Diet from Elena Miro. A few tips on proper nutrition from Lena Miro

September 3rd, 2013 11:00 am


Yaroslav - by the way, why don’t you friend him, we don’t have enough boys! - brought to mind food. We all count KBZhU, we choke on chicken breasts every day and so on. healthy eating, but is it really necessary to deprive yourself forever of one of the joys of life - a delicious meal?

I do not think so. Of course, the basis of the diet should be the right products, precisely calculated portions - no one has canceled this, but at a certain stage of development it becomes permissible to break some rules. I already wrote that once a week I allow myself everything - any dish in any restaurant. Without it, you can go crazy. And why live, depriving yourself of pleasure? Food celibacy is the way to a madhouse.

I'm not talking about the fact that you can become repeaters, get drunk once a week from the belly. At the first stage, having a small fitness experience, you still shouldn’t overeat whites. You need to develop good eating habits. Yes, sometimes raping yourself, forcing and suffering. But then it will be easier, a person gets used to everything.

At a certain point, after, for example, six months, you can no longer look at these same paromas. So the time has come. Now you are in the subject, you have - regular workouts, which means you are entitled to some concessions. Of course, by "overeating" I don't mean the state where you can't get up from the table. Overeating in this context means that you have eaten well. What they wanted, within the limits of a restaurant portion, without choking, as after the lifting of the blockade.

But there is another way not to deprive yourself of the sin of gluttony. To make it clear, I will go from afar. Have you seen people salting their food like they're crazy? Or season it with spices so that they themselves sneeze? You must have seen it. What's the joke here?

It's simple, they dissolved themselves, increasing the amount of salt and pepper over time. Little by little, but constantly. And they really normally salted food now seems insipid. Taste buds are dulled, they need a huge dose of spices to feel the taste of food.

Well, let's leave the talk about what is harmful, everyone understands without me. But these people are depriving themselves of the taste - the real taste - of food. They mix burds and devour them like piglets, not distinguishing one dish from another. They are all salt. Or pepper. I talked to a man who walked this "salt road" and came back. He laughed at himself, as if he had given up spices, he again felt the taste of food, its ingredients. Of course, but how could it be, what taste, if everything was filled with salt?

Besides, it's me that the same garbage happens with delicious food. Which piece is the tastiest? Well? First! First spoon, first sip. So why deprive yourself of joy?

The infamous blogger Lena Miro, although she has a sharp tongue, has an excellent figure. In order to keep herself in such impeccable shape, the girl is forced to sit on a carbohydrate-free diet.

Every day, her diet consists of two cups of espresso, a couple of slices of bitter dark chocolate, vegetables and lean meats.

At the same time, Miro eats only organic food and recommends his fans not to save on food in any case.

In addition, Lena goes to the gym 5-6 times a week for several hours. The girl says that she has long been accustomed to this lifestyle. Yes, it's harsh, but in return for this, Miro has elastic buttocks, slim stomach And toned body.

A post shared by Lena Miro (@lenamyro) on Oct 27, 2017 at 7:25am PDT

Lena Miro allows herself goodies once a week

Note that once a week she allows herself to deviate from the rules and break away in terms of food. True, Lena does not fly into burgers and other unhealthy foods. In her cheat meal, she eats an egg dish in the morning, fried rice for lunch, and a slice of pizza for dinner. Actually, that's all.

Miro does not hide that he does not like fat people, considers them lazy and criticizes them in every possible way in his posts.

Lena Miro is a young Moscow-based writer who maintains a popular blog at, and in every post she encourages readers to work on their bodies. And all those who, in her opinion, do not want to work and do not meet the standards perfect figure, simply calls it “fat pigs”.

Now the fitness blogger has released new book. And while Lena Miro’s “I’ll Lose Weight for You” causes a storm of emotions and discussions, it’s time to figure out if the book really will give the reader something more than a photo of the author in short shorts and advice in the spirit of “eat buckwheat with and sign up for Gym”, which many have already seen in her livejournal blog.

How to lose weight with Lena Miro: the program "I'll lose weight for you"

The first weight loss advice that Lena Miro gives in the book “I'll Lose Weight for You” is to start a notebook, write down in it everything that you eat during the day, and all exercises, approaches to simulators and repetitions, as well as working weights used in training .

Lena believes that anyone can lose weight and turn “from a pig,” as she calls overweight people, “into a deer,” as she calls herself. And it will take him only six months to complete this transformation.

Let's face it, during this period it is really possible to reduce weight by 10-20 kg, depending on the initial indicators and the state of health. But here you will most likely have to “sculpt a deer” in another six months. Few people, after serious weight loss, find themselves with the figure of their dreams, even if they diligently follow all the recommendations.

Nutrition for weight loss from Lena Miro

Miro's blog leaves a strong impression that the author eats only buckwheat and chicken breast. In the book, no innovative approaches to nutrition are also visible. Lena Miro suggests and consume 15-20% of daily calories from fat, 30-35% from proteins, and 45-50% from carbohydrates. Which is pretty typical of the old-fashioned diets of the 80s.

Nutrition recommendations are accompanied by a typical set of prohibitions - do not eat sweet, fatty, fried foods. However, a piece of chocolate or one marshmallow, a square of chocolate or 1 marshmallow is an acceptable minimum. But eating them is strictly until 12 noon, just like in.

Other sources of fats and carbohydrates are allowed only up to 16 hours. You can have dinner 3 hours before bedtime with a dish rich in fiber and protein.

Lena's exercises

Lena suggests that you first master home gymnastics, any exercises “on the press, hips, buttocks, arms and back” performed every other day, plus light walks - this is enough for the first month of “transformation”.

From the second month, Miro suggests starting going to the gym. There you need to do strength training 3 times a week, do exercises on any cardio machine for 20 minutes after training, and dedicate 10 minutes to stretching.

There is 1 exercise for one muscle group, 15 repetitions per approach for the “upper body” and back, 20-30 for legs and buttocks. As an explanation, the chic author's wording "legs must be burned out" follows.

However, if you have read Lena Miro's blog, you probably know that the author does not accept muscular female legs, and dreams that everyone without exception has Victoria Beckham's legs.

From the third month, you will add 1 hour of cardio between strength training. For some reason, no recommendations on heart rate zones and dosing of training effort are given in the book.

In the fourth month, you will add a 20-minute yoga complex to your classes.


Is it possible to lose weight with these recommendations? Yes, definitely. The book will be of interest to fitness beginners and fans of Lena's blog. And, by the way, in the glossy edition there is Lena Miro's signature vocabulary - "pigs", "seals" and "hippos". You'll like it.

Many dream of glory, but everyone has their own way to the top. Lena Miro chose the path of a brawler. The blogger is known for provoking other people in a caustic manner. She also instills in her readers a desire for fitness. Lena Miro published the book "I'll lose weight for you", which aims to help women get in perfect shape, and which tells aspects diet food Lena Miro.

A fitness blogger cannot be called a cute girl. Elena does not skimp on words and can speak harshly about anything. Someone considers her a "magic pendel", while others do not approve of the activities of Lena Miro at all. The very personality of the brawler is also interesting, since she does not tell anything about her life and there is an opinion that the image of Lena is an invention for promotion.


The real name of the girl is Elena Mironenko. She was born in Belgorod region, although she hid this fact for a long time and diligently maintained the image of a Muscovite. After information about her past got into the network, the girl diligently denied that this was true. Only after some time she admitted these rumors, justifying all this with a desire to protect the family from the media, fans and ill-wishers.

Lena graduated from an institute in Voronezh with a degree in translator-linguist. After that, she left for London, but returned to Moscow a few years later. She started her career as a writer, even publishing a couple of books. One of them is "Malvina", in which the author spoke about her biography.

But fame alone cannot be found by a writer. Yes, and Miro has always dreamed of becoming a real star. She started a blog in LiveJournal, in which she began to publish articles on various topics - about intrigues, scandals in the field of show business. It was in this environment that Elena found her audience and became popular. By the way, the blogger writes for middle-aged married women.

Miro's favorite genre was raking "foreign underwear" and discussing Russian pop stars. For example, Ksenia Borodina, Nastasya Samburskaya, Olga Buzova and even Alla Pugacheva became the subject of her statements.

Lena Miro and diet food

As befits a secular diva, Lena Miro carefully monitors her figure. In her publications, she often talks about sports and nutrition for weight loss. A girl should love herself and take care of her body. Then all men will be at her feet. This idea was laid down in the book by Lena Miro "I'll lose weight for you", which was published in 2013.

Elena is a fan of fitness and proper diet. In one of the interviews, she revealed her figure parameters: her height is 168 cm and her weight is 53 kg. It is worth noting that at 36 a woman looks great. Her toned body is all work on herself.

The first step in losing weight according to Miro's book is to review nutrition. The blogger believes that it is the right food that is the basis for losing weight. Without him, according to her, not a single physical exercise will not be effective. It is worth giving up the following products:

  • sugar - it is replaced with sweeteners;
  • mayonnaise - use low-fat sour cream or yogurt instead;
  • sweet drinks (juices and compotes) - it is allowed to drink only water, fermented milk products or tea;
  • chocolate, flour products and sweets allowed in the morning, but for effective weight loss it is better to replace them with dried fruits;
  • jam - give preference to jams;
  • sausage - better buy chicken or beef ham;
  • fried - stewed, boiled or baked is allowed;
  • chips, seeds and crackers- forget about their existence once and for all;
  • fast food - replace it, for example, with a vegetable salad.

It is these products that Lena Miro advises to remove from your diet. A conscious approach to the menu is formed within a month. During this period, you completely change your eating habits and begin to follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Exercise stress

An important aspect of losing weight is sports. While getting used to a new lifestyle, Lena advises starting with training at home. According to her, gymnastics is a good help for beginners. After a month, your body will get used to the loads and the muscles will become elastic. In addition, you will already be mentally ready to move on to other sports.

Lena Miro pays special attention to the warm-up in her book. You should start training with it so as not to harm the muscles. This is followed by 9 simple exercises for the press, hips and legs.

For losing weight, Miro even created her own YouTube channel, where you can find classes by body type.

Lena Miro is a sports fan and works out 7 times a week, but does not strive for an inflated figure. Her goal is a toned body.


Lena Miro tries to motivate people to start taking care of themselves. But he does it in his own way. A girl can call fat people pigs, which looks incorrect.

It is clear that many people do not like this treatment. But Lena believes that everything overweight only from the laziness of the person himself. And until you tell people directly about their "shortcomings", things will not get off the ground.

I will slim you

All thoughts and tips for losing weight are set out in the book "I'll lose weight for you." Lena identifies 3 tasks that need to be mastered:

  1. Psycho: a person needs to understand that he leads a wrong lifestyle. He must learn to believe in himself.
  2. Nutrition: you need to give up addiction to junk food.
  3. Sports: an important component of weight loss. Afraid to go to the gym, work out at home.

Lena also advises to define a goal for yourself and take the first step towards your dream.

The book also talks about how to lose weight and where to start. The author gives advice on nutrition and exercise. The exercises are presented clearly, which is very convenient for beginners. Also, the text is aimed at motivating a person. But if you are familiar with Lena's blog, then you can be afraid of Miro's harsh statements that motivate few people. However, be calm. The book is written without caustic phrases and insults.

Brawler Lena Miro does not cause much sympathy among people because of her communication style. But the advice she gives is effective. The methods described in the book will help you start losing weight and gain beautiful body. Therefore, if you are looking for motivation or fitness tips, you can look at the blogger's page. But do not be alarmed, her communication style is really peculiar.

I always thought it was stupid to judge a person by their appearance. Thin or fat, short or tall - does it really matter? One has genes to blame, another has diseases, the third has bad habits, or is it his conscious choice.

But the scandalous Lena Miro dashed off a long post about her hatred of fat people. Since she was severely criticized, she decided to explain her position. Agree with it or not - the choice is yours.

“Everyone has prejudices. Absolutely tolerant people do not exist. Here I am, for example, judging fat people. I don’t wish them bad, just as I don’t want to be their flight neighbor either. “Not here!” - I think when I sit in an airplane seat and see a fat man walking down the aisle.

A fat man or a fat woman next to me is my guaranteed discomfort. Fat will definitely seep into my territory. And the worst thing about the situation, you know what? Don't change her.

If a bony cretin flies in the next chair, throwing his limbs into my personal space, I can tell him with my eyes: “Get off, nit!” And he will unquestioningly come off.

A with complete man what will you do? You can at least with your eyes, at least with words, ask the pig to remove its fat from my field - what's the point? Where will you take it? I am angry. Being angry is my problem. But is it only mine?

Why don't fat people lose weight? It's so easy: move more, eat less. Two by two is four. The earth is spherical and revolves around the sun. Being slim is easy.

But no: they eat. Instead of driving to the gym after work, they drive home to the refrigerator. You ask: “Why don’t you train? Why are you eating so much?” The answer is always the same: “When should I go to the gym? Yes, and I eat a little.

Not much, fools, is 6 shrimp with green salad for dinner. This is not much, not your two shit sausages with a carbohydrate side dish. A little is espresso, not a vanilla syrup latte, which contains half the daily calories of a normal woman.

A little is a breakfast of two eggs with a slice of Alaskan-caught salmon, not a tub of coffee with cream and strawberry yogurt, which has 12 grams of sugar. You are fat for one reason and one reason only: you eat a lot.

You don’t even notice how many extra and low-quality calories you pile into yourself. Latte with vanilla syrup? Seriously?! Fruit yogurt from the supermarket? To you, it seems like an innocent snack, and you don’t consider coffee from Starbucks a meal at all. Have you ever bothered to find out how much sugar is in your “innocent” snacks?

It is sugar that coats your bodies with a layer of fat. Your daily sugar intake should not exceed 20 grams. And it's not just about the sugar you eat with a spoon. And not just about the sweet taste.

Sugar is found in the same pasta or rice, in whole grain bread, in milk, in sour berries. He is everywhere. And you, if you want to be thin, must take into account the sugar in everything that you put in your mouth, except perhaps for a penis, and not get out for 20 grams per day.

But do you think about it? No. You eat bananas between meals and sweet yogurts, and apples - those are generally around the clock instead of "hello", such as for health.

Are you in yourself? Your body can't digest that much sugar. You become fat, ugly and miserable, irritating the thin, beautiful and strong me. Who annoys you? What group of people? Why?"

In fact, the causes of fullness are much more than just excessive food intake. Therefore, I do not understand at all why this suddenly appears.

For example, I'm more worried about people who always don't like everything. And you?