summer we are friends,

We will always love sports,

Because all the guys

Dexterous, skillful.

Fast and bold!

Well done boys,

All cheerful, healthy - wow!

Do you like to play

It's time and summer games start off.

Instructor. In order to compete, we need to warm up a little (warm-up to music).

Warm up.

It is performed at first at a slow pace, and then at an accelerating pace.

1. Hands on the belt, put the left foot on the heel, the right hand to the side, change the arm and leg.

2. Swing movements of the right and left hand with simultaneous squatting.

3. Heel to toe, torso tilt forward, arms to the sides. The same with the other leg.

4. Squat, stand up, hands alternately on the belt, behind the head.

5. Attach to the little finger of one hand thumb the other hand, attach to the tip of the nose. Tease each other, tilting the torso forward - to the sides, smile.

Relay race "Put out the sun" .

Each child is given a flag before the start of the relay. Against

commands at a distance chosen by the instructor, a hoop is placed. At the whistle, the first child with a flag in his hand runs to the hoop and places a flag near it. Returns and passes the baton to the next. As a result, the flags should lie evenly around the hoop in the form of a sun. Whose team posted the sun faster and more accurately, she won.

Relay race "Carrying Different Balls".

Two teams compete. Team captains are given three balls of different sizes in their hands, for example, small rubber, tennis and volleyball. On a signal, you need to run to the flag with balls in your hands, run around it and come back, passing the balls to the next player. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Relay race "Who will fill the glass with water faster".

2 cups, 2 spoons, 2 glasses. Two teams compete with each other.

At a certain distance from the teams there are chairs on which there is a cup of water, next to an empty glass. Spoon in the hands of the players. Children run, scoop up water with a spoon and pour it into a glass. They run back and pass the spoon to the next player. Whoever has more water in the glass, that team won.

Attraction "Plant a Butterfly on Your Flower"

To the line start called by one player. Each player is given a tennis racket. On line start butterflies of various colors lie, flowers of the corresponding color lie opposite at a distance. On a signal, the players take the butterfly, put it on the racket, run up to the flower and put the butterfly on the flower. And they come back.

Attraction "Feed your friends porridge"

On a signal, each captain takes a spoon from the tray, quickly lowers it into a pot - "scoops up porridge", runs up to his team, gives the spoon to the first player - "feeds him porridge", returns to the pot, takes a spoon from the tray, lowers it into the pot and runs to feed the next player, so the captains take the spoons in turn to all the players of their team. When all the spoons have been distributed, each captain will again goes back to his potty, raises it with both hands to chest level, the team whose captain is the first to raise the pot, becomes the winner.

A game "Pass - do not drop".

Children stand in a circle. A ball filled with water is passed from hand to hand. The game continues until the ball is broken. The task can be complicated by throwing the ball to each other at a distance.

A game "Don't let me fall".

The sun plays with balloons with the children. When the ball touches the ground, the game ends.

Low mobility game "Bug"

Preparation: children are built in a circle, in the center of the circle the driver - a bug - is squatting.

Game Description: children holding hands, walk in a circle with words:

spider bug,

thin legs,

red boots,

We fed you

We fed you

They put on their feet.

Players approach the bug and help him to his feet.

Forced to dance.

Dance as much as you want

Choose who you want!

The spider dances and chooses the next driver. The game is repeated.

Rules of the game: the text should be spoken by everyone together.

Instructor. That's all we have, dexterous and courageous.

Everyone loves to compete

Always do sports.

All children. Fly red - cheers!

Sun. Happy summer, kids!

Holiday for children 5-7 years old. Scenario "Summer sports games"

Equipment: beach balls, rubber balls, cords or jump ropes, bows, hoops and sandbags, baskets and tennis balls.

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall in the summer sportswear with balls in their hands, stop at the central wall.

Leading. Hello guys! We are here to have fun and play. See how you have grown and grown stronger in a year. Today we have summer sports games!

I. Introductory part. Command presentation.

1st child.

Who dreams not furtively,

And preparing in earnest:

Carrying out charging

Hardened in frost.

2nd child.

To look right

To have a sporty look.

Ahead - sports contest,

The solar torch burns.

3rd child.

Time flies like a bird

And probably in a good hour,

In the proud form of an Olympian

One of us will come out.

4th child.

We are growing as a worthy replacement

To our Olympians, masters.

Become an athlete

Come visit us today.

Children perform exercises with inflatable balls to the music of M. Rauchverger:

1) tossing the ball up, catching it after the clap;

2) jumps with moving forward.

A girl runs out to the music of the polka.


I got up early, at dawn,

I went to the forest with a basket.

There she picked a bouquet of flowers,

I came to you for the holiday.

The flower girls run up to her. The round dance "Summer Flowers" is performed (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by L. Nekrasova).

Leading. We have two teams at the festival - "Cornflower" and "Chamomile". (Introduces captains)

II. Relay with balls.

I am cheerful, mischievous, round,

Red, blue.

I can jump.

Guess who I am... (Ball)

Balls “pop out” - adults imperceptibly throw multi-colored balls into the hall.

Leading. Now let's play with balls. I invite five people from each team to the site. Participants stand in a column one after another. Spread your legs, lean forward and pass the ball between your legs back to each other. When the ball reaches the end, the latter begins to pass the ball back over his head without turning his head. When the captains receive the ball, they must, hitting the ball on the ground, reach the flag. Whoever gets there first, that team wins. (The whole relay race takes place with cheerful music)

III. Duel "We know more athletes."

Leading. All of you love sports, follow the success of our athletes. name someone from famous athletes our country. Which team will name more names of athletes will be the winner in this duel.

Children name, summarize.

IV. Relay race "Be dexterous".

Leading. I suggest you play the game "Be dexterous". Each team has 6-7 people. It is necessary to jump over the cord, correctly pushing off and crouching, crawl under the arc, take the bag and throw it into the hoop lying on the ground. At the end, the results of the competition are summed up. (The relay is accompanied by dance music)

V. Petrushka's tasks.

1. Exit Parsley.

Petrushka (adult) appears.


I am a cheerful friend Petrushka.

In a bright hat on top.

I'm in a painted suit

Bright red, blue.

I have a big nose

I put it everywhere.

I have a thousand talents -

And I dance and I sing.

The children are clapping, Petrushka is dancing merrily (music by N. Chemberdzhi).

2. Competition of riddles.

Parsley. Guess my riddles.

1) Throw it into the river - it doesn't sink,

You hit the wall - do not moan,

You will throw the earth

Will fly upward. (Ball)

2) Every evening I go

Draw circles on ice

Just not with pencils

And shiny ... (skates).

3) From the head - great,

With a pen, it's easy. (Ball)

4) Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And their name is ... (skiing).

5) On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (bike).

3. Relay cyclists.

Do you have smart cyclists?

Parsley distributes bicycles to children (4 pcs).

A relay race “Who will be the first to ride a bicycle in a circle and between lanes” is held.

4. Competition with handkerchiefs.

Parsley offers a competition "Tie a scarf as soon as possible."

5. The game "Hunters and Hares".

An outdoor game "Hunters and hares" is being held.

VI. Conclusion.

The moderator sums up. Parsley brings a beautifully decorated box with medals and awards the winners and participants of the holiday.


To grow and temper -

Let's play sports!


Rock on, kids!

Good time!

All. Physical training!

The holiday ends with the performance of the song "Fizkult-hurray" (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by 3. Petrova) and a general procession of children.

Physical training

1. To grow and temper,

Not by days, but by hours,

engage in physical education,

We need to take care of.


And we are stronger today than yesterday.

Physical training! (3 times)

2. Us pills and potion

And in the cold, and in the cold

Replaces physical education

And cold water.

3. We are not afraid of a cold -

We don't care about angina

We love football and swim

We are friends with the puck and the ball.