Army hand to hand combat. Types of martial arts ► Army hand-to-hand combat

hand-to-hand army fight- this is nothing more than a universal system of skills for applying in practice the methods of attack and defense, which has absorbed all the best from the arsenal of the most famous martial arts in the world. Thanks to his entertainment, he managed to win a huge number of fans not only in our country, but also abroad.


It is believed that hand-to-hand army combat appeared in the Soviet Union in 1979, when the first championship with the participation of airborne troops was held at the sports base assigned to the 7th Guards Airborne Division, located in Kaunas, Lithuania. This was the product of many years of cooperation between specialists in the field of sports and physical training both landing and other branches of the armed forces.

A lot of work has been done in this direction: from among the conscripts, athletes-rated athletes and winners of competitions in sambo, judo, wrestling, boxing, etc. were carefully selected. In the end, the joint efforts of fighters and commanders gave an excellent result - a new system was born commonly known as military hand-to-hand combat.

Techniques borrowed from various techniques, represent a harmonious combination of wrestling skills with hands and head. By the way, in the 1970s, they already began to conduct such training for conscript soldiers called up for army service in the Airborne Forces, but it did not go beyond the special physical one. Moreover, any use of hand-to-hand combat techniques for non-official purposes was unlawful and entailed, at best, disciplinary, and at worst, criminal liability. The servicemen were constantly reminded of this by posters placed in parts of the Airborne Forces. At that time, hand-to-hand army combat could only be used during special operations.

Out of the shadows

As mentioned above, in the USSR until the end of the 80s of the last century there was a ban on the teaching and use of karate and other martial arts. After its removal, there was a rapid commercialization of this sports field. In this regard, numerous schools, clubs, sections began to appear one after another, where they taught mainly martial arts east direction.

Until 1994, hand-to-hand combat skills were considered one of the types of military-applied sports. It was cultivated exclusively in military units. Gradually widest set techniques and application capabilities, as well as the highest qualification coaching staff and a fairly tight schedule of competitions began to cause heightened interest both on the part of athletes who have the skills various kinds martial arts, and the younger generation.

Given this interest of a huge number of people, it became possible already in 1995 to create a Russian public organization called the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat (FABR), which is officially registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Thus, she received permission to develop this type of martial arts, as well as the right to use its techniques for the purpose of self-defense and training people not related to military service.

Further development

The extraordinary spectacularity of fights, the universal training of fighters, the reliability of protective equipment, as well as understandable refereeing, to a large extent contributed to the popularization among military personnel. Thanks to this, it became possible in 1991 in Leningrad to hold the first army hand-to-hand combat championship, which determined the path for its further development.

Initially, its educational and methodological base was determined by the Military Institute physical culture. A new department of hand-to-hand combat was opened here, where classes were held to train future specialists in sports and physical training as for the army Russian Federation, and for different power structures. The Institute trains instructors, referees and coaches, and also develops and develops various teaching aids and textbooks on hand-to-hand combat.

Protective equipment: helmet

As is known, this species sport is one of the toughest and most effective categories of martial arts. That is why army hand-to-hand combat competitions require certain protective equipment, which every athlete participating in the tournament must be equipped with.

First of all, the performing fighter must have well-trained neck muscles, since during fights his head is put on a special helmet, to which certain requirements are imposed. One of the main conditions is that the protective grille should not adjoin or in any other way come into contact with the athlete's face. The fact is that several cases were recorded when, during an accented blow directly to the helmet, she literally cut the skin of a fighter, causing profuse bleeding, which could only be stopped with the help of urgent surgical intervention.

When analyzing such incidents, they usually came to the same conclusion: the protective grilles were made without observing any safety requirements and, moreover, in an artisanal way. To prevent such injuries, the grating bars must be fastened together exclusively by argon welding.

The next requirement is that each athlete must have an individual helmet for army hand-to-hand combat. This means that it is adjusted to the structure of the fighter's head in order to avoid the so-called dangling effect at the moment of impact. To do this, special foam pads are installed inside the helmet.

Other equipment

Given the severity of the fights, not only the head of the athlete, but also some other parts of the body also need protection. To prevent serious leg injuries, special pads are used for the shins and knees, and wrestling feet are used to lift the foot and heels. Protection is also used for elbows and forearms.

The hands must be bandaged with boxing bandages, since the leggings themselves cannot guarantee the safety of the bones of the hands in contact with a metal helmet. In addition, the fighter's equipment includes a protective vest called a protector and a groin shell. All of the above uniforms, except for a metal helmet and gloves, are worn under a kimono.

Basic rules of army hand-to-hand combat

● All fighters are necessarily divided into up to 18 years, and then - depending on the Regulations on the competition. There is also a division into weight categories: athletes up to 60 kg and over 90 kg in increments of 5 kg. But it happens that at local tournaments for adults, they first agree on only two - up to and over 75 kg.

● Fights of athletes are held on a tatami (square carpet) with a size of at least 14x14 m. In this case, the fight itself takes place inside the designated space above. Its size is either 8x8 or 10x10 m, and the remaining outer zone, at least 3 m wide, ensures the safety of the fighters.

● The fight takes place in one round and lasts differently: for boys and young men - 2 minutes each. clean time, and for men - 3 minutes. As for girls, as well as girls and women, the duration of fights can be reduced based on the results of the pre-tournament meeting and by mutual agreement of the representatives of their teams.

● Each athlete is assigned a second who is responsible for his ammunition during the fights. For example, his duties include fixing special protective pads and a protector, as well as girdling a kimono, bandaging a helmet, and similar actions that the fighter himself is not able to perform in the time allotted for this purpose. When the duel takes place, the second sits on a chair located behind the place of the competitor. However, he cannot communicate with the fighter, giving him advice or any commands. For such a violation, the athlete is first reprimanded, and for repeated failure to comply with this requirement - a warning.

Start of the fight

Athletes are required to appear on the tatami within 1 minute from the moment their names were announced. Immediately before the start of the fight, the correct equipment of the competitors is checked, for which they stand on the edge of the mat for inspection by the judge. He is obliged to carefully check the availability of all necessary protective equipment on each of the athletes: the presence of protectors, helmets, gloves, shells, as well as pads on the shins and feet.

After the end of the inspection, the rivals go outside the tatami, where they are waiting for the command “Fighters to the middle”. When it sounded, the athletes go to the center and stand in specially designated places, after which they greet the spectators, the judge and their opponent with a bow. And, finally, after the appropriate command, the duel itself begins.

Evaluation of fights: tournament

Army hand-to-hand combat, however, like other sports, has its own criteria by which the result of fights is determined. The following technical actions: attacks with legs and arms, painful holds and throws. Only wrestling in the stalls and headbutts are not taken into account.

Estimates for performed technical actions:

● 1 point - punches to the body and kicks to the leg, as well as a fall, ie a throw made without taking the opponent's body off the mat;

● 2 points - kicks to the body and a hand to the head, a throw with a complete separation of the opponent's body from the tatami;

● 3 points - kicks to the head, knockdown and fast amplitude throw;

● a clear victory is a knockout or 2 knockdowns, effective painful reception, disqualification, non-appearance or refusal of the opponent.

Victory in a duel

It may be awarded:

● for a clear advantage, ie when one of the athletes stops resisting or turns his back to his opponent;

● on points, according to the decision of the judges;

● in connection with the disagreement of one of the opponents to continue the fight - the reason for such behavior may be fatigue, injury, etc.;

● submission of the opponent against whom the painful hold was used;

● non-appearance of one of the athletes for the duel;

● with two knockdowns of one of the opponents during the fight (the fight is stopped in order to avoid unwanted injuries);

● knockout;

● in case of disqualification of one of the athletes. It can be caused by receiving three warnings, and in special cases - inflicting illegal blows on your opponent, after which he is physically unable to continue the fight.

Forbidden tricks

Hand-to-hand army combat has restrictions on the use of certain strikes and other technical actions, such as:

● suffocating grips and painful holds on the neck, hand and spine;

● stomping blows and jumping on a fallen opponent;

● painful holds performed in the stance;

● blows to the neck and groin, to the joints of the arms and legs, to the spine and back of the head, and also to inside hips;

● a grip made on the helmet or its bars.

Sections for the younger generation

As for adult athletes, army hand-to-hand combat for children is taught by experienced professional trainers not only in Moscow, but also in many large cities of Russia. The sections conduct classes in self-defense, personal safety, Special attention given to psychological preparation. In addition, children are taught the basic methods of both defense and attack, which include wrestling techniques, kicks and punches, as well as submission techniques.

Reading this article, some may be indignant: why teach children such a tough type of martial arts as army hand-to-hand combat? The section in which the child will be engaged will help him find true friends, gain self-confidence, not be afraid of conflicts with hooligans and act effectively, winning in almost any extreme situation.

Degree of popularity

Now in the country more than 500 thousand citizens are actively practicing army hand-to-hand combat. Russia ranks first in the number of prize-winning fighters in this sport. Due to the fact that the FABR is officially registered with the Ministry of Justice, it has received the legal right to independent development, as well as the distribution of this type of martial arts in the regions of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is successfully developing both in various sports societies and in law enforcement agencies.

This type of combat is usually used in situations where the use of firearms is limited for some reason. Often, in this case, there is a threat to the life of one of the parties, or there is a high probability of capture. Often, during the battle, improvised means in the form of a knife, a sapper shovel, and a stick can be used. Hand-to-hand combat without weapons is much less common.

Video: Special Forces of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Often, hand-to-hand combat skills are necessary only for fighters of law enforcement agencies and departments, but sometimes hand-to-hand combat is also possible on ordinary city streets, when a conflict from an ordinary brawl under the influence of one of the parties getting out of a state of mental balance can become deadly. Hand-to-hand combat is also often used during special operations, which require stealth and noiselessness.

Combat tactics - three phases

  1. The initial phase of the battle - convergence. It is usually characterized by offhand shooting or throwing various types of weapons. Further blows can follow either with the use of weapons or without it. At this stage, it is possible that one of the opponents will be able to win by knocking out the opponent with an accurate blow.
  2. If the battle could not be completed, then the second phase begins - falling to the ground or knocking down. The purpose of this action is to prevent further actions of the enemy and take a more advantageous position.
  3. After the enemy is knocked down, the third phase begins - finishing. In street conditions, this is usually kicking. For law enforcement agencies, usually in this phase, either fixation of the enemy or the use of painful techniques are used.

When acting against a group of opponents, instead of the second stage, it is possible to use one of the attackers as a shield, or, throwing it at the feet of the attackers, hinder their advance.

Basic principles of combat

  • Avoid being in position on the opponent's line of attack. After all, you can be knocked down by the inertia of the enemy’s movement alone, even if you managed to dodge his blow.
  • Try to strike from any position. However, it is not always important heavy blows. Many light blows can hinder the opponent's actions if thrown unexpectedly.
  • Try to get into a comfortable position and avoid restricting your mobility by crossing your arms or legs.
  • If possible, upset the opponent's balance, this will make it difficult for him to deliver more powerful blows.
  • Be relaxed and focused - this will give speed to your movements.
  • Improvise according to the situation.
  • Take advantage of the features of the area around you.
  • Try to keep combat time to a minimum and save energy by avoiding unnecessary movements and jumps.
  • Get close periodically. This will allow you to determine the next actions of the enemy and will not give him the opportunity to deliver an unexpected strong blow.

When working with a group of opponents, the following is relevant:

  • avoid retreat;
  • use one of the opponents as a human shield, while applying pain techniques to him to control movement;
  • use the enemy as a restriction for the movement of the rest;
  • don't forget about the others;
  • use improvised means if there are several opponents;
  • are on the move;
  • do not scatter attention to the recount of opponents;
  • falling, try to defend yourself and strike from below. Use your opponent as a counterweight to get up.

Army hand-to-hand combat

Army hand-to-hand combat is a universal system for teaching defense and attack techniques. This system combines a large number of functional elements from various types of martial arts from around the world. Army hand-to-hand combat began to develop rapidly and gained immense popularity for its contact fights with minimal injuries to the participants.

When was martial art born?

Video: Hand-to-hand combat according to the GRU special forces system

As a military-applied sport, army hand-to-hand combat was born in 1979, during the first championship of the Airborne Forces. It was from that time that such championships began to be held every year. In addition, army hand-to-hand combat is the basis of the physical training of young fighters and has been successfully introduced into their training program.

This type of martial arts has become quite popular view sports among military personnel, since the athletes were well trained, mastered the techniques of movements of various martial arts, such as boxing, judo, sambo, wrestling, etc.

First championship

Video: Russian Spetsnaz hand-to-hand combat and Real Aikido

In 1991, the first championship of the Armed Forces was held in Leningrad. To popularize this sport even more, in 1992, the Sports Committee of the Ministry of Defense organized the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat as part of the Army Association of Contact Martial Arts.

For some time, army hand-to-hand combat was cultivated only in army units and was a military-applied sport. Today, many athletes of various martial arts are engaged in this type of martial arts, and this sport has also aroused great interest among the younger generation.

Distinctive feature from other hand-to-hand combat

Hand-to-hand army combat can be used in some cases when it is not possible to use firearms. If there is a threat to life or the likelihood of being captured, then it is allowed to use any other means at hand, such as a knife or a stick.

As a rule, hand-to-hand combat skills are owned by representatives of law enforcement agencies, in any other case, the use of this combat in street fights can lead to the death of the attacker. Most often, this type of combat must be used during capture operations, when speed and noiselessness are important.

What is the essence of army hand-to-hand combat?

Hand-to-hand army combat this moment equate to real art. For the first time, the championship in this type of wrestling took place in 1979, which was the beginning of a permanent competition in this sport. In order to really train professional fighters of law enforcement agencies, over time, hand-to-hand combat was included in the mandatory military training program. In the course of such training, each fighter gets a unique opportunity to master different techniques martial arts, such as boxing, judo, sambo, which together gave rise to a completely new art of combat.

How to fight properly

Any section of army hand-to-hand combat distinguishes three main phases of its conduct:

  1. The first phase is called convergence. In this case, the opponent may throw some object and assume a defensive posture, after which blows may follow. With the right vision of this phase, there is a chance of winning with one accurate blow to your opponent.
  2. If the rendezvous phase did not bring the expected results, then the knockdown or stalling phase begins. In this case, the main thing is to take a dominant position over the enemy.
  3. The third phase can only come after the second, when the enemy is defeated and needs to be finished off. In the finishing phase, the military man can apply any painful hold.

Combat techniques

Army hand-to-hand combat competitions are held every year, and their main task is not only to show their skills, but also to prove the ability not to violate some basic principles:

Advantages of hand-to-hand army combat and the first championship

A small section of army hand-to-hand combat has grown to enormous proportions. To date, such competitions have been held every year since 1991 and are called the Army Hand-to-Hand Combat Championship.

An attractive feature of this fight was that the technique of its conduct is not too complicated, and athletes can only get minor injuries. The competitor may use techniques from other martial arts. For example, it is allowed to finish off an opponent with your feet and hands. Naturally, at competitions, the judge monitors the implementation of all the rules.

To date, there is the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat, which controls all competitions and championships in this type of martial arts. Now army combat is not only studied in special military units of law enforcement agencies, but is also a military-applied sport.

General rules

Competitions between fighters must take place on a special tatami, beyond which they are forbidden to go. All types of techniques are monitored by a judge and a special board, which evaluates the fighting technique with points. Opponents are selected by weight and age categories. There are special rules for army hand-to-hand combat, which you should familiarize yourself with in more detail:

  1. The fighters who enter the tatami are determined by the red and blue belts.
  2. Each fighter puts on special ammunition. This may include such equipment: wrestling shoes, shin pads, groin shell, protector, leggings, a helmet with special metal protection.
  3. The fight is divided into rounds.
  4. The judges evaluate the correctness of the techniques used, special preference is given to kicks and punches, various painful techniques.
  5. It is forbidden to press on the eyes with your fingers, to choke, to jump with your feet on a recumbent opponent.

Hand-to-hand army combat is conducted according to these rules, and if they are violated, then both fighters may be disqualified. In this case, no one wins. These rules are also rigid in the event that one of the opponents used a prohibited technique. In this case, his opponent can win. Army combat also implies the use of techniques that are characteristic of this type of martial arts.

Hand-to-hand army combat is carried out not only among men. Teenagers and even women can easily become participants in such an action. A prerequisite is good preparation. Attention is drawn to how the fighter's neck muscles are trained. This is important so that when hitting the head, he does not receive injuries incompatible with life, and such a possibility exists, even though the head is protected by a helmet during the competition. Hand-to-hand army combat competitions can also take place not in a team.

Army hand-to-hand combat (ARB)- this is a universal system for teaching defense and attack techniques, which has absorbed all the best from the arsenal of world martial arts, tested in real combat activities, worked out on the multinational Russian soil.

date of birth ARB considered to be 1979 when in the city of Kaunas at the sports base 7 guards division The Airborne Forces held the first championship of the airborne troops. Created by specialists and enthusiasts of physical training and sports of the Airborne Forces, Strategic Missile Forces, other types and branches of the military, the ARB was successfully introduced into the training program and became the main component of the forms of physical training of military personnel.

The versatility of hand-to-hand training, spectacular fights, reliable protective equipment and clear refereeing made the new kind sport popular among military personnel. This made it possible to hold the first championship of the Armed Forces in 1991 in the city of Leningrad, which determined the ways and directions for the development of the ARB.

The Military Institute of Physical Culture (VIFK) became the educational and methodological basis for the development of the ARB. At the Department of Overcoming Obstacles and Hand-to-Hand Combat, future specialists in physical training and sports of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, near and far abroad are trained in the basics of ARB. In the hand-to-hand combat center, instructors are trained, coaches and judges improve their skills. The research center is engaged in the development and publication of manuals, textbooks and manuals on hand-to-hand combat.

In order to popularize and develop the ARB, on the initiative of the Sports Committee of the Ministry of Defense (SC MO), in 1992, the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat (FARB) within the framework of the Army Association of Contact Martial Arts (AAKVE). The purposeful work of the FARB together with the SC MO made it possible to include the ARB in the military sports classification for 1993-1996, in the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification for 1997-2000, develop and publish competition rules in 1995 and obtain from the State Sports Committee of Russia the right to provide documents for conferring the title of "Master of Sports" and sports categories.

The 1995 ARB competition rules were supplemented and changed in 1997. Today, the competitions are held according to the rules revised in 2003, taking into account the proposals of the leading specialists of the ARB.

Here some provisions of these rules:

  • Only persons who have undergone a medical examination no earlier than 10 days before the start of the competition are allowed to participate in the competition.
  • Participants aged 10 to 17 years old in 15 weight categories are allowed to participate in children's and youth competitions. . Men compete in 7 weight categories.
  • The following equipment is used at the competitions: kimono, wrestling feet with heel and instep protection, shin pads, groin shell, protective vest, leggings, a helmet with a metal grill.
  • The fight lasts 2 minutes for teenagers, youths and juniors, 3 minutes for men.
  • Such technical actions are evaluated as: punches, kicks, throws and painful techniques.
  • Prohibited techniques include: striking with fingers in the eyes; carrying out suffocating grips and painful holds on the neck, spine, hand, foot; jumping feet and stomping blows on a lying opponent; blows to the groin, neck, joints of the legs and arms, the back of the head and spine; painful holds in the stance; gripping the helmet or helmet bars.
  • Victory is awarded: on points (by the decision of the side judges), for a clear advantage (knockout, two knockdowns, painful hold, in case of refusal or disqualification of the opponent).

Until 1994, ARB had the status of a military-applied sport and was cultivated only in army units.

Over time, a wide range of techniques from the arsenal of the ARB, its application capabilities, high qualifications of the coaching and teaching staff, a rich calendar of competitions with high level the skills of the participants aroused great interest not only among athletes involved in various martial arts, but also among the younger generation. That allowed in a short time to go from FARB (within the framework of AAKVE), to the creation in 1995 of the All-Russian public organization "Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat of Russia" (FARB of Russia).

FARB of Russia, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, has received the right to develop the ARB, independently or through regional offices, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Today, the ARB is represented in all Federal Districts, and is successfully developing in more than 50% of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, law enforcement agencies, sports societies and departments. Particular success in the development of the ARB was achieved by: Southern, Central, Volga-Ural, Far Eastern federal districts; Rostov, Moscow, Saratov, Ivanovo, Arkhangelsk, Samara, Kostroma, Omsk, Irkutsk regions; Primorsky, Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory; Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region; the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

More than 500 thousand citizens of Russia are actively engaged in ARB. Pupils of the ARB serve with honor in the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies.

Approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia

The fifth edition of the rules has been prepared on the basis of the 1995 army hand-to-hand combat competition rules,

additions and changes to the 1997, 2003 and 2010 editions, taking into account the comments and suggestions of leading experts

army hand-to-hand combat.

This version of the Rules was prepared by the commission of the Department of Physical Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian

Federation and Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat of Russia under the general leadership of the President of the FARB of Russia

academicianPernikova S.N. and Head of the Department of Physical Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Shchepeleva A. A. composed of: Candidate of Pedagogical SciencesChabanyuka A. S. , colonelShagina I. A. , reserve colonel

Mishunina V. L.

The rules were approved by order of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2011 No. 4. The Presidium of the FARB of Russia on October 29, 2009 and are the official publication of the Russian Army Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation.

These Rules are obligatory for all competitions held in the Russian Federation from January 1, 2011.



I. The nature and methods of conducting competitions.

1. Ways of conducting competitions.

1. Competitions can be held:

according to the Olympic system;

with elimination;

in a circular manner.

The pairing procedure for all types of competitions is set out in the Appendix.

2. Under the Olympic system the contestant ends the performance after the first defeat.

According to this system, personal and personal competitions are held with a team standings. The serial number of each participant is determined by lot. For prize-winning places, fights are held between fighters who have reached the semi-finals, where 3rd place and access to the final are also played out. In the final, 1st and 2nd places are played.

3. Holding competitions with elimination.

In a knockout competition, the contestant ends the performance as soon as they receive 6 penalty points after losses.

According to the elimination method, individual and individual competitions with team standings are held.

The serial number of each participant is determined by lot and kept by him until the end of the competition.

Penalty points are awarded:

win by clear advantage 0 penalty points

win by points 1 penalty points

loss on points 3 penalty points

defeat with a clear advantage

opponent 4 penalty points

1 ,2, 3 places are determined in the final battles, the final starts when in a given weight class there are three non-retired participants.

If only two (or one) non-eliminated fighters remain in a given weight category, then the other (or two other) finalist (finalists) will be the fighter (s) who has (have) fewer penalty points.

If several fighters have an equal number of penalty points, then the finalists are determined by the results of a personal meeting. It is held if the fighters have not previously met with each other.

The fighters who reached the final must meet each other if there were no mutual fights before. From the participants who entered the final, all penalty points are removed. If the fighters met each other before the final, the result of the mutual meeting is counted and their penalty points are transferred to the final.

The winner of the competition is the fighter who received the least number of penalty points in the final fights.

If two fighters have the same number of penalty points in the final, then the best place determined by the winner of the final.

If the three finalists have the same number of penalty points, then in determining the places, preference is given to the fighter who has spent more fights. If these indicators are the same, then the penalty points received for all competitions are taken into account. If and. these indicators are equal, then the winner is determined in accordance with paragraphs "d" - "g" of this section.

The 4th and subsequent places of the participants are determined depending on the round of the competition in which they dropped out.

Fighters eliminated in the same round are considered to have finished the competition at the same time. In this case, their places are determined by the following indicators in the specified sequence:

a) by the least number of penalty points received;

b) by victory in a mutual meeting (when determining the places of two participants);

c) more meetings;

d) by more victories;

e) by a greater number of wins by a clear advantage;

e) by less time spent on victories;

g) fewer warnings.

In case of equality of all indicators, the occupied places are divided between these participants.

If a participant is eliminated from the competition due to illness or injury, he is awarded a place, considering that in all the fights he missed, he was defeated, and his opponents won by a clear advantage.

Participants who did not appear at the competition, as well as removed from the competition due to violation of the Rules:

in individual competitions, the place is not determined;

in individual with team standings - the last place in this weight category is determined.