Online olympiads in physical education. Medical health groups for physical education at school School of Physical Education

It has long been proven that physical education in schools has a huge and decisive role in the formation and education of a full-fledged personality of a child. This subject solves the problem not only of strengthening and maintaining the health of schoolchildren in the future, but also of social adaptation, activity and sociability.

Where are school physical education classes held?

Physical education lessons in schools can be held in sports halls available in almost every school, on a specially equipped playground or on the street. IN gym and on the site conditions must be created for classes in accordance with established standards. They determine how many students can study at the same time in the allotted area, what should be the height of the ceilings in the room, and the standards also establish the mandatory presence of ventilation and heating, the necessary lighting, the number of utility rooms and changing rooms, showers and sports equipment. The sites are held sport games: football, basketball and volleyball. For them, the regulations establish the location of the goals for football, basketball baskets and volleyball nets.

What is a physical education lesson

Physical education lessons at school, as a rule, consist of three parts: introductory, main and final.

The introductory part, or warm-up, helps prepare the child's body for the upcoming load. In the main part, children learn new physical exercises, run, jump, throw, climb a rope, play outdoor games, conduct relay races. And in the final part, schoolchildren are invited to rest so that their heartbeat and pulse return to normal, and the body has time to rest.

It has been noted that physical education lessons in schools are usually tedious for children if they are built strictly according to the program. Therefore, during such lessons, children are often offered independent physical activity. The teacher conducts such lessons either in the gym or on the street, with sports equipment or without it. It is also very useful to carry out a certain system of exercises to music, this relieves the stress of schoolchildren, helps to develop a sense of rhythm, coordination and attention in them.

Physical education minutes

The concept of "physical education in schools" also includes warm-ups or physical exercises, which can be carried out in other lessons. If the teacher sees that the children are tired and do not learn the material well, you can give them the opportunity to complete the task within a couple of minutes. simple exercises, squats and bends, it helps to relieve mental stress. IN last years physical education sessions are held mainly in primary and less often middle grades, and, unfortunately, they have forgotten about high school students. But in vain. By spending a few minutes warming up, teachers could get more high results their work, as well as good academic performance.

The Importance of Medical Checkups

In all schools, scheduled medical examinations of schoolchildren are carried out without fail, the purpose of which is to assess the state of health of each student, the level of his physical training. Based on the data of medical examinations, the doctor recommends the optimal types of physical exercises and the magnitude of the load. During medical examinations, students are identified who, due to their physical and mental abnormalities, are shown physiotherapy exercises, such children are released from classes physical education in schools. But this is wrong, since it is these children who most of all need the beneficial effects of physical exercise on their weakened body. Depending on the state of health, schoolchildren are divided into 3 groups for physical education: basic, preparatory and special medical. Classes for each group are set by the school.

Physical education: program in elementary school

lesson in primary school is aimed primarily at the general improvement and physical development of students, as well as the development of independent and creative thinking of primary school students. Physical education in grades 1-3 is necessary for children, as it helps to develop endurance, helps to develop dexterity, flexibility, coordination of movements, and initial skills in team games.

The physical education lesson in elementary school is very important. The task of a physical education teacher in the primary grades is to convey to younger students the physical education knowledge, motor skills and abilities that are available for their age, as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Physical education in elementary school helps children keep their bodies in good shape. physical form With early years, forms a respectful attitude towards one's own health and the health of others, brings up collectivism in future citizens, readiness to help, courage, responsiveness, diligence.

What exactly do elementary school children do in physical education classes? Physical education lessons in the lower grades are mainly devoted to sports games, various relay races and competitions. Theoretical classes usually take 3-5 minutes at the beginning of the lesson - the teacher tells the children the topic of the current lesson. In addition to games and relay races, much attention is paid to drills, running, walking, jumping, climbing and throwing, and acrobatic movements. In the northern latitudes, physical education lessons also include skiing. All this is aimed at the development of movement and coordination.

Currently, a physical education lesson in elementary grades is held 3 hours a week. The program allows replacing one lesson per week with rhythm or choreography.

Physical education lesson in middle classes

Physical education at school, in middle grades, helps to teach children the following skills:

  • Alternate walking and running.
  • Running with obstacles.
  • Proper breathing during movements.
  • Long jump with a running start.
  • High jump with a running start.
  • Throwing a ball at a target from various distances.
  • Catching the ball with one or both hands.
  • Exercises on the gymnastic wall.
  • Swimming and skiing.

In addition to the above skills of physical education in the middle classes, they teach children how to harden, massage, mental regulation and self-control - all this is part of the education process.

Physical education lessons in high school

Physical education in high school serves to form the habit of the younger generation to go in for physical education and sports after graduation, it should orient young people to a healthy lifestyle, set them up for independent sports in the future, teaches them to understand the great value of maintaining a proper lifestyle and giving up bad habits .

Injuries of children at physical education lessons at school

Most of all, according to statistics, children aged 12-14 are most susceptible to various injuries in school physical education lessons. Sad figures indicate that among teachers, coaches, teachers, medical workers and parents, work should be carried out to prevent injuries in students in physical education classes. All these categories should be aware of the degree of injury risk of each sport included in the school curriculum in physical education, as well as to keep under constant control the causes that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Among all the numerous reasons leading to injuries in physical education classes, the most important are:

  • Insufficient control by medical workers over the health status of students.
  • Violation of discipline during the lessons.
  • Faulty equipment or its inconsistency with anthropometric data.
  • Absence sportswear and student shoes.
  • Unfavorable weather conditions.
  • Low qualification of the teacher or trainer.

Statistics show that largest number Injuries received by children in physical education classes at school are accounted for by artistic gymnastics.

Organization of physical education lessons in schools in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards)

The forms of organizing the process of physical education at school (FSES) are directly physical education lessons, sport competitions and holidays, health-improving workouts during the day, participation in sports clubs and sections, physical education and sports at home outside of school. In turn, all physical education lessons are divided into 3 types:

  1. Educational and training orientation. At the lessons, students are introduced to practical material and educational knowledge of the subject (name and description of exercises, methodology and technique, etc.). At such lessons, training takes place with the gradual formation of the motor activity of children - initial study, in-depth training, consolidation of the material and improvement of the acquired skills.
  2. Educational and cognitive orientation. At the lessons, children get acquainted with the basics of independent organization of physical education classes, learn directly to plan and carry out activities for general physical improvement. In the learning process, they actively use textbooks and teaching aids.
  3. Educational and training orientation. It is carried out directly at physical education lessons to develop the physical data of children and their activity.

Teaching practice

Future teachers and teachers of physical education undergo compulsory practice in physical education schools in the process of learning. During the internship, students are asked to complete a number of tasks:

  1. Acquaintance with the instruction of the student-trainee and the program. The necessary information is provided in the trainee's diary. The program includes visiting the school at the agreed time for acquaintance, conducting physical education lessons in junior, middle or senior classes. Each student trainee must teach 6 lessons on their own and 6 lessons as a teacher's assistant. Total load internship is twelve hours a week.
  2. Attend 3 physical education lessons with a fellow student. The purpose of such visits is to conduct a complete pedagogical analysis of the lessons.
  3. Develop your own learning plan motor action for the period of practice.
  4. Write a holiday script for students, develop it and hold an event.

Hello, friends! What are children's health groups in physical education? If you ask this question to parents of schoolchildren, as well as future first-graders, then there will not be many intelligible, clear answers.

On the one hand, it's good! It means that everything is in order with the health of children, and the question is simply not relevant. But on the other hand, no one is immune from various health troubles. And then parents run the risk of being completely unprepared for problems with physical education.

And problems appear, this is evidenced by the huge number of messages and questions on this topic on various Internet forums. Therefore, I propose to deal with this right now.

Let's make it clear right away that a health group and a medical health group for physical education are two different things.

Lesson plan:

Child health groups

In accordance with Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1346 n, children's health is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • chronic diseases (whether they are or not);
  • state of body systems (respiratory, excretory, endocrine, etc.);
  • the body's resistance to external influences (cold, heat, irritants, etc.);
  • physical development.

First, the doctor assesses the health of the child. And then assigns it to one of the five groups.


The child is healthy.

Physical development within the age norm. There are no physical defects.


These are kids:

  • who do not have chronic diseases, but have any functional disorders ( internal organ does not function correctly, and the causes of these violations lie outside this body);

  • recovering from diseases of moderate and severe severity;

  • delayed physical development(short stature, high or underweight body, etc.);

  • frequently ill with acute respiratory infections;

  • who have physical disabilities resulting from injuries or operations, but all organs and systems of the body function normally.


These are kids:

  • with chronic diseases. But these diseases are in remission (disappearance of disease symptoms) with rare exacerbations, in which the functions of organs and body systems are preserved or compensated;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries or operations. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are compensated. They are not limited in the possibility of learning and work.


These are kids:

  • suffering from chronic diseases. The phase is active. Exacerbations are frequent. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are preserved or compensated or not fully compensated;

  • with chronic diseases that are in remission, but with such a violation of the functions of the organs and systems of the body that require supportive treatment;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations, in which the functions of the organs and systems of the body are not fully compensated. Opportunities for training and employment are limited.


These are kids:

  • with chronic diseases. The form is heavy. Remissions are rare, exacerbations are frequent. Presence of complications. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are not compensated. Requires ongoing treatment.

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations, with impaired functions of organs and systems of the body. Significantly limited in the possibility of training and work.

Physical education groups

When a student goes to first grade, his medical card goes to school with him. It must indicate the group in physical education. There are three of them: basic, preparatory, special.


Children with the first and partially with the second group of health, physically and psychologically strong and developed, without diseases. Or having small deviations, in which physical activity is not prohibited, for example, a small overweight, or minor allergic reactions.

They are engaged in the main program, they pass, they can participate in various competitions and all kinds of sporting events.


Children with the second group of health. They have a lag in physical development and therefore cannot study as intensively as their healthy counterparts, although they go to lessons with the class.

The task of the teacher is to choose special sets of exercises that will not harm health. He selects them in accordance, in which the attending physician must indicate what exactly the student cannot do (tumble, swim, bend over, jump, etc.)

The transfer date must also be indicated in the certificate. After the help action ends, the student automatically gets into the main group.

In order to subject such students to tests in physical culture, it is necessary to obtain permission from a doctor. Also, his permission will be required in order to attract the student to participate in sports events.


In order to transfer a student to a special group, the opinion of one attending physician is not enough. In this case, a commission (KEK) is going to. Help is issued for a certain period of time.

The special group is divided into two more.

Special "A"

Children with the third group of health. Those who have significant restrictions on physical activity. They cannot study with the class. For such children, separate lessons in physical education should be held in schools and developed special programs. And classes should be conducted by teachers or instructors who have undergone special training.

These kids shouldn't be visiting. sport sections, to participate in competitions and sports events.

Special "B"

This includes children partially with the third and fourth health groups. They are allowed to attend theoretical classes at school. But the risk physical activity for health is so great that they do not do physical education at school. That is, in fact, this is an exemption from school physical education lessons.

But completely without physical activity no one is going to leave them. They are recommended physical therapy classes on the basis of medical institutions and sports dispensaries, under the supervision of an exercise therapy doctor. As well as additional classes at home according to a specially designed set of exercises.

Well, kids with the fifth health group are most often in medical institutions and for them the possibility of doing exercise therapy is extremely individual.

How are ratings given?

Also an interesting question. Everything is clear, if the student is in the main group, then he and on the basis of this one or another mark is given to him.

And if in preparatory or special, what then? After all, he cannot pass the standards like his completely healthy classmates. In this case, the teacher focuses on class attendance, the quality of the exercises, as well as theoretical knowledge. Physical education textbooks do exist.

The teacher may also ask you to prepare a project for some sports theme or on the topic of healthy lifestyle, essay, report or presentation. But a student cannot remain without an assessment in physical education.

Well, that seems to be all, friends. Have questions? Ask them in the comments. We'll definitely figure it out together.

Interesting, how did you feel about physical education lessons when you were in school?

To be honest, I didn’t really like to appear on them. I had enough load without them, as I was intensively engaged in volleyball. And I was very glad when my teacher, Alexander Vasilyevich, allowed me not to come and automatically put fives. But because I still would have passed everything on five.

And now children do not belong to physical education in the best way, I think. They consider it a secondary subject. But in vain! Sports are cool! It's nice to have a flexible, slender and strong body, which you also manage without difficulty. Do you agree?

And these guys in the video with physical education at school definitely had no problems)

I wish your little schoolchildren good health and great sports achievements!

All the best!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

Preparation for Olympiads in Physical Education


For schoolchildren of grades 9-11 who are interested in physical culture, classes are held to prepare for participation in various stages of the All-Russian Olympiad on a budgetary basis.

Are you just starting your Olympiad path, or are you already familiar with its format? We will be happy to help everyone prepare. For beginners, the Circle of Champions of the Association of Olympiad Winners is always open, and experienced participants can get into the Moscow physical education team.

Training takes place throughout the year in various areas:

theoretical and methodological classes;
practical training various types sports ( Athletics, sports games, gymnastics, applied physical culture).

Head coach team Natalia Anatolyevna Gudeleva with the coaching staff (teachers, teachers of RSUPESY&T, students of RSUPESY&T) trains guys who have already shown quite good results at the Olympiad. These are students of grades 10 and 11 with a score above 74 points at the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad last year. There are also spring and autumn rounds of selection for grades 8-11, according to the results of which students are invited to classes.

After regional stage are held intensive classes to prepare the Moscow team for final stage. The guys train 4-6 times a week, and also participate in mandatory training camps.


Literature and Internet resources that may be useful in self-training To All-Russian Olympiad, collected on the page .

In addition, annually municipal stage online courses for schoolchildren are launched. For all 24 subjects of the Olympiad, materials for preparation, organizational information and expert advice are published. Participants can ask questions of the jury and file appeals. You can register for courses using an invitation issued by the school along with the participant list.

Nowadays, society does not attach due importance to physical education lessons at school. Someone thinks that there is nothing interesting and useful in physical education lessons at school and it is better for the child to take additional lessons, while someone is just too lazy and he / she does not go to these lessons out of principle. An even more frightening trend is the fact that the promotion of a lifestyle in which sport has an important and fundamental role has come to naught in our country. That is why it is necessary to understand and realize what is the usefulness of physical education lessons at school.

Approximate standards from grades 1 to 11


boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
Run 30 m (sec) 6,1 6,9 7,0 6.6 7,4 7,5
“Shuttle run” 3x10 m (sec.) 9.9 10.8 11,2 10.2 11,3 11,7
Skiing 1 km. 8.30 9,00 9,30 9.00 9,30 10,0
Cross 1000 m. (min., sec.) without time without time
Standing long jump (cm) 140 115 100 130 110 90
Throwing medicine ball(cm) 295 235 195 245 220 200
Throwing a small ball 150g (m) 20 15 10 15 10 5
Throwing at a target from 6 m 3 2 1 3 2 1
Jumping rope for 1 min. 40 30 15 50 30 20
Raising the body for 1 min. 30 26 18 18 15 13
Hanging pull-ups (times) 4 2 1
Hanging pull-ups (times) 12 8 2
Sitting Forward Bend (cm) 9 3 1 12,5 6 2

Exercises Grade 2, approximate standards


4×9 m, sec 12,0 12,8 13,2 12,4 12,8 13,2
3×10 m, sec 9,1 10,0 10,4 9,7 10,7 11,2
Run 30 m, s 5,4 7,0 7,1 5,6 7,2 7,3
Running 1.000 meters

without regard to time

Standing long jump, cm 165 125 110 155 125 100
80 75 70 70 65 60
70 60 50 80 70 60
Pull-ups on the bar 4 2 1
23 21 19 28 26 24
Squats (number of times / min) 40 38 36 38 36 34
12 10 8 12 10 8

Exercises grade 3, approximate standards


3×10 m, sec 8,8 9,9 10,2 9,3 10,3 10,8
Run 30 m, s 5,1 6,7 6,8 5,3 6,7 7,0
Running 1.000 meters

without regard to time

Standing long jump, cm 160 130 120 160 135 110
High jump way of stepping over, cm 85 80 75 75 70 65
Jumping rope (number of times / min.) 80 70 60 90 80 70
Pull-ups on the bar 5 3 1
Throwing tennis ball, m 18 15 12 15 12 10
Lifting the body from a supine position (number of times / min) 25 23 21 30 28 26
Squats (number of times / min) 42 40 38 40 38 36
13 11 9 13 11 9
6 4 2 5 3 1

Exercises grade 4, approximate standards


3×10 m, sec 8,6 9,5 9,9 9,1 10,0 10,4
5,0 6,5 6,6 5,2 6,5 6,6
Run 1.000 meters, min 5,50 6,10 6,50 6,10 6,30 6,50
Standing long jump, cm 185 140 130 170 140 120
High jump way of stepping over, cm 90 85 80 80 75 70
Jumping rope (number of times / min.) 90 80 70 100 90 80
Pull-ups on the bar 5 3 1
Ball throwing, m 21 18 15 18 15 12
Lifting the body from a supine position (number of times / min) 28 25 23 33 30 28
Squats (number of times / min) 44 42 40 42 40 38
15 14 13 14 13 12
Pistols, based on one arm, on the right and left legs (number of times). (m) 7 5 3 6 4 2

Exercises, grade 5

boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
Shuttle run 4 × 9 m, sec 10,2 10,7 11,3 10,5 11,0 11,7
Run 30 m, s 5,5 6,0 6,5 5,7 6,2 6,7
Run 60 m, s 10,0 10,6 11,2 10,4 10,8 11,4
Run 300 m, min, s 1,02 1,06 1,12 1,05 1,10 1,15
Run 1000 m, min, s 4,30 4,50 5,20 4,50 5,10 5,40
Run 2000 m

Without regard to time

Cross 1.5 km, min, s 8,50 9,30 10,0 9,00 9,40 10,30
from visa, times 7 5 3
Pull-ups on the low bar from hanging lying down, times 15 10 8
Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position 17 12 7 12 8 3
Raising the body from a supine position, arms crossed on the chest for 1 min, times 39 33 27 28 23 20
, cm 170 160 140 160 150 130
Long jump with a run, cm 340 300 260 300 260 220
Running high jump, cm 110 100 85 105 95 80
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min, sec 6,30 7,00 7,40 7,00 7,30 8,10
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min, sec

Without regard to time

  • Simultaneous stepless running
  • herringbone climb
  • Descent into the "gates" of sticks
  • Plow braking

Ski technique

Exercises, 6th grade


4×9 m, sec 10,0 10,5 11,5 10,3 10,7 11,5
Run 30 m, s 5,5 5,8 6,2 5,8 6,1 6,5
Run 60 m, s 9,8 10,2 11,1 10,0 10,7 11,3
Run 500 meters, min 2,22 2,55 3,20
, min 4,20 4,45 5,15
Running 2.000 meters

without time

Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 13,30 14,00 14,30 14,00 14,30 15,00
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 19,00 20,00 22,00
Standing long jump, cm 175 165 145 165 155 140
Pull-ups on the bar 8 6 4
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 20 15 10 15 10 5
10 6 3 14 11 8
40 35 25 35 30 20
46 44 42 48 46 44

Exercises, 7th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,8 10,3 10,8 10,1 10,5 11,3
, With 5,0 5,3 5,6 5,3 5,6 6,0
Run 60 m, s 9,4 10,0 10,8 9,8 10,4 11,2
Run 500 meters, min 2,15 2,25 2,40
, min 4,10 4,30 5,00
Run 2.000 meters, min 9,30 10,15 11,15 11,00 12,40 13,50
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 12,30 13,30 14,00 13,30 14,00 15,00
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 18,00 19,00 20,00 20,00 25,00 28,00
Standing long jump, cm 180 170 150 170 160 145
Pull-ups on the bar 9 7 5
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 23 18 13 18 12 8
Forward bend from a seated position 11 7 4 16 13 9
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 45 40 35 38 33 25
Jump rope in 20 seconds 46 44 42 52 50 48

Exercises, 8th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,6 10,1 10,6 10,0 10,4 11,2
, With 4,8 5,1 5,4 5,1 5,6 6,0
Run 60 m, s 9,0 9,7 10,5 9,7 10,4 10,8
Run 1.000 meters, min 3,50 4,20 4,50 4,20 4,50 5,15
Run 2.000 meters, min 9,00 9,45 10,30 10,50 12,30 13,20
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 16,00 17,00 18,00 19,30 20,30 22,30
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 190 180 165 175 165 156
Pull-ups on the bar 10 8 5
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 25 20 15 19 13 9
Forward bend from a seated position 12 8 5 18 15 10
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 48 43 38 38 33 25
56 54 52 62 60 58

Exercises, grade 9


4×9 m, sec 9,4 9,9 10,4 9,8 10,2 11,0
, With 4,6 4,9 5,3 5,0 5,5 5,9
Run 60 m, s 8,5 9,2 10,0 9,4 10,0 10,5
Run 2.000 meters, min 8,20 9,20 9,45 10,00 11,20 12,05
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,30 4,50 5,20 5,45 6,15 7,00
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,20 10,40 11,10 12,00 12,45 13,30
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 15,30 16,00 17,00 19,00 20,00 21,30
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 210 200 180 180 170 155
Pull-ups on the bar 11 9 6
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 32 27 22 20 15 10
Forward bend from a seated position 13 11 6 20 15 13
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 50 45 35 40 35 26
Jump rope in 25 seconds 58 56 54 66 64 62

Exercises, 10th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,3 9,7 10,2 9,7 10,1 10,8
, With 4,7 5,2 5,7 5,4 5,8 6,2
Run 100 m, s 14,4 14,8 15,5 16,5 17,2 18,2
Run 2 km, min 10,20 11,15 12,10
Run 3 km meters, min 12,40 13,30 14,30
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,40 5,00 5,30 6,00 6,30 7,10
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,30 10,50 11,20 12,15 13,00 13,40
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 14,40 15,10 16,00 18,30 19,30 21,00
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min 26,00 27,00 29,00 without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 220 210 190 185 170 160
Pull-ups on the bar 12 10 7
3 2 1
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 32 27 22 20 15 10
10 7 4
Rope climbing without legs, m 5 4 3
Forward bend from a seated position 14 12 7 22 18 13
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 50 40 35 40 35 30
Jump rope in 25 seconds 65 60 50 75 70 60

Exercises, 11th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,2 9,6 10,1 9,8 10,2 11,0
, With 4,4 4,7 5,1 5,0 5,3 5,7
Run 100 m, s 13,8 14,2 15,0 16,2 17,0 18,0
Run 2 km, min 10,00 11,10 12,20
Run 3 km meters, min 12,20 13,00 14,00
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,30 4,50 5,20 5,45 6,15 7,00
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,20 10,40 11,10 12,00 12,45 13,30
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 14,30 15,00 15,50 18,00 19,00 20,00
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min 25,00 26,00 28,00 without regard to time
Cross-country skiing 10 km, min without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 230 220 200 185 170 155
Pull-ups on the bar 14 11 8
Lifting the coup in emphasis on high bar 4 3 2
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 32 27 22 20 15 10
Tilt forward from
sitting position, cm
15 13 8 24 20 13
Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis on the uneven bars, times 12 10 7
Forward bend from a seated position 14 12 7 22 18 13
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 50 45 40 42 36 30
Jump rope in 30 seconds 70 65 55 80 75 65
Jump rope in 60 seconds 130 125 120 133 110 70

Many parents believe that physical education teachers at school are people who have nothing to do with sports or sports education. It is immediately important to note that this statement is fundamentally not true. First of all, it is necessary to realize that in our days, not being professional athlete in the past or by a person with a sports education, it is almost impossible to get a job in a school as a physical education teacher. This fact indicates that all those children who will go in for physical education at school under the supervision of a specialist practitioner or theorist (depending on the type of teacher’s previous activity) will at least be able to achieve good results in certain sports disciplines, if you so wish.

It is very important that people attending physical education classes develop motivational qualities in themselves. If we compare in ordinary life people who paid attention to sports and those who never wore a tracksuit, then the difference in life motivation is visible to the naked eye. People involved in physical education, and therefore the majority of those who attend physical education classes at school, are much more successful, since even in their school years in physical education classes they develop such qualities as determination and overcoming themselves.

According to statistics, those who do not attend physical education classes on a regular basis are twice as likely to get sick during flu epidemics than those who regularly attend physical education classes. As a result, those who get sick more often have more academic problems because they attend fewer classes at school. It would seem that skipping classes at school and unwillingness to attend physical education classes at first sight are in no way connected. However, if we trace the cause-and-effect relationship described above, it becomes clear why it is so important to go to physical education classes and not look for excuses for ourselves to once again sit on the bench, while classmates pass standards or just play sport games.

If all of the above arguments are not convincing enough, then a small experiment should be conducted. The student is required to compare his state of health for two months. Let him not go to sports at school for one month and sit on the bench. In another month, you must attend all physical education classes and follow all the instructions of the teacher. Each day of these two days, it is necessary to leave an entry in a special diary in which the student will leave his impressions of well-being and general condition organism. After two months, reread the diary and compare your entries. Surely the conclusions for many will be amazing, but what they will be can be found out by conducting this experiment.

Of course, it is rather difficult to call modern school physical education perfect. Yes, and there are many reasons for this. But if you approach this lesson more carefully, consider what the teachers offer, do not try to dodge and hide somewhere in the gateway, then in the future it will be possible to express many thanks to the teachers for this.

Now let's move away from high-profile phrases and try to figure out what is the real benefit of being in the gym, or on sports ground. First of all, it's a matter of physiology. A growing young organism requires mobility in order to be able to disperse blood throughout the body. That is why children are at recess and demolish ceilings in corridors or classrooms. And the more you try to keep them in the strictest discipline, the louder they will scream at recess.

Physical education lessons are designed to balance this imbalance. Properly built physical warm-up allows you to disperse excess energy throughout the body. In this case, there is no overwork, as well as the danger of stretching or other kind of injury. Moreover, thanks to the active exercise there is a moral recharge of the body, when the brain is temporarily disconnected from complex mathematical calculations, or thoughts about a literary plot, allowing a person to refresh his thoughts. In the future, this helps to cope with complex tasks that have been left to you in the end.

Among other things, physical education sometimes allows you to show hidden talents in a person, which in a different environment he will simply be embarrassed to show. After all, here, in fact, everyone is equal and everyone is on an equal footing, when few people will joke about your success. But an experienced teacher will be able to assess the potential and develop it in the future. This is how future football players, volleyball players, basketball players, and athletes manifest themselves. Many after visiting the gym want to develop themselves, improve their bodies and improve their health. And this is precisely what is valuable in school physical education, as a source of limitless opportunities in the future.

Physical education in schools is a subject that contributes to the formation of a healthy generation. The state is interested in ensuring that children are not only intellectually developed, but also have excellent immunity. The standards in the school for physical education are the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


There is a division of them into five types according to the formation of certain physical qualities:

  • strength;
  • endurance;
  • flexibility;
  • dexterity;
  • coordination

Physical education in schools contributes to the comprehensive development of the child.

After the students pass the standards, the grades are received, they are transferred to the statistical information processing centers. After averaging the information, a picture of the compliance of students of all classes with the requirements of the proposed program is formed. Then physical education in elementary school is adjusted in the direction of complication or simplification. Physiologists track the periods of maximum physical development of children, summarize information. The standards involve not just an assessment, but a whole chain of various data, therefore they are of interest not only to physical education teachers, but also to various specialists.

Organization Features

They are designed for children with a basic health group. Pupils from preparatory group only those standards are surrendered that do not fall into contraindications. A special group involves the release of the child from passing the standards. For such children, physical education in schools is carried out according to special programs.

in spring and autumn time classes are held at the school stadium, in winter (in addition to ski training) The guys are engaged in the gym. All rooms in which classes are held must comply with certain standards: they take into account the number of students, the number of showers and changing rooms, the height of the ceilings, ventilation and heating systems, and a variety of sports equipment.

Physical education in schools is also associated with physical minutes organized in all classes. educational institutions. Their main purpose is to relieve tension in schoolchildren during training sessions.

Primary School

How are classes organized for children in grades 1-4? Physical education in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard involves the harmonious development of dexterity, body, and coordination of movements. During this period, the following important skills are taught:

  • the right combination of movement with breathing;
  • high jump and long jump skills;
  • the basics of sports and team games;
  • throwing the ball at a target;
  • throwing and catching the ball;
  • the basics of ski training;
  • swimming basics.

It is at this age that the physical activity children. The harmony of the shape of the figure to puberty directly depends on the development of the body.

Middle and senior level of education

Physical education in high school is held three times a week. Many teenagers are not limited to school lessons, attend sections, go in for sports clubs. To inculcate cognitive interest in the younger generation to healthy lifestyle physical education teachers try to celebrate even the most insignificant successes of their pupils, offer them participation in competitions. This contributes to the self-realization of schoolchildren, instilling in them a positive attitude towards sports.


In ordinary general education schools, this option for improving the health of the younger generation is used quite rarely. In most educational institutions for conducting classes on physiotherapy exercises allocate only extracurricular activities. Children with non-standard mental and physical health are basically simply exempted from regular physical education classes, despite the fact that they are the ones who need special training. Exercise therapy is one of the areas of work of teachers, undeservedly removed from ordinary schools.

Contemporary Issues

Despite the fact that physical education lessons conducted in general educational institutions are aimed at improving the spiritual and physical health of the younger generation, teachers often face various difficulties. First of all, this is due to the lack of showers and rest rooms, that is, the conditions for normal sports activities for children.

Also quite often during the performance of various exercises, children get injuries of varying severity. Many teachers give grades not for physical skills, but for the presence in the lesson, so as not to “spoil” the average score in the certificate. All this negatively affects the attitude of children to physical education lessons, leads to the unwillingness of schoolchildren to go in for sports.

Features of the regulations

When setting standards, the age of children is taken into account. Each level of education has its own indicators, according to which the teacher of physical culture evaluates the results of his pupils.

For example, boys of the 1st grade must run 50 meters to the mark "5" in 6.1 seconds, girls - in 6.6 seconds.

IN winter period to get "excellent" when skiing 1 km, boys must meet 8.3, girls - 9 minutes.

For students of grade 3, a number of standards are added. For example, in a minute, boys must jump rope 80 times, girls - 90, in order to count on the "excellent" mark. There is also a standard for lifting the body from a supine position at this age. For boys, "5" is set at 25 times (per minute), for girls at 20 lifts in 1 minute. Children of the 3rd grade should squat: boys - 42 times, girls - 40 times.

With age, the number of standards that students must pass in physical education lessons increases significantly.

In order to reduce the risk of child injury during the game of basketball, volleyball, the teacher conducts special introductory briefings. He pays special attention to the warm-up. Complex special exercises, selected individually for each class, contributes to the preparation of children for the delivery of standards, reduces the risk of serious physical injuries to schoolchildren.

The establishment of certain requirements that modern children must meet is not a whim of the teacher, these are the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.