What is body art fitness. Gourmet Alternative Fitness - bodyART

My sports turned into a fitness routine: cardio + strength training, strength training + cardio. Eventually, I stopped enjoying going to the sports club. Like a squirrel in a wheel...

Most gym goers are "comfortable" with ABL, Pilates, or yoga. It is more convenient, because these are programs familiar to everyone, promising to make us slimmer, more beautiful, younger. And we believe, and we walk...

And it’s not that these workouts don’t bring results. No - it's a classic that still works. Only now it turns our sports life into this very fitness routine.

Looking around, overcoming the fear of the “newbie”, I began to look for diversity.

And you know what they say: all the most valuable things are right under our noses. In a word, dashing brought me to the BodyArt class. What it is? Now I'll tell you.

BodyArt is… it is extremely difficult to give a clear definition, because it is a mix: a little bit of cardio, dancing, yoga, Pilates, tai chi physiotherapy.

BodyArt lets you move like in Everyday life you would never move. Or rather, in life, we seem to fall short of everything, and BodyArt helps us to make these movements with full amplitude.

BodyArt is a class where East meets West. One lesson can give you as many sensations as a whole day of various workouts will not give you. There is a slow stretch, asanas, an accelerating pace and complete relaxation. BodyArt is multi-faceted and "multi-tasking".

With its roots in physical therapy, the classes combine several levels and more than two dozen types of training. There are slow classes (beginner), there are very active ones (deep work), there are tactile ones - working in tandem. Each program has its own emphasis: on cardio, strength, flexibility, stabilization. In BodyArt, age and gender do not matter, everyone can find a program for themselves.

More details about BodyArt classes will tell us Gennady Baikov, certified trainer in the BodyArt system and trainer of a network of sports clubs Atletika.

-Gennady, what is Body Art and what is the main goal of such classes?

G.B. - BodyArt is a wellness program that focuses on the unity of the body, mind and soul. We do not engage in spiritual practices, but rather through exercises we try to find peace of mind and peace of mind. The program includes several levels of training: from slow classes to intense ones.

BodyArt has been widely known in America and Europe for about 18 years. This is a proprietary program that requires trainer certification and licensing. This is necessary to ensure the concept and philosophy of quality BodyArt.

This type of training came to us about 6 years ago and is often compared with the same yoga. There are many interlacings, but these are exercises without yoga philosophy. Each movement, when performed correctly and consciously, in combination with correct breathing and concentration, enables the body to include all muscles in the work and eliminates fast uncontrolled movements.

- There is an opinion that for this kind of exercise you need good muscle elasticity and joint mobility. Is it so?

G.B. - Of course, BodyArt makes our body more flexible. But good flexibility comes with time. The main goal is to feel the possibilities of your body. But, not forcing him, but gradually preparing the musculoskeletal system for performing movements with maximum amplitude.

You can start with slow classes, where the main focus is on the flow of energy and synergy between breath and movement.

After such classes, any person will successfully join more intense training, where endurance and strength are required. But even during intensive training, we control our movements, although from the outside it may seem like a “breakaway”, emotional relaxation through movements.

- I can add from myself that BodyArt Deep work, in addition to cardio and strength exercises, a great opportunity to just be a little wild person ... a person who does not have to think about how he looks now - during training it does not matter at all. Of course, our people are more constrained, but in Europe and America, exercises are accompanied by involuntary cries. People seem to be freed from negativity and stress through movement.

- BodyArt beginner - slow class, but I can't name it exactly light exercise. They require a lot of effort. What preparation should a person have to start practicing Body Art?

G.B. - You can start from scratch. All exercises are safe and thought out so that a person can perform them. If flexibility does not allow you to complete the movement yet, you can perform it in an easier, more accessible form. The main task is to perform exercises within your capabilities.

Returning to the question, I note that the elasticity muscle tissue is not the main argument. Even if a person has good flexibility, performing a series static exercises can cause certain difficulties, since they involve all muscle groups. BodyArt "teaches" to improve your skills.

There is such a thing as joint mobility, which is essentially what ordinary people call stretching. In fact, we are training joint mobility. And muscle elasticity is just an anatomical feature, but it can also be trained.

- What ailments can you say goodbye to by attending classes regularly?

G.B. - BodyArt develops flexibility, balance, concentration and coordination. By consistently performing exercises, we reduce the muscular imbalance that leads to wear and tear of the components of the musculoskeletal system.

BodyArt helps to correct posture, increase joint mobility, improve blood circulation, reduce headaches and back pain. Intensive BodyArt is also a fight against excess weight.

But no less important, BodyArt is a good mood, a peaceful state and stress relief.

- How often should I attend the BodyArt class, and with what loads can training be combined?

G.B. - Perfect option- This is a visit to BodyArt classes 2-3 times a week. Moreover, in one day you can combine two workouts: for example, by visiting a strength or aerobic training, after which the slow BodyArt class would be appropriate.

If there are no medical contraindications, then it can be combined with any other training, as a quality supplement.

- “Sportsmen” who prefer strength training in the gym come to your workouts. What attracts them to BodyArt?

G.B. - First of all - the development of flexibility, the ability to "calm down" the body after strength exercises. Unlike classical strength training, BodyArt training does not focus on any specific muscle group, but focuses on the entire body. This ensures proper breathing and increases the flow of oxygen to the muscles and brain. Proper breathing and expanded consciousness bring relaxation to the body, reducing physical and emotional tension.

- Another stereotype that Body Art is a "lady's room". What advice would you give to men who are embarrassed to attend such classes?

G.B. - Only one advice: men need such classes, just like women. After all, men no less than women experience stress, tension, back pain, muscle imbalance.

True, men sometimes feel embarrassed. But we, in turn, invite them to attend classes where the trainers are men, thus blurring the boundaries between male and female training. Maybe this will calm the men, but the creator of BodyArt is a man.

- When working with clients in the gym, do you include BodyArt exercises in your workouts?

G.B. - Certainly. Selecting movements for certain purposes, we conduct a complex before or after a workout. BodyArt is good for both relaxation and concentration, and a start before exercising in the gym.

Over the years, there has been a tendency to combine active classes with slow classes. achieve good results constant exhaustion, working on the verge of possibility, difficult. Our body needs balance. And it is the combination of strength training, aerobic exercise and general health-improving conscious complexes that will not only make our body more beautiful, but also brighter our thoughts.

P.S. To understand the essence of the BodyArt class, you need to go to it. It is multifaceted and unique.

A slow class is an opportunity to concentrate and relax at the same time, stretch and gather your will into a fist.

Deep work will help get rid of excess weight, through cardio exercises, shake out all the negativity and allow your body to move as it can only move under the intoxicating rhythms of Bob Marley.

Seminar cities: Moscow, Saint Petersburg. Other cities of Russia and neighboring countries - on request.

If you want to become a unique instructor, if you are tired of doing aerobics and strength classes, if you are looking for something new and different from everything else, then bodyART fitness training is exactly what you need!

bodyART training was developed by one of the leading fitness specialists - (Switzerland). Within the framework of the bodyART concept, the human body is perceived as a unity of 3 components - body, mind and soul. Combination therapeutic exercises, as well as training for strength and flexibility, together with classical breathing techniques, helps to simultaneously strengthen and stretch muscles, relieve stress, remove back pain, improve posture, better understand and feel your body.

The bodyART Basic Seminar is the foundation and foundation for attending all other bodyART Seminars. The bodyART Basic training is unlimited and open to fitness instructors and group trainers of all skill levels.

BodyART Level 2 and Level 3 Certification Seminars can only be attended by current bodyART Instructors prerequisite). At the second level seminars, students receive more practical knowledge, learn how to compose a lesson so that it is more appropriate for the level of students and solves various problems: increasing stretching, deeper work along myofascial lines, rehabilitation training, training along the meridians, and so on.

Unlike many modern fitness programs, bodyART has a deeper philosophical and scientific basis. Based on the principles Chinese medicine combines not only work with the body, but also work with the internal energy of a person. Based on the principles of Yin and Yang, this method combines elements of yoga, Pilates, functional training and tai chi techniques. bodyART is a huge success in Europe, USA, Asia and is already taught by thousands of instructors around the world. In 2005 and 2006 bodyART received the ECA World Fitness (USA) award as the best international fitness concept. In Russia, bodyART was first introduced in 2012.

A very important part of the bodyART® lesson concept is the ability to solve three problems at once in one lesson. bodyART instructors tell their clients that they get three in one workout - cardio, strength, and flexibility.

Trainings are held in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. If you want to become our regional representative or organize a bodyART seminar in your city, please contact us:

  • info@site
  • +7 966 020 0573 (whatsapp)

"Body art" is a new trend in fitness that has nothing to do with body painting. It is the art of shaping your body in harmony with your soul. "Body art" has recently gained wide popularity in the west. Fitness clubs offer various programs that allow people of any age and with any physical fitness to attend classes.

Fitness direction "Body art" appeared in the mid-nineties of the twentieth century. Its founders were fitness trainer Robert Steinbacher and physiotherapist Alex Lee. Initially, their goal was to create an optimal fitness program that would be equally suitable for people of any age and fitness level.

Unlike classical strength training, "Body Art" is not aimed at strengthening certain muscle groups, it is focused on the human body as a whole. The "Body Art" training system combines classic poses from martial arts and yoga, as well as breathing exercises, which allows you to strengthen the body physically and relax in the classroom psychologically. As a result of such activities, athletes develop strength, endurance and flexibility.

The uniqueness of the Body Art training system is that each lesson includes five different elements of traditional Chinese medicine based on energy phases. Their role is to help those involved in achieving the main goal of the classes - the balance of energy in the body and psychological relaxation.

Source: http://www.bodyartschool.lv

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For many of us, the concept of "Body Art" is primarily associated with the art of painting with paints on the body. However, today we want to introduce you to another Body Art. In fitness, there is a direction of the same name, which is a functional training in the style of mind & body, which we literally told you about last week on the fitness pages of our electronic magazine.

Body Art was invented 20 years ago by the Swiss Robert Steinbacher. In 2005-2006, this direction in the USA received the title of the Best Fitness Concept. The first thing to know about is that the direction is hybrid. Its creators were inspired by yoga in their time, but the spiritual component of the ancient Indian philosophy missing in Body Art. In addition to the elements of yoga, Body Art is also a base in the form of the principles of Chinese medicine. There are also elements of Pilates, dance, functional training with its impact cardio, tai chi techniques and the Yin-Yang principle in Body Art.

By analogy with yoga, the entire Body Art class takes place on a gymnastic rug. Shoes and socks must first be removed. The form of clothing is comfortable for you, not constraining movements, made of natural fabrics.

Duration Body classes Art is 55 minutes. It takes place under calm quiet music. In addition to the gymnastic rug, you will not need any additional devices or weights. The workout consists of 5 parts:

Photo by Natalia Grishko

1. Login. In accordance with the principles of Chinese philosophy, the Entrance is the element of Earth. At that stage, there is a gradual entry into Body Art. In Child's Pose, participants synchronize the buttocks to heels extension, and arms and head forward with the phases. deep breathing. Smoothly, without sudden movements, the child's pose flows into arches of the back up and down, standing on all fours.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

2. Functional warm-up. Here the pace of movement increases slightly, we break away from the Earth. The symbol of this stage is the Tree. For the most part, exercises and movements are performed in a standing position. At this stage, many movements are performed with arms raised up, alternating with, turning the body to the right and left, tilting the body forward. Again, all movements at the command of the coach are clearly synchronized with the phases of breathing. The abdominal muscles should always be pulled in and the back straight.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

3. The active main part of the training, the symbol of which is Fire. At this point, get ready to do cardio exercises, which are a series of fast squats with turns, high knee raises in a high, etc. In general, this part of the workout contains many static and dynamic planks, alternating with backbends in Cobra Pose, push-ups. In the Fire phase, also be ready to work actively in lunges on one leg, alternating with Downward Dog Pose.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

4. We go down again. The symbol of the stage is Metal. This block contains exercises for abdominal muscles. Here, be prepared to twist the body from a sitting position on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor. The work is to be done both in dynamics and in statics.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

5., whose symbol is Water. At this stage, you can restore breathing and improve transverse stretching in Lotus or Butterfly Pose, stretch the spine with twists. And leaning forward from a sitting position on the floor will help improve the longitudinal stretch.

The very first minutes body workout Art give amazing peace and harmony. It is felt that the work is going on not only with the body, but also with internal energy. Also almost immediately there is a feeling of lightness in the back. Training in general is all built with an emphasis on gentle stretching of the spine. Here, in each block of exercises, you have to raise your arms above your head, open thoracic region of the spine, which is competently compensated by alternating with forward tilts of the body. Therefore, it is safe to speak of therapeutic effect Body Art and recommend this type physical activity people of "sedentary" professions (programmers, office workers, seamstresses, drivers, etc.) as a prevention of osteochondrosis and similar complications in congestion in the spine.

If you like yoga, but you still lack the flexibility, stretch and strength in your arms in order to take place in this direction, then be sure to try Body Art. In a sense, it can be called a soft entry into yoga. There are no too difficult asanas here. Almost everything that the trainer will offer you, at the very first training session, you will succeed. It inspires great, gives self-confidence. However, you will immediately realize that there is room for growth, which will confirm you in the desire to improve further.

The duration and fullness of the workout is enough to get the effect of fat burning and lose weight, get rid of cellulite, tighten problem areas on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, shoulder line, improve stretching, become more flexible and more resilient. At the same time, the cardio block is very sparing and does not give an excessive load on the heart. Body Art is generally suitable for any age, gender and has virtually no restrictions due to health conditions. On the contrary, such training stimulates the immune system and normalizes hormonal balance, relieves stress and gives a charge of vivacity and good mood.

Body Art is actually an artistic approach to working with your body. And in fact, Body Art considers a person not just as a body, but as a unity of three components - body, mind and soul. As a result, the body is improved, the mind gets the opportunity to relax, and the soul enjoys harmony. In a word, Body Art is an invitation to approach fitness creatively as an art and get a lot of bonuses from it.

Photo - Fortis Medical Health Center, Kharkov.