Synopsis of sports leisure in the preparatory group. Sports entertainment in the preparatory group: "Big races

The straightforward and strong Horse is the patron of those for whom all things go quickly and along a straight road, without evasions and intrigues.

The symbolism of the Horse is the law, the right path, the road to immortality, the righteous life. She helps brave, healthy, self-confident and straight people. And those who were born in her year, the Horse bestows physical force and those traits that contribute to an honest, active and successful life. People born in the year of the Horse are valued for their strength, independence and honesty. Years corresponding to the year of the Horse in the Eastern horoscope: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026.

The nature of people born in the year of the Horse

The horse is endowed with the best features. She naturally got a cheerful and cheerful character, self-confidence, straightforwardness, assertiveness and strength. The first thing that new acquaintances think about the Horse is how much strength it has! This man can move mountains! The horse never whines or complains about life. She can handle any heights. She walks through life boldly and directly. Of course, these qualities arouse sympathy for her, and the Horse always has many followers, friends and helpers. In an ideal environment, the Horse would undoubtedly be the most popular person. However, our life is such that direct and assertive people are often uncomfortable and in personal life both in work and in communication. The directness of the Horse leads to the fact that they try to keep it away from secrets and delicate topics. Horses use kindness, but they do not trust her. The horse rarely suffers from this. She has many interests, a wide circle of contacts, she is attracted by distant countries, new projects, interesting activities, which is why she does not seek to be involved in any backstage games.

People born in the year of the Horse: compatibility in love

In love, the Horse is sincere and honest. She is temperamental, knows what she wants and definitely achieves it. She does not manipulate a partner in love with her. And the well-developed gift of a psychologist helps her to see selfish and deceitful people, she is not mistaken in choosing a couple. The horse delights in love adventures and adventures. In the worst case, having won, she honestly breaks up with her partner and rushes to new feelings. At best, he constantly diversifies the relationship, surprises the partner and prevents the relationship from becoming insipid. As a partner, the Horse chooses those who appreciate it, because it likes to be admired. She avoids not only people with pronounced vices - deceit, selfishness, cunning, but also completely good people that can shackle her freedom. She is afraid of addiction. And it doesn’t matter how exactly the partner will impose his plans on her instead of her own: manipulation, domineering character or tears and helplessness. As soon as the Horse realizes that he is being limited, he will part with his partner. For the family, the Horse is a godsend. She cares about the family, about household well-being, about prosperity. In return, she demands respect for her interests, peace and care for her emotional comfort. Best of all, the Horse feels next to, the Horse, and.

People born in the year of the Horse: compatibility in friendship

The horse is a faithful and sincere friend. She is ready to help friends with deeds, and not just listen. The Horse herself does not like to disturb her friends with her problems, she tries to cope with everything herself. She always has many interesting plans, and she supports other people's ideas with joy. She will be a good friend for active, lively, mobile people. Often she finds friends on travel, at school, at social events - wherever it is lively and interesting. She does not like hypocrisy and cunning, so honesty is the main condition for friendship with her. The disadvantage of the Horse is the inability to keep secrets. Better not to trust her with secrets. She can betray them because of her straightforwardness or, believing that she is doing the right thing. She is able to tell about the unseemly act of a friend or rush to defend a friend in a situation that he told in secret and does not expect intervention (for example, in family matters). If a friend forgot to warn the Horse that something needs to be kept secret, she will not understand at all that the news was "not for all ears." Therefore, only those who do not like secrets and live sincerely and straightforwardly, or those who know how to hold their tongue and do not share all the secrets with friends, are good friends with the Horse. In friendship, Horse, and are suitable for her.

People born in the year of the Horse: work compatibility

The horse knows well what he wants to do and what he is going to achieve. She, as a rule, has this knowledge since childhood: already in adolescence, the Horse often chooses a future profession without subsequently changing this decision. Then, in work, the Horse also persistently goes forward. Incredibly rare are the cases when the Horse leaves the business before he has achieved everything he wanted. In the work of the Horse, pressure, strength and good help physical health. She does not like to obey, so she does not work in subordinate positions, but becomes a leader or works for herself.

With the help of energy channels, I will attract cash flow into your life and remove all kinds of blocks that interfere with your material well-being. The result of the work will be noticeable within a week.

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 109"

sports entertainment for children of the group preparatory to school " fun starts»

Prepared by:

Educator of the first category

Shilova E.I.

G. Dzerzhinsk


Purpose of Entertainment : Strengthen children's health.

Use learning technologies healthy lifestyle life.

Cultivate the competitive spirit of preschoolers.


1. Give children the pleasure of joint motor activities in sports games; increase motor activity in games.

2. To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes.

3. Encourage to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity, endurance, strong-willed qualities in achieving the goal.

4. Develop spatial orientation; to cultivate mutual assistance, mutual assistance, creative activity.

5. Raise a strong interest in physical education and sports, in personal and team achievements.

Preliminary work: Talking with children about education " Happy starts". Learning the motto of the team with the children. Emblem preparation. Registration by the educator of the sports ground: marking the territory with flags, balls.

Material and equipment: Clown costumes. For warm-up - ribbons, flags, cones, hoops, rope, flags, skittles, jump ropes, pieces of white paper.

Members. Two teams (preparatory group for school).

Entertainment progress:

To the music, children enter the sports area to the music of V. Shainsky to the song “It's fun to walk together”

Two teams take part in the competition:

1 - team of children "Olympians". Team leader - Efremov Vanya

2 - team of children "Fortune". Team leader - Alyosha Snegirev

Leading : - Dear guys, dear guests! We are starting the funniest of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games- Happy Starts! Today we have gathered to once again see how strong, fast, and dexterous we are. To win, our participants will have to try very hard, but the main thing is to help each other in all the tests. So we'll see which team is the most friendly.

(jury presentation)

Now I will introduce the jury:

Head of the kindergarten Korepova Tatyana Pavlovna

Senior Nurse Galochkina Olga Vyacheslavovna

Tutor Chernysh Vera Nikolaevna

presenter : Two teams take part in our competitions: the Olympians team and the Fortuna team. I will ask the teams to greet each other.

Team "Olympians":

Captain: Team "Olympian" team "Fortune" physical education ...

Hi everybody!

Captain: Our Olympic motto:

Get busy, don't be lazy.

After all, health, sports and work

They will bring us victory!

Team Fortune:

Captain: Team "Fortune" team "Olympic" physical education ...

Hi everybody!

Captain: Our motto:

May fortune smile

And it will turn into a victory!

Leading :

Sports guys really need

We are close friends with sports.

Sports Assistant,

Sports Health,

Sports game.

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts

So that your results

Everyone was good.

Leading: And as expected before the competition, we will do a warm-up

(warm-up with ribbons)

To the music of Barbarika "What is kindness."

1. Walk and run in circles with ribbons in hand, without holding hands.

2. Jumping on two legs in any direction.

3. I. p. stand straight, legs slightly apart, ribbons in hands.

Swinging hands back and forth. Repeat 8-10 times.

4. I. p. stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms

Turn right, swing up right hand, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 4-6 times on each side.

5. I. p. stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down.

Leaning down, sit down, touch the floor with ribbons, return to I. p.

6. 3. I. p. stand straight, legs slightly apart, ribbons in hands.

Raise your hands up.

Tilts to the right, to the left. Repeat 8-10 times.

7. Lateral gallop / walking side step.

8. Walking.

Leading : - So we did a warm-up, and now we start our competitions.

And Knopa and Klepa will help me to conduct our competitions.

The clowns Knopa and Klepa enter.

Klepa: I'm the best helper in the world!

Button: No! I am the best help! And you always get out of hand.

Klepa: And you... And you have... a potato nose!

Knopa: I can run fast, even faster than the wind.

Klepa: Yes, I saw you running. Like a turtle you crawl.

Knopa: But let's compete with you which of us is faster.

Klepa: Oh, hello everyone! My name is Klepa, and her name is Knopa. Why are you all gathered here, for what reason? You probably have New Year? March 8? April Fool's Day?

Host: no, we have competitions, but why are you arguing?

Knopa: He says that he runs fast, and I say that I am much faster than him.

Leading: Wait, wait! Do not quarrel. It is better to decide which of you will help which team.

The clowns choose the team they will help.

Leading: A jury will judge our competition today. We hope that it will be fair to our participants. And we start our competition. I ask the teams to go to the start.

1 contest "Pass the flag"

Run with a flag to the object and back. Pass the flag to the next player; the team whose players finish the distance the fastest wins.

2 competition "Snipers"

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing a cone with their right hand, trying to get into the basket. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

3 competition "Bring a piece of paper"

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which are built in parallel to one another. The first player of each team is placed on the palm of a piece of paper. During the game, the sheet should lie on the palm of its own - it is impossible to hold it. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it in your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the leaf to the right palm of the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one is at the end of the row. This continues until the turn reaches the first one. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

4 competition "Ants"

Both teams stand in a line at arm's length, facing each other. At the beginning, each team has 15 flags, and at the end - a box. By whistling, the first player passes the flag to the second, and so on until the flags run out. The team that passes all the flags the fastest wins.

Leading: Now let's test your guessing skills.sports riddles.

I don't look like a horse, but I have a saddle.

There are spokes. They, to be honest, are not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram, but I'm calling. That and know. (Bike)

I want to become a strongman, I come to a strongman. Tell us about this: How did you become a strongman? He smiled in response: Very simply, for many years, every day, getting out of bed, I raise ...(dumbbells ).

I leave two strips in the snow on the run, I fly from them with an arrow, and they again follow me.(Skis)

They hit me unbearably on my empty stomach, the players accurately throw cuffs at me with their feet. (Soccer ball)

Green meadow. One hundred benches around. From gate to gate people run briskly. At the gates of these fishing nets. (Stadium)

On the squares of the board, the kings brought the shelves. No for battle with regiments

No bullets, no bayonets.(Chess)

I have two horses, two horses. They carry me on the water. And the water is as hard as stone. (Skates)

In the yard in the morning the game played out, the kids.

Shouts: “Puck!”, “By!”, “Beat!” - means there is a game ...... (hockey)

5 contest "Whose team will build faster"

While the music is playing, the children run, and when it ends, they quickly line up. ; The team that completes the fastest wins.

6 competition "Three jumps".

At a distance of 8-10 m from the start line, put the rope in a hoop. After the signal, run to the hoop, take the rope and make three jumps in place, and return back. Whoever finishes the race the fastest wins.

7 competition "Tug of war"

Here is the rope. Drag, show strength dexterity! The team that pulls the opposing team to their side wins.

Competition for commanders: "Collect Olympic symbols»

On the command “march”, the participant takes the ring to the finish line, returns and takes the next ring. The relay race ends when the participant, having completed the task, crosses the start line.

So our competition “Merry Starts” has come to the final.

We ask the jury to sum up.


The word of the members of the judging.

Awarding of winners and participants

Final word.

Leading : So our competition is over. All team members showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly - got a charge of vivacity and mass positive emotions! Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance! Many thanks to my assistants Klepa and Knopa. I hope that we will meet more than once at our kindergarten "Merry Starts".

Before we say goodbye to you, we want to wish you:

Good health, smile more often and never lose heart! Goodbye!

Olga Bobrysh
Synopsis of sports entertainment for children of the preparatory group "Sport and I are true friends"

Abstract of sports entertainment for children of the preparatory group

« Sport and I are true friends»

Material Description: Abstract sports entertainment V preparatory group (5-6 years old) entitled « Sport and I are true friends» .


Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health children Tasks:

Improve motor skills and abilities.

- develop physical qualities : strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements.

Cultivate friendly relations and attention to each other. Equipment: balls - 2 pcs., skittles - 2 pcs., sandbags - 16 pcs., baskets - 2 pcs., baton- 2 pcs., gymnastic sticks- 8 pcs., arches - 2 pcs., 2 ropes, 2 hoops.

Entertainment progress.

Children line up on the playground to the music.


Hello dear guests. Hello guys, welcome to sports« Sports and I are true friends We are pleased to welcome you to this hall. Today the guys will show you their dexterity, strength and speed. Please welcome our guests.

Leading: We with sports

Children. We are strong friends.

Leading: Sports -

Children. Assistant.

Leading: Sports -

Children. Health.

Leading: Sports - game.

Children. Physical training!

Leading: Teams, greet each other.

(Teams take turns saying team name, motto).

Leading: The jury members are invited to evaluate the competition (introduction of jury members).

At the festival we will compete and play. I know that you are brave, dexterous, skillful, sports, grow up and be sure to become champions!

Holiday sporty proudly

comes into its own

The sun of a kind smile

Meets his kids

So sports are always on the way

Guys are not afraid of training

Let your heart beat in your chest.

We are brave, and strong, and dexterous

You must always be ahead.

Leading: I propose to start the competition.

The first competition is called Relay. "Running in pairs"

You need to stand in a pair in a hoop, run in small steps, then remove the hoops and quickly pass them on to the next pairs.


Let's continue our competition. Recall and name known to you summer views sports.

Children list the types sports.

And now, to play the next relay, you must guess riddle:

Ball in the ring! Team goal!

We are playing. (basketball)

Relay race "Get in the basket"

The teacher holds a hoop in his hand, the children from the start line hit the target. Regardless of whether he hit or missed, he picks up the ball and passes it to the next player.

The jury counts the hit of the teams.

Leading: The next competition is called "Ball Race"

Children stand in a column one by one and pass the ball with their hands to the child standing behind, and the last participant passes the ball between the legs and the game ends with the first participant lifting the ball up.

Leading: We continue the competition. "Hit the target"

Team members must take turns throwing sandbags into the basket.

Whoever throws the most bags will be the winner.


I suggest you guys have a lot of rest and solve riddles on sports theme.


Hit anyone -

He gets angry and cries.

And you hit this -

Jumping for joy!

Up, down,

Down, then jump.

Who is he, guess?

Rubber. (Ball)

Play in the yard in the morning

The kids played.

screams: "puck!", "by!", "Beat!" -

There is a game going on. (Hockey)

He rides on two wheels

Does not skid on slopes.

And there is no gas in the tank.

This is my… (Bike)

Successful pass - a goal!

What is the name of the game? (Football)

When the rackets hit

Shuttlecock is thrown over the net

Rivals from both sides

Everyone knows this. (Badminton)

Athletes are the best

On a pedestal

Present solemnly

To all of them… (Medals)

Leading: We continue our competitions. "One, two, three, find your place in the team!" (children are arranged in 3 columns.)

Leading: I invite you to the Relay competition "Circus". Team members must walk along the rope, climb into the hoop, go around the pin and run back. The game ends with the first player raising their hands.

Guys let's play a game "Do as I do".

Musically - sport game with movements"Do as I do".

Leading: I ask the participants to take their places. We continue the competition.

Last competition - relay "Fun Starts".

Each team member must overcome the strip obstacles:

snake running between pins,

crawling under the arc,

jumping on two legs

moving forward through gymnastic sticks.

Leading: We ask the jury members to sum up.

The jury summarizes the results of the competition, awards medals and certificates to all participants.

Leading: Our holiday sports to finish it's time,

holiday sports glad kids

holiday we will shout to sports: "Hooray!"

March sounds. The children leave the room.

Team "Dynamite"


We athletes are cool

We are explosive

Who will win today?

Well, of course, "Dynamite"!

Team « Sport»


Sport is strength, sport - is life!

Let's win! Rival, hold on!

Related publications:

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention the wall newspaper that we prepared with the guys of our preparatory group for school. Contest.

Abstract of KVN entertainment "We are friends of nature" for children of the preparatory group Abstract of KVN entertainment "We are friends of nature" for children of the preparatory group. Tasks: Educational: 1. Learn to install elementary.

Scenario of sports entertainment for children and parents of the preparatory group "Whistle everyone upstairs""Whistle everyone upstairs" Purpose: To help parents and children feel the joy of joint motor - play activities. Tasks: Help.

Relevance. One of the most important conditions for raising a healthy generation is a culture of human health, instilled from early childhood.

Scenario of summer sports entertainment for children 5–7 years old “The sun, air and water are our best friends!” The entertainment took place on the sports ground. Purpose: To create a favorable emotional state in children. Educational integration.

Scenario sports entertainment "Around the World" for children of the preparatory group.

Tatyana Valerievna Sheremetyeva, educator, MBDOU No. 6 "Alyonushka", Menzelinsk, Menzelinsky district, Republic of Tatarstan.
The material can be used by teachers additional education, kindergarten teachers
Engagement exercise with a positive - emotional mood;
- Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children
- To form in children the need for motor activity and physical improvement. Consolidate the motor skills acquired on physical education(crawling under an arc, into a tunnel; jumping forward from a place; in height from a place; walking with a ball sandwiched between the feet).
- To consolidate children's knowledge of climatic features and the adaptation of animals to the characteristics of a given climate.
- To form a cautious and prudent behavior during the performance of games and relay races.
- To form a desire to assist in cleaning and arranging equipment.
- Develop interest and logical thinking in guessing riddles.
- Cause in children a positive emotional response to games - relay races.
- To instill a love for physical culture.
- In the form of a game to develop dexterity, speed, endurance.
- To cultivate organization, independence, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers, to follow the rules in games.
3-4 cubes,
2 arcs,
4-5 hoops,
"bananas" suspended on a rope (skittles);
"river", fish - toys,
thin rope;
4 flowers,
allowance - parachute,
2 teams.
Teacher: Hello children!
-Guys, what is the name of the country in which you live? (answers)
- Do you want to travel to other countries? (answers)
- Today we will go to Brazil. Most of Brazil is occupied by the jungle - the most powerful and lush forests of the globe. There is one clearing in the jungle where we will play. In order for us to find the clearing, the jungle must all go through.
Raise your legs higher
We walk on thick grass (walking with stepping over cubes)
We will bend our backs
We'll crawl under the bushes (crawling under arcs)
A brook gurgles ahead
Let's run over the pebbles (jumping from hoop to hoop)
In a dark cave we crawl
We'll find a clearing behind it (climbing through the tunnel)
- There are a lot of animals in the jungle that are not in our forests.
They look like people, making faces at people. (Monkey)
Relay race: "Who will collect more bananas for monkeys"
“Bananas” hang on a rope between racks at a height, children jump up and pick “bananas”
- In the Amazon, one of the most powerful rivers, there are a lot of fish - Piranha.
Mobile game "Catch a fish"
Children run up to the “river”, catch a “fish” and take it to their team in a bucket.
A new riddle awaits us: The house floats and walks,
Grass nibbles, water drinks,
Who lives in the house. (Turtle)
Relay: "Fast Turtle"
Children on all fours with their stomach to the top, move through the "river"
Riddle: A log floats on the river
Oh and it's wicked
For those who fell into the river
The nose will bite off ... (crocodile)
Outdoor game - "Beware of the crocodile"
The teacher and the instructor hold the rope at a height of 30 cm from the floor, moving forward, trying to catch jumping children.
- A tiny hummingbird lives in the Brazilian jungle - it looks more like a butterfly. In search of nectar, she flies from flower to flower.
Mobile game "Flowers and Hummingbirds"
Children to the music "fly" between the flowers. Three birds can sit on each flower. Who, left without a flower, is spinning in place.
- Our journey through sunny Brazil ends, and I suggest you go to the Arctic. But first solve the riddles.
1. In the ocean dark blue,
With a paw, having fished out a walrus
On the polar ice floe
I drift without shivering (Polar bear)
2. Fanged sea beast,
Instead of legs - flippers. (Walrus)
3. I'm good at the zoo,
Only the climate is too hot
I must sit in the water
White northern ... (Bear)
- Aren't you afraid of cold weather, winds and eternal ice?
Children: We are not afraid of obstacles, because we are friendly!
- Yes, guys, we should be friendly like the Arctic is the most extreme point of our land. There is a polar night in winter, and in summer around the clock - day. A parachute boat will help us get to the Arctic.
- We are on our ship
We swim to the icy land.
We will reach the Arctic
And we will meet white bears.
(Children take on the loops (parachute allowance)
- They spun, spun and rushed with the breeze.
At first, barely, and then run, run.
They turned, circled, and then stopped. (alternating walking with running)
Through the mountains, through the mountains we will go
Through the mountains of ice we will go. (Walking on toes)
We'll wander through the snowdrifts, we'll wander through the snowdrifts (Walking in half crouch)
The waves are icy all around.
This is how they are, this is how they are. (Kneel down, raise your hands up and down)
The sea is worried. (Sit down)
The sea is worried two. (Stand up)
Red (blue, yellow, green) fish swim. (Children by the color of the "fish" change places under the parachute)
- Our boat sailed for a long time.
And he sailed to the Arctic,
In the white tundra where the snow grows its antlers
Mountain reindeer, the king of all northern animals.
Relay race "Reindeer teams"
Children put on "harnesses" and run with high knees to the "floe" and back.
- Sleeping on an ice floe all day
Fat little seal
At the lazy muddler.
Flippers turned into paws.
- If he performs in the circus,
He plays with a big ball.
In the arena every day
The seal amuses people.
Relay race: "Seal in the circus arena"
Children in pairs carry a ball between their backs.
- Where to find in the world
White bear?
Where there is snow, frost and ice.
He lives in the north!
Relay: "Polar Bears"
Walk to the "floe" with the ball sandwiched between the feet and back.
- Our journey is coming to an end, our little boat is returning home.
Leading: We all get up after each other (chain) and to the music of a boat sailing on the waves we move around the hall (site).
The big ship sailed and sailed,
Circled the entire globe
And we came back...
And where to? To a kindergarten.

Lukyanchikova A.G., physical education instructor, MADOU d / s No. 106 "Zabava", Naberezhnye Chelny

As part of the action of good deeds


  • Involve children in active participation in sports competitions.
  • Improve motor skills and abilities, achieve physical beauty, strength, dexterity, endurance.
  • To promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.

Members: 2 teams of 6 people

Equipment: ball, hoop, skittles, sandbags, flag.

The course of the holiday


On sports ground we invite you children.

We start the holiday of sports and health now!

We invite teams!

Hello everyone guys

And this word:

Love sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, let's go, kids.

Let's all shout:

Children: Physical training!

Presenter: Sport is a pledge Have a good mood and excellent health.

Today on our sports festival we welcome friendly, sports teams. Let's get to know the teams.

Team greetings.

1. "Smile"

Life without a smile is a mistake

Long live laughter and smile

2. "Friendship"

Our motto:

friendship and success

We will defeat everyone today.

The jury will judge our progress...


The sun is shining in the morning, we are very happy with it,

Guys! It's time to start a fun sports day.

If you want to become skillful, agile, fast, courageous.

Learn to love jump ropes, rings, hoops and sticks.

Never lose heart, hit the target with balls.


Passing the ball in line

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team is built in one line. The first players have the ball in their hands. On a signal, the children quickly pass the ball from hand to hand, in a line, in one direction. The last one lifts the ball up, and given command gets 1 point.


Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

Presenter: Mobile, cheerful children live in Europe, they love to play, run and catch up with each other. Mobile game:

Fast train

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. A flag is placed in front of each team at a distance of 6 - 7 m. The first player in the team runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the next participant grabs it, and the children run to the flag together. Then they come back and take the third one, and so on, until the whole team runs around the flag. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Pass the ball

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. The first participants hold the ball in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one who is behind, over his head. The last in the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, gets up first and passes the ball to the next one behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The team that finishes the game first wins.

"Jumping on gymnastic balls"

Exercise: the whole team takes turns jumping on gymnastic ball. At the start, we sit on the ball, jump forward to the rack, jump off the ball, take it in our hands and run back to our team.


One player starts the relay - runs around the rack, returns, takes the second by both hands, and they continue the relay together, also run around and return for the third, take him by the hands and run around the three of them, closing in a ring. And so on, until the whole team gathers to the ring.

Tatar national game "Take a seat" (Bush uryn)

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the leader, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver goes around the circle in the opposite direction and says:

Like a magpie chirping

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose

I'll pat you on the shoulder


Having said run, the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in a circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle takes an empty seat earlier, and the one who lags behind becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. The circle should immediately stop at the word run. It is allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it. While running, you can not touch those standing in a circle.

At the end of the game, all the children stand in a circle and dance a joint fun dance. "Nenilerge physical education"