Quiz on knowledge of legal issues. Extracurricular event "legal quiz"


1 Quiz for schoolchildren with answers on the law Quiz for junior and secondary schoolchildren with answers. An interesting and informative quiz for elementary and middle school students. 1) The country where the person was born and raised. Answer: Motherland, Fatherland. 2) Our Motherland is the Russian Federation. What does the word "Federation" mean? Answer: Union, association. 3) The most important city of each country. Answer: Capital. 4) The common name of any population of the country. Answer: People. 5) A person who loves his homeland. Answer: Patriot. 6) What continent is Russia on? Answer: Eurasia. 7) What is the name of the basic law of the country? Answer: the Constitution. 8) A resident of our state who has rights and performs duties. Answer: Citizen. 9) A person who received from the people the right to power. Answer: President. 10) What symbols of the state do you know? Answer: Flag, coat of arms, anthem. 11) What is the name of the image-symbol that shows the historical traditions of the city, state, family, individual? Answer: coat of arms. 12) What do the three colors of the Russian flag mean? Answer: White color means purity of aspirations, blue will for peace, red readiness not to spare one's blood in defense of the Motherland. 13) What are the names of the rules that the state establishes? Answer: Laws. 14) Established rules of social behavior. Answer: habits. 15) Popular vote, which is held on the most important issues in the life of the state. Answer: Referendum. 16) When is Russia Day celebrated? Answer: On June 12, on this day in 1990, a decision was made on the independence of Russia, and a year later the nationwide elections of the first President of Russia were held. 17) In the year 2000, a new century began and a new ... Answer: Era.

Game 2 Yes! No!" Let's play. I am reading an article. If this is in favor of a person, we say: “Yes!”. If it is against the law, we say: “No!”. Russia is our country? Does a person have the right to privacy? Can a person be enslaved? No! Is it okay to be cruel to a person? No! Is a person protected by law? Does a person have the right to defend himself with the help of the court? Is it possible to enter a person's home without permission? No! Can a person move freely within their country? Is it possible to leave the country and then return back? Can a person own property? Does a person have the right to social security? Is it possible to forbid the free choice of labor?

3 No! Does the law protect motherhood and infancy? Yes, guess the story. 1. In which fairy tale does a lady use her husband's good deed to enrich herself and move up the corporate ladder, but subsequently loses everything due to an immeasurable craving for money-grubbing? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin) 2. In what fairy tale is a woman of indeterminate years plotting to kidnap someone else’s child, using for this aircraft, sung by the singer and composer Yevgeny Martynov? At the same time, the problem of harvesting is solved in the fairy tale. (“Geese-Swans”) 3. In what famous fairy tale is the right of the child to preserve individuality violated? Answer: The ugly duckling. 4. In what fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov is the right of kids to live peacefully in their homes and feel like masters violated? Answer: The Three Little Pigs. 5. In which fairy tale of the famous French storyteller, the child's right to rest and entertainment is violated. Answer: Cinderella. 6. In which fairy tale A.N. Tolstoy was the right of the protagonist to own personal property grossly violated? Answer: "The Adventures of Pinocchio". 7. In what fairy tale did the main character, using the right to freedom of movement, make an unusual journey on waterfowl? Answer: Traveling Frog. 8. What right did Nastenka from the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" use when she went to the palace to the monster? Answer: The right to freedom of movement. 9. What right did the fox from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare" violate? Answer: the right to privacy. 10. What right did the wolf violate from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"? Answer: the right to life. 11. What right did Pinocchio violate by grabbing Shushara by the tail? Answer: the right to privacy. 12. What right of the main character was violated several times in the fairy tale "Thumbelina"? Answer: the right to freedom of marriage.

4 13. What right did Mowgli in the fairy tale of the same name by Kipling constantly try to violate Sher Khan? Answer: the right to life. 14. What right did Pinocchio not use when he sold the alphabet for five gold coins? Answer: the right to education. 15. In this fairy tale, the little heroine was pursued by failures. Despite free movement, freedom of speech and thought, she was discriminated against, there was an attempt on her life, and her grandmother was deprived of the right to the inviolability of her home. (Little Red Riding Hood). 16. The hero of this tale is kept in captivity. He lost his sister, there was an attempt on his life, violating his right to personal integrity and life. (The kid) 17. This hero of many Russian fairy tales constantly violated the rights of other characters: he attempted on their life, kept them in slavery, subjected them to cruel treatment, encroached on the inviolability of the home, interfered in personal life. Who is this? (Koschei the Immortal) 18. He was very unlucky in life: at first he was the property of one person, then he became the son of another. The robbers repeatedly violated the personal integrity of this hero, the right to life and freedom, tried to take possession of his property. What hero are we talking about? (Pinocchio) 19. This girl had the right to marry, but she was separated from her fiancé. Since she was very beautiful, the evil woman violated her right to life and freedom, the right to be protected from encroachment. But the groom's perseverance brought the tale to a happy ending. (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty) 20. Despite the fact that this boy did no harm to anyone in his life, his parents treated him cruelly, violating his right to a family and to the inviolability of his home. Left alone, he was attacked, ill-treated, fell into slavery to the cannibal. (Boy-with-finger) competition. "Anagrams" Task: game participants are given cards with anagrams. The task of the players is to guess as many anagrams as possible in five minutes. The number of points depends on the number of anagrams guessed by the team.

5 Aboriginal child Families Meat Country a r a n st Docu ment c u n t e m o d C o n t e m o d Law Politics and p o c a lite Life zine zh and Parents dealer Card 1. Card 2. Convention VENKY AND C O N D R O P C T O School L O K A S Dignity S T O N S T O V O D Medicine D E M I N A T I Card 3. Rest B REATH E D H O T Education R O Z A V I N A B E O Leisure D U G O S Person L O V T H E K E Word V O S O L Citizen G H I N N A D A Z Father C E T O Friendship F B A R U D

6 Schoolboy K O L SHI KN Malysh S H Y L A M Declaration TS I K L A R A D E Y E B R A N S O Meeting P R A P Group U G Guardian K E U N O P Opinion N M E N I Card 4. Norm M R A N O Worrying BOZ A T A Survival of A N I J E V I V Y Act S T U C O P O P Information F O R N I C I M A Z Joy GROWTH Custody C E P O A Consent S I L A G O S E Card 5.

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Law quiz "World of Law"

Methodical development

History and social studies teachers

Byshtak-ool Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Explanatory note

In modern society, legal culture is the most important component of the general culture of a person. The concept of modernization considers the readiness and ability of young people graduating from school to take personal responsibility both for their own well-being and for the well-being of society as the main result of education. And, therefore, the legal education of students, which represents a purposeful, organized and systematic impact on the individual, becomes the leader. An effective form of introducing schoolchildren to legal culture, stimulating their cognitive and creative activity and the formation of an active life position is extracurricular activities, in particular, holding subject weeks. One of the events within the week of legal knowledge is a legal quiz for high school students.

Quiz Goals:

    formation of legal literacy of students;

    strengthening the skills of intragroup communication;

    development of attitudes towards law-abiding behavior

Conduct form:

The game is held in the form of a quiz between teams of 9-11 grades. Each team sits at separate tables. The number of teams is 3 (according to the number of classes), there are 5 players in the team.

Conditions for the game:

    availability of premises (classroom, assembly hall);



    jury (3 people)

Equipment, decoration

    image of state symbols;


    media projector;


    summarizing table (on the board and by the jury)

Preliminary task for teams:

develop and present the name, emblem and motto of the team

Game progress:

    Introduction (3 minutes)

Today you guys will act as detectives, experts, forensic scientists - in a word, as law experts. But most importantly, you must determine how it is necessary to behave in the legal field of adults in order to prevent offenses and not overstep the boundaries. The legal knowledge consolidated today will help you develop ways of behaving in specific life situations. We invite you to take part in the "World of Law" quiz, to evaluate your knowledge and the knowledge of your opponents. The game consists of four stages, each of which will be evaluated by a competent jury. Good luck!

    Command presentation.

Stage 1: Team Presentation Contest (name, emblem, motto). Each team is given 3 minutes. Total time -9 -10 minutes

    Competition No. 2 "Legal labyrinth"

You have to solve a legal crossword puzzle consisting of 17 questions. Each correct answer is worth 1 point, the maximum number of points is 17. Time - 5 minutes

CROSSWORD "Legal labyrinth"


1 . A person whose profession is qualified legal assistance.

3. Basic law of the Russian Federation.

5. Recognition of a minor as fully capable.

7. A public institution that certifies transactions and gives legal force to various documents.

9. A set of generally binding rules of conduct established or sanctioned by the state.

11. A stable legal relationship between a person and the state, expressed in their mutual rights and obligations.

12. The range of actions or tasks assigned to someone and unconditional for implementation.

15. An official who is entrusted with the function of control over the observance of legal rights and interests.

16. The claim made by the plaintiff in court.

17. The system of public services and law enforcement agencies.


2. The ability to independently, without any restrictions, exercise their rights and bear obligations.

3. Direct use by an official of his official position for the purpose of personal enrichment.

6. Commissioner for Children's Rights

8. Obligatory rule governing the behavior and activities of members of society and their relationship with the state.

10. Specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences.

13. Compulsory payments collected by the state from individuals and legal entities to state and local budgets.

14. Actions of citizens and legal entities aimed at establishing, changing or terminating civil rights and obligations.

4. Warm-up for fans "How do you know the Constitution of your country?"

1. A rule established by the state and binding on everyone.

2. The basic law of the country.

3. The supremacy of state power within the country and independence in international affairs.

4. Political and legal relationship between a person and the state, which is expressed in the reciprocity of their rights and obligations.

5. Type of political regime based on the recognition of the people as a source of power.

6. A state of a democratic type, the main features of which are:

rule of law, separation of powers, freedom of speech, guarantees of citizens' rights.

7. When was the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?

8. Who was the president of the country at that time?

9.Introduction to the Constitution.

10. How many chapters are there in the Constitution?

11. What is the name of the 5th chapter of the Constitution?

12. How many sections are there in the Constitution?

13. What is the second section about?

14. The highest representative body of power in any state?

15. What is the name of the parliament in our country?

5. Stage number 3 "Relate the concept." Of course, real lawyers cannot do without solid theoretical knowledge. Let's start our competition with the most serious task: within 3 minutes, teams need to correlate concepts with their content.

(work of teams with a written task). Match the concept and content:


A. The family union of a man and a woman, which determines mutual rights and obligations.


B. The Basic Law of the State.


B. A way of organizing people's lives.


D. Infringement of the rights of individuals or groups of persons on national, racial, sexual or other grounds.


D. The Latin form of the word "society".


E. The destruction of a large group of people for national, religious, political reasons.


G. The Greek form of the word "people".


3. The theory of the superiority of one's own race over others.


I. A non-binding document that proclaims the basic principles.



K. An international agreement on an important social issue, which is binding on those states that have acceded to it.

6. Competition for fans Legal situations»

By new program legal education, the legal subtleties of the proposed life situations can be clearly disassembled even by a sixth grader. But knowledge of the law is necessary at any age, regardless of school curriculum. So now wejointly , based on your life experience and already acquired knowledge, we will try to analyze the points of view of law and morality in each specific situation (during the discussion, a multifaceted, versatile conversation is conducted in each case; this is the didactic goal).

a) A 16-year-old teenager came to get a job. They draw up an employment contract with him, appoint a day to go to work. Does a minor have the right to work?

b) 12-year-old Oleg boasts to a friend: “I am only 12 years old, and I already earn and have pocket money. And my friend Lesha is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, has a considerable income. Just don't be lazy!" Do 12-year-old Oleg and 17-year-old Alexei have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities?

c) 3 students of the school decided to steal a tape recorder, but they were seen and taken to the police. On the way, they try to prove that they are only 13 years old and therefore nothing will happen to them anyway. How do you assess this situation? What are the consequences? d) A teenager, late for work, runs into the shop. The boss reprimands him. The teenager snaps: “Just think! Nothing will happen to me anyway!” Is he right?

e) On the street, 16-year-old guys pester passers-by, violate public order and peace. How do you assess these actions and can they be punished?

f) Several schoolchildren climbed into the garage, but left without taking anything. Someone saw them and told the police about it. Will the guys be punished?

7. Stage No. 4 competition "We choose, we are chosen ..." Very soon you will take part in election campaigns. What do you know about the elections in the Russian Federation? in front of you on the tables test tasks on the topic "Suffrage". The maximum number of points for this competition is 12 (by the number of questions). Time - 5 minutes.

1. In which state is non-participation in elections punishable by imprisonment?

but in Russia

b) In Australia

c) in Turkey

2. The first and last president of the USSR:

a) B. Yeltsin

b) V. Putin

c) M. Gorbachev

3. What is a referendum

a) the power of 1 monarch

c) power of the people

4. At what age does a citizen of the Russian Federation get the right to run for President?

a) at the age of 18;

b) at the age of 35;

c) at the age of 27

5. The solemn ceremony of inauguration of the newly elected head of state is called

a) an oath;

b) inauguration;

c) ceremony

6. Number of deputies elected to the State Duma

a) 350;

b) 400;

c) 450

7. It is impossible to decide by referendum:

a) the issue of pardon;

b) the question of the adoption of the Constitution;

c) the issue of revising the current law;

8. Who leads the election campaign nationwide:

a) the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

b) the President of the country;

c) The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (CEC RF).

9. At what age does a citizen have an active right to vote?

a) from 21 years old;

b) 18 years old;

c) from the age of 25.

10. What is passive suffrage?

c) the right not to take part in elections.

11. What is active suffrage?

a) the right to be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government;

b) the right to elect to representative and executive bodies of power, starting from state authorities, up to the President of the country;

c) the right to participate in the work of the election commission

12. In what year was the first President of the Russian Federation elected?

a) in 2000;

b) in 1990;

c) in 1991

8. Competition for fans

1. What are human rights? (This is a protected, state-provided opportunity to do something, to exercise, to have decent living conditions).

2. What international document sets out the basic human rights? (Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

3. What international organization accept this document? (UN).

4. What good does it do a person to have rights? (he does not depend on anyone except the law, is free in the manifestation of his will).

5. Translate the term "declaration" into Russian. (Announcement, proclamation).

6. Translate into Russian the term "privileges" (Special rights)

7. What does the right to life mean? (The right to be born, live and die a natural death).

8. What does the right to freedom mean? (A person who has not committed any illegal actions should not be forcibly detained by anyone).

9. What is the human right to freedom of movement? (This is an opportunity to choose the place of stay and residence, to travel outside the country and return).

9. Stage No. 5 "From theory to practice."

Before you on the screen of the image. According to them, you need to classify offenses, determine the type and extent of responsibility for each of them. An oral answer is given by the team captain. The maximum number of points is 6. Time - 12 minutes

10. Warm-up - continue the proverb

1. Although sit crooked, (but judge straight)

2. I didn’t plant, I didn’t water, (but I ripened to tear).

3. Deal right, (just look straight ahead)

4. Who stands for a just cause, (he will always win)

5. For recognition - (half punishment)

6. Found, but did not announce - (anyway that he hid)

7. Judge first (and then judge)

8. True judgment (not afraid)

9. Under the protection of the law (no one is deceived)

10. The wisdom of the law cannot be (calculated in money)

11. Where power soars, (there the law is powerless)

12. The plaintiff - the first word, (the defendant - the last)

13. Righteous judge - (stone fence)

14. There is no meat without bones, (Peaks, without mountain slopes,) There is no feast without guests, (Powers are without laws.)

15. Fools law (not written)

16. Sword of justice (does not have a scabbard)

8 competition for fans.1. (This is a protected, state-provided opportunity to do something, to exercise, to have decent living conditions).

11. Summing up. Winner's reward ceremony.


Answers 1 warm-up "Constitution"


2. Constitution

3. Sovereignty

4. Citizenship




9. Preamble


11.Federal Assembly


13.final and transitional parts


15.Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Great Khural (RT)

Answers of the 3rd stage “Relate the concepts”: C, D, g, a, e, h, i, k, b, d.

Fan Contest Answers "legal situations"

A. (Yes. A minor from the age of 16 can be recognized as fully capable if he works under an employment contract or contract. At the same time, parents are not responsible for him. Article 173 of the Labor Code.)






B. (With the consent of the parents, a teenager from the age of 16 can be engaged in entrepreneurial activities. At the same time, parents are not responsible for it. Art. 27 of the Civil Code. Children from 6 to 14 years old can only make small transactions - without money. Everything else is done by parents and is responsible for the transactions of children (Article 28 of the Civil Code.)

V. (Criminal liability comes from the age of 16, for especially serious crimes -

from the age of 14. Article 105 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. If the offender has not reached the age of 14, then a criminal case is not initiated, but transferred to the commission on juvenile affairs.)

G. (Article 135 of the Labor Code states that for violation of labor discipline, the administration has the right to apply the following penalties to everyone: remark, reprimand, severe reprimand, dismissal.)

D. (This is regarded as petty hooliganism, article 158 of the AC., for which a fine of up to one minimum wage is provided; in case of repeated violation - registration with the IDN)

E. (Punishment will not follow: there was a voluntary renunciation of the crime, Article 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.)

Answers "We choose, we are chosen ": b, c, b, a, b, c, a, c, b, a, b, c

1. Article 214. Vandalism
Vandalism, that is, desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport or in other public places,
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of from fifty to one hundred times the minimum wage, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one month, or by compulsory works for a term of one hundred and twenty to one hundred and eighty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of six to one month. year, or arrest for up to three months.

2. Theft in a store implies theft of someone else's property and provides for liability under part 1 or 2 (if committed by a group of persons by prior agreement) of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes a minimum sanction in the form of a fine of up to 80,000 rubles, the maximum punishment - for up to five years. Not everyone knows that criminal liability for theft in a store occurs only if the value of the stolen property exceeds 1,000 rubles.Otherwise, shoplifting is recognized as petty theft and qualifies as an administrative offense, for which Article 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for either fines of at least 1,000 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days

3. drinking alcohol and appearing in a state of intoxication in a public place .

According to article 20.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the appearance of minors under the age of sixteen in a state of intoxication, as well as their drinking beer and drinks made on its basis, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, their consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription, other intoxicating substances on the streets, stadiums, squares, parks, in a public vehicle, in other public places - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on parents or other legal representatives minors in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles.

Methodological development of an open event on the academic discipline Law - "Experts in Law"

Fedorenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Educational institution : KGBPOU "Achinsk College of Industry Technologies and Business"

Lesson summary: the presented lesson contributes to the deepening of students' knowledge on the topics "Legal relationship", "Offence" helps to involve all the children without exception in fruitful work, clearly shows them the need for deep and solid knowledge of the law. Lesson materials can be used in extracurricular activities.

Item – Law

Well : 1

Subject : Law Experts Quiz

Lesson type: generalizationmaterial.

Target: revealthe level of assimilation of the material on the Law and the ability to apply it in practice.

Lesson objectives:

1. Contribute to the formation of respect for the basic universal values ​​contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. To form personal responsibility for one's choice and one's behavior, awareness of the necessary legal and moral obligations to society and the state.

3. Increase interest in Law, creative perception of the studied material.

Lesson Implementation Time - 45 minutes

Teaching method: verbal, practical, using the techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking.

Necessary equipment and materials for the lesson - computer, projector.

Lesson script

Good afternoon I'm glad to see you. We are starting a quiz "Experts in Law". Two teams are taking part in our game today. There is a presentation of teams (teams come up with names and a motto in advance).

Teams will have to go through six competitions:

1. Blitz Poll.

2. "Lotto of concepts".

3. "Historical figures".

4. "In search of truth".


6. "Joke about something serious."

7. "Snowball".

The team with the most points will win. A competent jury will evaluate the performances of the teams. The jury is present.

1 competition "Blitz-survey".

Now we will check whether our teams are able to work together. So, dear players, each team must answer ten questions in the three minutes allotted for the competition. If you don't know the answer to a question, you can say "pass" and move on to the next question. Each correct answer is worth one point.

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Who is the head of the Russian Federation? (The president)

2. A stable connection between a citizen and the state, entailing equal rights and obligations. (Citizenship)

3. An individual citizen as a subject of civil law. (Individual)

4. What is Russia according to the national-state structure? (Federation)

5. The general educational rule of conduct expressed in laws and other state acts, protected by the state. (Rule of law)

7. An elected person participating in the trial and deciding on the guilt or innocence of a person accused of a crime. (Juror)

9. A device for traffic police officers to determine the speed of a car? (Radar)

10. Act of disorderly conduct. A document with a record of the interrogation (Protocol)

Questions for the II team:

1. What legal document has the highest legal force on the territory of the Russian Federation? (Constitution of the Russian Federation)

2. Who is considered a child under the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (Person under 18)

3. Who is the guarantor of the constitution of the Russian Federation? (President of the Russian Federation)

4. Secret theft of property. (Theft)

5. Of the subjects of the Russian Federation listed below, their constitutions can be adopted: regions, territories, republics, autonomous regions. (Republic)

6. Independence and autonomy of the state in domestic and foreign policy. (Sovereignty)

7. Tolerance towards a different opinion, deed, position. (Tolerance)

8. Declaration in accordance with the procedure established by law of a minor who has reached 16 years of age, fully capable. (Emancipation)

9. The person who committed the crime? (Criminal.)

10. The most common administrative punishment. (Fine.)

2 contest "Lotto concepts" . (1 point for each concept, depending on the completeness of the answer)

Explain the meaning.

1 team

Presumption of innocence is one of the fundamental principles of criminal justice. The basic principle of the presumption of innocence is: "The accused is not guilty until proven otherwise."
relapse- commission by a person of a new crime after conviction for a previous act in the event that the conviction has not been expunged and not extinguished in the manner prescribed by law

2 team

Affect- strong emotional excitement, expressed in a short-term, but rapidly flowing mental reaction (rage, horror, anger, etc.), during which consciousness and the ability to think are narrowed.

Stateless- a stateless person

We continue the quiz, move on to the III competition.

3 Competition "Historical Figures".

Before you are portraits of famous historical figures: Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Aquinas, Robespierre, Alexander II. You must choose two historical figures in turn and answer their question within one minute. The correct answer is worth three points.

Napoleon Bonaparte

“Thinking at the end of my life about what my glory really is, I came to the conclusion that these are not at all the forty battles I won. The real glory, I believe, was brought to me by one legal document. What was his name? (Civil Code)

Thomas Aquinas

“I wrote in my book: “Right can be twofold: either it follows from an agreement and is called positive, or it comes from the very nature of things.” What is the name of the law that follows from nature itself? (natural law)


“The French Revolution even changed the face of playing cards. So instead of a “jack” a card appeared - “equality”, instead of a “lady” - “freedom”, instead of a “king” - a “genius”, and instead of an “ace” - what, according to enlighteners and revolutionaries, is higher and most important other things. What was the name of the card that replaced the usual ace? (Law)

Alexander II

“When the Russian emperor was offered to choose the area between the rivers Pechera and Vorkuta as a place of exile for especially dangerous criminals, he, knowing about the climatic conditions of this region, replied: “And a guilty person remains a person, you can’t force people to live in conditions that are impossible for existence.” What emperor are you talking about? (Nicholas I)

4 contest « In search of truth". Correct the mistakes.
(1 point for each mistake, 2 b in total)

1 team.

Rights and obligations. Correct the mistakes:


    Get a secondary education

    Protect nature


    Comply with the laws

2 team

Misdemeanor or crime.




    Drinking alcohol in public places

    Appearing while intoxicated


5 competition "Circumstances of the crime"

Teams receive sheets with two empty columns: circumstances mitigating punishment, circumstances aggravating punishment. Teams are also given a text describing the crime in detail. Task: to determine what will happen in this situation aggravating circumstance, And what - emollient. For each correct answer - 1 point, time - 3 minutes.


« Underage Andrei and Dmitry, at the instigation of adult Alexander, who had recently left the colony, went into the store and, taking advantage of the absence of the seller, stole goods from the counter. One of the teenagers later got scared and brought his share of the booty to the police.”


1. The minority of Andrei and Dmitry.

2. The crime is committed for the first time.

3. Turnout with confession.


1. Committing a crime by a group.

2. Engagement of juveniles in crime.

3. Commission of a crime by a person with a criminal record.

6 competition "Joke about serious"

The teams will have to remember the famous Soviet films and get to know some of the main characters. Tasks are given in turn, in the absence of an answer, the task passes to another team or to the audience. For each correct answer - 1 point.

​  This password was used by smugglers in L. Gaidai's film "The Diamond Arm".(Damn it)

​  This car thief was an experienced insurance agent, amateur actor, stunt driver. Name the movie and the name of the main character.(Yuri Detochkin, the hero of the film "Beware of the car")

​  What was the name of the captain of the MUR (Moscow Criminal Investigation Department), who caught Kirpich in a tram?(Gleb Zheglov)

​  At the end of this film, one of the characters publicly proclaimed "Long live our court - the most humane court in the world!" Name the movie.(“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, Coward (Georgy Vitsin))

​  What was the name of the English detective-consultant who used the "deductive method" in his work. He was not a musician, but he claimed that music helped him in his work.(Sherlock Holmes)

​  This main character stories of Vilya Lipatov, not only personified the law and was a competent specialist, but also possessed such character traits as wisdom and the ability to find a common language with any person. What was the main character's name?(Fyodor Ivanovich Aniskin)

7 competition "Snowball". (the first eliminated brings the team - 1 point, the 2nd - 2 points, the 3rd - 3 points, the 4th - 4 points)

2 people from each team participate in the competition. Task: name the words previously studied in the discipline "Law", the participant who did not correctly name the word is eliminated.


The teacher thanks all those present for participating in the quiz and gives the floor to the jury for the award. The jury counts the number of points scored by each team and announces the winner. It can mark individual players who have particularly distinguished themselves in the game.


    Pevtsova E. A. Law for professions and specialties of the socio-economic profile: a textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education. - M., 2014.

    Pevtsova E. A. Law for professions and specialties of the socio-economic profile: workshop: textbook. allowance for students. medium institutions. prof. education. - M., 2014.

    Savchenko E.V., Zhirenko O.E. Class hours: 10-11 grades. – M.: VAKO, 2015.

Table of summing up the results of competitions



Team "young lawyers"


Team "Lawyers"


1. 1

Blitz Poll.

2. 2

"Lotto of concepts".


"Historical figures".


"In search of truth".


"The Circumstances of the Crime"


"Joke about something serious."



  • to consolidate legal skills and abilities, their application in specific situations;
  • educate civil qualities and legal political culture.

Leading: Modern society makes high demands on a person. Currently, an active person is required, who knows his rights and knows how to respect the rights of other people, who accepts and fulfills duties.

Leading: Everyone needs to know the law, to be able to navigate it. The extent to which you know how to do this, and our today's quiz will help you find out.

The rules of the quiz are:

The quiz consists of several competitions.

Two teams, led by a captain, take part in the competitions.

Each team will be given tasks to complete.

The jury will evaluate the performance of the tasks.

Leading A: So, we begin. Our first competition "Legal terms"

Each team receives cards: definitions are written on some, concepts are written on others. It is proposed to correlate definitions with concepts. Time - 5 minutes. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

Leading: The next competition "State power"

Teams are asked to choose the correct answer from the given options. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1. The President of the Russian Federation is:

a) head of state

b) head of government

c) head of parliament

2. Executive power belongs to:

a) Council of Ministers

b) Cabinet of Ministers

c) the Government of the Russian Federation

3. What two chambers does the Russian parliament consist of:

a) Council of Nationalities

b) Federation Council

c) State Duma

4. What is the name of the head of the justice system:

a) chief prosecutor

b) lead prosecutor

c) Attorney General

5. Signs and promulgates federal laws:

a) prime minister

b) president

c) Chairman of the State Duma

6. Bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia:

a) parliament

b) president

7. The Parliament of Russia is called:

a) Supreme Council

b) the Federal Assembly

c) the State Duma

8. Courts in Russia:

a) make laws

b) hold elections in the country

c) administer justice

9. What form of government is in Russia:

a) a parliamentary monarchy

b) parliamentary republic

c) presidential republic

10. In a democracy, the main authorities:

a) are formed by the president

b) consist of self-nominated candidates

c) get elected

Leading: We continue. The competition is called "State Symbols of Russia"

Teams are asked to give the correct answer. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1. List the State symbols of Russia (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

2. The national flag represents (the sovereignty of the state, the historical past of the state)

3. What do the colors of the Russian flag symbolize? (white - symbolizes peace, purity, truth; blue - symbolizes faith, loyalty, spirituality; red - symbolizes energy, strength, courage, heroism, blood shed for the Fatherland.

5. What is the state emblem? (distinguishing mark of the country)

6. Russian coat of arms - the 2-headed eagle is historically associated with the coat of arms (of Byzantium)

7. What do the symbols depicted on the coat of arms mean? (The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the unity of the peoples of Russia; the crowns above its head are a symbol of the union of 3 branches of power - legislative, executive, judicial; scepter and orb - imply strong power and protection of the state, its unity; a horseman slaying a snake with a spear - the emblem is not only the capitals of the country, but also an ancient symbol of the victory of good over evil, the readiness of the whole people to defend and defend their freedom and independence from the enemy)

8. What is an anthem? (solemn song)

Leading: Team captains are invited to continue the quiz. Competition of captains "Continue the phrase"

Team captains are offered unfinished phrases, aphorisms, statements of famous people, quotes from the most important legal documents. The task is to reproduce the phrase completely and accurately. Captains choose 2 quotes. The correct answer is 2 points.

  • "To be free, one must / obey the laws /" (ancient wisdom)
  • "The law is strong, but it's law /!" (ancient Roman saying)
  • "The highest law is / the good of the people /" (ancient Roman saying)
  • "Freedom is the right to do everything that / is permitted by law /" (Montesquieu, philosopher)

Leading: While the captains are completing their tasks, the teams are offered the next competition "Man and his rights"

Teams are offered texts with statements. It is necessary to mark with signs "+" or "-" agree or disagree with these statements. The time to complete the task is 3 minutes. For the correct completion of the entire task, the team receives 10 points.

I team:

A. The implementation of all socio-economic and cultural human rights depends on the level of economic development of the country.

B. Political rights are determined by the extent to which a citizen's right to information is exercised.

B. Without legal capacity, a person cannot enjoy any rights.

D. Holidays in Russia are the shortest in comparison with most industrialized countries.

D. A person with limited legal capacity independently bears property liability for transactions made and for harm caused.

E. The seller is not obliged to provide the buyer with reliable information about the properties of the thing.

G. Walking dogs without a muzzle in the yard is a violation of the rules for keeping animals.

Z. Neighbors can bring to administrative responsibility a person who constantly turns on a tape recorder at full power after 23:00.

I. The administrative decision rendered by the court is not subject to appeal.

K. For a juvenile delinquent, the court may replace criminal penalty coercive educational measures.


+ + - - - - + + + +

II team:

A. Natural human rights are political rights.

B. All states that have signed the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights introduce free secondary education.

C. If a citizen is harmed by the inaction of state bodies, then the state is not obliged to compensate for the harm caused.

D. During the investigation of criminal cases, employees of operational bodies have the right to violate the inviolability of the home in the event of a search.

D. For being late for work, the administration has the right to reprimand and transfer the employee to a lower-paid position.

E. A passenger who violates the rules of transport can be held legally liable.

G. If a citizen did not come to the aid of another person, he can be held criminally liable.

3. A license for the right to acquire a weapon by a citizen may be issued to a person who does not have a permanent place of residence.

I. If a motorist moved through the streets of the city at a speed of up to 100 km / h, then he thereby committed a criminal offense.

K. Police officers cannot be held liable for illegal actions or omissions.


- - - + - + + - - -

Leading: Competition "Legal status of the child"

The teams will be asked questions in turn. It is necessary to answer at what age the child acquires the called rights and duties, is responsible for his actions. The time for the team to discuss each task item is 5 seconds. For each task correctly completed, the team receives - 1 point.

  1. Becomes fully capable (of legal age) and can acquire any rights by his actions /from the age of 18/.
  2. Has the right to life /from birth/.
  3. Has the right to have property, dispose of it /from birth/.
  4. Bears criminal responsibility for any crimes / from 16 years old /.
  5. Eligible for a passport. /14 years /.
  6. Subject to criminal liability for certain crimes (murder, robbery, theft, extortion, etc.) / from the age of 14 /.
  7. Admission to work (for light work no more than 4 hours a day) is allowed with the consent of one of the parents /from 14 years old/.
  8. Responsible for offenses related to violation of public order /from 16 years old/.
  9. The right to go to school /from the age of 6/.
  10. Has the right to live and be brought up in a family, to know his parents, to receive from them the protection of his rights and legitimate interests /from birth/.
  11. Bears property liability for the damage caused /from the age of 14/.
  12. Has the right to a given name, patronymic and surname /from birth/.

Leading: We talked about human rights, but in addition to rights, everyone has responsibilities. How do you think, what is the relationship between human rights and his duties as a citizen:

  • Duties take precedence over rights.
  • Rights take precedence over duties.
  • No rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.

Leading: Of course, rights and obligations exist in parallel, in interconnection. I announce the next competition - Competition "Duties of a Citizen of the Russian Federation"

Teams receive cards with a list of responsibilities. The task for the teams: to mark those of them that are the duties of a citizen of Russia, enshrined in the Constitution of our country. The time to complete the task is 15 seconds. For a correctly completed task, the team receives 1 point.

Card "Duties"

1. Comply with the laws.

2. Pay taxes.

3. To be in the ranks of any political party.

4. Protect the Fatherland.

5. Preserve nature and the environment.

6. Treat historical and cultural monuments with care.

7. Learn, get an education.

8. Participate in the management of state affairs.

Presentation by the jury members. Summarizing. Awarding the winning team.

Leading: So our quiz has come to an end. You have shown your knowledge in the field of law. "In order for the country to live, it is necessary for the rights to live," A. Mitskevich said.

Entering the third millennium, we must not only know what rights are given to us, but also be able to actively protect them, know and fulfill our duties, and also respect the rights of other people.

Perhaps only by becoming active citizens of our state, we will live in a more just world.

Thanks for taking the quiz.


Explanatory note

Currently, in our country there is an increase in the interest of young people in the political sphere. This is largely due to the fact that young people begin to understand their responsibility for the fate of the country.

The study of the political system and its most important component - the electoral system is the most important task for any educational institution. In secondary special educational institutions this happens, first of all, when studying such disciplines as "Social Science", "History", "Fundamentals of Philosophy", "Fundamentals of Sociology and Political Science".

An important component of the entire educational process is the consolidation of acquired knowledge. Here, the teacher can use various methods and forms of consolidation. In my opinion, for topics related to consolidating the foundations of the electoral system, the most fruitful form is combined with role-playing games. Such a synthesis allows students, on the one hand, in an entertaining way, to demonstrate their knowledge, and on the other hand, to participate in the development of election technologies.

The rules of the cognitive quiz "Erudite":

The cognitive quiz "Erudite" involves two teams consisting of 5 people. The quiz consists of 6 contests, while the task of the "Poster Contest" and "PR-action" contests is given to the teams in advance.

Teams must have their own name and motto. The order of participation of teams in competitions is determined by a draw. Teams must adhere to strict discipline. The jury has the right to deduct points from a team that has violated the terms of the competition.

Points are calculated by a jury consisting of three people.

The team with the most points in all competitions is declared the winner.

1. Competition "Warm-up": in this competition, each of the teams is asked 5 questions, for the correct answer to each of which the team receives 1 point. If the team gives the wrong answer, then the competition ends for it.

2. Competition "In pursuit of the leader": questions in this competition are asked to both teams at the same time. The first team to raise their hand gets the right to answer. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If one team gives an incorrect answer, the other team will have the opportunity to offer their own version of the answer.

3. Poster competition: teams are given the task in advance to prepare an A1 format poster with an electoral theme. During the quiz, each team must protect their poster. In this case, you can use poems, music, photo and video material. The maximum score is 5 points for the poster + 5 points for the defense.

4. Captains competition: Team captains participate in the competition. They must complete the same task in a limited time (3 minutes). At the same time, the speed and correctness of the task execution are evaluated. The maximum score is 5 points.

5. Competition "PR campaign": Teams are given the task in advance to prepare a short speech (no more than 3 minutes) on the topic "Why should I participate in the elections." During the performance, you can use poetic and musical material, photo and video materials. The maximum score is 10 points.

6. Competition "Lucky Choice": Teams take turns answering questions. All questions are divided into groups - worth 1, 2 and 3 points. Each team chooses which question to answer. For each incorrect answer, 1 point is deducted from the team.

Competition "Warm-up"

For the first team:

1. the ability and ability of a social object to exercise its will using various resources and technologies, including law, traditions, authority, coercion. (power)

2. an elected representative, a member of a representative state institution. (deputy)

4. Who was the first and last President of the USSR. (M.S. Gorbachev)

For the second command:

1. a form of universal, equal and direct expression of the will of citizens of the Russian Federation, carried out in order to form a state authority, local governments or empower an official. (elections)

2. a citizen who has an active right to vote. (voter)

3. The existing procedure in a number of countries for removing state officials from office and bringing them to court. (impeachment)

4. What was the name of the first Soviet government formed by the Bolsheviks on October 26, 1917. (Council of People's Commissars)

5. Who is currently the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. (B. Gryzlov)

Leadership Contest.

1. Evasion of voters from participating in elections to state bodies (absenteeism).

2. A form of state-political structure based on the recognition of the people as a source of power, their right to participate in solving state affairs, combined with a wide range of civil rights and freedoms. (democracy).

3. An electoral system in which a candidate with an absolute majority of votes passes through the constituency (majority).

4. The upper house of the Russian parliament, which includes two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation. (Council of the Federation).

5. This position was established in Russia by the 1993 Constitution. The person who occupies it is independent of other state bodies, is irremovable during the entire term of office of the parliament by which he is appointed, is open and accessible to citizens who need to protect their rights and freedoms. (Commissioner for Human Rights).

6. In Poland - the Sejm, in the USA - the Congress, in Germany - the Bundestag, in France - the National Assembly, and in Russia ... (Federal Assembly).

7. Menshikov, Biron, Orlov, Potemkin, Arakcheev ... - this is a far from complete list of representatives of that state institution, which was not fixed in any law, but had a decisive influence on the country's policy. (favoritism)

8. Peter I, creating this public service, spoke to P.I. Yaguzhinsky: "People to recruit the most vile, salary - the smallest, as the pack of wolves will feed itself." What public service were you talking about? (tax police)

9. Determine which principle of suffrage is violated in this case: “It was decided that first the people will elect their representatives, and then these representatives will vote for the one who will become a deputy of the State Duma” (direct suffrage).

10. Determine which principle of suffrage is violated in this case: "Men in elections have 2 votes, women - 1 vote." (equal suffrage).

Competition "Good Choice"

Questions worth 1 point:

1. What is the name and surname of the person who served as President in Russia from 1991 to 2000. (Boris Nikolaevich Yelitsin).

2. What was the name of the one whose tears dripped on cold piercing weapons? (Marusya)

3. Who does the ornithologist study (birds)

4. What note comes before the note SI (LA)

5. The capital of which state is the city of Ulaanbaatar? (Mongolia)

6. What is the name of the ring-shaped coral island (atoll)

7. This fabulous state has a rather high standard of living. Its resources are furs, gold, precious stones, and armed forces consist of only one platoon of marines. What is the name of the ruler of this state (Prince Guidon)

8. Name the Siberian river with a female name (Lena).

Questions worth 2 points

1. What is the name of the Russian sovereign, elected to the kingdom by the Zemsky Sobor in 1613. (Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov)

2. Name the highest body of state power in the country from October 1917 to December 1993. (All-Russian (All-Union) Congress of Soviets).

3. Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl - these cities have one feature that unites them and invisibly makes them very popular with all Russians. Name her. (on money).

4. Name the chairman of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dispersed in 1993 (Ruslan Khasbulatov).

5. In 2000, for the first time, International sport games children from 13 cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Guys from Kerch and Odessa, Smolensk and Tula, Moscow and Kyiv were invited. Name two Belarusian cities. (Minsk and Brest).

6. Who was the chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1993? (I. Rybkin).

7. What was the name of the list of officials of the military, civil and court departments on the order of public service in Russia (table of ranks) published under Peter 1.

8. In the old days, the word "truth" had not only the usual modern meaning (law).

Questions worth 3 points.

1. In which country was universal suffrage introduced for the first time? (Soviet Russia)

2. List the types of suffrage (objective, subjective, active, passive).

3. Under what electoral system is it supposed to vote according to party lists (proportional).

4. An organized group of like-minded people representing the interests of a part of the population and setting itself certain goals related to transformations in society (political party).

5. Who is currently the chairman of the election commission of the Penza region. (Taktarov).

6. This party is the only one that participated in the work of all State Dumas, both in tsarist Russia and modern. (RSDLP, Communist Party).

8. Name the deputies of the State Duma who were elected in 2003 in two single-member districts of the Penza region. (V. Lazutkin, I. Rudensky).