Innovative activity of a sports organization. International Student Scientific Bulletin

Modern markets for sporting goods, services and information are characterized by rapid development and increased competition. Tens and hundreds of thousands of manufacturers in the form of sports TV channels, radio stations, specialized websites, professional clubs, sports shops, sports facilities and fitness clubs are simultaneously engaged in a tense struggle for consumers, viewers, buyers and Internet users. The system of competitive relations also includes subjects of related business sectors - such as entertainment television, cinema, stage, circus, event tourism and other areas of leisure activities. Representatives of the beauty and health industry, the sanatorium and resort business, and the restaurant business seek to acquire and expand their market share.

Inside the huge mass of companies in the sports industry and related industries, there is a continuous movement: some enterprises improve their business positions, while others, on the contrary, worsen.

The central task of the management of each company or professional sports club is its successful operation in both the short and long term, ensuring stable, profitable operations and maintaining its competitiveness at an appropriate level. As economic practice shows, this difficult, complex task can be solved only taking into account the changes taking place in the external and internal environment of the company, by tracking and analyzing innovations introduced by competitors. Otherwise, the company expects stagnation, which gradually turns into a recession with a gradual deterioration in financial and sports results. And this applies to both individual market entities and entire industries or the sports industry.

For greater clarity, let us illustrate what has been said with the following example. Professional football clubs Russia has been isolated from the global football industry for a long time in terms of the exchange of players, coaches, methods of training and recovery of athletes. In the 1970s-1980s in the former Soviet, and then Russian football Legionnaires did not perform, foreign specialists did not work. Due to many economic and political reasons, the processes of exchange and transfer of experience were hindered, technical, technological, scientific changes were introduced in our country not in full or with a significant lag behind top clubs Europe and the world. As a result, club football in Russia fell behind, the quality of the game in professional football leagues. And this, in turn, could not but affect the performance of the national team of the country, which for the period 1990-2006. failed to show satisfactory results. Repeated attempts to solve this systemic problem by replacing head coaches invariably ended in another embarrassment and subsequent resignation. In the end, it became clear to the leaders of domestic sports and the RFU that such a complex problem could not be solved in one fell swoop, it needed a modern scientific approach, quality management, the study of best practices and its adaptation to the existing Russian realities.

Competition in sports and business is different in that people and organizations that rest on their laurels quickly lose their leading positions, move into the category of middle peasants, and then completely become outsiders. Their place is taken by new leaders, more energetic, pragmatic, purposeful. If we look at this process more closely, we will see certain patterns in it.

The first of them is that forward movement can occur in sports due to a limited set of factors (see Fig. 1). Among them:

· The natural talent of the individual;

Disclosure and release of body reserves (including due to various stimulants and doping);

· New methods of preparation, training, team and individual tactics;

New fitness equipment, clothing, shoes, equipment.

To achieve world-class results, athletes, coaches and sports organizations are trying to fully use the resources of each direction.

In professional sports, great importance is attached to the search and disclosure of the talents of athletes. Competitors of all levels are carefully screened; the most capable and gifted are taken into account by specialists, invited to more elite schools and clubs. Of the thousands of promising athletes, world-class results are usually achieved by a few dozen in any sport in a single country. The competition for the right to play in the main team at the World Championships, Europe or the Olympics is extremely high. Those athletes win here, whose natural talent is multiplied by persistent daily training.

However, abilities and talents alone, even the most outstanding ones, are not enough to defeat strong adversary. Needed here best practices training, equipment, sports equipment. It also requires an analysis of all information about best achievements elite athletes, about new scientific developments in the field sports medicine, physiology, biomechanics, pharmacology, psychology, management. In other words, to achieve the highest sports results, it is required:

1. to carry out a continuous search for new ways and methods that give the maximum result on their own;

2. keep a close eye on competing teams and athletes who, in some way, manage to break away from other athletes.

Thus, we note the second pattern in the process of increasing competitiveness - the constant search for innovations, the development of one's own or the development of other people's innovations, which give some increase in sports results.

Take, for example, biathletes or skiers. It would seem that, simple views sports that do not require significant technical and technological innovations. However, this is the superficial view of an uninitiated observer. In fact, over the past 20-25 years, the design and material of skis, bindings, boots, overalls for athletes have undergone significant changes. In the arsenal of modern skiers and servicemen there is a huge selection of tools for changing the glide and stiffness of skis, taking into account changes in snow and air temperature. And this, not to mention the mobile communication of athletes with coaches, software products that allow you to optimize the distribution of forces over the distance.

It is known that the best biathlete of recent years, Norwegian O.E. Bjoerndalen brings 25-30 pairs of skis with him to the competition (each of which weighs less than 1 kg), selecting a specific pair for the desired temperature and weather conditions. Keeping his methods and methods of training a secret from his rivals, Bjoerndalen wins victories in competitions of his own with enviable constancy. high level, including the Olympics and the World Cup.

The method of mastering the best practices of other athletes and sports organizations is called benchmarking. The essence of benchmarking is that a sports club, trade or industrial company studies the activities of sports industry leaders, comparing their work with their business model, and, if possible, adopting best practices for internal use.

When analyzing the best practices and innovations of leaders sports market questions such as:

· How adequate are the methods of physical, tactical and psychological preparation of athletes for competitions to modern requirements;

· What are the strengths and weaknesses of our organization compared to those who have achieved a leading position;

· What is the marketing policy of competitors and what innovations do they use;

What methods of motivation and management are used in the best sports organizations in the world;

· How different is the level of remuneration in our club and leading clubs;

Is the number of staff in the organization optimal?

· What is the ratio of income and expenses from various activities;

How does the level of costs differ and what is the ratio of "costs - results" for different types activities.

The answers to the questions posed serve as the basis for correcting the sports and commercial work of a professional club or sports organization. If necessary, personnel changes are made, methods of interaction with consumers are improved, business processes are optimized.

It should be noted that the implementation of benchmarking by sports clubs and organizations in practice is associated with certain difficulties. The quintessence of benchmarking is the borrowing and use of someone else's experience in their activities. However, many of the issues of interest to competitors are not disclosed by leaders, since confidentiality is the basis for maintaining leadership. Disclosing your commercial secret in the field of physical and psychological training of athletes, transfer policy, ways of interacting with fans and partners is fraught with the loss of the achieved position.

The use of only that part of the information that is open does not allow catching up clubs and organizations to completely "add up the mosaic" of the leader's commercial success, leaving the most significant components out of sight.

The inaccessibility of the necessary information often pushes competitors to unethical and illegal actions related to secret video recording, wiretapping, bribing technical personnel and other unseemly actions. In connection with this circumstance, benchmarking is sometimes called competitive intelligence or even espionage, which is actually not true.

How next-generation gear is changing the sport

Films at the peak of popularity heroic deeds Soviet and Russian athletes create an unshakable confidence that in order to demonstrate unprecedentedly high results to the whole world, an invincible Russian spirit, a firm hand of a coach and a will to win are needed. At the same time, doping scandals are on everyone's lips, in the center of which is the idea that doping is the main reason for the success of domestic athletes.

Behind every sports victory, meanwhile, is the work of doctors and psychologists, nutritionists and, of course, developers. the latest technologies. They do everything possible and impossible for the speedy recovery of the participants of the competition after training and demonstration performances.

Development sports technology has grown rapidly in the last decade. The continuous search for new solutions affects the field of clothing, equipment, equipment.

"Wonder Form"

Today, this phrase means not only the athlete’s reaching the optimal level of his physical abilities, but also emphasizes the quality of the clothes in which he relaxes, trains and performs.

Legendary brands of sports equipment are in constant competition and strive to offer the best solution - clothing that will be a tandem of strength, ergonomics, comfort for professional athletes and lovers of active sports.

For skiers from the United States, the legendary American firm North Face has tried their best, spending 2 years creating more than 60 innovative pieces of equipment.

Canadian snowboarders at the recent Olympics wore the high-tech Coldgear Infrared kit, developed by Under Armor scientists. Such sportswear helps the athlete maintain optimal body temperature in anticipation of the competition and directly at the start.

Inside, this sports uniform is covered with a special layer of special ceramics, which forms an air layer that allows you to keep warm in any offered circumstances.

For many skiers, RECCO sportswear does more than just help them achieve best result, but also saves lives during classes extreme views skiing.

The thing is that such clothes are not just equipment. It is a whole rescue system equipped with sensors and reflectors that allow even an unconscious athlete to send an SOS signal and notify search services of their location in the mountains.

Together with a corporation that is professionally engaged in the production of aircraft construction equipment, Under Armor has developed sportswear from innovative fiberglass Mach39. It is designed for skaters. The shape allows you to significantly reduce drag and makes it possible to set new records.

As many as 108 world-class records have been set in Speedo swimsuits designed by the Pentland Group. Leading swimmers from around the world, who managed to reduce drag by only 2% with this unique equipment, showed truly outstanding results.

But what about shoes?

Representatives of running sports have already adopted innovative developments from Nike, which has proven in deeds, not in words, that in sports, a priori, there are no and cannot be trifles.

Hyper Adapt. This is the name of the technology that allows you to lace up 3D-printed sneakers “exactly on the leg”. According to the manufacturer, the first to reach the finish line is the one who, with the help of innovative developments, will be able to do it with truly jewelry accuracy.

How not to lose face?

It's no secret that the world's leading runners cover gigantic distances in marathons and half marathons in all weather conditions. Not to hit the face in the mud (in the most direct, not figurative sense of the word), they are helped by the best grip of sneakers with the running surface, achieved with Nike Anti-Clog Traction. The special material of the sole provides reliable grip even when running on Russian, far from ideal, roads.

And in order for the leg to be comfortable even during The Comrades super marathon, which has been held for almost a hundred years in the difficult climatic realities of South Africa, a special - almost weightless - Nike Flyknit fabric has been developed. It provides excellent ventilation, makes the movement faster, less traumatic.

Not an athlete for shoes, but shoes for an athlete

This quite fair principle was proclaimed by Adidas, Nike's eternal competitor. The developers of this shoe have implemented the BOOST technology. The shoe adapts to the characteristics of the athlete's foot during training or running, guaranteeing maximum support for the foot.

A real sensation in the world of sports was the UA HOVR model, which was created in collaboration with the chemical laboratory The Down Chemical. Just yesterday, miraculous shoes that provide the foot with a return of expended energy at the moment of contact with the ground could seem like a fantasy. Today it is an objective reality.

Safely. Even safer

It is this slogan that can be adopted by those sports whose residents were either jokingly or seriously called suicides yesterday. The modern industry of helmets designed for auto and motorcycle racing, as well as all kinds of competitions in skiing, significantly reduced for each of the athletes who chose impact-resistant products from Giro Avance for themselves, the risk of falling into a hospital bed right from the circuit.

The costumes of racers and skiers have long been a "solid airbag". It will work in case of a critical change in the position of the body in space and minimize damage in the event of a fall or collision.

Where is Russian?

Domestic athletes glorifying Russia on the international sports arena are the most active users of Western developments. Manufacturers of sports equipment from our country are not yet ready to offer equipment that would meet the real needs of Russian athletes.

But who knows, it may not be long before Russian scientists offer the world a unique symbiosis of scientific knowledge and high technology, which will make it possible to set new records.

When defining the conceptual features of innovative processes in the field of physical culture and sports, in the opinion of the author, attention should be focused on the fact that physical culture and sports are part of the general culture, and also on the fact that innovations, to a certain extent affecting the culture of society, are an invention new images, symbols, norms and rules of behavior, new forms of activity aimed at changing the living conditions of people, the formation of a new type of thinking or perception of the world.

In addition, the author emphasizes that the reasons for the emergence of innovations are the rejection by individuals or groups of dominant cultural values, regulatory norms, traditions, customs, rules of conduct and the search for their own ways of cultural and social self-assertion. It can be argued that innovations occur in both traditional and modernized cultures. The creators of cultural innovations are often people from other countries or a different socio-cultural environment, who have values ​​that are different from the environment where they come and turn out to be heterogeneous for a given society.

Based on the definitions of innovation, we point out that innovative activity in the field of physical culture and sports is a rather important and integral part of the considered element of the national economy, in which the object is physical culture and sports organizations and their areas of activity, which are influenced by innovative processes in order to meet the needs society in the services of a health-improving and sports-entertaining nature. Then innovation management in the field of physical culture and sports will be a type of activity aimed at forecasting, planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and necessary regulation of the development and implementation of products of innovative processes in this area in order to obtain a progressive socio-economic effect and improve the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation .

In the author's opinion, the peculiarities of innovations in the field of physical culture and sports are characterized by the specificity of this sphere, which has two fundamentally different components: on the one hand, it is a sports and recreation line based on harmonization, spiritual and physical development of a person, on the other hand, competitions, wrestling and entertainment, categories of a much more material and consumer nature. It is important to understand that at the same time they form a clear system of interaction with each other. Health and general physical fitness are always tested in practice in terms of effectiveness in confrontation and competition, while stressful situations, wrestling (entertainment, in our opinion, in this aspect should be considered only as a passing, additional element) to a certain extent change the requirements for training , the state of the individual, unions and associations of people, being a motivator for improvement and moving forward along the first line. From here it should be concluded that the sphere of physical culture and sports in itself obviously has a great innovative potential, in its essence there is a need for innovations.

In order to improve the efficiency of innovation management in the field of physical culture and sports, in our opinion, it is necessary to structure innovation processes in the industry to a certain extent - to form a rational classification of innovations, based on the existing developments in this area. So, according to the author, it is rational to divide innovations in the field of physical culture and sports according to the main feature - the final result. In this regard, we highlight a number of positions.

Firstly, the innovation of a physical culture and sports product (service), that is, a new, implemented in practice way to meet the needs of consumers in such services. This is true for completely new service complexes, and for various modifications of existing ones in order to increase their value for the population. Here it seems relevant, for example, the introduction into classes water complex, along with the existing traditional types, modern types of aqua aerobics, etc. This, in our opinion, should also include the introduction of traditional sections in children's sports schools complexes new for Russia game types sports.

Secondly, the innovation of sports and sports process is the introduction of new concepts for the provision of the category of services under consideration, which provide certain competitive advantages: cost reduction, cycle time reduction, quality and level improvement physical training, satisfaction of target consumers in physical and aesthetic terms. Here we can consider as an example the use of new types of equipment and technologies in the training process, for example, for accelerated learning to swim. It also includes innovations in the mechanism of payment for services by consumers, including the purchase of fitness service packages on credit, installments, which makes it possible to speed up the implementation of services, increase their availability without loss of quality.

Thirdly, it is necessary to determine the innovation of the management strategy in this area, that is, a change in the concept of creating the value of physical culture and sports services for the population in order to form and satisfy the newly emerging needs for physical activity and run healthy lifestyle life, increase the very value of services and related products, form new segments of the service market for sports organizations.

In this aspect, in our opinion, a lot can be done both by the operators of the fitness industry themselves and by government agencies at the federal and regional levels. Strengthened PR and promotion of fitness services of a certain category as such - by their suppliers, development of necessary sports highest achievements- With the support of the state. Together, purposeful and coordinated actions here can give a worthy result in terms of the innovative development of the fitness industry as such.

Next, we highlight the innovative management strategies that are relevant for the industry: progressive value-added services; new concepts for the distribution of physical culture and sports services; creation of new markets for the sale of services in this category; new models of conducting activities in the field of physical culture and sports.

As an example of an innovation management strategy, in our opinion, here we can present an opportunity for large network organizations of the industry to use in the course of their current activities and perspective development effective principles and methods of corporate governance adapted to the specifics of doing business in the fitness industry.

It should be noted that an important feature of innovation in general, and for the sphere of physical culture in particular, is that innovation activity is quite often of a local nature. In this regard, of particular importance in the current situation is the innovative nature of the implemented comprehensive measures for the development of industry organizations in the regional level. Here, in our opinion, it is worth paying attention Special attention on the marketing of territorial entities, the nature and specifics of the needs of the population of the territory in physical culture and sports services.

Thus, the sphere of sports and recreational and sports and entertainment services has a significant innovative potential. The active introduction of innovations in the activities of physical culture and sports organizations will give an additional impetus to the development of the service sector of territorial entities, an increase in the quality of life of the population of the Russian Federation.

Application of modern innovative and computer technologies in sport.

As we know from the school curriculum, the term " Innovation" voiced from the Latin language is interpreted as - novelty, change.
Modern sport in its theoretical and practical development is inseparably linked to the development of innovative activity of human society.
All this is primarily manifested in the creation of a modern unique concept of physical and spiritual education. professional competencies of a trained athlete, improvement and renewal of the training system and the transformation of archaic training methods into advanced modern training processes at all stages of an athlete's training.
The use of modern sports technologies is typical not only for higher sports professional achievements but also applicable in the lessons of physical training of students and schoolchildren. By introducing methods of innovation and modern trends in physical education, the younger generation manages to instill perfect development of physical skills and awaken their understanding of the need and interest in sports and physical education.

The use of sports in the education of the younger generation.

Physical education lessons for both schoolchildren and students are an integral part of humanitarian education, a component educational the process of cultivating competencies and professional young person's skills.
With an amazing feature in education and improvement skills of physical culture and sports in the methods of school and university teaching fit the use of non-traditional sports in these learning processes.
One of the most famous non-traditional types of physical exercises is the Eastern technique - YOGA.
yoga can characterize as one of the most ancient religious-philosophical systemic currents in the basis of which are the skills of the ability to control the psyche and physiological regulation of the human body. Yoga exercises are based on the ability of the body and improvement skills of tension and relaxation of the muscular system - based on ordinary relaxation, the art of stretching and regulation of the depth and frequency of breathing up to the ability to influence the circulation of the circulatory system and blood flow rate and of course the concentration of both attention and the whole organism.
The use of yoga techniques helps
1. Development of strength qualities and flexibility of schoolchildren and students.
2. Possibilities of combinations of traditional Yoga exercises with other sets of exercises.
3. Ability to work with groups clinical examination and medical records.
4. A set of exercises has a sedative and relaxing effect on the body.
Particular attention should also be attributed to the increasingly popular sports such as - Nordic walking.
Nordic walking is inherent highly efficient in the perfection of the use of special techniques and walking techniques using unique auxiliary sticks when moving hands and their work. This sport gathers many supporters and pleases with its possible accessibility and applicable simplicity for practicing, including the one that does not require huge energy expenditures with the unique total work of the muscle carset.
Not unimportant factor in the growing popularity is the possibility of conducting training sessions almost anywhere under any climatic conditions, including with different physical readiness training athletes or just doing.
Nordic walking promotes -
1 . The tone of the muscular corset of both the upper and lower parts of the body.
2 . Almost 90% of the muscle fibers of the body are involved in the training process.
3 . The use of sticks helps to reduce pressure on the knee joint, including the spinal column, which is an important aspect for classes in health groups or dispensary groups of restrictions.
4 . There is an improvement in the work of the heart rate, pulse rate
5 . Carries out a correlation of posture and problem areas of the neck and shoulder joint.
6. Produces improved sense of balance and coordination of the body .

Modern innovative sports technologies in professional aspect.
Modern sport could not remain aloof from innovative implementations, scientific methods and developments. Let's consider this on the example of an innovative product used to achieve the effect of software automation of a sports process, including with automation capabilities. administrative component of any sports autonomous organization — Alfa Sport PA
This product is able to monitor and organize the training process of an athlete, to conduct a qualitative analysis of the performance of the training task, which made it possible for the coaching staff and the participants in the sports process, that is, the athletes, to achieve high plans and sports results.
Having adopted the method of control and analysis of big data, a modern innovative coach gets the opportunity to plan and predict the future results of an athlete in competitions, analyze the effectiveness of the training process in direct correlation with the training cycle and preparatory process .
As a result, the system enables the coaching staff to have long-term sports calendars or diaries of events based on the individual training schedules of a modern athlete. The innovative product has a saturation of photo and video with the possibilities of entering medical control cards, including promotion document flow within the members of a sports organization.
The medical component of this PAK "Alfa Sport" retains its full confidential reporting and storing the received data without making the information available to the public.
It should be noted about the module of resource distribution, which is of interest to many, in which the control of storage of inventory and various equipment of a sports organization is monitored.

Modern sport in last years has changed a lot and is developing at a decent speed.

These innovative sports solutions are of course known to you, but we will refresh again and look at developing trends.

1. Systems for monitoring the functional state of an athlete (GPSports-Alfa) - is an innovative software and hardware system proposed by Alfa Telecom, which helps an athlete and a coach in the training process and human overload in extreme conditions and preparation for them. The device combines the achievements of modern innovative technologies and sports as a science, allows the coach to understand and urgently respond to the fact that the athlete is under the critical load of the impact of the sports regime.. Which is today a unique advanced technology for screening an athlete and preventing sports injuries including.

2 Modern world a wave of use of video analytics programs, which we have repeatedly paid attention to on the pages of our website, has flooded. Modern analytical video surveillance systems and sports have not bypassed the attention. Let's bring to your attention a program for automating the recording of sports and training processes using analytics -RoboticEye. Program during the course training process filming the game process with the help of CCTV cameras, copying the received data, archiving it into a database and, of course, subjecting everything to possible analysis and comparison with past events and gaming moments. The program is easy to maintain and is currently adopted by many teams - Barcelona, ​​Bayern, etc.

3. Modern sport is haunted by a series of doping scandals and revelations about the use of illegal drugs by athletes. Humans have studied the possibilities of stimulation since ancient times. human body and hiccups and invented substances that help to perform and compete better. For the first time, medicine and sports encountered doping back in 1865 when swimmers from Holland used a prohibited drug.

We paid attention to the problem of doping in the innovative technologies of sports on the pages of our site.

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Physical culture and sports are an integral part of modern life. For modern people many new technologies in sports are becoming commonplace. Often you do not notice how life of both athletes and ordinary citizens is unthinkable without sports innovations.

For many, the technologies described are expressed in television, constantly improving sports broadcasts. Nevertheless, this is far from all, because there is an active development of innovative computer programs and systems. They help organize workouts with greater efficiency, adjust games, and even provide the necessary psychological relief.

Innovative technologies in physical culture for the younger generation

For students of schools and other educational institutions, an important section is classes in physical education. Today, innovation in physical culture expressed in the use of non-traditional exercises and activities in training. The last one is yoga.