On Poklonnaya Gora, the “School of Safety. All-Russian competition "School of safety": "the level of organization of the event is very high"

Photo: Stepan Zmachinsky

The final of the XIV All-Russian competition "Safety School - 2017" is gaining momentum: 17 the best teams from all over the country they compete in a number of the most difficult disciplines, in which athletes need to show survival skills, orienteering, the ability to provide first aid, work with special fire and rescue equipment, and much, much more.

Alexey Degtyarev, main judge competitions, noted that this year's "School of Safety" has some differences from the competitions of previous years:

First of all, I want to say that panel of judges gathered a very experienced one and has repeatedly taken part in competitions that were held under the auspices of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and therefore I can say with confidence that for recent years, probably seven, "School of security" has reached such a scale for the first time. For 3 days, athletes need to overcome tens of kilometers of the route and go through many stages. This time, we offered the participants 64 tasks that they can complete at their own discretion. They differ in complexity and their execution time, respectively, is also different. You can take a lot of easy tasks and score as many points as the team that chose fewer difficult tasks. That is, everyone has an equal chance. Such a rich and active program of competitions has not been for a long time.

Alexey Degtyarev,

chief referee of the All-Russian competition "Security School-2017"

Aleksey also said that the teams this year were also very strong - there are no big gaps in points between them, despite the fact that many teams participate in the All-Russian stage, and at the Safety School for the first time.

Among the newcomers is Maxim Nekrasov from the team of the Komi Republic. He shared his impressions of the competition with pleasure:

After the republican competitions all-Russian stage seems a little more difficult. To be honest, many teams did not expect such "activities": that there would be such distances, many stages. Although we were ready for most of the disciplines, there were those where we had no experience. And also very hot. Running ten kilometers in thirty-degree heat with a backpack, equipment and a stretcher is quite difficult. But this is great - you can feel the seriousness of the competition.

Maxim Nekrasov,

participant of the All-Russian competition "School of Safety-2017"

The head of the national team of the Republic of Komi Viktor Mityushov agreed with the opinion of his ward and added that his team is experienced, as the guys are constantly engaged in sports tourism, however, these skills are extremely insufficient in order to participate in the "School of Safety", so it was necessary to seek help:

The level of organization of the event is very high, but this also increased the level of complexity of the competition: here are disciplines that we have not encountered before in the field of tourism - work with rescue equipment, a fire relay race. Therefore, we constantly turned to the rescuers for help, who taught us, prompted us, shared secrets. This is about the sports and tactical part. In terms of organization, the department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Komi Republic helped us a lot: the form, the solution of many issues, financing, in the end. We are here only thanks to this department.

Viktor Mityushov,

leader of the national team of the Komi Republic

Those who have been participating in the All-Russian stage for more than a year shared their impressions of the XIV School of Security. "Old-timers" and the hosts of the competition - the team of the city of Moscow - believe that this year's competition is a little different. Anton Suarez, deputy head of the Muscovite team, is a certified lifeguard and has been preparing children for the School for seven years, but this year, according to him, is special:

Firstly, it turned out that for these competitions, the usual preparation was not enough - this year the tasks have become more intense and the program has been “condensed”. We expected the route to start on July 29, but on the 27th we started the competition. Everything is quite difficult both physically and mentally. Difficult but interesting.

Anton Suarez,

deputy head of the Moscow team

Anton's pupil, Sophia, shares the leader's opinion: she has been involved in sports tourism for six years, and she has been coming to the "School of Security" for the third year in a row, but, according to her, before the all-Russian stage did not differ much from the regional one, but this year was the most " serious":

"Win school and district stages does not leave much work. With this attitude, we used to go to all-Russian competitions. This year everything is much more difficult - the gaps between the teams are small, the tasks have become more difficult, the routes are longer. There were stages that you can’t go through with a regular workout. That is, they cannot be trained in advance. Only ingenuity. It's become much more interesting."

For the third time, Bondar schoolchildren, representing the club named after V.A. Glazkov, participated in the inter-regional rally-competition of the children's and youth movement "School of Safety". The twenty-second competition was held in the Znamensky district, near the village. Danilovka. The rally was attended by representatives of 17 regions of the center of Russia. Tambov region was represented junior group at the age of 13-14 Bondar schoolchildren. For the senior group at the age of 15-16 years, students of the Pedagogical College No. 2 of the city of Tambov performed. The competition program is extensive and requires versatile training. Therefore, preparations began long before the competition. Having collected numerous equipment for competitions and living in the field, we went to Danilovka. The path was not long, we arrived at the camp location. Each region has its own section. The arrangement of the camp prevented the rain. But the guys quickly set up tents for living and cooking. Senior group went ahead of us. Smolensk and Tver teams are located next to us. Teams from other regions arrived to the camp one after another, Kostromichi traveled more than 1000 kilometers. Upon arrival, we began to prepare for the competition. Having dressed in harnesses with carbines, we went to training in a short strip. Not everything worked out right away, but the training gave results. Tired, we returned to camp. In the evening, cross-country relay race 4 people one kilometer each and strength exercises. The first day of the competition has arrived. The column of buses headed for the stadium of the Technical University. A colorful opening of the competition took place at the stadium, followed by a fire relay competition of 4 stages. At the first stage, the participant overcomes the house, the second fence, the third one runs along the boom with sleeves and connects them, the last one with a fire extinguisher runs to the finish line. As a result, we took 5th place in the relay race. In the evening we returned to the camp. The next day of competition short distance . By lot, we started 14. Before the start, everyone was worried. From the very beginning, our guys passed the distance quickly and without penalty. Stairs, crossing on parallel ropes across the Lipovitsa river, climbing on a zhumar, crossing a ravine on a pendulum. Traverse along a steep cliff, log. The last stage is the most difficult on a horizontal rope, a participant on a carabiner crosses the river, then hooks onto a vertical rope and descends. At the finish line, we lost second place, only to Muscovites. The third day is the most difficult and responsible survival route. Participants walk along the route of 15 kilometers and complete 16 tasks. Before the start, the judge checked the equipment, safety system, ropes, first aid kit, repair kit, food, bowler hat and much more. The judges gave a start, on the radio the team was told the place indicated on the map and they went on the route. In eight hours, they melted on a raft across the river, provided first aid, made a crossing from poles, crossed a log, made a crossing over a river from a rope, overcame a ford waist-deep in mud, and much more. By the evening the team finished with the sixth result. On the fourth day they competed in the water area. Bondars coped with the task successfully. All six people accurately threw the end of the "Alexandrov" at the target, a life buoy, rescued the victim from the ice floe, quickly passed 4 gates on a rowboat and resuscitated the drowned man. In the end, we took first place. The next day, search and rescue competitions. A team in protective suits rescues the victim in a smoky room, puts out the fire with the help of a fire engine, takes the victim out of the well, and puts tires on the victim. Separate types of teams were offered competitions in industrial mountaineering. The task is difficult and half of the teams agreed to participate. Participants on the climbing wall climbed to a height of 6 meters with the insurance induced by the first participant. The last participant is lifted along with the victim on a stretcher. And then everyone descends to the ground along the hinged rope down. Team after team finished, but the time of the Bondarsky rescuers remained the best. As a reward for the first place, a cup, medals and certificates to the team members. In the competition program of the wall newspaper, the presentation of the team, the performance of a patriotic song, we took 9th place. On the organization of the camp took 3rd place. According to the results of all events, our rescuers from the modest village of Bondari took an honorable fourth place, losing quite a bit to the third place of the Bryansk region. At the closing ceremony, certificates were presented to the teams. In the evening, a disco in the rain and a farewell bonfire.

XIV All-Russian competitions"School of Safety". About 200 children from different regions of the country took part in them. During the week, 17 best teams demonstrated their skills in rescue, survival in the natural environment and first aid to victims.

Vladimir Puchkov, head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, took part in the solemn ceremony of completing the competition for young rescuers. The minister noted that the “School of Safety” movement unites millions of schoolchildren across the country.

“Boys and girls receive deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills of safe behavior in everyday life, in the urban environment and in nature, they learn the basics of self-help and mutual assistance,” said Vladimir Puchkov. “Congratulations to the winners, and despite the results achieved, each of you gained invaluable experience, tested your strength, found new friends.” The minister added that everyone who came here showed a high individual training, the ability to solve the most complex problems on land and on water.

“No less important are teamwork skills, the ability to reach out for the strong, always provide help and support to the weak. Each participant of the competition was aimed at a winning result,” said Vladimir Puchkov.

EMERCOM of Russia pays close attention to the development of the All-Russian movement "School of Safety" in all regions Russian Federation. This year, more than 2 million boys and girls took part in all the events held within the framework of the "School of Safety". They underwent additional theoretical training and received practical skills.

The Minister emphasized that all teams showed increased professional training in self-help and mutual assistance and in all topics of life safety in difficult conditions, in rural areas and in nature.

“All participants showed solid skills in equipment, equipment, complex rescue equipment, fire fighting equipment,” the head of the emergency department said. He added that all teams were focused on winning, on high score. The younger ones were helped by the older ones, and everyone got the skills of working in a team.

“We plan to further improve learning programs on training young men and women in the field of educating a culture of life safety, taking into account the peculiarities of the regions,” Vladimir Puchkov said. He noted that this year's "School of Safety" has some differences from the competitions of previous years.

“Over the past seven years, the Safety School has been held on such a large scale for the first time. In a short period of time, young athletes covered tens of kilometers of the route and passed many stages. This time, the participants completed more than 60 tasks of varying complexity,” the head of the emergency department stressed. He added that next year it is planned to include a whole block of questions on environmental safety in the competition program.

The organizers of the competition prepared exciting and at the same time formidable tests for the children, which became a real test of strength. These are terrain orientation, obstacle course, fire relay race, search and rescue operations, arrangement of life in the field. All this was complicated by the fact that they had to act in the forest, endure insect bites, travel long distances under the scorching sun and pouring rain. After all, weather conditions could not cause the cancellation or postponement of the planned tests.

One of the most exciting and difficult stages is the survival route, which the participants overcame within two days. It began early in the morning with the preparation of breakfast on a fire with a minimum set of essentials: matches, water, dry rations. Then the teams covered tens of kilometers of off-road travel. In order to get a map of the route, they had to look for special capsules hidden in the crowns of trees.

Then the participants went down the slope of the ravine and provided first aid to the conditional victim with his further transportation along hinged ferry. But the difficulties did not end there. The teams, acting in concert, removed the victim from under the fallen tree, gave him first aid and evacuated him to a safe place. The tests of survival skills in the natural environment were tasks when the children needed to desalinate water, cook dinner, equip an overnight stay, correctly signal for aviation, and much more. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that all these “non-childish” tests were passed not by adults, but by adolescents aged 13-17 years.

At all stages of the competition, the guys acted very well-coordinated, worked as one friendly team, knowing full well what each participant is capable of. Based on the results of all tests, the team from the Republic of Mari El won the victory in the junior age group, teams from Moscow and the Krasnoyarsk Territory won the second and third places. In the older age group, the team from the Stavropol Territory excelled, silver and bronze medalists there were teams from Moscow and KhMAO.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov held a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners. The finalists of the competition were awarded certificates, cups and valuable prizes. The youngest participants were awarded special prizes "For the will to win". This year was the start new tradition– the participants prepared and handed over to Vladimir Puchkov a "Time Capsule", which contains a video message for the participants of the next - anniversary "Security School".
